Executive Summary: 1.1 General

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The Material Handling Equipment are classified in four different sec-

tors namely Cranes, Conveying and General Equipment which
includes specialist bulk handling equipment such as stackers and
reclaimers, pneumatic and ash handling equipment and fork lift
trucks. This study which provides the status report on the technology
employed in the segment of material handling equipment manufactur-
ing industry was embarked upon under direction of DSIR by MANTEC
Consultants. The study highlights the present status of industry as
well as focuses attention on areas which require upgradation of
technology. It recommends action and remedies with a view to update
technology on one hand and preparing it to meet the demand of
growing user industry on the other. This report is not a directory list-
ing all the material handling equipment and their manufacturers but a
good representative of these for the purpose of technology evaluation.
The Chapter provides in a nutshell the synopsis of the study for quick
appraisal Reference to relevant chapter would be necessary where
further clarifications/details are needed. This chapter provides the
information in four sections as described above.

1.1.1 Industry Overview:

a) Production Data: In all 47 foreign collaboration arrangements

were signed up to 1980 (refer Annexures 2.1 to 2.4). However,
between 1981-85, sixty-one new foreign collaborations
agreements have been signed (Annexure 2.5) which provide for
enhancing the capacities of the equipment and updating the pro-
ducts. None of these cover any aspect of research and develop-
ment whereby the industry could keep itself updated and
competitive all the time in respect of product development, con-
cept evaluation and the technology involved in producing the
equipment. In addition to these units in the organised sector there
are 350 units in the medium and small scale industries. Produc-

tion data for various equipment as per DGTD figures for the indus-
try is summarised below:

Year 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Creoles (Structural 20143 20321 15744 20500 22500 22500 20000 22000 21300
Weight in tonnes)

Material Handling 35 39 45 54.5 56 86.92 110.73

Equipment (Con-
veyors and other
(Rs. crores)

Ash Handling 3.92 4.427 7.30

(Rs. crores)
Fork Lift (Nos.) 463 765 800 1000 914 720 842 829

While the production level of material handling equipment have

grown perceptibly from year 1977 to those in year 1984 in all
sections except cranes, these, however, have been almost stagnant
in last 3 years in all sections other than Ash handling.

b) Status of R&D: The industry possesses the necessary manufactur-

ing and designing infrastructure but lacks the backing of well
organised R&D effort to keep itself updated. This is one reason
that fresh foreign collaboration agreements are sought
periodically to make up the deficiency that manifests with passage
of time. New Foreign collaboration agreements which provide for
increasing the capacity of equipment and updating of product list
are sought which could be avoided if planned R&D is done in the

c) Indigenisation: A thrust also needs to be made to indigenise con-

trol instruments including continuous weighing machines and
imported contents of fork lift trucks to achieve self reliance.

Salient features of individual sections are highlighted below:


1.2.1. Technology Overview: Despite best efforts, the technology obtained

from the leading manufacturers through collaborations is not the
latest. This is mainly because the collaborators transfer that technol-
ogy whose commercial potential has already been fully exploited by
them. Latest technology based on R&D is not shared for obvious com-
mercial disadvnatage. The Indian Industry has however, been able to
establish a base to make different types of cranes, but lacks the
technological dynamism towards growth, development of new techni-
ques, designs and systems.

1.2.2 Infrastructure for Manufacture: Fabrication of structural work and

manufacture of equipment for cranes needs a versatile base. Most of
these facilities are available in Indian Industries. The manufacturing
techniques and equipment are mostly labour intenstive and dated
Upgradation has not kept pace with the changes occurring at inter-
national level resulting in poor productivity, higher costs and poor

1.2.3. Designing Capability & Standardisation: Designing of different types

of cranes is being undertaken either as per the guidelines provided by
collaborators or from the outright purchased detailed drawings which
are adapted to suit the particular conditions specified by the end user.
Some of the organisations have developed software for design
calculations and have been able to achieve upto 10% reduction in raw
materials for the same load capacity. With little or no innovation the
technology is static.

The R&D work is limited to the designing effort in adapting the cranes
to suit the particular requirements but there has not been any real
breakthrough in assimilating basic know-why or R&D to develop new

Since the technology has been obtained from diverse sources, the
individual equipment manufacturers have adopted their own norms
and standards. Due to diversity of product design, the quantities pro-
duced individually of fitments and hardware are small and hence
advantage of economy of scale cannot be taken for product improve-
ment and cost reduction.

