4a Lesson Plan Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Detailed lesson Plan in Social Science

The Government of the Philippines in transition
4A’s Lesson Plan

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Learn the transitional period from pre-Spanish government up to the present
Identify the different form of government at the time of different invasion.
Analyze why the President struggling for the Philippine independence.

II- Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Government of the Philippines in transition and the three different branches and
its function

B. Reference: Philippine Constitution by Hector S. De Leon, 1999 Edition p.10-17

C. Materials: manila paper, pilot pen and pictures
D. Value focus

Learning Activities
a. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Monitorial Task: 7: ooam-7:15am
Flag Raising Ceremony 7:15am-7:30am

“Good Morning Class!” “Good Morning Sir!”

“Okay! Before we shall start our lesson may I (Student Praying)
call____ to lead the prayer”

“Okay I will check your Class attendance in a family “Present sir”

name sequence, we’ll start with:
Arani Jomar

And the last is

Yardley Brenda “Present sir”

b. Motivation
Why the Philippine is called a “The Philippines is called a democratic country
democratic country? Anyone? because the people have the right to choose their
Yes, Marlon” President of the Republic of the Philippines
through election process which is suffrage, we
“Very Good! Marlon" have our freedom of choice.
So, are you ready with our new lesson? “Yes we are ready Sir”
The Government of the Philippines in transition
“Well that’s good to hear our lesson for today will and the three different branches and its function.
be on ….

“Very Good! did you already know what is “No Sir”

Philippine government and its branches?

“Okay, for you to have an insight about our topic

please pay attention to the class discussion and
later on I’ll be giving you an activity.”

1. The Philippine during Pre-Spanish
Prior to the arrival of Spaniards, the Philippines
was composed of settlements or villages, each
called_____? Very good! “Balangay” a Malayan word meaning
Consisting of more of more or less 100 families)
named after_____

Each barangay was ruled by a chief called “datu”

in some places, and rajah, sultan or hadji in others,
he was its chief executive, law giver, chief judge
and military head. The nobility (maharlika) to which the datu
belong,the freemen (timawa) and the serfs(aliping
The people of the barangay were divided into four namamahay) and the slaves (aliping sagigilid)
classes namely: anyone? please read…

Early laws
The early Filipinos had both written and unwritten
laws, the written laws were promulgated by the
datus, the two known written codes in the pre-
spanish era are the “Maragtas Code” in 1250 A.D.
by Datu Sumakwel of Panay and the Kalantiaw Customs and tradition which had been passed
Code in 1433 A.D. by Datu kalantiaw also of down from generation to generation.
Panay. The unwritten laws consisted of … please

2. Next, would be the government during

Spanish period
Spain’s title to the Philippines was based on the
discovery made by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521
Three times during the Spanish period, the
Philippines was given representation in the “Union of Churh and the State”
Spanish cortes, a basis principle introduced by the
Spain was the, anyone? Yes, Denise”

“Very good” now the government in the

Philippines unitary, during this era, they
established the Philippines centralized in structure
and national in scope.
The barangays were consolidated into
towns(pueblos) headed by a Gobernadorcillo
(little governor) called Capitan.
The Governor General served as the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial powers.
The captain General was the Commander –in-
Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
The Vice-royal patron exercised religious powers. “Executive, legislative and Judiciary”
Again what is the function of Governor General?
Anyone from the class please… “Maragtas code and the Kalantiyaw code”
“Very good!!
What are two written laws promulgated by the
Datu? Yes, Jenny.
Alright!! Now going back to Spanish Governor
General, they were two of them who ruled in the “was General Diego De Los Rios ruled in 1898.”
Philippines under Spanish era, the first one was
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi who ruled from 1565-
1571 and the last one….
The Royal Audencia established in 1583 was the
Supreme Court of the Philippines.
In 1893 they made two Territorial Audencias one
in Cebu and the other in Vigan.
Andres Bonifacio, on July 07,1892, the central
3. Governments during the revolutionary government was vested in Supreme Council, each
era. province had a Provincial council, each town had a
The Katipunan government was headed by popular Council and the Judicial power was
revolutionary leader____anyone please read… exercised by the Judicial Council.

The Biak-na- Bato Republic established by Gen.

Aguinaldo on November 1, 1897(now San Miguel “The aim of the revolution of Biak- na –Bato
De Mayumo, Bulacan, the constitution took effect republic was the separation of the Philippines
in two years. What was the aim of the revolution? from the Spanish monarchy and their formation
Anyone can answer please? Yes, Jose. into an independent state.”
“Very good!!next one is the Dictatorial The Proclamation of Philippine Independence at
Government established by Gen.Aguinaldo on Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898 and the
May 23, 1898, the most important achievements reorganization of local governments.
of it was Liza, please read…

Thank you!! Liza

Later on, Gen.Aguinaldo replaced dictatorial into
Revolutionary Government which he himself as
the President and a congress which the aim of the
new government was to struggle for the
independence of the Philippines, until all nations
including Spain will recognize it and to prepare the
country for the establishment of a real Republic.

