LIBRARY of the
In preparing this outline of the whole history of man from the
earliest beginnings of civilization down to the present those topics
have been chosen which have the greatest interest for us today
those which help us most in understanding our own time. Occa-
well-nigh through their task when they reached the year 1870.
But the long narrative of the past has been lengthened out at
both ends. Recent discoveries of archaeologists have altered funda-
mentally our conception of man's progress and made vivid and
real the long, long ages during which civilization was slowly ac-
relationship between all peoples of the earth and how delicate and
pressing is the problem of international adjustment.
It is obvious that in order to make room for all this new and
essential material has been impossible to include all the events
I. Political Revolutions 91
II. Greek Art, Literature, and Philosophy 93
I. Wales and Scotland 279
II. Beginnings of the English Parliament 281
III. The Hundred Years' War 283
IV. England and France after the Hundred Years' War . . 286
I. Reforms of the National Assembly (1789-1791) 431 . . .
Germany 454
III. Bonaparte restores Order and Prosperity in France .
IV. How
Napoleon destroyed the Holy Roman Empire .
V. Napoleon at the Height of his Power (1808-1812) . .
VI. The Fall of Napoleon 468
I. Development of Germany (1871-1914) 522
II. The Third French Republic (1871-1914) 527
Imperialism 569
II. Relations of Europe with China and Japan 574
III. Partition of Africa 581
IV. Decline of the Spanish Empire and Rise of the United
States as a World Power 584
I. Course of the War in 1914 and 1915 617
II. The War on the Sea 623
III. The Campaigns of 1916 625
INDEX . xvii
TIME '..'.-. 340
The Ancient Oriental World and Neighboring Europe before the Rise
of the Greeks 24
Map of Two Oriental Empires :
A, The Assyrian Empire at its Height ;
has' existedon the earth no one knows. Those who have studied
the matter most carefully in recent times make various guesses
some five "hundred thousand years, some a million. In the be-
ginning he must have lived without houses or clothes or any means
of making a fire. He had to invent even language. There were
no books or teachers to help him, and so he had to find out
everything for himself. He wandered naked and houseless through
the woods and over the plains, picking up a living by looking for
wild fruit, seeds, berries, roots, and such animals as he might
find dead or could succeed in striking down with a stone or
stick. As a great English philosopher long ago remarked, the
original life of man must have been "poor, nasty, brutish, and
Wemay imagine one of these naked, brutish forefathers of
ours sitting in the shade and amusing himself by picking up a
sharp stone arid scraping the bark off a stick he had at hand with
a view to killing a squirrel that was playing around. He might
happen to sharpen the stick and so make a rude spear, which he
discovered could be used to pierce an animal as well as hit him.
In some such way the first weapon better than clubs and stones
might have been invented. Now to invent means to "happen on"
2 General History of Europe
or "discover." Man
has happened on and found out accidentally
very many things that he has slowly learned through the ages.
2. Man Learns by Imitation. One of the great differences be-
tween man and other animals is that what one man invents may
be imitated by others and become a tradition of the tribe. An
old animal let us say an elephant or horse has learned some-
thing by experience and is wiser than a young one, but he cannot
teach what he knows to the baby elephant or colt. Men and
women, however, can teach boys and girls what they have learned.
In this way discoveries which have been made from time to time
have been passed down from generation to generation and have
become more and more numerous, until the descendants of men
who could not make a fire or speak a sentence or build a canoe
have finally, in modern times, been able to construct an electric
furnace hotter than the sun dispatch messages around the
world, and send great steamships back and forth across the sea.
Each new invention usually depends on earlier inventions and
these on still earlier ones, until, if we could follow the history of
civilization back to the very beginning, we might find the man
under the tree making the first spear hundreds of thousands of
years ago.
3. Civilization the Story of Invention. The history of civili-
zation is the story of how man invented and discovered all those
pottery, and weave cloth the last six or seven inches, the time
They may have been made a hundred thousand years ago, perhaps
earlier. They are found in England, France, and Belgium and
General History of Europe
with these could work bone and reindeer horn into needles,
spoons, and ladles. He also learned to carve pictures on his
During the long, long years known as the Early Stone Age man
knew only how to chip or flake his stone weapons. Now, how-
ever, he had learned that it was possible to grind the edge of a
stone ax or chisel, as we grind tools of metal today/ He was
also able to drill a hole in a stone ax head and insert a handle.
With the new tools that he had learned to make he could con-
siderably improve his conditions of living. First, with his ground
According to geologists the ice has advanced and retreated four times. It is now
believed that stone implements were first made in the third warm interval, and that it
was the cold of the fourth glacial period which drove men to their cave life. This period
may be called the Middle Stone Age. For a fuller account of early man and the glacial
periods see Breasted, Ancient Times, chap. i.
6 General History of Europe
stone axes, hatchets, and chisels he could now build wooden huts.
These wooden dwellings of the Late Stone Age are the earliest
such shelters in Europe. Sunken fragments of these houses are
found along the shores of the Swiss lakes, lying at the bottom
among the wooden piles which supported them. Second, pieces of
platform supported by these piles they then built their houses. The plat-
form was connected with the shore by a bridge, which may be seen here
on the right. A section of it could be removed at night for protection.
The fish nets seen drying on the rail, the "dug-out" boat of the hunters
who bring in the deer, and many other things have been found on the
lake bottom in recent times
Age men had now learned to cultivate. Thus wild grain was
progress had also been made by Stone Age men all around the
8 General History of Europe
Mediterranean that is, about 4000 B.C., not only in Europe but in
metals, and the control of men by an organized, government.
with rude decorations, the oldest baked clay in Europe, and i, a large kettle ;
second, ground-edged tools like 4, a stone chisel with ground edge, mounted
in a deerhorn handle like a hatchet, or 5, stone ax with a ground edge, and
pierced with a hole for the ax handle (the houses shown in the cut on page
6 were built with such tools) and third, weaving, as shown by 6, a spin-
I. Describe man's condition before civilization began. How would
you define civilization ? Give some examples of its progress. Give an
example of how all inventions depend on previous ones. Mention as
many things as you can which had to be invented before an automobile
could be made. Mention some things you have learned by imitation.
11. What remains of the Stone Age have been discovered in Europe ?
Have you seen any stone utensils made by American Indians? What
forced man to live in caves and to invent clothing? How would you
be able to live without fire ?
III. What were the inventions of the Late Stone Age ? What seeds,
roots, fruits, and berries do we use for food ? What is the importance
of the civilization of Egypt in the history of Europe ?
region to the north of Cairo, and then the long, narrow valley
winding some seven hundred and fifty miles to the First Cataract,
where the among great rocks. The valley is
river flows rapidly
Egypt, and the sun shines every day, summer and winter, so that
the farmers have had to rely for water entirely on the river. But
far up the Nile and its tributaries there is plenty of rain in the
spring, which yearly floods the valley in which Egypt lies and
raises the level of the river from twenty-five to thirty feet between
Cairo and Aswan. This overflow of the Nile covers the fields
each year and deposits a thin layer of fresh, fertile soil as the
muddy waters subside. For thousands of years the Egyptians
have been accustomed to store up the waters at their flood and to
raise water from the Nile itself to irrigate their fields during the
period when the river was low. (See Ancient Times, 46-47.)
13. Long History of Ancient Egypt. The first Egyptian king
who governed all Egypt indeed one of the very first human beings
whose name has come down to us was Menes, who lived about
3400 B.C. The earliest capital of Egypt was Memphis, a vast
Egyptian Civilization n
town very near the spot where the modern city of Cairo lies.
wards the Egyptian dynasties rose and fell for over three thousand
years, until finally a Greek conqueror, Alexander the Great,
brought Egypt under his sway and founded the city of Alexandria
(332 B.C.), which is now the chief port of Egypt ( 165, 168 ff).
We cannot retrace here the history
of Egypt's rulers through three
thousand years and more or the
conquests they made in Western
Asia. We shall have to confine our
account to the wonderful contnbu- ON WooD BY ALASKAN INDIANS
tions made to civilization by the
T- A -
<-ni. j- j A figure with empty hands hang-
Egyptians. Their discoveries and ing Lwn helplessly, palms down,
inventions were finally introduced as an Indian gesture for uncer-
intO Europe and now form a part tainty, ignorance, emptiness, or
f j IT nothing, means "no." A figureg
of our everyday life.
with ^'ne hand Qn itg mQ uth
14. The Invention of Writing, means "eating" or "food." It
The Egyptians were the first people P ints toward the tent, and this
means "in the tent." The whole
so far as we know to possess an a message stating>
ig [There fa]
sign for "man" might become the sign for the syllable "man"
The upper line shows the way in which the hieroglyphics were carved and
painted on the tomb walls and monuments. But when the Egyptians wrote
rapidly with a pen and ink on papyrus they simplified the figures, which
then were made as they are represented in the lower line
papyrus, into thin strips and make large sheets by pasting the
strips together with overlapping edges. They thus produced a
smooth, almost white paper. In this way pen, ink, and paper
came into use for the first time. Our word " paper" is the ancient
name papyr(os), but slightly changed. With the invention of
phonetic writing, records could now be made, and with the ap-
pearance of such written records the Historic Period begins.
18. Egyptian Origin of our Calendar. The Egyptians early
found it necessary to measure time. The time from new moon
to new moon seemed to them, as to all other early peoples,
a very convenient rough measure. But the moon-month varies
in length from twenty-nine to thirty days, and it does not evenly
year they established a holiday period five days long. This gave
them a year of three hundred and sixty-five days. The Egyptian
was not yet enough of an astronomer to know that every four
the very one which has descended to us after more than six
thousand years. Unfortunately it has meantime suffered awk-
ward alterations in the lengths of the months, for which the
Egyptians were not responsible.
19. Discovery of Metal (at least 4000 B.C.). Meantime the
Egyptians were also making great progress in other matters. It
was probably in the peninsula of Sinai (see map, p. 24) that
some Egyptian, wandering about, once happened to bank his
camp fire with pieces of copper ore lying on the ground near the
14 General History of Europe
camp. The charcoal of his wood fire mingled with the hot frag-
ments of ore, and thus the ore was reduced," as the miners say ;
that is, the copper in metallic form was released from the lumps
of ore. Next morning the Egyptian discovered a few glittering
metal globules. Before long he learned whence these strange
shining beads came. He produced more of them, at first only to
be worn as ornaments by the women. Then he learned to cast
the metal into a blade to replace the flint knife which he carried.
20. Dawning of the Age of Metal. Without knowing it this
man stood at the dawning of a new era, the Age of Metal. The bit
made and did. We owe this museum to the Egyptians' firm belief
in a life to come In order to enjoy existence in the
after death.
next world they thought that the body must be preserved by em-
balming it and then be safely placed in a tomb where no one could
disturb its rest. Such well-preserved bodies are called mummies.
They are generally the remains of Egyptian kings and nobles,
who could afford a well-builttomb and the expenses of careful
embalming. It was believed that if the dead man was to be
happy in the next world he should be surrounded by the things
he had used in his lifetime and by pictures of his former servants,
workmen, cattle, and even his dinner table. So the tombs are
themselves like museums, for they contain the actual furniture and
utensils and jewelry that the rich Egyptian used, as well as reliefs,
The tall figure of the noble stands at the right. He is inspecting three lines
of cattle and a line of fowl brought before him. Note the two scribes who
head the two middle rows. Each is writing with pen on a sheet of papyrus,
and one carries two pens behind his ear. Such reliefs after being carved
were colored in bright hues by the painter
many feet below the surface in the desert beyond the cultivated
fields. Many of thetombs have been explored in modern times,
and so dry is the climate that the articles found in them, as
well as the painting and statuary, are as fresh and wonderful
as they were thousands of years ago when their owner went to
his long rest ( 25-29).
16 General History of Europe
22. The Great Pyramids. About the year 3000 B.C. tombs
began form
to be built in theof a pyramid, and about 2900 B.C.
the king's architect was able to construct the amazing Great
the Great Pyramid and a long line of lesser ones built by later
the left. On the east side (front) of each pyramid is a temple, where the
food, drink, and clothing were placed for the use of the dead king. These
temples, like the pyramids, were built on the desert plateau above, while the
royal town was in the valley below (on the right). For convenience, there-
fore, the temple was connected with the town below by a covered gallery, or
corridor, of stone, seen here descending in a straight line from the temple of
King Khafre and terminating below, just beside the Sphinx, in a large oblong
building of stone, called a valley-temple. It was a splendid structure of
granite serving not only as a temple but also as the entrance to the great
corridor from the royal city. The pyramids are surrounded by the tombs of
the queens and the great lords of the age. At the lower left-hand corner is
an unfinished pyramid, showing the inclined ascents up which the stone
blocks were dragged. These ascents were built of sun-baked brick and
were removed after the pyramid was finished
Egyptian Civilization
been lord. The tallest form in all these scenes is that of the
dead noble. He stands looking out over his fields and inspect-
ing the work going on there. These fields, where the oxen draw
the plow and the sowers scatter the seed, are the oldest farming
scenes known to us. Here, too, are the herds, long lines of sleek
fat cattle. But we find no pictures of horses in these tombs
of the Pyramid Age, for the horse was then unknown to the
26. Craftsmen. On the next wall we find again the tall figure
of the noble overseeing the sheds and yards where the crafts-
men of his estate are working. The coppersmith could make
i8 General History of Europe
excellent tools of all sorts. The tool which demanded the
greatest skill long, flat ripsaw, which the smith knew
was the
how to hammer into shape out of a broad strip of copper some-
times five or six feet long. Such a saw may be seen in use in
the accompanying cut.
On the same wall we find the lapidary holding up for the
noble's admiration splendid stone bowls cut from diorite. Al-
a man"rips" a board with a copper saw; next, two men are finishing off
a couch, and at the right a man is drilling a hole with a bow-drill. Scene
from the chapel of a noble's tomb. Compare a finished chair belonging to
a wealthy noble of the Empire (see cut on page 21)
1Before the end of the Pyramid Age the coppersmiths had learned how to harden
their toolsby melting a small amount of tin with the copper. This produced a mixture
of tin and copper, called bronze, which is much harder than copper. It is not yet cer-
tain where the first tin was obtained or who made the first bronze, but it may have come
from the north side of the Mediterranean (Ancient Times, 336).
Egyptian Civilization 19
deftly shapes the vessel as it whirls round and round under his
fingers. When the soft clay vessels are ready they are no longer
guish them from silk, and the best work of the modern machine
loom is coarse in
comparison with this fabric of the ancient
Egyptian hand loom.
29. Life and Art in the Pyramid Age. Here on this chapel
wall again we see its owner seated at ease in his palanquin,
borne upon the shoulders of slaves. He is returning from the
inspection of his estate, where we have been following him. His
bearers carry him into the shady garden before his house,
where they set down the palanquin and cease their song. This
garden is the noble's favorite retreat. Here he may anrecline for
hour of leisure with his family and friends, playing at a game like
checkers, listening to the music of harp, pipe, and lute, or watch-
ing his women in the slow and stately dances of the time, while
his children are sporting about among the arbors, splashing in
the pool as they chase the fish, or playing with ball, doll, and
jumping jack.
The portrait sculptor was the greatest artist of this age. His
statues were carved in stone or wood and painted in lifelike
colors ;
the eyes were inlaid with rock crystal. More lifelike
20 General History of Europe
The farther obelisk is that of the queen. It was one of a pair transported
from the First Cataract (n), but its mate has fallen and broken into
pieces. The shaft is eight and a half feet thick at the base, and the human
figure by contrast conveys some idea of the vast size of the monument.
(From an etching by George T. Plowman)
These are the columns of the middle two rows in the nave (see Ancient
Times, Fig. 68). The human figures below show by contrast the vast
dimensions of the columns towering above them
Egyptian Civilization 21
finding his way through the troubles that would meet him in the
next world. These guidebooks have been collected and form what
is called the Egyptian "Book of the Dead." From this and the
inscriptions in the chambers hidden away deep in the pyramids
scholars have learned much of the Egyptian religion and of the
many gods in which the people believed. Some of the leading
belief in many. But the priests and people were too much attached
to their ancient notions to accept the new gospel, and Ikhnaton
perished in the attempt. He is the first distinguished religious
reformer of history.
33. Later Fate of Egypt. After the Egyptian Empire had
lasted nearly four hundred years, invaders from the North in-
Describe the chief geographical features of Egypt. Contrast pic-
ture writing with phonetic writing. Give some examples of words which
could be represented by pictures and some which could hot. What are
some of the results of the invention of writing ? How was metal prob-
ably discovered ? How did the use of metal contribute to the develop-
ment of civilization? Describe some of the important uses of metal
II. What is a mummy ? What conditions in Egypt have served to
make it a historical museum ? Give some examples of the objects which
have been found in tombs. Describe the Great Pyramid. If the Great
Pyramid could be set down near your schoolhouse, about how much
space would it occupy ? Describe some of the chief industries in the
Pyramid Age. Give some examples of the art in that period.
III. Describe the temple of Karnak at Thebes. What treasures
have been found in the tombs of the kings of the Empire? What
countries came into control of Egypt after the fall of the Empire?
Do you know how Great Britain came to control Egypt today?
NOTE. The scene below shows us the life of the nomads referred to in the next chap-
ter. The dark camel's-hair tents of these wandering shepherds are easily carried from
place to place as they seek new pasturage. They live on the milk and flesh of the flocks
35. Cuneiform Writing ; Numerals. The people began to
keep their business accounts by making pictures on soft clay
with the tip of a reed. Later, the outlines of these rude pictures
were simplified into groups of wedge-shaped marks. Hence these
signs are called cuneiform (Latin, cuneus, meaning "wedge"), or
wedge-form, writing.
The Sumerian system of numerals was not based on tens but
sixties. A large number was given as so many sixties, just as
Probably earlier than the wheel in the Swiss lake-villages of the Late Stone Age.
Western Asia
extends northward as
far as a crescent-shaped Donkey
stalk turned
mads belonged to the tures from which the signs came. The oldest
Semitic race, of which form is in column i column 2 shows the
This tablet was written toward the close of the early period of the city-
kings, a generation before the accession of Sargon I (38). It contains
business accounts. The scribe's writing-reed, or stylus, was usually square-
tipped. He pressed a corner of this square tip into the soft clay for each line
of the picture sign. Lines so produced tended to be broad at one end and
pointed at the other; that is, wedge-shaped. Each picture sign thus became
a group of wedges, as shown in the preceding illustration. When the clay
dried it was hard enough to make the tablet a fairly permanent record.
Such tablets were sometimes baked and thus became as hard as pottery.
(By permission of Dr. Hussey)
bered chiefly for the code of laws that he had drawn up and
engraved on a stone shaft, which has survived to our own day
(Ancient Times, Fig. 93). Its provisions show much considera-
tion of the poor and defenseless classes, but are not always just.
today could not tell us such a story as do the temples and tombs
which still exist on the Nile, for the Babylon of Hammurapi has
perished utterly. There seems to have been no painting, but we
have at least one example of fine sculpture (see cut on page 27).
Of architecture little remains. There were no colonnades and no
columns, but the arch was used over front doorways. All build-
army was the chief work of the Assyrian government. The State
was therefore a vast military machine, ruthless and terrible. From
the Hittites (see map and 76) iron had been introduced, and
the Assyrian forces were the first large armies equipped with
ian armies swept through the land, they left a trail of ruin and
desolation behind, and there were few towns of the Empire which
It shows us all that the Assyrians and their predecessors had been
able to learn. There are a great many works dealing with magic
and methods of forecasting future events for instance, by watch-
weakened that she could not resist the invasion of the Chaldeans,
another Semitic tribe which had for many years been drifting
along the shores of the Persian Gulf.
47. Destruction of Nineveh by the Medes and Chaldeans
(606 B.C.). The Chaldeans first conquered Babylonia and then,
after combining with the Medes ( 52), they attacked the
Assyrian capital of Nineveh, and this mighty city fell into their
hands in 606 B.C. The Assyrian Empire was at an end, and we
can hear in the voice of the Hebrew prophet Nahum (ii, 8, 13,
and iii entire) an echo of the exulting shout which resounded from
the Caspian to the Nile when the nations realized that the terrible
omy. This was really at that time only what we call "astrology" ;
namely, a study of the heavenly bodies with the idea that one
could forecast the future by observing the movements of the sun,
moon, and planets. The equator was divided into 360 degrees,
and for the first time the Chaldean astrologers laid out the twelve
remote date. Some of them invaded India, and some of them got
as far west as Britain. They are therefore commonly called the
Indo-European peoples.
The Indo-European races were destined to conquer the older
adopted an agricultural life, but they were still in the Stone Age
except for some little use of copper. Besides cattle and sheep
they had horses, which they rode and employed to pull their
wheeled carts. They could not write.
