Dungeon Guide

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A Realm Reborn content

Heavensward content
Stormblood content Duty Roulette
SB: Leveling * all dungeons from Stormblood in Duty Roulette: Leveling Leveling
SB: Trials * HM Primals from SB Trials
DR: Expert * Expert Roulette dungeons Expert
SB: Ivalice * Stormblood 24-man raids: Rabanstre, Ridorana, and ?
SB: EX Trials * Extreme Mode Primals from SB
* all dungeons in Duty Roulette: Leveling, including the <50
ARR: Leveling Leveling
StoryMode Primal Trials
HW: Leveling * all Heavensward dungeons in Duty Roulette: Leveling Leveling
* Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium, the 2 8-man dungeons at
ARR: Main Story Main Story
the end of the ARR 2.0 story
* Cape Westwind
* all Lv 50+ Trials (e.g., Chimera, Thornmarch, Ultima)
ARR: Trials Trials
* includes HM Primals
* includes Ultima and Odin, with a note that not in Roulette
HW: Trials * HM Primals from HW Trials
ARR: Level 50
* all dungeons in Duty Roulette: Level 50 & 60 Level 50/60
HW: Level 60
ARR: EX Trials * Extreme Mode Primals from ARR
HW: EX Trials * Extreme Mode Primals from HW
Alexander Normal * Alexander Normal/Story mode
* Heavensward 24-man raids: Void Ark, Weeping City of Mhach,
Void Ark raids Alliance Raids
Dun Scaith
* ARR 24-man Raids: Labyrinth of the Ancients, Syrcus Tower,
Crystal Tower Raids Alliance Raids
World of Darkness
Binding Coil of Bahamut * Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turns 1-13
T9 Timing * a more visual break-out of the T9 phase4 dance

Includes everything in all other Duty Roulettes, all 24-man raids,

Duty Roulette: Mentor all Guildhests, all ARR/HW Extreme primals, Ultima & Odin,
Binding Coil, Alexander Normal
Succinct, as-spoiler-free-as-possible video
Visual Guides to Dungeons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5BtIO_vMNvds5sgE-JI6KA guides. This is where I get most of the
information in this spreadsheet.
Fast Video Guide to SB
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCMkHGMlCuo These are fun, plus I love her accent
email me at bjjgrrl@gmail.com
Questions/Comments/ Please include a subject identifying that you're talking about this
spreadsheet! me: Alatyr Zherja (Faerie)
(I do know that "hat" sometimes shows up as "head" to hilarious results (chat = chead)). I fix it, and it
reappears later. I dunno what's up with that.)
Alphabetical lists of duties. Every common name for a duty is listed, so some are listed multiple times. Click the link to go to the entry.
(Expert Roulette not included as a Roulette Category because it has its own tab. Mentor Roulette is also not included.)
Leveling Trials Raid Alliance Raid Level 50/60 Level 70
Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette
A10N Aurum Vale Akh Afah Amplitheater (HM) A10N Crystal Tower Aetherchemical Research Facility Ala Mhigo
A11N AV Battle in the Big Keep A11N Dun Scaith AK Drowned City of Skalla
A12N Bardam's Mettle Battle on the Big Bridge A12N Labyrinth of the Ancients AK (HM) Fractal Continuum (HM)
A1N Brayflox Big Bridge A1N LotA Amdapor Keep Fractal (HM)
A2N Brayflox's Longstop Big Keep A2N Orbonne Amdapor Keep (HM) Hells' Lid
A3N Castrum Abania Bismarck (HM) A3N Orbonne Monastery Antitower Kugane Castle
A4N Copperbell Mines Byakko (HM) A4N Rabanastre Arboretum Skalla
A5N Cutter's Cry Cape Westwind A5N Ridorana ARF Swallow's Compass
A6N DD Castrum Fluminus A6N Ridorana Lighthouse Baelsar's Wall Temple of the Fist
A7N Doma Castle Chimera A7N Royal City of Rabanastre Bray (HM)
A8N Dusk Vigil Containment Bay P1T6 A8N ST Brayflox's Longstop (HM)
A9N Dzemael Containment Bay S1T7 A9N Syrcus Copperbell (HM)
Adampor Keep (Hard) Dzemael Darkhold Containment Bay Z1T9 Arm of the Father (Normal) Syrcus Tower Copperbell Mines (HM)
Aetherchemical Research Facility Garuda (Normal/Story) D'horme Chimera Arm of the Son (Normal) The Weeping City of Mhach Fractal
AK Gubal Emanation Breath of the Creator (Normal) Void Ark Fractal
AK (HM) Halatali Garuda (HM) Burden of the Father (Normal) WC Fractal Continuum
Akh Afah Amplitheater (HM) Haukke Manor Hell's Kier Burden of the Son (Normal) Weeping City Great Gubal Library (HM)
Ala Mhigo Ifrit (Normal/Story) Hydra Cuff of the Father (Normal) Wiping City Gubal (HM)
Amdapor Keep Qarn Ifrit (HM) Cuff of the Son (Normal) WoD Halatali (HM)
Amdapor Keep (HM) Sastasha King Mog (HM) Deltascape v1.0 (Normal/Story) World of Darkness Haukke Manor (HM)
Antitower Shisui of the Violet Tides Lakshmi (HM) Deltascape v2.0 (Normal/Story) HM (HM)
ARF Sohm Al Levi (HM) Deltascape v3.0 (Normal/Story) Hullbreaker
Arm of the Father (Normal) Stone Vigil Leviathan (HM) Deltascape v4.0 (Normal/Story) Hullbreaker (HM)
Arm of the Son (Normal) Sunken Temple of Qarn Nidhogg (HM) Eyes of the Creator (Normal) Hullbreaker Isle
Aurum Vale Tam-tara Deepcroft Ramuh (HM) Fist of the Father (Normal) Hullbreaker Isle (HM)
AV The Aery Rathalos Fist of the Son (Normal) Keeper
Baelsar's Wall The Bowl of Embers (Normal/Story) Ravana (HM) Heart of the Creator (Normal) Keeper of the Lake
Bardam's Mettle The Great Gubal Library Royal Menagerie O10N Lost City
Battle in the Big Keep The Howling Eye (Normal/Story) Seiryu (HM) O11N Lost City (HM)
Battle on the Big Bridge The Navel (Normal/Story) Sephirot (HM) O12N Lost City of Amdapor
BCoB T1 The Sirensong Sea Shinryu (HM) O1N Lost City of Amdapor (HM)
BCoB T10 The Vault Shiva (HM) O2N Neverreap
BCoB T11 Thousand Maws of Toto-rak Sophia (HM) O3N Pharos Sirius
BCoB T12 Titan (Normal/Story) Susano (HM) O4N Pharos Sirius (HM)
BCoB T13 Toto-rak Suzaku (HM) O5N PS
BCoB T2 The Bowl of Embers (HM) O6N PS (HM)
BCoB T3 The Chrysalis O7N Qarn (HM)
BCoB T4 The Dragon's Neck O8N Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
BCoB T5 The Final Steps of Faith O9N Sastasha (HM)
BCoB T6 The Great Hunt Omegascape v1.0 (Normal/Story) Snowcloak
BCoB T7 The Howling Eye (HM) Omegascape v2.0 (Normal/Story) Sohm Al (HM)
BCoB T8 The Jade Stoa Omegascape v3.0 (Normal/Story) Sohr Khai
BCoB T9 The Limitless Blue Omegascape v4.0 (Normal/Story) Stone Vigil (HM)
Big Bridge The Navel (HM) Sigmascape v1.0 (Normal/Story) SV (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1 The Pool of Tribute Sigmascape v2.0 (Normal/Story) Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 10 The Singularity Reactor Sigmascape v3.0 (Normal/Story) The Antitower
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 11 The Steps of Faith Sigmascape v4.0 (Normal/Story) TT (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 12 The Striking Tree Soul of the Creator (Normal) Wanderer's Palace
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 13 The Striking Tree (HM) Wanderer's Palace (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 2 The Whorleater WP
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 3 The Whorleater (HM) WP (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 4 Thok ast Thok Xelphatol
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 5 Thordan (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 6 Thornmarch
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 7 Thornmarch (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 8 Titan (HM)
Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn 9 Tsukuyomi
Bis EX Ultros
Bismarck (HM) Wreath of Snakes
Bismarck (Normal/Story) Zurvan (HM)
Bismarck EX
Bray (HM)
Brayflox's Longstop
Brayflox's Longstop (HM)
Breath of the Creator (Normal)
Burden of the Father (Normal)
Burden of the Son (Normal)
Byakko (EX)
Byakko (HM)
Cape Westwind
Castrum Abania
Castrum Fluminus
Castrum Meridianum
Containment Bay P1T6
Containment Bay S1T7
Containment Bay S1T7 (HM)
Containment Bay Z1T9
Copperbell (HM)
Copperbell Mines
Copperbell Mines (HM)
Crystal Tower
Cuff of the Father (Normal)
Cuff of the Son (Normal)
Cutter's Cry
D'horme Chimera
Deltascape v1.0 (Normal/Story)
Deltascape v2.0 (Normal/Story)
Deltascape v3.0 (Normal/Story)
Deltascape v4.0 (Normal/Story)
Doma Castle
Drowned City of Skalla
Dun Scaith
Dusk Vigil
Dzemael Darkhold
Emanation (EX)
Eyes of the Creator (Normal)
Fist of the Father (Normal)
Fist of the Son (Normal)
Fractal Continuum (HM)
Fractal HM
Alphabetical lists of duties. Every common name for a duty is listed, so some are listed multiple times. Click the link to go to the entry.
(Expert Roulette not included as a Roulette Category because it has its own tab. Mentor Roulette is also not included.)
Leveling Trials Raid Alliance Raid Level 50/60 Level 70
Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette
Garuda (HM)
Garuda (Normal/Story)
Halatali (HM)
Haukke Manor
Haukke Manor (HM)
Heart of the Creator (Normal)
Hell's Kier (EX)
Hell's Kier (HM)
Hells' Lid
Hullbreaker Isle
Ifrit (HM)
Ifrit (Normal/Story)
Keeper of the Lake
King Mog (HM)
Kugane Castle
Labyrinth of the Ancients
Lakshmi (EX)
Lakshmi (HM)
Levi (HM)
Leviathan (HM)
Lost City
Lost City of Amdapor
Nid EX
Nidhogg (HM)
Nidhogg EX
Omegascape v1.0 (Normal/Story)
Omegascape v2.0 (Normal/Story)
Omegascape v3.0 (Normal/Story)
Omegascape v4.0 (Normal/Story)
Orbonne Monastery
Pharos Sirius
Qarn (HM)
Ramuh (HM)
Rathalos (EX)
Rav EX
Ravana (HM)
Ravana EX
Ridorana Lighthouse
Royal City of Rabanastre
Royal Menagerie
Royal Menagerie (EX)
Sastasha (HM)
Seiryu (EX)
Seiryu (HM)
Sephirot (HM)
Sephirot EX
Shinryu (EX)
Shinryu (HM)
Shisui of the Violet Tides
Shiva (HM)
Sigmascape v1.0 (Normal/Story)
Sigmascape v2.0 (Normal/Story)
Sigmascape v3.0 (Normal/Story)
Sigmascape v4.0 (Normal/Story)
Sohm Al
Sophia (HM)
Sophia EX
Soul of the Creator (Normal)
St. Mocianne's Arboreteum (HM)
Stone Vigil
Stone Vigil (HM)
Sunken Temple of Qarn
Susano (EX)
Susano (HM)
Suzaku (EX)
Suzaku (HM)
Swallow's Compass
Syrcus Tower
Tam-tara Deepcroft
Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Temple of the Fist
The Aery
Alphabetical lists of duties. Every common name for a duty is listed, so some are listed multiple times. Click the link to go to the entry.
(Expert Roulette not included as a Roulette Category because it has its own tab. Mentor Roulette is also not included.)
Leveling Trials Raid Alliance Raid Level 50/60 Level 70
Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette Roulette
The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 1
The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2
The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 3
The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 4
The Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 5
The Bowl of Embers (HM)
The Bowl of Embers (Normal/Story)
The Burn
The Chrysalis
The Dragon's Neck
The Final Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 1
The Final Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2
The Final Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 3
The Final Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 4
The Final Steps of Faith
The Ghimlyt Dark
The Great Gubal Library
The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt (EX)
The Howling Eye (HM)
The Howling Eye (Normal/Story)
The Jade Stoa (EX)
The Jade Stoa (HM)
The Limitless Blue
The Limitless Blue Extreme
The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Domain
The Navel (HM)
The Navel (Normal/Story)
The Pool of Tribute
The Pool of Tribute (EX)
The Second Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 1
The Second Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 2
The Second Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 3
The Second Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 4
The Singularity Reactor
The Sirensong Sea
The Steps of Faith
The Striking Tree (HM)
The Vault
The Weeping City of Mhach
The Whorleater (HM)
Thok ast Thok
Thok ast Thok (HM)
Thordan (HM)
Thordan EX
Thordan's Reign EX
Thornmarch (HM)
Thousand Maws of Toto-rak
Titan (HM)
Titan (Normal/Story)
Tsukuyomi (EX)
Tsukuyomi (HM)
Ultima's Bane
Urth's Fount
Void Ark
Wanderer's Palace
Wanderer's Palace (HM)
Weeping City
Wiping City
World of Darkness
Wreath of Snakes (EX)
Wreath of Snakes (HM)
Zurvan (HM)
Zurvan EX
SB Duty Roulette: Leveling
Dungeons Lv general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss
* drops puddles around the arena, then makes you
The * can double pull, though
* stay in melee range, as it periodically * avoid the black stuff
* normal stuff
run some distance
covers about half the room in an AoE -- watch where the shadows run; avoid -- try to aim around the puddles
Sirensong 61 healers beware (or I've just
* dodge the circles
* normal
* if you get targeted, run and run until you
* can silence (stun?) that last
-- Morbid Advance = moves you forward
had bad tanks) guy
Sea * stack break free -- Morbid Retreat = moves you backwards
-- always based on your current facing

Shisui of * When he attacks a player, kill the leg * use the boxes to avoid Seduce
* adds tether to player; kill adds
* double pulls first * DPS marked -- "chaser" strikes like Scathach
the Violet 63
* last pull has bonus pop-ups * an add as well
* double pulls
add phase or Cloud of Darkness; run around
* random exploding fish * kill Churn, then avoid the last spot that moved
* turn away on gaze
Tides * mark -- drop puddle the outside until it stops.
* can't fall off
* dodge the lasers
* single packs seem like the * Take tether far away * no boss, just mechanics * kill adds; watch for boss to charge across
Bardam's better option throughout -- some guides say "to a pack of * everyone pick a slice for the first few * you can kill him before the wings phase (usually
65 (definitely do NOT triple-pull. animals", some say just distance * gated by gavels * as long as 1 person passes each, seems fine * Temple of Doom action requires LB)
Mettle It ends badly. No one has * watch the roaming coeurl; large cone * final one: look for the rock that doesn't get * Wings phase: kill the wings, duh
enough cooldowns for that.) toward the center hit with the cross-pattern -- orange markers: slide in between the markers on
the outside
-- green/white marker: knockback
This guy
* lines will grow, then do knockback when
(Story * can avoid Chainsaw
* most of the trash hits rather * avoid the laser lines touched * trash still hits hard, and
67 * trash hits hard * take the marker far away
Spoiler) hard * dodge the orbs floating across * stack with stack marker there's always more
* can "pop" the laser lines if needed (knockback)
* stand on towers
* avoid saw lines; some are diagonals
* stand in towers
* then: three circles with different elements
(fire, ice, lightning)
* Ketu Slash -- tank buster
-- He'll get a buff for one; you need same
* kill the add that spawns at the entrance
(Story 69 * hits hard
* kill the adds, then use the guns to hit * kill the pods before they -- So drag him into that same circle, and
* train trash * avoid the AoEs and proximity markers
Spoiler) him before he charges open everyone stand in it to get the buff. (He'll
* destroy tethered adds before they reach their
also say the other two in his text bubble.)
-- No buff = big damage + knockback.
-- do not have to remain in the puddle after
getting the buff
SB Trials These are also in the Trials Roulette
notes Phase 1 Phase 2 -- "Nails" Phase Phase 3
******** Listen to Susano ********
He usually tells you which mechanic is next with his audio cues * Stormsplitter -- tankbuster (giant cleave, actually, so don't
* tank needs to click on the "Sword Shadow", then click button
Pool of -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* party in center to DPS the sword
* AoE circles * Gaols ("Earth and Stone at our beck and call!")
Tribute lv 63
* Orange marker -- knockback + stack
* OT can pop bubbles (NE, then clockwise)
-- one person sealed, but extra stones -- destroy the right one
* repeat
(Susano) -- sometimes with very small column of safe zone ("The seas
* stay out of the center on Ultimate
(should be last on the enemy list)
part for we alone!") * mechanics from the first phase
* Clouds -- bait the large column away from the group

********* New Mechanic ************* Ultimate + VRILL.

Active Time event: Vrill -- use to avoid her big attacks; pick up * Divine Denial -- knockback. Knocked off without Vrill.
balls to recharge * pick up new Vrill. Black Aura Phase: Chanchala
----------------------------------------------------------- * basically, VRILL everything and replenish your VRILL
Note: Yes, you can fall off. No add phase. * Blue Marker on #2 -- VRILL
Emanation lv 67
* Pall of Light: Stack: VRILL
(Lakshmi) Pre-fight: 2 adds, one tank each is usually better ********* IMPORTANT MECHANIC Next phase******** * Alluring Arm -- both cross-flower and circles -- VRILL
The Blue Marker targets #2 on the aggro list. Ideally this is the * tankbuster -- Pull of Light -- VRILL
Lakshmi: OT, because the attack hits hard in Black Aura phase. DPS and
* Cross-flower marks: Find a safe spot and STOP MOVING so Healers, PLEASE watch your aggro and use aggro-dumps as Repeat Normal phase.
everyone else can adjust around you. needed to not overtake the tanks. (OT: Provoke + Shirk)
* Circle flowers: drops puddles that grow, so drop away *************************************************
Can fall off
* GIANT line AoE + knockback; find the safe corners
* MT and OT constantly targeted by auto-attacks * Tail -- slams down on 2 tiles, damaging them
Add Phase:
* Tidal Wave -- knockback -- stand next to it -- avoid the slam, then kill the tail
-- avoid puddles at the moment -- if Tiles are hit more than once, they will break and there will be
* Proximity bombs; find the safest spot
* Stack marker a gap in the platform (also anyone on them will fall)
* Adds themselves aren't too bad
* Chains -- run apart to break
Royal Main Story * Ahk Morn -- tanks stack to share damage; as usual, extra hit * avoid AoEs
each time * purple markers -- spread apart, avoid puddles; splash damage
Menagerie Lv 70 * 3 waves
* dodge ice columns; also roomwide AoE
* Earth Breath: Orange markers "Mini-Ultimates" when the Aether Gauge is full:
-- giant cones from boss to targeted players * Diamond Dust: STOP MOVING at the end, else slide off
* Active Time Maneuver -- hit the button multiple times to
-- get in the front corner to minimize; can stack (plenty of time * Earthern Fury: raid AoE
break free
to get out) * Aerial Blast: cyclone in center: small knockbacks (like Thordan
* Hellfire -- get in the puddles Ultimate), so run back in
* Judgement Bolt -- avoid the puddles; AoE damage
* Stormpulse --roomwide AoE
* Heavenly Strike -- cleave tankbuster
* Hundredfold Havoc -- two sets of lightning circles that "walk" to
* State of Shock -- grabs random player; throws them to stack
The Jade marker; everyone stack there
the edges. Avoid.
Four Lords * spread markers
Stoa side story
* Sweep the Leg -- 270 AoE; avoid it Falling phase. Avoid the stuff.
* Distant Clap -- safe spot in melee range
* Unrelenting Anguish -- avoid orbs
(Byakko) * Fire and Lightning -- column AoEs
Now he just mixes things together
* Add -- tank grab; avoid AoEs; then "get away" marker on tank
* Roar of Thunder -- get add's HP as low as possible

* Stack Marker (normal one) -- is an Akh Morn-type ability; Stay in

* Torment Unto Death -- tank buster. Is a cleave.
the stack until it's finished
* Reprimand -- roomwide AoE
Castrum Kill adds. Tanks pick them up so they don't charge the meter * Moon phase -- switch sides before the moon fills up (4 stacks
* kill small adds
Main Story -- Second set is two groups on opposite sides. One tank to max), else dead (5 stacks)
Fluminus * Fans -- (Shiva circles)
each, drag together to AoE down. -- stand in open spots around the orbs
-- will explode in the order they appear; middle always first
* Fans -- now with stack markers and giant conal attacks
-- find safe spot, wait for middle, move back in
-- dodge or stack as appropriate

Like Stone Vigil HM final boss: watch the boss' animations to see
what he'll do. Attacks can be in any order.

General tips: Garula + riding Rathalos

* Boss does not respect aggro.
* Dodge. Dodge. Dodge again. * Add (boss from Bardam's Mettle) charges in, stuns everyone, General: same as P1: watch boss animations
* If he's looking at you, strafe sideways. and knocks down boss. Tank pick up this add -- BIG CLEAVE.
The Great Permanent
* take the Return if you die * 1 DPS/tank click the interactable thing next to the boss' head. * Fireballs -- stack to share damage; place to outside
Hunt * Duty Action: Potion Mount for an Active Time Manuever. * each attack increases the "Down" meter
* when boss goes down, kill the tail
* melee safe spot = his left leg (generally) After the add is dead, boss flies N to do fire attack wave on * stay on his tail-side
* adds -- tanks pick up and tank as close to boss as possible, as arena.
boss attacks will damage adds LoS the boss behind the dead add.
-- adds actually start with aggro on the boss but can be easily
peeled off with healing aggro, so proactively protect the healers
-- abilities that mark players can also damage adds

... the CENTER of the arena is gone now, too...

Cremate -- tankbuster
Screams of the Damned -- roomwide AoE
Ruthless Refrain: knockback
spread out markers
Colors + rotating bird:
DDR Phase: Orbs + Circles/Arrows
Hell's Kier Four Lords
birds -- revive and tether to a player. Group 'em in the center & * one circle each. Face in the direction your arrow points to
* v1: one orb in each section; matches the section color/glyph.
(Suzaku) Side Story Bird flies into the orb = that section explodes. Don't be there!
burn 'em. light up the circle.
* v2: a line of orbs somewhere on the arena; as bird flies through
each orb, the corresponding section explodes. Don't be there!
Phoenix Down -- aka, Nails. Burn the center one; stack there.
(Any feather AoE also raises birds with buffs. Since they were
Well of Flame: giant pillar in one direction
killed in the center though, none should get hit)
Go toward the sneks so you stay on the platform after they sweep
Summon shiki: lots of things appear = dodging
* fans -- take red (horned) tethers away (column charge to
* stack so you're stacked for the stack marker
Fifth Element -- raidwaid
-- rest stack on blue tether (+ marker)
Infirm Soul -- tankbuster Boss from Swallow's Compass:
Wreath of * ogre-thingies -- big circles on sides (avoid)
* will hit half the arena. Avoid the side on which he pulls his hand
Four Lords * tengu-ish adds -- column AoEs + tethers from golems
Snakes Side Story
Seiryu jumps: displays a horizontal image above the floor at his
-- point tethers away from group (giant cone)
position * when he pounds the middle, don't be there
(Seiryu) * dragon: get in ("drag in")
* "head" adds -- explode on death for raidwide, so space apart
* later: middle + arrows = get on edge of middle marker
* yin-yang: get out
Now Seiryu + Shiki = dodge all the things
Ultimate so pretty...
... oh, wait, we're drowning
circles along the edges = 2 in each
SB Duty Roulette: Expert
Dungeons notes general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss
Just as annoying as ever, I see...
* desert = scorpion, of course * oh... this looks... small... o.0 * Frost Breath (tankbuster) + mark = tank taking LOTS of damage
* Boulders * this place looks good for
* Crystal Needle - tankbuster * Aetherchemical Coil -- tankbuster (cleave) * Fog Plume -- star-shaped AoE
* to the walls seems burrowing...
* hide behind rock from boss on Hailfire * because of course they * lots of AoEs, itty-bitty dodging space * Kill the "adds" (dragon heals) ASAP
The Burn Main Story fine
* Hide behind pillars on Shardfall were here first, too * when boss jumps and adds line up, look for the
* massive AoEs
* don’t attack dragon during Mist phase
* extra adds that * mob models that don't
* immediate safe spot under boss one without a countdown * ice puddles at random players (fast cast)
drop in stack well
* try not to blow up pillars with markers * put the marker to one side * run around in fog to find AoE (Neverreap 1st boss) (seems to be
N/S and E/W)

* uhh, did one of the researchers get left

behind? * stand on the platforms to avoid upswell gunk
St. * Vine Whip = tankbuster
* the big guy's AoE can * Stone II -- tankbuster
* pull to walls
* spread out on markers, not on platforms (any marker that
side story * to the walls seems * targets the add, then jumps & eats it * water spouts along the
Mocianne's (Rhalgr's fine * Immediately flips around and does a
hit other mobs (and * Summons adds along the sides, plus turns the
walls. Interact to start the
overlaps a platform at all will put a debuff puddle over the
Arboreteum players) -- turns into floor into "conveyer belt" sections. Boss will whole platform)
Reach) * gaze attacks roomwide AoE back at the room water. Cleans mud off and
plant knock you along your conveyer belt while Adds * knock the little slime away from all AoEs (usually on platform is
(Hard) (Rothocale), so follow/jump to him
do AoE perpendicular. Position along a "belt" so
makes them vulnerable.
you'll avoid the Adds' AoE.

* enemies jump in as you * Delta Trance / Innocence = tankbusters

* Jarring Blow = tankbuster * Unbreakable Cerment Drill = tankbuster
reach points * mostly fight one, while the other throws AoEs at you from the
* when it charges up and has the >>>> * when it burrows, look on the wall for a glowing
* cameos * more cameos * to the walls seems (?) sideline
arrows, it will start laying down burning spot; it will rush straight across from there (aka,
The Ghimlyt * enemies jump in as * enemies jump in as you okay * "together" attack: there will be very faint lines laid down on
cones in a clock-like pattern, turning in get out of the middle!). Wait for effect to
Main Story you reach points reach points * more mobs join the floor, then boss will zip around the field following the lines
Dark the direction of the arrows. Wait in the disappear.
* to the walls seems * to the walls seems (?) * more cameos! (note: (like boss in Castrum Abania). Try to find an open spot and wait.
safe spot until the first spot stops burning, * does a frontal cone, then a back 270-degree
(?) okay okay they're gone if you run back * ceruleum tanks -- they target one, then tanks blow up in
then move. cone, so try to keep positioned center-ish for
through) pattern; avoid.
* Arrows can go the other way! ranged dodging
* random LB * Imperial Authority = Enrage.
SB Duty Roulette: Level 70
Dungeons notes general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss
* Swell -- get in
(even * Storm -- get out
Note: if you go
though is * wait for allies to * destroy the laser * Sword -- spread to avoid overlap
* follow the tether; avoid the claws; lasers will back through the
(Story Main Story bomb the barricades * lure the targets to safe spots (edges * pick up groups doors * kill the swords (watch out for knockback & glowing)
knock you around dungeon after it's
dungeon, * pick up roaders, are good, so center is clear to hit boss) * watch out for * can double-pull -- Sword > Swell > Storm
Spoiler) * kill the claws done, you'll see
gives same then drag to end to * avoid head/tail attack ground AoEs second (though healers * tethers to someone: giant cone in that direction -- face it to
* watch out for all AoEs some of the NPCs
loot as spawn next group may hate you) the outside
standing around
next 2) * (if DPS is very low, there's a crazy add phase with clones
doing random attacks all over the place. Do not want.)

* kill the summoners

* take tethered adds to one side and first, else surprise * adds around the sides will flip a whole line of * pick up the money
Kugane * surprise ninjas kill, then get out of the AoE the floor
* surprise bombs
* butterflies -- AoEs (out and in)
Castle * kill the bombs first
* stack * with 3 summoners, * also lightning strikes, so don't stack * kill dragons
focus down one

* spawns whirlwinds on people

* Touch of Slaughter -- nearly kills someone; avoid other
* avoid the obstacles * Killer Instinct -- Ravana-like shields -- one side
damage until healed
* exploding * first double pull gets is open; rest are knockback
* summons heads around the outside; move like the Vault
coconuts? * kill them at the same time bonus; be ready to * uses nautical terms (for some reason): * nothing fancy (aside
Temple of * kill the walls to -- else the remaining one gets all sorts heal; tanks: use -- Port and Star -- cone left and right from random
final boss
the Fist -- find a safe spot
pass through; spawns of new annoying buffs & attacks cooldowns -- Fore and Aft -- cone front and back explosions)
-- later, two directions at once
enemies * sparring dummies * AoEs + above
* pop the orbs
fight back * match your mark to the circle
* giant column
* proximity from the middle, then stack marker

so many bosses merged for a mechanics mess

* cyclops' frontal swing (says "raises his hand")
* tail lifts = BIG tail swipe
* Push will push, Pull will pull
** Tanks: Take boss to the back wall and turn him sideways,
-- try to avoid getting stuck in the red * GIIIIIIIIANT CONES,
* walls explode after so his tail isn't facing casters. (Too many of them seem to
edges * Phoebans -- have a watch out
enemies killed; also * big cone -- stay near to dodge stand directly behind him at the gate, and get hit with the
-- NOTE: the English Localization used GIANT hitbox, but will * when transformed,
Drowned Main Story
spawns new
to have Push/Pull backwards; that has stack with other mobs
* when transformed, use your ability to drop
cross gap. Short-ish
tail every. single. time. They'll still move behind him, but at
City of Skalla enemies, thanks rocks in the path of the adds; rocks explode, least you tried.)
been fixed now (not so much with timer. If you
* pods explode for adds die * gaze attack = turn away
each other) untransform on the
new enemies * turns to random players = like Glower from Aurum Vale; run
* balls that follow people. Drop gap...
sideways to avoid
puddles when they explode.
* proximity marker = get away, duh
* Lakshmi "cross" markers, plus circles on player
* giant donut aoes on player heads. Get in or get out.

* SKIP SOAR!!! oh wait... * get away from the pulsing AoE; leaves sludge behind
* avoid lasers * more rude trash
Fractal * when the bits line up, they'll do a
* hard tankbuster * don't stack markers
* ugh, all the rude * Sophia: partner up * Srsly, I'm done with * non-marked point-blank AoE
Continuum trash mobs
1/2 room attack (run behind before (also, who are all
* Zurvan: soak same-color comets, then stack Minotaurs, SE * Light Pillar -- starts in center, then circles move to edges
the floor AoE forms) these guys on the
HM * Allagan Gravity -- pulls you in. floor?)
* Sephirot: markers that will grow into BIG * "get away" arrows on tank = get away
ground markers. Leave yourself some space. * He does have an Enrage! Always starts at 5%. Keeell eeeet.

Hey, at least it's not a circle

Well, you look unpleasant... also Friend! ... Oh.
you're a minotaur because of course
* Demon Walls of Come back, little * all platforms glow + 1 blue ball. Ball will jump from platform
you are. * cleave tankbuster * This is officially the
Four Lords Fire! ... oh wait, friend! to platform -- look for the pointy end of the symbol to see
Hells' Lid side story they don't move...
* half-room AoEs; circle & column AoEs patch with the RUDEST
* Don't stand in fire puke. * Whirlwinds + adds + pattern: kill adds. Boss trash mobs
lame. * these things... -- later is 2 sets -- stand on the bare platforms for 2nd
* he drops his sword & shield; don't be will zip between whirlwinds in the pattern
* boss teleports to center + shield. Some platforms glow &
there when he takes them back shown. Don't get hit, and don't hit the twisters.
explode. Break the shield.

* THIS GUY!!!!! oh wait, you're always tricksy... and yep...

* watch for the raised hand. Avoid that half.
* can pull the first * Short End: tank buster (cleave?)
* Mark: multiple spires popping out of the
guys to the first * Pull to walls * Both Ends (small stick): point-blank AOE + knockback
* Avoid the teeny tiny fire orbs that ground at your position. Move, but not onto the
Swallow's Four Lords room
float around in circles
* stand on one side of
tank >.> * Pull to walls
* Big End (BIG stick): safe space is melee range
Compass side story * Couple of rooms the wall to avoid * tethers -- stay away from the group
* all the markers! * Water in the middle: like Susano's middle line:
with a "boss" and being washed away * [split move]: if you focus one down, he'll just split again
can cross, but don't stand in for too long
some adds -- first: they do the same moves
* marked with water: don't overlap
-- then: they do different moves
SB EX Extreme Trials
Trials iLevel
Phase 1 Phase 1 (cont.) Phase 2 (Adds) Phase 3 (Phase 3 cont.)
********* IMPORTANT MECHANIC ********
Black Aura Phase: Chanchala: "I shall free you from your hate!"
The Blue Marker targets #2 on the aggro list. Ideally this is the
MT: if you turn Lak East/West, then OT can stand on the edge, * *** VRILL *** for Divine Doubt (confusion)
OT, because the attack hits hard (~40k) in Black Aura phase even Black Aura Phase: Chanchala
which means DPS are slightly less likely to be there. -- also find a buddy so you both smack each other, instead of everyone
with Vrill. (DPS will survive it in Normal Aura.) DPS and Healers, * *** VRILL *** -- Divine Doubt (confusion) -- hit your buddy
ganging up on the healers. You CAN kill each other here.
PLEASE watch your aggro and use aggro-dumps as needed to not Add Phase: * stack (Pall of Light) -- *** VRILL ***
Yes, you can fall off. * Blue Prey on #2 -- *** VRILL ***
overtake the tanks. OT should be using Shirk/Provoke, but you * 4 stationary adds. They play hot-potato with a Vrill bubble. * *** VRILL *** before pattern
-- OT -- if your health is low (b/c healers stack south for whatever dumb
still might sometimes catch up, especially when Lak is * Adds must ONLY be killed when they have the bubble -- this * {{ Vrill "circle" pattern -- outer edges -- grab to replenish }}
Pre-fight: 2 adds. Marked gaze attack. No big deal. reason), also pop your Invuln; you will live
untargetable. (Also the stack marker goes on #2, but that won't replenishes your Vrill stacks for the Ultimate. * (VRILL should still be up) -- Divine Desire (Bleed puddle)
-- Lak is moving from the center out to the MT at this point, so OT is likely in a
kill you and everyone stacks anyway.) * adds have immediate aggro on healers. Tanks each snag 2 for * {{ Vrill "Z" -- grab if you need }}
Lakshmi: bad position (though is trying, I promise). So watch where you are and where
************************************************* aggro (N/S or E/W). * stack -- *** VRILL ***
* tankbuster -- Pull of Light the marker is, and get away. (i.e., stop stacking on the OT)
Lakshmi EX i300
* Cross-flowers on DPS. Position them away from the party, and
* work all adds down to ~10-15%, then kill them as they get the
* tankbuster (Pull of Light) -- *** VRILL ***
* *** VRILL *** Stortam -- room-wide AoE
Black Aura Phase: Chanchala: "I shall free you from your hate!" bubble.
please give the tanks room to stand...
* Use a *** VRILL *** for Divine Denial (knockback) * BE CAREFUL WITH DOTS Normal Aura
* Stortam -- raid-wide AoE Normal Aura
* Circles on healers -- *** VRILL *** * Cross-flowers on DPS + circles on healers + + stack + Blue Prey on #2
* tankbuster (OT provoke) * {{ Vrill "Z" pattern -- grab one to replenish your Vrill }}
* Tankbuster (Pull of Light) -- *** VRILL *** Ultimate: *** VRILL *** * x2
* Blue Prey on #2. Big cone in your general direction. Take to the * tankbuster
* Blue Marker on #2 -- *** VRILL ***
side away from party: "Do not your souls weigh heavy?" * {{ Vrill "line" pattern (through middle) -- grab if you still need }}
* Lak moves to center: *** VRILL *** -- Divine Desire (Bleed Enrage:
* Cross-flower + 2 circles on healers -- take circles to opposite side * Stack
puddle) Chanchala to Divine Denial (knockback off the edge)
of arena (they grow later). * Cross-flowers on DPS + circles on healers + Blue Prey on #2 (all at once)
* stack (Pall of Light)
Normal Aura ("Your souls are ssstained")
* flowers, tankbuster, blue marker, stortam
Phase 4
Phase 1 Intermission Phase 2 Phase 2 (cont.) Phase 2 (cont.)
* Stormsplitter -- tank swap after the hit
******** Listen to Susano ********
MT -- click the "Sword Shadow", then click the button as directed -- puts a debuff on the MT; take HUGE damage
He usually tells you which mechanic is next with his audio cues * "Now cometh our part! Make way!": Purple marker + line from sky
OT -- start NE then move clockwise popping bubbles. * (forgot his line here) -- Purple marker
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- same "lightning on half" concept, but now the person targeted is bound in place
-- bubbles are obnoxiously slow about popping -- will drop lightning on half the arena (by the dividing line)
-- party has to switch sides
-- use Sprint after the first one finally pops -- run to other side of line to drop
* "Rise up" -- Dice (from Ozma) -- do NOTHING when it ends. * Orange Marker + Dice (he sometimes clips his audio cues here)
-- (I've heard that the bubbles just go fo the MT, so you can skip -- many people targeted, including MT
-- can be on MT, too * AoEs
popping them while healers keep MT topped, but most groups want * "The seas part for we alone": * Gaols (tank swap or Hallowed/LD)
* "The seas part for we alone" -- Orange marker * Stormsplitter (tank swap)
them popped) -- Orange marker + Cloud -- bait the line away first, then stack * (not remembering this part too well, but there's maybe one other mechanic
-- knockback on player, then Stack marker, so get right back in * Purple line again
Party -- under the sword, hitting the targetable spot * Stormsplitter: Tank swap involved)
Susano EX i300 -- also makes a very narrow safe zone from Suzie to the player, so
* Purple lightning again, plus 2nd player has a Cloud * Purple lines, then fade to Enrage
everyone else get there * AoEs + Dice + AoEs
Tanks swap, phase repeats -- the Enrage is weird: the fight just fades out and ends. There's no "end"
* "Rise Up" + AoEs -- their range is slightly larger than it looks, so -- stack behind for AoEs
* "Earth and Stone at our beck and call" -- Gaols: /everyone dies mechanic.
get OUT. -- dodge & stop
Ultimate -- 1 person is bound, but 4 gaols. Suzie plays a shell game; have to
* Orange marker + Cloud -- look for the Cloud outside the arena. It -- wait for AoEs, then dodge back in
-- don't stand in middle kill the right one.
will do a wide straight line AoE at you, so point it away from the * Stormsplitter (tank swap)
-- room is now divided in half by a red/black line -- bound person should mark their gaol. OR -- it's always the 4th one
party * Purple markers (other side) + Cloud (2nd player) + AoEs
-- line is safe to cross, but not to stand in (you start to sink, then on the Enemy List.
-- Note: the Cloud shows up in your enemy list as "Thunderhead" * Orange marker + Cloud
die) * ground AoEs during Gaols
-- if Cloud is directly behind or in front, go sideways
* Stormsplitter (tank swap) during Gaols.