The First Philippine Republic

This constitution was the first democratic
constitution ever promulgated in entire Asia. It “General Emilio Aguinaldo”
established a free and independent Philippine
Republic inaugurated on January 23, 1899 with
whose President? Yes, Rina,
Very good!!

4. Governments during American regime

The American Military ruled in the Philippines
on April 14, 1898, the first Military governor
was General Wesley Merritt second was
General Elwell E. Otis last one was Major
General Arthur MacArthur, they were served
as executive, legislative and Judiciary.

There were three Civil Governor, the first was

Judge William H. Taff (1901-1903) succeeded
by Luke F. Wright (1904-1906) the last
Governor General was Frank Murphy (1933-
1935) the first commissioner of the United
State to the Philippines.
Tydings-Mcduffie law The law provided for the transition period of ten
years during the commonwealth government of
the Philippines would operate and at the
expiration on July 4, 1946.
The president under commonwealth government
was_____? And the Vice-President was? ____ “Manuel L. Quezon”
anyone… Sergio Osmena”
Very Good!!
5. Governments during Japanese
The Japanese Military Administration “Jose P. Laurel, on August 17, 1945 he proclaimed
established in Manila on January 3, 1942. the dissolution of the Republic.

The Japanese sponsored Republic of the

Philippines established on October 14,
1943 was inaugurated with whose
president? Anyone, yes Daniel….

“Very Good!!
6. The Previous Philippine Republics
The president of the United States was
authorized to proclaim the independence
of the Philippines prior to July 4, 1946
after the defeat of Japanese time.

The Republic of the Philippines was Manuel Roxas as the first President and
formally, inaugurated on same date with Elpidio Quirino as Vice-President, they
the proclamation of Philippine served from May 28, 1946 to July 4, 1946
independence with……please read Ella as the last Commonwealth President and
Vice-President respectively.

“Thank you Ella”

The 1935 Constitution served as the fundamental
law not only for the Commonwealth government
interrupted by the 2nd world war but also the
Republic of the Philippines until the ratification of
1973 Philippine Constitution establishing a
parliamentary form of government with
proclamation no. of 1102 of President Ferdinand
E. Marcos on January 17, 1972
1st republic was Malolos Constitution established
on January 23, 1899
2nd was Japanese Sponsored Constitution October
14,1943 and
The 3rd was 1935 Constitution under President
Marcos in his inaugural address on June 30, 1981,
proclaimed the birth of 4rth Republic under 1973
Constitution amended in a plebiscite on April 7,
1981 installed a modified parliamentary form of

And the last one is the Provisional Government

of 1986
“Anyone kindly read…
Before Corazon C. Aquino took her oath of office
on the morning of February 25, 1986 at club
Filipino, San Juan, Metro Manila, the last day of a
four- day “People Power” revolt (February 22-25)
that culminated in the ouster of President
Ferdinand E. Marcos, She read proclamation
number1 wherein she declared that She and her
Thank you!! Vice-President were taking Power by the will if
On February 7, 1986 in her Oath, she swore to Filipino people.
preserve and defend the “fundamental law” and
not the Constitution.
Revolutionary why? Yes, Denis
Because it was instituted not in accordance with
the procedure in an existing Constitution. Having
been installed by the direct action of the people or
by People Power.

“Very Good”

Democratic- the provisional government was

claimed to be democratic because it was installed
by direct action of the people.

c. Analysis
1.Why do we need to study the Philippine
2.Why do you think that the revolutionary leader
struggled in fighting for the Philippine
3.Why the American government gave the ten-
year transition period to the Filipino?
4.In what way that the Filipino citizen adopted and
practice catholic as their religion?

d. Abstraction
1.How was the Philippine government developed?
2.Explain how the purpose of government
3.What is the function of Executive branch of the
4.Summarize the duties and responsibilities of
Legislative branch of government?
5.Explain what is Judiciary?

c. Application
Let the student apply what they learned during
class discussion. Let them do an activity like
argumentation and debate on a certain topic.

Directions: Please get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following questions.
1.Who is the president of during Japanese sponsored Republic?
2.Under what era that the basic principle introduced the union of church and state?
3.Establishment of the Commonwealth Government of the Philippines pursuant to an act of the united
State Congress.
4.Each barangay was ruled by a chief called?
5.The written laws which was authored by Datu Sumakwel of Panay.
6.The written laws which was authored by Datu Kalantiyaw.
7. Who is the first Spanish Governor General?
8. The barangays were consolidated into town called?
9.The President elected through people power?
10.Who is the Vice-President under Manuel A. Roxas administration?

Explain in a one whole sheet of paper the three branches of Philippine Government?

Prepared by: Ahamad E. Kani

BS Social Science

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