51. The Indo-European Languages. As the Aryan tribes dis-
persed east and west and south they lost all contact with one an-
other. While they originally spoke the same language, differences
in speech gradually arose and finally became so great that the
footing among the Persians and Mithras, the god of light, was
54. Cyrus and his Conquests. A great leader now arose among
the Persians, Cyrus the Great. He first attacked and defeated his
neighbors the Medes (549 B.C.), to whom the Persians had been
Within five years the power of the little Persian kingdom had
__ thus swept across Asia
f'" II r
Minor to the Mediterra-
nean and had become the
leading state in the orien-
tal world. Turning back
by Nebuchadnezzar to
government on a larger
had ever seen before, KINGS AT PERSEPOLIS
but was govern-
it This sumptuous and ornate architecture of the
Persians is made up of patterns borrowed from
ment controlled
by other peoples and combined
one man.
Darius did not desire further conquests. He had himself made
actual king in Egypt and in Babylonia. The rest of the Empire
he divided into twenty provinces, each called a "satrapy." Each
province was under the control of a governor, or satrap," who
was appointed by the "Great King," as the Persian sovereign
came to be called. The subject nations, or provinces, enjoyed a
good deal of independence in their local affairs as long as they
40 General History oj Europe
paid regular tribute and furnished soldiers for the army of the
Great King. In the east this tribute was paid, as of old, in prod-
uce of various kinds. But in western Asia Minor, especially in
Lydia and the Greek settlements on the coast, the coinage of
metal had become common by 600 B.C., and the payments were
made in coined money ( 93).
56. Persia becomes a Sea Power.Unlike the Assyrians the
Persian rulers built up a great sea power, and we shall find later
how they used, it against the Greeks. They treated the Phreni-
cians kindly and with their cooperation constructed a war fleet in
seen, enjoyed a government more just and humane than any that
had preceded it in the East.
The religious beliefs of the Persians spread among other peoples
and even Europe but far more important than Zoroastrian-
into ;
ism for the Western world was the religion of the Hebrews. We
must therefore consider the little Hebrew kingdom among the
Persian vassals in the West, which was destined to influence the
history of Europe profoundly.
load a basket of clay on the shoulder of another, who carries it to the brick-
molder, at the right above. Here a laborer empties the clay from his basket,
while the molder before him fills with clay an oblong box, which is the mold.
He has already finished three bricks. At the left above, a molder spreads out
the soft bricks with spaces between for the circulation of air to make them
dry quickly in the sun. The overseer, staff in hand, sits in the upper right-
hand corner, and below him we see a workman carrying away the dried
bricks, hanging from a yoke on his shoulders. Thus were made the bricks
used for thousands of years for the buildings forming so large a part of the
cities of the ancient world, from the Orient to Athens and Rome
were still strong; for Saul, their first king (about 1025 B.C.), had
no fixed home, but lived in a tent. His successor, David, saw the
importance of a strong castle as the king's permanent home. He
therefore seized the Canaanite fortress of Jerusalem and made it
his residence. From this new capital David extended his power
1 For a fuller account of Palestine and the Hebrews see Ancient Times, chap. vii.
42 General History of Europe
songs, or "psalms."
59. Solomon and the Division of the Kingdom (about
930 B.C.). David's son, Solomon, delighted in oriental luxury
and splendor. To support his extravagance he weighed down the
people with heavy taxes. The discontent was so great that when
Solomon died the northern tribes set up a king of their own. Thus
the Hebrew nation was divided into two kingdoms before it was
a century old.
There was much hard feeling between the two Hebrew realms,
and sometimes fighting. Israel, as we call the northern kingdom,
was rich and prosperous ;
its market places were filled with busi-
ment, are among the noblest literature which has survived from
the past.
61. Amos and the Prophets. Amos, a simple herdsman clad
in sheepskin, who came from the South, entered the towns of the
wealthy North and denounced the rich for their sinful lives and
disregard of the poor, whose lands they seized for debt and
whose labor they profited from by enslaving them. By such bold
talk Amos endangered his life, but he may be regarded as the first
social reformer known We apply the term "prophet"
in Asia.
Unfortunately we do not know his name, for the Hebrews themselves early lost all
knowledge of his identity and finally associated the surviving fragments of his work with
the name of Moses.
44 General History oj Europe
ing? But even he did, was not Assur, the great god of vic-
Assyrian Empire
Countries paying tribute
to Assyria
Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
Western Asia 45
Jews down to the present day and that part of the Christian Bible
called the Old Testament.
67. Summary of the Achievements of the Ancient Orient.
What did the Ancient Orient really accomplish for the human
race in the course of this long period we have been sketching ? It
gave the world the first highly developed practical arts, like metal
work, weaving, glass-making, paper-making, and many other simi-
lar industries. To distribute the products of these industries among
other peoples and carry on commerce, it built the earliest seagoing
It first was able to move great weights
ships equipped with sails.
and undertake large building enterprises large even for us of
today. The early Orient, therefore, brought forth the first great
group of inventions, surpassed in importance only by those of
the modern world.
The Orient also gave us the earliest architecture in stone
masonry, including the colonnade, the arch, and the tower or
spire. It produced the earliest refined sculpture, from the colos-
sal statues of
Egypt to the finest cutting of gems. It gave us
writing and the earliest alphabet. To literature it contributed the
earliest examples of narrative prose, poems, historical works, and
one God and his fatherly care for all men, and laid the founda-
tions of a religious life from which came forth the founder of
the leading religion of the civilized world today. For these things,
the natural world, in gaining deeper insight into the wonders and
beauties of nature, as well as in art, in literature, and in many
other lines. This future progress was to be made in Europe
that Europe which we left, at the end of our firstchapter, in the
Late Stone Age. Therefore, we must now turn back, to follow
across the eastern Mediterranean the course of rising civilization,
as it passed from the Orient to our forefathers in early Europe
I. Describe the earlier civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates valley.
Compare cuneiform writing with Egyptian hieroglyphics. Why do
almost all races use the decimal system? What was the Sumerian
system of counting, and in what ways does it survive today? Describe
the Fertile Crescent. do you think it played so important a part
in the history of Western Asia ? How do the Semites get their name ?
What well-known peoples belong to the Semitic race? Describe the
Semitic occupation of Babylonia. Why do historians know so much
more about ancient Egypt than about Babylonia? What do we mean
by an empire? Give some modern examples. Why is a strong army
more necessary for an empire than a democracy ? Give the extent of
the Assyrian Empire. Describe the Assyrian civilization. Find some ref-
erences to Nineveh in the Bible. Why was the city of Babylon so cele-
brated under the Chaldean rulers? What does the Bible say about
Nebuchadnezzar? What discoveries were made by the Chaldean as-
trologers? What have we in modern times which should remind us
of Babylonia? Can you find out why the French and Germans have
named the days of the week as they have and what is the origin of
our names for them ?
II. Whowere the Aryans (see Ancient Times')? Tell what you
know of the origin and migrations of the Indo-European peoples. Give
an example of a word which has changed as the tribes of Indo-
Europeans dispersed. What peoples today belong to this -group ? Tell
what you know of the religion of Zoroaster. Do its teachings bear
any resemblance to Christianity? Describe the development of the
Persian Empire. How was their government arranged by Darius?
What additional power did Persia develop which helped her in her
conquests ?
Ages. We
found that in the Late Stone Age, to judge from the
remains of villages on the shores of lakes and banks of rivers,
the peoples of Europe had learned to cultivate fields and tame
animals, to make and weave ( 8). But their
pottery, to spin
ability to progress by themselves appears to have come to an end.
They contiuued to live in a state of barbarism similar to that of
many of the Indian tribes of North America before the arrival of
the Spanish, French, and English. They did not learn how to
the Orient.
was from them that Europe first received its higher civilization,
art, and learning. We must now follow the way in which the
inventions and knowledge of the eastern Mediterranean spread
gradually into Europe and awakened its peoples from their bar-
barous slumber of the Late Stone Age. It was natural that the
portion of Europe which lay nearest to Egypt should first be
affected namely, the region around the .<Egean Sea.
71. The jEgean World. The ^Egean Sea is like a large lake,
almost completely encircled by the surrounding shores of Europe
and Asia Minor, while the long island of Crete on the south lies
like a breakwater, shutting off the Mediterranean (see map,
p. 50). From north to south this sea is at no point more than
four hundred miles in length. Its coast is deeply indented with
grow well, so bread, olive oil, and wine were the chief articles of
food, as they are among most Mediterranean peoples today.
The ^Egean people were the predecessors of the Greeks, who,
as we shall see, finally swept down from the north and for a time
destroyed much of the civilization which the .flLgeans had devel-
oped. These predecessors of the Greeks were, like them, a gifted
white race, but in no way related to them, and they spoke an
entirely different language.
72. Rise of Cretan Civilization under Egyptian Influence
(3000-2000 B.C.). Because of their nearness to Egypt, it was on
the /Egean islands and not on the mainland of Europe that the
earliest high civilization on the north side of the Mediterranean
grew up. From the beginning the leader in this civilization
of the ^Egeans was the island of Crete. The little sun-dried-
brick villages, forming the Late Stone Age settlements of Crete,
received copper from the ships of the Nile by 3000 B.C. They
50 General History of Europe
soon learned to make bronze, and thus the Bronze Age began in
Crete. While the great pyramids of Egypt were being built the
Cretan craftsmen were learning from their Egyptian neighbors
the use of the potter's wheel, the closed oven for baking pottery,
The earlier vases from Egypt (on the left) compared with those of Crete
(on the right) show that the Cretan craftsmen copied the Egyptian forms in
the latter part of the Pyramid Age (about 2700-2600 B.C.)
When the celebrated archaeologist Schliemann first visited this mound (see
map, p. 50) in 1868, it was about one hundred and twenty-five feet high,
and the Turks were cultivating grain on its summit. In 1870 he excavated
a pit like a crater in the top of the hill, passing downward in the course
of four years through nine successive cities built each on the ruins of its
predecessors. At the bottom of his pit (about fifty feet deep) Schliemann
found the original once bare hilltop, about seventy-five feet high, on which
the men of the Late Stone Age had established a small settlement of sun-
baked-brick houses about 3000 B.C. Above the scanty ruins of this Late
Stone Age settlement rose, in layer after layer, the ruins of the later
cities,with the Roman buildings at the top. The entire depth of fifty feet
of ruins represented a period of about thirty-five hundred years from the
First City (Late Stone Age) to the Ninth City (Roman) at the top. The
Sixth City was that of the Trojan War and the Homeric songs
The proud little figure stands with shoulders thrown far back and arms
extended, each hand grasping a golden serpent, which coils about her arms
to the elbow. She wears a high tiara perched daintily on her elaborately
curled hair. Her dress consists of a flounced skirt and a tight bodice taper-
ing to her slender waist. The whole forms a costume surprisingly modern.
The figure is carved in ivory, while the flounces are edged with -bands of
gold and the belt about the waist is of the same metal. She represents
either the great Cretan mother goddess or possibly only a graceful snake-
charmer of the court. In any case the sculptor has given her the appearance
of one of the noble ladies of his time. Even the Greek sculptor never
surpassed the vitality and the winsome charm which passed from the fingers
of the ancient Cretan artist into this tiny figure
The Coming oj the Greeks 53
are more familiar with the name of Troy than with that of any
other ^Egean city, owing to Homer's account of its later capture
by the Greeks.
76. The Hittites. In recent years scholars have become much
interested in the empire of the Hittites, which stretched across
Asia Minor east of
Troy. A great deal
is now being learned
about this impor-
tant people, of
which formerly very
little was known.
It will be recalled
that they are fre-
quently mentioned
in the Bible. Their
empire appears to ARMENIAN DESCENDANT
have reached its
At the left is the head of an ancient Hittite as
height about 1450 carved by an Egyptian sculptor on the wall of a
B.C. Perhaps for us temple at Thebes, Egypt, over three thousand
the chief interest years ago. It strikingly resembles the profile of
the Armenians still living in the Hittite country,
of the Hittites is
as shown in the modern portrait on the right.
that they discov- The strongly aquiline and prominent nose of the
ered rich Hittites was also characteristic of the neighboring
Semites along the eastern end of the Mediter-
of iron and were
ranean, including the Canaanites
the first important
distributors of a metal which was to replace copper and bronze
and become one main foundations of our modern civiliza-
of the
tion, since without iron, and the steel derived from it, we could
hardly imagine the steam engine and all the machinery upon
which we have come to rely (Ancient Times, 351-360).
77. Summary. As we look at the map (p. 50) we see that
Greece and the ygean islands, together with Troy and Asia Minor,
had, about 1500 B.C., developed into a civilized world on the north
54 General History of Europe
Europe. The people whom we call the Greeks were a large group
of tribes belonging to the Indo-European race. We
have already
followed the migrations of the Indo-European parent people until
their wanderings finally ranged them all the way from northern
India to the Atlantic Ocean (50). While their eastern kindred
were drifting southward on the east side of the Caspian, the
Greeks on the west side of the Black Sea were likewise moving
southward from their pastures in the grasslands along the Danube
(see map, p. 104):
Driving their herds before them, with their families in rough
carts drawn by horses, the rude Greek tribesmen must have come
in sight of the fair pastures of northern Greece, the snowy sum-
mit of Olympus, and the blue waters of the ^Egean not long after
2000 B.C.
These barbarian Greek herdsmen from the Northern grasslands
had formerly led a wandering pastoral life like that which we
have seen also among the Semites in the Southern grasslands. But
now these Northern nomads were entering upon a settled life
among the Jigean towns. As the newcomers looked out across the
waters they could dimly discern the islands where flourishing
towns were carrying on busy industries in pottery and metal,
which the ships of Egypt and of the ^geans were distributing
far and wide.
The Coming oj the Greeks 55
(by 1200 B. c.). The northern Mediterranean all along its eastern
end was thus being seized by invading peoples of Indo-European
blood coming in from the north. The result was that both the
^Egeans and their Hittite neighbors in Asia Minor were over-
whelmed by the advancing Indo-Europeans. The Hittite Empire
was crushed, and the leading families among the yEgeans fled by
sea, chiefly to the south and east. In only one place were
they able to land in sufficient numbers to settle and form a nation.
This was on the coast of southern Palestine (see map, p. 44),
56 General History of Europe
gods and each citizen felt a patriotic duty toward his own city
and no other. Overlooking the city from the heights in its midst
was the king's castle, the "citadel" or "acropolis."
There were soon hundreds of such Greek city-states. Indeed
the entire ^Lgean world came to be made up of such tiny nations.
It was while the Greeks were thus living in these little city-
old rude and ignorant mode For a long time they learned
of life.
little about building or manufacture or art and were not even able
to write. Since the Greeks could make scarcely anything for them-
Babylonia, used all along the Fertile Crescent, and were writing
on imported Egyptian papyrus. They or their Semitic neighbors
likewise invented a system of twenty-two signs for writing their
own language. These signs were alphabetic letters, the first
system containing no word-signs or syllable-signs. The Greeks
soon became familiar with the Phoenician tradesman's sheets of
pale-yellow paper, bearing his bills and receipts, and at last they
began to write Greek words by using the Phoenician letters. Thus
General History of Europe
an alphabet appeared in
Europe for the first
time. By 700 B.C. the
Greek potters had be-
gun to write their names
on the jars which they
painted, and writing
shortly afterward be-
came common among
Greeks of all classes.
From the alphabet which
the Phoenicians brought
to the Greeks all the al-
85. The Hero Songs of the Greeks. The Greeks were destined
to produce many wonderful poems and plays which have been
the delight of mankind ever since their day. Long before they
learned to write there were bards who sang of the mighty deeds
of the Greek warriors. These singers began to flourish perhaps
a thousand years before
the Christian Era, espe-
The Greeks loved to think of Athena,
the warrior goddess, standing with shining
weapons, protecting the Greek cities. But GREEKS
she held out her guiding hand over them
also in times of peace, as the potters shaped their jars, the smiths
wrought their metal, or the women wove their wool. These three
then, Zeus, Apollo, and Athena, became the leading divinities of
the Greek world.
There was, moreover, a group of great gods, each controlling
some special realm. In a brazen palace deep under the waters
Poseidon ruled the sea. The ancient Earth Mother, whom they
called Demeter, brought forth the produce of the soil. At the
same time they looked also to another earth god, Dionysus, for the
and they rejoiced in the wine which he
fruit of the grapevine,
gave them. Hermes was the messenger of the gods, with winged
62 General History oj Europe
required right conduct of men was their notion of life after death.
They believed that all men passed at death into a gloomy kingdom
beneath the earth (Hades), where the fate of good men did not
differ from that of the wicked. As a special favor of the gods,
the heroes, men of mighty and godlike deeds, were granted im-
mortality and permitted to enjoy a life of endless bliss in the
beautiful Elysian Fields or in the Islands of the Blest, somewhere
far to the west, toward the unexplored ocean.
89. Summary of the Age of the Kings. In this period the
Greeks, after conquering their predecessors the ^geans and
largely destroying their
higher civilization, gradually changed
from a wandering shepherd life to a settled life in and around
small towns. Thus arose the little city-kingdoms, the most im-
Here they found broad grainfields along the lower Danube and
got possession of the iron mines formerly worked by the Hittites
(76). Greek towns were also founded in the delta of the
91. Greek Settlements in Italy. Looking westward from the
western coast of Greece the seamen could faintly perceive the
shore of Italy, only fifty miles distant. When they had once
crossed to it they coasted around Sicily and far beyond. Here
was a new world. Although the Phoenicians were already there,
its discovery was as momentous for the Greeks as that of America
world, and within a century they were scattered along the coast
of southern Italy to a point north of Naples. Hence this region
of southern Italy came to be known as "Great Greece" (see map,
p. 122). As
the Greeks were by this time superior in civilization
to all the native dwellers in Italy, the civilized history of that
i, both sides of a Lydian coin (about 550 B.C.) ; 2, both sides of a coin of
the Greek island of Chios (500 B.C.), showing how the Greeks followed the
Lydian model; 3, both sides of a Carian coin (650-550 B.C.), an example
of the square stamp ; 4, both sides of a four-drachma piece of Athens,
(sixth century B.C.), bearing head of the goddess Athena and an owl with
olive branch (square stamp). The inscription contains the first three letters
of "Athens." These coins are all rough lumps of silver (such as were long
before used in the Orient, 39), flattened by the pressure of the stamp
95. The Greeks never united into a Single Nation. The Greek
city-states never united into a single great and powerful nation.
This was in part because the country was so cut up by deep
bays and divided by mountain ranges that the various towns were
somewhat separated from one another partly because each of the
Greek towns had its own peculiar habits, its dialect, and its own
local gods. But in some cases a number of formerly small inde-
were, on the other hand, influences which tended to make them feel
that they really formed in a way a single people. Among such in-
cils, made up
of representatives from the various Greek cities
concerned. These councils were perhaps the nearest approach to
representative government ever devised in the ancient world.
The most notable of them were the council for the control of the
Olympic games, another for the famous sanctuary of Apollo at
Delphi (87), and the council for the great annual feast of
Apollo in the island of Delos.
The representatives of the cities who attended these councils
Athens was to become by far the most important and was to make
a name for itself which should never be forgotten. Its first great
citizen was Solon, who was in 594 B.C. given full power to intro-
duce needed reforms. Although a noble himself, he reduced the
oppressive power of his fellow nobles, relieved the peasants of
the heavy mortgages that lay on their lands, and set a limit to the
amount of land a noble might hold. He made it possible for any-
one, however poor, to have his lawsuit tried before a jury of citi-
zens selected lot.
by Only the nobles were permitted to hold the
higher offices, but the peasants could hold the lower ones, and all
free citizens were assured a vote in the assembly of the people.
Solon is the first Greek statesman about whom we have any
reliable information.
He also arranged that once a year the people might declare any
prominent citizen dangerous and banish him for ten years. The
names were written on bits of pottery, instead of paper ballots
such as we use today. The name pottery ballot was
of this
I. How did Europe first receive metal ? Where and how did higher
forms of civilization begin in Europe? Describe the physical aspects
of the ^gean world. Why did civilization develop in Crete earlier
than in Europe ? Describe the art and industries of Crete. Had Euro-
peans ever had sailing ships before ? What were the earliest influences
of Cretan civilization on the mainland? What contribution did the
Hittites make to the advancement of civilization ?
II. To what race do the Greeks belong ? Describe the Greek tribes-
men when appeared in northern Greece. Describe the in-
they first
V. Describe the reforms of Solon ;
of Clisthenes. Why were the
sons of Pisistratus not permitted to rule? What was the Spartan
League ?
pect that the tiny Greek states, even if they united, could success-
fully resist the vast oriental empire, controlling as it did all the
countries of the ancient East, which we have been studying.
Nevertheless the Ionian cities revolted against their Persian lords.
