CE Courses Accredited: CE Department Celebrated Science.01

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w w w. e n g . n u s . e d u . s g / c i v i l ISSN 0219-3760 • Vo l u m e 1 1 No.

CE Courses Accredited
he Joint Board of Moderators (JBM), which student representatives and department administration.
visited the Department in March 2001, has The team members commended the high standard
accredited the Civil Engineering Courses for a of the Department's infrastructure facilities, high
period of five years from 2001 to 2005. The team was academic quality of students admitted, excellent teaching
led by Professor J G A Croll (University of London) and examination criteria, exceptional academic standing
and included Professor B I G Barr (Cardiff School of of the staff and high quality of students' written work.
Engineering), Mr Terry Hulme (LTA, Singapore) and The JBM team has recommended accreditation of
Mr Lim Kim Cheong (Lim Kim Cheong Consultants, our BEng (Hons) Degree in Civil Engineering for the
Singapore) as members and Mr J C Joel as the student intake of 2001 to 2005 inclusive, at "MEng
Secretary. level for Degrees awarded at Pass, Pass plus Merit
and above". The visiting team complimented the
The two-day visit was filled with activities that included Department for having confronted the accreditation
viewing of the students' submissions in laboratories, requirements head on and making very creditable progress
tutorial sessions, design and research projects, and in meeting those requirements. Strong emphasis on environ-
examinations. The JBM team visited all department mental issues and their impact provided in the curriculum
and faculty facilities, met separately academic staff, have been duly recognised and appreciated by the team.

CE Department Celebrated Science.01

his year the traditional yearly event of Engineering Seminar and poster exhibitions were
Technology Month has been renamed as organised to highlight exciting research activities
Science.01. This is a nation-wide event undertaken by the Department. Also, a patented
sponsored by NSTB to promote the awareness of the product – the k-road tester was put on display as the
importance of Science, Engineering and Medical Science exhibit from the Department of Civil Engineering, and
to Singapore’s economy. It comprises of a month-long Structural Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering
activities such as talks, exhibitions and tours of Laboratories were opened to members of the public.
laboratories. cont’ page 2

The Department participated actively in this national

event during the month of September. A special Civil
1 • CE Courses Accredited

1 - 2 • CE Department Celebrated Science.01

2 - 3 • Operation Orion 2001 – Touching lives of the villagers in Hainan

3 - 4 • Completed Research Projects

4 • New Research Project

5 • Civil Engineering Day 2001 – Summer Aloha

The K-Road tester
cont’ from geotechnical structures under a variety of configurations
page 1
Special Civil Engineering Seminar
and conditions. The results of several joint university-
As part of the activities of Science.01, staff from the industry research studies were presented to demonstrate
Department presented three talks covering structural, the practical applications of centrifuge modelling to
geotechnical and environmental engineering geotechnical problems.
in a special Civil Engineering Seminar
held in the Engineering Auditorium on 8 Last but not least, Dr Liu Wen-Tso, a new addition to
September 2001. the Centre for Water Research, delivered a fascinating
talk on “Water Research at Microbial and Molecular
In his talk on “Structural Upgrading in a Levels”. Dr Liu gave a brief introduction on the exciting
Knowledge-Based Economy: Myths and development in the use of advanced and novel molecular
Assoc Prof K H Tan sharing his Facts of Advanced Composite Materials”, techniques to study microbial formation at the molecular
expertise in FRP reinforcement.
Assoc Prof Tan Kiang Hwee propounded level. He elaborated on the huge potential of this area
that one of the great challenges in structural of research in enabling better control and removal of
upgrading works is the development of biofilms formation and facilitating treatment process
innovative technology and materials that optimization. Techniques like rDNA clone library, rDNA-
would promote fast and non-labour intensive based fingerprinting, fluorescent in-situ hybridization
construction. Drawing from various practical (FISH) with DNA probes were explained through
applications and an intensive programme interesting and colourful illustrations.
of experimental study, Prof Tan showed that
Assoc Prof C F Leung attributing the development and application of advanced
credit to centrifuge modelling in
the construction of Pasir Panjang composite materials or more specifically, The k-Road Tester - CE Exhibit in Science. 01
Container Port. fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement, is
a big step towards achieving this objective. The Department’s exhibit in Science.01 is the patented
k-Road Tester (Singapore patent no: P-No.67286
Assoc Prof Leung Chun Fai highlighted the dated 16 Jan 2001 Industrial / Commercial
importance of centrifuge experiments in Applications). Being first of its kind, this new falling
geotechnical engineering in his talk on head permeability measuring apparatus was developed
“Applications of Centrifuge Modelling to by Prof Fwa Tien Fang and Assoc Prof Tan Siew Ann
Geotechnical Practice”. Prof Leung of the Department to establish engineering criteria for
Dr Liu enticing the audience with explained that because centrifuge model measuring drainage performance of porous road mixes
the latest development in water
research at the molecular level tests could be carried out in well-controlled with many attractive features. The apparatus is
environments and could be repeated many extremely useful for comparison of different drainage
times with relative ease, it had proved to be a very mixes required in quality control and maintenance of
useful technique for examining the movements of road pavements.

