Department of MTech.
Computer Science Department
Submitted by:
Group No. 1
Amreesh Tyagi
Provide quality undergraduate and graduate education in both the theoretical and applied
foundations of computer science and train students to effectively apply this education to
solve real-world problems thus amplifying their potential for lifelong high-quality careers
and give them a competitive advantage in the ever-changing and challenging global work
The Department of Computer Science, MTech, shall endeavor to, in accordance with the
• Promote the growth and development of computing industry in India and the
world as a whole;
Since the Dept. of MTech is one of the many departments of JIITU, it needs to function
in close coordination with the system of the other departments.
The dept of MTech CSE has approximately 50 students. The Mtech Department shares
most of its faculty with the Department of CSE. Since this department offers a masters
degree, the faculty of this department has to be highly specialized in specific subject areas
with extensive research exposure.
“To equip the students with the ability & skills to analyze, design and develop computer
system and their applications.”
This inherently means that the department believes in producing professionals with
analytical abilities that are employable in the industry. For this purpose, the faculty has to
be such that they have sufficient industry exposure as well.
The figure describes the relationships between the various posts and the arrows depict
who reports to whom.
The core courses which are offered in the M.Tech stream are:
1. Introduction to programming
5. Data communication & net centric computing OR web servers and web
1. Programming techniques C COURSE
1. Bio-Informatics
2. Security in computing
3. Databases
4. Intelligence Systems
6. Search engines
7. Software engineering
Since we have 5 core courses then we would require two faculties per core course
i) Professor
Specialization in more than one field of core course and one among the
specialized streams as mentioned above. It is preferable if he has dual
specialization in domains of similar genre.
ii) Assistant professor
Specialization in atleast one field of core course and one among the
specialized streams as mentioned above.
Should be atleast and in any specified field as per the requirement
of the university. He should have highly diversified knowledge of various core
courses and specialization streams in the curriculum proposed. This is because most
of the time professor wouldn’t be free for lecture activities but would be conducting
mentoring or research activities.
v) Lecturer
Since lectures form the basic building blocks of the teaching hierarchy, their
recruitment has the maximum share among the entire workforce.
Geographical location
Noida, UP
Edu Qual
Btech (CS/IT)
Mtech (CS/IT)
Work Experience
Teaching experience – At least 10 years
Industrial Software development experience – At least 8 years
Interest area
Digital image processing, Algorithms, software engineering, multimedia, soft computing,
networking, AI
At least 20 publication in national and international (at least 10) journals/conferences
Geographical location
Noida, UP
Edu Qual
Mtech (CS/IT)
Work Experience
Teaching experience – At least 5 years
Industrial Software development experience – At least 5 years
Interest area
Digital image processing, Algorithms, software engineering, multimedia, networking
At least 15 publication in national and international (at least 5) journals/conferences
Geographical location
Noida, UP
Edu Qual
BTech (CS/IT/EEE/electronics and communication)
MCA(preferred), Mtech (CS/IT)
Work Experience
Teaching experience – At least 3 years
Industrial Software development experience – At least 4 years
Area of expertise
Digital image processing, Algorithms, software engineering, multimedia, networking
(Atleast 3)
At least 5 publication in national and international (at least 2) journals/conferences
Geographical location
Noida, UP
Edu Qual
Btech (CS/IT)
Mtech (CS/IT)
Work Experience
Teaching experience – At least 2 years
Industrial Software development experience – At least 2 years
Area of Expertise
networking, software engineering, multimedia (Atleast 2)
At least 3 publication in national and international (at least 1) journals/conferences
Head of Department
He has to ensure that the laboratories in the department are well equipped and maintained
according to the curriculum, all the equipment in the laboratories/ workshops must be
functional to conduct the Practicals properly. He will decide the meaningful project work
of the students in consultation with the senior lecturer and lecturer and monitor
performance of every student..
He can be assigned any or more of the following administrative duties by the Principal of
the institute.
a. Industry Institute Interaction. (In case TPO is not there in the institute)
b. Training and Placement of the students of his discipline. (In case TPO is
not there in the institute)
c. HoD should take junior classes also for teaching/ Practicals.
d. Hostel Superintendent/ Sports President/ SRC’s/ Purchases.
e. Officer Incharge Examination, attendance, cash.
f. Looks after the department in the absence of Principal.
g. To assist the administration in smooth conduct of the examination/
admission/ house tests/ practicals/ disciplinary matters.
Professors' responsibilities are typically divided between teaching, research, and service.
The teaching responsibilities are the most visible: learning the material (this can take
years, especially for some upper level courses), keeping up to date with current advances
in both research and pedagogy, choosing an appropriate textbook, preparing lectures,
supervising teaching assistants, grading, etc.
Research activities involve solving problems that were previously unsolved. These
activities are more difficult to describe. Most professors have one or more areas in which
they are experts. Part of the job is to keep up with current research activities in their areas
of expertise. This includes reading journal articles, attending conferences, and staying in
touch with other researchers in their field. It is sometimes as hard - and as important - to
find the right questions to ask as it is to answer them. Problems that have been solved are
written up in the form of an article and submitted to an academic journal for publication.