103. First Persian Invasion of Europe. During the struggle
with Persia which followed this revolt the Athenians sent twenty
ships to aid their Ionian kindred. This act brought a Persian
army of revenge, under Darius, into Europe. The long march
of the Persians across the
Hellespont and through Thrace cost
them many men, and the fleet which accompanied the Persian
advance was wrecked in trying to round the high promontory of
Mount Athos (492 B.C.). This advance into Greece was there-
fore abandoned for a plan of invasion by water across the ^Egean.
The Repulse of Persia 71
throughout Greece. Now this Persian foe was camping behind the
hillsonly a few miles northeast of Athens.
105. Miltiades and the Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.). The
Persian forces probably numbered about twenty thousand men,
but at the utmost the Athenians could not put more than half
this number into the field. Fortunately for them, there was
among their generals a skilled commander named Miltiades.
As the citizen-soldiers of Attica flocked to the city at the call
to arms, Miltiades was able to induce the leaders not to await
the assault of the Persians at Athens but to march across the
peninsula and block the Persian advance among the hills over-
looking the eastern coast and commanding the road to the city.
Unable to entice the Greeks from the advantageous position
they had chosen at Marathon, the Persians at length attempted
to force their way along the road toward Athens. The Athenians
106. Rise of Themistocles. Among the men who stood in the
Athenian ranks at Marathon was Themistocles, the ablest states-
man in Greece. He was convinced of the necessity of building up
72 General History of Europe
a strong navy, and had therefore long been trying to show the
Athenians that the only way in which Athens could hope to meet
the assault of Persia was by making herself undisputed mistress
and eighty triremes. The Greeks were then ready for the first
action. The Spartan king Leonidas led some five thousand men to
check the Persians at the pass of Thermopylse while the Greek fleet
of less than three hundred triremes was endeavoring to strike the
Persian navy at Artemisium, on the northern coast of Eubrea. This
brought the land and sea forces of both contestants face to face.
After several days' delay the Persians advanced to attack the
Greeks on both land and sea. All day the dauntless Leonidas held
Salamis (see map, p. 52), while the main army of the Spartans
and their allies was drawn up on the Isthmus of Corinth, the
only point at which the Greek land forces could hope to make
another stand.
109. Persians invade Attica and burn Athens. As the Persian
bat lasted the entire day, and when darkness settled on the Bay
of Salamis the Persian fleet had been almost annihilated. The
Athenians were now masters of the sea. By the creation of its
the victorious Greek fleet. With many losses from disease and
with insufficient supplies he retreated to the Hellespont and with-
drew into Asia, leaving his able general Mardonius with an army
of perhaps fifty thousand men to winter in Thessaly.
But the following spring the Greeks were able to defeat Mar-
donius at Plataea and expel the remnants of Xerxes' vast army
from Greece.
The Repulse of Persia 75
Not only European Greece but Ionia too was saved from
Asiatic despotism. For the Greek triremes crossed over to Asia
Minor and drove out or destroyed the remnants of the Persian
fleet. The Athenians now seized the Hellespont and held the
crossing from Asia into Europe. Thus the grandsons of those
Greeks who had seen Persia advance to the ^Egean (54)
blocked her further progress in the West and thrust her back
from Europe. Indeed, no Persian army ever set foot in European
Greece again.
friction between the common people and the nobles, and some-
times fighting. The people were often untrue to their best leaders,
and they even ostracized Themistocles, the ablest statesman in
W <u
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The Repulse of Persia 77
I. Compare the civilization and resources of Greece and Persia at
the time of the first Persian invasion. How did Persia happen to be so
close a neighbor to Greece? What were the results of the first two
Persian invasions? Describe briefly the famous^ battle of Marathon.
How far is Marathon from Athens ? What circumstances induced the
Athenians to build a fleet ? Describe briefly the third Persian invasion.
II. Contrast Athens and Sparta at the time of the expulsion of the
Persians. How did Athens develop into a powerful empire? Why was
the government of Athens called a democracy ?
building of Athens after the Persians had burned it did not pro-
duce any noticeable changes in the houses, nor were there any
of great size or beauty.The one-story front of even a wealthy
man's house was simply a blank wall, usually of sun-dried brick.
The door, commonly the only opening in the windowless front,
led into a court open to the sky and surrounded by a porch
with columns adopted from Egypt. Here in the mild climate
The city was about a mile wide and somewhat more in length. The
streetswere merely lanes or alleys, narrow and crooked, winding
between the bare mud-brick walls of the low houses. There was
neither pavement nor sidewalk, and a stroll through the town
after a rainmeant wading through the mud. All the household
rubbish and garbage were thrown directly into the street, and
there was no system of street-cleaning or of sewerage.
117. Costume. The gorgeous
oriental raiment of earlier days
had now largely disappeared in Greece, as bright colors for
men did among us in the days of our great-great-grandfathers.
The women were less inclined to give up the old finery unhappily;
they had little to think about but clothes and housekeeping. For
Greek citizens still
kept their wives in the background they were
repeat the entire Iliad and Odyssey. On the other hand, there was
no instruction mathematics, geography, or natural science.
mitted, the Athenian youth spent much of his time on the new
athletic fields. On the north of Athens was the field known as
the Academy. There was a similar athletic ground, called the
hand, there were serious-minded young men who spent their time
on other things. Many a bright youth who had finished his
music, reading, and writing at the old-fashioned private school
annoyed his father by insisting that such schooling was not
enough and by demanding money to pay for a course of lectures
When a father of that day found in the hands of his son a book
by one of the great Sophists which began with a statement ques-
tioning the existence of the gods, the new teachings seemed im-
pious. The old-fashioned citizen could at least vote for the
banishment of such impious teachers and burning of their books.
121. Progress in Science and Medicine. Science had begun to
be cultivated in the Ionian cities before the Persian wars ( 96).
In southern Italy a celebrated philosopher, Pythagoras, founded
a school of philosophy and carried on the study of geometry.
Among the sciences medicine, perhaps, made the most progress.
In the place, the Greek physicians rejected the older belief
ability, has been able to carry off the prize. The citizen feels
some anxiety as he realizes that his own son and most of the other
young men of his set are enthusiastic admirers of Euripides. They
constantly read his plays and talk them over with the Sophists.
127. Comedy. The great tragedies were given in the morning,
and in the afternoon the people were ready for less serious enter-
tainment, such as comedy offered. From the old-time country
festivals the comedy developed into a stage performance. The
Thjs theater was the center of the growth and development of Greek drama,
which began as a part of the celebration of the spring feast of Dionysus, god
of the vine and the fruitfulness of the earth. The temple of the god stood
here, just at the left. Long before anyone knew of such a thing as a theater,
the people gathered at this place to watch the celebration of the god's spring
feast, where they formed a circle about the chorus, which narrated in song
the stories of the gods. This circle (called the orchestra) was finally marked
out permanently, seats of wood for the spectators were erected in a semi-
circleon one side, but the singing and action all took place in the circle on
the level of the ground. On the side opposite the public was a booth, or
tent (Greek, skene, "scene"), for the actors, and out of this finally developed
the stage. Here we see the circle, or orchestra, with the stage cutting off
the back part of the circle. The seats are of stone and accommodated
possibly seventeen thousand people. The marble seats in the front
row were reserved for the leading men of Athens. The old wooden seats were
still in use in the days when /Eschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides presented
their dramas here. From the seats the citizens had a grand view of the sea
and the island of /Egina, for orchestra and seats continued roofless, and
a Greek theater was always open to the sky
86 General History of Europe
peace was arranged, and the belligerents gave back the conquests
they had made and retained only what they had held before
the war.
graceful style. A and C show details of both styles. See page 88 for ex-
ample of the third style of architecture the Corinthian
88 General History of Europe
possessions were given up, and Athens was forced to enter the
Spartan League. These hard conditions saved the city from the
complete destruction demanded by Corinth. Thus the century
which had so gloriously begun for Athens with the repulse of
Persia, the century which under the leadership of such men as
Themistocles and Pericles had seen her rise to supremacy in all
that was best and noblest in Greek life, closed with the annihila-
tion of the Athenian Empire (404 B.C.).
I. Describe the houses in Athens in the time of Pericles. What was
the appearance of the city ? Were there any schools at this time ?
What instruction did a Greek boy receive? Describe the importance
of athletics. What were the chief athletic events? What were
the Academy and Lyceum ? What opportunities were offered for
NOTE. This illustration shows us the lovely porch of the Maidens built to adorn the
temple on the Acropolis known as the Erechtheum. It was a very ancient sanctuary of
Athena, supposed to have gained its name because it was originally a shrine in the castle
of the prehistoric king Erechtheus on the Acropolis. The temple was believed to stand
on the spot where Athena overcame Poseidon in her battle with him for the possession
of Attica, and here was the mark of the sea god's trident which he struck into the earth.
Here also grew the original olive tree which Athena summoned from the earth as a gift
to the Athenians. The building was erected during the last Peloponnesian war, in spite
of the financial distress of Athens at that time. It is one of the most beautiful archi-
tectural works left us by the Greeks.
and in Persia, and the best young blood of Greece was being
spent to strengthen foreign states instead of building up the
power of the Greeks.
During the Peloponnesian Wars military leadership had also
become a profession. Athens produced a whole group of pro-
fessional military leaders; the most talented among these was
ships was increased. The newer ones had five banks of oars
instead of three, and the older triremes could no longer face these
engaged were slain and with them their king. It became clear
that Sparta was not invincible, and she lost the repute which she
had so long enjoyed on account of her military prowess.
Art and Literature after Pericles 93
z en c ^
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Art and Literature after Pericles 95
object from one side, leaving the unlighted side so dark that but
little color showed on that side, while on the lighted side the colors
umphed ;
and his triumph meant
the defeat of the old beliefs, the
high mission.
Socrates' fame spread far and wide,
and when the Delphian oracle ( 87)
was asked who was the wisest of liv-
ing men it responded with the name of
this greatest of Greek teachers. A group PORTRAIT OF SOCRATES
of pupils gathered about him, among This is not the best of the
whom the most famous was Plato. numerous surviving portraits
of Socrates, but it is espe-
But the aims and noble efforts of Soc-
cially interesting because it
rates were misunderstood. His keen bears under the philosopher's
tions as due to the will of the gods but Thucydides, with an in-
them, but how different the beliefs of the two historians, the old
and the new! The history of Thucydides has been one of the
world's greatest prose classics ever since.
148. Plato (427-347 B. c.) and his Dialogues. Plato, by far the
most gifted of the pupils of Socrates, wrote out much of his mas-
ter's teachings in the form of imaginary conversations between
Socrates and those who flocked around him to discuss the deep
Middle Ages his books were almost the only ones studied in the
medieval universities, and he is still revered as perhaps the great-
est scholar that the world has ever produced. Certainly the
writings of no other man have ever enjoyed such long and wide-
city to surpass its rivals in art and literature and all that is finest
in civilization. Great as was the age of Pericles, the age that
followed was stillgreater. The tiny Athenian state, having at
most twenty-five or thirty thousand citizens, had furnished in
this period a group of great artists and thinkers such as never in
all the history of the world arose elsewhere in so small a com-
I. What the meaning of "oligarchy"? Describe the condition of
speeches' denouncing King Philip are called, are among the finest
specimens of Greek eloquence.
After a long series of hostilities Philip defeated the Greek forces
in a final battle of Chseronea (338 B.C.) and firmly established
his position as head of a league of all the Greek states except
completely destroyed the city, sparing only the house of the great
poet Pindar. All Greece was thus taught to fear and respect his
power, but learned at the same time to recognize his reverence for
Greek culture. The Greek states, accordingly, with the exception
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age 103
States independt
Marches of Alex;
City life was more comfortable than ever before. The houses
were more beautifully furnished and decorated, and for the first
time water pipes were installed connected with a town water
Above is a Gallic trumpeter, as fee sinks in death with his trumpet at his
feet. Below is a part of the frieze around the great altar of Zeus at
One of the famous feats of the great scientist Archimedes was his
arrangement of a series of pulleys and levers which so multiplied
power that he was able by turning a light crank to launch a
large three-masted ship standing fully loaded on the dock. After
witnessing such feats as this the people easily believed his proud
boast, Give me a place to stand on and I will move the earth."
But Archimedes was far more than an inventor of practical appli-
ances. He was a scientific investigator of the first rank, the dis-
rET h
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This book, written on papyrus, was found lying beside the body of a man
buried in an Egyptian cemetery. What we have called a page is really a
column of writing, and the book consisted of a series of such columns side
by side on the roll (see cut on next page)
ligion. They usually no longer believed in the gods in the old way.
There was complete freedom of conscience far more freedom
thaa the Christian rulers of later Europe granted their subjects.
The teachings of Socrates would not now have caused his condem-
nation by his Athenian neighbors.
With the weakening of their faith in the old Greek gods many
Greeks adopted the gods of Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor, and
these became more and more popular.
The Larger World of the Hellenistic Age. The older
Greek states had been merged into a larger world. For while
Greek civilization, with its language, its art, its literature, its
theaters and gymnasiums, was hellenizing the Orient, the Orient
in the same way was orientalizing the eastern Mediterranean
world. But this world of the eastern Mediterranean, which had
grown up as a had by 200 B.C.
result of Alexander's conquests,
reached a point when was to come under the control of a great
I. Describe the military machine of Philip of Macedonia. How did
Philip gain the leadership of the Greeks ? Tell what you know of the
education of Alexander the Great. How did Alexander subjugate the
Greek states after Philip's death ? Describe Alexander's campaign ex-
tending to the Euphrates River. How did the ancient East come under
the control of a European power? How were Alexander's realms
divided at his death ? What were the reasons for the political decline
of Greece ?
'II." What
is meant by the Hellenistic Age? Describe the ways in
which Greek language and civilization were spread into the East.
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age 115
What were the conflicts of city life in this age? Describe the city
of Alexandria. What advance was made in science? What contribu-
tions did Archimedes make? What was the Museum in Alexandria?
For what is Euclid celebrated ? What is the derivation and meaning
of the word "geometry"? Compare the map of the world as under-
stood in the time of Herodotus and in that of Eratosthenes. What
progress was made in the knowledge of the earth? What is the
derivation and meaning of "geography"? did Eratosthenes lay the How
foundation of modern- geography ? Describe the Library of Alexandria.
What were the main schools of philosophy at this time ? Contrast the
Stoicsand Epicureans. What was the attitude of the intellectual class
toward the gods ? Give the chief effects of Greek ideas on the Orient,
and of the oriental civilization on the Greek world.
NOTE. The tailpiece below is a pleasing example of the Alexandrian art of mosaic
the art of putting together brightly colored bits of glass or stone and
forming figures or
designs with them, as a child puts together a puzzle picture. It was an old Egyptian art,
which was carried much further by the Greeks at Alexandria, where they seem to have
learned it, and used it in making beautiful pavements.
*~ - -J V-'^TV-;
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175. The Mediterranean the Center of Ancient History.
The Mediterranean Sea is a very large body of water, almost as
long as Europe itself. Laid out across the United States it would
reach from New York over to California. Italy divides it into
two basins, which we may conveniently call the eastern and
western Mediterranean worlds.
176. Italy : its Geography and Climate. Italy is about six
hundred miles long. It is not only much larger than Greece but
Italic tribes had first settled in Italy there grew up on the south
of them a wonderful world of Greek civilization. We shall now
follow the career of the barbarous Italic tribes of central Italy
under the leadership of Rome, and watch them slowly gaining
n8 General History oj Europe
180. Early Rome. On the south bank of the Tiber, not far
from the sea (see map, p. 120), there was a group of Italic tribes
known as the Latins. In the days when the Etruscan sea raiders
first landed on the shores north of the Tiber these Latin tribes had
occupied a plain less than thirty by forty miles. They called it
year only and then give way to two others. This new state
was a republic, of which the consuls were the presidents, for the
In the time of Alexander the Great (second half of the fourth century B.C.)
the Romans found it too inconvenient to continue paying their debts in goods,
especially in cattle. They therefofe cast copper in blocks, each block with
the figure of an ox upon it (see A, above), to indicate its value. The Roman
word for cattle (pecus) was the origin of one of their words for property
(pecunia) and has descended to us in our common word pecuniary." These
blocks were unwieldy, and influenced by the Greeks the Romans then cast
large disks of copper (B, above), which also were very ponderous
quired to keep lists of the people and to look after their daily con-
duct and see that nothing improper was permitted. Our own use
of the word "censor" is derived from these Roman officials. For
the decision of legal cases judges called praetors were appointed
to assist the consuls. In times of great national danger it was
a large extent, in the course of the first two centuries after the
public affairs, the Roman citizens were not unwilling that impor-
tant public questions should be settled by the -Senate. Thus the
Roman Senate became a large committee of experienced states-
men, guiding and controlling the Roman State. They formed the
greatest council of rulers which ever grew up in the ancient world,
or perhaps in any age.
pouring over the Alpine passes into the valley of the Po. This
weakening of the Etruscans probably saved Rome from destruc-
tion. By 400 B.C., or a little after, the Romans had conquered
and taken possession of a fringe of new territory on all sides,
which protected them from their enemies.
In this new territory the Romans planted colonies of citizens
mostly farmers cultivating the new lands or granted citizenship
124 General History of Europe
194. Rome Mistress of Central and Northern Italy. The
Etruscans were unable to longer maintain themselves as a leading
power. One by one their cities were taken by the Romans, or they
entered into alliance with Rome. The intruding Gallic barbarians
were beaten off, though the Gauls who had settled in the north
of the Italian peninsula continued to hold the Po valley. The
northern boundary of the Roman conquests was therefore along
the Arnus River, south of the Apennines. The Romans were
I. Discuss the geography of the western Mediterranean world of ;
Italy. Who were the Italic tribes? Name the four rival peoples of
the western Mediterranean world and tell something of each.
How did Rome Do you know the story of Romulus
originate ?
and Remus ? people furnished the first kings of Rome ? What
kind of civilization did the Etruscans have ? When were they expelled
from Rome ? Whatis a republic and from what does the word come ?
II. Tell about Greek influences among the Romans. What took
the place of the expelled Etruscan kings?
hat did the government
of Rome become? How did the people gain power? the Senate?
III. Describe the Roman policy of expansion. Discuss the war
with the Gauls ;
with the Latins ;
with the Samm'tes ;
with the Greeks
and Pyrrhus. What was the result ? What two rivals remained ?
neighboring islands and pay within ten years a huge war indem-
nity of thirty-two hundred talents, over three and a half million
dollars. This was a far larger sum in those days than it would
be now. For the first time Rome now held territory outside the
Italian peninsula, and this was but the beginning of a complete
itself, but he had neither the troops nor the machinery for a
Rome and Carthage 133
siege and so preferred to wait for another victory in the hope that
the allies of Rome might be induced to desert her and help him
besiege the city.
208. Battle of Cannae (216 B.C.). The Romans now appointed
a Dictator, a prudent old citizen named Fabius. He so irritated
the Roman people by his caution that he was known as the
another, the allied cities which had revolted against Rome and
joined Hannibal.
134 General History of Europe
according to the treaty she could not make war anywhere with-
out the consent of the Romans.
Hannibal escaped after he lost the battle at Zama. He was one
of the greatest and most gifted leaders in all history a lion-
hearted man, so strong of purpose that only a great nation like
Rome could have crushed him. Rome still feared Hannibal and
compelled the Carthaginians to expel him. As a man of fifty he
went into exile in the East, where we shall find him stirring up
the successors of Alexander to combine against Rome ( 214).
212. Third Punic War ; Destruction of Carthage ( 146 B. c.).
last time.
Rome eagerly seized an excuse to renew hostilities and at-
tack her old enemy. In the three years' war that followed,
I. How did Carthage interfere with Rome's business interests ?
Describe the government and territorial extent of Carthage. How was
the Roman army made up ? Describe the origin and cause of the First
Punic War.
II. What was Hannibal's plan for conquering Rome ? What were
the difficulties of hismarch from Spain to northern Italy ? What was
Hannibal's policy in Italy ? How did the Romans succeed in defeat-
East, led by Antiochus (190 B. c.), and the lands of western Asia
Minor submitted to Roman control.
138 General History oj Europe
year, and their rule often became a mere system of looting and
robbery. The Senate soon found it necessary to have laws passed
for the punishment of such evils, but these laws proved of little
Roman Power at the
Beginning of the Wars
with Carthage (264 B.e)
Roman Power
Carthaginian Power
Macedonian and Seleucid Empires
Ptolemaic Empire
o to"
wioh 60
pansion of Roman Power
.from the End of the Hannibalian \
to the Beginning of the Revolut
[201-133 B.C.)