Operation Orion 2001 –

Touching lives of the villagers in Hainan

peration Orion 2001, a youth expedition project year Civil Engineering students as well as 1st year
initiated and organised by CE students to provide Engineering students.
humanitarian aid in neighbouring ASEAN
countries, was held from 18th June to 8th July 2001. Preparation for the expedition started 6 months ahead.
The primary mission of this project was to improve the Funds were raised through activities such as Old Clothes
irrigation system in the Chinese village of Loong Zhi Collection and Car Wash Drive. A Local Community
Vil l a g e in H a in a n . Service Project was held in the month of May, where
Building on the success of 50 Civil Engineering students painted 10 flats for the
Operation Orion 2000 in elderly in Geylang Bahru. An exhibition in Suntec City
Myanmar, this project was Mall was also held to showcase the project.
supported by the The expedition began with a 2-day programme at the
Depar tment of Civil Hainan Teachers’ Training College, where the students
E ngin e ering a n d were introduced to Hainan’s history, culture and
Singapore International language through specially prepared courses. Spending
Foundation. The the remaining 19 days in Loong Zhi Village, the students
Orion’s members preparing
team consisted of 28 were fully occupied constructing the irrigation drain,
ground for the drain contruction. enthusiastic 2nd and 3rd teaching English to the village kids, interacting with
cont’ page 3
the villagers, cooking their own to diversify their crops to better
cont’ from page 2

meals and exploring the village. cash yielding ones.

With perseverance and strong
teamwork, they finally completed This expedition to build a modern
a 1km stretch of modern and irrigation system for the needy
properly designed drains. The villagers has not only exposed
villagers would no longer have to the s tudents to hands-on
dig the ground 3 – 4 times experience but also strengthened
a year to irrigate their Smiling faces after the completion the bond, understanding and co-
of irrigation drains.
farms, thus allowing them operation between the people in Singapore and China.

Completed Research Projects

A Study of Biostability of Potable Water and Long-term Stability and Performance of
Treated Effluent (RP3981615/R-264-000-048-112) Porous Road Mixes (RP3971660/R-264-000-032-112)
Biological stability is an important issue for water distribution The increasing use of porous asphalt mixtures as pavement
and industrial water recycling and reuse systems and has surface layers necessitates the development of rational
been receiving considerable attention in the fields of water methodologies for their structural and drainage capacity
treatment, water reclamation and water quality management. designs and the evaluation of the long-term performance of
these materials. This research focussed on the drainage
A modified Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) was used to
capacity design and the long-term stability and drainage
evaluate the biological stability of industrial effluent, sea
performance of porous asphalts. Making use of a recently
water and pre-treated water, SED effluent, RO effluent,
developed falling-head permeameter in both laboratory
chlorinated industrial water, and stored water. In order to
studies and actual road trials, a rational basis for the drainage
cater for tropical conditions of Singapore, a higher incubation
evaluation of porous asphalt mixtures was developed with
temperature of 23oC was adopted in AOC bioassay in this
respect to flow requirements and clogging consideration.
project. This higher incubation temperature resulted in a
The effects of pavement slopes and anisotropic material
reduction in the time needed to perform the AOC bioassay.
permeability were also considered. For practical design
The results indicated that the multi-barrier membrane system
applications, a series of drainage design charts was established
was able to reclaim treated sewage and generate biologically
using finite element simulation. The drainage design
stable product water with chlorination.
methodology proposed in this research forms part of a
Contact Person: Assoc Prof Ong Say Leong, Tel: 874 2890 rational design framework for an integrated design of porous
asphalt pavement surface layers addressing both the structural
and drainage requirements of porous asphalt pavements.
Behaviour of Piles Subject to Downdrag and
Contact Person: Assoc Prof Tan Siew Ann, Tel: 874 2278
Vertical Load (RP3960702 / R-264-000-021-112) 3
An extensive series of centrifuge model tests has been
conducted to investigate the behaviour of single piles and
Development of Operation Technique for
small pile groups subject to vertical load and downdrag. Concentrating Organic Contaminants
The test results reveal that the magnitude of pile head (RP3991634/R-264-000-055-112)
settlement and downdrag force on a pile installed in soil
Treated or reclaimed water need to be concentrated prior to
undergoing self-weight consolidation or experiencing
testing for organic contaminants. Hence, a suitable technique
surcharge-induced settlement increase with the settlement
for concentrating potential organic contaminants is an
of soil and reach maximum values at a critical soil settlement.
important step to enhance the efficiency of the testing
The neutral plane representing the transition from negative
protocol for treated or reclaimed water.
to positive friction also moves up along the pile shaft with
increase in applied load. When the applied load on a pile The optimal conditions for concentrating trace organic
exceeds about three times the downdrag force, the downdrag matters present in product water, tap water and reservoir
force on a pile diminishes. Group interaction effect is found water by using XAD resins were established in this study.
to be insignificant on small pile groups subject to downdrag. The water concentrating system consisted of four main
processes namely, resins purification, adsorption, elution and
The above findings enable a much better understanding of
evaporation, respectively. This study had also determined the
the mechanism of pile behaviour in settling soils. In most
effects of resin materials, pH of water sample, empty bed
cases, a pile subject to downdrag is also likely to carry certain
contact time (EBCT) and maximum BV (volume ratio of
vertical load (for example structural dead load)
water to resin) on adsorption efficiency. The results of this
simultaneously, thus the conventional pile design practice of
study suggested that a combination of XAD-2/4/8, a pH of
adding vertical load to downdrag load may be conservative.
2, an EBCT of 1 min, and a maximum BV of 2500 as the
Further studies are planned to study the behaviour of long
optimal conditions for organics adsorption.
piles in thick soft soils deposits and the behaviour of large
pile groups subject to vertical load and downdrag. Contact Person: Dr Hu Jiangyong, Tel: 874 4540