Phase 1 Phase 1 (cont.) Phase 2 -- Adds Phase 3 Phase 3 (cont.)

Tail: DPS + Levinbolt

Note: some abilities are cast by Shinryu and some are cast by his
Chains: tanks and healers
Wings. So make sure you can see your Enemy List.
Earth Breath (Earthshakers): 1 DPS and 1 Healer
Circle under him: Doom (when you're inside; so don't stay too long; running out
* send 1 far left and 1 far right, raid in middle
New "enemy": the Worm's Heart. makes it fall off)
* If Shinryu casts any Ultimate while the Heart is alive = WIPE Active Time Maneuver: Extreme button smashing!! No cleave, but AoE Breath
Icicles: avoid charge from the back (half a square)
* he casts his Ultimates when the duty gauge is at 100
Levinbolt: out of circles + spread; Hypernova: in circles + share
Next platform + immediate proximity knockback: go N to get -------
green Markers: 
Tail Slam: narrow green marker over your head knocked to other
* do not drop on middle square, else wipe
* if middle platform destroyed = wipe Terra Slash -- tankbuster
* healers: back corner; DPS: front corner; tanks: other back corner
* #1 -- Healer (back right). #2 -- DPS. #3 -- tank (back left usually) 5 proximity markers (go N for safe spot), then 5 adds * tank swap DURING the cast
---------------------------------------------------------- * big add first
Ahk Morn + 2 Ahk Rhai At 22%
* Death Sentence -- tank buster Atomic ray = a stack marker on EACH DPS
Ultimate: Earthern Fury * pair each DPS with a tank/healer friend; move off together and stack
Diamond Dust + Chains (healers) Will use 3 Ultimates at once:
* destroys 2 platforms and damages more. 10s -- more markers -- go N for safe spot * (also chains -- should be automatically mitigated by above movement)
* floor is ice, so don't move your feet * one from Shinryuu, one from Right Wing, one from Left Wing
* 2 bigs
* healers run together to one side, then 1 slides to the other side to * If any Ultimate finishes casting = WIPE
Chains: run away from who you're tethered to * can LB3 this set Ice Storm + Hypernova/Levinbolt
break chain (could also have just 1 healer slide from the group)
Tidal Wave: 2-tile knockback. Leaves puddles for later. * Ice -- have to be moving at the end else freeze
Shinryu EX Players marked -- will drop the next Proximity Markers * Levinbolt = now a marked AoE. Move during Ice Storm (avoidable this phase; so
Use blue ground markers to jump on Shinryu's Back
Tail: Tank + 4 Reiyu Dragon Heads: * kill a wing first (which is further along in the cast)
Tail: Healer + Icicles (Left Wing) * spread along the edges without overlapping each other stack/run first to minimize affected areas, then Sprint out -- they are BIG)
* The only way to kill them is to HEAL them to FULL * then kill the other wing
* spawn opposite Shinryu and divebomb across with no marker * stack in center * Hypernova = do not move during Ice Storm so you freeze on purpose (because no
* (if not killed, kills tethered player + roomwide AoE) * can LB here -- either melee 1 wing or caster
* then kill tail puddles); also stack to share damage
* dismount by jumping off
last adds -- all little
Ahk Morn + 2 Ahk Rhai + Icicles * kill Shinryu before his cast finishes
Levinbolt -or- Hypernova (Right Wing) Benighted Breath or Wyrmwail
* Levinbolt -- spread out; avoid puddles Shinryu's Ultimate: Proto-Star * Benighted -- conal attack
Ultimate: Aerial Blast + Chains (DPS)
* Hypernova -- stack in the same puddle (puddle destroyed) * Wyrmwail -- roomwide infirmity debuff; can avoid by standing in direct center
* 3 small knockbacks then 1 bigger
* DragonFist: middle square -- do not be there Marker = knockback of Doom puddle
* stand next to it, with a corner behind you
Earth Breath
Ahk Morn: shared tank buster Terra Slash
* tanks stack and use cooldowns Run up the tail to the new platform
Gyre Charge (Divebomb -- like normal) -- tiny little safe corner!
* ALSO: AoE (Akh Rhai) spawns on a DPS. Move out. * Lasers stun + damage Dragon Heads
*CAN* come back in a different spot.
Ultimate: Hellfire -or- Judgement Bolt Repeat from ------- above
Levinbolt -or- Hypernova
* Hellfire -- in puddle; DoT -- PLUS Icicles
* Judgement Bolt -- out of puddles;
Ahk Morn + 1 Ahk Rhai
Levinbolt > Tidal Wave

(Push is at 44%)
Phase 1
Phase 1 Phase 1 (cont.) Intermission Phase 2 Phase 2 (cont.)
Add: TANK LB3 strat
-- OT picks up. IGNORE IT otherwise. (Do heal the OT, though!)
Waymarks A, B, C (big triangle; Phase 3) New mechanics, plus Phase 1 basically repeating **at the same time**
-- OT out for Flare; everyone in for Dynamo.
Assign non-tanks to 2 stacks (see State of Shock below) So look for all those same mechanics while dodging new stuff
Add: -- Add casts 2 column attacks at party members, with another Dynamo in
* has a tankbuster, plus hits HARD. OT pick up. Use cooldowns. between.
Storm Pulse -- roomwide AoE. (Later he does 2.) State of Shock
-- OT tip: when Byakko jumps & talks, follow & hit him with your #1 -- Add jumps to center to cast. IGNORE IT.
Heavenly Strike -- tankbuster. It's a cleave, too. -- immediately after 2nd toss, does "Sweep the Leg (Johnny)" -- unmarked 270
move, so #2 aggro move is ready for add -- At about 80-90% of the add's cast (I do it around the "U" on his enemy list
degree attack + knockback. (same as Normal, but is marked there)
* crosshair markers = incoming Bleed puddles. Drop them somewhere castbar) TANK LB3. You live.
State of Shock -- cast bar -- stack on his butt
safe. Uh, so... dodging. And... that's it. Position your camera down to see
* At end, will grab #1 aggro target and also create a "stack here"
-- the Bleed can be Esuna'd, but is a big DoT. Do not want. them. Byakko continues to mix Phase 1 and Phase 3 mechanics, mostly trying to
marker along one wall "Star" lightning circles
* leave add in center until Flare marker confuse tanks, probably. Also he tries to trick you by putting stack markers
* Then will pick up new #1 and create a 2nd "stack here" marker -- cross in the center, then rotated cross between the first
* OT run out (not totally to edge; just out of the AoE; gives you room Walls are death. inside whirlwinds. (If the first one is inside the whirlwind, bad times. If the
* see note under Phase 3 about how to force-position the stacks -- will hit in a line of circles that march toward the edges; hit = paralysis
to hit him from behind) while Byakko does Dynamo AoE (small safe second, wait for the whirlwind to despawn, then stack.)
* 3 people in each stack to soak; get Phys Vuln debuff after hit -- NOT MARKED once they begin
Byakko EX * assign 3 non-tanks to first stack and other 3 to second
spot under B; large danger zone); everyone stack under Orbs, then to center. Orbs, line. Orbs, to center. Line.
-- first set hits twice, then second starts; dodge
* Add does column AoE at a party member Enrage: Much longer Storm Pulse cast. Kill it (though really shouldn't see this
* MT tossed first. OT should then be #1.
* Add jumps to middle and starts to cast. Getting hit is... drumroll... vuln stack. Line and Sweep are also a with LB3 strat).
-- Provoke during State of Shock (around the "S" in State) Whirlwinds
-- orbs floating to middle will heal him. Is bad. Also do -300 TP knockback, so may hit wall.
-- not the worst if not OT; OT gets in 2nd stack then -- during Anguish, 1 tank/healer/dps marked with circle. Will drop a tiny
damage, so casters/healers are best to pop. ======================================
* Aggro resets, because tank gets removed from combat. MT whirlwind that will grow HUGE. Touching = vuln stack. Overlapping whirlwinds =
-- Damage at end of cast is proportional to his HP. Under 30% seems After you unfreeze, have time to cast before his Ultimate hits. How to force-position the stacks:
Provoke it back (get out of stack, 1 GCD, Provoke). roomwide AoE + vuln stacks.
to be the magic number for the squishier to survive. from The Balance Discord's PLD guide Byakko section: https://docs.google.
-- take to waymarks (usually: A tank, B healer, C dps). May need to adjust slightly
-- tip: you only need to get the add under ~30% to survive his cast; com/document/d/1Dsmp2i8Nm5_1oaPvZstFISSA2ThGgu2gZVshNONpE30/edit
Unrelenting Anguish based on orbs; is fine.
"killing" the add or DPSing him much further doesn't gain you
* jumps to middle and sends out orbs. Avoid; gives vuln stacks. -- tip: cheat into your marker's "pocket" between orbs in case you're marked, so
anything. So stay on the boss a little longer before switching when "State of Shock, and the position of the follow-up stack, Highest Stakes, is
* tank/healer/DPS get marked with red orb. Do not touch together; you don't have to sprint across the field
the add spawns (once you know your team's DPS ability, that is). determined by the wall closest to where the target is when grabbed. Byakko
explode + vuln stacks. (CAN touch normal people.) -- still 3 bubbles that need to avoid each other
will pick the farthest wall, and throw you there. Know this, and position
* also does a column AoE; avoid. -- end of Anguish -- B. jumps + large column AoE -- find a safe spot.
accordingly so that your dps can maintain uptime, and stack positions don’t
target the far wall."

Phase 1 Phase 2 -- Adds Phase 3 Phase 3 (cont.) Phase 4 (35%)

Dance of the Dead: big roomwide magic AoE
Marks/Meteors: Crescent Strat (I like this one -- better uptime) * If tank still has Torment debuff, they must Invuln the hit, else they will die
* Tethered adds move to middle; can't be tanked. Kill ASAP. These Supreme Selenomancy: Room divides half lit, half dark
-- N = A = tank; S = B = DPS; E/W = healers float
charge the Duty gauge. * Switch halves to drop stacks. You start with 4 stacks. 5 = dead.
-- A & B = always IN the tip of the crescent. Run back along the (Dark or Bright) AND (Waxing or Waning) x2
* Ranged adds don't move; 1 tank + Lunar Halo on one half: stand in the center * Lunar Halo x2 (dodge the first, then back to safe spot to dodge 2nd bc meteors
crescent for stacks. * Dark Blade -- left side is safe
* 1 tank for melee; pick them up, take to ranged also explode again)
-- healer = always whichever side is OUT of the crescent (also note * Bright Blade -- right side is safe
immediately after Lunar Halo -- floor becomes Crescent Moon * Run to meteor zone that was on the crescent (opposite color) to swap stacks
that does not have to be all the way to the wall, and can cheat to * Waxing Grudge -- melee is safe ("The darkness of the new moon"/black blade)
Wave 1: Move boss to center of the Crescent side * STAY IN during her cast
either side a bit) * Waning Grudge -- ranged is safe ("The light of the full moon"/white blade)
* Matriarch & Patriarch tether. 3 Ranged (W) + 3 Melee (E).
-- safe spot is in the center of the crescent * (note: can have Dark then Dark or Waxing then Waxing)
Wave 2: Nightfall: Gun (if repeated, Spear) Reprimand
* (also note MT: Dark/Bright is opposite for you)
* ThatGuy tether. 3 Ranged (NW) + 3 Melee (SW). (Note: she does rarely seem to do Spear first instead. Pay attention) Zashiki-asobi = Fans (two exploding patterns now)
Tsukuyomi Reprimand: roomwide AoE
Wave 3: -- half/half fans here
EX * ThatOtherGuy tether Moonfall Meteors (immediately): OT, healer, DPS Nightfall (random? Gun?) -- seems to be usually Gun, but can also be Spear
Nightfall: pulls out a weapon + speech bubble Moon Switch (no attack) -- hold that thought (look at cresent on her back)
* also BIG raidwide damage throughout * SPRINT if needed.
(big text box is just tied to Nightfall in general, not to specific one) Zashiki-asobi = fans -- first is middle then ring
* meteor will land in your position. Take away from group and from Torment Unto Death -- tankbuster. Giant Cleave + debuff.
* "Beg for mercy" / Gun -- random DPS; all stack to share + Lunacy = Ahk Morn-type stack = stay in until all casts done
(moment to heal up) other meteors. Too close = explode + stacks on the party. -- Tank swap during the castbar; but do not move in front until cast finishes
* "Your end is near" / Spear -- 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 DPS (note: MT move out a bit sooner so she'll turn and lock on N. for next)
* Put on Markers. At least 1 **must be** on the crescent moon. (same as Susano)
-- stick 'em with the pointy end! (Dark or Bright) AND (Waxing or Waning) -- moon from earlier
Nightbloom Meteors become the color they land on. -- MT will be killed by next auto if they still have aggro
-- spread to your Trinity group; does not share damage, but does Torment Unto Death (tank swap)
* after Meteors drop, MAKE SURE you get at least 1 stack from the
ensure that no one is hit by more than one Zashiki-asobi = fans -- two sections
(Note: aggro does not reset here, but it does continue to build crescent. You need at least 1 stack of the crescent color to survive Repeat from top until before Reprimand (no 2nd fan/Nightfall/tank swap)
-- wait until all 3 have gone out to move again + Hagetsu -- 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 DPS all hit (splash), so spread
during the add phase. So tanks be ready with aggro combos if the next part.
needed; OT, possible Shirk; DPS/healers, be ready to dump aggro if * after explosion, Midnight Rain = the whole floor = the big side.
Nightbloom: heavy roomwide AoE (80%)
(repeat from first Reprimand. Instead of last fans, Lunacy = Enrage.)

info Garula phase tips Victory

Healing skills do not work. The "shield" of TBN and Divine Benison
Note: This fight can be done with 4 tanks, or 3 tanks+1 healer. still work. (Can still Deploy off fairy, though.)
Makes it super simple.
Carve the scales!
* Tank strat: take Fireballs solo; pop mitigation; use potions as
4-man trial * EX gives 1 +scale and 4 normal scales
Similar to normal mode: Garula + riding Rathalos needed.
* mount is 50 +scales
* watch his animations to know his attacks -- if 1 healer, group stack with them to share damage
drops 1
Rathalos EX +scale & 4
* left front leg generally safe * 1 person on Rathalos for Active Time Manuever
small chance for a chest:
* Healing works fine in this phase * tank Garula turned away; huge cleave * Stay on his tail-side. His charge does Poison DoT (high damage
normal * always contains music scroll
* tank the coeurl, probably, or at least hang out near it to dodge * hide behind the body ticks)
scales * chance for minion
* small chance for mount
Different: * Attacks (not just damage done) increase the "Down" meter, so
* 3 KOs total in party = Fail. even if you're away from the boss to dodge, use a ranged attack to
increase it

Phase 1 Intermission Phase 2 Phase 2 (cont.) Phase 2 (cont.)

Each DPS assigned a direction for feathers (some do cardinal; some Runes:
Incandescent Interlude (meteors) + Ruthless Refrain (knockback)
do intercardinal to also denote which bird).ost groups also do * arena divided into 4 zones (different colors, different glyphs)
* 4 meteors + 4 marks. Meteors must be soaked by NON-marked players
Clockwise from there, as feathers can spawn cardinal or inter. * 2 lines of 8 glyphs lined up. Bird will move through the lines; related quadrant
* boss will knock you back into meteor so pre-position for that (or can position
w/ anti-knockback). Use Feather positions.
Tanks/healer each also pick a direction. Help with feather/bird; Suzaku burns out the center of the arena. Don't fall in. * Two patterns: 1234-1234 and 1234-4321
also for meteors later. * Two possible exploding patterns: around or cross (e.g., N > S > E > W)
* note: runes from here may go counter-clockwise. Pay attention.
Southron Star -- roomwide AoE.
Well of Flame + Runes (4)
Screams of the Damned -- roomwide AoE. Push/Pull
Close-quarter Crescendo (arrow orbs) + Runes (4)
Suzaku jumps shortly, RIP openers. Push/Pull: Visual Guide
Eternal Flame: DDR Time!! * try to start in the 3rd or 4th and run toward the 1st or 2nd
* Mesmerizing Melody: pulls you in toward the center. Close-quarter Crescendo: (not me):
Rout * Ruthless Refrain: pushs you toward the edge. * everyone tethered to an orb. Orb has an arrow. You will run the direction the https://docs.
Spread to feather positions. Everyone gets a circle. Push/Pull + Runes (4)
* everyone marked with circle, plus Suzaku charge through middle. * adjust positioning as needed. Also anti-knockback work on both. arrow points for about half the distance of the arena. google.
Turn your character to face the same direction as your arrow. Phantom Flurry (tank swap) + Runes (4)
* Spread to edges at Feather positions, roughly. * Orb will float toward you. You can move around the arena to orient yourself com/presentation/
Suzaku EX * Plenty of room to spread and to scrunch in for charge. Well of Flame: better for the arrow. (I like to move so I'm running straight ahead with the arrow)
Southron Star
(On controller, I've found it helps to orient the camera top-down and
* Do NOT hit the dead birds. * column AoE at a player, plus 4 marked players then a stack on * DO NOT SPRINT to positions, else you'll still be sprinting when mindjacked... PufEdYbfoXz2LmL
with the arrows aligned up/down/left/right, instead of on diagonals) Push/Pull
healer. mePQkprgZ-
Well of Flame
Fleeting Summer: large conal AoE * avoid column, spread out, then stack in. Well of Flame fbIBs/edit#slide=id
Two sets of orbs: 3 in the first, and 7 in the second. Decently fast.
Cremate: magic-based tankbuster. Is ouch. * MT -- do not stack with group; point Suzaku away from group. Phantom Flurry (tank swap) .p
Phantom Flurry (tank swap)
Southron Star
Phoenix Down: Phantom Flurry: Push/Pull + Runes (first line)
* large + small feathers. DPS kill feather in their quadrant * tankbuster with Vuln. 180-degree cleave + knockback afterward. Southron Star
(heals/tanks help). Kill the SMALL feathers only to make safe spots. * Swap on cast; everyone stay behind until the cleave. Runes (second line)
Southron Star
* DPS marked again. Hit the closest dead bird with it.
Phantom Flurry
* bird tethers to DPS. Drag to safe spot. Kill it. Phantom Flurry (tank swap)
depending on DPS, may be another double 8-rune set here
Screams of the Damned, then shortly jump to middle. Southron Star
Enrage (four same-colored tiles + line of sameorbs + long Southron Star cast)

Phase 1 Phase 2 (Adds) Phase 3 Phase 3 (cont.) Phase 3 (cont.)

Summon Shiki again + Seiryu
Markers: intercardinal (NW, NE, SE, SW) Jump: now does both back to back, in order that he shows them
Camera will be spun around; use mini-map to position. Sprint-swim * Ogre jumps + Seiryu Jump (both in/out) + tank tethers
* assign 1 tank/healer + 1 DPS to each = Serpent Ascending Summon Shiki:
back to center; avoid cones. -- please bait to the middle. please.
* 1 & 2: E and W of center = Forbidden Arts + tank tethers * red wheel (horns): get CLOSE (knockback) & point away from group Kuji-Kiri: Cross-hatch AoEs: does 1, then does another to fill in the blanks
* wheels
-- everyone on xE intercardinal is 1; everyone on xW is 2 (practice for final phase) + Jump again
Tank in middle as much as possible. SnekBoi not always cooperative. -- red = knockback, so watch edges (water is BAD)
* blue wheel: get FAR and everyone else stack (go S.)
-- MT = take Seiryu S for stack tether
Fifth Element = raidwide Serpent Ascending: (similar to Suzaku's meteors)
Sneks IMMEDIATELY. Get to their side of the arena (don't have to go * ground AoEs + player markers + cross AoEs + SC boss slams (lots)
* tethers + line AoEs 1. all stack center to cluster ground AoEs
to edge, though it helps if MT does so boss stays center after). * Sneks + SC boss knockback
Jump: horizontal image above the ground (note: no indicators now -- get back to middle; this helps point tethers so they're easy to get 2. 4 markers (either tanks/healers or DPS). Spread out. (Do not hit unmarked.)
* look either E or W. Sneks? Get over there. No Sneks? Get on other * Jump + SC boss slams
for the range). I like to tank him where he jumps. -- tanks go E/W between lines to intercept tether; take it to the 3. Unmarked players stand in the circles at the edges/markers (towers)
side. * Sneks + SC boss knockback + FORBIDDEN ARTS (healer stacks)
* dragon: get in ("drag in") edge and point away after lines hit, and USE COOLDOWNS
Seiryu EX * yin/yang: get out -- tanks: for the NE/SW or SE/NW ogres -- stand between the lines Forbidden Arts: still hits twice BUT now you cannot be hit twice
Swallow's Compass (SC) boss. Always alternates sides. Fifth Element
* NOTE: Jump is always to the furthest person, so can be baited closest to your ogre to better intercept tether + closer to wall * targets healers for each hit, so split the group to each healer (ground marks 1
Cursekeeper (double)
and 2)
Sneks + SC boss middle knockback -- handle the same as if Sneks
Cursekeeper: followed by tankbuster -- swap during cast (keeps * big & small adds * useful to mark healers as 1 and 2 as well (helps with on-the-fly adjusting)
alone; just don't hang out in center target zone (else dead) Fifth Element
same target for curse) -- explode on death for raidwide, so stagger kills for heals * Seiryu will not always be back at center for this, so adjust
* if cursed tank takes ANY damage, that damage is reflected out to -- smalls, large, smalls, large, etc.
Forbidden Arts -- stack marker. Hits twice. (Only bebe Ahk Morn, Serpent Ascending
the raid, aka, WIPE. Must swap so that buster hits other tank. -- large adds have Stoneskin. Silence this (tanks take Interject) Cursekeeper: now a back-to-back tank swap (so swap on cast, take buster, swap
cuz is not a dragon) cross-AoEs
* tankbuster is an AOE. (former tank = avoid that! Tanks can -- (tanks seems to just grab all of these with no priority, though back on cast, take buster)
Fifth Element
position to NE and NW of boss; is far enough. Do not need to run sometimes they'll call out a Silence order...) * remember that buster is an AoE
Blazing Arimatama = Seiryu's attacks are all doubled now
off to the Hinterlands. Stay here. Is cool, bro.) * can still do the NE/NW positions, and just wait there until everything resolves
Fifth Element x3 -- 3rd time (long cast) is ENRAGE
SB Raid Omega Normal/Story Raid
Deltascape: Omega 1-4 (O1-O4)
* Talk to Wedge in Rhalgr's Reach
* Complete each floor to unlock the next
Notes Notes Upgrade
iLevel: i295 Body 4x Shaft O4
Tomes: Legs 4x Spring O3, O4
* does not drop gear Head 2x Lens O2, O3
* instead, drops tokens in chests that the party lots on Hands 2x Crank O3, O4
Gear Dropped: * use tokens to buy gear Belt 1x Chain O1
* tokens are uncapped now, as is the weekly Crystalloid Feet 2x Pedal O1, O2
Once unlocked, Omega Normal/Story can be queued in the Duty Finder Accessories 1x Bolt O1, O2

V1.0 Loot
Clamp -- column AoE marker at MT
O1 Twin Bolt:
* tank buster + tethers to & hits player nearest to MT (OT... move)
Lightning AoEs -- move away, though seems to be enough time after other
* Feet Charybdis -- reduces all HP to 1.
* Waist Fire orbs -- orbs grow then explode. Don't stand near. * uses Roar (raidwide AoE) shortly after -- will kill anyone not
* Accessories healed up
Stack marker -- during ice, then hits soon after; try to be near
Downburst -- knocks all players and orbs to edges
Breath Wing -- can either stand on boss or in center
Classical Elements -- teleports to center

V2.0 Loot
Evil Sphere -- tankbuster
Antilight -- summons orbs (top and/or bottom) -- orbs cause
Duty Action -- Anti-gravity -- levitate until boss pulls you down with Gravitation Manipulation -- boss Levitates a player + stack marker
petrify if hit by them
100Gs * Levitate to stack with them
* pattern with top AND bottom
* Feet * use to avoid attacks
-- big overlapping pattern -- small safe spot in center (couple of
* Head * Earthquake -- Levitate Maniacal Probe -- vines + eyeballs
safe spots on edges, too)
* Accessories * ground turns blue/purple (either from orbs or from sinking) -- * wait until an eye disappears, then run to the open area and hug the wall
-- line down middle -- safe spots on edges
* top first, then bottom + sinking
* yellow/white orbs -- do NOT levitate Demon's Eye -- gaze attack + petrify
-- wait for top to explode, then Levitate (~6-7s left on sinking)
Gravitational Wave -- interrupts casting

V3.0 Loot
Diagonal Tiles
O3 Boss from Haukke Hard... not the same, though
* pull boss to one corner
* Add -- OT pick up and take to opposite corner
AoEs and stuff -- avoid/handle/etc Dark Piece
* avoid AoEs
* places markers on the board
* remaining floor tiles will explodes with spires/damage
Ribbit * either does a big circle or does an overlaping line pattern
* Mindjack -- forces you to run (Sirensong Sea final boss) -- try to stay on safe
* faces a direction and casts; no AoE marker; turns you into a frog
* Legs panels
* avoid usually Forced March/Face Left/Face Right
* Head
* Get hit with it when the floor tiles are frogs, then stand on tiles * makes you move in that direction based on your current facing
* Hands Aetherial Tear
* don't be on tile if not frog * plus AoEs/stuff, so try to pre-position
* get sucked in (don't need buffs up)
* Puzzle time! Each current takes you in a specific direction -- slide between
Role Tiles Apparently does have an Enrage timer, though very long into the
islands to the other Tear to get back out
* turns 4 floor tiles into the Tank, Healer, and 2 DPS fight
* seems to be a time limit, which kills you if you're not out
* stand on the tile that matches your role
* AGGRO RESETS after the puzzle
* don't be on tile if frog, though
* doing the puzzle fast/correct gets you a damage up + haste buff

V4.0 Loot
His attacks have the same names, but change depending on if he's
O4 channeling from the Void
Vacuum wave
Very useful to move him away from North so you can see the Void
* knockback
channeling better
Holy Black Hole
* follows Vacuum wave -- stack * don't touch (like 2nd boss of Vault)
Doom -- esuna
** WALLS FALL OFF -- YOU CAN FALL NOW ** Watch out for Vaccum wave here -- stand in center (avoid Black
* Body Blizzard III
* Legs * normal -- AoE circles
Center -- proximity marker
* Hands * Void -- move during the cast, else frozen + vuln
* get away (gives Bleed) Head + tentacles
* minion
* head spawns -- get away from its front (confuse) * find the missing piece and stand near the edge
Fire III
* head will always spawn facing you, so move
* normal -- marks
Flare -- 3 "get away" markers
* Void -- Pyretic on all; stop moving
* spread out Apparently does have an Enrage timer, though very long into the
Thunder III
Meteor -- roomwide AoE
* normal -- stack on tank; swap at 2 (esp. because of vuln stacks)
* Void -- GIANT circle around boss + paralysis + vuln

Sigmascape: O5-O8
Unlocking Unlocking
Same tokens drop from the same floors as in 1-4.
* Complete Omega Normal 4.
Tokens are 1/floor. Tokens are unlocked now.
* Talk to Jessie in Rhalgr's Reach
Crystalloid is still 1/week.

* crosshairs indicate light puddles incoming; like Ala Mhigo second boss,
will follow you briefly before locking in place
* Feet * drop puddles on ghosts (or drag ghosts into them, if tethered)
* Fight mass of adds while dodging marks
O5 * Waist
* Accessories
* if you get grabbed, ghosts take you, solo, to a train car; kill, then
click the light to return
* Stand in the light circle to jump. Kill the chimney.
* ghost army -- hug a ghost!

* "Line up here!" marker -- line up there

* avoid the ghosts that wander across

Duty Action -- use on top of the floor painting that corresponds to the
one he's tethering to
Then he tries to confuse you by doing more than 1 at once. Just... paint-by-
Fire painting -- everyone use on water floor painting for buff * targeted -- will poop small AoEs
* Feet number, i.e., do all the necessary ones.
Rock painting -- everyone use on (what is it?) floor painting to get a * tethered (Wind painting) -- run FAR until tether changes colors
O6 * Head
* Accessories
mini-airship (dismount with mount hotbar when done)
* do Fire painting buff first, and have someone do the 1-person ones first
(or, until the arrows get small/looks more like a string than so
Water painting -- 1 person use on painting to spawn a rock; stand spiky)
Also, random auto-attacks go on the OFF-TANK. So heal us, please.
behind (opposite from painting)
Wind painting -- 1 person use to turn into (spoiler). Blast the things
away to make a safe spot (Bray HM final boss).

THIS GUY. Arm and Hammer -- tankbuster

Helps to tank him to one side, so both the MT and the raid can see the Bombs with wire -- step across the glowing side's wires to defuse. (Checkmark
upcoming mechanics on the screen. The order of 1-4 is random in each over your head [Bardam's Mettle 2nd boss] when right.)
* Legs
O7 * Head
* Hands
Boss from Gubal Normal -- same mechanic: 3 people on each platform **at the
First the boss does a set of mechanics, then he actually summons the same time** to block. Else, adds and pain.
boss that they come from as an add. (OT pick up adds.)
Shockwave (when Dadaluma is on deck) -- big knockback; get a corner behind
Wall's aren't death, but they are bad. Don't touch. you or otherwise lots of space so you don't hit a wall

SB Raid Omega Normal/Story Raid
Question Mark on a mechanic -- Nero is telling you this is a lie. So do
Graven Image -- the statue will cast it. Changes throughout the fight based on
the opposite, or marked area is opposite.
what "level" of the statue showing. Also he gives text announcement for each
phase change:
* Body Timely Teleport -- run to the edge where he's going. If he's casting
* big orb around the arena = knockback from there (also it can switch sides!)
O8 * Legs
* Hands
when he emerges, get in front (knockback). If he's not, stay behind.
* orb on one side of the statue = don't be on that side (Hashmal glowy arm)
* eye on the statue:
Hyper Drive -- tankbuster
-- question mark = look at it
-- no question mark = gaze attack so look away
Aero(something) -- knockback; don't be on the edge

Alphascape: O9-O12
Unlocking Unlocking
* Complete Omega Normal 8.
Same tokens drop from the same floors as in 1-4.
* Talk to Jessie in Rhalgr's Reach

* Tank buster: Chaotic Dispersion
Tsunami * Latitudinal/Longitdinal Implosion
* Damning Edict * Blaze: safe spot in center. Spread markers.
* boss has 1 of 2 orders for the entire fight, separated by the
* Tsunami: avoid the water. Stack markers. * double stack markers TWICE, then AoEs. Columns AoEs.
transition: Tsunami or Blaze
* Feet * "get away" on healers: get away from group; AoEs on the spots where healers * Cyclone: draw a straight line from the center of the arena to a
* first attack tells you which path he's going first
O9 * Waist
* Accessories
are hit corner. Stand at the edge of the AoE along that line. Will knock
* Fiendish Orbs: tether to random players; tank can intercept/block to soak you back from center; that gives enough room.
* Transition: Bowels of Agony (!!!)
(cooldown) * "get away" on healers: get away from group; AoEs on the spots
-- destroy crystal
* Earthquake: avoid south. Raidwide damage. Get on edge for knockback. where healers are hit
-- donut AoEs on tanks/healers
* double stack markers TWICE, then AoEs. Columns AoEs. * Fiendish Orbs: tether to random players; tank can
-- markers on DPS
intercept/block to soak (cooldown)

* Ahk Morn -- make a designated stack point (else people tend to run around
* Tank buster: Tail End * Exaflare (>>) AoEs: "march" across the arena. Watch out for
aimlessly and die)
Cauterize (giant half-zone dive) by boss at same time.
* Feet Which way to dodge??!
* ice circles -- grow. Try to set near edges, leaving lots of safe spots. Will
O10 * Head
* Accessories
* spins around twice = get OUT
* spins around once + up once = get IN
persist through dodging.
* Northern Cross = Thin Ice -- slide
* fireballs: straight line lattice AoE, then in the spaces
* spins up twice = get to inter-cardinal directions from the boss' * Ahk Rhal -- spread out -- splash damage incoming on DPS. Move
current position after it hits (does not chase)
* kill the "nails", then the dragon

* Tank buster: Mustard Bomb (ouch)
* He does the "Electric Slide"...! (aka, stack marker)
* Charging "Fist" Adds: target & use Duty Action
* circles -- spread. Will leave fire puddle.
* Flamethrower -- large AoE pattern * large fists -- do column over 1/3 platform; avoid
* Legs "Nail" phase:
O11 * Head
* Hands
* Starboard -- AoE is on his right side
* kill that add before "Force Quit" finishes
* must stand in a meteor circle to cleanse debuff
* Mustard Bomb -- still tankbuster.
* Larboard -- AoE is on his left side -- Now also has a tether to random player.
* stand in glowing thing; target the thing in the middle and click your button to
* HOWEVER : he flips 180 degrees (sometimes BEFORE the cast). Look -- Off Tank intercept and move far away. Does Paralyze on
for the orange face (for front) or watch the hitbox. explode.
* If he does one then the other, then the same side is safe TWICE

* Solar Ray -- tankbuster plus splash
* Passage of Arms + casting: kill M, then F before cast finishes (else die)
* Bladedance = HUGE tankbuster. Cooldowns and shields.
* M -- get OUT. Does a melee-range unmarked AOE right after speech. -- (some people have tried to say it can be dodged, but I've run
* Body * attack opposite color
* F -- get space behind you. Does a knock-back right after speech. across the platform behind mine and still been hit)
O12 * Legs
* Hands
* Both out -- initially they bop around and throw out attacks
* Cosmo Memory -- jump together one side + roomwide
* after both: 1 player with purple mark, one with stack * if one is killed first, other spams Laser Shower roomwide AoEs
* Now they have to be tanked apart. one tank each (opposite color from your
-- get on opposite sides of arena until down
debuff); separate them
-- find which one becomes F. Stack there for knockback.
SB Return to Ivalice
#1 The Royal City of Rabanastre
Quest chains starts in Kugane

Loot: Unlocked - gear & coin
Your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)
on the way Boss
Mateus the Jerk
* markers for A, B, C (point is north)
* HE CLEAVES. Do not point at the raid plsthx. Do not point at the N adds/puddle (that is:
turn him away now).
* Bubble phase: you can get through this with ZERO ADDS:
-- when the little bubble/orbs spawn on the ice path, run through to pop them (else they'll
become adds when Elsa skates through them. She follows the path from the center around.).
Only 1 or 2 stacks per person, though, and don't get hit by her (unless you want to build a
Boss #1 (nothing!) snowman)
-- 3 people stand in the "puddles"/water jets while DPSing the adds. They'll disappear.
Otherwise Elsa turns them into Blizzard IIIs, which have to be DPS'd down.
* Frog phase: when you're "Breathless", run into the big bubbles to take off the debuff.
-- when targeted with lines, do not overlap bubbles, else they pop and then you die.
* kill all adds asap
* tank snakes apart to break the tether (1 tank each). Snakes are stubborn at first, but will
move once Sprites comes out. Sprites will move to the tank.
* tethered orbs will shoot cones

Hashmal the Jerkier

* markers for A, B, C (point is south)
* kill adds asap with your party
* Control Towers -- will fall in a big column AoE and 1-shot. Watch for the direction they cut,
which will show you where they'll fall.
* when he teleports to E or W, look for his flaming arm and run to opposite side (like
Seeq bandits (so another new beast tribe!) + waves of chocobos Calofisteri's Haircut or Scathach's Scarf). He'll hit half the arena; big DoT, you die fast.
Boss #2 The treasure is a lie.
* Earthern Tower starts casting -- get away from it -- will land with a big proximity-based
* middle tower -- room will get giant cones dividing it into 3 parts.
-- Stay with your alliance. Stack marker incoming with the add; each alliance can take 1
-- Rotate as needed to avoid the AoEs.
-- kill the adds ASAP.
* golem adds. They grow & do more damage. Kill ASAP. Burn one first, and/or caster LB.

Rofocale (Roflcoptor)
* markers for A, B, C (point is north)
* Chariot -- orange marker over your head first.
-- Get CLOSE. He will charge to your position, then do an Ilberd-style AoE to one side of the
room. Get closer to the group so people can dodge. (Also, Group: stay close to him)
* Trample -- quick figure-8 zoomies
More Seeqs. Now with Chimeras (so please don't stack them, -- open spots at his flanks and front/back.
because melee can't see the cast bars on the one they're not -- the marker appears/dissappears FAST, but there is time to get into position (for
hitting). sides/back)
Boss #3 * Crush Helm -- tankbuster
Garamsythe Waterway sluice puzzle! (okay, so there's not really a * Crush Weapon -- targeted AoEs on DPS
"puzzle", but still.) * "Rush" -- he jumps to edges with clones. Giant column AoEs. Safe spots to the sides.
* Adds -- like Cloud of Darkness adds -- walls will go up. Each alliance kill their add.
-- boss has zoomies again. Comes through the walls, too, so stack toward middle.
* Ultimate: it's a CHARGE through the middle. So, watch him, then move outta the way.
(Taking it to the face hurts!)
* avoid Embrace circles (traps)
* floor covered in darkness -- click the circles to dispel them (not just stand in them)
* Crush Helm/Weapon from previous; also point-blank AoE
* uses Thordan's "pizza" AoE
* stand in meteors
* kill adds
* True God (white mask/blue eyes) vs False God (black mask/red eyes):
-- do what the True God says (look away or "flee" = keep moving)
-- do the OPPOSITE of what the False God says (don't look away or don't "flee" = stand still &
don't attack)
Boss #4 -- swords count down to moment the mechanic "checks"
* marked with weird cross thingy -- gonna poop out a Lakshmi-esque big cross AoE; put in
middle so corners are safe
-- when there are multiple of these + proximity marker, these explode before the proximity
marker, so plenty of time.
* Room-wide AoE with small safe circle -- get there!
-- (you can survive with Hallowed. Probably LD, too.)
* The Spinning Hand -- when you push your movement buttons, you'll go in the direction the
hand is pointing at that moment. This makes navigating a real pain.