The editors of the journal send the submission to experts (referees) for their opinion about
whether the article deserves to be published. If published, the authors get a pat on the
Service activities involve serving on various committees at the Department (e.g., the
undergraduate program committee which evaluates the courses we require for majors and
minors), College, Campus (e.g., the Liberal Education Committee, which evaluates the
courses students must take in order to gain sufficient "breadth" in their education), and
the University of Minnesota system. They also perform service activities to the "academic
community," such as organizing conferences, editing and refereeing for journals,
Assistant Professor
An Assistant Professor is an experienced academic and broadly equates to the level expected
of a Senior Lecturer in a comparable Australian university. An Assistant Professor is
expected to make a strong contribution to teaching, research and service in the Faculty and
University. He or she is also expected to maintain and develop activities relevant to their
profession or discipline.
�Participating in scholarly activities that influence and enhance learning and teaching in the
�Preparing high quality subject delivery and learning support materials using any web based
platforms, electronic library information systems and other teaching and learning systems
developed for use in the University
�Ensuring that the graduate attributes of the University are embedded in subjects or
discipline areas for which they are responsible and
that there is explicit relationship of learning and teaching to University objectives
�Complying with all policies and procedures relating to teaching and learning, making every
effort to contribute to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of administration of
teaching and learning
�Ensuring that students are adequately informed of the requirements and conduct of learning
�Providing flexible, consistent and timely approaches to assessment and feedback that foster
independent learning, incorporate relevant developments, and reflect best practice
�Obtaining feedback from students, peers and employers on individual teaching, the
subjects and programs for which they are responsible, and the implementation and
�Contributing to internal and external reviews and accreditation of subjects and programs
for which they are responsible
�Providing respect and support for the development of students as individuals and thereby
contributing to creating the unique Bond experience for students in their learning
�Providing approaches to learning that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn
�Providing a continuing high level of personal commitment to, and achievement in, a
particular scholarly area and as a result, generating high level research outcomes
�Developing a record of publication in top ranked and other research and scholarly journals
and other forms of publication and recognition of that record within the research
�Supervising the program of study for honours students and postgraduate students
undertaking research projects
�Contributing in the Faculty and University in the policy development, management and
review of research
�Within the Faculty and/or University, making a contribution to two or more of and taking a
significant role in at least one of:
o A significant Centre
o Management and administration of a significant area (eg, teaching and learning, student
support, postgraduate programs, quality assurance) across the Faculty and/or
�Contributing to the financial viability and success of the Faculty and University
Other Duties as Directed
The staff member may seek and/or the Dean may allocate additional duties within a staff
member’s skill, competence and training
The brief description of the duties assigned to the lecturers as per Appendix ‘C’ of the
AICTE norms are given below:
(i) Teaching : 18 hours per week. For this purpose, practical/ tutorial of 2 hours
is treated as a teaching load of 1 hour.
(ii) To work as Incharge of laboratory in the concerned discipline.
(iii) There should be rotation in the Engg. subjects taught by teachers after three
(iv) Maintenance of Equipment in the laboratories
(v) Conduct of Practicals in the laboratory
(vi) Planning and Implementation of Curriculum Development
(vii) Development of Resource Material
(viii) Participation in Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular Activities
(ix) Student guidance and counselling and helping in their career shaping and
personality development
(x) Innovation in technician education and evaluation
(xi) Providing leadership in teaching Diploma and Post Graduate diploma
(xii) Promotion and Coordinating continuing Education Activities.
(xiii) Self-development through up-gradation of knowledge and skills.
(xiv) Officer Incharge attendance/ examination.
In addition to the above duties, he is required to assist the administration in planning the
academic/ administrative/ developmental activities, developing and updating the MIS
and implementation of the same effectively.
3. Senior Lecturer
(i) Teaching : 14 hours per week for this purpose, a practical/ tutorial of 2 hours
is treated as a teaching load of 1 hour.
(ii) There should be a rotation in the in the Engg. subjects taught by teachers
after three years.
(iii) To assist the maintenance of Equipment in the laboratories
(iv) Conduct of Practicals in the laboratory
(v) Planning and Implementation of Curriculum Development
(vi) Development of Resource Material
(vii) Participation in Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular Activities
(viii) Student guidance and counseling and helping their character development
(ix) Innovation in technician education and evaluation
(x) Providing leadership in teaching Diploma and Post Graduate diploma
(xi) Promotion and Coordinating continuing Education Activities.
(xii) Self development through up-gradation of knowledge and skills.
(xiii) Officer Incharge attendance/ examination/ Cash
(xiv) To work as Incharge of laboratory.
In addition, the Senior Lecturer helps the Head of Department in smooth functioning and
control of the various activities of the department. The Senior Lecturer is responsible to
ensure that the project work of the students is properly guided by him.
For the 50 students, the major subject areas offered are majorly in the domain of:
• Algorithms
• Networks
• Operating systems
• Artificial intelligence & Neural Networks
• Computer Graphics
• Applied Computing
• Computer Architechture
• Database Systems
Professors- 3
Each professor must have area of expertise in at least three of the above domains.
Associate professors – 4
Each professor must have area of expertise in at least 2 of the above domains.
Adjunct Faculty
To be recruited if the above mix of faculty do not cover the entire curricula offered to the
MTech students.
Increase in faculty:
Professor: +3
Associate Professors: +4