Contact person:
Assoc Prof Leung Chun Fai, Tel: 874 2281 / 874 2278 cont’ page 4
cont’ from
page 3
Integrity of Precracked Reinforced Concrete Design and Development of Thin Reinforced
Retrofitted with FRP Laminates Concrete Products and Systems
Completed Research Projects

(RP 3981608 / R-264-000-041-112) (RP 3960644/R-264-000-015-112)

Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates are being This project is primarily aimed at developing an industrialized
increasingly used in the structural strengthening of slabs, housing system using prefabricated thin-walled elements,
beams and columns. In the case of beams and slabs, the the individual elements being assembled into a complete
concrete-FRP interfacial bond characteristics plays an structure by using bolted connections. Making use of the
important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the highly versatile channel elements as the building block, a
strengthening system, the study of which formed the objective two-storey housing unit has been conceptually developed. To
of the project. In the experimental investigations carried translate this concept into reality, it is necessary to address
out, the bond characteristics of FRP laminates under static the technical issues associated with the element response,
and cyclic loadings, was clarified for both glass and carbon response of the connections between the elements and global
laminates. In general, the static bond strength decreases response of the structure built by assembling these elements.
with the bond length, while the S-N relation for the bond
At element level, structural actions recognized include pure
strength under cyclic loads follows both the Wholer model
flexure, flexural shear and punching shear. These problems
and the Power Formula. An analytical model was also
are considered separately and treated both analytically and
established and verified by tests which indicated that the
experimentally. At the joint level, three types of bolted
failure of precracked beams would be due to FRP debonding,
connections have been identified. These are shear joint, axial
FRP rupture or concrete crushing. Design charts were
joint and moment joint. Each type of joint has been treated
developed for strengthening purpose. Further tests were
both analytically and experimentally to generate new
carried out to examine measures to overcome inadequacy in
information and to fill the voids in present state of knowledge.
bond strength. The study was of significance especially in
Analytical expressions developed on different aspects of
the application of FRP systems in real-life structures that
element response and various types of joints commonly
would have been preloaded and are subjected to cyclic loads.
encountered furnish the necessary tools and guidelines for
Contact person: Assoc Prof Tan Kiang Hwee, Tel : 874 2260 the design of a complete structural system.
Contact person: Assoc Prof M.A. Mansur, Tel: 874 2284

of construction buildability. Its application is also a

New Research Project step in the right direction towards sustainable
construction because of energy savings in compacting
Utilisation of Wastes in Self-Compacting concrete by internal or external vibrators, and the
Concrete positive effect of reduced cement consumption for
similar grade concrete and expected longer service life
The development of sustainable materials is one of the due to improved microstructure of the cement-aggregate
4 main foci of research in the NUS Centre for Construction system. Some of the buildability benefits include reduced
Materials and Technology. One emphasis is on the number of workers on site, improved health and safety,
utilization of wastes in self-compacting concrete (SCC). increased productivity and opportunities for automation.
This project is a synergy between BCA, NUS, RDC As such, it has been postulated that in less than 10
Concrete, WR Grace and Eng Seng Construction with years, the use of SCC will become the normal practice
a total funding around $0.5 million. One objective is in concrete construction.
to enhance sustainability by turning wastes into
Contact Person: Assoc Prof Ho Wai Sum, David, Tel: 874 2283
resources, thereby reducing disposal problems in
Singapore while lowering the cost of
concrete construction. Wastes being
considered include rock dust, recycled
copper slag and incinerator ash.