The Ridorana Lighthouse

Quest chains starts in Kugane
SB Return to Ivalice
Loot: Once weekly: Coin Auto-drops on 1st clear. This coin + Rab coin needed to upgrade Mendacity gear.
Once weekly: Gear piece You can run as many times as it takes to get the gear you want.
Your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)

* haha, Tide Pod. Ouch, tank buster. Don't eat it.
* Water IV -- roomwide AoE
* small adds = kill 'em
* he pulls water from one direction, then blasts that SAME sector with knockback + damaging
Boss #1 (none) * Briny Cannoade - mark on you; spread out; don't overlap
* Dark Rain -- mark on you; "chasing" mechanic; keep moving until it's done
* Big ("Dark Rain") adds -- should mark spots (N, SW, SE) for tanks to pick up
-- Stay with your group! Doritos marks = STACK TOGETHER. (marks also show up later)
* stand on his flanks when he's filling his water jug so you can dodge
* Tsunami -- big flood + knockback
* avoid water spouts

* Fire -- tank buster; Fire IV -- roomwide AOE
* Time Eruption: clock faces on ground:
-- spins fast = explodes first
-- stand in a slow clock, then move to the open spot
* "nails" + tether on healers
I love the FF12 touches -- run away from nail
-- other players: avoid touching the tether (gives STOP)
Boss #2 kill the trash * Eruption -- "chasing" damage; run away from group
* "clock" meteors: run into the circle to move the hand around. Where it's facing when the
meteor hits is where the AoE will go (one whole square). Don't point it at the raid.
* When Belias clones and jumps to a corner.
-- Look for (>>) on ground. Each clone will dash from the corner to one of those, then dash in
the direction it points.
-- don't be in the path
* Adds (N/SW/SE): separate them.

Construct 7
* Destroy -- tankbuster; Incinerate -- roomwide AoE
* stack marker -- stack, duh; other markers -- move away
* Pulverize -- pointblank AoE (ruined ground kind of look)
* Dispose -- spinning Cone AoE. Seems like you can run directly across his hitbox to avoid.
Two waves. * boss jumps and lands along one back edge:
-- avoid his lane (1/3 of the arena); avoid Cogs areas
After "Defensive Protocols" finishes, they can move, so tank 'em. -- pulsing AoE from center; stay away
Second group has a cleave as well. * Add phase. Separate platforms with SEPARATE MECHANICS per Alliance:
-- Alliance A: tank add on the edge. Get apart from tether partner.
Boss #3 -- Alliance B: avoid missiles.
Some of them tether to things along the wall. Kill the thing on the -- Alliance C: if Dice counting down over your head, STOP EVERYTHING
wall first. =====================================================
-- unsure if the tether needs to be stretched? MATH TIME!!
1. Subtract = Your HP will be reduced to single digits (1-9). Look at your number.
2. Circles will add their number to yours. (No circle is also a valid answer.)
3. Boss casts:
-- Divide by Three/Four/Five = your sum of 1+2 above = a multiple of the "divide by" #
(e.g., "by Three", so your HP + a circle = 3, 6, 9, 12)
-- Indivisible = Prime number = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, or 13

The boss!!
* Rake -- tankbuster (cleave); Dust Storm -- roomwide AoE
* White Breath -- only melee range is safe
* Magnetic Lysis -- field is half +, half -. You are marked with + or -.
-- stand on opposite side from your mark to be drawn to the ground (else you float and take
more damage + stacks from attacks)
Boss #4 None. * Rake + Charge -- (>>) circles indicate direction. Don't stand in the way. Arrows around him
show which direction (right/left) he'll turn.
* Small adds = kill. They tether to and cast on a random player; cast is a column AoE, so bait
away from the group.
* Cyclone -- spins you all around the circle, blergh.
* Big Adds -- NW/NE/S (so opposite of everything else)
* Heart of the Dragon -- kill it

The Orbonne Monastary

Loot: Once weekly: Coin, Cluster Auto-drop on first clear (beating final boss) each week.
You can win ONE piece of gear per week. You can run as many times as it takes to get that
Once weekly: gear
piece, though.

Your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
SB Return to Ivalice
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)

(Name left blank for spoilers)

* he tethers to 2 types of mechs:
-- constructs along the edges: they will do a big column across the whole field; try to
position in what will be the open areas
Boss #1 little bit of trash -- floaty ones on the field: they will hit a quarter square of the arena (either diagonal from
each other or one whole half); don't be there
* Weak Point: the OPEN side is your DEFENSIVE side. Position that toward him. (Seems a bit
finicky; I'd have it "right" sometimes and still get dead. Maybe there's a point at which it
"locks" in? More deaths, er, runs, needed))

(Name left blank for spoilers)

* Run into the circles to collect Duty Actions:
-- The Shield Duty Action is a mini Passage of Arms, so face the boss and use it to block her
Boss #2 charged attacks.
-- The Sword Duty Action is used against the ghosts that have a shield.
* Ghost part: kill them ASAP and before they reach the center
* When people get "frozen" with AoEs pointed at them, kill the target to break them out

(Name left blank for spoilers)

* so big....
* markers! Party mostly stack in the small "connection" section between the big circle
* early: voice line, then drops everyone's HP to 1 + DOOM. Must heal to max. (Happens at
least once later, as well.)
* OTs get auto'd this whole fight, sometimes HARD. Watch that, healers.
* Watch where his swords go:
-- if they're hovering over three of the big circles, he's going to smack that whole circle, so
get in the other (seems to overlap the "connection" area, too, so MOVE)
* circles on the ground with circles inside: Gubal NM boss. Need -- if he plunges 2 (maybe all 3; I was watching the front two) into the ground in front of him,
Boss #3 #people = #smallCircles to be stacked in at the same time. (Don't
just sprint through. STAND until it deactivates.)
he'll do an melee spin, so get in a circle and toward the back
-- if he holds the swords angled, he'll do an outside spin, so move into a circle and get smack
up against the barrier next to him
-- if he points at big circles one at a time, he'll stab circles in that sequence
* Marker + giant circle on your head: move to a big circle + back to drop it. Party can move
to other circle.
-- later there will be 2 per party: 1 left and 1 right; party in a circle and forward.
* Marker + small circle: going to get hit + chased. It's FAST. It also chases directly toward you
from point to point, so if you try to loop around, it will cut over to you now and zap you.
Need to run straight as much as possible.
* small circles appear right up close to him: tank/healers left, DPS right. Stack in the circle.
* tethers: tanks should NOT take; DPS pick up and move away.

(Name left blank for spoilers)

* Drops crystals on the floor. They'll do cross-column AoEs. Find safe spot.
* Summons a Lucavi. One mechanic from their own boss fights.
* ULTIMATE: constant damage going out; healers keep HoTs/heals going. Then AFTER the
Ultimate, even when there's nothing to hit (?), there's a period of just... damage over time?
So keep healing.
Boss #4 * CHECKPOINT. Thank goodness.
* Lucavi vomit phase: summons ALL THE THINGS AT ONCE. The important one to watch for is
Hashmal with his half-arena burning cleave... while dodging all the other things, of course.
* meteor circles -- DPS stand in them.
* tethered add -- Tank take it.
* Crystals again + "slide east/west" (+ other column AoEs). Find safe spot.
* "Maze" -- run through, avoid AoEs, reach boss, avoid AoEs; take "get away" marker away.
ARR Duty Roulette: Leveling
Dungeons Lv general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss general Fourth Boss
* kill one of the adds in the
When the grates "bubble", click to shut
room to get the key
* find the Note for the color to * coral that matches color in note, * some Adds (stops adds). Best to assign a grate to
* open the door, kill the mini-
spawn the boss then lever * he runs at 50%; fight him again later (so each person.
Sastasha 15
* clams spawn adds (so kill clams; * if wrong color, adds spawn first
boss for the next key
technically he's a 2nd AND 3rd boss)
nothing special
* lots of small side rooms, but
can only damage when open) * boss -- small AoE: avoid * second time, more adds at end (most groups just burn through these
nothing special beyond

Tam-tara * run past the 3rd boss area to * when imps spawn with "ropes" to him, kill
16 nothing special * kill all, then boss spawns nothing special * kill all, then boss spawns the room with the key kill all, then boss spawns them first (boss invulnerable then)
Deepcroft * a slightly-harder pull here * other adds
* Boss can't be killed as is. Pull the lever
to spawn a bomb. DO NOT KILL THE * boss will smash walls to spawn adds;
BOMB. Pull the bomb next to the boss adds will then smash walls to add more
Copperbell 17 nothing special * waves of mobs first, then boss spawns
randoms pop out of walls, until the bomb explodes.
nothing special
Mines yay... * DPS on the left platform for adds. * Either -- beat on boss only (if you
* Repeat until boss is a bunch of little have good DPS/heals), else DPS kill
blobs that will take damage. adds until boss is low enough to focus
* this is a boring fight
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Ifrit more Eruptions, also large
will cast small Eruption spells Infernal Nail -- destroy the Nail at all
(The Bowl 20
(AoE) on the ground costs, else you will die
ground AoE ("Plumes" --
outside, then inside)
of Embers)
* avoid flaming floor; Boss invulnerable
* keep boss near ramp; at some point * bombs
* wisp adds will go to bonfire and * must pull all chain winches * tank near door to pick up Fire
* bombs do a suicide blast, which he'll run away & electrify the water * the suspicious chest in the
Halatali 20
is a one-shot KO
cause room-wide AoE -- spawn either chest or adds
(twice) middle of the big circle is
Sprites, which must be killed to
* can kill adds or just heal through * bombs remove flaming floor
* wait for adds on ramp suspicious
* Boss starts punting later
* wisp adds go to Boss and AoE
* clear the pods first
watch for walls that suck you in;
Thousand if party is separated, break the
* Pods spawn/explode on players (run
Maws of 24 wall first poison same as before poison, plus adds Fleshy Pods -- kill with ranged
* Adds x2 waves
Toto-rak Pick up all the Magitek Photocells
* wait for his tail to break off; kill tail
(avoid poison floor), then boss
* turn off the lamps when they glow. Assign
everyone a lamp.
* Steward -- does AoE (stunnable) Boss can be stunned so Tank can
Haukke * similar to Maidservants * chest down the hallway with * Tank - run behind the boss on "Thunder III"
Manor Maidservants -- immediate * Jester -- weaker (most groups like to get lamp. Though it's super great
28 * spits AoEs at random people * patrolling Maidservants slightly harder mobs but usually runs away at 50% and "Fire III" to avoid them
Manor AoE -- stun/avoid (does Fear) take him out first, but tanks should when a DPS takes the tank lamp
* frontal cleave a decent drop * bomb adds have suicide blast (watch out!)
watch the Steward to stun him) (hint, hint)
* Steward add will Stoneskin boss so kill him
* NPC pulls emnity, so get it back when * poison, poison, poison.
possible. Also tries to "hide" behind party * acid puddles take your health and restore
* frontal cone, poison, + LOTS of adds
Brayflox's * save the goblins (time limit member, which turns frontal cones at * drops bubbles on party members; miniboss to side boss' health; keep yourself AND boss out of
* nothing special * tank boss near back gate to easily
32 on each); each one saved you. Jerk. skippable mobs destroy bubbles with (generally) them. Targets party member.
Longstop * talk to the goblin for the key pick up adds
gives loot * can Sleep the Boss when the Add comes * kill 1st boss, then 2nd boss spawns good loot * best if heal/range stay close together/
in; should have enough time to kill Add behind boss to leave as small a "trail" of
before Boss wakes up puddles as possible
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
* don't fall off!
* Leap -- run to the edge of the
red circle (not ON it or OUT of it)
Titan and face the center * ground AoEs
Titan's Heart -- destroy the Heart at all
34 * Landslide -- will knock you off; * landslide
(The Navel) costs, else you will die
dodge out. If you can't dodge run * rock gaols
towards him (it might help).
* rock gaols on random members;
get them out
* stones (starting from
* kill stones on top of floor panels (OLD AND NEW will spawn
entrance, looking down room)
until killed correctly)
* KILL THE BEES! (Stun Final Sting * KILL THE BEES (or let Titan take them ** L1 - helm
* kill the Soulstone first, then can attack ** kinda finicky on the placement sometimes can either have tank take boss to panel and
Sunken forever.) on). Stun Final Sting.
* kill stones on top of floor the boss
** R1 - gem
position stones, or have healer near panel
* collect all 4 relics * Doom -- run on lit panels to remove ** L2 - flame
Temple of 35
* if you kill the Facer, you get (the panel may change at the same
panels * boss will randomly chase a party
** R2 - fruit
* kill the verges. They shoot lasers, pew-pew. (b/c stones will target them first) and let
* watch rear cones member; kite until he calms down (tank * Verges with black ground stuff will get walls and then one DPS take out the stones. Requires an
Qarn another piece of loot (several time you land on it, so ALWAYS check
never actually loses aggro) explode, so either go inside black stuff to kill or move away. intelligent healer.
chances to get him) your Status) * balance: left = flames; right =
* later two black verges will spawn at once; at that point
fruit; get this right for treasure
you can probably take out one & just dodge lasers
* kill the first big add (heals the boss)
* kill the second big add (hits hard) * violet eyes -- stack on boss
* kill the visible enemies; spawns * floor AoE
* Kite option -- have healer kite adds * blue eyes -- get to range (AoE does
Cutter's Cry 38 a second set
while everyone else focuses boss
* avoid sand traps * whirlpool -- run to edges * avoid geysers
* avoid sand traps
(Scholars: place fairy by tank while you * orb -- kite until it disappears
* when he runs away, follow and hide
behind him * lots o' debuffs
* sometimes he "runs" to the spot he's * avoid dragon blast in main * Add spawns at the window; use cannons * avoid ice ground effects
* Seemingly "clear" hallways
* avoid dragon blast in main hall already in... So if he turns around or hall to hit it * watch for massive 1/3-zone ice blast
Stone Vigil 41
* dragon aevis #1 priority the tank seems to randomly lose aggro, * dragon aevis #1 priority * avoid whirlwinds
spawn HARD-hitting ice mobs
* can be hard to see AoEs b/c they're
* watch for patrolling aevis
he "ran" (so get behind him). I prefer * watch for patrolling aevis * tank boss at the door white and the ground is white... Best
to always pull back to the center as to stand at the 1/3s of the arena
tank, so it's clear when he runs
* eyeball slime, eww * exploding crystals * destroy crystal he links to (3x)
* stand in purple zones * Patrolling frogs * adds spawn on ledges & throw rocks * crystals have AoE, too
* stand in purple zones (protects you
Dzemael * can pull all the things to the last * frog's AoE can knock you off (can't attack) * boss targets 1 player with *3* AoEs
from slime, makes boss vulnerable)
44 purple zone & destroy the ledges, so position * rear cone! * watch for patrols joining pulls (run away from crystal/group!)
Darkhold * adds
* that one blob that hangs out in yourself accordingly * watch AoEs * floor AoEs
* zones move
the middle of the room -- Fluid * pull packs around corners to * Healer's nightmare * AoE healing gets intense in the last
Aura him into the pack drag floaters phase
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
* tank at back rock
* when she Shrieks, hide behind
* bye-bye, rocks :(
the rocks Note: This encounter often feels like
* don't stand in the clouds
Garuda * rocks take damage * when she teleports to center, try to
* First jump, get behind her
an unsually large difficulty leap from
(The * kill the adds ASAP (they damage stay out of line of sight while killing previous content. That's normal.
(nearest the rock).
44 rocks and/or serve as targets for adds
Howling * Second jump, get opposite
her spells) * again, her targeting spell damages an It may be helpful to get to Level 45
from the rock (as far from her
Eye) * stand away from pillars; her area/rocks
as possible)
and get your Job ability and Artifact
targeting spell damages an area, Armor first.
* kill adds
so will hit rocks if you're standing
next to them.
* no red zones for AoEs
* chest with Morbol seedling
* Eye of the Beholder ("takes a moment * same debuff as earlier boss, but not
to reconsider") -- room-wide AoE -- stack as deadly; can wait to 3-4 stacks to eat
* mini-boss Morbols
* avoid glowing yellow areas on boss -- can stun fruit
*stackable debuff -- at 2 stacks, eat * Fruits spawn into Seedlings;
* avoid geysers * has a one-shot KO (1000-tonze SWING * eat fruit to take off Morbol debuffs,
Aurum Vale 47
* jellyfish patrols; long-range
the fruit (it respawns). Assign everyone can kill before they do (or
(2-handed)) -- interrupt! or run away.
* 2 more Morbols & seedlings
a fruit. leave to hatch for TONS of
flowers * has a hard frontal cone (100-tonze * fruit around her turns into to Adds
bonus XP)
SWIPE (1-handed)) that aggro on healer, so destroy
* scorpions (banemites) hit
* Glower -- targets random player for quickly with AoEs.
like trucks
dmg/paralyze -- run sideways to avoid
HW Duty Roulette: Leveling
Dungeons Lv general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss
* marks a player, then stuns them. * Keep boss away from adds; they buff him * drag mobs out of winds. Or
* small packs * When the Whirlwind spawns in the middle,
Charge attack -- damage relative to * extra mobs in side rooms (e.g., SV HM) not; debuff isn't too bad.
Dusk Vigil 51 * larger lone ones that jump
your distance, so get far (inverse of AK that will spawn & aggro * watch out for room-wide AoE with safe spot * area with adds that spawn in
run behind a pile of rubble (LoS the
down to you Whirlwind)
HM) near boss waves
* T6 got nerfed hard...
* No Blighted, though * can pull the adds on each * stack on red (spiky top) mark, spread on * T9 got nerfed hard...
* kill the larger plant things; * couple of groups
* if adds are devoured, boss gets big platform down the hill, blue (smooth top) -- marker is who he's gonna * meteor marks -- run to edge; get out and
Sohm Al 53 they spawn the smaller poison
damage stacks which will leave the dragon throw the blob at
* solo dragon
far away once mark disappears
ones * dragons + sprites + AoE city
* buuut current strat is ignore adds & and sprites at the top * kill the big add ASAP, else huge AoE damage * kill the Wings
burn the boss
* Eyes spawn on players and shoot conal AoE
* little dragons + sleeping
* let the add eat 1 cloud, and then kill (okay * kill "Sable Price" asap, else player dies
* can double-pull if the healer * drag lines to pillars dragon -- can pull little ones
The Aery 55
is good * kill add and skip the sleeping one, or
to eat 2, but kill quickly then). Else explodes * When he jumps, kill the adds and heal the
for huge damage. NPC. **THE NPC MUST LIVE**
do them all
* Then stack with the NPC in the bubble.
* avoid marching adds (like Qarn HM)
* bacon strips leave Tears behind on walls * last phase, 2 ground fire AoEs, before each
* can pull to first guy in
* don't touch the Tears (tether, bad things) set of marching adds -- try not to box
* he'll sometimes zigzag around the hallway (two will chase), then
* Faith Unmoving = knockback move yourself in
* adds aggro from far away on room, laying orbs behind him -- find poke past him to aggro couple * Priest -- summons four adds
The Vault 57
the first person through the safe place to camp more
* So, normally, bait bacon by standing
(cannot skip)
* run apart to break tethers. Have to run a
between boss and Tear, so they'll stack certain distance to break them; if start too
* marks/stuns/jumps to player * in second zone, can pull all,
* During Unmoving, position with no Tears far, no room to break. Easiest if healer +
if healer is good
behind you DPS stack in middle-ish, then run to corners.
* kill orbs asap
* marked = drop orbs away from other
* /comfort removes debuff players (and not on platforms!)
* kill all mobs to get ahead * kill add to get a tethered orb * # of lights on platform = # of players that
The Great * similar to AK * Page 64 -- tethers to a * only need to kill 1 add! need to simultaneously stand on it to lock it
* when it closes, run behind (there's a player, then shoots an * drag orb into the boss to make him -- if not locked, an add shows up. Adds hurt.
Gubal 59 * kill all mobs to get ahead
small part without ropes. Don't fall.) unmarked column attack at vulnerable again
* nothing fancy
-- 1 light = all platforms need to be touched
Library * ice floor/slide on the back side them; damage to anything in * don't drag orbs through green clouds -- 2 lights = half platforms
path. Aim it away from the * tank run into the green clouds to pop them -- 3 lights = 2 platforms
group. * melee -- burn Sprint if you have to. It's
worth it.
ARR Main Duty Roulette: Main Story
Story Level general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss general Fourth Boss Fifth Boss
can skip some enemies.
Cannon phase: * cannons again -- can start with * click on the marked pile to start loading the cannon
* Tanks pick up first 2 back cannons, so if they're * usually someone gives a countdown for cannons. One
groups while DPS destroyed you can move to front person to shoot with cannon gets enmity and it cannot be
Inconvenient cutscenes throughout * searchlights spawn adds if
* Adds circle behind to ones (or, if front were destroyed taken away; take boss to the center while the adds
Castrum (actually, they seem to have triggers; had you step in them
Adds * AoEs cannons and pew-pew. * Adds first) spawn/are killed; boss does NOT hit hard
a run where they popped in good places). * have to kill some adds for
Meridianum AoEs * burn boss instead of * Patrolling Colossus -- * burn boss instead of last add * Colossuses * 2-ish rounds with cannons, then next phase
drops which are needed to
last add drag it back to the * The Colossus in the last area
Yes, you will likely feel lost and useless in blow up the locations
cannons for pew-pew spawn late, so wait for them * AoEs -- Paralysis
these fights. Everyone else probably
* Another cannon area before leaving the cannons * pick up Adds, but can mostly ignore last Colossus (but
vastly overgears them and is just burning
in the back * airship watch his big AoE)
through everything.
most trash can be avoided, except those
cue a gazillion hours of cut
with keys * Interact with the terminal * not always-telegraphed AoE * don't hit boss until "Look to the Same boss, Pt2 ZOMG MORE
scenes & credits
before going down the attacks Light!" message; until then no * lasers again CUTSCENES
There is a huge
CANNOT SKIP CUTSCENES NOW. elevator * can stand in his zone (Bleeding damage, but do pull aggro * magitek things like SERIOUSLY??
* Adds w/ purple lines cutscene There is a huge cutscene Yay, main story is done!
Inconvenient cutscenes throughout * Get your magitek armor debuff while in there; cannot be * laser areas explode Qarn; destroy
punt their target into before/during this before/during this last sequence Congrats! (Now you just have
(actually, they seem to have triggers; had (empty suits along the way if Esuna'd; not terrible damage * Eye of storm - stack on boss * Meteor -- rippling lines (If you're * AoEs
Praetorium a run where they popped in good places).
you fall out of your suit; or
the lightning, so kill fight; you will NOT be
of fights; you will NOT be locked
* lots of ground AoEs on floor; move away new, your * minor punting
~100 main story quests before
fast locked out because out because you are already in Heavensward!)
just run far behind the * avoid arrow-thingy (a big glowing X * Plume dance -- inside/outside from center group will
* Boss punts, too you are already in the the arena.
Yes, you will likely feel lost and useless in group) that will slash forward across the then outside/inside, so try to * when he teleports to likely start
arena. Now go do the Hildibrand
these fights. Everyone else probably * suit has "pet" bar to do arena) -- but if your DPS is stand on the edge between the center -- destroy before fighting
quests. Dooo eeeet! Hilarity will
vastly overgears them and is just burning attacks awesome, you won't even see this sets final cast without you.)
through everything.
Duty Roulette: Trials
ARR Trials (see the end of the list for trials not in the Roulette)
iLevel Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6
* One boss -- MT up by top gate (has a HUGE AoE, so want to pull
as much away from the group as possible)
* OT/DPS picks up adds down at the bottom -- drop
Cape lv 50
exploding/fire persistent AoEs -- kill, then back to boss
part of Main Story questline

Currently: burn boss. What are mechanics?

* Same as boss in Cutter's Cry (easier here)
* can pull it out of cave -- up by the top tree, Dragon's Voice AoE
doesn't hit most of group b/c ground not level
* generally, stack on boss' back leg (melee) or as far away as
possible (ranged)
lv 50
D'horme * Dragon's Voice AoEs the whole zone except around boss (stack
part of Relic questline
Chimera on boss or be below the horizontal cast)
* Ram's Voice AoEs huge area around the boss -- STUN/SILENCE
THIS. Does Paralyze and DoT
* when you're marked, kite the ORBs until they explode
(preferably away from party)
* watch out for AoEs
* Triumverate -- splits damage over anyone it hits -- so can dual-
tank to split damage (or could just, ya know, avoid)
* Tail Swipe!
* Radiant Breath hits mid-range, so ranged stand FAR part of Relic questline
lv 50
* AoEs target players -- DO NOT STAND IN MIDDLE
Hydra * Wyvern Add -- OT pick up; DPS kill as fast as possible (buffs the EQUIP YOUR WEAPON BEFORE YOU GO IN!!!
boss) Cannot change once in.
* Fear Itself -- boss runs to the center; stack on boss to avoid
Fear (this is why you want the center clear)
* wyvern may spawn just before Fear, so pay attention

Battle on the lv 50
* Status ailment -- cannot Esuna -- run around/avoid * transition to the next platform with easy trash * 2 status ailments -- cannot Esuna -- run
Big Bridge Hildibrand
AoEs/attacks until it wears off. You'll see ;) * usually now -- pull it all to the final room and burn (boss around/avoid AoEs until it wears off. You'll see ;)
* AoEs doesn't appear until trash is dead) * AoEs
(Gilgamesh) sidestory

* If entire party falls off at once = lose

* but if only some fall off, can return to ring
* Typhon goes to middle and blows wind streams front and
back, AND spins (wind will knock you off)
* tank them apart (Typhon has front/back cones)
lv 50 * Ultros tank pull him out of the wind, else the bubbles will * tank them apart again
The Dragon's * make sure there's space in front of Ultros
be swept away * new AoEs to dodge
* Ultros will replenish Typhon's HP -- so hit T. first
Neck (Ultros) Hildibrand * DPS transformed again, collect bubbles, dodge AoEs * Typhon goes to middle -- stack on him, and then
* Ultros -- ability that transforms *all* DPS (and DPS only)
sidestory * Typhon stops wind and starts to glow -- DPS hit him again run back to the middle against the wind
* DPS run in front of Ultros to collect bubble stacks (also, dodge
* WAR can Holmgang if enough DPS die/can't stop Typhon (if
one person in ring, fight continues)
* Typhon goes to middle and glows -- DPS hit with the ability on
the pet bar (if transform back to self, you got it)

lv 50
Battle in the * burn Enkidu * burn the chains on Healers
* if turned into a chicken, jump in the whirlwinds * burn the dragon heads
Big Keep Hildibrand
* if tethered, run together * dodge the everything
* Eruption is stronger & can one-shot, so Interrupt
* Tank against the back side * 4 nails spawn -- black mage/summoner LB; destroy
(Interrupt 3, let 2 go through, repeat)
* Interrupt Eruption casts -- Interrupt 3, let 2 go through, repeat * nail dead, run to center during Hellfire for heals
The Bowl of * Rush -- jumps to random spot, then Rushes across; damage in
* Clones and Rush again
* watch plumes -- outside, inside, and new type:
Embers lv 50 path, so move (especially do not stand in the middle) -----
entire arena except near Ifrit, so everyone run there
* clones himself; all can Rush -- they go clockwise; run around
(Ifrit Hard) the edge towards the first one, then continue running * Farm method -- DPS is good, so no need to waste LB on
* Farm -- since LB not used on Nails, is up right after
* plumes outside, then inside (same as before) Nails; melee LB immediately after Hellfire
Erruption -- use

* Reckoning -- destroys rocks

The Howling * whirlwinds -- tank in NW corner between the lanes
* Eye of the Storm -- run to center
Eye lv 50
* starts same at Story Mode -- tank at rock, * Adds -- They buff/heal G -- OT takes add with Red line &
* Adds spawn again -- same cycle as Phase 2 until G
(Garuda jump/hide/Shriek/plumes point away from group; DPS burn Green Add first then Red
is dead
* whirlwinds rotate around center; tank pulls to open area
Hard) * Destroy the Satin Plume ASAP (puts you all to Sleep)
* Reckoning
* (can hit plumes to keep combos/GL going)
* Yes, this is synced. She's a chump now.
* tank Garuda south. Burn Garuda.
Novus Light * beat on her until she jumps
* jumps for sisters -- keep hitting G until sisters arrive
Farm Farm * Pop cooldowns, wait for her to land, continue DPSing What's a Phase 3? o.0
* if DPS is low, kill green sister; else OT or healer can hold
method * ignore plumes
* jump to center = follow & keep DPSing
* if sisters jump, pop cooldowns, keep going on G
* melee LB as soon as you have it

Cycle 1:
* Landslide > Stomp (Tumult) (repeat), then Jump
* Jump/GeoCrush -- stand by red zone (same as normal).
Platform gets smaller :(

Cycle 2:
* Plumes (Weight of the Land/AoEs) > Landslide > Stomp
(repeat), then Jump * Table Flip (Mountain Buster) > Stomp > Plumes >
Heart Phase:
* Jump/GeoCrush. Platform gets smaller again. >.< Bombs > Landslide > Table Flip > Plumes > Gaols >
* Destroy the Heart (same as normal mode) with the
* two options with plumes -- stack up to concentrate them (then Landslide (repeat)
addition of:
RUN!), or spread out to spread them out (you can survive 1, but ** Table Flip/Mountain Buster: big hitter (3-4.5k) --
** Rock Gaol - break this one out
The Navel not 2) keep the Tank topped off & Stoneskinned
** then Landslide > Plumes > Stomp, then
lv 50 ** Bombs -- 3 rows of 3 -- stand first in last outside
(Titan Hard) ** Rock Gaol - do not break this one out until Heart is dead
Cycle 3: row to spawn (at one end; try to stand close to only
** then Landslide > Plumes.
* Landslide > Plumes > Bombs > Landslide > Plumes > Gaols > 1 bomb, in case you get hit; can probably survive 1,
to dodge as well. Yay.
Stomp (repeat), then Jump but not 2); middle line explodes first; then run there
* Bombs -- always explode in same order that they spawned;
Ends with Earthen Fury (aka, BOOM).
tank, try to eat only 1 bomb, if you have to Boss Tip: Avoid the Everything.
-- Circle pattern -- stand in middle until last one (center)
spawns and 1st is circle explodes, then move to 1st's place
-- X pattern -- stay out of middle; big gaps on outside, so stand
* Landslide comes IMMEDIATELY after the Bombs, so watch
where you run
* Gaols -- same as normal; break them out
* Opens with Memento Moogle for AoE. It's weaker with
Kill Orders:
every Moogle that died before.
Kill Order (MARK THEM -- marks stay through phases):
* King Mog inherits abilities of dead Moogles & will use them
There are varying kill orders recommended: 1. BLM - Pukla Puki
1. BLM > PLD > WHM > BRD > THF > WAR/RNG (prevents 2. WHM - Furryfoot
* MT attack KM while he's casting MM to build hate. After
Taunt/charm debuff; can be Esuna'd) -or- 3. BRD - Puksi Piko
MM, OT use Flash/Overpower to grab WAR and PLD. DPS on
2. BLM > WHM > BRD > THF > RNG > PLD > WAR (w/ Taunt) 4. PLD - Whiskerwall
the marked Moogles.
Thornmarch * tanks should move their targets to opposite sides of the
5. WAR - Ruffletuft
This fight is a DPS race: 6/7. THF /RNG Visual Guide (not mine):
(Good King lv 50
* 3 minutes to kill at least 3 Moogles (to survive opening of
arena and then circle away from each other. Keep them on
the edges!
Moogle Hard) Phase 2)
* healers -- keep ranged DPS beween you and the PLD
* PLD is sitting out first (MT); BLM spawns shortly (OT, DPS) 1. BLM - Pukla Puki
* interrupt BLM again; when she dies, KM casts meteors --
* Stun/interrupt BLM Pom Flare 2. PLD - Whiskerwall
dodge 'em!
* more moogles: 3. WHM - Furryfoot
* Same kill order as previous; can ignore the 6/7 Moogles &
** MT = take WAR to RNG 4. BRD - Puksi Piko
burn King
5. WAR - Ruffletuft
* After WHM dies, KM casts Pom Holy for 2300 dmg
6/7. THF /RNG
* lots of lots of AoEs
Mark: * MT takes King to one wall
1. BLM - Pukla Puki
1. BLM > WHM > BRD > THF/RNG (doesn't matter which) * OT grabs tank moogles (is why marked in first phase, to
2. WHM - Furryfoot
farm 2. PLD/WAR as ignore find easy)
3. BRD - Puksi Piko
* burn 1-4
4. (whichever)
Kill all moogles (is easy now) * then burn King
This is apparently called "Hard Mode" because there are 8
people. But it should be called "Normal Mode." You have to work
The to die.
* Seriously, do it.
* PLD can stun add that casts Dreadwash (good
Whorleater practice for EX)
lv 50 * Melee/physical on the tail, because it's the rear. (Reflects * Dreadwash puddle gives Confuse, so player will run
(Leviathan (On light farming parties, because we burn him past his
magic damage) around helplessly (in EX, you'll run off the platform.
dives, Levi may be on the "wrong" end of the platform here.
Hard) * Magic on the head. (Reflects ranged physical (BRD & MCH))
Healers/ranged, pay attention for the generator location.)
Bad times.)
* Kill adds quickly.
* turn on the generator once it's active.

The Striking * If you get marked for Terror, run behind Ramuh so people can * leave orbs:
see you! * kill adds ASAP (Nails) ** if tethered, one person grabs 3 orbs in a row to
Tree lv 50 * If someone is Terrored, strike them with the lightning circle break
(Ramuh * (if no one is zapping Terrored folks, run under Ramuh -- he'll Judgement
Hard) zap you himself. You'll live.) * ignore the add here and burn Ramuh

* watch for white AoEs on white surface

* run out on Hailstorm/staff change -- don't stack Hailstorm
circles on other players
* four adds spawn (like Nails -- kill ASAP)
Akh Afah Icicles: 2 types: * stack in middle for Diamond Dust
* when the floor "fogs" up -- incoming slipperly floor
-- don't move your feet! else you slide
Amplitheater lv 50 * five circles (middle, four corners) -- stand between outer * Bards -- cast Mage's just before this, so it will refresh
* frozen if you hit the wall
circles while Shiva's offscreen and no one can move
(Shiva Hard) * "bomb" pattern -- outer edges in overlapping pattern, then
* Icicles repeat
-- wait for outer ones to start exploding, then run to that spot
when it's clear
-- when middle is clear, run back
AT 20%:
** In this phase, all buffs (and debuffs!) that you had
* tank and spank up WHEN YOU ENTERED will last for 10x as long **
* casts a room-wide Bleed
** but, OT pay attention -- when boss uses Double and Triple, ** this includes Hallowed Ground and Living Dead **
* can run to the edges to prolong it, but will suck you in
the Spark attack does more damage; if healers aren't on point, ** Yes, you can be nearly invulnerable for a while **
eventually. So before that:
MT will go down ** TANKS -- POP SPRINT, too **
* POP ALL YOUR BUFFS and then run into the center rift
** could also work out when to swap (though no stacks to note) Back to the first room/phase
* aim to get the debuff to 0, but buffs are also super
The Chrysalis lv 50 * Orbs -- pop them before they reach boss -- alternate between
* one tank per meteor
black and red (to remove the debuffs) * first meteor drops a Tear -- must be DPS'd down Phase 1 repeats until he's dead
* repeats 2x before the center meteor falls -- melee LB3
** In Next Phase, all buffs (and debuffs!) that you had up
* best strat -- melee take first/early meteors, then
WHEN YOU ENTERED will last for 10x as long **
* then starts teleporting around and casting a long column AoE tanks take meteors
** this includes Hallowed Ground and Living Dead **
and Quake III * Destroy the Tear to return to the first room. Not
** Yes, you can be nearly invulnerable for a while **
destroyed = Auto Wipe
** TANKS -- POP SPRINT, too **

Note: This fight has been severly nerfed. Now he can be easily
beaten with a bit of cannons, some regular ol' DPS, and a
Dragonslayer or two (or even not).
Still need to have someone on DK. Still want/need someone on DK. Should not even really see this phase any more.
Focus on the BOSS. DPS on Vishap. Tanks drag adds into
hitbox so cannons can down them. (No, srsly, DPS, do not focus
the adds. This fight is easy. Stop trying to make it hard.)

The Steps of
lv 50
Duty Roulette: Trials
ARR Trials (see the end of the list for trials not in the Roulette)
iLevel Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6
It's like Stone Vigil HM 2nd boss (he's even here), with a TON
more adds and a giant advancing dragon.

Note: if you die, respawn and use the shortcut to rejoin.

Kill Vishap before he reaches the end.

* 2 on cannons. Hit adds + boss.