Scale of Miles
I j Roman Power
Ptolemaic Empire ) Allies
f Rome
R.-K.-O.CO..N.Y. Jo
Roman Power
Carthaginian Power
Macedonian and Seleucid Empires
Ptolemaic Empire
A. Jn
citizen across the toward it, and this water collected in a pool
way built to receive it in the floor of the atrium
who still lived in his
below (see B in cut on page 140). The tiny
father's old house began area, or garden, shown in the rear was not
to be dissatisfied with it. common. It was here that the later Ro-
mans added the Hellenistic peristyle (see
For the old houses were D in cut on page 140)
built of sun-dried brick,
and other works of art seized in eastern cities. One of the Roman
ing colonnaded porch (peristyle) and a foun- different from the old
tain in the middle (), was built at the
charcoal brazier on
rear. Then a dining room, sitting room, and
bedrooms were added, which opened on this which the Romans had
court, and, being without windows, they were formerly depended.
lighted from the court through the doors. In 219. Influence of the
town houses it was quite easy to partition
off a shop, or even a whole row of shops,
Art and Literature of
along the front or side of the house, as in the Greece on Rome. The
Hellenistic house. The houses of Pompeii cultivated Romans nat-
(see 262 and Plate III, facing page 168) were
almost all built in this way urally admired the beau-
tiful Greek works of art,
homestead farms of the old Roman days. The small farm seemed
in a fair way to disappear.
Recall the partition of Alexander's empire after his death.
I. What
portions of Alexander's empire were conquered by the Romans ? What
difficulties Romans meet in governing their provinces ? De-
did the
scribe the origin and habits of the wealthy class which now developed.
II. What were the new forms of public amusement which appeared
at Rome? Compare political corruption among the Romans with that
of today. What were the evil influences of the long wars of conquest ?
Why did the people leave the country for the cities ? What problems
confronted the Roman government as a result of their conquests ?
NOTE. This shows the beautiful stone sarcophagus of one of the early
as Dictator (82 B.C.). His first action was to begin the system-
atic slaughter of the leaders of the people's party and the confis-
cation of their property. Then he forced the passage of a whole
series of new laws which deprivedthe Assembly and the tribunes
of their power and gave the supreme leadership of the State to
the Senate.
erals, Caesar and Pompey. The Senate ordered Caesar to disband his
army, but instead of obeying he led it across the little river Rubicon,
which formed the southern boundary of his province, and marched
on Rome. Pompey and the Senate were unprepared for this, and
many of the senatorial party with their general decided to retire
to Greece. Caesar was elected consul and so could become the
legal defender of Rome against the Senate and Pompey 's army.
A Century of Revolution 149
he sent his famous report to the Senate: "I came, I saw, I con-
quered" (Veni, vidi, vici). The only other obstacles to Caesar's
The above cut shows us the two sides of a coin issued by Brutus, one of
the leading assassins of Julius Caesar. On one side the coin bears the head of
Brutus, accompanied by his name and the title Imperator, that is, general
(abbreviated to IMP). On the other side are two daggers, intended to
recall the assassination of Caesar, and between them appears the cap of liberty,
to suggest the liberty which the Romans supposedly gained by his murder.
In order that the meaning of all this might be perfectly clear, there appears,
below, the inscription EID MAR, which means the Ides of March (the
Roman term for the fifteenth of March), the date of Caesar's murder
representing the West and the East, had once faced each other
on a battlefield in 236), so now Octavian and Antony,
the leaders of the West and the East, met at Actium on the west
coast of Greece. The outcome was a sweeping victory for the
heir of Caesar (31 B.C.).
The next year Octavian landed in Egypt. Antony, probably
forsaken by Cleopatra, took his own life. The proud queen, un-
willing to be displayed at Octavian's triumph at Rome, died by
her own hand. She was the last of the Ptolemies ( 165), the rulers
ofEgypt for nearly three hundred years. Octavian therefore made
Egypt Roman territory (30 B.C.). To the West, which he already
controlled, Octavian had now added also the East. Thus he had
restored the unity of Roman dominions. The entire Mediterranean
world was under the power of a single ruler.
242. Summary. The struggle between the rich and the poor,
which resulted in violence under the Gracchus brothers after
133 B.C., was accompanied by the rise of military leaders, who
gained great power and wealth in the newly conquered posses-
sions. They strove to control the State in defiance of the laws.
Years of civil war between the leaders of the people and the Senate
resulted in the overthrow of the Republic (about 30 B.C.). Octa-
vian's success marked the final triumph of one-man power in the
entire ancient world, as it had long ago triumphed in the Orient.
Describe the aims and fate of the Gracchi. Describe the con-
testbetween Marius and Sulla. What was Sulla's policy after the death
of Marius ?
II. Describe the career of Pompey. How did Julius Caesar prepare
the way Trace the struggle between Caesar and
for his dictatorship?
thought that the Roman Empire was quite large enough, and he
154 General History of Europe
hands, and the governors knew that they were responsible to him
for the wise and honest performance of their duties. Each gov-
ernor also knew thathe proved successful he would be permitted
by the Greeks, and literary men often studied in Athens and spoke
Greek among themselves when they returned to Italy. In the
age before Augustus, Cicero, a lawyer, statesman, and remarkable
156 General History of Europe
orator, had done much to perfect the Latin tongue in his speeches
and orations. Late in life he was forced to retire from active life
and spent several years writing out, in Latin, treatises on duty,
friendship, old age, and the gods, which have been read with
pleasure ever since. While they owed much to Greek works, they
general peace under good and efficient rulers who brought the
In the background we see the heavy stone piers of the bridge, supporting
the wooden upper structure, built with strong railings. In the foreground
is the altar, toward which the emperor advances from the right, with a flat
dish in his right hand, from which he is pouring a libation. At the left
of the altar stands a priest, naked to the waist and leading an ox to be
slain for the sacrifice. A
group of the emperor's officers approach from the
left, bearing army standards. The scene is sculptured with many others on
the column of Trajan at Rome, and is one of the best examples of Roman
relief sculpture of the second century
frontier. But on the lower Danube they were unable to crush the
growing power of the Dacians (see map, p. 160).
250. Trajan (A.D. 98-nv) and his Wars. This left the whole
threatening situation on the lower Danube to be met by the bril-
liant soldier Trajan. He captured one stronghold of the Dacians
after another, and
finally destroyed their capital. Having built a
massive bridge across the Danube, Trajan made Dacia a Roman
(Under Trajan, A. D. 98-117)
? 100 200 300 400 600 600
Scale of Miles.
The Roman Empire at its Height 159
phrates River. Rome thus held the western half of the Fertile
Crescent, but it had never conquered the eastern half, including
which had caused both the Greeks and the Romans much trouble.
Government collectors now everywhere gathered in the taxes of
the great Mediterranean world.
254. Rise of a System of Law for the Whole Empire. Not
only did the subjects of this vast State pay their taxes into the
same treasury but they were controlled by the same laws. The
lawyers of Rome under the emperors we are now discussing
were the most gifted legal minds the world had ever seen. They
altered the narrow city-law of Rome so that it might meet the
needs of the whole empire. In spirit these laws were fair, just,
The Roman Empire at Us Height 161
and humane and did much to unify the peoples of the Mediter-
ranean world into a single nation for they were now regarded
manners, customs, and dress, but they could all rejoice in the
far-reaching Roman peace and protection. For the most part
they lived in cities like our own day, it was an age of city life.
ing bridges. Some of these bridges still stand and are in use
today. The speed of travel and communication was fully as
high as that maintained in Europe and America a century ago,
before the introduction of the steam railway, and the roads were
much better. By sea a Roman merchant could send a letter to his
agent in Alexandria in ten days. The huge government
grain ships
that plied regularly between the Roman harbors and Alexandria
were stately vessels carrying several thousand tons.
257. Wide Extent of Commerce. With these improved condi-
tions business flourished as never before. There was a fleet of a
hundred and twenty ships plying regularly across the Indian
Ocean between the Red Sea and the harbors of India. The wares
that they brought were shipped west from the docks of Alexan-
two feet above the pavement, and the diameter of the huge dome is also
one hundred and forty-two feet. This is the only ancient building in Rome
which is still standing with walls and roof in a perfectly preserved state.
It is thus a remarkable example of Roman skill in the use of concrete
(260). At the same time it is one of the most beautiful and impressive
domed interiors ever designed
which originally stood in this vicinity, near the entrance of his famous
Golden House," just east of the Forum
Empire had grown up. There Vespasian had erected a vast amphi-
theater for gladiatorial combats, now known as the Colosseum.
Along the north side of the old Forum the emperors built three
new forums which surpassed in magnificence anything which the
Mediterranean world had ever
seen before.
These buildings of Trajan
and Hadrian represent the high-
est level of splendor and beauty
The pavement and sidewalk are in perfect condition, as when they were first
covered by the falling ashes. At the left is a public fountain, and in the
foreground is a street crossing. Of the buildings on this street only half a
story still stands, except at the left, where we see the entrances of two shops,
with the tops of the doors in position and the walls preserved to the level
of the second floor above
Many took refuge in the faith of the Egyptian Isis, and temples
of Isis were to be found in all the larger cities. Today tiny stat-
uettes and other symbols Egyptian goddess are found even
of the
This structure was built by the Romans about A.D. 20 to supply the Roman
colony of Nemausus (now called Nimes) in southern France with water
from two excellent springs twenty-five miles distant. It is nearly nine
hundred feet long and one hundred and sixty feet high, and carried the
water over the valley of the river Card. The channel for the water is at
the very top, and one can still walk through it. The miles of aqueduct on
either side of this bridge and leading to it have almost disappeared
steadily grew.
269. Summary of the Two Centuries of Peace. The remark-
able forty-four years of the peaceful Augustus had
reign of
ushered in a century of general peace, ending (A.D. 68) with the
death of the infamous Nero. The second century of peace, which
began after a brief period of disorder, was covered by the reigns
of a group of very able emperors, especially Trajan and Hadrian.
These rulers expanded the once local government and laws of the
former city-state of Rome until they fitted the needs of a vast
state including the whole Mediterranean world. At this time
Christianity was spreading very rapidly. Internal decay was
going on, however, and under Marcus Aurelius, about A.D. 167,
the two centuries of peace ended. We now pass on to a fearful
What was the meaning of the various titles of Augustus ? What
Empire. How was it possible to get about the Empire ? Describe some
of the things that a tourist might have seen in his travels. Describe the
chief public buildings at Rome. Tell something of the science of the
Romans. Mention the chief oriental religions which prevailed in
the Roman Empire. Describe the rise of Christianity.
were not free to leave or go where they pleased. The great villas
once worked by slaves were now cultivated chiefly by these coloni
(plural of colonus), the forerunners of the medieval serfs ( 405,
406), while the older type of slavery gradually disappeared.
Hosts of the country people, unwilling to become coloni, for-
sook their fields and turned to the city for relief. Great stretches
thus became the chief controlling power. There were often sev-
eral of these barrack candidates for the throne fighting among
themselves. At last (A.D. 212) citizenship was granted to all
free men within the Empire, and the various provinces felt
A Century of Disorder
the first time in two centuries poured down into Italy. He was
unable to expel them entirely from the Empire and finally per-
mitted some of them to settle within its limits on condition that
they should help defend it from their fellow Germans.
Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic and found time during his cam-
paigns to write a book in Greek called his Meditations,
ing troops tossed the scepter of Rome from one soldier emperor
to another. Life and property were nowhere safe; robbery and
murder were everywhere. The disorder and fighting between rival
emperors hastened the ruin of all business, till national bankruptcy
A Century of Disorder 175
busy in the East, and he resided most of his time not in Rome
but' in Nicomedia in Asia Minor. Following some earlier exam-
tinople, named after its founder, stood just between Europe and
Asia and was well situated to command them both. The emperor
The founding of a second capi-
281. Division of the Empire.
East tended to bring about a separation of the eastern
tal in the
The obelisk in the foreground (nearly one hundred feet high) was first set
up in Thebes, Egypt, by the conqueror Thutmose III ( 30) ;
it was
erected here by the Roman emperor Theodosius. The small spiral column
at the right is the base of a bronze tripod set up by the Greeks at Delphi
in commemoration of their victory over the Persians at Plataea ( in). The
names of thirty-one Greek cities which took part in the battle are still to be
read, engraved on this base. These monuments of ancient oriental and
Greek supremacy stand in what was the Roman horse-race course when the
earlier Greek city of Byzantium became the Eastern capital of Rome.
Finally, the great mosque behind the obelisk, with its slender minarets, rep-
resents the triumph of Islam under the Turks, who took the city A.D. 1453
I. What were the chief signs of decline in the Roman Empire?
What was the position of the farming population? What caused the
decline in business ? Why did disorders occur in the election of em-
perors ? What
chiefly remarkable about Marcus Aurelius ?
II. Compare the third century B.C. with the third century of the
Christian Era.
III. Sketch the policy of Diocletian. Why were the taxes so heavy
in the later Roman Empire ? Why did liberty and free citizenship tend
to disappear ?
IV. What were the chief measures of Constantine? How was
Christianity legalized? Describe the Church at that time. Give a
summary of ancient history.
European race ( 50, 51). They had not advanced much in civil-
ization since the Late Stone Age and were a constant menace to
the highly civilized countries on the Mediterranean to the south of
them. It will be recalled that the barbarians had raided the
the ancient world, and the Romans had good reason to dread them.
286.Whole German Peoples settle in the Empire. The care-
fully disciplined Roman legions, which had gained for Rome the
customs. The men were then received into the Roman army, but
they remained under their own German leaders and fought in
their old village units.
287. The Huns force the Goths into the Empire. About the
year 375 the Huns, a Mongolian folk from central Asia, swept
down upon the Goths, who were a German tribe settled upon the
Danube, and forced a part of them to seek shelter across the
river, within the limits of the Empire. Here they soon fell out
with the Roman officials, and a great battle was fought at Adrian-
ople in 378, in which the Goths defeated and slew the Roman
emperor Valens. The battle of Adrianople may be said to mark
the beginning of the conquest of the Empire by the Germans.
For some years after the battle of Adrianople, however, the vari-
ous bands of West Goths or Visigoths, as they are often called
were induced to accept the terms of peace offered by the
emperor's officials, and some of the Goths agreed to serve as
soldiers in the Roman armies.
288. Alaric takes Rome (4io). Among the Germans who suc-
ceeded in gettingan important position in the Roman army was
Alaric, but he appears to have become dissatisfied with the treat-
ment he received from the emperor. He therefore collected an
army, of which his countrymen the West Goths formed a con-
siderable part, set out for Italy, and finally decided to march on
Rome itself. The Eternal City fell into his hands in 410 and
was plundered by his followers. Although Alaric did not de-
stroy the city, or even seriously damage it, the fact that Rome
had fallen into the hands of an invading army was a notable
The Period of Invasions .183
dered about Europe during the fifth century. Scarcely any part
of western Europe was left unmolested even Britain was con-
by Pope Leo the Great, who induced Attila to give up his plan
of marching upon Rome. Within a year he died, and his warriors
were scattered.
291. The Fall of the Empire in the West (475). The year
476 has commonly been taken as the date of the "fall" of the
Western Empire and of the beginning of the Middle Ages. What
happened in that year was this. Most of the Roman emperors
in the West had proved weak and indolent rulers ;
so the bar-
barians wandered hither and thither pretty much at their pleasure,
and the German troops in the service of the Empire became accus-
tomed to set up and depose emperors to suit their own special
interest. Finally, in 476, Odoacer, the most powerful among the
rival German generals in Italy, declared himself king and ban-
ished the last of the emperors of the West.
1 84 General History of Europe
, <
Colonia Augusta Trevirorum (now called Trier or Treves) was one of the
chief Roman colonies on the German boundaries of the Empire. The Roman
emperors often resided there, and the remains of their palace are still to be
seen. The great gate here represented was designed to protect the entrance
of the town, which was surrounded with a wall, for the Romans were in
constant danger of attack from the neighboring German tribes. One can also
see at Treves the remains of a vast amphitheater in which on two occasions
Constantine had several thousand German prisoners cast to be killed by
wild animals for the amusement of the spectators
by the great Theodoric, the king of the East Goths (or Ostro-
goths}. Theodoric had spent ten years of his early youth in
Constantinople and had thus become familiar with Roman life
A. o
from Greenwich
kingdom extended into southern France. The Vandals held northern Africa
and the adjacent islands. The Burgundians lay in between the East Goths
and the Franks. The Lombards, who were later to move down into Italy,
were in Theodoric's time east of the Bavarians, after whom modern Bavaria
is named. Some of the Saxons invaded England, but many remained in
Germany, as indicated on the map. The Eastern Empire, which was all that
remained of the Roman Empire, included the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor,
and the eastern portion of the Mediterranean. The Britons in Wales, the
Picts in Scotland, and the Scots in Ireland were Celts ; consequently modern
Welsh, Gaelic, and Irish are closely related and all of them belong to the
Celtic group of languages
1 86 General History of Europe
became king he did his best to preserve them. The old offices and
were retained, and Goth and Roman lived under the same
This map shows how the Prankish kingdom grew up. Clovis, while still a
young man, defeated the Roman general Syagrius in 486, near Soissons, and
so added the region around Paris to his possessions. He added Alemannia
on the east in 496. In 507 he made Paris his capital and conquered Aqui-
tania, previously held by the West Goths. He also made a beginning in
adding the kingdom of the Burgundians to his realms. He died in 511. His
successors in the next half century completed the conquest of Burgundy and
added Provincia, Bavaria, and Gascony. There- were many divisions of the
Prankish realms after the time of Clovis, and the eastern and western
portions, called Austrasia and Neustria, were often ruled by different branches
of the Merovingians, as Clovis's family was called from his ancestor
Meroveus, the supposed founder of his line
along the lower Rhine, from Cologne to the North Sea. In the
early part of the fifth century they had occupied the district
which forms today the kingdom of Belgium, as well as the regions
1 88 General History of Europe
east of it. In 486 they went forth under their great king Clovis
(a name that later grew into Louis) and defeated the Roman
general who opposed them. They extended their control over
Gaul as far south as the Loire, which at that time formed the
northern boundary of the kingdom of the West Goths. Clovis
next enlarged his empire on the east by the conquest of the Ale-
manni, a German people living in the region of the Black Forest
and north of the Lake of Constance.
296. Conversion of Clovis (496). The battle in which the
Alemanni were defeated (496) is in one respect important above
all the other battles of Clovis. Although still a pagan himself, his
wife had been converted to Christianity. In the midst of the
way, he called upon Jesus Christ
battle, seeing his troops giving
and pledged himself to be baptized in his name if he would help
the Franks to victory over their enemies. When he won the
battle he kept his word and was baptized, together with three
thousand of his warriors.
Clovis died in 511 at Paris, which he had made his residence.
He and his successors, in spite of constant wars between rival
his arm into hot water or carry a bit of hot iron for some distance,
and if at the end of three days he showed no ill effects the case
was decided in his favor. Or he might be ordered to walk over
i go General History of Europe
libraries which had been kept in the temples of the pagan gods
had begun to decline toward the level that they reached in the
early Middle Ages.
The term "Middle Ages" generally applied to the period of
between the dark period of the early Middle Ages and the re-
markable achievements of the late Middle Ages which will be
described in due time.
The Period oj Invasions 191
got some ideas of the Old and New Testaments. But when he
tried to convince people that he was God's prophet, he was
treated with scorn.
where he had friends. His flight, which took place in the year
622, is called the Hejira by the Arabs. It was taken by his fol-
lowers as the beginning of a new era the year One, as the
Mohammedans reckon time.
303. Islam and the Koran. It was eight years before his fol-
lowers became numerous enough to enable him to march upon
Mecca and take it with a victorious army. Before his death in
632 he had gained the support of all the Arab chiefs, and his new
religion, which he called Islam (meaning "reconciliation," by
which he meant reconciliation to Allah, the sole God), was ac-
cepted throughout the whole Arabian peninsula. The new be-
lievers he called Muslims (Moslems), meaning "the reconciled."
By us they are often called Mohammedans, after their prophet.
192 General History of Europe
eager listeners the words which he heard from heaven, and they
in turn wrote them down.
306. The Moslem Advance to the West; the Battle of
Tours. Westward the Moslems pushed along the African coast
of the Mediterranean, as their Phoenician kindred had done before
them (83). Only two generations after the death of Moham-
med the Arabs crossed over from Africa into Spain (A.D. 711) ;
then they moved on into France and threatened to girdle the entire
194 General History of Europe
The Period of Invasions 195
monarch, Christ says: "And I say also unto thee, That thou
art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto
years,and then the popes (who had given up the Lateran as their residence
and come to live in the Vatican Palace close to St. Peter's) determined to
build the new and grander church one sees today. Constantine and the
popes made constant use in their buildings of columns and stones taken
from the older Roman buildings, which were in this way demolished
had been handed down from its exalted founders. When there
The Period of Invasions 197
Not long after the death of Leo the Great ( 290), Odoacer
put an end to the Western line of emperors. Then, as we know,
Theodoric and his East Goths settled in Italy, only to be fol-
lowed by still less desirable intruders, the Lombards. Dur-
ing this tumultuous period the people of Rome, and even of all
Italy, came to
regard the
Pope as their natural leader. The
Eastern emperor was far away, and his officers, who managed to
hold a portion of central Italy around Rome and Ravenna, were
glad to accept the aid and counsel of the Pope.