SCC is an innovative construction material,

which flows under its own weight over a
long distance without segregation and
without the use of vibrators for
consolidation. This complete elimination
of consolidation process can be translated
into many benefits, particularly in the area

Recycled copper slag for disposal

Civil Engineering Day 2001 – Summer Aloha

he Civil Engineering Day 2001 was celebrated The CE Day event kicked off with a
on August 24.This was the time when all students performance by the staff team followed
and staff of CE department took half a day off by several song items from the student
their hectic schedules and get together to have an body. A number of interesting and fun-
afternoon of fun, thus allowing filled games were played, and many
greater interaction between them attractive prizes were given away to
to build a stronger CE family the winners and participants. A variety of snacks and
spirit. This year, CE Day refreshments were served to mark the culmination of
represented the grand finale of a the event. With the enthusiasm shown by the students
month-long programme organised by the CE club for and spontaneous support received from the faculty
students and staff of the department. In line with the members, technical and support staff, and our industry
theme, ‘Summer Aloha’, the activities, ranged from sponsors, the event has turned out to be a truly
soccer matches to site visits. memorable one.

Staff Activities Assoc Prof Ong Khim Chye, Gary was invited externally bonded FRP", Journal of Composites
to deliver a lecture on “Repair of the foundation for Construction (ASCE), 5(2), 102-113.
The CE Department congratulates Assoc Prof of a large compressor”, at the International
Wang Chien Ming on his appointment as the Workshop on Interdisciplinary and Innovative Choo, Y.S., Quah, C.K., Shanmugam, N.E.
Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Programs with Advances in Concrete Construction held in and Liew, J.Y.R., "Fabricated trunnions for
effect from 17 August 2001. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, from June heavy lift", Transactions, Institute of Marine
21-22, 2001. Engineers, UK, 113(64-76).
Assoc Prof Tan Kiang Hwee was invited to
give a lecture on "Strengthening of Special Assoc Prof Ong Khim Chye, Gary was invited Dhanalakshmi, M. and Shanmugam, N.E.,
Structures using FRP: Rectangular Columns to present a paper entitled “Reconstructing "Design for openings in equal-angle cold-formed
and Dapped Beams" in the HDB Annual Forum the construction industry in Singapore”, at the steel stub columns", Thin-Walled Structures,
on Advancing Lifestyles, at the HDB Asian Concrete Forum held in Sapporo, Japan UK, 39(2), 167-187.
Prefabrication Technology Centre, on 27 July from 4-5 July 2001-11-02
2001. Dong Jiang and Swaddiwudhipong, S.,
Assoc Prof Ong Khim Chye, Gary was invited "Performance of built-up SRC columns", First
Assoc Prof Koh Chan Ghee has been invited to serve as Secretary to the Publication Int. Conf. on Steel & Composite Structures,
to be a member of the international scientific Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Pusan, Korea, June 14-16, 831-838.
committee of International Conference on Singapore in June 2001.
Structural Dynamics, Portugal, 3-5 June 2002. Huang, B. and Worboys, M., "Dynamic
modelling and visualization on the Internet",
Assoc Prof Koh Chan Ghee has been invited Publications. April - June 2001 Transactions in GIS, 5 (2), 131-139.
to be an associate editor of the International Abdullah and Mansur, M.A., "Effects of mesh
Journal of Structural Health Monitoring (based orientation on tensile response of ferrocement", Huang, B., Jiang, B. and Lin, H., "An
in USA). Proc., Seventh Int. Symp. on Ferrocement and integration of GIS, virtual reality and the
Thin Reinforced Cement Composites, National Internet for spatial data exploration",
Assoc Prof Koh Chan Ghee delivered a University of Singapore, 27-29 June , 45-54. International Journal of Geographical
keynote paper entitled "Vibration-based