-- left attack -- Slow pool; limited shots (but use them!)
Repeat Phase 1 Repeat Phase 2
The Steps of -- right attack -- standard shot -- Spam this
(Note that tower is on the opposite side)
lv 50 -- down attack -- Stun -- use on big adds, esp. tortoises
Faith * when boss does frontal cone at cannons, GTFO -- they explode
Repeat Phase 3
After 1st cannons are destroyed, the boss-DPS runs up the New:
and do AoE damage (Note that tower moved again)
tower (use Sprint): After 1st cannons are destroyed and you've moved to
* Big Red Circle on ground the 2nd, WAIT for boss's column attack on gate.
* other DPS Tanks be sure to pick up adds before they reach
* WAIT FOR IT * Now: Cannon DPS move up to the Snares standing
-- one on Big Add and/or AoE (hit boss also) the barrels of gunpowder; want those to explode
* Wait until Vishap is on top of that circle, then fire the in front of the cannons and Use them when he does
-- one on Boss only when Vishap is nearby
Dragon Killer his column attack, else Vishap will dodge the Dragon
(Note: do not jump down -- you're in combat, and you will Killer
* Tank: best to single-tank if you can, and let the other tank
die) * THEN tower DPS fires Dragon Killer
man a cannon to free a DPS for damage.
-- You don't need to tank the boss; he's just gonna walk forward
and do frontal cones.
-- pull adds under boss (into his hitbox so cannons hit boss AND
adds); his hitbox is actually pretty small
-- if you stand between his front feet, probably good
-- watch out for foot stomps; big damage

When boss is attacking the next wall, DPS him/adds


ARR HM Trials not in Roulette

iLevel Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6
* Eruption: 2 people will be targeted at once. Run
TOGETHER and keep running in the same direction
* 10 minutes until he casts Ultima (party wipe) around the edge (e.g., clockwise). Do not run them
into the Tank (or the group). 3-5 Eruptions. Part 1: Part 2:
Part 4:
* Tanks need to rotate after 3 stacks (the Tank will explode ** If you run opposite, cut back up the middle to * Boons (Bombs/Orbs) -- Party wipe if the bombs * Magitek Bits #1 -- spawn in center; focus 1 at a
* Magitek Bits #2 -- spawn on outer edges; take out 1 at a time (usually
after 5 stacks) avoid the other side. Eruptions take a while to fuse with the one they're tethered to. Everyone time, starting behind Ultima, then clockwise
start NE b/c melee are grouped there on Ultima)
* Select a Bomb leader (DPS or tank) explode. except MT & Healers group on Bomb Leader and * Airships #1 -- hit East and West. Tank should be
Titan/Ifrit * Airship #2 -- hit NE, SE, SW, NW. Run to CENTER, but watch for lasers
Ultima's iLv 61 * Plume dancing (same as regular Ultima fight), but FAST.
** (You can probably eat one Eruption w/o dying.) kamikaze 1 bomb in each pair; the damage is North anyway; everyone else run SOUTH, except one
targeting there
Garuda/Titan shared among all who hit it. (Or OT can kamikaze healer for Tank.
Bane -
* watch which way Garuda is looking, and try to position for
Move the instant they detonate.
* Plumes + Rush: Do not stand in the middle (all Rush himself.) * finish destroying Magitek lasers.
* after Airships hit, back to lasers.
(Ultima Sol: 15 * Tank purge -- Stack for AOE heal
Ultima's knockback attack so you'll avoid her AoE go through middle). ** South first, then West.
Poe: 7 * Order: Outer, Inner, Tank Purge, Inner, Outer (repeats Part 5:
Hard) ** knockback happens just before her attack goes off, so if the
until dead)
** Plumes -- 4 corners, then line. Rush is during the * Should have plenty of time to take out one set, Part 3:
* Bombs. 4 pairs, all short tethers. Can have tank cast LB3, then have 2
knockback will knock you OUT of the attack area, you're fine line plumes. heal, and take out the other. Time is important, * More Bombs. N-S has shortest tether; take out
people kamikaze two bombs each while everyone else dps Ultima.
* Purple tornado (Eye of the Storm) followed IMMEDIATELY by ** When Plumes spawn, look directly across the but so is being alive. ASAP.
** If no LB3, sacrifices must be made. If the bombs fuse, the party wipes.
GeoCrush - Stand just at the edge, then run to the very edge arena. Ifrit looking back at you? Dodge. No? * Aetheric Boon knocks everyone backwards -- be * Aetheric Boon. Regroup, heal, kamikaze.
* Aetheric Boon. Regroup, maybe heal, kamikaze bombs.
asap before Titan lands in the center Stay/avoid plumes. sure to regroup before kamikaze
** Better to eat one Plumes than get hit by Rush.

* Order: Eruption, Tank Purge, Plumes/Rush (repeats

until dead)
Plumes -- 4 corners, then line. Airships: Airships:
Rush is during the line plumes. Boons: ** run South ** run Center
Cliff If Garuda gets off 2 Eye of the Storms, then it's likely overall
Plume dancing ** South
Notes: DPS is too low to win at all
(Again, if 2 Rushes, likely DPS not high enough to ** West Boons: Boons -- TANK LB:
win) ** South ** NW, NE, SE, SW

* Silence Einherjar (one guide says you can; another says you
* He goes to center at 15% and starts casting
* Watch out for Sanngetall on tank (hits for ~8k unmitigated) --
iLv ? * finish = Unavoidable 99,999 damage to the entire raid...
Urth's Fount can run through when he's casting to delay the cast by 1-2s (but
- so, probably a wipe at that point
not avoid it)
(Odin HM) Sol: 15 * everyone's a DPS -- pop cooldowns and burn
* When purple circles come out, don't overlap (they're HUGE)
Poe: 7
* Kill Gungnirs asap.
Note: try not to push him to this phase until all Gungnirs are
* Dodge all the AoE.
HW Trials Duty Roulette: Trials
iLevel Phase 1 Phase 2 -- "Nails" Phase Phase 3
* Yes, you can fall off.

* when the walls fall off, make sure there's a wall behind you, so
when you get knocked back, you don't get knocked off * marked players (sword mark) -- # of swords indicates order of hit
* kill the Spirit Mana (smaller) ASAP
-- get away from other players
Thok ast * giant AoE that divides the zone into quadrants + 2 HUGE AoEs
* kill the Moon Mana quickly, too
-- like Meteor Stream in T9 -- boss jumps, then sequentially dives
* each one that completes its cast will become a Sword
Thok centered on 2 players.
* each Sword is a huge AOE during the ultimate
on marked players + AoE around them
-- each marked player gets a zone to themselves and gets next
(Ravana HM) to the wall/edge
* 3 seems to be the limit that will cause a wipe (4 will wipe
* In his "Defensive Stance", attacks the 2nd threat target (should
from the Swords alone; 3 wipe from Ravana's next attack)
-- everyone else in the empty areas
* immediately after, floor AoE with only middle as safe zone
* Yes, you can fall off

* kill adds
* hit the generator (like Levi) when Bismarck is revving for his
Two bigs adds -- separate so they don't link
The Limitless big attack (hit too early means it runs out before the 2nd slam)
* Adds + Twisters
Blue -- by the way -- the ISLAND is taking damage. Too many slams =
***These are the Nails*** * Otherwise same as P1
island dies = plummet to your death o.0
(Bismarck * use Dragonkillers as soon as active (not like Steps -- just need
If the sky starts turning really dark, LB the last one -- that's the * new thing to kill on Bismarck's back: the "final" boss
HM) to interact)
sign of the Ultimate coming up
* Kill the scale (probably won't get it all in one go; that's okay).
Must be in melee range (on his back). Constant bleed-like
damage. Jump off when he starts to shudder.

The * Dodge AoEs. Kill all Adds.

Singularity Main Story * Dragon's Gaze -- turn away.
* at very end, boss has no aggro table (but doesn't hit hard).
* CAN fall off in this phase
* Pillars of Mercy -- circle punt around the blue circle. Position to
be knocked back to a safe spot. (Short distance, though.)
* Earthshakers -- line from boss to target. Targets should run wide
to the edges, raid should be in the center.
* cleave and AoE * crouches down & starts to blow -- stack close for knockback,
* arrows pointing at you (Echidna marker) -- stack to share move forward
Containment The
Sephirot invulnerable:
* Adds:
Bay S1T7 Triad (side
* don't overlap the circles
* kill all adds
-- tanks grab Binahs. Everyone destroys Storm of Words first.
* when he turns to a random player, get behind him. Massive -- also plumes -- avoid.
(Sephirot) story)
frontal blast + vulnerability stacks.
* big adds need to be tanked; have tankbusters
-- another set of Earthshakers
* can't fall off in this phase * Big Arrow Marker (Echidna again) -- stack in the puddle from the
Storm to jump over Sephirot's sweep move. (Jump rope, get it?)
* Da'at -- spread (splash damage)
* spheres -- roomwide AoE damage (looks scarier than it is)
* Towers -- one person stand in each (else wipe)
* (Third set of adds does not have a Storm. Hard enrage time.)

3 Adds:
* snake -- one tank. (First boss Aery.) Lightning bolts. They
* lizard -- one tank. (Second boss Aery.) Poison.
* standing dragon -- middle. No aggro table; wanders around.
(Last boss Stone Vigil HM.) Don't stand near/in front of him.
Watch for his windup animation, and avoid his unmarked * Ahk Morn! Same arrow/"stack here!" indicator as Echidna and
* jetturras spawn under players (second boss Halatali HM) -- run
cleave. Brute Justice.
* Options: -- STACK AND STAY until it's finished. There are multiple casts in
* Hot Wing -- covers all the arena from his flanks outward; safe
The Final zone in the center
-- burn down the 2 tanked ones, one at a time, while avoiding a row, and the marker doesn't stay up for all of them.
roaming, then third -- may be helpful to put a marker in the center of the arena, and
Steps of 205
* Hot Tail -- column AOE down the middle; get to the sides
-- tanks hold their adds while group burns third, then others. everyone stack there.
Faith * pulsing AoE -- get away
(This is probably the better DF strategy for the normal-mode * little markers + circles around you -- spread out
* little markers + circles around you -- spread out
(Nidhogg) * Ravana-like columns
trial. However, note that in EX, this add must die last). * column attacks toward a target
* Eyes -- they spawn in an X around Nidhogg, and then blast out in
End phase: Stack for shields and heals. The circles are for those directions (so like Void Ark third boss tentacle slam)
(italics -- I can't remember if it's Phase 1 or 3, or both)
decoration. -- may also spawn in corners (either X or + directions)

It is not standing in the circles that makes you survive -- it's

when the adds die, and then Mortal Chorus (knockback) hits.
(There's a point just before Chorus that's the actual
"checkpoint".) If there are any adds still alive at that point, you
will wipe no matter what. 1 person per circle doesn't save you.
* Aero II -- AoE circle -- get out
* Thunder III -- big donut -- safe spot in her hitbox and far * Quasar now = Scales -- # of tethers shows you how many weights
Adds kill order (not name):
Containment The outside
* #1 - healer -- has a gaze attack; turn away
on that side. More weights = that side is going down. So get on the
Warring side with fewest tethers (should be 1).
Bay P1T6 Triad (side * Daughter -- head spawns on one end; does column attack; get
* #2 - lancer -- drops ice circles
* adds spawn 1 at a time again. Same abilities as add phase.
* #3 - tank -- has directional parries (knocks you away, like
(Sophia) story) out of the way.
* Mostly a game of "Don't fall off!"
* Dark and Light circles -- match up with one opposite color
* Quasar -- meteor-like drops; run away

Containment The
Warring * Match your color to the circle.
Bay Z1T9 Triad (Side
* Don't stand on the glowing platform. * Kill the casters first.
* Stack marker = stack (run back to center)
(Zurvan) Story)
ARR Level 50 & Level 60 Roulette (combined)
Dungeons Level-Synced to 50. This means Shield Oath, Defiance, Aetherflow, Fists of Fire, etc. GET TURNED OFF when you load in. Put them back on.
iLevel general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss Fourth Boss
* Giant Tonberry again
* tank in the center
* Can save LB from 2nd boss &
* Giant Tonberry stalker -- do not let * Giant Tonberry stalker -- do not let it * #Adds killed puts a stacking buff on boss that increases his damage
Wanderer's lv 50 it catch you catch you
pull everything for caster LB
* Boss uses Grudge, which does damage based on stacks (uses the stacks)
Palace * if Stalker is coming, someone
* kill all Tonberry mobs for oil drop * kill all Tonberry mobs for oil drop * Once adds reach boss, they become "normal" adds (and will go for healer)
* adds -- kill grab the oils and open the
* Ignore/avoid the slashers, while killing the other adds/watching Grudge
* BLUE Add heals boss -- #1 door
* frontal cone targets random person
* AoEs * Flash Skeletons; Provoke on walkway * Fixate -- runs after random party member -- kite
* sleep first Tonberry, else kill it
below; grab floaters; can go around it if you're weak (else just "tank" it and pop a
then Flash next 2; grab spawns at
corner in hallway or (my favorite) cooldown or two) * pull all the things -- kill
top of stairs; stop at first Tonberry
speed run jump over the rail to the first Nyemian Tonberries first * just burn
* 2nd pull -- grab all; only need to
device * caster LB
kill the Tonberry, then can sleep rest
* tank flash mobs; someone operates
& lockout (or burn down)
devices; run to boss; lock out mobs
* can avoid some mobs
* Succubi -- AoE Fireballs;
* Voidcall -- summons new mob -- kill * Void Fire II -- AoE on floor; avoid * Statues spawn adds; tank can get
Amdapor lv 50 close enough to spawn and then pull
they'll also aggro when they're
that caster fast * Voidcall -- summons the real boss
Keep * Don't fall off! on a different platform, so
* Demon Box Minion -- random drop * kill first dude first back
* Wall fires single-target attacks watch for the AoEs * Tank boss next to the northeast statue (ideally, butt on wall -- boss has HUGE tailswipe;
to left of first boss room * interrupt Void Thunder as much as
* Dance around void zones (middle, outsides); but most people seem to point his butt to the center)
* kill first 2 (one will stop & summon possible
* spawn Statues & pull into next room; zones have a Slow debuff * Healers -- watch for Disease and cleanse it
an add) * Adds -- AoE attacks, so DPS down
let healer spawn statues in next room * Repel -- stack in middle (basically, it's a circle pull to Succubi: * Imminent Catastrophe -- room-wide AoE from center of room; hide behind statue
* 2 hippogryphs packs + Dullahan * last Big add -- huge AoEs
and bring back (or can pull all the way punt; on sides, you will fly off edge) * first pack * Add after IC -- DPS take them
* Dullahan to humans (another * pull Boss to back or front of room to
through, but might get Dullahan) * boss moves forward * Dullahan + 2 to Succubi * Tether on you -- run away from party! AoE incoming. AoE will REMAIN on the spot it
speed run summoner); also, Provoke avoid add AoEs (though with current
* hug wall to spawn Statues, grab * by door becomes void zone * (another pack?) spawns and keep putting out AoEs, so put it somewhere "safe" (usually by the door)
hippogryph through wall DPS levels, possible to kill before you
Dullahan, next statues * Dullahan + 2 to Succubi
* hug wall to avoid Dullahans; need to pull; also it doesn't hit so hard
* hug right wall to avoid two mobs; pull * 2 Dullahans
humans (summoner); pull to anymore)
Dullahan into boss room
platform on right to avoid Dullahans
* lamps do minor AoE damage * avoid Dark Mist (Fear)
Haukke * Claviger first (else she turns * Adds in side rooms * ground target AoE
lv 50 * kill steward & other adds ASAP * huge Cleave * 2 chests at the very end cell
Manor - Hard Warder into new add) * killing mobs disables lamps * Adds -- kill ASAP
* adds will resurrect dead adds * Disco Lasers! 1 side, then the other, then
* Sentry first (runs away) * (Note: possible to over-DPS here and send her into an early one-shot Blood Rain)
* avoid persistent ground AoEs & patterns! (Dodge these, obviously)
2-pull: * DPS LB the 3rd add (Lady A.)
purple zone * Dodge spears.
* first add into first room * pull the first straight stretch (get * pull all to second cell (with * Blood Rain -- room-wide AoE proportional to health of Add when she absorbs it -- so get
* if Resurrection hits enough corpses, * randomly targets one player with spinning axe --
* room-by-room adds in rooms, too) Pudding) the Adds down ASAP. (Even 20% health can 1-shot groups!)
speed run it raises 1 giant add that hits HARD. avoid running in to these (heavy, paralyze)
* hallway -- pull all the things; * grab imps while someone opens door, * last cell + Warden * after last Add, Beguiling Mist -- room-wide AoE, charms you -- run away in separate
(Spread the adds out when killing) * tank grab the minions
statues at end are adds then all together OR 1-pull: directions as she casts. Follows up with a targeted AoE (so spreading out hopefully keeps
* all of it AoE from hitting other folks).
* first room -- kill big add, then can
take elevator (someone besides tank
hit the button)
* similar to 2nd boss of CB -- spawn bombs to hit
* 2nd mob will deaggro, so run * rocks will spawn; pick them up and put them on
* mobs continually spawn boss; pick the bombs up & put them down, then
through * gradually floods track with fire the sand to "feed" the worm only when it's
* Fuminators (bombs) -- kill ASAP try to get the boss on top of them * 2 frog groups
Copperbell lv 50
* DPS the rocks; tank grabs the mobs * fire bombs go to fire & cast self-
* hit rocks + Adds * next set + 1 in hallway
looking for food
* boss moves around the room in predictable, but
Mines - Hard * mobs continue to spawn until you destruct -- kill bombs ASAP * healer on rock duty; dps on Adds
* Supposed to keep the miners alive, annoying, patterns * last add in hallway
get through the rocks * time limit as the track floods * Adds cannot be tanked
but... * boss has ability similar to Landslide, but instant
* destroy rocks, drag all mobs, stop * ranged AoE has Heavy
& no telegraph -- aims it at his target, so tank
at end to AoE
keep it pointed from group
* some enemies throw rocks from the Another option:
* Adds -- dps burn them down
sides for dmg; cannot fight * tank in center
* void zones; in zones with bombs = blows up
2 options: * ranged dps on rocks
* kill big add; elevator bombs on you (bad)
* grab everything, run to the end; kill * avoid outer ring of sand (where the worms
* run through 2nd mobs (they reset) * then "real" boss spawns with giant bomb (avoid 1-pull
bombs ASAP * kill the rock only and then run goes)
speed run * kill the rocks; tank picks up adds self-destruct) * grab the giants in the
* kill boss at entrance (only need to through (mobs kill the miners, oh well)
* either to last rock & AoE -OR- hallway
kill the first bomb). Requires good
through last rock and lock mobs out
* puddings can split (Divide) -
Stun it * kill sargeants (crawlers) first -- they
* kill the Adds ASAP (fast stacking
* ground AoE effects + debuffs * fire sprites have invisible stun/lock anyone they touch
Pharos Sirius lv 50
* prioritize Barbers (heal the others)
* patrol + sailors, drag to next point-blank AoE (Banish III) * when boss disappears, run to center;
* Adds spawn in proportion to dmg * kill the birds, not the eggs
* slime spawns, drag to sprite, then to that hits HARD * easy peasy then either to side (to avoid charge) or
done to boss (so often harder the * boss gets buff for eggs killed, and will bellyflop
sailors * turn off the two valves * just burn boss to middle (stack on boss)
more geared the group) on someone. Will one-shot with enough stacks.
* first 2 groups + patrol * sleep the 2 birds (and lockout) * the terror (?) debuff is removed by
* AoEs that grow in size * sprite + pudding, then wait
* patrol + wake the sailors healing to full
speed run * debuff = explode at 3 on 2nd sprite
* (can also try to pull it all, but all * stun Lunatic Voice
* last pudding
the debuffs generally wreck me)
* marker on your head means incoming gravity
* kill the Adds to get a stacking debuff; the boss ball; drop it away from party
then attacks the player with the most debuffs * can stun Nightmare (sleep)
Lost City of * kill the spore-tree-things * once he eats someone, hit the * The boss is untargetable unless he's attacking * Mark matching pairs of doors; open one now,
* stay out of the AoE areas; pull/kill * kill the magestones to
lv 50 * Misery can be removed by /comfort stomach to break them out someone, so you must keep the debuff going -- wait for Ruinous Omen to open the second
Amdapor the mobs to remove the AoE release big guy
the player * Can pass the "Prey" debuff (so that Tank ignores boss and attacks Adds; boss will stay * There are three colors and four symbols. Match
* pull the little adds up & kill
no one gets eaten) by touching aggro'd on Tank, even though Tank is not up the pairs.
them, then have Tank pull big
another player before the timer is up; attacking boss. * Marks made on doors will persist through
add while DPS take out stones
grants Immunity Ruinous Omen
* first 3 mobs together * first mob to spores * tl;dr: Tank kills adds, DPS kills boss
Ignore doors and heal through Ruinous Omen if
speed run * Gremlin + spores * gadflies to next group (yes, it's completely backwards)
all party members over 4k hp
* then pull all up to chests * gadflies down to spores

Halatali - * watch out for balls that drop from Pulls:

lv 50 the ceiling; can tank mobs under * Healer > Lancer > Archer > Gladiator
* couerls first in waves
Hard them to put debuff on mobs * boss from Aurum Vale
* mob at top + Basilisk (can run down
** Lancer ignores aggro
* when the room glows at the edges,
stairs if he's not at top)
hit the button; Mammet will use 3 groups: * then: take out Lalafell first
* basilisk, next two, to mob at top * bear #1 (can add to previous -- watch * everyone pick a table. When "eyes glow yellow"
Manawall; hide in the circle to avoid * lancer first * tank takes big add; everyone else focus on
(patrolling basilisk) for Lemurs (ranged)) message, eat your sphere.
damage from Swing * conjurer first mage (he pretty much stands still while casting
* (basilik), mob at bottom, then next * next 2 bears * when eye spawns on his head, kill the eye
speed run * once Manawall applied, can go back * archers first Standstill, heh)
mob; under ball * Basilisk -- can be pulled either with
on the boss (attack will miss) * when the Scepter spawns, if you're not frozen,
-OR- bears (lots of AoEs, though) or with
* multiple Glowers (and targets tank) run & activate it to free the others
* pull it all, stick it under a ball next mob
* big add has big AoEs
* last mob

* chest up the spiraling ramp

* chest around the corner
* Gliders have Jump attack to random * Adds that throw bombs (if bombs hit pools, the
***It's all a speedrun*** * Footmen call Adds, so kill * Adds with target lines
party member pools explode)
them first * Bombs -- hit them to knock them away from the
* Adds with lines to target -- whoever * Boss spits persistent AoEs (similar to Aiatar's
Brayflox's * pull everything up to the coeurl on
runs across the line will grab the Pull everything: poison before), then does an attack (Oversurge)
center, then avoid the overlapping blast zones;
the ramp, then tuck inside the Pulls: do not have to destroy the bombs
Longstop - lv 50
jungle to AoE
aggro * grab first group, hug wall to right to that explodes the linked pools
* grab coeurl and goblins * if you have a good LB after 2nd bombs (boss at
* lots of roomwide line-AoEs that hit AVOID RAPTORS*, provoke far-left * also has attack that does increased damage
Hard * tank grabs next mob (sleep if have
very fast group, then run in with the other group based on health of adds
before gate 20-25%; I use when he uses a targeting attack),
it) while someone unlocks gate and * grab all the things except big can skip the 3rd bombs phase
(*tired of seeing people pull these on
pulls boss; lock mobs out coeurl, then tuck in corner * else: destroy the big bomb ASAP
purpose -- frontal paralyzing cones, Ignore everything except boss (and some dodging.)
near gate (to avoid big coeurl)
people. 'Nuff said.)

* circling orbs -- adds will aggro on

* marker on head -- big blast coming * spawn adds from the coffins -- kill
Tam-Tara in the little ones, then the big one
* MUST protect the guy in the middle. (He can be
* orbs do AoE damage -- will * avoid column AoEs from stone gargoyles
* kill the tethered adds to hit the big healed/SS'd.)
Deepcroft lv 50
* use the blast to kill the adds (killing * may be best to have a non-tank do
* Step into the orbs to detonate -- Do not let boss
respawn * avoid circular AoEs from flying gargoyles
adds directly causes counter-attack -- the spawn b/c puts brief Fear on * adds come in waves * kill crawling adds ASAP; if they reach center, a
(Hard) DO NOT AoE while adds are out) target
reach the orbs, else he is buffed. Or dude in the
rune activates, and boss' big attack does more
middle, else he's dead.
* So: all stack in melee range behind damage
* avoid AoE
* first two through next to big one boss to draw both adds and blast, and * pull the entire hallway * both first groups together
speed run burn boss
* next group to bottom * then do each room * everything at the end

* cannon section -- use cannons to * ignores aggro table; targets random people:
* each player takes a cannon; uses special hotbar
* similar to first boss of NM -- get blast the flyer tanks go DPS stance!
Pulls: * mostly spam Iron Kiss
behind him on Swinge * each blast brings Dragonfly Hunter * kill the Haraungers ASAP (the * abilities do not have ground marks or cast bars!
* first 2 groups * when shell goes up, stop damage until buff
Stone Vigil lv 50 * dragonflies + dragon
* move boss away from Adds, and DPS pack
wears off
ones that cast Dragon Blood) - * tail lifts -- Tail Swipe
(Hard) kill Adds ASAP (Adds give a buff to the can stun to interrupt -- else * rears up -- frontal cleave
(probably can do all if healer & dps * blast mobs on other cannons & NPCs
boss when they die, so keep their Pulls: they'll become Aevis * drop shoulder -- charge
are good enough) * use second cannon ability to interrupt Hard
dying AoEs away from boss) * first set of human adds to spawning * ignore the 2nd for now & kill the first
Stomp (ground AoE indicator)
dragonfly adds * in general -- do not stand in front

* open all Treasure Chests; kill Mimics * leap of faith!

* bees!! (hornets) * stay with the group -- most go counter-
for tablets * sprites at bubbling spots
* Traps -- avoid them yourself, and clockwise
* Ninki Nanka -- Hatch creates new * chest on far right may have
pull mobs into them * AoE attacks land on player location * marker on your head -- move to another
mobs (stun it) minion
* kill the monkeys to unlock boss * On Enrage, drop a banana * bubble bursts do AoE damage platform until Whirlwind spawns (damages
Hullbreaker * each banana gives a buff to boss * If he burrows, spawns 4 bubbles, and spawns anyone on platform) -- best to go back to cleared
lv 50 * Nanka + chests Pulls:
Isle * bird/moth patrol + pack behind * adds will eat bananas! so kill ASAP massive center indicator -- jump in the bubble -- platforms
* Nanka (depending on group, can pull * 1st group to water (sprites)
rock * avoid the poop! tank should jump early to get out early; * 2 arms per platform (8 total) -- stand close
with next) * right - patrolling moth bird
* sneak past 2nd group dps/healer can jump a bit later to avoid the blasts (melee range) to avoid second attack
* snakes + chests (can pull to next group)
* grab 2, pull to next; grab patrol * also 2 tentacles spawn -- first dies easy, then
* once you have all the tablets, don't * moth bird + group to water
* monkeys on bridge LB the second
need to open more chests (sprites)

* Tail Screw can be interrupted. Dear

* ignore the tentacles; they target boss' target
heavens, interrupt that! * kill adds
* kill the arms
* in general, tank will get first and a * when he targets a player and starts firing, hit
** arms left alive cast "At World's End" (tornados)
DPS should get second; tank is often him to interrupt him
* Drowned Wench - pull the Courtesans when Kraken casts "Stranger Tides"
* can do in 2 pulls (have to kill first 2 stunned at the second * the 3rd (?) time adds spawn, stay on him as he'll
Sastasha HM lv 50
groups to open door) * Prey -- targets Tank -- can pass to
out first and kill; then kill the bubbles
start his constant barrage (melee LB is great here)
* Agent Smith and his clones * when he can't defend himself, hit his face
(they heal her) as you also hit her
another player by dragging the line * when he flees (because of course), the Slaves
(recent runs have indicated that you can pretty
over them (like passing in Bray HM) -- will grab a player's ankles and lock them in place;
much ignore the arms totally, also, so long as
then DPS is stunned & tank can stun kill those first
you dodge tornadoes)
Tail Screw

* target: will drop a pulsing ball on * can sneak around the far left to avoid * avoid the mummies! (even party members)
* top to bottom
player first group (note that pets are * when boss starts counting, hit it to interrupt * Light of Anathema -- similar to Glower -- no
* grab mobs while someone opens * first 3 rooms separately
* quicksand -- run out TERRIBLE AT SNEAKING) * otherwise, kill adds telegraph, but hits with mummy stacks; if boss
Qarn HM lv 50 the door, then drag the mobs onto
* kill the marked part of boss each * kill hands first * when the tethered add (Guardia) comes out, kill
(get the drop from 1st)
looks at you, run sideways
the spikes * pull the whole final room
round * pull all the things in the second it first and then interrupt the boss * line to player -- stun to break link, then run
* kill adds hallway (but cobras have Petrification) away; else you're getting mummified
Get the drop


* in theory can avoid the freeze stacks * aim his huge frontal cone at the fuzzies to turn
* stun the ones casting Dragon
by moving the entire time the wind them into snowballs
Blood * three ice pillars drop -- 2 do attacks & explode
blows * Useful -- tank take him to a wall and then turn
* first 2 + gobbue + fuzzies at the top * (not so important to stun the immediately
** he casts Snow Drift, and then 3-5s around to blast the whole zone at once
Snowcloak lv 50 * all the wolves
later, the wind comes -- so count,
* pull mobs out of the winds
* kill the big add (it kills snowballs/fuzzies)
lone one; if needed, save * every other drop, boss does Lunar Cry as well --
* bear stuns for the one grouped with hide behind the remaining pillar
then move * when he starts his big attacks (ripples), hit him
the two Aevis -- because 3 * last pillar does AoE/explode
* kill adds with a snowball
Aevis is a bad time)
* edge freeze later; touching = frozen * can also hit him with big snowballs at other
ARR Level 50 & Level 60 Roulette (combined)
Dungeons Level-Synced to 50. This means Shield Oath, Defiance, Aetherflow, Fists of Fire, etc. GET TURNED OFF when you load in. Put them back on.
iLevel general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss Fourth Boss
Totems give different effects:
* Damage Buff (The one you want)
* Fire Resist Down (2 stacks, and his Fire attack
* cameo!
can 1-shot you)
* drag the enemies out of the
* Toad (add or remove)
Standards (then don't have to kill the
* Heavy
* drops Standards, which raise his defense/etc. --
* kill the spears Always random which effect a totem gets:
We'll save you, Tonberries! First Room: drag him out just enough (like Aiatar in BrayNM)
* targeted AoEs + cone AoEs * puts out 3 standards first -- one is Damage Up --
Wanderer's * pull group from Standard up stairs; * free the tonberries! * drops Idols -- DPS these down
* spears come out based on boss' HP find this one, then always activate this one (and
lv 50 * grab first guy, pull to next pack grab patrol & second group. Either * burn the big slime to remove * Adds -- DPS down
Palace HM (so similar to PS first boss) -- if you ignore the others)
* grab pack, pull to door, grab patrol tank there if patrol is well-positioned, the floor debuff * DOOM -- cure to full HP to remove
just burn the boss, too many spears = * any Damage Up standard not activated gives the
* last group else tuck back around stairs corner * huge cone -- helps if everyone is near him
too many debuffs = death boss that buff when he recalls them (others don't)
(quick dodging) and/or baiting to outer edges
* the second/subsequent times -- new standard --
Second Room:
is always Toad
* 1 pull if healer & AoE is good
** use Toad standard to remove ailment when boss
* Otherwise, 2-3:
directly casts it on you
-- 2 groups at a time
(usually referenced by colors, but each also has a
unique marker)
* Big Cleave.
* when boss goes invisible, burn the
* drops a slime add on your head that locks you
* when he targets you with the beam, Luminescense, stand in the AoE to get the buff,
* tentacles give Vulnerability debuff in place while also aiming a growing AoE at you;
LOS behind a statue * tentacles give Vulnerability debuff and then stand next to the (invisible) boss -- emit * The walls are coming!
(can use like the spikes in Halatali kill the so you can move out and also to stop the
* beam can be stunned (can use like the spike balls in Halatali light to show boss again * burn everything ASAP, then
Amdapor HM)
* charge -- get as close as possible HM) * adds -- kill the big one ASAP take the teleport
spread of his AoE
Keep HM * burn the things blocking doors; * kill the Adds
(don't need to hide behind statue) -- * burn the things blocking doors; they * Boss later splits into 2 -- light/burn them one at * The walls are coming! (Yes,
they continously summon adds * spinning Scythes like Ash from Haukke HM
damage increases with distance continously summon adds otherwise a time they will kill you.)
otherwise (debuff)
* keep other AoEs away from statues * boss' huge AoE -- gaze attack, so turn away;
* crossing AoEs
gives Confusion
* burn the large add ASAP
* boss first. Then he becomes invulnerable
* adds drop canisters that explode
* first dragon -- big frontal cone. The further
after the boss' AoEs hit them
from the boss, the more damage it takes (so drag
* exploding canisters can cause a
chain reaction by igniting others * His frontal cone actually hits AFTER the mark
* boss continues to attack -- Inner/Outer Turmoil
(activated canisters cannot be disappears, so don't run back in like normal
-- AoEs half the room, so stand middlish
targeted) * He drops a trail of AoE circles in different
* when the middle add appears, DPS ASAP, then
* knock these away from the boss (and patterns
* just trash * get keys from Colossus activate the thing it drops and stand in the shield
Keeper of lv 50 * can avoid the patroling sea serpent
from each other, if possible)
* kill the field generators to unleash
* often targets a player and beelines for them -- * let the adds get hit with the
-- if your DPS is actually *good*, be sure not to
the Lake * try to stand so that boss' AoEs bait him to the edges cannon blast
(Unktehi) Colossus activate too early
(targets players) don't hit canisters * Two sets of adds (first is group, second is
* finish off first dragon
* he does a move where he sucks all Colossus) -- can LB that group
* second dragon - AoEs. The closer it is to the
the canisters in, and then will use a * also some random targeting that also makes the
boss, the more damage it takes (so drag it close)
move that may ignite 1 or more AoE circle
* middle add again, then burn second dragon *****
(which will ignite them all)-- so be
LB it ******
ready to blast them back out
* Then burn boss (not much left) (waste to save
HW Level 50 & Level 60 Roulette (combined)
Level-Synced to 60. This means Shield Oath, Defiance, Aetherflow, Fists of Fire, etc. GET TURNED OFF when you load in. Put them back on.
Dungeons iLevel general First Boss general Second Boss general Third Boss Final Boss
{General Note: This is a story * Be nice, the cutscenes are short.
* fire/ice balls -- kill at least one
dungeon, and as such it has NO LOOT. * yes, there's another column to the right.
Aether- But you get tomestones, which you * Su-weet! * yes, that means this is not the final fight
-- fire does bleed debuff
* kill turrets that tether to you * kill the nodes, which releases adds -- ice freezes you <<--- kill this one first
chemical need anyway.}
* tank can stand between turret and player to * group them in the middle & AoE
* T1 -- trigger the tail swipe * one group on elevator * avoid the things
* pop the things tethered to you
Research * T7 -- turn avoid Petrifaction * adds spawn from tubes * slide on the ice, trying to avoid the puddles
soak damage burn * "donut zones" -- stack to create safe spots
Pulls: * T8 -- 1 extra person stack for circle; all stack for red line
Facility * to barriers (they'll pop up when you {These 2 fights can be a little healing intensive if folks
* Universal Manipulation -- jump in the void puddles
(Hullbreaker 2nd boss) when the cast bar gets to the "M".
get close) are standing in bad stuff. And there's a lot of bad stuff.}
* Yes, you can fall off.
* Talk to the Vanu to get Thunder Eggs. * Wasps have Final Sting. >.> * Mark means you'll poop out a Totem. Place these as far from
* avoid the water pillars (though * kill adds
Place on altars to move ahead. each other as possible.
* Calls up fog + Shadow. Find Shadow in fog a neat effect when one catches * he'll go invulnerable and bounce around while you kill
* Avoid twisters. * pull all to first barrier. * Then he does big floor AoE (1st boss Haukke HM); all Totems
and kill. Must be in its circle to "see". you) more adds.
* Pull to safe spots. Adds do point-blank * pull 2 wasps + tree. in that will become Adds that tether to boss, buff him, AND
Neverreap AoE. (Melee hate >.<)
* Feather attack like Garuda EX (avoid the
* pull rest. make him invulnerable.
* more Wasps * Avoid Twisters. They seem to have a larger affected
AoE). area than their animation.
* Pick up the totems and move them out of the area.
* kill Feather adds. (Explode for damage.) * pull to first barrier * When he stops and starts doing the floor circles, get in
* pull first island. * or freak out the healer, and pull * If it's getting too crowded, run out with one, wait for the
* pull to last barrier close with plenty of space behind you -- circle punt
* pull all second island the entire second section AoE to finish, then run back in and drop.