In the existing conditions, achieving self-sufficiency, international

competitiveness and good quality, will be difficult till substantial
efforts are made to carry out R&D to develop basic design and
engineering capabilities.

1.2.4. Indigenisation of Control Instruments: Electrical Drive Motors, brake

mechanism and control system for heavy cranes are being imported
from diverse sources. This is also applicable for control panels for
smaller cranes. There is little effort to evolve common standards, on
one hand, and involve the relatively developed segment of indigenous
industry of control instruments for meeting the demands on material
handling equipment industry on the other. Proper assessment of long
term requirement for undertaking production are not being

1.2.5 Assessment Gaps and Remedial Measures: The industry generally

employs out-dated manufacturing techniques. There is inhibition to
make use of automation for achieving precision and economy in costs
because of larger capital investments against uncertain demand of
finished goods. There is no effort to evolve detailed national standards
for different types of cranes, control instruments, sub-assemblies and
major assemblies. Some of these problems can be traced to diverse
collaborations for similar products.

a) The gap in manufacturing technology includes employment of con-

ventional designing methods, orthodox machine tools, manual
layout and cutting techniques in the country as against CAD
techniques, CNC machines & Photo-electric flame cutting machine
used extensively in developed countries. Absence of descaled
model testing and other simulated facilities is a serious dis-
incentive for developing original & new concepts. Inability to test
new ideas on ground for their viability leads to lack of confidence
and results overdesigning. Resultant lack of competitiveness leads
to seeking repetitive import of technology.

b) Standardisation of models, sub-assembly and control instrument

needs to be undertaken. R&D efforts need to be organised at
National Industry and unit level to provide a proper futuristic
direction to the efforts of the industry which otherwise has very
viable infrastructure backed by capable trained manpower.
Facilities for conducting research for developing new concepts and
computer aided designs, structural stress analysis and their testing
with the help of descaled models need to be created. There is room
to organise interaction between future researchers, manufacturers
and users.



1.3.1. Technology Overview: The Industry has done well to absorb the
technology acquired through collaboration agreements. Considerable
progress has been made towards indigenisation. The requirements
that arise in the user industry are well looked after. It however, still
depends upon foreign support for product improvement.

1.3.2. Manufacturing Infrastructure: During the course of its development,

the industry has built up the necessary infrastructure and generated
trained manpower to undertake manufacture of all types of equipment
needed for meeting the existing demands. Some of the units like
KCP. have specialised in meeting the demands of the Sugar and
Cement Industry.

Despite alround capabilities being available indigenously, some of the

new projects launched with foreign collaborations prefer to acquire
material conveying systems from the collaborators as a part of total
package although equivalent systems can be supplied by indigenous
manufacturers. This not only is resulting in wastage of foreign
exchange but also not letting the industry utilise its full potential.
Such an approach shows lack of faith in the industry and hampers

1.3.3. Design & Standardisation: Although some standards in general form

are available, no common standards have been drawn in respect of
components, sub-assemblies and major assemblies used in material
conveying equipment. Invariably the manufacturers follow their own
standards. Consequent manufacturing processes adopted are on the
job-lot basis. As mass production techniques cannot be employed, cost
reduction/quality improvement, is not easily possible. The industry
has not built up sufficient strength in R&D for original designing and
product development. The necessities are met by signing fresh foreign
collaboration agreements or through outright purchase of designs.

1.3.4. Control Instruments & Continuous Weighing Machines: Continuous

weighing machines upto capacity of 10000 TPH have been developed
with an accuracy of ± 0.5%. However, the technology in this industry
is not updated so far it concerns sensing, monitoring, control and
recording equipment. There is need for updation, in line with the
international trends, to keep pace with fast changing technology
which provides auto correctioa Since the electronic industry is
implementing new projects, sophisticated electronic equipment
required in aid of this work demand could be taken up for indigenous
manufacture to ensure continuous support.

1.3.5. Assessment Gaps and Remedial Measures: This segment of general

material handling equipment manufacturing industry is well
organised, possessing all the ingradients of infrastructure and trained
manpower. All the necessary machine tools are available. However, in
the field of control instruments and continuous weighing machines, it
is still dependent on foreign help for product development. Similarly
there is need to assess and club the requirements of control
instruments and continuous weighing machines at first to meet the
on-going requirements and then to develop better instruments for
deployment in future.