312. Gregory the Great (590-604). The pontificate of Gregory
the Great, one of the half dozen most distinguished heads that
the Church has ever had, shows how great a part the papacy could
play. Gregory was a statesman whose influence extended far and
wide. It devolved upon him to govern the city of Rome, as it
did upon his successors down to the year 1870, for the Eastern
Later, monasteries were sometimes built in towns or just outside the walls.
The Period of Invasions 199
Accordingly St. Benedict drew up, about the year 526, a sort of
constitution for the monastery of Monte Cassino, in southern Italy,
of which he was the head.This "Rule of St. Benedict," as it is
met the needs of the monastic life that it gradually
called, so well
became the "plan" according to which all the Western monks lived.
sidered more holy than the married, but the monastic organiza-
tion would have been impossible unless the monks remained single.
This monastery in southern Spain has two cloisters, the main one lying to the
left. The buildings were surrounded by vegetable gardens and an orchard
which supplied the monks with food. We know that we are viewing the
monastery from the west, for the church faces us
present day.
The Period of Invasions 201
possible to reach all the buildings without exposing one's self
to either the rain or the hot sun.
On the north side of the cloister was the church, which always
faced west. As time went on and certain groups ofmonks were
given a great deal of property, they constructed very beautiful
churches for their monasteries. Westminster Abbey, for instance,
was originally the church of a monastery lying outside the city
of London.
Onthe west side of the cloister were storerooms for provisions ;
on the south side was the refectory," or dining room, and a
sitting room and to the east of the cloister was the "dormitory,"
were the heathen German tribes who had conquered the once
Christian Britain.
2O2 General History oj Europe
power beyond the wall which they built from the Clyde to the
Firth of Forth to keep out the wild tribes of the North. Even
south of the wall the country was not completely Romanized,
and the Celtic tongue has actually survived down to the present
day in Wales.
At the opening of the fifth century the barbarian invasions
forced Rome to withdraw its legions from Britain in order to
protect its frontiers on the Continent. The island was thus left
to be conquered gradually by the Germanic peoples, mainly
Saxons and Angles, who came across the North Sea from the
region south of Denmark. Almost all record of what went on dur-
ing the two centuries following the departure of the Romans has
disappeared. No one knows the fate of the original Celtic in-
habitants of England. It was formerly supposed that they were
all killed or driven to the mountain districts of Wales, but this
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This famous monastery, now in the midst of Paris, was formerly outside of
the walls when the town was .much smaller, and was fortified as shown in
the picture, with a moat (C) and drawbridge (D). One can see the abbey
church (A), which still stands; the cloister (B) the refectory, or dining
room (E) and the long dormitory (G). It was common in the age of
I. How did the Roman army come to include numbers of Germans ?
Trace the migrations of the West Goths. Where did they finally estab-
lish their kingdom ? Describe the policy of Theodoric. What is the
Justinian Code ? Who were the Franks ? How much of modern Europe
was included in their kingdom ?
II. What are the "Laws of the Barbarians"? How did their trials
differ from those we are familiar with today? What is meant by the
Middle Ages ? Contrast the civilization of the Middle Ages with that
of the Roman period. What were the chief reasons why the Empire
could no longer maintain itself?
III. Give an account of Mohammed's life. What were the princi-
324. How Pippin became King of the Franks (752). We have
seen how the kings of the Franks conquered a large territory,
ing the decisive step, however, he consulted the Pope, who gave
his approval. Pippin was then anointed king by St. Boniface,
the apostle to the Germans, of whom we have spoken, and received
the blessing of the Pope. 1
325. Beginnings of Kingship by Divine Right. The kings of
the German tribes had hitherto usually been successful warriors
who held their office with the consent of the people, or at least of
1 Theold line of kings which was displaced by Pippin is known as the Merovingian
line. Pippin and his successors are called the Carolingian line.
Age of Disorder : Feudalism 205
the nobles. Their election was not a matter that concerned the
Church at all. But when,
after asking the Pope's opinion, Pippin
had the holy poured on his head,
oil in accordance with an
family of Pippin.
It thus became a religious duty to obey the king, for he was
plishment at that time for any except churchmen, but began too
and got no farther than signing his name. He called
late in life
learned men to his court and did much toward reestablishing a
regular system of schools.
The impression which his reign made upon men's minds con-
tinued to grow even after his death. He became the hero of a
whole series of .romantic adventures which were as firmly believed
for centuries as his real deeds. A study of Charlemagne's reign
will make he was truly a remarkable person, one of the
clear that
a German language, namely Prankish, and his favorite palaces at Aix-la-Chapelle, Ingel-
heim, and Nimwegen were in German regions.
2o6 General History of Europe
Pope Leo III and his enemies. To celebrate the satisfactory set-
tlement of the difficulty the Pope held a solemn service on
Christmas Day in St. Peter's. As Charlemagne was kneeling
before the altar during this service the Pope approached him and
set acrown upon his head, saluting him, amid the acclamations of
those present, as ''Emperor of the Romans." For inasmuch
as Charlemagne held Rome itself in addition to his other pos-
sessions in Italy, Gaul, and Germany, it seemed appropriate to all
that he should assume this august title.
they continued to fight over how much each should have. Finally
it was agreed by the Treaty of Mersen, that there should
in 870,
be three states, a West Prankish kingdom, an East Frankish
kingdom, and a kingdom of Italy. The West Frankish realm
corresponded roughly with the present boundaries of France and
Belgium, and its people talked dialects derived from the spoken
Latin ;
the East Frankish kingdom included the rest of Charle-
magne's empire outside of Italy and was German in language.
208 General History of Europe
This map shows the division of Charlemagne's empire made in 870 by his
descendants in the Treaty of Mersen
rebellions, for the Roman roads ( 256), which had been so ad-
mirably constructed, had fallen into disrepair, and the bridges
had been carried away by floods. Besides, the king had very
money. There were not many gold or silver mines in western
pirates are often called vikings, from their habit of leaving their
1 These Scandinavian
dalism, was not established Here one can see the way in which the
entrance to a castle was carefully pro-
by any decree of a king or in
tected the moat (A)
: the drawbridge
his hands between those of the lord and declaring himself the
lord's man " for such and such a fief. Thereupon the lord gave
his vassal the kiss of peace and raised him from his kneeling pos-
ture. Then the vassal swore an oath of fidelity upon the Bible, or
some holy solemnly binding himself to fulfill all his duties
toward his lord. This act of rendering homage by placing the
hands in those of the lord and taking the oath of fidelity was the
first and most essential duty of the vassal.
339. Feudal Obligations. The obligations of the vassal varied
greatly. He was expected to join his lord when there was a
military expedition, although it was generally the case that the
vassal need not serve at his own expense for more than forty days.
He was expected to attend the lord's court when summoned,
where he sat with other vassals to hear and pronounce upon those
cases in which his fellow vassals were involved.
Under certain circumstances vassals had to make money pay-
ments to their lord ; as, for instance, when the lord was put to
extra expense by the necessity of knighting his eldest son or
providing a dowry for his daughter, or when he was captured
by an enemy and was held for ransom. Lastly, the vassal might
have to entertain his lord, should he be passing his castle.
340. Various Kinds of Fiefs. There were fiefs of all grades
of importance, from that of a duke or count, who held directly
of the king and exercised the powers of a practically independent
family of the vassal and passed down to the eldest son from one
generation to another. So long as the vassal remained faithful
to his lord and performed the stipulated services, and his succes-
sors did homage and continued to meet the conditions upon which
the fief had originally been granted, neither the lord nor his heirs
could rightfully regain possession of the land.
The result was that little was left to the original owner of the
except the services and dues to which the practical owner,
This castle of Coucy-le-Chateau was built by a vassal of the king of France
in the thirteenth century. It was at the end of a hill and protected on all
sides but one by steep cliffs. One can see the moat (A) and the double draw-
bridge and towers which protected the portal. The round donjon (B) was
probably the largest in the world, one hundred feet in diameter and two
hundred and ten feet high. At the base its walls were thirty-four feet
thick. At the end of the inner court (C) was the residence of the lord (D).
To the left of the court was a great hall and to the right were the quarters
of the garrison. This ancient building was destroyed by the Germans during
the recent World War
This attacking tower was rolled up to the wall of the besieged tower after the
moat had been filled up at the proper point. The soldiers then swarmed
up the outside and over a bridge onto the wall. Skins of animals were
hung on the side to prevent the tower from being set on fire
Age of Disorder : Feudalism .
the vassal, had agreed in receiving it. In -short, the fief came
really to belong to the vassal, and only the shadow of ownership
remained in the hands of the lord.
341. Sub vassals of the King not under his Control. Ob-
viously the great vassals who held directly of the king became
almost independent of him as soon as their fiefs were granted
to them and their descendants. Their vassals, since they had not
done homage to the king himself, often paid little attention to
his commands. From the ninth to the thirteenth century the
king of France or the king of Germany did not rule over a great
realm occupied by subjects who owed him obedience as their
lawful sovereign, paid him taxes, and were bound to fight under
his banner as the head of the State. As a feudal landlord himself
the king had a right to demand fidelity and certain services from
those who were his vassals. But the great mass of the people over
whom he nominally ruled, whether they belonged to the nobility
or not, owed little to the king directly, because they lived upon the
lands of other feudal lords more or less independent of him.
342. War the Law of the Feudal World. One has only to
read a chronicle of the time to discover that brute force ruled
everywhere outside of the Church. The feudal obligations were
not fulfilled except when the lord was sufficiently powerful to
enforce them. The oath of fidelity was constantly broken, and
was violated by both vassal and lord.
We may say that war, in all its forms, was the law of the
feudal world. War formed the chief occupation of the restless
nobles whoheld the land and were supposed to govern it. The
feudal bonds, instead of offering a guarantee of peace and con-
During the truce no one was to attack anyone else. Those be-
sieging castles were to refrain from any assaults during the period
of peace, and people were to be allowed to go quietly to and fro
on their business without being disturbed by soldiers.
If anyone failed to observe the truce, he was to be excommuni-
cated by the Church. This meant that if he fell sick no Christian
should dare to him on his deathbed he was not to receive the
visit ;
orderly lords paid little attention to the truce and found three days
a week altogether too short a time for plaguing their neighbors.
344. The Kings finally get the Better of the Feudal Lords.
We must not infer that the State ceased to exist altogether during
the centuries of confusion that followed the break-up of Charle-
I. How did the election of Pippin differ essentially from that of
earlier German kings ? Why is a monarch approved by the Church
more powerful than one elected by the people? Can you give any
modern examples of kings by divine right? Why is Charlemagne a
heroic figure in medieval history ? How did Charlemagne build up an
empire in western Europe ? What ismeant by Charlemagne's reestab-
lishment of the Roman Empire in the West?
II. How was Charlemagne's empire finally divided after his death?
What were the general causes for disorder during the ninth and tenth
centuries ? Who were the chief new invaders ? Explain the origin of
the medieval nobles. Describe a medieval castle.
III. Describe the conditions which led to the development of the
feudal system. What advantages did the lord and the vassal derive
from their relationship ? How did the feudal system affect the power
of the king? Why was neighborhood warfare common in this period ?
In what ways did the Church attempt to check the constant fighting ?
NOTE. This castle of Pierrefonds, not very far from Paris, was built by the brother
of the king of France, about 1400. It has been carefully restored and gives one a good
idea of a fortress of the period.
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tinction was Otto the Great, who came to the throne in 936. He
repelled the Hungarians, who had been a constant menace, and
forced them back into eastern Europe, where they settled and
plenty of trouble to keep his vassals under his control, but never-
theless he determined to try to add northern Italy to his realms
and succeeded acknowledged king of Italy. Later the
in being
but it was obviously even less like that of the ancient Romans
than Charlemagne's had been. As kings of Germany and Italy
these rulers had practically all the powers that they enjoyed as
right that they claimed of taking part in the election of the Pope.
We shall find that, instead of making themselves feared at home
and building up a great state, the German emperors wasted their
then the lord transferred to him the lands and rights attached
No careful distinction appears to have been made
to the office.
between the property and the religious powers. The lord often
conferred both by bestowing upon a bishop the ring and the
crosier (the bishop's pastoral staff), the emblems of religious au-
city of Rome, and in their hands the election of the Pope has
legally rested ever since.
351. Gregory VII and his Dictatus. In 1073 the most cele-
brated of the medieval popes, Gregory VII (often called Hilde-
brand), ascended the papal throne. Among his writings is a brief
Popes, Emperors, and Princes in the Middle Ages 219
These pictures are taken from an illustrated manuscript written some decades
after Gregory's death. In the one on the left Gregory is represented blowing
out a candle and saying to his cardinals, "As I blow out this light, so will
Henry IV be extinguished." In the one on the right is shown the death of
Gregory (1085). He did not wear his crown in bed, but the artist wanted
us to be sure to recognize that he was Pope
Scale of Miles
scepter. The king in a way still retained his control, for he could
always refuse to hand over the lands unless he was pleased with
the person chosen by the churchmen.
356. Frederick I (Barbarossa) of Hohenstaufen (1152-1190).
A generation after the Concordat of Worms the most famous of
German emperors, next to Charlemagne, came to the throne. This
was Frederick I, commonly referred to as Barbarossa ( from his red
beard). He belonged to the family of Hohenstaufen, so called
from their castle in southernGermany. Frederick's ambition was
to restore theRoman Empire to its old glory and influence. He
regarded himself as the successor of the Caesars, as well as of
vast tracts of lands and a great variety of fees, the income from
a regular tax, the tithe. Those upon whom this fell were forced
to pay it, just as we all must now pay taxes imposed by the
3. It is clear, moreover, that the medieval Church was not
val Europe were under one supreme head, the Pope, who made
laws for all, and controlled every church officer, wherever he
of heaven and without their aid no one could hope to enter in.
way from that in which the king's court had decided it.
4. Lastly, there was the question of how far the Pope as head
of the Christian Church had a right to interfere with the govern-
ment of a particular state when he did not approve of the way
in which a king was acting. The powers of the Pope were very
great, everyone admitted, but even the most devout Catholics
differedsomewhat as to just how great they were.
We have seen some illustrations of these troubles in the case
of the popes and the German emperors. Many others might be
part of the influence over European affairs that they had enjoyed
in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and returned to their
ancient capital.
I. How did the king of the East Franks come to have the title of
Emperor of the Romans ? What was the Holy Roman Empire ? How
was the Church drawn into the feudal system ? In what ways did the
feudal system threaten the prestige and resources of the Church ? What
measures did the Church take to meet these difficulties ? How is the
Pope elected today ? What is the college of cardinals ? What were the
powers of the Pope as claimed in the Dictatus of Gregory VII? Has
the Pope more or less power today than he had in the time of
Gregory VII ?
II. Give an account of the famous struggle between Henry IV and
peoples, for it is from the English that they have derived their
language, their habits of thought, much of their literature, and
many of their laws and institutions. In this volume it will, how-
ever, be possible to study England only as it
played a part in
general European history.
365. The Danes and Alfred the Great (371-901). The conquest
of Britain by the Angles and Saxons and their conversion to
divided up among a great many dukes and counts who built strong
scourge of those who lived near the North Sea for many years
before one of their leaders, Rollo (or Hrolf), agreed, in 911, to
accept from the West Prankish king a district on the coast, north
of Brittany, where he and his followers might peacefully settle.
The main thing to know is that many ships were building in the
Norman harbors in the spring and summer of 1066, and many
adventurers readily flocked to William's standard when it became
known that he proposed to invade England. The Normans and
the English met on the field of Hastings. The English were led by
that the Norman Conquest was not a simple change of kings, but
that a new element was added to the English people. We cannot
tell how many Normans actually emigrated across the Channel,
230 General History of Europe
spent a great part of his time across the Channel in his French
possessions. A glance at the accompanying map will show that
rather more than half of his realms lay to the south of the
but with the accession of his reckless son Richard the Lion-
Hearted the prospects of the French king brightened wonder-
fully. Richard is one of the most famous of medieval knights,
but he was a very poor ruler. He left his kingdom to take care
Henry II (1154-1189)
the first
Plantagenet king
m. Eleanor of Aquitaine
king promises to observe the rights of his vassals, and the vassals
in turn agree to observe the rights of their vassals. The towns
are not to be oppressed. The merchant is not to be deprived of
his goods for small offenses, nor the farmer of his wagon and im-
centuries, when the serfs had become free, the Charter could be
appealed to in support of the people in general against attempts of
the ruler to oppress them. There were times when the English
I. Review briefly the settlement of England before the Norman Con-
quest ( 321, 322, 365). Describe the development of Normandy.
What policy did William adopt in governing England? What are
some of the results of the Norman Conquest?
II. What improvements in the administration of the law were
introduced by Henry II ? How did the English rulers come to have
possessions in France? What was the extent of their territory during
the time of Henry II ? How
was this territory regained by France ?
Review the struggle of King John with the Pope. What were the
circumstances leading to the signing of the Great Charter ? State some
of its important provisions.
NOTE. Edward I built Conway Castle in 1284 to keep the Welsh in check. Its walls
are from twelve to fifteen feet thick.
by the Turks. Syria had been overrun by the Arabs shortly after
the death of Mohammed, and the Holy City of Jerusalem had
fallen into the hands of the infidels. The Arab, however, shared
with the Christian the veneration for the places associated with
the life of Christ and, in general, permitted the Christian pilgrims
to worship unmolested. But with the coming of a new and ruder
the pilgrims
people, the Seljuk Turks, in the eleventh century,
began to bring home news of great hardships. Moreover, the
Eastern emperor was defeated by the Turks in 1071 and lost
Asia Minor. Finding himself unequal to the task of repelling
the Turks, the Eastern emperor Alexius appealed to the Pope,
Urban II, for aid.
238 General History oj Europe
cipality in the East, to the merchant who was looking for new
enterprises, to the merely restless who wished to avoid his respon-
sibilities at home, and even to the criminal who enlisted with a
view of escaping the punishment for his past offenses. The faith-
ful crusader, like the faithful Mohammedan, was assured of imme-
diate entrance to heaven if he died repentant for his sins.
Hermit and his Crusading Army. A few
383. Peter the
months Urban issued his summons a motley army of peas-
among the lowly followers of Peter the Hermit, but are the
knights, in their long coats of flexible armor. A year after the
summons issued at Clermont great armies of fighting men had
been collected in the West under distinguished leaders the Pope
speaks of three hundred thousand soldiers. Among the crusading
The Crusades: Heresy and the Mendicant Orders 239
orders, of which the Hospitalers and the Templars (so called from
the quarters assigned them in the king's palace at Jerusalem, on the
site of the former temple of Solomon) were the most important.
These orders combined the two great interests of the time, those of
the monk and of the soldier. They permitted a man to be both at
once ;
the knight might wear a monkish cowl over his coat of armor.
The Hospitalers was a charitable association which cared for
the poor and the sick. The Templars became rich and powerful,
for they were able to collect vast funds and the popes showered
heresy ;
others perished miserably in dungeons.
The Crusades : Heresy and the Mendicant Orders 241
vivid picture of the ter- The churches of England, France, and Ger-
many contain numerous figures in stone and
rors to be revealed on
brass of crusading knights, reposing in full
the Judgment Day. armor with shield and sword on their tombs
St. Bernard himself,
the chief promoter of the expedition, gives a most unflattering
they are useful in both ways, in their absence from here and their
presence there." It is unnecessary to describe the movements and
fate of these crusaders ;
suffice it to say that, from a military
standpoint, the so-called Second Crusade was a miserable failure.
389. The Third Crusade. In the year 1187, forty years later,
plies from their ships that the conquest of the Holy Land had
been rendered possible. The merchants always made sure that
they were well paid for their services. When they aided in the
town they arranged that a definite quarter
successful siege of a
should be assigned to them in the captured place, where they
might settle and have their church, market, docks, and all that
was necessary for a permanent center for their commerce.
392. Oriental Luxury introduced into Europe. This new
commerce had a most important influence in bringing the West
into permanent relations with the Orient. Eastern products from
India and elsewhere silks, spices, camphor, musk, pearls, and
Italian merchants, they found their way into France and Ger-
many, suggesting ideas of luxury hitherto scarcely dreamed of
by the still half -barbarous Franks.