* You again? Srsly? >.<

* all the same moves, with more
* After Groan, bounces between players * kill the adds; they turn panels into glowing panels that
* This guy looks familiar * Slash -- frontal cone explode (on the final set, can ignore the further add
* trash is trash
Fractal * large hourglass AoEs in patterns (N/S, E/W) **** OR -- open a pod when he charges for the first 360 attack; (which overrun the party's area) and just deal with a
* can pull both groups in first room, then * doesn't matter which direction
* random AoEs every other hourglass (though * can stun the Chimera's attacks this will interrupt his attack, and he'll skip over Groan & smaller platform for a bit)
Continuum both groups in second (remember the you go
seems to be at least 1 targeted on each Slash. **** * avoid all glowing panels (several types with different
caster mannequin)
player) * floor glows = interact with one of the pods (can only open 1, effects)
even if everyone tries at once). DPS can stay on boss until add * healer -- remove Bomb debuff from players
pops (he's not invulnerable).
* kill the add before the boss eats it (else buffs)

* peel tethers off on one of the birds/spiders

* kill the Incubators (else more * Burn down Mom Bomb. Kill adds: Grey, then Lava.
around the room
* pulsing circle -- damage based on promity bombs) * Then kill Mom Bomb before final cast finishes. (It
-- birds are easiest * Can pull first cyclops to the next
* Kill the slimes in the gas/over the damaged floor (stops * kill things before they break might not kill you? But dead is better.)
Pharos Sirius -- spiders = poison puddles group
* pull 1st to 2nd more from spawning. Also if not killed = explode = high the walls * Dad Bomb: Kill Grey adds.
i170 -- if still linked to a player = humanoid, which * Kill the Incubator first (else more
HM * last 4 damage = bad). -- more mobs behind walls * Hit Remedy adds (blue) to knock them away from
tethers to boss, buffs him, and throws huge bombs), then pull Kobolds down to
* then kill other adds while boss charges. Engines buff boss, so -- tank round up adds first & Grey; if they tether to Grey = boom.
AoEs. Do not want. next group
kill first. move to last incubator while
* kill adds
everyone burns first 2 Incubators (Why are Gray adds red? >.>)
* mild cleave

* Dance:
* Atropine Spore -- stack on boss for safe zone. There is
-- The seedlings are untargetable and spew
* kill the honeycombs to stop spawns I hate bees >.> one right at the start.
* Aw, they're so cute. Ow, they're eating Bad Breath frontal cone.
* Orn Hornets have Final Sting * Frond Fatale -- Charm. Look away before cast finishes.
my face.... -- Boss casts frontal cone Bad Breath and
Saint spins (either direction).
* bees line up for Crossfire; avoid the line * Petal shower -- AoE targets on players. Spread out/do
On 2nd set, can destroy honeycomb * kills adds ASAP (they tether and buff boss) * can do big pulls to barriers not stack circles over other players. (Like Ravana)
Mocianne's i170 Pulls: -- Boss' hit box also Poison+Slow.
only and then run into boss room; * summons more bees that *immediately* Crossfire through here * kill adds. Immediately after the adds: Frond Fatale.
* morbol group * Kill adds
Arboretum * to end of hallway
bees can't go down the slide. the center. * little untargetable adds spawn and cast AoE puddles.
* melee LB the honeycomb Avoid. (Watch the center medallion -- one likes to sit
* drag morbol to next spawn {Fun Fact: the adds were originally supposed
* bees are still using Final Sting squarely in the center, so the AoE is obscured by the
to ALSO spin in random directions. Test team
medallion edge)
could not pass it...}

* Revives twice (so fight her 3 times)

* Drag her out of any AoEs (Regen)
* kill the double-egg wall, get lots of * tether -- run to the cloud to pop it; drops a * kill the middle sphere add ASAP. Then kill other adds.
* drag mobs in to the light * Cure IV:
adds big poison puddle. Useful if healers intercept * Puts an Earth or Wind debuff on you, then drops 2 puddles of
* kill Light sprite first; stun -- pretty sparkly ground AOE -- stand in it to reduce the
it. either Earth or Wind. Run into the opposite puddle to pop it.
Lost City of Pulls: * Neuro Squama -- you drop a statue of
(Else Libra hits like a truck. Also, same puddle will kill you
Banish III healing it does to her
Amdapor HM * dragon * turn around to avoid Blind -- angry red pulsing ground marker like PS(HM) second
* Beetle to wall, then to crawlers yourself that shoots a giant cone AoE in the dead. Or at least hit really hard.)
* 2nd to 3rd from Mysterious Light boss -- get far away (can one-shot)
* Gremlins to next pack direction it's facing, so try to face outside. * when neither debuff out, just pop the puddles (minor
* last * big AoE damage attacks
* to the wall Wait until the damage hits, then turn back. damage)
* kill the add (healing down debuff, boo) -- it either
heals her or debuffs players

* yeah, you saw that status ailment coming...

* frontal cone that doesn't look like a frontal * all six are easy. Lots of AoEs. Can't be tanked.
cone * Knockout -- tank crunch attack
* waves of adds on the last pull
* when transformed: AoEs that will target you * kill rocks. * gaze attack -- turn away to dodge (else Confuse)
* everything summons more adds
multiple times in a row, so keep moving * tether -- hide behind the rocks -- make sure the tether gets * (preparation) -- does Ravana-like 3-way shields; front
The * everything summons more
without boxing yourself in
on them. Splash damage when they're hit. (Keep walking back
* 1st to 2nd
Antitower * kill adds to remove status ailment from as long as tether stays on rock). Hide multiple times and -- Tanks: turn the boss to face the group (after
* 1st to 2nd * 3rd to door (then several
party members change directions to LoS boss. Knockout) so that casters/ranged do not have to
* 3rd to 4th waves; must kill previous to get
* bubbles explode for splash damage * "Glare" attack is a hard roomwide AoE move for this attack! There is no cleave.
* Concussion (on tank) -- long-term stun, then * turns 2 people (DPS or Healer/Tank) into Dolls -- kill
does his frontal cone them ASAP to free the people
-- Can Be Esuna'd!

* Do not step in the electricity. BIG DoT, cannot cleanse.

* kill the sprites in the 4 corners
* One specific add tethers to boss = boss is * "Cloud Call" -- mark on someone, will drop a lightning cloud.
* run out of Holy Breath -- repeated hits, like the
invulnerable. Can either place on an end, or smashed up against a wall.
lightning strikes on World of Darkness and Weeping City
-- kill that add! * Qasar -- targeted attack at a player. Will destroy any walls it * Watch out for bonus dragon
* second Fan will not catapult you final bosses, except will not follow you. (If it's too big,
Sohr Khai 200
through the door. Sadness.
-- kill the others while you're at it. * Kill the eggs! hits, so line up down the middle. showing up and covering half
jump to another platform)
* circles under adds = REVIVES them. * pulsing AoE at one end -- get to other end. DO NOT stand in platform with attack
* watch out for his giant column attacks -- destroys
-- Hit them to knock them out of the circles the cloud.
(Keeper first boss) * split AoE down middle -- knockback from middle incoming.
* full circle target, so positionals not required
Have a solid wall behind your back.

* watch which chests have potions in them; run over

that chest to cleanse poison
* Gah, the AoEs. * run apart to break tethers * on the 3 rogues -- the big one
-- if have a Shield (and take no damage from the poison
* Coeurls will tether to the healer (and lower * pull 2 gorillas + tiger * floor turns to ice uses Hide. The small one doesn't
Hullbreaker * can stun the buffalo's big attack attack, then no stack)
their healing potency), so kill it ASAP * then 2 gorillas, and 3 more * group your ice markers all together; will make a big circle seem to move (?), so pull to his
200 * Coeurl gets a buff in the circles, so * knock kegs away (like Keeper first boss)
HM * kill all the things throwing stuff -- the 3 come down explosion at that spot. Move as needed to avoid. side. Can run in, Stun the big
drag him out * when targeted
* many of them can't be tanked, as they stay after the 2 die * swirly spots -- stand in/slide over them when marked with rogue (won't use Hide), pick up
-- he'll drop a puddle with Heavy (can be Esuna'd!)
in one spot and shoot AoEs red middle, drag to small.
-- start running immediately (sprint if heal/caster) to
get out before attack.

* War balloons bring new adds.

* watch out for spikes around the
Kill balloons after they drop off
edges * when he casts "On High", get a fence behind you, else you
their cargo so they don't go back
* pull to barriers get punted into the spikes.
for more
* Dropping rocks will give Vulnerability * when the gun balloon comes down, kill it, * on the 2nd pull, with the 2 guys on * targets people then drops a big tornado on them (run out) --
* second one has 2 balloons on * Hawk -- marks everyone. Spread circles out; don't
Down (same as Halatali HM/etc.) then someone stand in the whirlwind to the sides -- they will aggro and will bait between fences, then run to get a fence behind
Xelphatol 210
* some big groups. Lots of AoEs. knock the boss back follow if you pull straight up the * Swiftfeather -- next "On Low" will be super fast
different sides overlap another player. Divebomb on your head.
-- tank -- grab first group, take * summons Garuda. She does AoE patterns. Dodge 'em.
* pull to barriers. * kill anything that tethers path, no need to chase them down.
it to second while group kills off
(Be ready to grab hate at the top.) (melee, if there's a ranged in the party, please do not LB this
first balloon
Watch for the one ranged dude and boss. Save it for the 2nd trash after.)
-- ranged LB2 the full second
double the pack back to him.

(If you did Gordias 3, then you'll recognize a lot of this fight) Fun with reading!
Can skip phases with high enough DPS.
Tank in the front right initially, next to the ground
* Human phase * suspicious statues are decoration, to be in the first 2 circles, without needing
-- Sea of Flames -- Ifrit-like plumes -- run around to spread suspicious to move
-- tether -- get distance (note the arrows point "away"); move * weirdest looking panda ever
after boss lands on you (will cleave) * "Quakes" -- get in the whirlwind circle
Great Gubal * don't stand in the fire!
* trash * Hand phase -- match your symbol to the lit circles * Pull options: * "Tornados" -- get in the dark Heavy circle
210 * Watch for the safe spots * pull 2 packs together (even down
Library (HM) * pull 2 packs together * Tornado phase -- frogs to group at top of stairs * "Imps" -- he'll turn you into an imp -- followed by:
the stairs)
-- tethered to the CENTER, not to another player -- frogs all the way to the end -- * "Thunder" -- imps take extra Thunder damage, so jump
-- Center also has a mark (+/-). Stand in relation to the only do this if you trust the in the imp circle to remove it
Center: opposites attract, so a + and a - will be pulled healer! And/or have ranged LB * "Darkness" -- eat it.
together (so get far); same repels, so get close to boss to use.
* summons a book in the center
(melee, if there's a ranged in the party, please do not LB this -- wait for meteors to fall (avoid the landing zones),
boss. Save it for the next trash.) then LoS behind them to the center.

* Revenge Time.
* Jumps and casts a huge AoE over the arena.
(Sometimes jumps twice before actually casting.)
* kill adds; they tether to someone and shoot * A10S! On exclamation point, sheathe your weapon and STOP Oh, it's you guys...
Baelsar's Double-pull. * Summons little things that cover the platform with
at them (can't pass tethers); large damage at Platform moves. Waves of enemies MOVING/ATTACKING.
230 AoEs -- destroy 1 (middle is fine), then stand on the
Wall the end spawn from different sides. * magitek bits around the edges = laser grid After the first bit, can pull all
Some adds tether to random players. clear spot.
* Prey -- high splash damage * lots of little adds. the rest.
* Restraint Collar on healer -- kill it before it kills
* Big Boot -- knockback on a DPS

* like final boss of Stone Vigil HM -- watch his body movements

* Kill the Claws (glowing adds -- casting something;
for what he's doing Stun the blob's cast.
seems bad)
* 360 tailswipe (melee range not safe)
* spawns mini-versions. Avoid their AoEs * Fire, fire everywhere.
* charge (turn to face someone) -- move out Pull to walls.
(explode). Pull to walls. * marker -- you will drop a fire puddle, which will grow
Sohm Al 230 Double-pull. * spawns big mini-versions with pulsing
* left arm -- big hit on tank
over time. Try to manage where the puddles are
(Hard) * right arm -- swipe/knockback (Can even pull the second pack
"something drops here" indicators. Move Surprise worms. dropped to have room later. (Even run into existing
* flexes -- fireball right in front to the end; the final pack
away. puddles to drop)
* when his back glows white, will spew a long-going unmarked doesn't spawn until the other is
* Hang around the edges as much as possible to limit fire
frontal cone (similar to second boss Keeper of the Lake's cone) dead.)
and aoe area
at someone; move.
Notes on Unsynced: Most of these are ridiculously easy
ARR EX Extreme Trials unsynced. A few have some "gotchas" which are noted.
Trials iLevel Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
* 20s to DPS as much as possible before Calm within the * stack in center/on Garuda's butt! * Adds again, + Whirlwinds
Storm * MT takes G + S, OT takes C + Spiney
* Adds -- separate them North & South (they get a buff if
* when she jumps, leaves behind AoE marker -- debuff, as Then: ** MT -- G + S will jump/drop AoEs periodically
close). MT takes Suparna (red) and Garuda.
The Howling i65
well as incoming damage
* OT takes Chirada (green) first
* new Plume - Spiney -- DO NOT KILL * take adds to safe compartments on opposite sides
* Jumps -- behind rocks, facing North (the main rock); stay ** does a stacking debuff to target ** ranged/heals in another compartment to reach both sides
Eye -
* Healers -- focus Suparna -- when she casts Friction, top
** melee with OT (Chirada)
Alternate between Phase 3 & 4 until Garuda is
** Tanks must swap it off; 3 stacks = explode
(Garuda Sol: 20 off tank because Wicked Wheel is coming dead
* stay away from rocks as much as possible ** OT takes first (do not target, or you'll auto-attack & kill it. * Spiny Plume again; tanks must bounce it as before
Poe: 8 * after Chirada dead, OT grabs Suparna and pulls to side
Extreme) * destroy Satin Plume first, then others
* both must be killed before you can damage G. again
Yes, that's experience talking. Target something else and ** sometimes Spiney targets a healer before tank gets aggro on
* after plumes die -- hit all DPS cooldowns and go to town Flash periodically.) it; tanks can leave it there to start so long as they Provoke
* if Adds alive at Reckoning, wipe
on Garuda * kill all other plumes away on 2 stacks again
** if DPS is too low, second Shriek from East * when Garuda jumps, kill Spiny ASAP * Jump = kill Spiny Plume
** avoid death AoE, but then run back under bubble
* Landslide now goes 3 ways... Stack in middle so center
* Tank away from Titan, to the right (b/c we dodge plumes
one (aimed one) always straight back
* 2 Gaols -- separate until the chain breaks Heart Phase
*** learn to stack tight and move as a group *** * leave behind sludge after death
** 1 is DPS (run under Titan's butt) -- break this out
(Best to go left, in practice for last phase) * have Landslide (1 way)
** 1 is Healer (run left + bit south -- to avoid Landslide) *Landslide is now 5 ways. ...Srsly?
The Navel i67
-- break out while Landslide
- * Mountain Buster (MB/Table Flip) -- now with stacking * Super Bombs -- destroy 1/South
(Titan Sol: 20 debuff on Tank; Provoke off @3 stacks
Plumes > 2 Gaols + Upheaval > Landslide > Stomp >
Landslide > 2 Rocks/Gaols > MB > Upheaval > Plumes > Circle Bombs > Landslide > Stomp >
Extreme) Poe: 9
Landslide > Stomp > Plumes > MB > Plumes
Adds > MB > +X bombs > Landslide >
Landslide > Plumes > MB > Stomp > Repeat Plumes > 2 Gaols + Upheaval > MB > Landslide >
Landslide > Plumes > half-bombs >
Jump/Geocrush MB > Stomp > 2 Plumes > MB > Line Bombs + Landslide >
Landslide > MB > 2 Rocks + Upheaval > Earthen Fury -- Death?
MB > Super Bombs > Stomp > Plumes > Geocrush
Repeat until dead.
NOTE: Ifrit starts East, the party West. But he needs to be
Plumes (1 o'clock)
tanked North for the plumes. So make that happen.
* Plumes -- cover whole area except for two small areas
on opposite sides of the room Plumes (2 o'clock), Eruptions, Crimson Cyclone
* Searing Wind -- debuff + AoE on Healer (switches
** at 1/7 o'clock, 2/8 o'clock, and 3/9 o'clock
** after each Hellfire Nails: small and 1 large (16? total)
** run away from group until debuff fades
** all small as before -- a TON of smalls
Eruptions ** DPS be sure to move around/away from healer zone
* Supparation -- stacking debuff on Tanks
The Bowl of i70
** Switch at 3 stacks
(Searing Wind still going out)
- Crimson Cyclone (Rush) -- 4 copies ** Infernal Fetters
Embers (Ifrit Sol: 20 ** run clockwise towards the first one, then around to ** then LB3 the big one
Plumes (3 o'clock), Eruptions, Crimson Cyclone
* Eruptions cannot be interrupted!
Extreme) Poe: 10
** Group Eruption -- targets DPS -- run in a group around
miss the rest
the outer circle
Nails again -- 8 Nails. Same as before except:
** Tank Eruption -- targets off-tank
* Infernal Fetters -- OT bound to one DPS Note: In unsynced parties, make sure he doesn't go below 14%
** stay close together before/while Nails are out, else you will wipe. Best to stop
* Nails (4) -- stacking debuff + AoE after being killed -- so
** focus on Nails close to Ifrit DPS at 20% and wait for Nails to clear.
kill one at a time

Oh boy, all the AoEs... Repeat Phase 1:

* MT grab King; dps him down until he summons the * tank swap the king
Repeat Phase 1 but:
Moogles ** if burst of stars around the tank Moogle, means aggro
* MT grab PLD (Whiskerwall); OT grab WAR (Ruffletuft) reset -- get it back!
* once all Moogles down to 10% -- kill them all ASAP
* other Moogles do not have threat table/can't tank * BLM and now WHM cast Flare and Holy, respectively:
* King starts casting his ultimate when the first Moogle dies --
* move king away from other tank interrupt same as Phase 1
if he finishes, you die
* when buff on moogle with King gets to 3, tanks swap the * Moogles down to 10%, then kill one
** do not put DOTs on Moogles under 50% health -- else they
King (so focus target on the other tank's moogle) * dodge all the other AoEs (some new, some combos -- Notes on unsynced:
Thornmarch i80 * try to keep the king away from RNG and THF moogles basically, stay out of center)
die when no one is watching
* it's actually really hard not to kill Moogles early. DoTs are not
(Good King - (they also get that buff, and they get strong FAST)
*** King is invulnerable until ALL moogles dead ***
your friend.
Moogle Sol: 20 * healers -- esuna/leech all the debuffs * not sure if anyone bothers to tank the tank Moogles; pretty
*** King is invulnerable until ALL moogles dead ***
Poe: 11 * get all Moogles down to ~10% * healers -- stay away from the tanks (one of them does sure I see them wandering around.
Extreme) * BLM (Puka) for last because she'll cast Flare, which can "mind control" on 3 nearest people -- need healers to
*** King is invulnerable until ALL moogles dead ***
* King is still invulnerable until all moogles dead.
*** King is invulnerable until ALL moogles dead ***
ONLY be interrupted by hitting her 5 times clear -- else you'll walk into poison)
* when starts casting, hit until she stop, then switch
* (repeated because several groups have not understood this,
targets (but need them to have enough health that you can ----
and we have wiped because of it.)
do that without killing her) When first Moogle is killed:
* All Moogles dead? Kill the King ASAP. (can melee LB3 if have
* King casts Meteor
* all Moogles at 10% -- kill a Moogle * run to center; heal everyone to full, pop all defensive
* King casts revive + heal on all Moogles, using his own buffs, throw up all shields
health to restore them * not at full? you may die

* Tidal Roar -- AoEs followed by Dive: * Rails fall off. Oh boy.

** 2 Charges (Spinning Dive) -- zips straight across the
* Similar to Garuda EX start -- free time to hit him hard
platform * Wavespine adds -- tanks grab; dps down
** Slam * Tidal Roar (AoEs + 2 Charges + Slam)
* Dive/Slam (throughout) -- watch for the water spout --
this is where he will come FROM -- so get on the opposite
* Wavetooth -- stun his casts * 4 Gyre Spumes -- kills ASAP (caster LB3)
The i80
end of the platform
* blue orbs as well -- OT pick up
* Wavetooth add -- stun his casts
Whorleater -
* head & tail pop out now -- physical on tail; magic on head
* Tidal Roar -- AoEs followed by Dive: * Tidal Roar (AoEs + 2 Charges + Slam)
* Tidal Roar (AoEs + 2 Charges + Slam)
(Leviathan Sol: 20 ** 2 Charges
* head & tail share XP.
Poe: 12 ** Slam * Elemental Converter is ready = unannounced Charge
Extreme) * interact with Elemental Converter for shield
* Wavespine adds -- ignore, and burn Levi
* targets healers with Waterspout (AoE) -- don't stand next
* 4 Gyre Spumes -- kill ASAP; have a death AoE
to the healers
* while Spumes are up -- Tidal Roar + 2 Charges + Slam Note for unsynced: Elemental Converters can get weird with
how quickly stuff dies.
* Adds (Wavespine) -- tanks grab
* Elemental Converter is ready = unannounced Charge
* interact with Elemental Converter for shield * Then a Slam (don't fall off!)
* Thunderstorm (lightning) -- DO NOT overlap on players
* Shockstrike on tanks -- will KO unless have Power Surge 65% -- 6 adds spawn
debuff from collecting 3 orbs * the longer they're up, the faster the Ultimate attack
-- OT will grab 3 orbs, then tank swap comes
* Rolling Thunder -- tether -- 1 player grab 3 orbs
-- will be a situation when both tanks have Power Surge, * kill in sequence
-- but tanks still need orbs, too --> tanks first, then others
The Striking i85
but orbs are left: other players should pick up orbs (max 2 * everything from Phase 1 continues, including charged
-- if not enough orbs -- tank overcharge, then tether 30%
each) water (where the adds are standing -- good luck, melee)
Tree -
* leave some orbs up for Phase 3
* Adds spawn outside the field and shoot lightning across the
* Chaotic Strike -- now with Charm (makes you walk
(Ramuh Sol: 20 Single Tank: field; can't target
towards Ramuh, then die in Thunderstrike)
Poe: 13 * tank routinely picks up one orb to Overcharge * continue Rolling Thunder orbs vs. Tank orbs
Extreme) * set up hierarchy of who is zapping Charmed players Ultimate
* then orbs for tether
* avoid charged water
* then DPS clear rest
Note for unsynced: switch to adds immediately and try
Single Tank: not to leave DoTs on Ramuh; there's a % where he just
* Tank -- periodically pick up an extra orb to Overcharge does the Ultimate, and you will wipe if adds are still up.
* a lot more orbs for DPS to clear

* 100% - 80% * 80% - 75% * 75% - 0%

* tank in the center, with party behind
* one tank for entire first phase * Ice Soldiers come in. * tank swap immediately -- this is the Staff Phase Tank
* Shiva switches to Sword Form -- MT be sure to hit the * most of the time throughout all -- stack on her butt
Phase 3 continued:
Shiva's weapons (abilities based on what she's holding): party with it! (and then turn her immediately to avoid
(watch her movement to tell quickly; the line she says is Glacial Bash on the party) * Touching wall = frozen
New Icicle Impact patterns:
also context dependent) -- hit ice to break them out
* 2 overlapping patterns one after the other (x or +, with a
* DPS check on the Ice Soldiers -- they must die, or wipe
circle in the middle); she also changes to Sword or Staff after
Sword: New Anytime Ability: Permafrost
1st impact
* Straight up Diamond Dust * weak DoT on party + ground is ice
-- stay in center for first impact, then move based on weapon;
* debuff to tank that increases damage taken in Staff * do not move your feet during this, else you slide into wall
pattern swaps to the opposite
* Icebrand -- she levitates before doing
-- If Staff, then Hailstorm incoming, so be careful of stacking
--18k over all targets -- so STACK. Bow (new weapon form)
in safe zones
Akh Afah i90
-- tanks turn Shiva to face party * hits harder & faster, with more crits (Awareness is great)
-- If Sword, Icebrand incoming; tank hit the party with it, then
Amplitheater * Glacial Bash -- like Slipstream; run through to Avoid * not affected by the debuffs on tanks
- go to safe zones (no Hailstorm, so okay to be on each other)
* Heavenly Strike -- knockback & damage * Glass Dance:
(Shiva Sol: 22 * Bow:
* White Out -- ranged room AoE; if stacked, will avoid -- 270-degree cone AS SOON AS she equips Bow -- 10k dmg
Poe: 14 -- like reverse Titan bombs -- hits center, then around the
Extreme) * Avalanche:
Staff -- marks random player; will shoot huge conal at them &
-- can eat center and then stay (or move to last spot until
* Twirl knock them back (also anyone around them)
center and then back)
* debuff to tank that increases damage taken in Sword -- tank pulls Shiva closer to N wall; marked player stays
* Hailstorm -- AoE marks like HM directly behind; rest of party moves away; marked player
* Absolute Zero -- unavoidable room damage should get knocked back, but not entirely to the wall
* Icicle Staff > Icicle Bow > Icicle Staff OR Sword > Icicle Bow >
-- current tank CAN be targeted -- Holmgang or Tempered Will
Icicle Staff OR Sword > Icicle Bow
Designate a Sword tank and a Staff tank. Tank swap when to stop knockback, or switch with party
-- always staff then bow, then (random + bow) for rest of fight
she swaps forms (because debuffs from the first form -- move back to center after Avalanche
* lots of reacting quickly
affect damage in the second form).
* now tanks swap when she changes forms
Between weapons; she is Unarmed.
* Dreams of Ice -- she gets a permanent buff to damage
* Icicle Impact -- icicles that fall in patterns
* immediately after Diamond Dust -- OT provokes
* OT is now the Staff Tank -- every Staff phase
* MT is now the Sword Tank -- every Sword Phase Staff or Sword?
* if dual-tank, can get hit by Icicles/debuff. If single-tank * Next Icicle (x/+) -- first set hits, then she draws her next
CANNOT get hit by Icicles/debuff. weapon:
(I tend to sheath my weapon entirely as she draws)
1st Staff: -- if Staff, current tank keeps her; all run to designated spot
* OT - pick up soldiers and clump them behind her * Icicles (x/+) - Staff - Icicles + Hailstorm -- if Sword, run behind as usual; Sword Tank provokes; she hits
* single tank
* often follows with Permafrost everyone in the party, then everyone runs to any safe spot
* if staff, stay; party spreads out
* MT - she changes to Sword; turn to hit party * back to center position
* if sword, party stays; run through to hit party
* Then turn her back and even pull away for Glacial Bash * Watch for Permafrost here!
Tank views ** after sword, Glacial Bash
Bow: * Back to center position
* OT - Soldiers dead/Shiva jumps -- move to N position * wait for Icicles again (Titan bomb) -- angle into only the * Bow next (see previous cell)
* OT - swap to Shield Oath after second weapon swap; adds
on the inside circle and wait (This is the "center" tanking inside circle
position from now on) * Icicles hit, then either Permafrost first or straight to Bow After Bow, back to center for "Staff or Sword?"
* Bow -- run behind; after Bow, pull straight N; pop Awareness * OT in Shield Oath/Defiance in prep
immediately! + another cooldown. Hits HARD. * if she draws your weapon and you already have her, continue
* after target is knocked back -- maybe Permafost, else back with the mechanics; OT switch to Sword Oath/drop Defiance
to center * if she draws your weapon and you don't have her, Provoke &
* if tank targeted for knockback: claim, then continue with mechanics
-- Holmgang/Tempered Will
-- or move into party area to get knocked back
The whole fight is usually single-tanked now. (Have not
personally done it, nor do I plan to.)
(Unsynced: lol)
General concept: don't take any extra Vulnerability stacks.
Must move Shiva around to dodge the Icicles.
HW EX Extreme Trials
Trials iLevel
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 (Phase 3 cont.) (Phase 3 cont.!)
Sanuwas (Nails) "Bismarck seizes control of the clouds": Dragonkillers
* Someone on generator * separate (else buffed) * WIND -- green/yellow sky + wind blowing * on back again
Visual * kill adds * Green/Wind (horizontal lines) vs Blue/Water (cresting wave) -- kill bubbles * MAX 5 stacks
Guide: * use Dragonkillers when ready -- adds cast an ability on themselves that's also Green or Blue -- -- stack in center, then stack again after knockback * Phase repeats
Ideally a farm party would kill him at the first DK in Phase 3. But if it's
http://i. * Bismarck's back now with stacking debuff == DO NOT GET Green casts "Dead Wind", Blue casts "Dead Water" * WATER -- bluish/gray sky + rain
Bismarck EX imgur. MORE THAN 3 STACKS -- attack the OPPOSITE add from the debuff that you have -- kill bubbles 2nd+ Dragonkillers
not going to happen, better to do the next series than to redo the whole
fight. (Watch your stacks in the second part, though!)
com/LY0e * try to get Carapace down in one try (not a guaranteed wipe -- same debuffed add will REFLECT your damage and kill you -- avoid the center * wait until Bismarck targets the DK's to click
WOI.jpg if you don't, but it provides an early raid-DPS check -- -- may need to tank swap; Sanuwas will mostly hold still, so tanks * THUNDER -- purple sky + lightning flashes * wait until your debuffs fall off before jumping on back (else you will die)
Carapace in one try should mean Sanuwas down in time) move. -- do not kill bubbles
-- must destroy adds before Bismarck's Ultimate -- spread out to avoid lightning splash damage Melee LB
Phase 4
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 & 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 & 7
**Note: farm parties should kill him by the start of this phase, before Swift
P3: Neutral/Dragonfly Stance: Liberation. Wait for him to drop Defensive Stance, then LB**
Bloodlust: -- Warlord Shell -- Stoneskin -- must destroy (else die)
* Shows time until next Stance/phase change (at 100) Scorpion/Damage (to Ravana) Stance -- Seeing Sides again Scorpion/Damage Stance
* adds stacking buff -- Spirit and Moon Ghanas -- kill them -- no swords! * Swift Liberation Marks:
1. Prelude to Liberation -- marks players in order (# of swords), then charges at player
Neutral/Dragonfly Stance -- damages melee range; move before cast completes (when it hits **Note: for farm parties, ignore the adds completely and push him -- mark cardinal points with A-C (D is blank); 1 sword = A, 2 = B, etc.
* Big cleave -- share damage (at least 2) the "L" in Liberation) to Bloody Fuller. Might even not see the adds at all.** -- Ravana charges: center > A, A > B, B > C, C > D
Phase 6:
* The Seeing X -- line AoEs and fire puddles -- avoid them all -- after hit, loop out (toward the sides already done) and then to center
* Dragonfly/Neutral: Phase 3 repeats
-- barrier on 3 sides; do your physical attacks on free side, -- liberation circles -- spread out -- no one should ever get hit with P4: Beetle/Defensive Stance -- Ravana is FAT (wide charge)
* Beetle/Defense: Phase 4 repeats
Ravana EX else knockback + slow more than 1 * Find the still-standing fence; put your back to it
-- cast bar shows you the opposite side (Left = Right open; * Pillars of Heaven -- dmg + knockback AoEs:
Phase 7:
Right = Left open; Wings = front open) 2. Liberation * Laughing Rose (white mark/circle): stack to share damage -- straight lines from cardinal points
* random Liberation attacks
-- tanks: Left and Right will hit you, too, so be aware -- stack behind him during cast * Prey: pass to MT immediately -- assign safe spot
-- can go back to normal after the buff drops off -- stack in center until first and second land; run to open side of first * Rose of Conviction -- tethered orbs
one -- group stacks on wall/edge behind Ravana * Final Liberation Double Prey:
Tapasya -- Ifrit-type rushes -- run around the edge towards them (Ravana is -- group kites the orbs along the edge -- can only take 1 hit, so must pass after first hit
* 3-strike frontal cleave FAT) -- MT keep Ravana facing away (dodge orbs & AoEs) -- most groups have tanks run in and grab after first Liberation Circles (middle is
* 1st unavoidable, then dodge next 2 safe)
**Note: farm parties can push him past Rose of Conviction**
AoE dynamo -- stack in center, then immediately run to edge

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7 Phase 8 Phase 9

Ignasse, Paulecrain, Vellguine, Grinnaux, Haumeric, Noudenet, and
Thordan Charibert, Hermenost, and Zephirin Adelphel and Janlenoux Spear of Fury Conviction Lightning Storm Holy Chains Holiest of Holy Death
All 3 together at start:
Stack in center, wait for Collapse, run to your spot; shouldn't overlap charge or * Dragon's Eye
Assign all 8 spots -- N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
storm with anyone at that point -- spawns an actual Dragon's Eye outside the arena * Dragon's Eye (new Eye)
* Stack in center at start of phase
* Dimensional Collapse -- targets a player, then drops a growing AoE under them. -- on Gaze attack, have to avoid looking at BOTH Thordan and the Eye -- no Gaze (whew)
* Meteor Rain -- circle AoEs (targeted on players); hits fast, * fire AoE circles + chains -- avoid fire, break chains (last Vault boss) * Keep adds separate or they'll tether/buff. E/W. * Dragon's Eye (new Eye) -- drag Thordan there
* Spiral Pierce -- knight tethers to player. Will Charge to player. -- best to tank Thordan immediately in front of eye, so raid only has to * spread for Lightning Storm
so move (Titan's plumes) -- to spots -- to spots * Divine Right: one gets Shield Oath, one gets Sword Oath. They cast * followed by Gaze/Glory + Conviction (towers) + Heavy Impact
* Hiemal Storm -- marks players. Drops an Ice AoE on the spot. avoid 1 direction * 4 things immediately: * Dragon's Eye (new Eye)
* Ascalon’s Mercy -- pizza slice AoEs; either stand behind him * Pillars/towers -- stack on them until you take damage from it often. (exploding pac-man) * Dragon's Eye (new Eye)
-- Divebomb Knight around the edge (doing through * Gaze + Chains + Fire puddles + Holy Meteor
or in the cracks Conviction (1 per tower) -- attack the one in Sword -- get towers, dodge pac-man, and turn away from Gaze -- no Gaze
Immediately after: * Holy Shield Bash -- marks a healer, then jumps to slam/stun them center) -- break Chains, avoid fire, avoid meteors
* Dragon's Eye then Dragon's Gaze -- turn away on Gaze -- if a circle is over your tower, there's time after the circle explodes * Holy Battledance (Batman. (sorry)) -- tankbuster. BIG buster from -- better to eat pac-man than lose a tower * all the AoE damage. Heal and
* run and stack in center for knockback (Faith Unmoving -- Vault) * Spear of the Fury -- Charge stunned player; damage mitigated by each -- tether for Spiral Pierce (charge to player) while turning away (fan out)
* Lightning Strikes -- marked players spread out; splash to get in the cricle Sword tank; not as crunchy from Shield tank * immediately: Dimensional Collapse -- player-targeted AoEs that grow burn. http://www.
* try not to get knocked into ice patches person he passes through (like T10) -- blue mark for Skyward Leap (splash AoE)
Thordan's damage; melee can spread around boss and be fine * Sacred Cross -- looooong cast -- damage of cast = his remaining HP * Skyward Leap 3x + Heavenly Slash -- -- because of next, try to avoid being in center, so it's clear bluegartr.
-- on Bash mark, healer get as far away as possible (near wall next to -- mark for Rage (split damage) * Heimal Storm (Shiva) + Ascalon's Mercy
* Dragon's Rage -- stack to split damage; same marker from (so burn 'im) -- aim for <50% -- untargetable adds join at the center, then jump * immediately: stack in center for knockback, then stay stacked for * Sacred Cross com/threads/1269
Reign EX Then: orbs out (ST final boss) (Mizzteq recommends marking 1 small meteor to Thordan) (pizza)
Void Ark, etc. -- when Cross finishes, there's a moment where he does the -- sequential marks on 3 players -- damage increases with proximity Dragon's Rage (split damage) -- Thordan immune 49-Thordan-
ignore (can survive 1 -- possibly 2 at current gear levels)) -- on Spear, OT and party stacks behind Thordan to absorb damage from How to handle: -- spread out to safe spots, don't overlap
* Ancient Quaga -- roomwide AoE resultant AoE, so move for divebombs then to target (so get away from them) -- be in center together so you get knocked together so you're together to Extreme-Guide
Kill small orbs, then big orb while avoiding: charge * Divebomb divides room in half (assume N). Imagine -- meteor is still dropping
* Heavenly Heel -- tankbuster; followed immediately by the * Spiral Thrust = DIVEBOMBS (but they always go in the same lanes) -- marked players run N, S, then N split damage (together) -------------------
* Holy Meteor -- targets player. Splash damage. -- Note: if anyone dies to Spear, it is a WIPE. another, perpendicular split, so four quadrants now.
cleave attack, so heal the tank -- watch floor pattern; stand in the chevrons that point inward; * Heavenly Slash * tank -- turn Thordan away asap because cleave Aim to kill Thordan before he
* Heavy Impact -- 2 in succession -- pac-man AoE targeted at player. Rings * MT pulls Thordan NW. * immediately stack for heals. Quaga
video at link: * Holiest of Holy -- room-wide AoE goes immune
explode in order. (Safe spot behind knight) These work just like first boss in * Heavenly Heel -- tankbuster * Rage mark and all non-marked players stack behind incoming.
P.S. Walls are death. (Well, not entirely -- I've survived being https://www.reddit. * Holy Battledance -- tankbuster Note: Farm parties should be killing him soon
Weeping City. * can't heal the raid at this point because of Infirmity debuff Thordan.
punted into them at i230. But assume they're Death.) com/r/ffxiv/comments/3scsf2/king_thordan_ex_charges_100_prede * Divine Right again -- watch for Shield Oath
* Tether goes SW or NE (quadrant next to Thordan)
* Light of the Ascalon -- damage + knockback (run in place) * Dragon's Gaze/Glory -- turn away * blue mark goes SE (opposite Thordan).
First phase until 70% or after Heavenly Heel
* Ultimate * now can heal raid (Ancient Quaga incoming)