Study of ash handling equipment have assumed special significance in

view of manifold increase in Thermal Power Generation. Since 1983,
DGTD has separated it from general material handling equipment and
brought it under a separate heading.

1.4.1. Technology Overview: Initially ash handling systems for thermal

power station boilers used to be imported and later on technology
based on wet, dry and submerged scraper conveyor was inducted
through collaborations. Each system has its own advantages and dis-
advantages. All these systems are in use in a different generation of
boilers. There is a need to standardise on the type of systems to be
used and suiting the prevailing conditions in the country. In spite of
having reputed collaborators, the ash handling equipment in use have
a number of problem areas during their life cycle and maintainability.
Some of the problem areas are equipment, construction materials, ash
disposal and applications, pollution control etc

1.4.2. Manufacturing Infrastructure: This equipment manufacturing industry

is well -developed in all aspects and geared to meet the demands of
thermal power stations.

1.4.3 Design & Standardisation: The systems conform to overall

specifications but have a great variation in components and sub-
assemblies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The ash handling
equipment manufacturing technology for the large modern thermal
power plant & boilers is in a state of development & growth. Innova-
tion and improvements are being made in the light of experience
gained Keeping in view the quality of coal, its calorific value, the sys-
tem requirements need to be studied for designing the equipment.
The equipment manufacturers have to invest in their own R&D on one
hand and keep abreast of international trends on the other. Most of
the manufacturers are having foreign collaboration for such product
development work.

1.4.4. Assessment Gaps and Remedial Measures: Overall standards need to

be evolved with a view to optimise the design parameters and improve
the quality of products so as to reduce maintenance costs and improve
the life cycle. For continuous updation participation of entrepreneurs,
engineers, designers and those designing thermal plants through the
forums of national seminars be encouraged. Such seminars would help
in evolving a national approach for developing updated technology.
R&D effort need to be formally organised to develop better concepts.


1.5.1. Technology Overview: The equipment manufacturing units in this sec-

tor have built up the necessary infrastructure to build fork lift trucks
upto a capacity of 10 tonnes. While the indigenous technology has
been developed to produce 4 tonne fork lift trucks without any out-
side help, and fork lift trucks of 10 tonnes and 6 meter lift height are
being produced with foreign collaborations, higher capacity fork lift
trucks are being imported. Indian products which had found accep-
tance abroad earlier are loosing ground because of lack of com-
petitiveness both in cost and desiga

1.5.2. Manufacturing Infrastructure: The industry has set up a large capacity

for producing the equipment. It is well backed by vendors. The
capacity utilisation has stood at about 35%. The cost of fork lift trucks
are prohibitive. In order to encourage the industry to use this material
handling equipment, it is desirable to develop inexpensive models on
one hand and improve upon the technique of production so as to
reduce its cost. The existing units are not able to undertake manufac-
ture of high capacity fork lift trucks, stackers and order pickers. This
situation is however, being improved by entering into fresh foreign
collaboration agreement. Some of the units have launched assembly
from SKD/CKD Kits. Indigenisation effort would take a little more

1.5.3. Design & Standardisation: Various models serving the same needs
are being produced by the various units. In the absence of any stan-
dardisation, large number of units manufacture small number of these
equipment resulting in un-economic production cost. No effort is dis-
cernible in developing inexpensive models for indigenous users.
Similarly practically no headway has been made to develop indigenous
models of higher capacity fork lift trucks for container handling and
for operation in rough terrains. Foreign collaborations have recently
been finalised to meet this deficiency.

1.5.4. Assessment Gaps, & Remedial Measures: There is need to improve

the capacity utilisation of the industry. Such an objective can be
achieved through generation of internal and external demand. There is
need to standardise on models for use in the country in the first
instance and organise research and development effort to bring in
improvement in products & concepts. New and more cost effective
techniques need to be developed to bring down the cost of production
and improve the quality of goods to obtain a reasonable share of the
export market. Unless we develop our own capabilities in time, depen-
dence on foreign collaborations for product updation will continue
over the coming years. Example of new agreement for higher capacity
fork lift trucks for containers and use in rough terrains is relevant.

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