inspection of structures: Computational Ahmed, S.F.U., Maalej, M. and Paramasivam,
Information Science, 15 (5), 439-456.
challenges and strategies" at the 7th P., "Strain-Hardening Behaviour of Hybrid Kang, J.H. and Ong, K.C.G., “Pre-loaded steel
International Conference on Inspection, Fibre Reinforced Cement Composites", Proc. concrete composite columns’, Proc. First Int.
Appraisal, Repairs and Maintenance of Seventh Int. Symp. On Ferrocement and Thin Conf. On Steel and Composite Structures, Vol.
Buildings and Structures, Nottingham, U. K., Reinforced Cement Composites, National 1, June 2001, South Korea, 847-854.
September 2001. University of Singapore, Singapore, 27-29
June, 215-226. Kog, Y.C., Ong, K.C.G., Yu, C.H. , and
Dr Huang Bo will co-chair the First Sreekanth, A.P.V., “Reinforced concrete
International Workshop on Web GIS to be held Aldred, J.M., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Lee, jacketing for masonry columns with axial
in Kyoto, Japan, December 3-6 2001, together S.L. and Wee, T.H., "The effect of initial loads”, ACI Materials Journal, 98(2), 105-
with Professor Christophe Claramunt (France) moisture content on water transport in concrete 115.
and Professor Stefano Spaccapietra containing a hydrophobic mixture", Magazine
(Switzerland). of Concrete Research, 53 (2), 127-134. Lee, S.L. and Swaddiwudhipong, S.,
"Conceptual design and wind load analysis of
Professor N E Shanmugam co-authored by Balendra, T., Wang, C.M. and Yan, N., "Control tall Building", Computational Structural
invitation a chapter on "Structural Analysis" of wind-excited towers by active tuned liquid Engineering, 1(1), 11-20.
for Manual of Bridge Engineering, Edited by column dampers", Engineering Structures, 23
M J Ryall, G A R Parke and J E Harding and (9), 1054-1067. Leung, C.F. and Toh, S.L., "Continuing
published by Thomas Telford Publishing, education programs at National University of
Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Basheer Khan, M., Ong, K.C.G. and Singapore, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Continuing
Paramasivam, P., “Impact performance of Engineering Education, Toronto, May 2001.
Professor N E Shanmugam has been invited ferrocement slab systems”, Proc. FERRO 7,
to be an Honorary Advisor to the Editorial Seventh Int. Symp. On Ferrocement and Thin Leung, C.F., Wong, J.C., Manivanann, R. and
Board of the "Concrete Technology Today" Reinforced Cement Composites, Singapore, Tan, S.A., "Experimental evaluation of
(incorporationg Steel in Construction) which 27-29 June, 95-106. consolidation behaviour of stiff clay lumps in
highlight the Construction activities in the reclamation fill", Geotechnical Testing Journal,
South East Asian Region. Bhattacharyya, P., Tan, K.H. and Mansur, ASTM, 24(2), 145-156.
M.A., "Flexural moment capacity of
Assoc Prof Ong Khim Chye, Gary presented ferrocement hollow sandwich panel system", Lim, C.T.E., Paramasivam, P. and Ong, K.C.G.,
an invited paper entitled “Damage assessment 7th Int. Symp. on Ferrocement and Thin “Pushout shear strength of ferrocement
of repaired reinforced concrete slabs under Reinforced Cement Composites, Singapore, concrete interface”, Proc. FERRO 7, Seventh
static and cyclic loading”, at the International June 27-29 2001, 55-61. Int. Symp. On Ferrocement and Thin Reinforced
Conference on Concrete under Severe Cement Composites, June 2001, 481-192.
Conditions, CONSEC ’01, held in Vancouver, Bonacci, J.F. and Maalej, M., "Behavioural
Canada from June 18-20, 2001. trends of RC beams strengthened with cont’ page 6
cont’ from Maalej, M. (2001)., "Tensile properties of short Shanmugam, N.E., "Thin-walled structural vibrating plates that model VLFS", Proc.
page 5 fiber composites with fiber strength elements containing openings", Proc., Third Int. Eleventh International Offshore and Polar
distribution", Journal of Materials Science, Conf. on Thin-Walled Structures, Cracow, Engineering Conference, Stavanger, Norway,
Publications. April - June 2001

36(9), 2203-2212. Poland, 5-7 June, 37-51. June 17-22, Vol 1, 272-278.