393. Effects of the Crusades on Warfare. Moreover, the
Crusades had a great effect upon the methods of warfare, for the
soldiers from the West learned from the Greeks about the old
Roman methods of constructing machines for attacking castles
and walled towns. This led to the construction in western
of stone castles, first with square towers and later with round ones,
the remains of which are so common in Germany, France, and
England. The Crusades also produced heraldry, or the rules for
the use of "coats of arms." These were the badges that single
1 The western Europeans derived many important ideas from the Mohammedans in
the Church and cast off its authority were regarded as guilty of
heresy, which was the supreme crime in the Middle Ages.
It is very difficult for us who live in a time of religious tolera-
portant sect was that of the Waldensians, which took its rise
about 1175. These were followers of Peter Waldo of Lyons, who
gave up all their property and lived a life of apostolic poverty.
They went about preaching the gospel and explaining the Scrip-
tures, which they translated from Latin into the language of the
397. The Albigensians. On the other hand, there were popular
leaders who taught that the Christian religion itself was false.
They held that there were two principles in the universe, the
good and the evil, which were forever fighting for the victory.
They asserted that the Jehovah of the Old Testament was really
the evil power, and that it was, therefore, the evil power whom
the Catholic Church worshiped. These heretics were often called
399.The Inquisition. The most permanent defense of the
Church against heresy was the establishment, under the headship
of the Pope, of a system of courts designed to ferret out secret
cases of unbeliefand bring the offenders to punishment. These
courts, which devoted their whole attention to the discovery and
conviction of heretics, were called the Holy Inquisition, which
heresy he was forgiven and received back into the Church but ;
legiance to the Church than all the harsh devices of the Inquisi-
tion. St. Francis and St. Dominic strove to meet the needs of
Church's beliefs against the attacks of the heretics, and awaken the
people to a new religious life. The founding of the mendicant
orders is one of the most interesting events of the Middle Ages.
401. St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) and his Order. There
is no more lovely and fascinating figure in all history than
St. Francis. He was born (probably in 1182) at Assisi, a little
sionary work was begun on a large scale, and brethren were dis-
patched to Germany, Hungary, France, Spain, and even to Syria.
It was not long before an English chronicler was telling with
wonder of the arrival in his country of these barefoot
men, in
their patched gowns and with ropes about their waists, who, with
Christian faith, took no thought for the morrow, believing that
their Heavenly Father knew what things they had need of.
Francis never wished his followers to become a rich order, but
people were ready -to found monasteries for them, and after their
founder's death the order tended to degenerate as other monkish
associations had done.
403. The Founding of the Dominican Order. St. Dominic
(b. 1170), the Spanish founder of the other great mendicant
order, was not a simple layman like Francis. He was a church-
man and had had a long course in theology in a university. He
was much afflicted by the prevalence of heresy and decided to
devote his life to combating it. Dominic induced Innocent III
to approve his undertaking and sent forth his followers as Francis
The Crusades: Heresy and the Mendicant Orders 247
I. How did the Holy Land happen to be in the possession of in-
fidels? What circumstances led to the Crusades? What classes of
persons responded to the call ? Describe the character and fate of
Peter the Hermit's army. Give an account of the First Crusade. What
were the military results? What religious orders grew up during this
expedition ?
II. What was the outcome of the later Crusades? What was the
effect of the Crusades on commerce on warfare ? on general thought ?
III. What was "heresy"? What were the views of the Waldensians?
Give an account of the Albigensians and the crusade against them.
Describe the Holy Inquisition. What were the mendicant orders ? How
did they differ from the monks with whom we are acquainted? Con-
trast the Franciscans and Dominicans. Give an account of St. Francis.
Can you trace any effects of these orders on the thought of the Middle
407. Slight Use of Money. One of the most remarkable
characteristics of the manor was its
independence of the rest of
the produced nearly everything that its members
world. It
needed and might almost have continued to exist indefinitely
without communication with those who lived beyond its bounds.
Little or no money was necessary, for the peasants paid what was
due to the lord in the form of labor and farm products. They
also gave one another the necessary help and found little occasion
for buying and selling.
250 General History of Europe
and could buy the luxuries which were brought to his notice as
commerce increased. So it came about that the lords gradually
gave up their control over the peasants. A serf might also gain
his liberty by running away from his manor to a town. If he
remained undiscovered, or was unclaimed by his lord for a year
and a day, he became a freeman. 1
i The slow extinction of serfdom in western Europe appears to have begun as early
as the twelfth century. A
very general emancipation had taken place in France by the
end of the thirteenth century (and in England somewhat later), though there were still
some serfs in France when the Revolution came in 1789. Germany was far more back-
wird in this respect. \Ve find the peasants revolting against their hard lot in Luther's
time, and it was not until the nineteenth century that the serfs were freed in Prussia.
Medieval Life in Country and Town
A village was pretty sure to grow up near the castle of a powerful lord and
might gradually become a large town
cities had been the centers of Greek and Roman civilization, and
in our own time they dominate the life, culture, and business enter-
prise of the world. Were they to disappear, our whole life, even in
the country, would necessarily undergo a profound change and tend
to become primitive again like that of the age of Charlemagne.
410. Origin of the Medieval Towns. A great part of the
medieval towns appear to have originated on the manors of feudal
lords or about a monastery or castle. The French name for towns,
252 General History oj Europe
413. The Guilds. The tradesmen in the medieval towns were
at once manufacturers and merchants that is, they made, as well
as offered for sale, the articles which they kept in their shops.
Those who belonged to a particular trade the bakers, the butch-
guilds all had the same object to prevent anyone from prac-
ticing a trade who had not been duly admitted to the union.
young man had to spend several years in learning his trade.
During this time he lived in the house of a master workman" as
an "apprentice," but received no remuneration. He then became
a "journeyman" and could earn wages, although he was still
allowed to work only for master workmen and not directly for
the public. A simple trade might be learned in three years, but
to become a goldsmith one must be an apprentice for ten years.
The number of apprentices that a master workman might employ
was strictly limited, in order that the journeymen might not
become too numerous.
The way in which each trade was to be practiced was carefully
regulated, as well as the time that should be spent in work each
day. The system of guilds discouraged enterprise but maintained
uniform standards everywhere. Had it not been for these unions
the defenseless, isolated serfs as they had formerly
been, would have foundimpossible to secure freedom and
empire. All trade languished, for there was little demand for
articles of luxury and there was but money
little buy what we
should consider the comforts of life even the nobility lived uncom-
Spice Islands.
416. Commerce stimulates Industry. So long as the manor
system prevailed and each man was occupied in producing only
what he and the other people on the estate needed, there was
nothing to send abroad and nothing to exchange for luxuries. But
when merchants began to come with tempting articles, the mem-
bers of a community were encouraged to produce a surplus of
Genoese 4- ++ +4- **
o 100 200 3oo 400 aoo aoo
Scale of Hilra
"Longitude last
from Greenwich
Medieval Life in Country and Town 255
might not dispose of their whole stock to one dealer, for fear that if
he had all there was of a commodity he might raise the price above
the just one. These ideas made all wholesale trade very difficult.
the Jewry or Ghetto. As they were excluded from the guilds, they
not unnaturally turned to the business of money-lending, which no
Christian might practice. Undoubtedly this occupation had much
to do with causing their unpopularity. The kings permitted them
to make loans, often at a most exorbitant rate ; Philip Augustus
allowed them to exact 46 per cent, but reserved the right to extort
their gains from them when the royal treasury was empty. In
England the usual rate was a penny a pound for each week.
422. Tolls and Other Annoyances. Another serious disadvan-
tage which the medieval merchant had to face was the payment of
an infinite number of tolls and duties which were demanded
by the lords through whose domains his road passed. Not only
were duties exacted on the highways, bridges, and at the fords,
but those barons who were so fortunate as to have castles on a
navigable river blocked the stream in such a way that the mer-
chant could not bring his vessel through without a payment for
the privilege.
Medieval Life in Country and Town 257
seventy towns which at one time and another were included in the
confederation we find Cologne, Brunswick, Danzig, and other
centers of great importance. The union purchased and controlled
settlements in London, the so-called Steelyard near London
Bridge, at Wisby, Bergen, and far-off Novgorod in Russia.
They managed to monopolize nearly the whole trade on the Baltic
and North Seas, either through treaties or the influence that they
were able to bring to bear (see map, p. 254).
The League made war on the pirates and did much to reduce
the dangers of Instead of dispatching separate and de-
began to build fine houses and to buy the various comforts and
luxuries which were finding their way into western Europe. They
wanted their sons to be educated, and so it came about that other
258 General History of Europe
the older orders of the clergy and nobility is one of the most
momentous changes of the thirteenth century.
that the pillars and ribs would be pushed over by the weight and
outward thrust" of the stone vaulting if they were not firmly sup-
been too intense had it not been softened by the stained glass, set
in exquisite stone tracery. The stained glass of the medieval
cathedral, especially in France, where the glass workers brought
their art to the greatest perfection, was one of its chief glories.
431. Gothic Sculpture. As
the skill of the architects in-
creased they became bolder
and bolder and erected
churches that were marvels of
lightness and delicacy of orna-
ment, without sacrificing dig-
nity or beauty of proportion.
The fagade of Rheims cathe-
dral (see cut facing page 258)
was before its mutilation by
German shells during the
FIGURES ON NOTRE DAME, PARIS World War one of the most
,. famous examples of the Gothic
Such grotesque figures as these are
very common adornments of Gothic art of the thirteenth century,
buildings. They are often used for with its multitudes of sculp-
spouts to carry off the rain and are
tured figures and its gigantic
called gargoyles, that is, "throats"
(compare our words "gargle" and rose window (see cut facing
"gurgle"). The two here represented
page 259), filled with ex-
are perched on a parapet of one of
the church's towers quisite stained glass of great
One of the charms of a Gothic building is the profusion of
carving statues of saints and rulers and scenes from the Bible
cut in stone. The same kind of stone was used for both construct-
ing the building and making the statues, so they harmonize per-
fectly. Here and there the Gothic stone carvers would introduce
I. What led to the disappearance of town life before the twelfth
century ? Where and how did the most of the people live ? Describe
a medieval manor. What were the services that a serf owed his master ?
How did the use of money hasten the decline of serfdom ?
II. How did the medieval towns grow up? Compare the medieval
town with Greek and Roman What class of people originally
settled in the towns ? What the origin of the town charter ? De-
development of business ?
NOTE. Here and there about a Gothic cathedral the stone carvers were accustomed
to place grotesque and comical figures and faces. During the process of restoring the
cathedral at Rheims a number of these heads were brought together, and the photograph
was taken upon which the illustration is based.
the Latin and the native speech, were both commonly used in all
the countries of western Europe all through the Middle Ages, we
must glance at the origin of the modern languages. These all fall
into two quite distinct groups, the Germanic and the Romance.
Books and Science in the Middle Ages 265
writer whose works are now read with pleasure, although one is
sometimes puzzled by his spelling and by certain words which are
no longer used. This is the way one of his tales opens :
hounds, and seem beasts rather than men and some be called ;
Cyclops, and have that name because each of them hath but one
eye, and that in the middle of the forehead and some be all head-
copper into gold and silver. They also tried to discover a sov-
"university." The king and the Pope both favored the university
and granted the teachers and students many of the privileges
of the clergy, a class to which they were regarded as belonging
because learning had for so many centuries been confined to
the clergy.
About the time that we find the beginnings of a university or
guild of professors at Paris, another great institution of learning
was growing up at Bologna. Here the chief attention was given
not to theology, as at Paris, but to the study .of the law, both
Roman and church law (called the Canon Law, from the Greek
word meaning "rule").
The University of Oxford was founded during the reign of
Henry II, probably by English students and masters who had
become discontented at Paris. The University of Cambridge, as
well as numerous universities in France, Italy, and Spain, were
founded in the thirteenth century. The German universities were
established much later, most of them in the latter half of the
fourteenth century and in the fifteenth.
447. The Academic Degree. When, after some years of study,
a student was examined by the professors, he was, if successful,
admitted to the corporation of teachers and became a master him-
self. What we call a degree today was originally, in the medieval
knowledge that they humbly accepted him, along with the Bible,
as one of their unquestioned authorities.
450. Scholasticism. The name "scholasticism" is commonly
given to the beliefs and method of discussion of the medieval
professors. To those who later outgrew the fondness for logic
and the supreme respect for Aristotle, scholasticism, with its neg-
lect of Greek and Roman came to seem a dry and
and that this had "not as yet put forth all its branches nor
produced all its fruits." "If we' could continue to live for endless
support them.
All and much more has come true, but inventors and
heavy bodies fell faster than light ones and that all earthly things
were made of the four elements earth, air, water, and fire. The
Greeks and Romans knew nothing of the compass, or gunpowder,
or the printing press, or the uses to which steam can be put.
icxixutn CfCtf
frlrf-cuiftiitirjt3frJrttcutiiL2*^)tii*?^rmpLrtT*r p^jxTfhttuctifttltv' pjC'tticftrftigtripftf
Itjnuf ruritqucninrmtniiiffCzrthq ticruMf (ft taunts Kil r
tftmtnptwtum- pft-tM amftttunitnt-iSucrCif wrp t
_iTtintf Gtriitvfn1 rf>vnim.jb!
JtHtn ttm>taitfCTmiif mo^yn ilvilyhn- fito* tjuif
. It-mtulcnmrgftdltt
J tatm^^ghuf.TnimtetotrmaU qur
_ _
r isito*utiir iifejjuui iti0it ttuWnttlftoum iiftttnj* BT*4iirti3jjinfttiu^nutt"
tttrtrfitof I
jcJKfiti^dvtt^tfmrnftuh-i fiu.^(imrifeji
jitauf !
Ctgbu tttstogmt urmpnf/ilfinnfifttatnthgtutacf
ok jnn
nafo dn-cfi-.
nnatiOBlfc fl i
jmptntfjfcti nu^ium rn*tn rttrtimn.
wfrmri iuij rqui tttiui-.Onmt- tnirint icKftu t filrj '
tut u
Rttnr tsn
g- filu
By the year 1500 it was becoming clear that the old stone castles
were insufficient protection against cannon. Gunpowder has done
away with armor, bows and arrows, spears and javelins, castles,
and walled towns. It may be that sometime some such fearfully
destructive compound may be discovered that the nations may
decide to give up war altogether as too dangerous and terrible
a thing to resort to under any circumstances.
458. Excellent Work of Medieval Copyists. The invention
of the compass, lens, and gunpowder have greatly changed the
habits of mankind. To these may be added the printing press,
which has so encouraged education that it is becoming rare to find
anyone who cahnot read. The Greeks and Romans and the people
of the Middle Ages knew no other method of obtaining a new copy
of a book than by writing it out laboriously by hand. The pro-
fessional copyists were incredibly dexterous with their quills.
They made letters as clear, small, and almost as regular as if they
had been printed (see cut facing page 274). After the scribe had
finished his work the volume was often turned over to the illumi-
precisely alike. Even with the greatest care a scribe could not
avoid making some mistakes, and a careless copyist was sure
to make a great many. With the invention of
printing it became
possible to produce in a short time a great many copies
of a book which were exactly alike. Consequently, if
_ ma-mbwaiionibufcp faffmmtrrDiftmttua;
abf^Dlla ralami ffararonr fir f tfitjiarue -rr a& lauttm
was completed to the glory of God and the honor of St. James by John
Fust, a citizen of Mayence, and Peter Schoifher of Gernsheim, in the year
of our Lord 1459, on the 2gth of August"
sufficient carewas taken to see that the types were properly set,
the whole edition, not simply a single copy, might be relied upon
as correct.
460. Paper introduced into Western Europe. After the supply
of papyrus the paper of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans
was cut off from Europe by the conquest of Egypt by the Moham-
medans the people of the Middle Ages used parchment, made from
the skin of lambs and goats. This was so expensive that printing
would have been of but little use, even if it had been thought of,
until paper invented by the Chinese was introduced into
Europe by the Mohammedans. Paper began to become common
Books and Science in the Middle Ages 277
printing had been used less than half a century, there appear to
have been at least forty printing presses to be found in various
towns of Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and England.
These presses had, it is estimated, already printed eight millions
of volumes. So there was no longer any danger of the old books'
I. Why was Latin used by the educated class in the Middle Ages?
What is the origin of the Germanic languages ? of the Romance lan-
guages ? How did the written and spoken languages come to differ ?
What is the origin of dialects? Can you give any instances in the
Romance languages ? When does English appear sufficiently modern
for us to read it easily?
II. Who were the troubadours ? What were some of the ideals of
expressed in their songs? Describe the medieval knight.
this period
III. Why did the people of the Middle Ages know little of the past ?
Of what did their science consist ? What was the importance of astrol-
ogy? Define alchemy. To what modern subject is it related?
IV. What is the original meaning of the word "university." Give
the names of some of the early universities. What is the origin of the
academic degrees ? What subjects were studied in the medieval uni-
versities? Whywas Aristotle regarded with such veneration? What
is scholasticism? How was the study of Greek revived in Europe?
Who were the Humanists ?
V. Why did Roger Bacon criticize the study of Aristotle ? What did
he propose should take its place ? Mention some important discov-
eries made in the thirteenth century with which you are familiar today.
How were books made before the invention of printing? What are
the disadvantages of a book written by hand? What is the earliest
large printed book? What are the chief effects of the introduction
of printing?
463. Extent of the King of England's Realms before Ed-
ward I (1272-1307). The English kings who preceded Edward I
had ruled over only a portion of the island of Great Britain. To
the west of their kingdom lay the mountainous district of Wales,
inhabited by that remnant of the original Britons which the
nagemot Saxon
of times (369), was a meeting of nobles, bishops,
and abbots, which the king summoned from time to time to give
him advice and aid and to sanction serious undertakings. During
the reign of Edward I's father a famous Parliament was held
where a most important new class of members thecom-
mons were present. These were destined to give it its future
English kings' losing all their French territory except the duchy
of Guienne (375). This arrangement lasted for many years,
but, in the time of Edward III, the old line of French kings died
out and Edward declared himself the rightful ruler of France
because his mother was a sister of the last king of the old line.
This led to a long series of conflicts known as the Hundred
Years' War.
470. Battle of Cressy. The French set up a king of their own,
and in 1346 Edward landed in Normandy with an English army,
and Charles V, the successor of the French king John II, managed
before Edward died in 1377 to get back almost all the lands that
the English had occupied.
For a generation after the death of Edward III the war with
France was almost discontinued. France had suffered a great
deal more than England. All the fighting had been done on her
side of the Channel, and in the second place, the soldiers, who
found themselves without occupation, wandered about in bands
every part of the country during the year 1349. This disease, like
other terrible epidemics, such as smallpox and cholera, came from
Asia. Those who were stricken with it usually died in two or
three days. It is supposed that about half the population of
lord, and worked for him ( 404-407). Hitherto there had been
new farm hands who could be hired. The Black Death, by greatly
decreasing the number of laborers, raised the wages of those who
survived and created a great demand for them. The serfs now
began to think the dues and work demanded of them by their lords
very unjust. In 1381, not long after the death of Edward III, the
peasants rose in revolt against their lot and the heavy taxes levied
to carry on the unpopular French wars. They burned some of the
manor houses belonging to the nobility and the rich bishops and
abbots and so destroyed the registers in which their obligations
were recorded.
474. Disappearance of Serfdom in England. Although the
peasants met with little success, serfdom rapidly disappeared in
England. It became more and more common for the former
serf to pay his dues in money instead of work. The landlord
then either hired men to cultivate his fields or rented them to
tenants. Sixty or seventy years after the Peasant Revolt the
English farming population had in one way or another become
free men and the serfs had practically disappeared.
475. John Wycliffe. Among those accused of encouraging the
Peasant Revolt was John Wycliffe, a teacher of Oxford. He
sought to reform the Church and organized a group of "simple
priests" to preach to the people. He translated the Bible from
Latin into English so that it might be more commonly read. He
found himself opposed by the Pope and the churchmen, and finally
went so far as to deny that the Pope was the rightful head of the
England and France during the Hundred Years' War 285
But the king would not let her go, and she continued to fight his
battles with success. But the soldiers hated to be led by a woman,
and she was soon surrendered by her enemies to the English. They
declared that she was a witch, who had won her victories with the
passed into the hands of the French king. The Hundred Years'
War was over, and the great question which had existed since the
Norman Conquest, whether English kings could succeed in ex-
tending their sway across the English Channel, was finally settled.
286 General History of Europe
the Roses, between the rival families Lancaster and York (both
descended from Edward III), which were struggling for the
crown. The badge of the house of Lancaster was a red rose, and
that of York was a white one. Each party was supported by a
group of wealthy and powerful nobles whose conspiracies, treasons,
murders, and executions fill the annals of England during this
disturbed period of her history.
480 .