Phase 1 Phase 2 -- Adds Phase 3 Phase 3 (cont.) Phase 3 (cont.)
Assign: Omni-directional boss (all positionals get their bonuses)
* 1 DPS + 1 healer
* marks
* straight line of damage from boss to target
* where to stack (in DF I've seen: DPS left A, Healers right B, Yesod:
* targets should run to E/W sides
purple butt) * flash on the arena (snapshot!)
* Yesod at the same time! So everyone needs to be ready to move (and not into Malkuth: BIG knockback. Stack on his face. (You'll get knocked right to the
* order of add kill (in DF, seems to just be a burn, though * 3 seconds later, stone pillars of death rise on your snapshotted
the path of the Earthshakers) Storm -- start burning.)
works out to 3/1/6/1/3.) position
Transition at 65%
* so don't be there (or where anyone else was)
Da'at: Adds v2:
Ein Sof: * best to bait all pillars to the same spot (stack in center)
Spawns: * spread OUT, because splash damage * 2 sets of Binahs (4 total) -- tanks take 2 each
* a plus or X with one side missing.
* 1 Cochma + 3 Binahs * first hit: tankbuster * Storm of the Word -- BURN THIS before it finishes its cast. (If it finishes,
* puddles will spawn and grow huge. Go to the missing side. Force against Might/Magic
* 3 Binahs * then hits random players you're dead.)
* colored debuffs -- Might = orange/yellow (an "x" on the debuff);
* 1 Cochma ... 3 Binahs (small delay there) * always right after Earthshakers
Chesed: tank buster. Magic = green (a faint circle inside)
* 3 Binahs Towers + Yesod:
http: Towers: no buffs now, so only Tanks can soak. 1 Tank in each. * tanks stand on very edge of tower
Fiendish Rage (same time as Ein Sof): Life Force / Spirit:
Sephirot EX //dtguilds. 1 tank takes Binahs. Other takes Cochmas. * Yesod flash -- tanks move within tower ring
* marks 1 DPS and 1 healer. * Sephirot holds colored balls over the arena -- one orange/yellow
enjin. Balls: * then tower hit
* need to split damage. Can only take 1 hit! (with vines wrapped around), one green (smooth outline)
com/sephir All do room-wide AoE on death. * no debuffs, so general damage.
* all DPS stack. Healers+OT stack. * attack covering that half of the arena
otguide Binahs do ~1k, Cochmas do ~10k. * Do not need to stack on balls. Middle is fine. Another Ball, another Yesod
So want to stagger kills.
Ain + Ratzon
Pillar of Mercy + Ein Sof + Yesod: Pillar of Severity: get in the Storm of the Word to avoid death
* Ain -- 180-degree (half arena) hit Rapid succession:
Agree on a kill order at start: * Pillar = knockback. Want to be position so you're knocked back to safe (non-Ein
* Ratzon -- marks Towers: only players with ORANGE/YELLOW debuffs can stand in
*3>1>9>1 Sof) areas. repeats from start of Phase 3
* Ein Sof puddle spawns somewhere. Point the boss at it; them
*1>6>1>6 * 1st: stand in blue indicator (pillar) to bait Yesod. Ein Sof growing W. After Yesod
party stacks between boss and puddle. Ein Sof puddles + tethers:
*3>1>6>1>3 flash, stack on SE edge of pillar. --------
* Boss turns to random person to do Ain. Party is marked for * tethers (Da'at) Orange Players, but getting hit is bad for them
* etc. * 2nd: run to east of 2nd indicator (right between the Ein Sof puddles).
Ratzon. Party runs to other half of arena and sets up for * Green players stack under boss and intercept tethers. (Move
* 3rd: run SW of 3rd indicator. After second Storm: Hard Enrage. No Storm, arm comes down, wipes you
Ratzon. (Since we're between boss and Ein Sof, boss will around to make sure you have a tether (and it's not on the guy who
cleave the side we don't want to be on anyway) stacked on you))
Earthshakers, then Da'at + Yesod (so slightly different order than 1st
* Ratzon -- 1 purple mark = really big circle. Greens = small * Orange players run back to safe spots around Ein Sof puddles
circles. Spread loosely to not be overlapped by more than Towers again: Orange again
one circle. Balls again: stack on your side
Towers, then Balls (no debuffs again)
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 -- Adds Phase 4 -- Nidstinien/Fang & Claw Phase 5 -- Towers Phase 6 -- Ahk Morn/Bombs
Ahk Morn -- "stack" marker. Everyone stacks.
-- Wait for all hits to occur before running out. Each time it's cast, an
extra hit.
* Mortal Chorus -- knockback + damage (can't fall off)
Hot Wing + circles + bombs + marks:
1. (West) Brobinyak * mark + big circle
* Hot Wing -- stack together on edge of boss' hitbox
2. (East) Falak -- put them along the walls. Stay away from center to bait.
* immediately after Hot Wing, the usual eye circles; stay stacked to bait
3. (Middle) Dragon (untankable) -- giant pillars from circles to player.
* 4 Towers: NE, NW, SE, SW them, then move forward in middle to avoid.
Beat him up until he flies away. -- OT -- watch for tether from one of the circles. Intercept + move away +
-- one player must stand in each tower * bombs: corners, then middle
Hot Tail or Hot Wings: * Tank swap after first add dies (puts stacks on tank -- can only cooldown.
-- healers will immediately get tethers -- wait for corners to explode, then run to your tower locations while
Divebombs: * random which one he starts with. No markers. handle 2 stacks from Falak)
-- therefore, tanks and healers should be near each other so tanks can pull center explodes. Drop your puddles.
1. Look NE. He comes from North or East. * after 1st, bait ground circles before moving -- helpful to move them nearer each other, so the tank can swap * Fang and Claw:
http: -- He covers slightly over 1/2 the arena, either on one side or * Hot Tail -- big pillar AoE down center of his body; get to flanks quickly. -- must kill both before they cast Self-Destruct.
-- 4 players will be targeted with red marks. One of the puddles will also Ahk Morn again.
Nidhogg EX //dtguilds. down the middle. * Hot Wings -- covers all of arena except down center of his body; * Dragon: -- target the Fang (East).
drop a tether on someone; needs to be picked up by tanks.
enjin. -- eye circles drop under people, + four people marked get to middle -- at 50% health, casts room-wide Vulnerability -- tethers to various party members: Blue (from Fang) and Red (from Claw) http://i.imgur.com/nOut2zU.png
-- puddles do line AoEs targeted at players; avoid. Bombs + circles + Hot Tail:
com/nidho -- bait circles to middle, then run out; don't overlap marks * basically, they're opposites -- targets furthest player with Fireball. Big windup, so you can run -- If Blue tethers take damage, the Fang gets healed. Blue tethers should avoid all
-- possible to skip Towers now with high enough DPS * bombs in center, then in 1 corner, then opposite corner (2)
ggguide -- get to the walls; he's fatter than you think * should have enough DPS to only see 1 set (or even none, these out after he targets. Have healers bait. excess damage.
* after second bombs appear, run to the very edge of opposite corner (2)
2. Look SW. He comes from either South or West. days) -- stomps around and randomly targets someone with swipe. Big -- If Red tethers take damage, the Claw gets damaged. Red tethers should run
* Super Jump -- pulsing marker; get distance. to bait circles
-- same as before. windup, so move away. (Damage Down debuff on hit players. As this into the orbs & take all the damage.
-- marker gets puts on a random player's position * then move forward a bit to avoid the circles
-- if you get marked again, make sure you're healed up Transition at 80% (sometimes 79%, if he's in the middle of something) is a DPS check, that's very bad. So dodge.) -- MT will get a Blue tether. Tank swap.
* after center bombs explode, move to that side of boss, but keep him in
before the second hits. -- Eye of the Tyrant, aka, "stack here" marker -- will always be on a Blue tether.
* 1 Divebomb on phase switch. Random direction. Rude. Spin that camera. the corner. Stay stacked.
If any adds left alive at the DPS checkpoint, they'll become They should run and stack with all the Red tethers.
* wait for first corner to explode
invulnerable. You will die. -- shortly after Eye, tethers swap. (Note that the swapping can be staggered.) MT
* Hot Tail: triangular safe spots (bombs in corner 2 exploding at same
will get a blue tether, so swap again.
time). Can also eat Hot Tail if you need to. (If Nidhogg is facing
Circles are meaningless.
diagonally, aim for the break-spot on his hit box, on the wings side; that's
* short time to DPS boss.

Phase repeats until death or Enrage.

Phase 1 Phase 2 -- Adds Phase 3 Phase 3 Cont. Phase 3 cont.
White and Blue AoEs:
-- find a partner of the opposite. Tanks/healers one color; all DPS the opposite.
-- Coordinate who will stack with whom and which one in each pair moves (else White Aura > Green Aura > Quasar
you'll circle each other and miss). Can be helpful to mark pairs. (Don't need marks
Adds kill order (not name): for anything else in this fight.) Quasar:
* #1 - healer -- has a gaze attack; turn away; DPS can tank -- Don't double-stack the same color. * head spawns on "down" side, with a space between it and the edge Marking macro (for a DPS):
Mark the four corners on the little squares on the floor. The
* #2 - lancer -- one tank takes Quasar -- meteors -- either on players (no tipping) or on the scales * now you need to know the scale difference so you don't land in the
Aero III shadows spawn on those little circles always.
-- drops ice circle (BIG ice DoT) (tips the platform) Auras -- daughter's cross-attack /mk "attack2" <me> -- as DPS
-- frontal column (marked) * White/Gold/over her head -- group AoEs coming * count the tethers. ODD = soft. EVEN = hard.
* Thunder II -- tank cleave; can dodge
-- Gnostic Rant (unmarked) -- get behind him (270* or more attack) 1st Quasar -- on players (no tipping); stack to bait, run opposite * Green/pillar -- BIG tank buster (with slight knockback, so don't tank against the /mk "attack1" <2> -- tank1
* Thunder III -- donut
* #3 - tank -- has directional parries (knocks you away, like Ravana) edge) Next Quasar: /mk "ignore1" <3> -- tank2
* Aero III -- AoE
-- be careful about AoEing the other adds, because even Bane will 2nd & 3rd Quasars -- now with platform tipping -- also places Lightning Vuln Down on MT * same as previous + charging Sophia head. Avoid them both. /mk "bind1" <4> -- healer1
trigger his directional parry and knock you backward * always move AWAY from Blue. Move to highest # of tethers. -- tank swap when the Green aura appears. (She already has her target and will /mk "square" <5> -- healer2
* daughter head -- spawns in a corner, does knockback. Stand Repeat phase 3
-- Infusion (60%) -- on DPS. The proper way: That DPS steps back to * Number of tethers is ODD or EVEN. still hit MT, but the next auto-attack, which is Lightning-aspected, won't.) Color stacking, then diagonal knockback head again.
Sophia EX on its tongue.
stretch out the area; party stacks between add and target along the -- if ODD, small tilt -- stand on the little square on the floor -- Note: it's a PHYSICAL attack (with spear), rather than Magic. Color stacking again, then fast tethers. Light tilt; no head. /mk "ignore2" <6> -- DPS (maybe melee)
-- is a circle punt, so if you're too close to the short side, will Hard enrage: Everyone gets the same color. You will die.
center line, tanks up front to absorb most of damage. But if anyone pattern. (highlighted because this part gets a bit crazypants.) /mk "bind2" <7> -- DPS (maybe ranged)
still get knocked off.
dies to the charge, they get Zombied. -- if EVEN, big tilt -- must be on the very tippy edge. Shadows return: /mk "triangle" <8> -- DPS (maybe ranged)
---- usual option: let the target eat Infusion themselves. They'll -- later, daughter head will spawn in the sliding path (with 1. White Aura Shadows again.
* Shadows:
die/be Zombied, but only them. vulnerability stacks); need to get tilt size right to not get hit. 2. Thunder III (note the safe spots, but wait to move.) * White Aura > Green Aura > Thunder II (tether) > Aero III The macro is based on your normal /psort options; for
-- copy whatever Sophia casts while they're tethered to her.
-- also sometimes Sophia herself will charge down one side 3. Aero III * Meteors on group -- bait them far away from your Thunder II target, then me, that's me > Tanks > Healers > other DPS. If you are
-- then they use that ability when she uses Execute.
Scale -- East to West; West to East. * 2nd Quasar will be ODD; 3rd will be EVEN 4. Green Aura run there playing a different role or have your party order set up
-- Thunder II/III -- stack on the Shadow that was tethered
-- avoid the ice puddle -- can skip 2nd with high DPS, so count anyway ******* Daughter head will show up and blast one of the "safe" Shadows with a line * Immediate Green Aura, so tank watch the knockback differently, you'll need to adjust the target numbers to
first. (On II, get behind it. Also watch which way it's facing. )
-- move far enough up that the Zombied person (who is auto- AoE after Green Aura, so have to run to the other one ******* * Execute + color stacking, so spread out behind the Shadow. match your party list.
attacking someone) is in a safe spot. * tank just within melee range of one safe spot -- that way if that's "the" safe * (the better option is to bait away from and then run to an empty spot.
spot, melee can keep attacking. Seems hard to get people to do that, though.)
* head disappears from center just before it spawns elsewhere

Phase 1 -- Cake phase Phase 2 Phase 3 -- Adds Phase 4 -- Tethers Phase 4 -- cont.
Soar -- Divebombs: out then across
* clones first dive out along the paths 4 players with Ice (blue), 4 players with Fire (red) Interlude:
* then dive back across in the same pattern, but all the way across Each is tethered to someone with the same * Soar -- use Tank LB here
the arena Must stay near-ish to your partner (Zurvan's hit box width is max) * Demon's Claw + Wave Cannon
* AoE circles target tanks and DPS, *not* healers -- MT Hallowed Ground or Living Dead
-- If double-tanking: Double-stack the tanks in one spot; they'll live Wave Cannon: -- party does NOT stack to share damage in that case
* Will -- CRITS. Buffs damage quickly.
* Healer mechanic: one healer marked with Stack, one marked for * randomly party member marked; giant column AoE at them
* Thews -- don't do much
splash damage * have them move away from the group (either Flank or in front (tank move)) Repeats from the top of Phase 4.
* Wit -- Merycidian Meteor -- always kill #1 (cast finishing = wipe)
-- run to center and stack with stack healer; other stays out * adds Bleed; heal through -----------------------------------------------
* Wile -- has a look-away ability -- always position so your back is to
the Wile, Healers especially because you need to heal here
Can be single-tanked to push damage. Demon Claw -- knockback + stun on tank for slightly over 50% of Tyrfing: How to Tether (from Xenosys Vex's guide):
arena * 5 hits on MT, then a splash Fire III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6v4aCXO_Aw
* East, then North, then West fall * pull Zurvan off-center; during cast, run through Zurvan * Waymarkers at W (A), N, and E (B)
* Will + Thews -- North
* targeted AoEs on players. Best to stack together to bait. * Charge -- OT or sturdy DPS stack closest; everyone stacks in zone Southern Cross: * one set of blue + red start at A, and other set starts at B
* If you push him to 75% before a certain point: Will skip first to absorb damage * same behavior as before: party left, MT right (still Cleave) -- they have someone mark one person of the color opposite from the
Zurvan EX Soar and Demon Claw/charge
tank's color -- that pair then goes with the tank's pair
* Wit -- East
-- if you can get to 79% by the drop, will should be able to Ice circle underneath; do not run in Broken Seal: * if equidistant to both circles, move clockwise to find yours
* Wile -- South
skip Cleave x3 on tank * 1 of 3 patterns: edges of arena, 2 diamonds, melee range
* 2 Will -- West -- tank grabs and take to Wile
-- there's also a point where you don't skip Soar but do skip * party stack behind * Each pattern has 2 circles of the same color near each other How to Tether if no marking:
Claw Biting Halberd -- 270-degree attack targeted at a player * Match your color to a circle * The pair with the same color as the tank, move opposite the tank.
* run behind. Stay stacked for next * Move with your partner to a circle pair, and each of you stand in one to soak the * One of the other pairs creeps up to "pair" with the tank, other moves
* Wit -- West
Southern Cross mini-meteor back
* Wile -- North
* MT stack with party first * Followed by either Biting Halberd, Ciclicle, or Tail End, based on Broken Seal * spread clockwise from there
* 3 Thews -- East
* end of cast: MT moves right (Cleave coming), party moves left; pattern
* Will -- South
leave ice puddles behind -- outside edge = Ciclicle A note on No Tether:
-- melee range = Biting Tail * If someone died and you have no tether, go stand under your meteor
1 of 3 mechanics: -- diamonds = Biting Halberd anyway. If you have the debuff, you should live. If you were revived and
* Biting Halberd again do not have a debuff, you will die, but you will soak the meteor, which
* Ciclicle -- get in melee range Repeat. means no Vuln Up stacks on the group. It's semi-recoverable (especially if
* Tail End -- get to edges it's the second half of the phase, and if you can get both players back up).
HW Raid Alexander Normal/Story Mode
Gordias (A1 - A4)
* Talk to Slownix in Idyllshire. Follow the quests until it's unlocked.
* A new quest at each stage. (Just talking, though.)
Notes Notes Upgrade
Recommended iLevel: i170 Body 4x Tarnished Gordian Shaft A4
Tomes: 20 Law Legs 4x Tarnished Gordian Spring A3, A4
* does not drop gear Head 2x Tarnished Gordian Lens A2, A3
* instead, drops tokens in chests that the party lots on Hands 2x Tarnished Gordian Crank A3, A4
Gear Dropped: * use tokens to buy gear Belt 1x Tarnished Gordian Chain A1
* tokens are unlocked now; can get as many as you want all the time Feet 2x Tarnished Gordian Pedal A1, A2
Once unlocked, Alexander Normal/Story can be queued in the Duty Finder Accessories 1x Tarnished Gordian Bolt A1, A2

Fist Loot
* MT pull boss to entrance
A1 * kill first 2 Alarums (Emergency Deployment cast)
Trash boss:
* when 2nd boss appears, OT pick up on opposite side. Bosses buffed when too
* OT takes adds to one side. Party ignores.
* Burn main boss.
* when bosses jump, watch the floor for the ripples -- get as far from the
center of the ripples as possible
* tanks -- go back to your spot; your boss will come to you
* Feet * healers -- Prey -- circle over player -- they're about to get hit several times
With better gear, a push to go faster because of the Relic, and Savage
* Waist hard and fast. Shield, regen, heal. (But no one ever LBs...)
tactics creeping down, the general strategy now is:
* Accessories
* Alarums -- kill so that death puddle covers the area under the lasers
* MT grabs everything.
(basically, the death puddle will soak the comet, if that helps)
* burn Faust.
-- pink death puddle does Minimize, so stay away
-- general DF strat seems to be: 1 DPS for 1 Add
(However, not every group does this, so OT be prepared to grab adds if
the MT isn't.)
* Bosses need to die within 15s of each other
-- after one boss dies, LB 2nd

Cuff Loot minor trash & navigational challenges

* just waves of adds (T4ish)
A2 * one tank North, one tank South; pick up what spawns on your side;
fight over what spawns in the middle
* last spawn -- 2 Jagd Dolls together -- split them up -or- one tank on
* lowest DPS to these (some groups say lowest AoE DPS) Last spawn:
both, other tank on other two adds
* #4 ability to pull bombs away from group (might be this: can also pull mobs. * 2 Jagds, 1 Widowmaker, 1 big Goblin -- a single tank can take
* Feet * in general, try to split the higher numbers from the kill order
Is funny.) any two, but no more
* Head between the tanks
* stack vulnerability on adds and other crowd-control abilities * usually easiest to have one tank on both Jagds, and the other
* Accessories
* cone attack does Insanity on Goblins pick up the other two
Kill order:
* recharge: (says reddit): Use electroshock (strength down), then Recharge on * burn the dolls, folks.
1. Red Magiteck (puts vulnerability on target)
non-mech mobs in order to regain ability points
2. Jagd
3. Miners/Hardhelms
4. Widowmakers (despite their size, don't hit too bad on their own)

Arm Loot minor trash & navigational challenges

A3 Tornado:
* kill adds ASAP
Human Phase: * yellow tether from tornado -- tank intercept it
Phases are HP% based
* spread out with marks (big splash AoE at mark); also circle AoEs -- if you have tether: HOLD STILL until tank can get it, then RUN AWAY
-- try not to run in between tanks and whirlpool
Human > Hands > Tornado
Hand phase: * Other tether type (T11/DNA/Christmas) with positive/negative charge
* Legs Human > Hands > Tornado
* party stack in center; tanks stack in front to share cleave -- or turn indicators over players:
* Head Final Human
around and share with the whole group -- opposing charges -- get AWAY from each other (Opposites Attract -- will pull
* Hands
* circle punt you together)
* can skip some phases depending on DPS *
* when it splits into 2 small ones, OT picks up 2nd -- same charge -- stack together (Same repels -- will push you apart -- make
(In my experience, it's rare in DF to see Human > Hands >
* tanks need to face hands away from each other, as each has cleave sure not thrown into electricity)
Tornado > Final, but it can be done.)
(do not share now)
Final Human Phase:
* tank swap on 4 or 5 stacks
* AoE circles on the ground; avoid.

Burden Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

* Big Burn Phase
A4 * Both healers get a debuff. STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER AND
* focus one leg first (other leg will get healed to full later, so ignore * focus other leg (MT Provoke, b/c it's initially aggro'd on healers) EVERYONE ELSE. (but still heal us kplsthks) As the debuff falls
now) * Jagd Dolls: 3 at once (always right after catapulting OT/DPS) off, it does damage to the healers. Keep yourself healed.
-- except: Stun the leg that starts spewing gas (to reduce the damage -- kill ASAP (else explode + wipe). * (Hint for Scholars -- fairy under boss. Eye + Adlo on fairy, then
of the next attack) -- could be either leg -- assign 3 DPS a "spot" to watch and kill that add (A, B, C) Deployment Tactics)
* ALL attacks are splash damage -- the left-over DPS picks up for the one that got catapulted * Block all lines that go to healers (lines + debuff = bad times)
* Body
* Marker = all the balls coming at you -- if a DPS has lines to them, intercept those, as that + the debuff from the * OT -- still have the lines & orbs to intercept
* Legs
-- intercept/pop these 1 at a time, and allow time for healing in dolls is bad * Discoid -- Akh Morn-like attack on MT (hits harder each time);
* Hands
between * lines -- spheres on the outside target players: incoming big damage OT be prepared to Swap in if tank dies
* (2 crafting mats)
-- good to have OT take most, and DPS alternate in (only take 1) -- *might* live with 2 hits for non-tanks (with no Vulnerability) * AoEs to dodge
* after leg dies, face/body is targetable -- burn -- best to only let people eat 1 (body-block to intercept -- can't peel off like * melees stay on boss as much as possible to burn -- can block
snipers) things if near you, but mostly burn
Randomly picks 2 players (OT + 1 DPS) and tosses them to another -- if you have the lines, HOLD STILL so people can block them * (if group has no melees, then the DPS need to stack in melee
platform. Kill add to get back. Don't die up there. * after leg dies, face/body targetable again -- kill it range anyway to give healers/OT space to run around)

* Enrage

Midas (Floors 5-8)

Unlocking Unlocking
* Complete Alex Normal 4.
Same tokens drop from the same floors as in Gordias.
* Talk to Roundrox in the Hinterlands to start. New quests to unlock each.

Fist Loot Trash Boss

* Always in melee range, except for mechanics. * Marks: west syringe with A, east with B
A5 * tank in NW corner (he's a bit stubborn about going there, initially) -- ALL, even MT, to A on Boost. Get turned into a bird. Use slash
* Two Fausts
* He changes size; retarget between changes attack while boss stomps (you'll dodge as bird). Then use "potion"
* Pharos Sirius stripmine -- run away!
-- when he's big -- puts stacks on the tank, then Concussion to turn back.
* then Super Faust
* Feet -- tank swap on Concussion AND point the boss away from the other tank -- Designated bomb-handler(s) goes to B and gets a temporary
* seems to be a straight burn
* Waist (tankbuster is splash and does extra damage to Concussion victim). (Some tanks suit to handle the bombs. Knock them away from the group. (Can
* Accessories like to take it back after Concussion wears off.) mark SE corner with C. Can use more people for more bombs.
There actually is a DPS check here -- if the 2 Fausts don't die before
-- yes, it can also be single-tanked. But do you really trust DF healers? Healer & OT can be the gorilla, too.)
SuperFaust comes out, it's a wipe. (They explode + Hummel gets
* Tower in the middle -- run into its zone to drop puddles at A and B (don't * Bombs have HUGE range. Get in melee range srsly.
damage+ stacks = bad times.)
stay: does big DoT damage) * marker -- run away from group; poison goop puddle incoming
* adds after bird phase

Cuff Loot Boss1 Boss2 Boss3 Boss4

A6 * no tank swap (however, if the "MT" still has stacks from
(minor trash first) previous, better to let the other tank start this one so you're not Vortexer:
Brawler: waiting) * Tank swap at 3. (Some people want 2. Seems like not enough time to me.)
Blaster: * Tank Swap on 3 stacks * puts a "Low" or "High" debuff on you. The floor plates move up * all marks, including water, can also be on MT, joy
* no tank swap * Double -- both arms have a big yellow Megaman blaster on the end = share or down in a checkboard pattern. Stand on the opposite from * "Elemental Hammer" attack -- everyone runs to edges; he drops Ifrit burning
* avoid mines the damage with the party your debuff, else Vulnerability stack plumes on random people (other option: stack behind boss to overlap puddles)
* Feet * arrow marker: * single -- tankbuster; do not share -- High is Purple. Low is Red. (Also the icons are slightly * Marker -- waterspout dropping on you at the end of the timer (really long
* Head -- drops Clones on players * Single Drill cannon -- Pointy Cannon different: High has explosion on top, Low has explosion on side.) timer); put it in the middle-ish (away from a wall, at least)
* Accessories -- Clones turn to face random players. Once they turn, you can move -- (looks pretty similar to the other single, and on the same arm) -- circles under your feet = on High plate. Also, on Low plate, * Shiva hailstorm marks -- 1 person drops theirs on the Waterspout (to freeze);
away. -- targets one random player; does damage based on distance (greater distance can see lights around all edges. everyone else drops to outside
-- Charge forward (and they hit hard + vulnerability stack). Try to = less damage), so everyone split (Healers note: most people won't move, so * big circle around one player, with "bubbles" above -- # of * "Super Cyclone" (Garuda knockback) -- knocks you backwards far; try to avoid
dodge. this move will hit hard and possibly one-shot) bubbles is # of people who need to join the circle to soak (in DF puddles behind you (Vault 2nd boss)
-- similar to Lost City HM first boss mechanic, except you (as the -- can target the MT, rude. groups, though, the player runs away and seems fine?) * "Ultra Flash" -- run behind frozen pillar to avoid attack (Void Ark 2nd boss),
dropper) can't determine the direction they face -- on tank/healer = 2 circles; on DPS = 4 circles else you die
-- wrong number in the circle = vulnerability stacks + big hit.
Please do not share your circle with the MT >.<

Arm Loot trash Boss (cont.)

* dark blue/purple marker -- boss will turn and fire wide laser at
A7 * Spikes have bleeding debuff but do not have to be entirely avoided the person. (Like Shiva EX's knockback.) Targeted person needs
* "Uplander Doom" -- puts stacks on MT. Swap at 3-4 stacks. (He starts to add to move to one side; group needs to move to the other.
an extra stack after a while, so best to wait for an extra to hit.) * kill all adds (duh). Stun the big one's cast attack (it paralyzes
-- note: It is possible for one tank to take it all and survive, but it requires the entire group).
healers who are paying attention. * When the cat minion spawns -- tank pull the boss FAR away.
-- timing of Uplander Doom gets funky around the cat phase. (Do I swap? Do I -- tanks -- set each other as Focus Target. OT run to cat and hang Notes:
Split in to two teams, Alpha (α) and Beta (β), one person per tube. Kill
* Legs wait on the cat? Decisions! -- Lately I'm finding it easier to not swap on the out so MT can see the mark/cat.
yer stuff.
* Head first Uplander/cat phase.) -- Cat moves all the freaking time so annoying. Seriously, tanks * even when the boss is under 10% or even 5%, seriously, kill the True Heart.
* Hands * Big Circle (Zoomdoom) -- boss will randomly target, stun, and then teleport are trying to find the cat and move appropriately, plus the boss Too many wipes because people tried to burn the boss down instead of killing
Try to get 1 tank/1 heal per group... counting is hard...
one player to a cage in the corners. DO NOT stack with the person; he grabs all wants to stop to cast. It ain't so easy, folks. Stop yelling. the Heart.
within a range. -- Cat creates a "True Heart" add that beelines to boss and will
-- first cage -- DPS. do not move. AT ALL. Everyone outside kills the padlock. buff him. Stun/slow/kill the add ASAP. (Has a timer, then speeds
-- second -- DPS. Kill the add. Walls are death? superfast to boss.)
-- third -- Tank. Kill the add. Walls are death (well, Freeze. Which is death.) -- Be like Indy and avoid the big balls.
-- fourth -- Heal. Stand on the gas leak to stop the poison. * bombs -- tethered folks run to the different corners/side. Big
splash damage. Being hit by 2 is one-shot.

Burden Loot Boss 1 Boss 2&3 Boss 4&5 Boss 6

* MT -- Provoke on landing, as he is a NEW enemy and has no hate table at that
A8 point. (Also useful - Flash/Overpower/Unleash)
Spawn N/S. (Don't have to be tanked apart in Normal. (Swindler
Spawn E/W. (Don't have to be tanked apart in Normal. Can even be single- -- healers, please give a second before Med2 spam, srsly
does get a buff, but it's not a big deal.) Can even be single-
tanked here.) -- no swap in this phase
* Mega Beam -- wide laser in the direction he faces. Move. tanked here.)
* Double Rocket Punch -- BIG tank buster (can be split, though)
* adds -- kill 'em fast, else explode with debuffs
#1 - Brawler: -- OT -- run in front on this move to share damage
* Discoid -- Balls + tether -- you cannot pop your own (will one-shot). #1 - Swindler:
* Single Cannon (one hand) -- tank takes it * Rocket -- small AoEs on ground
* Hands Someone else needs to do it. * high/low debuff again; stand on opposite plate
* Double Cannon (two hands) -- share with party * Long Needle -- same indicator as Echidna in Void Ark -- share the damage
* Chest * Perpetual Ray -- tankbuster. One big attack (+magical vulnerability),
* Drill -- spread; damage based on proximity * Apocalyptic Ray -- same deal as Mega Beam: avoid
* Legs then 3 hard auto-attacks, probably magical. (Rude.) Tank swap during #2 - Blaster
* Super Jump -- spread out to not share damage/stuns
Ray cast (it will hit its initial target, like T11, with the first hit, then * Clone divebombs -- dive in the direction they're facing
#2 - Vortexer (focus target while fighting #1): * when boss jumps -- don't stack in middle (he lands for massive damage)
follow-up attacks on new target). * landmines on panels; avoid
* sludge bombs (avoid) -- DoT * Ultimate Attack -- unfuses. Individual robots run amok. Avoid All The Things.
-- can be single-tanked, though * circle around players -- # of bubbles above means # of players
* Shiva circles -- drop an ice patch (DoT) -- then stack in center for Double Cannon
that need to share damage (e.g., 2 bubbles = 2 people join = 3
* Super Cyclone -- roomwide knockback
Also, he has an Enrage. You will die. DPS need to be not dead for most of the
fight to avoid Enrage.

Creator (Floors 9-12)

Unlocking Unlocking
* Complete Alex Normal 8.
Same tokens drop from the same floors as in Gordias.
* Talk to Mide in the Hinterlands to start. New quests to unlock each.

Loot Faust Trash Compactor?

HW Raid Alexander Normal/Story Mode
* Long dummy fight. DPS, watch your TP.
* Tank buster every 4 moves. Hits HARD. Still Rude.
* MT -- point the boss's butt where the group goes or the open spot where they
need to stack.
* Four quadrants. Specific adds need to be killed in specific ones. (and kill adds
* Power Generator spawns.
-- OT -- click generator & move it on top of the add to revive the add. (If add is
not in right spot)
* Feet
* hits HARD. Rude. -- add tethers to the person who revived it.
A9 * Waist
* Accessories
* soak damage with both tanks. (Have to in Savage anyway.) -- move adds into quadrant with glowing walls. Kill them.
* eventually that quadrant turns into molten metal and consumes the body.
Don't be there.
* big 270* attack (Scrapline). Everyone else get directly behind; MT can
cooldown through it.
* marker -- drop a rock. Best to put them next to the boss. LoS behind for the
casted ability.
* Faust -- keep it OUT of the glowing quadrants until it's dead. If it gets hit by
one earlier, it's a wipe. SE corner seems the place to kill it. (SW with good

* Tether -- run away (note that the arrows point away, even). Do not stand
between the boss and the target.
(bit of trash first)
* Boss casts "Trap" -- he jumps to a button and pushes it; traps happen. (Don't
step on buttons otherwise.)
* Electricity along the edges (Sohr Khai-esqe) -- avoid. Also a set of
* Boss gets mark over his head -- red/triangle, run out; green/circle, stay
* Feet guns pointed just inside that strip (a Trap) -- avoid that area as well.
A10 * Head
* Accessories
So very narrow place to work.
* Bulldozer -- DPS it down before it runs you all over. (Buttons are not active
* tank boss on back wall or between last 2 buttons, facing side (so
melee have room without standing on buttons).
* blades along the side, over buttons -- find a safe spot between the blades and
* big wind-up tankbuster -- can't seem to avoid; cooldown through it.
wait. They hit more than once.
* spread out marks.
* adds near the end -- OT pick up. DPS them down, else they explode for
massive damage.

Loot Phase 1 Phase 2

* Plasma Shield -- stack in front and kill it first.
(bit of trash first.) * Charge mark on MT immediately -- boss charges to them. MT run through boss
while everyone stays stacked on front. (If MT runs backwards, everyone else
* spread out markers scatter.)
* a big add spawns in the center (once per phase); OT pick it up. * Lapis adds -- kill 'em. Can completely skip add phase with enough DPS.
* giant things drop on floor -- hide behind for Propeller Wind (else * little bit of DDR.
You can skip parts of this fight if DPS is high enough (some% pre-
* Legs Confuse. Can be cleansed.) * Photon -- Hell Wind-like ability -- reduces HP dangerously low. (Can also skip
transform will skip Lapis adds -- throw all your DoTs on him
A11 * Head
* Hands
* OT gets a mark (3 arrows that point OUT) -- run away from everyone
for big hit.
with enough DPS?)
before he transforms (when he does the second marked
* Prey marker later -- shield/heal through it
left/right AoE))
* Just before it transforms, it uses a tank AoE and then either right or * Shiva circles
left AoE. -- run into the one that just exploded. Keep running until done.
* when it transforms, click on the wind spurt to board. Click the button -- Propeller Wind immediately after, so try watch where the safe spots are --
to jump off when indicated. hide!
* add again. Explodes for lots of damage, but likely can DPS the boss down
before then.

* Marker -- get away from everyone.
* normal Stack marker (arrows point IN) -- anyone without other markers stacks
* Tether -- drops 4 big circles on you; don't get hit, else big Bleed (can probably
be cleansed)
* some pretty hard tank hits in here. Some have windups, some don't.
* Sacrament -- 8 orbs connected by 4 lines (2 orbs each line). Will shoot
Time stops:
big beam straight out from each (in a cross); safe spot at the corners.
* all your mechanics from above, so should be in position. Mechanics will hit
Vulnerability stacks if you get hit.
and start while you're Stopped, including Sacrament and Tethers.
* Hands * Prey (circle) markers -- spread away from group.
* Watch for the next mechanic, and be prepared to run/handle as soon as
* Chest * Adds:
A12 * Legs -- 2 sets of 3 -- stack and burn.
you're free.
* minion -- 2 Generals' Might -- 1 tank each (hit kinda hard).
* 4 balls spawn -- 1 DPS per ball. Go inside and kill the add, else immediate
-- 4 Wings -- non-tankable. BURN THESE ASAP. (Ignore the Generals for
wipe. (Also, note the scene down on the battlefield while you're inside -- it's
a second, burn the new ones). They all do room-wide AOE for 3-4k
not the fight you're in.)
each, and they do it a LOT. Helps to focus them down 1 at a time.
-- if a DPS can't make it, either a healer or OT can go in.
* Ultimate -- tank LB at 3-5s.
-- once your add it dead, can jump to other platforms to help.

* red/black circle pattern on the ground; avoid. (sometimes hard to see --

everything is a circle, though.)
HW The Void Ark raids
#1 Void Ark
Quest chains starts in Ishgard: The Pillars

Loot: Unlocked.
Loot table is not as rigid as previous CT/ST/WoD raids -- your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the
single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)
on the way Boss
* kill all adds
* if you get marked with Giant Green Mark, DIVEBOMBS coming (Boss will move from his spot
outside the ring straight to your position and drop massive, highly-damaging puddles along
the way). Get away from people/try to ensure the boss won't mow over everyone from his
VA1 Run through the available route, killing things as you go.
current spot on the edge to you.
* Electric Whorl -- stack on boss (inside hitbox) or run outside AoE
* kill adds, especially any that are tethered to you
* At some point, boss stuns entire raid. 2 parties are knocked back, 1 is sucked in. Kill all the
adds you can reach ASAP. (similar to WoD Final Boss)

Ventilator trash room: Irminsul/Sawtooth (Doggy and tree)

* careful, there's a lockout on the room
* divide A/B/C around the room counter-clockwise. Enemies are
tied to morbol spawns, so logically, tanks take the adds that * Magic or Ranged Physical resistance on one or the other (sometimes the tree doesn't show
trigger the morbol they want. its resistance type, so check the boss)
-- room is a triangle with 3 points; each side spawns the morbol at -- switch to the appropriate target
one point. -- melee -- kill either
C--b--B * kill the adds ASAP; don't let them get eaten by the black ground
VA2 c a * run out of black ground, else you become a bush and will be Charmed into attacking other
A players with a small frontal cone
* kill the Knots ASAP #1 OKEYDOKIE? -- P.S. Avoid these players and their attacks, else you also become a bush and attack people
-- seriously, you can avoid poison in this room entirely if you kill * when Sawtooth lines up for his special attack -- Smashing Stomp -- stack behind the tree
the Knots fast enough, so please do it. No seriously, stop * targeted = mucous goop incoming -- try not to stack on other players
tunneling and kill the @$*%& knots already. -- players hit by goop will become stuck and tethered
* step on circles to clear the room of poisonous gas -- free players run through the tethers to break
* Knots still spawn when morbols up -- Knots still #1
* Somehow people still have the most trouble with this room

* Avoid tentacle slams (can hide between them & continue DPS; they go straight down)
* Don't stand in the loooooong-lasting frontal AoE (Corrupted Bile). No marker.
-- Also he likes to turn around and do it in random directions.
* Kill the pillars
Coffin room. (Well, technically they all are.) * Kill the Foobars (not normal aggro tables)
-- when boss casts AoE at Foobar, gtfo and take the Foobar with you, else boss will eat it,
VA3 * Burn 3 adds ASAP (stun/silence their big move, else it'll hit the
whole party for all the damage).
poop it out, and then do damage to the raid.
-- also do not get caught in his suck-in attack yourself, else he'll eat you, poop you out, and
* kill adds along the sides, then burn the big guy down. do damage to the raid.
* Floor turns disgusting -- get on platforms (must Jump)
-- Do not stay on/near platforms otherwise -- targeted, lingering AoEs will drop on you
(them) and then kill the raid when the raid jumps on the nearest "safe" spot. *glare*
* Run through black lung balls to remove them before they explode for massive damage (oh
hey look, a use for offtanks)
* Designate A/B/C spots (sides and behind boss) -- B and C far apart. Far. FAR.
* Attack that does 2 huge line AoEs. Safe spots to the outside and right down the middle.
* Kill adds.
* Look away during Petrifaction (always from Echidna, even when split) (OTs -- focus target
* mark/big arrows AoE -- STACK to split damage. Stop running away from meeeeee!
VA4 none * When split -- tanks run to A/B/C based on your Alliance. Groups burn down your add.
-- NOTE: the three will target tanks based on the Party ID (A (Echidna), B/C (snakes)). So be
smart and take the add that naturally follows you.
-- snakes will tether if too close. Tether = stacks. 3 stacks = you will wipe when she reforms
to cast Gehenna. Also stacks if it takes "too long" to kill them.
-- the order in which they are killed does not matter. All that matters is the number of
stacks when the last one dies.
-- stun Echidna's big fire circle.