Mansur, M.A., Tan, K.L., Naaman, A.E. and Swaddiwudhipong, S. and Dong Jiang, "Shear Wang, C.M., Ler, C.W. and Lee, L.W.,
Paramasivam, P., "Behavior and strength of capacity and energy absorption of SRC joints", "Optimization of submerged, fully stressed,
ferrocement axial joints", Proc., Seventh First Int. Conf. on Steel & Composite funicular arches", Extended Abstracts of the
International Symposium on Ferrocement and Structures, Pusan, Korea, June 14-16, 823- Fourth World Congress of Structural and
Thin Reinforced Cement Composites, National 830. Multidisplinary Optimization, Dalian University
University of Singapore, 27-29 June, 287-296. of Technology, Dalian, China, 4-6 June, 191-
Tan, K.H., Mansur, M.A. and Weng,W., "Design 193.
of R/C beams with circular openings", ACI
Ong, K.G.G., Nandakumar, N. and Structural Journal, 98(3), 407-415.
Paramasivam, P., “Damage assessment of Wang, C.Y. and Wang, C.M., "Buckling of
repaired reinforced concrete slabs under static circular plates with an internal ring support
Tan, K.H. and Patoary, M.K.H., "Blast and elastically restrained edges", Thin-Walled
and cyclic loading”, Proc. Int. Conf. On Concrete resistance of masonry walls externally bonded
under Severe Conditions, CONSEC ’01, Vol. Structures, 39 (9), 821-825.
with FRP systems", 10th Int. Symp. on
2, Vancouver, Canada, June 8-21, 2023-2030. Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with
Structures, San Diego, California, USA, May Wang, Q. and Wang, C.M., "A controllability
7-11. index for optimal design of piezoelectric
Ong, K.C.G. and Xu, W., “Durability of repair: actuators in vibration control of beam
the interfacial transition zone”, Proc. First structures", Journal of Sound and Vibration,
Int. Conf. On Steel and Composite Structures, Tan, K.H., "Effect of interfacial bond on failure
mode of precracked members retrofitted with 242 (3), 507-518.
Vol. 1, June 2001, South Korea, 839-846.
CFS", Concrete Engineering Series 42, Japan
Society of Civil Engineering, June 2001, II-59 Xiang, Y., Wang, C.M., Utsunomiya, T. and
Rahman, M., Mansur, M.A. and Lau, S.H., - II-68. Machimdamrong, C., "Benchmark stress-
"Tool wear study in a lathe made of resultant distributions for vibrating rectangular
cementitious material", Journal of Material Wang, C.M., Xiang, Y., Utsunomiya, T. and plates with two opposite edges free,"
Processing Technology, 113(1-3), 317-321. Watanabe, E., "Evaluation of modal stress Computational Structural Engineering, 1 (1),
resultants in freely vibrating plates", Int. Journal 49-57.
Ramalingam, N., Paramasivam, P., Mansur, of Solids and Structures, 38 (36-37), 6525-
M.A. and Maalej, M., "Flexural behavior of 6558. Zhang, M.H., Blanchette, M. and Malhotra,
hybrid fiber reinforced cement composites V.M., "Leachability of trace metal elements
containing high volume fly ash", ACI Special Wang, C.M., Wang, Y.C., Watanabe, E., from fly ash concrete: results from column-
Publication, SP-199, American Concrete Utsunomiya, T. and Xiang, Y., "Obtaining leaching and batch-leaching tests", ACI
Institute, June 2001, 147-161. accurate modal stress-resultants in freely M a t eri a l s Jo u rn a l , 8 ( 2 ) , 1 2 6 - 1 3 6 .