Henry VII and the Power of the Tudor Kings. The
Wars of the Roses were brought to an end when Henry VII, a
descendant of Edward III on his mother's side, came to the
throne in 1485. He was the first of the house of Tudor, from
which he and his successors get their name, Tudors. A great
part of the nobility, whom the kings had formerly feared, had
perished in war or been executed by their enemies. This left
the monarch more powerful than ever before. He managed
and for a century or more after Henry VI I 's
to control Parliament,
accession the Tudor kings exercised an almost despotic power.
organized standing army. The feudal army had long since dis-'
appeared. Even before the opening of the war the nobles had
England and France during the Hundred Years' War 287
to Louis XI
(1461-1483), a shrewd but unscrupulous monarch.
Some of his vassals, especially the dukes of Burgundy, gave him
a great deal of trouble. While the English nobles were killing
one another in the Wars of the Roses, Louis managed to get a
number of hitherto half -independent provinces of France such as
Anjou, Maine, Provence, etc. under his immediate control. He
humiliated in various ways the vassals who had ventured in his
early days to combine against him. Louis was an efficient mon-
arch in building up a strong government, but it sometimes seemed
as if he gloried in being the most rascally among rascals and the
most treacherous among traitors.
484. England and France establish Strong National Govern-
ments. Both England and France emerged from the troubles
and desolations of the Hundred Years' War stronger than ever
before. In both countries the kings had overcome the old menace
of feudalism by destroying the influence of the great families.
The king's government was becoming constantly more powerful.
288 General History of Europe
I. How Wales come under the English kings? Describe the
struggle of Edward I to gain Scotland. What are the Highlands and the
Lowlands of Scotland?
II. Give an account of the beginnings of the English Parliament.
When were the commons first invited to attend ? Give an account of
the growth of the powers of Parliament. How is Parliament con-
stituted ? Do you know the relative importance of the role of the
House of Lords and the House of Commons today ?
III. What was the reason for, and the general course of, the
Hundred Years' War? What was the "Black Death"? What condi-
tions led to the Peasant Revolt? Who was John Wycliffe? How was
the Hundred Years' War brought to a close ?
IV. What were the results of the Wars of the Roses? Why did
the Estates General fail to become as powerful as the English Parlia-
ment ? How did England and France begin to establish strong national
governments ?
nally across the peninsula. To the north and west lay the group
of city-states to which we now turn our attention.
486. Venice and its Relations with the East. Of these city-
statesnone was more celebrated than Venice, which in the history
of Europe ranks in importance with Paris and London. This
singular town was built upon a group of sandy islets lying in the
iThis word, although originally French, has come into such common use that it is
290 General History of Europe
Adriatic Sea, about two miles from the mainland. It was pro-
tected from the waves by a long, narrow sand bar similar to those
which fringe the Atlantic coast from New Jersey southward.
Even before the Crusades Venice had begun to engage in foreign
trade. Its enterprises carried it eastward, and it early acquired
Boats, called gondolas, are used instead of carriages in Venice; one can reach
any point in the city by some one of the numerous canals, which take the
place of streets. There are also narrow lanes along the canals, crossing them
here and there by bridges, so one can wander about the town on foot
prison ; yet within they were often furnished with the greatest
taste and luxury. For in spite of the disorder, against which the
Italy and the Renaissance 293
This is the largest church in the world. It is about seven hundred feet
long, including the portico, and four hundred and thirty-five feet high from
the pavement to the cross on the dome. The reconstruction was begun as
early as 1450, but it proceeded very slowly. Several great architects, Bra-
mante, Raphael, Michael Angelo, and others were intrusted with the work.
After many changes of plan the new church was finally in condition to
consecrate in 1626. It is estimated that it cost over $50,000,000. The
construction of the vast palace of the popes, which one sees to the right of
the church, was carried on during the same period. It is said to have no
less than eleven thousand rooms. Some of them are used for museums, and
others are celebrated for the frescoes which adorn their walls, by Raphael,
Michael Angelo, and others of Italy's greatest artists
in the arts of peace than did the citizens of Florence under the
rule of the despots and amid the turmoil of their restless town.
491. Rome, the Capital of the Popes. During the period in
which Venice and Florence became leaders in wealth and refine-
ment Rome, the capital of the popes, underwent a great change.
The popes had resided in France, at Avignon ( 363), during
294 General History of Europe
the greater part of the fourteenth century, and then there had
followed for forty years a struggle between rival lines of popes
at Avignon and at Rome. Conditions were accordingly highly
unfavorable for improving the city. But later, in the time of
Lorenzo the Magnificent, it became
possible for the popes to turn
their attention to reviving the ancient glory of Rome. Architects
and painters and men of letters were called in and encouraged
by the popes to erect and adorn magnificent buildings and to
collect a great and still famous library in the Vatican Palace.
492. St. Peter's and the Vatican. The old church of St. Peter
no longer It was gradually
satisfied the aspirations of the popes.
torn down, and the present church, with its vast dome and im-
posing approach, took its place. The old palace of the Lateran,
where the government of the popes had been carried on for a
thousand years, had been deserted after the return from Avignon,
and the new palace of the Vatican was gradually constructed to
the right of St. Peter's. It has innumerable rooms, great and
small, some of them, such as the famous Sistine Chapel, adorned
by the most celebrated Italian painters of the Renaissance ;
495. Painting in Northern Europe. It was natural that art-
ists from the northern countries should be attracted by the
renown of the Italian masters and, after learning all that Italy
could teach them, should return home to practice their art in
Opposite the cathedral at Florence stands the ancient baptistery. Its northern
bronze doors, with ten scenes from the Bible, surrounded by a very lovely border of
foliage, birds, and animals, were completed by Lorenzo Ghiberti in 1452, after many
years of labor. Michael Angelo declared them worthy to be the gates of heaven.
296 General History of Europe
they called it
Cape Verde (the green cape). Its discovery put
an end once for all to the idea that there were only parched
deserts to the south.
For a generation the Portuguese ventured farther and farther
along the coast, in the hope of finding it coming to an end, so
that they mightmake their way by sea to India. At last, in 1486,
Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Twelve years later (1498)
Vasco da Gama, spurred on by Columbus's great discovery, after
sailingaround the Cape of Good Hope and northward beyond
Zanzibar, aided by an Arab pilot, steered straight across the
Indian Ocean and reached Calicut, in Hindustan, by sea.
499. The Spice Trade. The Portuguese concluded treaties
with the Indian princes and established trading stations at Goa
and elsewhere. In 1512 a successor of Vasco da Gama reached
Java and the Moluccas, where the Portuguese speedily built a
fortress. By 1515 Portugal had become the greatest among sea
much experience on the sea, got together three little ships and
undertook the journey westward to Zipangu, the land of gold,
which he hoped to reach in five weeks. After thirty-two days
from the time he left the Canary Islands he came upon land, the
island of San Salvador, and believed himself to be in the East
Indies.Going on from there he discovered the island of Cuba,
which he believed to be the mainland of Asia, and then Haiti,
which he mistook for the longed-for Zipangu. Although he made
three later expeditions and sailed down the coast of South America
as far as the Orinoco, he died without realizing that he had not
been exploring the coast of Asia.
502. Magellan's Expedition around the World. After the
bold enterprises of Vasco da Gama and Columbus an expedition
headed by the Portuguese Magellan succeeded in circumnavigat-
ing the globe. There was now no reason why the new lands should
;npt become jnore and more familiar to the European nations.
5 - 9
Italy and the Renaissance 299
By the end of the century the Spanish Main that is, the
northern coast of South America was much frequented by ad-
venturous seamen, who combined in about equal parts the occu-
I. Describe the development of Italian towns during the Hundred
Years' War. How was Italy divided in the fourteenth century? Give
a picture of Venice at the height of her power. Describe the Italian
despots. Describe Florence under the rule of the Medici. Give an ac-
count of the rebuilding of Rome. Describe St. Peter's and the Vatican
II. Give a brief account of Renaissance art in Italy.
III. What geographical discoveries were made before 1500? What
effects did explorations of this period have on commerce? What impor-
tant part did the spice trade play in the exploration of the globe?
What led Columbus to try to reach the Indies by sailing westward?
504. Charles VIII of France invades Italy. Louis XI of
conqueror, and his first step was to invade Italy on the ground
that the kingdom of Naples belonged rightly to his house be-
cause of an ancient claim dating back a couple of centuries.
The Italian towns did little to oppose the army of the French
king,and he actually got control of Naples for a short time. The
ruler ofNaples was a Spanish monarch, Ferdinand of Aragon, who
had no more right to it than Charles. Charles's troops, however,
became demoralized by the excellent wines and other pleasures of
southern Italy, his enemies began to combine against him, and
he was glad to escape with the loss of only a single battle from
the land he had hoped to conquer. He died three years later,
but the results of his seemingly foolish expedition were very
505. Results of the Expedition of Charles VIII. In the first
place, it was clear that the Italian towns did not constitute a
nation which would combine to repulse invaders. From this time
on, therefore, France, Spain, Austria, and the German emperors
undertook successive expeditions with the object of bringing
Emperor Charles V and his Vast Realms 301
peninsula disappear.
510. Spain becomes a European Power. The first Spanish
monarch whose name need be mentioned here was Queen Isabella
of Castile, who, in 1469, concluded an all-important marriage
got into the habit of choosing the emperor from that family. So
the imperial title became, to all intents and purposes, hereditary
in the Hapsburg line. The Hapsburgs were, however, far more
interested in adding to their family domains than in advancing
the interests of Germany as a whole. Indeed, the Holy Roman
306 General History of Europe
Onthe death of his grandfather Ferdinand of Aragon, Charles,
a boy of sixteen, became the first King of Spain," and many were
his difficulties in controlling the formerly independent monarchies
I.What were the results of the Italian expedition of Charles VIII ?
II.What were the effects of the Mohammedan conquests of Spain?
Give an account of the expulsion of the Mohammedans from the
peninsula. How did Spain become a European power? Describe the
revival of the Inquisition in Spain.
III. How was Charles V's vast empire accumulated? Why did the
German kings fail to build up a strong, unified state ?
gan in Germany. The Germans were at this time still good Catho-
lics and accepted all the beliefs of the Church, but they were
None of the portraits of Luther are very satisfactory. His friend Cranach
was not, like Holbein the Younger, a great portrait painter. This cut shows
the reformer when his revolt against the Church was just beginning. He
was thirty-seven years old and still in the dress of an Augustinian friar,
which he soon abandoned
This wonderful picture by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) hangs in
the Louvre gallery at Paris. We have every reason to suppose that it is an
excellent portrait, for Holbein lived in Basel a considerable part of his life
and knew Erasmus well. The was, moreover, celebrated for his skill
in catching the likeness when human face. He later painted
depicting the
several well-known Englishmen, including Henry VIII and his little son,
Edward VI
Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolt 311
already been mentioned that the popes had undertaken the re-
building of St. Peter's, the great central church of Christendom
( 491-492). The cost of the enterprise was very great, and in
order to collect contributions for the purpose Pope Leo ar- X
ranged for an extensive distribution of indulgences in Germany.
In October, 1517, Tetzel, a Dominican monk, began preach-
ing indulgences in the neighborhood of Wittenberg and making
claims for them which appeared to Luther irreconcilable with
Christianity as he understood it. He therefore, in accordance
with the custom of the time, wrote out a series of ninety-
five statements in regard to indulgences. These theses, as they
1 An
indulgence was a pardon, issued usually by the Pope himself, which freed the
person to whom it was granted from a part or all of his suffering in purgatory. It did
not forgive his sins or in any way take the place of true repentance and confession it;
only reduced the punishment which a truly contrite sinner would otherwise have had to
endure, either in this world or in purgatory, before he could be admitted to heaven.
It is a common mistake of Protestants to suppose that the indulgence was forgiveness
granted beforehand for sins to be committed in the future. There is absolutely no foun-
dation for this idea. A person proposing to sin could not possibly be contrite in the eyes
of the Church, and even if he had secured an indulgence, it would, according to the
theologians, have been quite worthless.
312 General History of Europe
claimed, moreover, that it was the right and duty of the rulers
who were disappointed in the good they got from living in them
freely to leave. He pointed out the evils of pilgrimages and of
the numerous church holidays, which interfered with daily work.
The clergy, he urged, should be permitted to marry and have fam-
ilies like other citizens. The universities should be reformed and
"the accursed heathen, Aristotle," should be cast out from them.
527. Luther Excommunicated; Burning of the Papal Bull
priesthood and stirred up the laity to dip their hands in the blood
of the clergy, denied free will, taught licentiousness, despised au-
Germany decided for the Pope and remains Catholic down to the
present day. Many of the Northern rulers, on the other hand,
adopted the new teachings, and finally all of them fell away from
the papacy and became Protestant.
Since there was no one powerful enough to decide the great
question for the whole of Germany, the diet which met at Speyer
in 1526 determined that pending the summoning of a Church
council each ruler should "so live, reign, and conduct himself as
he would be willing to answer before God and His Imperial
Majesty." For the moment, then, the various German govern-
ments were left to determine the religion of their subjects.
536. Origin of the Term "Protestants." The emperor,
Charles V, commanded the diet, which again met at Speyer in
1529, to order the enforcement of the Edict of Worms against
the heretics.
The princes and towns that had accepted Luther's ideas drew
up protest, in which they claimed that the majority had no right
to abrogate the edict of the former diet of Speyer, which had
been passed unanimously and which all had solemnly pledged
themselves to observe. Those who signed this appeal were called
from their action Protestants, Thus originated the name which
came to be generally applied to those who do not accept the rule
and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
537. Diet at Augsburg and the Augsburg Confession. Ever
since the diet at Worms the emperor had resided in Spain,
Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolt 317
539. The Peace of Augsburg (isss). For ten years after the
emperor left Augsburg he was kept busy
in southern Europe by
new wars. In order to secure the assistance of the Protes-
tants he was forced to let them go their own way. Meanwhile
the number of rulers who accepted Luther's teachings gradually
increased. Finally, there was a brief war between Charles and
the Protestant princes, but there was little fighting.
318 General History of Europe
I. What Church grew up among the German
dissatisfactions with the
Catholics? Contrast Erasmus's ideas of reform with those of Luther.
II. Tell something of Luther's early life. How did Luther's theory of
salvation differ from the orthodox view? What were the famous
theses of Luther ? How did they differ in their appeal from his Address
to the German Nobility ? On what grounds was Luther excommuni-
cated ?What was Luther's defense at Worms ?
III. Describe some of the ways in which the revolt began. What was
the Peasant War? How was it put down?
IV. What is the origin of the term "Protestants"? How was Ger-
many divided on the religious question ? What was the Augsburg Con-
fession? What were the provisions of the Peace of Augsburg? What
were its limitations?
teen, named Anne Boleyn, with whom the king fell in love.
Wolsey's failure to persuade the Pope to permit a divorce ex-
cited the king's anger, and, with rank ingratitude for his minister's
church, where all the people could readily make use of it.
324 General History of Europe
money; some of the English abbeys were rich, and the monks
were quite unable to defend themselves against the charges which
were brought against them.A large number of scandalous tales were
easily collected by Henry's agents, some of which may have been
true. The monks were some-
times indolent and sometimes
violated their pledges to lead
a good life. Nevertheless as
a body they were kind
landlords, hospitable to the
stranger, and good to the poor.
The royal commissioners
took possession of the monas-
teries and their lands and sold
every article upon which they
could lay hands, including the
bells and even the lead on the
Mary's marriage with the Spanish prince, Philip II, the son of
the orthodox Charles V. But although Philip later distinguished
himself, as we shall see, by the merciless way in which he strove
to put down heresy within his own realms, the English took care
that he should have no hand in thegovernment nor by any means
be permitted to succeed his wife on the English throne.
ably in prison.
I. Give an account of the Swiss Confederation. What part did
Zwingli play in the revolt against the Church ? Give a brief account
of John Calvin.
II. What was the cause of the withdrawal of England from the con-
trol of the Pope ? How did Henry VIII prove he was not a Protestant ?
Give an account of the dissolution of the monasteries.
III. Under what ruler did England first become a Protestant coun-
belief, and no one was to publish any views about the Bible
Loyola had been a soldier in his younger days and, therefore, laid
The Jesuits rapidly spread not only over Europe but throughout
the whole world. Francis Xavier, one of Loyola's original little
order and led them to attribute an evil purpose to every act of the
1 As
time went on the Jesuits found themselves involved in difficulties with the vari-
ous European governments, largely because in the eighteenth century they undertook
great commercial enterprises, and for this and other reasons lost the confidence of even
the Catholics. Convinced that the order had outgrown its usefulness, the Pope abolished
it in
1773, I* was however, restored in 1814 and now again has thousands of members.
332 General History of Europe
the Spaniards. What was still worse, he proposed that the In-
quisition ( 399, 511) should carry on its work far more actively
than hitherto and put an end to the heresy which appeared to
him to defile his fair realms.
For ten years the people suffered Philip's rule; nevertheless
their king, instead of listening to the protests of their leaders, who
were quite as earnest
Catholics as himself, ap-
provinces, all lying north of the mouths of the Rhine and the
Scheldt, formed the new and firmer Union of Utrecht. The arti-
poor people."
564. Independence of the United Provinces. The Dutch had
long hoped for aid from Queen Elizabeth or from the French, but
had heretofore been disappointed. At last the English queen
sent troops to their assistance. Elizabeth's policy so enraged
Philip that he at last decided to attempt the conquest of Eng-
land. The destruction of the "Armada," the great fleet which
he equipped for that purpose ( 581), interfered with further
attempts to subjugate the United Provinces, which might other-
wise have failed to maintain their liberty. Moreover, Spain's
resources were being rapidly exhausted, and the State was on the
render the hope of winning back the lost provinces, which now
became a small but important European power, she refused for-
mally to acknowledge their independence until 1648 (Peace of
Westphalia, 589, 590).
peasants who dwelt on the slopes of the Alps, and whose only
offense was adherence to the simple teachings of the Waldensians
(39 6 )-
Francis's son, Henry II (1547-1559), swore to extirpate the
Protestants, and hundreds of them were burned. He was acci-
dentally killed and left his kingdom to three weak sons, the last
scions of the house of Valois, who succeeded him in turn during
a period of unprecedented civil war and public calamity.
When his second son, Charles IX (1560-1574), came to the
throne he was but ten years old, so that his mother, Catherine
of Medici, of the famous Florentine family, claimed the right to
conduct the government for her son until he reached manhood.
566. The Huguenots and their Political Aims. By this
time the Protestants in France had become a powerful party.
They were known as Huguenots and accepted the religious
teachings of their fellow countryman Calvin. Many of them,
including their great leader Coligny, belonged to the nobility.
They had a strong support in the king of the little realm of
Navarre, on the southern boundary of France. He belonged to
a side line of the French royal house, known as the Bourbons,
who were later to occupy the French throne. It was inevitable
that the Huguenots should try to get control of the government,
and they consequently formed a political as well as a religious
party and were often fighting, in the main, for worldly ends.
567. Opening of the Huguenot Wars (1562). As the duke of
Guise an ardent Catholic nobleman
was passing through the
town Vassy on a Sunday he found a thousand Huguenots
assembled in a barn for worship. The duke's followers rudely
interrupted the service, and a tumult arose in which the troops
killed a considerable number of the defenseless multitude. The
news of massacre aroused the Huguenots and was the be-
France renewed in civil war all the horrors of the English inva-
villages where they had previously held them, but in Paris and a
number of other towns all Protestant services were prohibited.
The Protestants were to enjoy the same political rights as Catholics
and to be eligible to
government A number of fortified
Mary had been married to the heir to the French throne when she was six-
teen. Her French husband, Francis II, died less than three years after. She
then returned to Scotland and married her cousin Lord Darnley in 1565,
when she was twenty-three years old
The Wars of Religion 339
prepared in the time of her half brother, Edward VI. This con-
tained the services which the government ordered to be performed
in all the churches of England. All her subjects were required to
practically a prisoner.
577. The Rising in the North (1559) and Catholic Plans for
deposing Elizabeth. As time went on it became increasingly
difficult for Elizabeth to adhere to her
policy of moderation in
the treatment of the Catholics. A rising in the north of England
(1569) showed that there were many who would gladly reestab-
lish the Catholic faith by freeing Mary and placing her on the
hearty accord with the Huguenots. The rising in the North was
suppressed, but the English Catholics continued to look to Philip
for help. They
opened correspondence with Alva and invited
him to come with six thousand Spanish troops to dethrone Eliza-
beth and make Mary Stuart queen of England in her stead.
The Wars of Religion 341
Ireland, whose relations with England from very early times down
to the present day form one of the most tragic
pages in the
history of Europe. The population was divided into numerous
clans, and their chieftains fought constantly with one another as
well as with the English, who were vainly endeavoring to subju-
gate the island.
