Engine Exhust Power Generasion System: Fig. 1 Seebeck Effect
Engine Exhust Power Generasion System: Fig. 1 Seebeck Effect
Engine Exhust Power Generasion System: Fig. 1 Seebeck Effect
ABSTRACT: In order to improve the thermal efficiency and fuel economy of automobile engine, make full
use of the waste heat of automobile exhaust for energy saving and emission reduction, a flat-plate type of
thermoelectric power generation(TEG) device is designed which makes full use of the car exhaust gas waste
heat. Firstly, introduce the basic principle of the TEG; choose the suitable TEG sheet according to the operating
characteristics of general gasoline engine. Secondly, establish the device model of exhaust waste heat TEG by
CATIA 3D software, choose the install method and quantity of TEG sheet, design the suitable circuit for the
system, at the same time, analyze of the basic application of the device. Finally, according to the data analysis
and calculation, find the cost and feasibility of the TEG device. The calculation results show that, the fuel
saving ratio of the system is 0.03L/h and it can recover the cost in 4 years. So, the TEG device has certain
feasibility and extensive application prospect.
KEYWORD: exhaust gas, TEG, thermal efficiency, automobile, Fuel economy
1 INTRODUCTION temperature difference, there will be a electromotive
As the development of the national economy and force between the two sides when the circuit is open;
improvement of people’s living standard, vehicles and a current in the circuit when it is close, as shown
have become common transportation tools in daily in Fig. 1 (Tu Xiao-Liang, 2015).
life. By 2015, the motor vehicle quantities have
reached 270 million. Although the government
supports and encourages the development and utility
of new energy vehicles, vehicles equipped with
internal combustion engine are still widely used.
Statistics shows that only about 40% of the total
energy that produced from fuel combustion can be
used to overcome the various resistances during
driving (Weng C C, 2013), and most of the energy is
not effectively utilized but released to the atmosphere
wastefully. If the waste heat in the engine’s exhaust
can be recovered and converted into electrical energy
by thermoelectric generator, the engine’s effective
thermal efficiency and fuel economy can be improved
to some extent so as to achieve the purpose of energy
saving. Fig. 1 Seebeck effect
After several experiments, Seebeck discovered
that within a certain range of temperature difference,
2 THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF the electromotive force e of the thermoelectric
THERMOELECTRIC POWER GENERATION The generation is proportional to the temperature
essence of thermoelectric power generation difference between the hot side and cold side(Yao
technology is to concerted the temperature difference Wu, 2015),
between the high-temperature heat source and the
low-temperature heat source into electrical energy, e PN (THJ TCJ )
The materials for old layer box and intake and shows a circuit diagram of DC booster, where the Q-
exhaust manifolds are basically similar to the 1and Q-2 refers to transistors, which are turned on
selection of materials for heat layer box, so No.304 and off alternately to transfer the current to the
stainless steel is also material for the cold layer box primary circuit of the transformer. The input of the
and intake and exhaust manifolds transformer is square wave, and the required voltage
(3)Selection of clamping device material can be obtained by filtering and rectifying the output
As the internal part of the system is compressed by at B-1.
the clamp device, the material for clamping device
needs to be provided with relative high stiffness and
toughness, and also a cheap price. After compared
with various materials, the grey cast iron is found to
be as the suitable material.