Visiting Professor New Appointments Visiting Appointments

Dr Huang Bo, Professor Ole S. Madsen
Professor J N Reddy Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor,
Mr Loy Tsu Ren, (23/07/2001 - 04/08/2001)
Professor J N Reddy, a Distinguished Professor and inaugural Research Engineer Professor J N Reddy
holder of the Oscar S. Wyatt Endowed Chair in Mechanical Mr Md Zahidul Hasan, Visiting Professor,
Research Engineer (05/07/2001 - 25/07/2001)
Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas,
Mr Li Lirong, Professor Syed Qasim
was appointed as Visiting Professor in the Department from Research Engineer Visiting Professor,
5th to 25th July 2001. He is the author of over 260 journal (26/07/2001 - 01/08/2001)
papers and 12 textbooks on theoretical formulations and
finite-element analysis of problems in solid and structural Mr Zhang Hongwen
6 Research Scholars
mechanics (plates and shells), composite materials, Mr Zhu Dongqi
computational fluid dynamics, numerical heat transfer and Mr Lai Wee Leong Mr Yuen Jun Mun Victor
Mr Pang Chee Meng Mr Bishwajit Chowdhury
applied mathematics. In addition, he has received various significant Mr Chia Kok Seng
national and international awards. Ms Zou Yang
Mr Toh Beng Hwee Mr Shakil Mohammad
Mr Lee Yang Pin Kelvin Rifaat
During his recent visit, Professor Reddy presented a seminar on "An Mr Chai Kok Chiew
Overview of Research in Modelling of Materials and Structures". Mr Wang Zhengquan
Mr Chen Kai Loon Ms Zhang Xiying
Mr Cheng Ch'ng Yih
Mr Mihindukulasooriya
Mr Tay Kwee Guan
P C Fernando
Mr Jonathan A/L
Mr Ganesh Ram
Professor Syed Qasim Daramalinggam
Mr Boh Jaw Woei
Mr Kristhombu B S N
Professor Syed R. Qasim was appointed Visiting Professor Ms Chen Yu
in the Department from 26 July to 1 Aug. 2001. He is a Mr Ng Swee Tuan
Mr Lim Heng Thong Mr Yang Jun Wei
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Ms Dulakshi S K
Ms Teo Chin Pei
University of Texas at Arlington, USA with expertise in the Mr Song Hongbin Karusingha
area of water and wastewater treatment processes. Professor Mr Chen Cheng Mr Tin Min Thant
Qasim has written four books, published over 100 technical Mr Feng Shuhong Ms Senadheera A S A
papers, and research reports, and received numerous research Ms Elly Tenando Karunarathna
Ms Zeng Zhen Ms May Myat Hla
honours and awards.
Mr Zou Jian Mr Liew Yoon Hsien
During his visit, Professor Qasim conducted two workshops Mr Wang Zhiliang Ms Ma Kaiying
on “Water Treatment Plants: Theory and Design” and “Waste Water Mr Zhao Haidong Mr Chin Kheng Ghee
Mr Lee Kum Fai Mr Jong Hui Kiat
Treatment Plants: Theory and Design” jointly organized by the Professional Mr Low Han Eng
Mr Chen Chia Lung
Activity Centre of the Faculty of Engineering and the Centre for Water Mr Ooi Poh Hai
Mr Liew Yong Seong
Research of the department. Both workshops were very well received Mr Kamalasudhan Ms Zhu Xingzhao
from both the academics and professionals. Besides these, Professor Achuthan Mr Lee Chen Hui
Qasim had also explored and identified the areas for possible R&D Ms Seow Puay Eng Mr He Zhiwei
collaboration with the Water and Biotreatment Group (WBG). The Constance Mr Man Chuanjian
postgraduates of WBG did not miss out on this golden opportunity to Mr Zhang Lihe Mr Sithu Htun
Ms Li Shuang Mr Zhou Jun
gain from Professor Qasim’s vast experience in the related areas.
Mr Wong Man Tak Ms Lo Hui Ling
Seminars held. July - September 2001
Date Title Speaker
10 July Water Research at Molecular Level Dr Liu Wen-Tso
Assistant Professor, NUS
11 July Strengthening of RC continuous beams Mr Robert A. Tjandra
with external CFRP tendons Research scholar, PhD candidate, NUS
Rapid Strengthening of Masonry Walls Mr M.K.H. Patoary
Using FRP Reinforcement Research scholar, PhD candidate, NUS
Punching shear behaviour of RC flat slabs Mr Wang Jiewei
externally strengthened with CFRP system Research scholar, M.Eng candidate, NUS
12 Jul An Overview of Research In Modeling of Professor J N Reddy
Materials and Structures Distinguished Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
17 Jul Recent Developments in Smart Structures Professor J N Reddy
Distinguished Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
20 Jul Development of Cement-Based Environmentally Dr Zongjin Li
Friendly Materials at UST Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
27 Jul Roughness of Pavement Professor Zhong Yang
School of Transportation Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology, PR China
2 Aug Recent Progress in Modeling Wave-current Professor Ole S. Madsen
Interaction and its Implication R.M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT
Using Dielectric Measurements in Concrete Dr Swee L. Mak
Technology & Construction Principal Research Scientist
CSIRO Building, Construction & Engineering, Australia
A Very Close Precursor of Self-Compacting Professor Mario Collepardi
Concrete (SCC) Politecnico of Milan, Italy
11 Aug Lightweight and Metal Composite Structures: Assoc Prof J Y Richard Liew, NUS
Composite Megacolumns Mr Venugopal s/o Rajamani
M Eng Candidate, NUS
Novel triple-coupler Connectors for Space Frames Dr Wang Bin-Bing
Research Engineer, NUS
Analysis of Composite Filled Columns (CFTs) Mr Chai Khye Yeien
M Eng Candidate, NUS
Steel-concrete Composite Joints - Characterization Mr Teo Teck Heong
Using Component Approach PhD Candidate, NUS
- PHINGE2 - A Computer Program for Dr Chen Hong
Second-order Inelastic Analysis of Steel Frames
with Composite Beams & Semi-Rigid Connections
Research Engineer, NUS
16 Aug An Investigation on Biostability of Reclaimed Water Ms Shan Junhong
M Eng Candidate, NUS
Membrane Cleaning in the MSBR Ms Sun Yingjian
M Eng Candidate, NUS
Self compacting concrete (SCC) Assoc Prof David W.S. Ho
for Improved Buildability NUS
Advances in concrete quality control - Mr Teo Yong Boon
introducing CubeInfo™ Senior Manager (Quality Services), Buildnow Pte Ltd
23 Aug Logarithmic Matching and Its Applications in Dr Guo Junke, John
Computational Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Assistant Professor, NUS
7 Sep Beach evolution between Headland Breakwaters Ms Chen Jian
PhD Candidate, NUS
14 Sep Conventional Repair and Retrofitting Techniques Mr Yogesh Chhabra
for Concrete Structures Senior Technical Manager, L&M, Singapore
18 Sep Bridge Engineering: Types, Frontiers & Challenges Dr Man-Chung Tang
Chairman of the Board and Technical Director, T.Y.Lin International
20 Sep Soil Liquefaction and Sediment Re-suspension on Dr Lin Pengzhi
Seabed due to Wave-Current Interaction Assistant Professor, NUS
21 Sep Use of Advanced Composite Materials for Protection Mr Yogesh Chhabra
and Strengthening of Structures Senior Technical Manager, L&M, Singapore
27 Sep Modeling Strain Rate Effect on Mechanical Behaviour Professor C T Sun
in Polymeric Composites Neil A. Armstrong Distinguished Professor of Aeronautical & Astronautical
Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
28 Sep Strength of Short Concrete Filled Dr Brian Uy
High Strength Steel Box Columns IREX Fellow, NUS
New Faculty