#2 The Weeping City of Mhach

Unlocking Wiping City of Mhach...
* Complete Void Ark and its quests
* Stacia The Sea of Clouds (X:6.2 Y:5.8) * Quest: "The Weeping City"

Loot: Unlocked
Loot table is not as rigid as previous CT/ST/WoD raids -- your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the
single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)
HW The Void Ark raids
Arachnae Eve
* mark -- drop the web to the outside (if you get to the edge and keep running along it, she'll
spit at your snapshotted position, but won't hit you)
-- room becomes quicksand (later) -- run into the webs to not get sucked in. Attack after
does damage based on distance from center. Far is good.
Mach1 * round marks -- mucus -- same as Void Ark second boss
* two waves of gators * ring AoEs -- wait at the edge of the marker, then run back in to the zone that just
(yes that's a * one set of scorpions/spiders exploded.
bad pun) * "Stack here" marker from Echidna = "stack here"
* Web: (assign 2 alliances to drop (usually see B & C), and the other stays on top)
-- kill the spiders, then drop through the hole they create. On the bottom, kill the big add
and the Knots.
-- on top: intercept the orbs. Kill other adds.
* Frond Affeared (long cast) -- look away (same as Frond Fatale)

Lord Forgall
* little circles around the room -- one person stand in each (meteors)
* triangle marks (one whole party) -- stack together (else you get big damage + Toad). 2
together is enough. Best to stack on Forgall's butt for melee (and MT, if yours).
* avoid zombie circles in the first phase. Stand IN zombie circles in last phase.
* zombie adds -- kill ASAP or sooner. They explode for lots of damage.
* Dark Eruption -- 3 people targeted; drop 3 red circles each (like Vault final boss). Move out
of crowds.
Mach2 * nothing fancy * Hell Wind -- drops whole alliance to scary-low HP. Big heals, esp. on MT.
* summons 3 big adds -- pull them apart
-- kill Succubus first -- Beguiling Mist -- SILENCE THIS
-- Haagenti casts Mortal Gaze -- look away, else Doom (can cleanse it!)
-- other add has HUGE tail cone + unmarked frontal cleave. Turn N/S so party can hit sides.
* MEGA DEATH -- get in the zombie circle and get zombified (else you're dead)
-- the circles activate fast, so stand under the orbs to anticipate
-- he casts an ability to summon the orbs first; pre-position under them
-- try to only stand in one circle, not in an overlap

* yes, you can fall off in places. No, you're not done; you'll reappear on the circle at the back
of the platform. (Also if you die in the Black Hole.)
* random: rectangular debuff: STOP EVERYTHING when it's at 3s (Dice/black square appears
over your head) and let it wear off. Damage relative to actions done.
* Sphere -- go all out.
* Meteors (mark over you, with a big circle around you (Ravana-like))
-- drop them to the left of your party and at the back of the platform
-- try not to overlap the party with the circle
-- may be helpful to put your alliance marker to the left, where you want your left meteor
dropped (back of the square is easy to find; people seem confused by the left/right ones)
* fireballs on either side -- one alliance to each -- do not stack them (with either your own party's or another's), else bigger damage
* gates go up: kill the orb + adds to get walls down -- squeeze up on the front of the platform until they explode
Mach3 * step on the little platforms to launch bubble -- healers: when more than one meteor, get ready to heal
* hide in shield -- Meteors become adds -- kill 'em
* Triangle -- get off the square platform to avoid big debuff cannon. (Slow and poison can be
-- separate: Bleed -- AoE splash when it hits, so spread loosely in this phase.
* Square -- hug in tight; do not overlap into the outer circle
-- tank scrunch to one side (targeted by lasers), rest of party to the other.
-- someone* go into the outer circle and eat 2 orbs. Healers, be ready.
-- (*orbs do 50% of your HP. Anyone can handle them. Best not to have tank do it, as he's still
getting hit with lasers. Healers are a good option here, as they can heal themselves.)
* Black Hole -- big spinny "sucks to have motion sickness" move (I have to close my eyes):
-- Atomos -- 1 player minimum on platform; kill your stuff
-- mini-Ozma -- Kill it fast. Turn away on Assimilation. If you get hit with Assimilation,
continue facing away until stacks fall off.

* stay on the side without the hair blade. It switches, so move. (Big AoE attack on that side.)
-- stack on her butt for faster switches. The Haircut move hits quickly.
* cleanse the Bleed (it's big)
* avoid the area where the hair burrowed (ground circle). If someone steps in it, it grabs
people around it, as well, so stay away.
* Add phase:
-- kill the adds ASAP -- each blast they get off increases boss' damage. Small first, then big.
Mach4 -- Marker -- The chasing lightning from Cloud of Darkness. 3 at once. Run away! (No, not over
the party. That was not a Stack marker!) Edges are good.
* Flowers -- safe spots:
-- Axe -- melee range
-- Hammer/Bulb -- distance
-- Spear -- is wide line AoE, so don't be in its path; they cross over the middle.
* Depth Charge -- get behind on the side without the blade (AoE immediately after)
* Penetration -- look away from boss. Will be pushed in the direction you're facing. (If look
toward her, will be pulled in. No bueno.) Make sure no Flowers are in front.

#3 Dun Scaith
Unlocking Complete Weeping City of Mhach. Pronunciation thread: https://www.reddit.
Quest: "Where Shadows Reign" Sea of Clouds

Loot: Once weekly: Mhachi Matter Auto-drop on first clear (beating final boss) each week.
Quest in Idyllshire. Auto-drop on first clear (beating final boss) each week. Beating Proto-
Once weekly: Proto-Ultima Ultima is NOT required (that is, you can queue in progress and only see Diabolos; still
Gear & Penny is unlocked
HW The Void Ark raids
Loot table is not as rigid as previous CT/ST/WoD raids -- your gear may drop from more than 1 boss. (This is to stop people leaving after the
single boss didn't drop the loot they wanted.)
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 1 tanks, 2 healers and 5 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chat. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your chat
box like mad.)

(no trash, hurray!) Doom/DeathGaze Hollow

* Why yes, you CAN be knocked off. But you will respawn in the center.
* kill adds (big frontal cone)
* Doom -- randomly spawns on people. Healers cleanse it.
* pizza slice AoE -- stand in the safe spots
* Marks + circles -- poop out a Whirlwind. Drop it away from the raid (along an edge is good)
* Death -- spawns a black circle in the center that sucks you in a set distance two times
-- run out -- if you're still in when the cast finishes, Death.
-- can run all the way to the ends of the arena; won't be sucked into middle
-- you can also stay in it until the second pull in, then run out
* Aero III -- (after Whirlwinds) drops a BIG whirlwind in the center
DS1 -- circle punt incoming -- be on the center line of the platform when the cast finishes
* Bolt of Darkness -- shoots perpendicular across ship. Bleed. (Can Cleanse?)
-- right after Aero III -- supposed to get to the "open" side of Aero III to avoid Darkness
* Blizzard IV -- two parts:
-- first -- pulsing drop-zone markers (like WC first boss). Get away.
-- second -- boss switches sides and does a cross-wind that will knock you off. Stack in front
of the ice blocks that dropped.
-- The first BlizIV will have 2 ice blocks, usually near the middle; the second BlizIV will have
1 ice block, usually on one side. Move ASAP.
* When a platform block starts to pulse, get out: gonna explode. (Seem safe otherwise)
-- There IS an Enrage! If all platforms fill, they explode together and kill everyone.

* Crystals summon adds -- kill crystals to not deal with adds Ferdiad Hollow
(similar to World of Darkness Scylla trash) * Has a lot of his moves from Amdapor Hard (though no blobs)
* avoid Eyeball gaze (look N/S instead of E/W), then kill eyeballs * Marks -- drops spinning axes; drop away from raid
(also a limit on how far eyeball splash goes) * Player debuffs -- fire or water. Circles that are red (flame) or blue (bubbles). Flip the
* kill Dragon colors (by walking over them) to the OPPOSITE from your debuff. Best to assign 1-2 people
to handle circles, else chaos with everyone "helping".
* When he summons a ring of Atomos around himself, they spit out adds: DPS CHECK.
-- Avoid gazes and AoEs.
DS2 * When he summons Atomos around the edges + 1-2 orbs in the center:
-- Look at the orbs: 2 interlocking rings (yellow) = donut AoE; solid orb (blue) = circle AoE
-- orbs jump into 2 of the Atomos, who spit them to the other 2 Atomos (by color), who then
do the appropriate AoE (and they're huge)
-- pre-position based on the orbs -- either under the secondary Atomos for donut, or out for
-- later will have 1 donut + 1 circle (or 2 of each)
* Stack for the stack
* Blackfire -- growing circles that will explode

Proto Ultima. Scathach, Queen of Shadows... and hearts and rainbows...?

* SAVE LB3 FOR HEALERS juuust in case
* if you get marked with a bullseye, GET AWAY from everyone. * She does a lot of FAST AoEs -- you won't make it out, likely. Pre-positioning is important.
Crazy splash damage. * Scarf -- Haircut-like move. Get behind the "wings" of her scarf or directly in front. She
* kill anything that spawns. shoots out an hourglass-shaped Haircut.
* get away from the dropzone points * Shadethrust -- Turns to look at a player = unmarked frontal column in their direction.
* OTs pick up the Dreadnoughts. * When she jumps far to a player, do not follow -- giant circle AoE coming.
* kill him before he finishes his cast. * "Shadows gather on the floor" message + floor pulse -- STOP MOVING until floor returns to
normal. (She spams this a lot toward the end.) -- You can actually still attack, you just can't
move your feet.
DS3 Note on the weekly quest:
* Add phase -- kill ASAP. Lot of them; please tank the moving ones, tanks. Silence the
* beating Proto Ultima is NOT REQUIRED. Only beating Dun Scaith * Drop-zone marker -- get away, then kill the big single add before his cast. ALSO tank him
is required. So don't worry about doing an in-progress and missing away from boss (tethering is bad).
Ultima. The reward is given after clearing the instance itself. (I * Limbs -- tethered player LOOK AT THE HAND to make it stop. Everyone else kills it.
got in on Scathach and got the drop at the end.) * Meteor Circles -- same as World of Darkness final boss -- one person, minimum, in each.
* lasers -- similar to Haukke HM 2nd boss -- scythes run through the zone
* Mark over your head -- similar to the chasing laser from World of Darkness final boss -- run
it away from people. Note that the drop circle is MASSIVE.
* It does not matter that she's sub-5%. Continue doing ALL the mechanics
until she's really REALLY dead.

Phase 1
* A lot of his same moves from Lost City of Amdapor, though handling is a bit different
* be in either melee or max range
* turn away on Nightmare
* kill the doors before they summon adds
* Big Door -- kill it multiple times. Kill any small doors.
Phase 2

RUN BACKWARDS first to the chests and open them.
Then buff/etc. before starting the fight.
Also note: if you wipe during Phase 2, you'll restart at the
beginning of Phase 2.
HW The Void Ark raids
* SAVE LB3 FOR HEALERS juuuust in case
* combines moves from both, joy
* He has a shield around him at first -- break it to do damage
IMPORTANT: -- does Crit damage to MT at this point
RUN BACKWARDS first to the chests and open them. * he spams the move where she turns to someone and shoots an unmarked column at them
Then buff/etc. before starting the fight.
DS4 * Marker over head from Scathach -- same big drops; run away from people.
* Large Meteor in the center -- tank soak.
Also note: if you wipe during Phase 2, you'll restart at the * kill doors again; kill adds if you miss. Stun Abyssal Cry. (Best to pile on one door)
beginning of Phase 2. -- Diabolical Gate -- a couple people/one alliance go in and kill the add
* Eye + Stack Marker -- stack with the marked person BUT turn away from them. (Or let them
run off and everyone turn away and let them die. It's an option.)
* Nightmare -- now does Doom -- cleanse it
* Shadows again (don't move)
* tanks or ranged can pop the little spheres away from the group; else avoid them (damage +
* Earthshakers -- 3 people tethered. Boss will shoot an unmarked column AoE at them; don't
be between people and the boss. He SPAMS this + Stack at the end.
* At the end, he gets a buff that increases his damage BUT also increases the damage that
you do to him (so Blood for Blood, basically) -- stay alive while he slowly dies to DoTs. OTs,
turn on your tank stance and live.
ARR The Crystal Tower Raids (LotA, ST, and WoD) -- now with XP from bosses!
#1 Labyrinth of the Ancients
Unlocking (aka, The Crystal Tower (CT), even though it's not actually inside the Tower yet)
Revenant's Toll 1. Speak to Outlandish Man for "Legacy of Allag" quest
St Coinach's Find 2. Speak to Rammbroes. Get GOLD in 2 Fates (note: not difficult; 2 players or 1+chocobo can clear):
a. Earth Camp Overlook (Outer La Noscea) -- U'ghamaro Mines -- "Stopping the Shakes"
b. Water Aleport (Western La Noscea) -- Sapsa Spawing Ground -- "Making Waves"
St Coinach's Find 3. Speak to Rammbroes. Get GOLD in 2 Fates (note: not difficult; 2 players or 1+chocobo can clear):
c. Fire Forgotten Springs/L. Ala Mihgo (S. Thanalan) -- Zahar'ak -- "He's a Firestarter"
d. Wind Dragonhead (Coerthas) -- Natalan -- "The Storm Caller"
St Coinach's Find 4. Speak to Rammbroes for "Sanding it Down" quest
City Where NPC
Ul'dah Goldsmiths' Guild Serendipity, Biggs
N. Thanalan Camp Bluefrog
north Wedge
St Coinach's Find 5. Speak to Rammbroes for quest
City Where NPC
Gridania market Parsemontret
South Shroud Urth's Gift
North Shround Ixal Logging Grounds
Proud Creek (next to Ixal)
St Coinach's Find 5. Speak to Rammbroes.
Crystal Tower 6. Go to the entrance to add to Duty Finder

Recommended iLevel: 50
You can do this immediately after getting to 50. It's not difficult, provided you/everyone else is generally trying to do the correct mechanics.
24 players split into three "alliances" of eight people each -- 2 tanks, 2 healers and 4 DPS. Your alliance will have blue names/dots; the other alliances will be
green names/triangles. (Note: you can actually change the color of the names/dots.)
To chat to the entire group of 24 players rather than just your party of eight, type /a before your message. /p is just your Alliance. Can also turn off All-Alliance
chead. (May also want to disable Alliance message sounds. And probably "Beneficial" status messages on Alliance members; it's on by default and will spam your
chead box like mad.)
on the way Boss
The Bone Dragon
* MT - Bone Dragon (BD)
* OTs - Platinal skeletons - Start Aggro combo on DB, then hit Platinals with final to get
* Stand on the green platforms -- poisoned water will fill in later, massive aggro lead. Provoke/pull these down the pathways and kill them at the end. Also,
in stages kill them on separate platforms.
* kill weaker enemies first (AoEs) without pulling the others * skeletons that are not dead before the BD dies will Haste/run to BD and AoE the room
* Valefors -- huge tail swipe! -- so tank with side facing party (do
not turn them around!); melee, watch positioning Phase II:
* Valefors have a Disease debuff (eye attack?). Decreases healing * dead skeletons are raised & run to BD corpse
done to you. Healers, Esuna it off before Curing. * have Heavy *if* not near others (Haste + tether if near another skeleton, & Haste if too
close to BD)
LotA1 * mob of tanks grab little mobs. * skeletons that reach corpse cause room AoE
* a tank to each big guy. Big ones have punt back. * once all skeletons dead, BD resurrects; kill it again

* pull the Eyes first & kill. Then go to the Dira. Phase III:
* Eyes spawn, and BD resurrects again
================== * OTs pull eyes away from group. Eyes will do Petrification.
currently: * everyone else kills BD.
* pull it all, burn it all. (still watch the Valefors, though). * BD has huge frontal AoE that does Charm.

* burn and heal through

* Split up with your alliance members & go to your platform -- A to Thanatos

left, B to center, C to right * pots around room accept any spells cast on them (Cure, Stoneskin, etc.). Thanatos starts
* 4 players ALWAYS on each back platform (ranged) to allow dragging a pot -- Heal it to full to return it. If a pot is lost, the group it targets will no longer
another group's Atomos to be hit AND to prevent spawn of one get Debuff
large monster (Iron Giant = alliance wipe) * Group with Astra Realignment Debuff (cast by pots) is the only one that can harm
* Atomos does not need to be tanked. 2 DPS + OT. Thanatos. When you have the Debuff, ONLY attack Thanatos. (A blue line will link you to the
* MT pulls adds back to platform people so they're not bored. pot casting the Debuff, & then you will be invisible. The line disappears after a few seconds,
* Platform players can survive AoEs. Seriously. DO NOT RUN OFF. but the timer will show you how much longer the Debuff has.)
Heal through it. * When you do not have the Debuff, take all Adds, *ESP* Sandman adds (they harm pots).
LotA2 * stay on your back platform until it stops glowing Also, Nemesis have auto-aggro on Healers; tanks should grab these.
* Tanks must swap with Provoke as the Debuff shifts (short overlap as debuff transfers). (P.S.
If the groups are not aligned with 2 melee/2 ranged each, then It would help your Melees if you would run *TO* Thanatos and Provoke, rather than grabbing
players can be switched between groups for best conformation. from across the room. Ahem.)
Even if you don't switch, it's important to note and to adjust your * Thanatos uses Crepuscule Blade, an unmarked AoE with knockback. Avoid by running
group accordingly. MUST have 4 on the platform at all times. through him.

====================== ==================
currently: currently:
* Still need 4 to trigger the platform. * burn. Alliance C should never get the debuff.

King Behemoth

* split with alliance -- A to left, B to center, C to right

* Tank Vassagos as far from each other as possible; too close,
middle bomb explodes
* adds -- balloons, napalms -- Napalms will reach center & AoE
explode. Balloons AoE explode in place. Kill them all ASAP. Each
bomb that explodes increases the size of the center bomb. Too
big = wipe.
* Vassagos spit large AoEs that persist for some time -- move
clockwise then counterclockwise to maintain distance between
LotA3 when avoiding
* Vassagos randomly turn and send long rectangular AoEs over the
entire platform. Not very wide, but rough when all 3 overlap.
Avoid (duh).
ARR The Crystal Tower Raids (LotA, ST, and WoD) -- now with XP from bosses!
* 1 MT, with 1 OT for Iron Giant add. Tank KB to the north; tank IG to West-ish.
* Persistent electric charge on floor, causing damage. Cannot be stopped. Lots of heals.
* split with alliance -- A to left, B to center, C to right * 4 towers -- assign a tank to each. Tower tanks must click console when it starts to glow; if
* Tank Vassagos as far from each other as possible; too close, not, the tower adds extra damage to the room-wide AoE.
middle bomb explodes * keep Behemoth facing away from the room; massive front cone
* adds -- balloons, napalms -- Napalms will reach center & AoE * Bomb adds -- Ranged switch to (else will blow up tower button, and then the AoE cannot be
explode. Balloons AoE explode in place. Kill them all ASAP. Each dispelled by clicking; lose enough towers, and the alliance will wipe to the increased
bomb that explodes increases the size of the center bomb. Too damage)
big = wipe. * green glowing icon above your character -- run to the outer edge of the inner circle. Comet
* Vassagos spit large AoEs that persist for some time -- move will spawn on top of you. Comets will save you from KB's ultimate attack, so "place" them
clockwise then counterclockwise to maintain distance between away from KB & IG, generally SW. Comets do not harm you, but other nearby things might.
LotA3 when avoiding * Iron Giants will attack comets with ranged attacks -- OT pick up; Melee switch to these. If
* Vassagos randomly turn and send long rectangular AoEs over the comets destroyed, send pieces that hit everyone & cause Burn DoT (Esuna!). Also, nothing to
entire platform. Not very wide, but rough when all 3 overlap. hide behind later.
Avoid (duh). * Iron Giants can be stunned when they spawn, and it generally prevents them from seeking
out anys healers who left you with lingering HoTs. IG spawns N, E, S, then W.
========================= * Ecliptic Meteor: KB stands up and roars. Run behind comet & LoS KB (like Garuda's rocks).
currently: Comets will be destroyed after.
* still have to kill bombs * watch out for whirlwinds
* fast burn, though
* Focus Behemoth. Meteor comes fast now.
* still need a tank on IG, else he can still destroy all comets, and you will wipe.
* Platforms: A, left; B, middle; C, right -- these are your "home". Lava will cover these for
parts of the fight.
* Tank him in the center.
* Very Obvious, geometric-patterned, differently-colored AoEs. Stay in the clear spaces, if
you can find them :p
* Is a 1-tank fight. Other tanks can hang out around edges of fire to "sacrifice" themselves to
the Iron Claw, while DPS kill the Claw. (Claws grab/incapacitate nearest target.)
* Ancient Flare -- fire ring disappears and he goes to center = run back to your platform. At
least 4 people on each platform to trigger shield; no shield = everyone wipes. Not behind
shield when he casts = you die.
LotA4 none * Just before he starts the cast, 3 iron claws will spawn at the same time, 1 on each
platform. That's your cue to run back & kill the Claws. After Ancient Flare, Iron giants spawn
on platforms. Kill before Lava covers platform.
* A few Iron Claw adds throughout.
* Second time he casts Ancient Flare, Iron giants *and* claws will spawn at platform.
* Lots of lots of lots of AoEs
* Bacon.

* Still need 4 on the platform for shield against Ancient Flare. Still insta-wipe.
* First Ancient Flare has some time after claws die.
* Second Ancient Flare comes FAST. Be ready to run after claws.

Sycus Tower (ST/CT2)

1. Clear CT.
St Coinach's Find 2. Speak to Rammbroes.
iLevel: 70
Party structure (pre-mades as well): 1 Tank/2 Healer/5 DPS

on the way Boss

* Purple orb -- drag to the poles (3 per pole; lights on floor per orb). Powers platforms.
* Blue orb -- gonna get frozen. Do not drag over party members or other puddles.
* Red orb -- fire blast incoming. Drag to frozen folks. (Do not drag over puddles!)
* Ancient Flare -- get in the puddle left from unfrozen orbs.
* trash is not difficult, just lots of AoEs and tanks fighting for * Daybreak -- at least 4 on platform, else alliance gets petrified.
ST1 aggro * Adds. And AoEs.

* shouldn't see Daybreak. Don't even need to do the tethers/purple orbs mechanic (because
it's for Daybreak); orbs explode for minor damage, no big deal.

Glaysa Labolas
* clockwork things in the circles -- the ones that link to GL -- someone has to go into the
circle so the things can be damaged (person will be stunned) -- can actually skip these, just
will be more healing after
* clockwork soldiers -- drag back to their spawn point and kill there to make links
* trash is not difficult, just lots of AoEs and tanks fighting for * platforms activate -- still have a few seconds to damage boss
ST2 aggro * jump on platform, wait for spinner rook; kill, jump to next. Platform without a Rook is the
way back; wait until big move is done

* burn. ignore the circles (they're for his Ultimate, which you should not see).


* trash is not difficult, just lots of AoEs and tanks fighting for
ST3 aggro
ARR The Crystal Tower Raids (LotA, ST, and WoD) -- now with XP from bosses!
* spotlight -- Adds coming. Kill ASAP. (If they reach boss, they pacify alliance)
* Esuna off Bomb debuff
* purple orb -- shrink -- drag over enemies, particularly Kum-kum
* trash is not difficult, just lots of AoEs and tanks fighting for * frogs! Can breathe fire to free people from ice or can try to kill mobs (but AoE breath will
ST3 aggro hit party, too)
* ice -- hide behind during Final Curtain

* still have to hide for Final Curtain

* lots of small yellow circles -- one person stand in each
* black circle -- if it's on you, drag it to melee range; else, find your party and stack in the
ST4 * nothing -- stand in only 1 circle; overlap probably kills you.
* boss disappears -- burn the things around the edges first, then in the middle

* still need circles filled (we're only level 50 here)

World of Darkness
1. Clear ST.
St Coinach's Find 2. Speak to Rammbroes.

iLevel: 90
Party structure (pre-mades as well): 1 Tank/2 Healer/5 DPS

on the way Boss

Chimeras will do 3 huge AoE circles (in a triangle) Angra Mainyu
* all the usual Chimera abilities * two AoEs that bisect the room (along the boss's coronal plane, that is, divides him between
* pull them away from those spots front and back)
* can be Silenced -- alternate which one you stand in to alternate debuffs (too many stacks = insta-death)
-- so best to sight along the boss' flank
* Mortal Gaze -- look away from boss (like Petrifaction)
-- if you don't dodge, you get hit with DOOM. Cannot be Esuna'd.
WoD1 -- run onto lit panels to clear (like Qarn NM); panels light up clockwise -- so chase it down!
* kill Hourglasses. Don't be in the last quadrant that's lit up when the last hourglass dies
-- normally have a few seconds to get out
-- if DPS is too slow & hourglasses don't die, the quadrant will suddenly freeze & trap
everyone inside; then Reaper appears and one-shots everyone in the quadrant
* tank & kill adds (can stun their big cast)
* boss marks/binds players with 100-Level or 150-Level circles
-- GTFO from the circle

* Can stun/silence Ancient Flare and Ancient Quaga Five-headed Dragon

* Kill the clouds to avoid more adds (esp middle on the 2nd set) * tank him at the BACK of the arena so the alliance has more room
* kill adds ASAP * does fire AoE, freeze AoE, thunder AoE, and poison AoE.
* It's a trap!... * Poison spawns a slime -- kill ASAP. Stand in puddle to stop more spawns. Multiple slimes
can combine to Big Slime, which explodes with huge AoE.
* Ice -- grows over time
* purple mark -- stack with other players to split damage
WoD2 * kill the Prominence (orb) adds ASAP
* when boss starts casting his Ultimate, the other four heads become targetable -- kill them
quickly -- extra damage is taken for any heads still alive
* stick Dragonflies tethers on other players (it's a Prey debuff, so works like Sastasha HM 1st
boss or snipers in BrayHM), and take them from affected players. Pass it around often
enough to render it harmless, else it one-shots folks.
* If boss is under 5% and Prominences spawn -- KILL THE PROMINENCES. Yes, they will wipe
the party before you get the boss. Every. time.

Howling Atomos Cerberus

* each party to a platform set * current DF method: 1 MT; all DPS in stomach; 2 OTs for adds
* glowing panel on the top -- step on it to activate another group's * Ululation (p.s., it's a real word) -- group together to avoid Hysteria/Abandonment
jump panels -- stack on the MT, too, else he'll run and drag Cerberus everywhere
* bottom level -- step on glowing panels to jump up * Eaten group:
* kill adds -- stand in Gastic Juice to get Mini, then stand in Slabber AoE to get Eaten
* marked player -- jump down to avoid being swallowed -- kill stomach lining to break out
* stack in center for Shockwave * Main:
-- beat on him until he collapses and casts Reawakening
-- while he's down, grab the chains and reattach them. (Do not heal people with chains, else
they drop them.) If not chained, he gets massive damage stacks and 1-shots everyone.
-- continue attacking (can delay chains for more DPS)
* Adds:
-- tank & kill the adds, else they eat the healers.
* watch out for all other AoEs. Cleanse the DoTs.
* should only need to go in the stomach 1 time; burn after that

Cloud of Darkness

No matter who the MT is, definitely have at least 1 healer from

each party healing the MT. They are taking massive damage + a
WoD4 bleeding debuff. Rest of the party really shouldn't take much, so
long as meteors are handled correctly.
ARR The Crystal Tower Raids (LotA, ST, and WoD) -- now with XP from bosses!
* When she "jumps", massive frontal column attack incoming
* 1 person stand in each meteor to absorb
* red crosshair -- repeated lightning strikes incoming
-- run away from the alliance. please, srsly.
No matter who the MT is, definitely have at least 1 healer from -- keep running/dodging until it's done
each party healing the MT. They are taking massive damage + a * Whack-a-Mole! -- hit Lurkers. Any not hit will Bad Breath the entire Alliance.
WoD4 bleeding debuff. Rest of the party really shouldn't take much, so * kill the clouds before they reach boss
long as meteors are handled correctly. -- DO NOT USE ANY KNOCKBACK SKILLS -- these all shoot the clouds directly at the boss, no
matter the direction
-- can stand in their hitbox to slow them down
-- meteors during the phase, too
* Orbs -- 1 alliance for each (helps to set waymarkers in the beginning) -- burn fast
ARR Raid The Binding Coil of Bahamut
Note: There is no "Normal/Story" version of Coil. It is all Savage level. This is why it is not in Raid Roulette.
The best way to do these now is to get to max level and then do them Unsynced. Mechanics mostly don't matter (except in T9 phase 1), and you'll have a lot more
At 60 leeway if you mess up. Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/3itgeo/the_heavensward_guide_to_coil/

The Binding Coil of Bahamut (BCoB), Turns 1-5

After defeating Titan HM, speak to Urianger at the Waking Sands for the quest.

Notes Notes
Recommended iLevel:
Tomes: Sol: 10, Poe: 5 (Turn 3 = 0 Tomestones)
Gear Dropped: iLv 90 armor & accessories (Turns 1-4); iLv 95 weapons (Turn 5)
There are 5 "Turns", or sections, to the dungeon that are queued and completed separately. Only T5 is required to
unlock 2nd Coil.

Turn 1 Loot ADS (Allagan Defense System) on the way Caduceus

iLv 70 Old Strategy:
* current method is to "Sac pull" (sacrifice pull): * gains stacking damage buffs. These can be reduced by "feeding" a Slime to it. However,
With Echo, new way is to Heal through and not feed, so Stacks don't matter.
** one tank charges in first, using flash and tomahawk/shield lob to grab all the it will heal the amount of the Slime's HP.
things and then backtracks towards the start * Platforms light up & spawn a Slime, with perma-aggro on nearest player. Cannot just
Tank -> Chest, Boots, Neck, Shield * must destroy in 4 minutes; else group AoE/wipe Now:
** DO NOT HEAL that tank. He will likely die, but that's cool. kite, as Slimes have a group-wide AoE explode. Reduce Slime's HP to ~20% & drag it to
Caster -> Head, Ring * cannot be stunned, but can be Silenced * avoid the glowing platforms so Slimes do not spawn
** everyone else runs to the golem (make sure pets are either away or are on the boss.
Monk/Ninja -> Pants, Bracelets, Ring * High Voltage attack -- huge AoE with Paralyze; can be removed by * splits at 60%; OT grabs new spawn and drags to far side
Steady, else they're go for the sac tank's stuff and drag the mob back); other tank * At around 60%, boss splits into 2 versions with 30% health. (**Make sure there are 0
Dragoon -> Chest, Belt, Pants, Earrings Esuna -- Silence this * note to DPS: let the OT get aggro and in position first.
pulls; burn it down fast stacks when he splits!!**) Both splits gain stacking damage buff. Both need to be fed
Bard -> Gloves, Bracelets * Adds -- OT should grab -- adds will tether to ADS and increase * DPS the 2 bosses down at the same rate; must die at around the same time.
** get on golem platform -- out of range of previous trash, and the dead tank can weakened Slimes. Need to be tanked FAR apart, else they'll merge again.
Healing -> Gloves, Earrings health/buff * boss has huge frontal cleave and huge tail swipe; however, he can't cleave when
take the shortcut and end up here * DPS the 2 bosses down at the same rate; must die at around the same time.
he's tail swiping -- so can have OT/DPS trigger tail swipe to prevent front cleave
* boss has huge frontal cleave and huge tail swipe; however, he can't cleave when he's
* random ground AoEs
Repeat for 2nd set. tail swiping -- so can have OT/DPS trigger tail swipe to prevent front cleave
* random ground AoEs

Turn 2 Loot ADS mini-bosses ADS -- "Enrage" Method

iLv 73 * Bard helpful for constant Mage song
* Do not engage initially; wait for timer to get down to 1 click, then wait an
additional 30 seconds
Old Strategy: Allagan Rot method:
* tanks -- turn off stances after Enrage begins
* Killing 3 ADS leaves boss with Ballast, Allagan Rot, & Gravity Well.
* ADS "enrages" -- does not do special attacks (e.g., Allagan Rot); only does room-
* (Killing 4 removes Ballast, but requires well-geared & experienced team.)
wide AoEs
* Ballast (at 25% left) -- massive punting cone AoE with *small* safe spot behind
** initial design of this was to wipe the party, but with 3 healers (2 now with
* Time limit ADS.
Echo), you can survive it while DPSing him down. And SE has actually
* 6 mini-bosses and 1 boss * Gravity Well (at 50% left) -- ground AoE that gives 15s Heavy debuff.
congratulated players for figuring this method out
* is not possible to kill all the mini-bosses AND the boss in the time * Melee LB whenever available after <50%.
* melee LB **after** Enrage starts (else might get him below 75%, and he'll Allagan
limit. So pick a path.
Rot & you'll wipe)
* each mini-boss killed removes 1 ability from the boss, but also gives *** ALLAGAN ROT *** (at 75% left)
Tank -> Belt, Pants, Rings, Earrings * everyone is a Melee -- stack together for the heals Tank -> Belt, Pants, Rings, Earrings
him an extra buff * initially cast on 1 player.
Caster -> Body, Gloves, Boots, Bracelets Caster -> Body, Gloves, Boots, Bracelets
* a Debuff that lasts 15s. At end of 15s, afflicted player with explode and cause
Monk/Ninja -> Gloves, Earrings Healers: Monk/Ninja -> Gloves, Earrings
* left path is better for ... (one is for more magic DPS, I forget now) party wipe.
Dragoon -> Gloves, Necklace http://www.reddit. Dragoon -> Gloves, Necklace
* right path is better for... * Allagan Rot can be passed to someone else by walking up to them. Then you gain
Bard -> Head, Earrings com/r/ffxiv/comments/2740mw/monday_megathread_060214_ask_your_gamerel Bard -> Head, Earrings
Immunity for 45s. Cannot get Rot again until Immunity expires.
Healing -> Head, Boots, Necklace ated/chxgun8 Healing -> Head, Boots, Necklace
* All ADS mini-bosses are similar: * Rot must be passed among players for ** the rest of the fight. **
* Keep Medica II up, and cast Medica to land just after the pulse
** Frontal Cleave * Best setup -- passing among 5 players. (Tanks NOT involved. 1 melee [2 if
* use Cure III if people aren't getting topped up to full between the above rotation
** High Voltage -- same as Turn 1 -- SILENCE! needed].) Best time to pass with 5 people: 4 or less seconds left on Rot.
and your co-healer(s) as it's more mana intensive, and generally not necessary.
** Repelling Cannons -- same as Turn 1 + now debuffed tanks take extra ** Stacking method -- pass through all Ranged so Immunity is active on everyone.
* If a single person is falling behind you should be able to squeeze in a Cure II
damage. Then Stack and stay together; Rot will auto-pass when Immunity is up on the next
between Medica casts (your 2nd might be a little later than normal, but it'll be in
person in line.
time to keep people up, and you can catch up later).
** with extra melee -- have them trade in and out from range, passing Rot when
* Swiftcast + Cure II/Medica can be useful if you're falling behind on a person or
they come back in.
the group.
* Best to Number the players and then pass in that order
* Benediction is handy on a single target as well.
* Don't worry if the tank dies, just leave them on the ground. Your mana and time
are better spent keeping the DPS up.

