Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
This metal received its name from the characteristic rose color of
several of its compounds. When in compact form it does not dis
solve in any single acid, and is attacked very slowly by aqua regia
except when alloyed with considerable platinum or other metal;
rhodium "black" dissolves slowly in hot concentrated sulphuric
acid. Rhodium can be plated electrolytically to give a handsome
silvery finish to jewelry, silverware, or optical instruments. Since
it is almost totally insoluble in acids, the finish once applied is not
easily removed. Grinding is the method usually employed, and the
deposit is so hard that even this is difficult.1
Rhodium plate is perfectly non-tarnishing, and when properly
applied can protect the underlying metal against corrosion. The
amount of metal needed to give a serviceable deposit is minute, and
the refiner need not expect to recover much rhodium from his
wastes, even when handling stuff that is known to be rhodium
The solutions used for rhodium plating are sold by certain of the
precious metal dealers. When they become exhausted or foul, do
not add such solutions to your other platinum wastes their separa
tion would be unduly expensive and troublesome. Instead, evaporate
i Atkinson and Raper mention a method of stripping rhodium plate from silver,
the article being immersed in a molten mixture of cyanides of potassium and sodium;
if it is made anode and a current passed, the removal of rhodium is hastened. The
method should be operated only by experts. For details see British Patent No. 419,819.
There is obvious need for a simpler and more adaptable method.
them down a bit to get rid of excess water, then return them for credit
to the dealer from whom they were purchased, shipping by express
(not mail) and using the same acid-proof container in which they
came. It is possible, of course, to precipitate the rhodium with zinc,
but the task of making it up into a new bath is beyond the skill
of most non-chemists.
A second use for rhodium is in scientific apparatus, especially the
so-called Le Chatelier thermo-couple, mentioned in Chapter XVI,
whose essential part is two wires, one pure platinum, the other an
alloy of 10 percent rhodium with 90 percent platinum. Rhodium-
platinum alloys resist high temperatures extremely well.
Osmium is the heaviest of the platinum group, and has the highest
melting point. Like ruthenium, it has been used as a stiffener and
hardener of platinum when its price compared favorably with that
of iridium. Its employment in fountain pen points is mentioned
in Chapter XVI, and one of its compounds is used as a stain in
microscopy. When heated in air or oxygen, osmium also forms
a volatile and very poisonous oxide, and is even more dangerous to
the operator than ruthenium, the fumes appearing at a lower tem-
perature. Partly because of this volatility its alloys have found
limited usefulness, in spite of the fact that it is more efficient than
iridium as a hardener of platinum.
Any operation involving the heating of osmium should be con-
ducted in a hood with a good draft, and a mask should be worn to
protect the face, eyes and throat of the operator. The fumes have a
garlicky odor and act as a poison to the lungs. The vapor is reduced
to the metallic state when in contact with the eye tissues, and if
deposited upon them in sufficient quantity can produce permanent
blindness. The word osmium is derived from a Greek word mean-
ing stench.
Osmium and ruthenium and most of their alloys are dissolved
in acids only with difficulty, even when in the finely divided form,
and in most systems of separation the volatility of these oxides is
as the main constituent, would run into the thousands. And with
every change there might be a modification of the procedure.
It should now be clear why even the skilled chemist finds this
refining a laborious task, and why he must be prepared to vary his
procedure from batch to batch if ne£es1s.aiajfficS{h^leiiYan<a Qtflffin¥
gin their paper2 w i t h t h e w o r d s :
outline that may be followed for any and all combinations of the
platinum metals; different combinations require different. methods
of attack." The same point is brought out in the paper3 m w
Johnson and Atkinson describe the processes used in the Acton
(England) refinery of the Mond Nickel Company, Ltd. They
say: "In precious metal refining, the order of operation depends
upon the ratio in which the precious metals are present. The order
described here is followed because it has been found to be the most
suitable for these by-product concentrates, although it is realized
that other sequences of operations might be more suitable for other
types of material."
We shall therefore make no attempt to give full directions for
the refining and separation of these three rarer metals. We shall
instead give a brief outline of the general principles used, and, for
the reader with a knowledge of chemistry, a list of publications
wherein he can find detailed procedures.
The last four processes, involving fusion with barium dioxide, fusion
with zinc, and the distillation of the volatile oxides, have not been dis
cussed in this book. As we said above, they are subject to many modi
fications. Thus, potassium pyrosulphate or sodium peroxide may be
used instead of the barium peroxide. Sometimes the distillation is carried
out in an atmosphere of chlorine. And so on and so on.