Dr. Huang Bo joined the department as an Assistant GIS projects such as spatial/spatio-temporal data models
Professor in July 2001. Prior to this, he was a Postdoctoral and query languages, integration of GIS and Remote
Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science Sensing, environmental modelling and visualization, virtual
at Keele University, UK and connected with the reality, Internet computing, expert systems, and
GeoInformatics research group. He also did his Postdoctoral urban/cadastre GIS. He has published about 35 technical
research in the Joint Laboratory of GeoInformation Science papers, and developed several GIS and visualization related
and the Department of Geography, The Chinese University packages. Dr. Huang’s current research interests focus on
of Hong Kong from October 1997 to December 1999. the exploration of GIS and other geospatial information
technologies for civil urban applications. These include
Dr. Huang received his PhD from the Institute of Remote spatio-temporal modelling for transportation applications,
Sensing Applications, The Chinese Academy of Sciences in 3D GIS for urban infrastructure management, and Internet-
1997. Since 1989, he has been involved in a number of based environmental visualization.
Conference/ Workshop

Date Conference/ Workshop/ Short Course Contact Person

29 - 31 Oct 2001 R & D and Technology for Port and Maritime Excellence Professor N Jothi Shankar
E-mail: cvejothi@nus.edu.sg
Tel: (65) 874 2279

6 - 8 Aug 2002 13th Asia and Pacific Division (APD) - International Association Dr Guo Junke
for Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) Congress E-mail: cveguoj@nus.edu.sg
Tel: (65) 874 4922

16 - 18 Dec 2002 Second International Conference on Structural Stability Assoc Prof C M Wang
and Dynamics (ICSSD '02) E-mail: cvewcm@nus.edu.sg
Tel: (65) 874 2157
Assoc Prof K K Ang
E-mail: cveangkk@nus.edu.sg
Tel: (65) 874 2570

8 - 10 Jul 2003 6th International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Assoc Prof Tan Kiang Hwee
Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6) E-mail: cvetankh@nus.edu.sg
Tel: (65) 874 4512 / (65) 874 2260
Website: http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/c

4 - 8 Aug 2003 12th Asian Regional Conference in Soil Mechanics Assoc Prof Leung Chun Fai
and Foundation Engineering (12ARC) E-mail: 12ARC@nus.edu.sg
Website: http://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/civil/c
Tel: (65) 874 5113; Fax: (65) 874 5097

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copy of the Civil Engineering Newsletter,
please contact:

Assoc Prof M A Mansur

Editorial Committee
Department of Civil Engineering
National University of Singapore
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1 Engineering Drive 2
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Tel: 874 2284
Fax: 779 1635
E-mail: cvemansu@nus.edu.sg

Advisers Professor T F Fwa, Head of Department. Assoc Prof K H Tan, Deputy Head of Department (Admin)
Editorial Committee Assoc Prof M A Mansur, Chairman. Ms Nurhayati Binte Sukiman

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