Turn 3 Loot iLv 70

* Jumping puzzle
* Launch pad through the circle (Sonic!)
no loot.
** step on the little circle closest to the Sonic-ring you're aiming for;
(Technically, there is one chest. But is
this should light up the arrow in that direction
** step in the middle again to jump
* Activate Silent Terminals

Turn 4 Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6

* Dreadnought, Soldier, Knight, 2 Rooks, & bugs
* Knights and Soldiers spawn. Knights are immune to Magical attacks & will reflect * MT adds 2nd Dreadnought to Phase5 Dreadnought; new will get
* Bugs & 2 Rooks. Rooks die first. Have point-blank, non-telegraphed frontal cone-- run * Dreadnought, Knight, Solder.
iLv 77 those back on the caster. Soldiers have Stoneskin and are immune to Physical * Dreadnought #1. MT grab at spawn spot and face to center. buffed from eating bugs.
behind to avoid * MT on Dreadnought; far north
attacks until stoneskin broken w/ magical attacks * everyone else run behind dread. * OT -- adds (Leaving this method in
* Bugs. Their attacks drain your HP to restore their own. * Dreadnought first
old/full method Tank -> Gloves, Bracelets * Physical -- kill Knights, then switch to Soldiers * bugs also spawn, but take too long to kill. They'll run to healers, but Dreadnought * DPS the Rooks first (melee LB), then P5 Dreadnought. because it's still useful to
* 1 Tank get them all. Everyone else DPS. Healers focus on OT. * MT likely on Dreadnought still * OT -- Knight, Soldier
(because Caster -> Belt, Pants, Earrings * Magic -- kill Soldiers will eat them on the way (!) & will get damage x4 buff. * Physical -- Knight know for when things go
* kill all before the next phase starts. ** OT on bugs * Physical -- Knight, then Soldier
sometimes runs go Monk/Ninja -> Head, Belt, Boots, * kill all adds before dealing with next phase * Then DPS the dreadnought down as much as possible before the next phase. * Magic -- Soldier off the rails, as they do)
** Bard on Rook; has unmarked frontal cone * Magic -- Soldier
badly) Necklace * MT -- left/west (for next phase) * Then last Dreadnought -- lots of AoE damage incoming, so lots of
* everything needs to be dead before next phase; best to group them and AoE * kill Knight & Soldier before next phase, then hit Dreadnought
Dragoon -> Head, Ring * all healers & DPS move to wall behind MT before next phase AoE heals outgoing
Bard -> Chest, Boots, Necklace
new Healing -> Chest, Belt, Bracelets, Ring * MT stay N, grab Dread
* MT to W, OT to N * Dread spawns W -- MT pick up * OT to center for Knight + S Soldier
* Bugs and Rooks --
* group the adds and burn * kill it * MT to N, grab Dread * drag near last Dread to feed bugs
* gather/AoE all bugs * OT grab far ones, MT near; group them
* MT stay W * whoever gets aggro on bugs -- drag to Dread * OT to middle for Soldier + E for Knight * DPS on Rook first (LB maybe); could also group + caster LB
* AoE them down
* kill adds, then Dread

Turn 5 Phase 1 -- 100% - 85% Phase 2 -- 85% - 55% Phase 3 Phase 4 -- 55% - 30% Phase 5 -- 30% - 0%

Loot Fireballs/Conflagration Divebombs Twisters

iLv 82 * At 54%, she drops another Neurolink
* Divebomb (green icon) -- targets one player; she Jumps, then swoops towards * Twintania opens with her Ultimate attack. Anyone not in a Neurolink dies.
* ALL -- Focus Target Twin NOW * she drops Neurolink beneath her position. After Fireball, move to 2nd spot. player's original (vertical) position. Must dodge. (Get in the pit, as close to the wall * OT -- Provoke Twin, then let MT Provoke back, to get 2nd on hate list. Dreads will not * Twintania drops 3rd Neurolink.
* Fireball (red icon) -- hits for 12k damage, split among target & all nearby. Each as possible -- she'll target the vertical position and will always "miss" because she's target you. * All ranged & healers should stay near a Neurolink. OT goes to Neurolink under
Tank -> Head, Weapon * OT -- pull Twintania & Scourges person hit gives Twintania a buff, and we want her to have 4 stacks of the buff below the plane of the arena * Twister -- targets 3 players. Instant KO if caught. As soon as she starts casting, start Twin.
Caster -> Neck, Weapon * MT -- taunt Twintania to position (so the next ability hits sooner), so 4 people share the hit. * 3 Divebombs, then new adds, Asclepius & 2 Hygeia moving but stay away from other players. * Hatch -- orb that flies at targeted player (purple orbs spin around you when
Monk/Ninja -> Chest, Weapon * adds have ground AoEs ** currently accepted method: off-tank and pets to one side, everyone else to ** tank them all in the pit * You can be knocked back/killed by another player's Twister. targeted). Instant KO if not standing in Neurolink.
Dragoon -> Boots, Bracelets, Weapon * once adds are dead, form groups: currently accepted method: off- other. On Fireball, affected person runs to OT position. ** Hygeia do AoE debuff when killed -- get it on Asclepius! Not on Party. * Dreadknight -- summoned to center. One player is stunned; Dreadknight moves to ** If OT is in 3rd Neurolink, should be targeted by all Hatch
Bard -> Belt, Pants, Ring, Weapon tank and pets to one side, everyone else to other. On Fireball, affected * Immediately casts Conflagration (blue icon) -- targeted player must run ** 45s from new adds to next set of Divebombs them, 1-hit KO. OT must pick up, and it must be killed before it reaches target. (Can * Liquid Hell -- 5 in a row -- kite them along the edges; don't drop them on the
Healing -> Pants, Weapon person runs to OT position. underneath Twintania to the Neurolink. Conflagration should be DPS'ed by ** Get both little snakes to ~50%, then focus on big Heavy it.) party! (or between the party and the Neurolinks...)
*everyone*. * Divebombs again ** before it spawns, everyone, even melee, run away from center -- further distance for ** MT -- eat 2, Hallowed Ground, eat the rest, then move out of Liquid Hell's area
(Old method was tank swap after every Death Sentence -- not * She'll cast a Fireball *during* Conflagration -- targeted player should run into * New little snakes -- OT grabs; everyone meet in center him to move. ** If OT is targeted by Liquid Hell, has to move out of Neurolink, so be ready to
necessary anymore) Conflagration, which resets timer on Conflagration. * magic LB on all, then kill remaining Hygeia * Twisters spawn while Dreadknights out. -- so Focus Target Twin as soon as she first jump into the nearest Neurolink when targeted by Hatch
* now kill Asclepius appears, so can see this.
* Tanks in first Neurolink. Everyone else in 2nd.
* Divebombs after 2nd Neurolink
* tank the adds in the pit; little snakes to ~50%, then switch to big snake
* for soaking, probably best to have pets + highest HP member on one side, then * Second Divebombs * watch Twin's cast bar for Twisters -- run away and do not retrace your own or anyone
* Tank pulls all. Then keep aggro on Twin and (dragons-1) -- whichever
run to them when hit. (the more people that get hit by Fireball, the faster the *grab second set of snakes; tank everything in center else's path (touch Twisters = blow up)
the DPS are hitting, let it go. Let one go each time one is killed. This
single tank next Conflag blows up, so want minimum) * mage LB * Dreadknights -- stuns one person & moves towards them; must kill before reaches (PLD * tank in Neurolink; eats Hatch and any Liquid Hell
gives fewer things hitting you, which is less work on healers.
* after she casts her first Fireball, then can start moving to second Neurolink spot * kill little snakes next to big snake to put debuff on big stunning helps)
* Twin alone -- pull to first Neurolink position.
(right near pit) * then kill big * Order: Twister, Dread, Twister + Dread,
* Everybody gets in a Neurolink.
* Twin comes back for massive AoE attack

The Second Binding Coil of Bahamut (SCoB), Turns 6-9 (Turns 1-4)
Unlocking Unlocking
After beating Turn 5, go back to the Waking Sands.
* talk to Alisae and Uriangier
* Go to Fallgourd Float

Turn 6 minor trash beforehand -- kill the rock (around the corner) first, then the golems. Second group, new adds spawn as rock is going down.
Turn 1 Yes, the damage and mechanics have been majorly nerfed. However, the best strategy is to still follow the mechanics. Can't (entirely) just burn through it.
Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 3 - strategy
* tank swap at 2 or 3 stacks
* rest of group stays behind Raffie
70%: 40%:
* Thorny Vine (tether) -- run apart to break
* same as Phase 1 + BLIGHTED BOUQUET: * Leafstorm: Burn Strat
* bulbs -- kill the ones in the center; let outside grow
** 1-shots anyone moving at all at end of cast (not necessarily a one-shot ** AoE raid damage * LB the slugs
Tank -> bracelets, head, boots
anymore, but still hurts) ** spawns 3 slugs * avoid big AoEs
Caster -> necklace, ring, boots Devour (yellow flower mark) -- every other Thorny Vine
** sheathe your weapon and stand there!! * Acid Rain -- raid-wide AoE * Acidic Honeys spawn -- ignore & burn boss before 10 stacks of Acid Cloud (~2 min)
Mnk/Nin -> earrings, belt, head Options:
** Acidic Honeys spawn -- cast cloud debuff that increases damage from Acid Rain LOS strategy (different): http://www.reddit.
Dragoon -> gloves, earrings * marked player runs behind Raffie to the nearest new patch; everyone
* Honey-Glazed -- debuff: * Swarm -- like Death Sentence Intended strat: com/r/ffxiv/comments/2m7lwl/a_guide_explaining_los_for_t6/
Bard -> earrings, belt, boots else in front
** Bee add -- kill ASAP -- Final Sting ** can either tank swap or pop cooldowns * destroy 2 slugs, OT holds 3rd until Honeys
Healing -> earrings, gloves, boots * marked player runs in front of Raffie, everyone else behind; run back
** Blight still going on -- must stop * OT drags slug to Honeys; becomes Super Slug
when flower disappears (single LoS)
** player will KEEP debuff until dead or Devoured -- * blue mark -- Laser! * destroy Super Slug
* marked player stays behind, everyone else to front; run front when
--- next time Devour is up, that player must purposely be eaten -- follow same * damage split over all players hit * no Acid Rain extra damage b/c no Honeys
flower disappears (party LoS)
mechanic as Phase 1, but player stays in the usual danger zone * so group up, and be sure to break vines straight back
* marked player runs to one side of Raffie, everyone else to the other

Turn 7 trash waves first, but are not hard

Turn 2 Yes, the damage and mechanics have been majorly nerfed. However, the best strategy is to still follow the mechanics. Can't (entirely) just burn through it.
Loot throughout the entire fight Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Cursed Voice: * tank her just west of N * 60% -- 4 stationary archer adds * 35% -- last add -- Prosecutor
* 5-9s debuff (VARIES PER PERSON) -- watch YOUR timer, not when * hard frontal cleave ** star icon above your head: archers are targeting you. No big deal. * purple pain continues
everyone else's goes off * Circle of Flame -- hits ranged DDs with AoE, so don't stack with ranged ** on the two closest to Renauds -- watch out for Shriek while attacking * Petrifaction: any player facing the add will be petrified, so turn away
* 3 targets: 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 DPS * Circle Blade -- point-blank AoE on tanks/melee * melee LB when up (AFTER Petrifaction)
* at end, will shoot out a cone that Petrifies anything in front * MT -- be sure to leave enough room behind you that you can turn around on * Purple Pain -- ground AoE that starts in the center, and moves out and in (center
* DO NOT hit Melusine or non-Renaud adds: gives them a BUFF; too Voice without being in M's hitbox, else you'll hit her ring, middle ring, outer ring) * Once add is down, MELUSINE gets the Petrifaction ability
many buffs (even on adds) = wipe ** small amount of damage if standing in; HUGE damage if it explodes while * Poison Tail -- on a player -- does room-wide AoE damage: ESUNA/LEECH
* 80% -- 4 adds in a row (N, W, E, S); mimic Melusine's attacks standing in
Cursed Shriek: * OT pick up; drag back towards center-line to avoid Shriek ** MT drag M out of the outer ring then back to avoid
Tank -> necklace, earrings, pants
* debuff, 1 target * be sure to pull through as little of the middle as possible ** melee watch for cleave while she's moving * enrage at 11 min
Caster -> bracelets, belt, head
* will deal a roomwide petrification AoE _unless_ you're LoS from
Mnk/Nin -> necklace, ring, chest
Dragoon -> boots, necklace, ring
* hide behind frozen Renauds (outside hitbox); rest of party stacks in
Bard -> bracelets, gloves, head
center to LoS Shriek
Healing -> bracelets, necklace, chest
* purposely hit them with Cursed Voice to freeze
* when spawned, will aggro on first person to damage them (cannot be
provoked off); one-shot if reach target
* usually a bard or healer to kite
* often: pull to the side opposite Melusine, then have healer Voice
them (kiter get out of the way!)
* frozen Renauds die easily, so only need 1 up
* they do unfreeze at some point

Turn 8 trash first

Turn 3 Yes, the damage and mechanics have been majorly nerfed. However, the best strategy is to still follow the mechanics. Can't (entirely) just burn through it.
Loot Towers overview Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Throughout: * Until 35% or 7min * at 35% or 7min
* 4 towers: N, S, E, W * Diffusion Ray -- debuff
* each tower has a specific set of abilities for the whole fight * Homing Missile -- * Brainjack * Allagan Field
* tower active: +1 charge every 15s -- can peel off like snipers in Bray HM; -- mindcontrols tank to hit closest raid member -- one player for 30s, then AoEs raid for double the damage that they took while
* tower at 5charges = does it's move -- splash damage, so move away from group -- assign one player to be the punching bag affected -- e.g., wrap them in a special blanket and don't let them take damage!
* stepping in the tower's semicircle gives stacking 90s debuff (Nerfs * Gaseous Bomb -- red line from above -- followed immediately by Homing Missle -- so logical to have Homing Missle player -- 10s break before next one
mean I person can stack 2 and be fine) -- targets random player also be target -- consider: defensive towers will be up: try to push them in that 10s break (so Allagan
Tank -> belt, gloves, shield
* if 2 towers reach +5 charge at the same time, WIPE. -- damage is split, so stack Field affected players aren't hit)
Caster -> chest, gloves
* Phase 1&2 -- two towers at a time * Ballistic Missiles
Mnk/Nin -> bracelets, gloves, boots
* Phase 3 -- three towers at a time --- -- 2 spawn at once, either S+S, L+L,or L+S Towers:
Dragoon -> head, pants, bracelets
* W and S towers: -- each binds 1 player; add 1 or 2 more to survive * W, S, E (2 Defensive + landmines)
Bard -> necklace, ring, pants
-- defensive Phase 1: -- small circle -- add 1 more to survive (2 total) -- 2 to W, 1 to Landmines
Healing -> ring, belt, head
-- raid-wide AoE * above abilities -- large circle -- add 2 more to survive (3 total) -- after Allagan Field, 1 more to W to trigger
* N tower: * first towers: N and W -- stack! then S+S is handled; bonus person for L+L; bonus person just on the L for -- Landmines when they charge
-- Dreadnaught (same as T4); burn it down -- send 2 people into N (Dread) tower S+L -- Allagan Field again
* E tower: -- burn Dread, hopefully before W tower explodes -- tank to S to trigger
-- 3 landmines randomly in area * second towers: W and E Towers: * W, N, E (1 Def, Dread, Landmines)
-- must be triggered, else will wipe the raid in 15s -- send 2 people into E (mines) tower * N + W (same as Phase 1) -- 3 to Dread, 1 to Landmines
-- have knockback, so know where you'll land! -- detonate mines, wait for W * W + E (same as Phase 1) * then W, S, E again
* N + E (Dread + Landmines) -- 2 to Landmines

Turn 9
Turn 4 Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 - 65% Phase 3 Phase 4
Stardust Green Marks Nael jumps -- prepare for Megaflare/ Heavensfall
<47% (well that's random)
-- marks random player with red or yellow symbol -- similar to meteors, but drops a Golem -- MT away from group initially
-- drops meteor on their head when mark disappears -- drop away from meteors -- rest stack (not in center) -- Adlo, Stoneskin, Soil
Bahamut's Favor
-- move away after it disappears! -- most groups drop in the center of the 3 inner circles -- Nael drops on Tank at the same time a massive pillar lands in the center; knocks
-- stacking debuff that increases Nael's damage ALSO IN PHASE 4: http://solitude.guildwork.com/_/turn-9-guide
-- meteors too close together (<8 yalms) = WIPE back party
-- works as Soft Enrage -- Lunar Dynamo (now hits everywhere EXCEPT melee)
-- set a pattern, drop them that way Golem Colors = abilities -- avoid the yellow ground marks
-- Iron Chariot (now a point-blank AoE on MT) Order:
-- can do end of "feathers" and directly in between, all around edges GREEN (tank)
Bahamut's Claw: 5 fast HARD hits on the tank -- Thermionic Beam
-- Hard cleave (face away) Add -- Ghost of Mercydia
-- Super Nova (x3 at a time -- stay away until 2 are out) Fire OUT
Ravensbeak -- kill first -- huge AoE explosion on death
Divebombs: -- Meteor Streams Thunder
-- boss disappears, then hits tank hard and applies a debuff BLUE (whm) -- Binding Chain -- targeted party member will die if the cast finishes
-- 3 dragons in 1 of 3 set patterns -- Divebombs Lunar Dynamo
-- debuff explodes in 12s, AOE damage to anyone close (melee stay -- Magnetism = sucks anything nearby in -- Burn Add to 50% ASAP (only casts Chain in top 50%)
-- 2 dragons dive first, then 1 dragon dives Fire IN
max melee distance) -- interrupt Earthshock (non-dispellable Paralyze!)
Tank -> ring, chest, weapon Divebombs Thunder
-- can tank-swap between Raven's Beak for cooldowns (but whole thing RED (Bard) Add dead --
Caster -> earrings, pants, weapon Iceclaw/Icebitten: -- bait divebombs to outer edges: dragons dive in a straight line from initial Fire OUT
can really be single-tanked now) -- Earthen Heart -- hard AOE + zone -- 3 small white circles spawn around arena
Mnk/Nin -> pants, weapon -- casts sequentially through party position to mark -- so want to cover as little a slice of the arena as possible Thunder
-- Heavy Strike 270-degree AOE -- players with Garrotes run in to circles to clear
Dragoon -> belt, chest, weapon -- You will be killed by next Ice -- two dragons in first dive (marker is between), one dragon in second (marker is Chariot
Iron Chariot + Thermionic Beam -- circle despawn quickly
Bard -> chest, weapon -- can only be removed by Fire just to one side) Super Nova
-- spread to the outside to bait Iron Chariot After 30s, COLORS SWAP!
Healing -> pants, weapon -- basically, you want the dragons in and out of the arena as quickly as possible, so Thermionic
-- once Chariot is cast, stack in center to spread Beam dmg 2nd Heavensfall
Fireball/Firescorched: make them turn their heads, see the mark, dive, and then the edge is right there Fire IN
-- Monks -- Shoulder Tackle to IC, then a skill, then out, then a skill, Goal is to use Golems to clear/eat the meteors -- now with Super Nova (black hole AoE)
-- yellow line on player; AoE incoming so they're gone Thunder
then chase back to keep stacks up ** BUT -- if 1 Golem gets 4 meteors = SUPER GOLEM = WIPE -- sucks in nearby players + gives Heavy
-- You will be killed by next Fire -- set marks during Bahamut's Favor
** Also if 2 Golems get too close together = SUPER GOLEM = WIPE
-- can only be removed by Ice 1st set: (see T9 phase 4 timing tab)
Lunar Dynamo ** can't outgear the wipe If needed -- melee LB here to push phase/avoid 2nd add
-- double-meteor stream, so stay apart
-- midrange (melee + max range is safe)
ODD fireballs OUT 2nd set:
-- heals Nael for each player + pet that is hit After 65s, new meteors
EVEN fireballs IN -- Lunar Dynamo after second dive, so stack It's a well-coordinated dance -- there's a Fire IN right after stacking
-- need all phase 1 meteors cleared before
for Lunar Dynamo; there's a Fire OUT right before needing to spread
Meteor Stream -- these meteors sequentially mark 6 players
Thunderstrike: Cycle repeats for remaining anyway for Iron Chariot/Super Nova, then a stack for Thermionic
-- marks 4 people with purple marks -- solution -- group and run to drop points (so no matter who is targeted, it goes
-- paralyzes player & anyone near right before a Fire IN. The main thing to watch for is Thunder, and to
-- will slam into them and do AOE around them where you want it)
-- must move out of group (usually behind Nael -- still need melee range b/c of Lunar coordinate that person's movements around the other mechanics.
-- every other Meteor Stream will be a DOUBLE SET (Two Sets of marks,
one after the other) Golem phase again -- same as before

The Final Binding Coil of Bahamut (FCoB), Turns 10-13

(Turns 1-4)
Unlocking Unlocking
After beating Turn 9, go back to the Waking Sands.
* talk to Alisae and Uriangier
* bounce around talking to people
* end up in Northern Thanalan, Ceruleum Processing Plant

Turn 10 If you have a ninja (actual job or just sneaksy person), they can sneak through to trigger the shortcut for the rest of the party
Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 - 85% Phase 3 Phase 4 -- 55% Phase 5
* Rings around the arena will become electified throughout fight Boss immune * All same abilities plus: * New: Electric Surge -- roomwide AoE
(Electrocharge) * Heat Lightning -- randomly hits 3 players -- randomly (?)
* Electric Charge -- a stack on boss given when mechanics aren't done Adds: -- Vulnerability debuff Boss Immune -- also anytime someone dies or mechanics are ignored (e.g., Prey not shielded)
right or someone dies * 2 Sons and 2 Daughters -- also small AoE damage
* Frontal Cone (Crackle Hiss), tail cone (Spike Flail), + tank buster * Each tank picks up 1 of each Adds: * New: Cyclonic Chaos (Tether)
(Critical Rip) * adds get bonuses if same type are near each other * Wild Charge + Heat Lightning: * 2 sons and 2 Daughters -- 1 player targeted; 2 others must stack with them to spread damage
* Sons: Crackle Hiss and Spike Flail, and Electric Poo circle -- players with Vulnerability CANNOT stack to absorb Wild Charge -- they will die * start same as Phase 2 -- CANNOT be anyone with Vulnerability debuff
Tank -> bracelets, ring, boots
* Tank at the N. edge of the innermost circle * Daughters: Prey (so kill first) -- if OT has Vulnerability, must Tank Swap (note: run around the Electric Poo, not * BUT -- 1 more Son and 1 more Daughter incoming Tether + Wild Charge:
Caster -> necklace, ring, head
* Prey -- red dot -- target needs Stoneskin or Adlo (not Succor) ASAP * must be turned so that their bodies (and therefore, their abilities) are parallel, through it. Both tanks, RIP.) * Caster LB3 on all adds immediately Things start to happen at once: -- mark melee 1 & 2, mark ranged chain 1 & 2
Mnk -> necklace (Slaying), head, belt
-- if not shielded, when Prey explodes, target takes damage + Paralyze, creating safe zones for party * Alternatives: * Heat Lightning + Tether -- same as Phase 3 -- only those without debuff stack -- Tether -- melee soak -- if 1 or 2 doesn't move to tether (has WC),
Nin -> head, boots, belt earrings (Aiming)
+ AoE * kill Daughter/Son in one group, then Daughter/Son in second Cycles between HL and WC+HL -- kill Daughter from one tank and Son from other tank; then tanks each pick up the * Heat Lightning + Wild Charge -- same as Phase 3 -- only those without debuff backup moves in
Dragoon -> necklace (Slaying), belt,
* Wild Charge -- blue dot missing one stack -- Tether -- melee marked -- backup moves in for that #
-- target run behind boss (edge of inner circle) Boss no longer immune Electrocharge --** kill one tank's adds, then that tank picks up both new adds ** * Tether + Wild Charge --
Bard -> earrings (Aiming), gloves, belt
-- target will first explode with small AoE -- do not stand in this! * beat him up * Still kill in order: Daughter/Son (because of Prey) -- 2 teams -- one handles Tether, one handles Charge also an option -- Tether to one side, Charge still down the middle --
Healing -> earrings, head, shoes
-- 3 people must be stacked between boss & target -- OT closest, then * He's been building Electric Charge stacks this whole time; this continues -- one idea -- melee always Tether (with ranged as backups for each melee); to give everyone more time to react
2 others * casts Electric Burst -- damage proportional to stacks Boss no longer immune Ranged + Tank always Charge (with ranged as backups for each healer)
-- boss drops big electric circle just before Charge -- don't stand in -- * 14+ stacks = probably kills everything except tanks * beat him up * Prey/Critical Rip still happens between
massive damage * He's been building Electric Charge stacks this whole time; this continues
-- immediately flips to MT and does Crackle Hiss, so everyone else * casts Electric Burst -- damage proportional to stacks (Note: every other will be HL + Tether; one of the two Charge combos will be
needs to slide down as the boss charges to avoid cone * 14+ stacks = kills everything except tanks randomly selected after -- so similar to Shiva EX final phase, with Bow >

Turn 11 Trash: physical left, magic right

Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 - 60% Phase 3

* Center is death, so GTFO 1. The other adds from Phase 2 explode (avoid)
* 3 adds -- must be kept away from each other 2. Nerve Cloud -- roomwide AoE that hits HARD -- have everything up to mitigate
-- Egg moves randomly and can't be tanked, so drag other adds counter-clockwise -- get Dragon Kick and Storm's Path up; Virus
away from it -- and/or -- use Tank LB
* Tank boss in center -- attacks are ALL cleaves, so never move in front -- tanks pick up the other two 3. Boss has Egg buff now -- only vulnerable in melee range
of boss * random column AoEs all over
* Sphere & Cube need to be destroyed at the same time (within 5s), else the Boss attacks are still ALL CLEAVES
* Resonance -- damage split by targets -- so double tanks in front surviving one merges with Egg and you wipe
* Nerve Gas -- 3 huge AoEs, random order Tethers:
-- small cone towards tanks * Sphere (Weapons Node) * pair must stay together
Tank -> necklace, earrings, gloves
-- two half-arena zones tangent to the small cones' edges -- Repelling Cannons - damage needs to be split between the tank and the melee * sets of pairs must stay AWAY from each other
Caster -> belt, gloves, body, boots
-- stack behind boss to move quickly -- has 3x HP as the Cube * if one tethered player dies, their partner instantly dies
Mnk -> ring (Slaying), boots, gloves
* Barofield -- void zone beneath her -- stepping in adds a Vulnerability -- reduced magic damage (so use physical) * at least 90 degrees (around boss) from each other -- best to stay 180 (opposite
Nin -> head (bracelet (Aiming), necklace
debuff AND a Heavy (cannot be dispelled) * Cube (Gravity Node) side) from other pair For tethers:
* Missiles: always both -- Gravity well on random players; move out * Tethers eventually run out; new ones formed * We put up two waymarks - A (bc is red) and C (bc is blue)
Dragoon -> ring (Slaying), head, body
-- red line first -- STACK; then spread -- reduced physical damage (so use magical) * match your tether to the color: (blue to blue) and (red to Christmas)
Bard -> bracelet (Aiming), necklace
-- else spread, then stack * Egg (Electric Node) Nerve Gas:
(Aiming), boots
-- the spread missiles can be seen launching if you have horizon/edge -- immune to damage unless you're in melee range * now targets random player with small cone, then does the same set of half-arena
Healing -> belt, bracelet, pants
in view -- Forked Lightning on random player (think T9 Lightning) -- get away from other zones tangent to original cone
* Secondary Head people * remember to doge WITH your tether and AWAY from the other pair
-- will stun the MT, then start casting * general: on cone, dodge clockwise; others, dodge just to nearest edge
-- Tank Swap DURING cast Once Sphere and Cube both dead, kill the Egg ASAP
-- then hits original MT with debuff -- 2.5 min from adds spawn to phase change OR 15s from death of Egg Missiles:
-- then Primary Head on current MT -- huge tank crunch -- if it hits the -- continue to watch for Lightning * tethered pairs don't move -- untethered move in to pair to split the damage
tank with the debuff, they will die * separate for missiles, but not too far from tethered partner

Nerve Cloud:
* every other Secondary Head
* not as bad as phase transition NC, but still keep up all mitigation
ARR Raid The Binding Coil of Bahamut
Note: There is no "Normal/Story" version of Coil. It is all Savage level. This is why it is not in Raid Roulette.

Turn 12 no trash

Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 -- 80% Phase 3 -- 52% Phase 4 -- rest

Brand of Purgatory Add Phase Brand of Purgatory
* Tank in center
* targets a ranged DPS/healer with green or purple debuff (same behavior) Phoenix invulnerable; casts Chains of Rebirth * targets random player -- immediately dump it on MT
* Tank swap after Revelation (not immediate, but before next
* Phoenix will cast Flames of Unforgiveness on branded player **continues until all Bennus are dead for reals** * tanks will swap Brand during Flames while also doing tank swap because of the timing
* player will die if still targeted when Flames finishes (and to free up the healers) -- Revelation is still happening as normal
** in P1, Revelation shortly after Bennu spawn
* Pass the debuff: Chains of Rebirth
-- run through the affected player * roomwide AoE + stacking buff on boss (increases dmg of next Rebirth) -- want to Fountain of Fire
Bennu -- tank and position; burn ASAP
-- 4-5k damage per person limit to less than 13 stacks by end * targets random player; large AoE pool
* position of Bennu in P1 & P2 is in prep for P3
-- original marked player hit with Flames for 3-4k damage * revives all dead Bennus * Fountains casts 8 buffs on the boss (this is bad) -- loses 1/8 of its HP for each buff
* hit HARD
-- therefore -- original needs to be healed up to over 4k damage min -- revived Bennus will aggro on the last person who had #1 enmity (either on boss or on player)
* buff Phoenix if left alive too long
* now any two players pass Brand back and forth during Flames -- Bennus must still be killed away from each other (though the pack is following * have a player stand in the Fountain to intercept the buff
* must be positioned away from other Bennu death spots and away
the tanks around) -- mark and kill in order/place * OT = first 4 stacks
from North (where Phoenix will go during P3 -- else they'll give Phoenix
Tank -> head, pants, belt, shield Bluefire -- move after killing a Bennu -- reviving Bennus will buff all Bennus in range * 2 DPS = 2 stacks each -or- ranged = 2 stacks, 1 healer = 2 stack (leave melee on boss)
Caster -> bracelet, earrings * initially a large AoE drop that gives debuff/heavy * Once a Bennu is killed here, it will be revived AGAIN with the next Rebirth as a * (Echo means that DPS/heals can take 3 stacks now)
* positioning not too strict =as long as= they are far enough apart
Mnk -> bracelet (Slaying), earrings * turns into small blue patch Big Bennu * Note that groups taking stacks will need to switch every Fountain because will still
* Bennus spawn every 60s
(Slaying), body * cannot be to close to boss, or he absorbs it * Kill Big Bennus ASAP -- Bennu is dead for realsies after this, so can kill a Big Bennu have first stacks
Nin -> earrings (Slaying), ring (Aiming), and then a small Bennu at the same spot * can bring boss right next to Fountain, so anyone in Fountain can still DPS (though if
pants Redfire -- Movement strats -- either move the group back and forth between the middle & using ranged/healers, don't really need to) THE CUTSCENE THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
* starts almost immediately
Dragoon -> bracelet (Slaying), earrings * giant fireball chained to player one side spot -OR- drag the pack around the outer circle
* 1 DPS, 1 healer, and OT targeted (so stack in groups: OT, healers,
(Slaying), boots * will explode if it reaches them and debuff entire raid * after first Big Bennu -- Mage LB -- then focus on Big Right after OT finishes soaking Fountain, Flames will start casting, so time for
Bard -> ring (Aiming), pants, head * Stagger little Bennu deaths between Rebirth casts -- should mean only 1 Big Bennu tank/brand swap
* First cast: drops Blackfire on floor -- works like a mine (step in area
Healing -> necklace, ring, gloves To handle: up at a time
triggers AoE explosion with Vulnerability debuff)
* Have a player step into Bluefire during Redfire cast * Separate Big Bennus -- they buff each other Pinions (not Penguins, PIN-YUNS)
* if placed too closely, will link and auto-explode
* player gets a debuff from Bluefire, runs up to Redfire, and stands in the way of * Mr Happy strat -- mark Bennus for kill order -- kill small #1, then big #1. then * Tethers to one player -- column damage to player's spot
* SAME PLAYERS then get Whitefire
the fireball small #2, big #2, etc. * Physical damage to the player; Magical damage to anyone else it hits
* need to position AoE of Whitefire (it pulses) over Blackfire location
* Could also have the Redfire player run to Bluefire and then kamikaze Redfire * Pick a spot so that you aren't rushing pinions over other people
* after Black/Whitefire have both gone out -- destroy the Blackfires
* Bluefire debuff reduces damage and healing of affected player, so try not to
(DoTs/AoEs should be sufficient)
keep it up too long Flames of Rebirth
* room AoE + stacking buff on boss (soft enrage)
* 2 DPS on boss ALL THE TIME. Other 2 on Blackfires (if needed) &
Order: * every second Rebirth: Plumes spawn randomly AND Pinions go out, too -- dodge but
Brand > Bluefire > Flames (Brand swap) > Redfire -- repeat to 52% don't kill each other (also, avoid the tanks -- one has Brand)
Still have Bennu and Revelation (every 2nd Redfire)
New: Boss gets additional stack for each death... and more stacks for the longer that
Bennu > Revelation > Blackfire > Whitefire > Tank Swap > Repeat
they are dead. So, clearly, DO NOT DIE. (simple, right?)

Turn 13
i123 Loot Phase 1 Phase 2 -- 76% Phase 3 -- 52% Phase 3 -- continued Phase 4 Akh Morn Rotation
* high-damage raid-wide AOE -- get up all the mitgation * mitigate, mitigate, mitigate
* stand in Neurolink or dead
Adds -- Shadow of Mercydia Divebombs -- * Tank LB3 as well at 5s
* 3, on timers: N, SW, SE * B. appears somewhere and marks one player (red orb) -- will dive straight from his
* tank away from B. spot to where the mark appeared Akh Morn
* Melee LB1 as soon as you can to let it build up to LB3 by P4 (not really * pull the 2nd and 3rd more north, else they'll tether to and buff B. * Twin appears random place and marks one player (green orb) -- will dive straight * hard hit on primary target and nearby players
needed anymore with gear+Echo) * kill ASAP from her spot to where the mark appeared * extra hit each time it's cast
* WHM -- DO NOT HEAL until the OT has very solid hate on this add. Adds are just * Stack in center to bait both to go straight through the middle -- personal * 5 Akh Morns, then Enrage
* Tank B. in the South looking for an excuse to eat your face. positioning after
* move as soon as Twin's green mark appears ("Green means go!") Tempest Wing (tether + Twister)
Moar Adds: Twin > Gusts > Blood > Sin > Pain
* Flare Breath -- tank attack Flare Star -- Tethers/Orbs * run to your spot -- look forward and backward for Twin; dodge as needed * players tethered during Megaflare and Earthshakers
* Twin: Plummet > Death Sentence > Plummet > Plummet > DS
* tether to player(s) and move towards them. Debuff stack (Suffocated Will) + * go to the safe zones -- best to split raid in half for dodging to the 2 zones so you're * spawns giant twister, with high damage plus AoE knockback
* one tank takes to S. Also gets Gusts (be ready to AoE aggro when they spawn) 1st: CDs
Tank -> weapon, body * Megaflare -- 3 things in quick succession: damage on contact. ready for next: * tank intercept tethers and move away from group (stick it in front of Bahamut)
* other tank takes other adds. Initially keep near Twin for damage on all.
Caster -> weapon, pants -- Ground AoE on 3-4 players (spread) -- dodge out of the big circles, * damage greater with more stacks
* when Pain spawns, drag away from Twin & Gusts (Blood & Sin should be dead by then) 2nd: Holmgang/Hallowed
Mnk -> weapon, pants but not near anyone else because: * non-tanks -- 2 stacks MAX Megaflare immediately after -- spread for circles & splash; marked stack in center Megaflare plus Tether
* kill Twin, kill Gusts, work on Pain
Nin -> weapon, body -- AoE Splash on 3-4 players (spread) -- if you have the little marks, * could all tether on the same player, so others need to intercept * can have 2 Pillars now
3rd: CDs
Dragoon -> weapon, pants move to A now * repeats 3times during single add phase Adds -- Blood and Pain * If you don't have Megaflare lines, watch for Towers and jump in them
* Twin drops massive neurolink. Use to survive ultimate -- so she must die before then
Bard -> weapon, body -- marks on 2-4 players -- STACK OR DIE -- stack on the mark * pull Pain to West
4th: Holmgang/Hallowed
Healing -> weapon, body Flatten, Flare Breath, & Megaflare continues * DPS on Blood -- has either Magic or Physical Stoneskin -- only hit if it's opposite Earthshaker + Tether
* B. reappears with Divebombs (single set, since Twin is dead)
* Flatten -- high tank damage + **3** Flare Breath * Flatten + 1 Flare Breath from you * puddles last twice as long, so layer them as tightly as possible
-- stack in center to bait. 3 seconds, then run. 5th: ALL THE THINGS
* Megaflare NEW -- Pillar -- appears on a player; at least one player stand in until * then "No, to the pain!" * when first set disappears, second set still out -- then third set needs to be
-- Megaflare again
* Earthshaker -- 2 players marked its gone (else bleeding debuff on raid and probably wipe) dropped still
-- Pain may still alive, so still be DPSing until it's dead
-- 1 - straight-line damage between B. and mark Adds Part Deux -- Gusts * Flare Breathe immediately after Earthshaker -- if MT takes tether, LOTS OF
-- 2 - rapid-drop 3 puddles of poo -- puddles last a long time, so place Rage of Bahamut -- after Megaflare * absorbed by Pain = more pain DAMAGE on MT
them well * raid-wide AoE based on Suffocated Will stacks * Keep the Pain separated. Kill Pain, then kill Gusts (can be left up longer; don't hit
- drops immediately when B. rears up/cloud of dust explodes on hard. If Monk, just to keep stacks up) GIGAFLARE
spot - move now After Rage, 2nd Add spawns * stack for heals. Mitigate all the things!
Repeat above until Rage + 3rd Add Adds Part Three -- Sin
* one tank each, stack in middle Repeat until dead (either you or the boss)
--- * Evil Eye -- damage on random player; proporitional to Sin's health. DPS ASAP.
There's an alternate strategy where you move the BOSS instead of the adds. My After 5th Ahk Morn: Gigaflare (Enrage). If he's not dead by the end of the cast,
group doesn't do it that way, but I presume you move him to the opposite side Divebombs + Megaflare again. you're dead.
from the add spawn.
Not relevant since most people run it
Phase 4 timings unsynced now, but leaving it up
anyway. This is how it used to be,
from: http://solitude.guildwork.com/_/turn-9-guide
and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmqln3lIN24#t=659

1 Bahamut's Favor mark divebombs Bahamut's Claw Ice begins

How to stack for Thunder

1 tether Look at your debuffs stay stacked/melee range Thunderstruck person

2 2
Fire OUT Thunder Lunar Dynamo Nael

3 spread out Look at your debuffs rest of party

1 Look at your debuffs Look at your debuffs

Remember: if you need Fire to
3 2
Fire IN Thunder remove Ice during a Fire Out, go
with the person to get hit
3 stack! Look at your debuffs

1 Look at your debuffs Look at your debuffs wait for 1st, wait for 2nd stack! stack now!

4 2
Fire OUT Thunder Iron Chariot Super Nova Thermionic
3 spread out Look at your debuffs spread out now stack (3rd Super Nova out)

1 Look at your debuffs Look at your debuffs check your map/look N/move as needed
Meteor Stream and/or Repeat from 1
5 2 Fire IN Thunder Divebombs Lunar Dynamo*
3 stack! Look at your debuffs spread out center-ish

Odd divebomb set Double Meteor Stream (Odd = Out, just like Fire)
Even divebomb set Meteor Stream + Lunar (Even = In, just like Fire)

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