Strep Throat?: What Do I Need To Know About

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What do I need to know about

strep throat?
Group A Streptococcus (strep) is a contagious bacterial infection
that causes fever, sudden onset of a sore throat, swollen tonsils
and painful swallowing. With appropriate treatment, most
symptoms completely resolve within one week.

Strep throat accounts for

15 — 30%
of all sore throats in
children ages 5 to 15

Diagnosis and treatment

If a throat swab tests positive for group A
strep bacteria, your child will likely receive
a 10-day course of oral antibiotics. Symptoms
should start to improve within two days.
To reduce the risk of complications, it is
important to complete the entire course
of antibiotics as prescribed.

Signs and symptoms Children should not return to school until

they have been on antibiotics for at least
Common symptoms include:
24 hours and their fever has resolved.
• Fever of 100.4°F or higher
• Swollen tonsils or lymph nodes
• White pus on the tonsils
• Pain when swallowing How to prevent strep throat
• Red spots on the roof of the mouth
Strep throat is often spread through direct
Some children may experience: contact with an infected person or by
• Headache sharing drinks or food. Limit close contact
• Stomach pain with people who are sick and
• Nausea and vomiting wash your hands frequently
• Body aches with soap and water or
alcohol-based sanitizer.

Strep carriers
It is believed that up to 25 percent of healthy children may be
chronic carriers of group A strep, meaning they test positive
for strep bacteria even when they show no symptoms of
infection. Strep carriers are less likely to be contagious and
most will not require treatment.

For more health tips, visit

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