Conference Program USFQ SISE IIN2019
Conference Program USFQ SISE IIN2019
Conference Program USFQ SISE IIN2019
Industrial Engineering
Quito, February
20th-22nd, 2019
Welcome to the International Conference on
Industrial Engineering, USFQ SISE IIN2019!
It is both our honor and our pleasure to officially welcome you to the Internation-
al Conference on Industrial Engineering.
Download the official Conference APP!
The Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and the Society for Industrial and
Systems Engineering (SISE) are pleased to hold the International Conference on Get it on Google Play or App Store as
Industrial Engineering on February 20-22, 2019, in Quito, Ecuador. The conference
brings together a community of students, researchers and professionals from dif- “USFQ SISE IIN2019”
ferent countries interested in the field of Industrial Engineering.
The conference will focus on the use of engineering design and analysis, while
also maintaining a balance between research and application. Additional topics
to be covered will be optimization and operations research, ergonomics, human
factors and occupational safety, quality engineering, production systems and
manufacturing engineering, supply chain and logistics and engineering manage-
We hope that the strategies and practices exchanged during this conference will
inspire you with new ideas and provide you with many learning opportunities.
Or scan the QR
Ergonomics, Humans Factors and Occupational Safety Optimization and Operations Research
Quality Engineering Student Presentations
Production Systems and Manufacturing Engineering P# = Presentation number
Engineering Management S# = Submission number Easychair
Supply Chain and Logistics
Teatro Shakespeare Teatro Calderón de la Barca Salón Azul
8:00 Registration
9:00 9:30 Opening Ceremony
9:30 10:10 Plenary 1: Ximena Cordova, "The Liberal Arts and an Industrial Engineering
10:10 10:40 Coffee Break & Sessions Change
10:40 11:00 Carolina Chávez, "Improving freight movement: Location of urban Dominique Almendariz, Annel Saavedra "The use of Mixolab to
Wenesday, February 20th
transfer centers for the Historic Center in the city of Quito"(S48) predict the quality of wheat flour partially substituted by soursop
P1 P2
residues flour for bread production through a process mixture
11:00 11:20 Santiago Najera, "Using comparative cost model to optimize the Daryl Santos, "Quality Control techniques utilized to reduce noncon-
P3 P4
production decisions in a food factory"(S49) formities in Warehouse Management Software" (S53)
11:20 11:40 Verónica León, "Sustainability performance in food supply Daryl Santos, "The effect of customer satisfaction surveys on attach
P5 P6
chains"(S55) rate in a B2B environment"(S54)
11:40 11:55 Sessions Change
11:55 12:15 Luis Alberto Tilleria, "Stochastic risk cost benefit analysis aligned to Gabriela Serrano, "Application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology in
P7 asset management strategy, how to maximize profitability in the life P8 the dairy industry: Case study in the manufacture of fresh cheeses,
cycle in power generation systems in the oil and gas industry"(S10) mozzarella cheese, and butter"(S21)
12:15 12:35 Santiago Najera, "Mathematical model to optimize the scheduling of Wendy Velasco, "Latin american schoolchildren anthropometry: Study
P9 animal harvesting in livestock production"(S36) P10 of the anthropometric differences of the rural and urban zones in
Cotopaxi, Ecuador."(S47)
12:35 12:55 José Guitierrez, "Routes, frequency and stop nodes reconfiguration Pablo Dávila, "Traditional photogrammetry with low cost scanners for
P11 for urban buses on a square kilometer in Bogota city, through mathe- P12 Anthropometry"(S62)
matical modeling"(S40)
12:55 14:15 Time for lunch
14:15 14:45 Performance
14:45 15:25 Plenary 2: Jeffrey Fernandez, “The constraints of applying ergonomic guide-
lines in Latin America”
15:25 15:40 Sessions Change
15:40 16:00 Natalia Montalvo, Erik Guerron, "Productivity improving of the Juan Carlos Llivisaca, “Model to ensure suppliers development Workshop by the International
P13 Quinoa's Snack production line of a cereal processing company"(S4) P14 in large manufacturing companies: a continuous improvement Ergonomic Association (IEA) director
approach”(S2) Margaret Graf, “Promoting Ergonomics
16:00 16:20 Andrés Sanchez, "Predictive maintenance of bearings through IoT and Dorian Mora, “Challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Factors in Ecuador”
P15 cloud-based systems"(S19) P16 in Industry: an analysis towards new technologies and productivi-
16:20 16:50 Coffee Break & Sessions Change
16:50 17:10 Jonnatan Aviles, "A method for application of Lean techniques and P18 Cristina Padilla, “Possible application of Six Sigma Methodology for
queuing theory in food services"(S14 ) the comparison of medical products”(S39)
17:10 17:30 Estefanía Pérez, "Lean Manufacturing implementation in manage- P20 María José González, Juan Manuel Maldonado “Quality systems
ment of residues in recycling industry"(S43) certification in Ecuador, ISO 9001 Standard analysis”(S12)
17:30 18:00
Teatro Shakespeare Teatro Calderón de la Barca Salón Azul
8:00 Registration
9:15 9:30 Opening Address
9:30 10:10 Plenary 3: Bernard Martin, “Occupational muscle fatigue: The legs and a pain in the neck”
10:10 10:40
10:40 11:00 Rodrigo Moreno, “Systematic Review of the Stable Matching Problem”(S56) Annel Saavedra, Carolina Chávez, “Applied statistics in a new
P21 P22 product development: a pedal-powered washing machine design for
Thursday, February 21st
10:05 10:25 José Miguel Cordero, Jamila Fernández "Operative Pre-diagnostic Nancy Velasquez, "Critical success factors for the implementation of
P41 analysis of services business, under Lean and TOC perspective. A P42 Industry 4.0 in the Ecuadorian industry"(S42) Spanish
case study."(S15)
10:25 10:45 Pedro Mogrovejo, Verónica Guillén, "Propose of Pre-diagnostic for a Nancy Velasquez, "Challenges and opportunities of security in Indus-
P43 P44
textile-factory. Application Case."(S16) try 4.0"(S29) Spanish
10:45 11:05 Delio Patiño, "Artificial neural networks for demand forecasting"(S30) Israel Herrera, "Costing of the solid waste collection service of the
P45 P46
Spanish Ibarra city"(S23) Spanish
11:05 11:35 Coffee Break & Sessions Change
11:35 11:55 Paúl Muy, "Expiration Management Model of supermarket products Carlos Corrales, Washington Amancha “Analysis of solar radiation
P47 for companies in Gualaceo, case study "La Tienda de mi Pueb- P48 through the use of a UV meter, sample of data in critical points in the
lo""(S33) city of Ambato”(S22)
11:55 12:15 Leonidas Cazares, "Formula 1 criteria applied to productivity."(S34) Medardo Ulloa, "Psychosocial factors and their effects on the health
P49 P50
and performance of the workers of a floricola company"(S20)
12:15 12:20 Sessions Change
12:20 13:00 Student awards and closure addresses
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
A. Accesos USFQ
B. Campus Principal
C. Edificio Hayek
D. Teatro Shakespeare
E. Teatro Calderón de la Barca
F. Salón Azul