Several attempts were made by
Catholic leaders to land troops
in Ireland with the
purpose of making the island the base for an
attack on England. Elizabeth's officers were able to frustrate
these enterprises, but the resulting disturbances greatly increased
the misery of the Irish. In 1582 no less than thirty thousand
ing his best and largest warships, which was proudly called by
the Spaniards the Invincible Armada" (that is, fleet). This
was to sail through the English Channel to the Netherlands and
bring over the Spanish commander there and his veterans, who,
it was expected, would soon make an end of Elizabeth's raw
militia. The English
ships were inferior to those of Spain in size,
although not in number, but they had trained commanders, such
as Francis Drake and Hawkins.
These famous captains had long sailed the Spanish Main and
knew how to use their cannon without getting near enough to
the Spaniards to suffer from their short-range weapons. When
the Armada approached it was
permitted by the English fleet
to pass up the Channel before a strong wind, which later became
a storm. The English ships then followed, and both fleets were
driven past the coast of Flanders. Of the hundred and twenty
Spanish ships only fifty-four returned home; the rest had been
destroyed by English valor or by the gale, to which Elizabeth
herself ascribed the victory. The defeat of the Armada put an
end to the danger from Spain.
Philip by his father. In spite of its small size Holland was destined
to play, from that time on, quite as important a part in European
affairs as Spain, from whose control it had escaped.
Spain itself had suffered most of all from Philip's reign. His
domestic policy and his expensive wars had sadly weakened the
country. The income from across the sea was bound to decrease
as the mines were exhausted. After Philip IPs death Spain sank
to the rank of a secondary European power.
prince from the Palatinate on the Rhine to be their king. But the
emperor was able to put the usurping ruler to flight after a reign
of a single winter.
This was regarded by the Protestants as a serious defeat, and
the Protestant king of Denmark decided to intervene. He re-
mained in Germany for four years, but was so badly beaten by
the emperor's able general Wallenstein that he retired from the
conflict in 1629.
arate, under a single ruler. About the time that the Protestant
revolt began in Germany the union was broken by the withdrawal
of Sweden, which became an independent kingdom. Gustavus
Vasa, a Swedish noble, led the movement and was later chosen
king of Sweden (1523). In the same year Protestantism was
introduced. Vasa confiscated the Church lands, got the better of
the nobles, who had formerly made the kings a great deal
of trouble, and started Sweden on its way toward national
587. Gustavus
Adolphus invades Germany. Gustavus Adol-
phus undoubtedly hoped by invading Germany not only to free his
fellow Protestants from the oppression of the emperor and of the
Catholic League but to gain a strip of German territory for Swe-
den. Near Leipzig he met and routed the army of the League.
At this juncture Wallenstein collected a new army, over which
he was given absolute command. After some delay Gustavus met
Wallenstein on the field of Liitzen, in November, 1632, where,
after a fierce struggle, the Swedes gained the victory. But they
lost their leader and Protestantism its hero, for the Swedish king
ventured too far into the lines of the enemy and was surrounded
and killed.
The Wars of Religion 345
The Swedes did not, however, retire from Germany, but con-
tinued to participate in the war, which now degenerated into a
series of raids by leaders whose soldiers depopulated the land
588. Richelieu re-
news the Struggle of
France against the
Hapsburgs. At this mo-
ment Richelieu (572)
decided that it would
be to the interest of
France to renew the old
struggle with the Haps-
burgs by sending troops
against the emperor.
France was still shut in,
as she had been since
the time of Charles V,
592. The New Science. The battles of the Thirty Years' War
are now well-nigh forgotten, and few people are interested in
Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus. It seems as if the war did
little but destroy men's lives and property, and that no great
They maintained that the only way to advance science was to set
to work and try experiments, and by careful thought and investi-
objects from the leaning tower of Pisa, which proved that Aristotle
was wrong in assuming that a body weighing a hundred pounds
fell a hundred times as fast as a body weighing but one. He
wrote in Italian as well as in Latin. His opponents might have
forgiven him had he written only for the learned, but they thought
ithighly dangerous to have the new ideas set forth in such a way
that the people at large might come to doubt what the theologians
and universities were teaching. Galileo was finally summoned be-
fore the Inquisition ;
some of his theories were condemned, and
he was imprisoned by the Church authorities.
The Wars of Religion 349
New Atlantis. Francis Bacon, an Eng-
595. Francis Bacon's
lish lawyer and government official, spent his spare hours in
explaining how men could increase their knowledge. He too wrote
in his native tongue as well as in Latin. He was the most eloquent
representative of the new
science which renounced
ancients," he declared,
not those who lived long
the kind in the history of the world except perhaps the ancient
Museum at Alexandria
( 170). Their object was not, like that
of the old Greek schools of philosophy and the medieval universi-
I. What means did the Catholics take to reform the Church ? Give
an account of the famous Council of Trent. What was accomplished
by the Council? What is the Index? Describe the founding of the
order of Jesuits. What were its aim and policy ?
II. Describe the revolt of the Netherlands. What was the character
the struggle of the Huguenots with the Catholics. Describe the Mas-
sacre of St. Bartholomew. What was the attitude of Henry IV toward
the Protestants? What were the provisions of the Edict of Nantes?
IV. What religious settlement was made by Queen Elizabeth ? De-
scribe the characteristics of the Anglican Church. In what way did
gan with the accession of James I and ended with the flight
from England of his grandson, James II, eighty-five years later,
is the long and bitter struggle between the Stuart kings and
made which is still known
and is still published as
the authorized version in all countries where English is spoken.
An English physician of this period, William Harvey, examined
the workings of thehuman body more carefully than any previous
investigator and made the great discovery of the manner in which
the blood circulates from the heart through the arteries and
This very interesting picture, by the Flemish artist Van Dyck, was painted
in 1637. The boy with his hand on the dog's head was destined to become
Charles II of England. Next on the left who was later
is the prince,
James II. The girl to the extreme left, Mary, married the
the Princess
governor of the United Netherlands, and her son became William III of
England in 1688. The two princesses on the right died in childhood
on every side, put himself in the hands of the Scotch army which
had come to the aid of Parliament (1646), and the Scotch soon
turned him over to Parliament. During the next two years
Charles was held in captivity.
608. Pride's Purge. There were, however, many in the House
of Commons who still sided with the king, and in December, 1648,
that body declared for a reconciliation with the monarch, whom
they had safely imprisoned in the Isle of Wight. The next day
Colonel Pride, representing the army, which constituted a party
in itself to all negotiations between the king and
and was opposed
the Commons, stood at the door of the House with a troop of
soldiers and excluded all the members who were known to take
the side of the king. This outrageous act is known in history
as "Pride's Purge."
609. Execution of Charles (1549). In this way the House of
Commons was brought completely under the control of those
most bitterly hostile to the king, whom they immediately pro-
posed to bring to trial. They declared that the House of Com-
mons, since it was chosen by the people, was supreme in England
and the source of all just power, and that consequently neither
king nor House of Lords was necessary. The mutilated House of
Commons appointed a special High Court of Justice made up of
Charles's sternest opponents, who alone would consent to sit
in judgment on him. They passed sentence upon the king and on
godly men
were, however, unpractical and hard to deal with.
A minority of the more sensible ones got up early one winter
morning (December, 1653) and, before their opponents had a
chance to protest, declared Parliament dissolved and placed the
supreme authority in the hands of Cromwell.
613. The Protector's Foreign Policy. For nearly five years
died, and as a great storm passed over England at that time, the
Cavaliers asserted that the devil had come to fetch home the
soul of the usurper.
360 General History of Europe
Presbyterians, and the newer bodies of the Baptists and the So-
pass harsher measures, for fear the king might once more restore
"popery" in the realm. The law excluding all but adherents of
the English Church from office remained in force down into the
nineteenth century.
618. War with Holland. who was earnestly de-
Charles II,
sirous of
increasing English commerce and of founding new
was also a Catholic. He was a far more religious man than the
late king and was ready to reestablish Catholicism in England
362 General History oj Europe
daughter. But when a son was born to his Catholic second wife,
and James showed unmistakably his purpose of favoring the
Catholics, messengers were dispatched by a group of Protestants
to William of Orange, asking him to come and rule over them.
previous fifty years. In the first place, the nation had clearly
shown that it proposed to remain Protestant, and the relations
between the Church of England and the Dissenters were gradu-
ally being satisfactorily adjusted. In the second place, the powers
of the king had been carefully defined, and from the opening
of the eighteenth century to the present time no English monarch
has ventured to veto an act of Parliament. 1
623. The Union of England and Scotland (1707). William III
was succeeded in 1702 by his sister-in-law, Anne, a younger
daughter of James II. Far more important than the War of the
Originally there had been seven electors, but the duke of Bavaria had been made
an elector during the Thirty Years' War, and in 1692 the father of George I had been
permitted to assume the title of elector of Hanover."
364 General History of Europe
the new king of England, George I, was also elector of Hanover
and a member of the Holy Roman Empire. 2
625. England and the "Balance of Power." William of
Orange had been a continental statesman before he became king
of England, and his chief aim had always been to prevent France
from becoming overpower ful. He joined in the long War of the
Spanish Succession (1702-1713) in order to maintain the "bal-
ance of power" between the various European countries. Dxiring
the eighteenth century England, for the same reason, continued to
take some part in the struggles between the continental powers,
although she had no expectation of extending her sway across the
Channel. The wars which she waged in order to increase, her own
power and territory were carried on in distant parts of the world
and more often on sea than on land.
James I
Charles II (i) Anne Hyde, m. James II, m. (2) Mary of Modena Sophia, m. Ernest
(1660-1685) (1685-1688) Augustus
elector of
William III, m. Mary Anne
George I
(1688-1702) (1688-1694) (1702-1714)
Prince of Orange (1714-1727)
George II
Prince of Wales
Charles Edward (d.i75i)
(the Young Pre-
tender) George III
2 The troubles with the Stuarts were not entirely over. The son and the grandson of
James II the Old and the Young Pretender lived in France and engaged in ineffective
conspiracies to regain the throne. In 1745 the Young Pretender landed in Scotland,
where he found support among the Highland chiefs, and even Edinburgh welcomed
" Prince Charlie." With an
army of six thousand men he marched into England, but
was speedily forced back into Scotland and disastrously defeated and was glad to reach
France once more in safety.
Struggle in England between King and Parliament 365
I. What is the chief interest of the period of the Stuart kings ? How
were the kingdoms of England and Scotland united on the accession
of James I ? What were the views of kingship held by James ? Name
some of the distinguished writers of James's reign. What was Charles's
attitude toward Parliament ? What was the Petition of Right ? What
were the chief religious parties in England in the time of Charles I?
Describe the events which led to the execution of Charles.
II. What form of government was introduced after Charles's death ?
How did Cromwell deal with Parliament? In what did Cromwell's
strength consist ?
against him.
Louis XIV
From Rigaud's painting in the Louvre
France under Louis XIV 367
not hold the purse strings (481), and the king was permitted
to raise money without asking their permission. When Louis XIV
took charge of the government, forty-seven years had passed with-
out a meeting of the Estates General, and a century and a quarter
was still to
elapse before another call to the representatives of the
nation was issued, in 1789 ( 748).
Moreover, the French people placed far more reliance upon
a powerful king than the English, perhaps because they were
not protected by the sea from their neighbors, as England was.
629. Personal Characteristics of Louis XIV. Louis was a
handsome man and courtly mien and the most exquisite
of elegant
king could the courtiers hope to gain favors, pensions, and highly
paid positions for themselves and their friends.
632. Art and Literature in the Reign of Louis XIV. It was,
cately satirized the foibles of his time. Men of letters were gen-
I 6
ri -i->
bO u
I s
o "
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France under Louis XIV 369
dikes were opened and the country flooded, so the French army
was checked before it could take Amsterdam and advance into
the north. The emperor, Leopold I, sent an army against Louis,
and England deserted him and made peace with Holland.
When a general peace was concluded at the end of six years,
the chief provisions were that Holland should be left intact and
that France should this time retain Franche-Comte. For the ten
years following there was no open war, but Louis seized the
important free city of Strassburg and made many other less con-
spicuous but equally unwarranted additions to his territory.
636. Situation of the Huguenots at the Beginning of
Louis XIV's Reign. Louis XIV exhibited as woeful a want of
suppression of heresy.
637. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and its Results.
Louis XIV had scarcely taken the reins of government into his
own hands before the perpetual nagging and injustice to which
the Protestants had been subjected at all times took a more
serious form. Upon one pretense or another their churches were
demolished. Children were permitted to renounce Protestant-
ism when they reached the age of seven. Rough dragoons were
quartered upon the Huguenots with the hope that the insulting
behavior of the soldiers might frighten them into accepting the
religion of the king.
At last LouisXIV was led by his officials to believe that prac-
tically all the Huguenots had been converted by these harsh
measures. In 1685, therefore, he revoked the Edict of Nantes,
and the Protestants thereby became outlaws and their ministers
subject to the death penalty. Thousands of the Huguenots suc-
ceeded in eluding the vigilance of the royal officials and fled, some
to England, some to Prussia, some to America, carrying with
them their skill and industry to strengthen France's rivals. This
was the last great and terrible example in western Europe of
that fierce religious intolerance which had produced the Albi-
the most important members. The long War of the Spanish Suc-
cession was more general than the Thirty Years' War even in ;
I. Describe the condition of France at the accession of Louis XIV.
What were Louis's ideas of kingship? Compare the attitude of the
English and French toward absolute monarchy.
II. Describe the life at the court of Versailles. How did Louis XIV
Europe in order to
of eastern see how these two states grew up
and became actors in the great drama of humanity.
645. The Slavic Peoples. We have had little occasion, in deal-
ing with the history of western Europe, to refer to the Slavic peoples,
to whom the Russians, Poles, Bohemians, Serbians, and many
other nations of eastern Europe belong. Together they form the
most numerous race in Europe, but only recently has their history
begun to merge into that of the world at large. Before the
World War, which began in 1914, the realms of the Tsar which
and thus freed themselves from the Mongol yoke. But the Tartar
376 General History of Europe
occupation had left its mark, for the princes and people continued
to follow the habits of their former Mongolian rulers. In 1547
Ivan the Terrible assumed the title of "Tsar," 1 which was the
Russian equivalent of "king" or "emperor."
648. Peter the Great (1672-1725). When Peter came to the
throne, in 1672, he saw that Russia was very much behind the
rest of Europe and that his
pared to found a new capital for his new Russia. He selected for
378 General History of Europe
great power as Peter began his work. This was Prussia, whose
beginnings we must now consider.
Berlin was only a small town until the days of the Great Elector. It
increasedfrom about eight thousand inhabitants in 1650 to about twenty
thousand in 1688. It is therefore a much more modern city than Paris or
London. Indeed, it is about as modern as New York, for most of its great
growth has taken place in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
army but an ample supply of gold. Indeed, it was his toil and
economy that made possible the achievements of his far more
distinguished son.
656. Accession of Frederick II, called "the Great" (1740-
1786). In his early years Frederick grieved and disgusted his old
father by his dislike for military life and his interest in books
380 General History of Europe
ing and holding one of Austria's finest provinces did not satisfy
him. The central portions of his kingdom Brandenburg, Silesia,
and Pomerania were completely cut off from East Prussia by
a considerable tract known as West Prussia, which belonged to
fill this
gap, especially as he well knew that Poland was in no
condition to defend its possessions.
662. Weakness of Poland. With the exception of Russia,
Poland was the largest kingdom in Europe. It covered an im-
mense plain with no natural boundaries, and the population,
which was very thinly scattered, belonged to several races. Be-
sides the Poles themselves there were Germans in the cities of
West Prussia, and Russians in Lithuania. The Jews were very
numerous everywhere, forming half of the population in some of
the towns. The Poles were usually Catholics, while the Germans
were Protestants and the Russians adhered to the Greek Church.
These differences in religion, added to those of race, created end-
lessproblems and dissensions. They explain, moreover, many of
the difficulties involved in the attempt to reestablish an inde-
at the Accession of
(with dates of acauisition)
at the Death of
In. 1786
384 General History of Europe
later declared that they could notput up any longer with such a
dangerous neighbor and proceeded to a second partition. Prussia
cut deep into Poland, added a million and a half of Poles to her
by the Turks at that time, and till the end of the seventeenth
century the energies of the Austrian rulers were largely absorbed
in a long struggle against the Mohammedans who threatened
central Europe for many years.
667. Conquests of the Turks in Europe. Turkish people A
from western Asia had, at the opening of the fourteenth century,
established themselves in western Asia Minor under their leader,
Othman (d. was from him that they derived their name
1326). It
I. Why is the study of the development of Russia and Prussia of
special interest today ? What peoples belong to the Slavic race ? What
was the extent of the realms of the Tsar of Russia in 1914? In what
portions of eastern Europe were the Slavs settled at the time of the
barbarian invasions ? Tell what you can of the early history of Russia.
What were some of the results of the Tartar invasion in Russia ? What
were the boundaries of Russia upon the accession of Peter the Great ?
What territory did he add? What reforms and changes did Peter
introduce ?
was rapidly becoming the most important state. While she did
not greatly influence the course of the wars on the Continent,
she was already beginning to make herself mistress of the seas
a position which she still holds, owing to her colonies and her
unrivaled fleet.
and a great part of South America. These two powers later found
a formidable rival in the Dutch, who succeeded in expelling the
Bay ( 642).
While the English in North America at the beginning of the
Seven Years' War numbered over a million, the French did not
reach a hundred thousand.
3Q2 General History of Europe
golian rulers which he founded was able to keep the whole country
under its control for nearly two centuries ;
then after the death
of the Great Mogul Aurungzeb, in 1707, their empire began to
apart in much the same way as that of Charlemagne had
done. Like the counts and dukes of the Carolingian period, the
emperor's officials, the subahdars and nawabs (nabobs), and the
rajahs (Hindu princes who had been subjugated by the Mongols)
had gradually got the power in their respective districts into their
own hands. Although the emperor, or Great Mogul, as the Eng-
lish calledhim, continued to maintain himself in his capital of
Delhi, he could no longer be said to rule the country at the open-
ing of the eighteenth century, when the French and English were
beginning to turn their attention seriously to his coasts.
675. English and French Settlements in India. In the time
of Charles I (1639) a village had been purchased by the English
East India Company on the southeastern coast of Hindustan,
which grew into the important English station of Madras. About
the same time posts were established in the district of Bengal, and
later Calcutta was fortified. Bombay was already an English
100 200 ar)0
so the native princes and the French and English were left to
fight among themselves for the supremacy.
676. Olive renders English Influence Supreme in India. At
the moment that the Seven Years' War was beginning, bad news
reached Madras from the English settlement of Calcutta, about
a thousand miles to the northeast.The nawab of Bengal had
seized the property ofsome English merchants and imprisoned
one hundred and forty-five Englishmen in a little room, the
Black Hole of Calcutta, where most of them died of suffoca-
tion before morning. The English were fortunate in finding a
leader of military skill and energy. Robert Clive, although but
twenty-five years old, organized a force of Sepoys, as the native
soldierswere called by the English. He hastened to Bengal, and
with a little army of nine hundred Europeans and fifteen hundred
Sepoys gained a great victory at Plassey, in 1757, over the nawab's
army of fifty thousand men. He then replaced the nawab of
Bengal by a man whom he believed to be friendly to the English.
Before the Seven Years' War was over, the English had won
Pondicherry and deprived the French of all their former influence
in the region of Madras.
677. England's Gains in the Seven Years' War. When the
Seven Years' War was brought to an end, in 1763, by the Treaty
of Paris, it was clear that England had gained far more than any
other power. She was to retain her two forts commanding the
How England became Queen of the Ocean 395
Quebec was won in Wolfe's heroic .attack, 1759; and the next
year all Canada submitted to the English.
679. England long left her Colonies very Free. England
had, however, no sooner added Canada to her possessions and
driven the French from the broad region which lay between her
dominions and the Mississippi than she lost the better part of
intolerable to them.
680. Navigation Laws. England had, like Spain, France, and
other colonizing countries, enacted a number of navigation and
trade laws by which she tried to keep all the benefits of colonial
trade and industry to herself. Early navigation laws were passed
under Cromwell and Charles II which were specially directed
against the enterprising Dutch traders. They provided that all
products grown or manufactured in Asia, Africa, or America
should be imported into England or her colonies only in English
ships. Thus, if a Dutch merchant vessel laden with cloves, cinna-
mon, teas, and silks from the Far East anchored in the harbor of
New York, the inhabitants could not lawfully buy of the ship's
master, no matter how much lower his prices were than those
offered by English shippers. Furthermore, another act provided
that no commodity of European production or manufacture should
be imported into any of the colonies without being shipped
through England and carried in ships built in England or the
colonies. So if a colonial merchant wished to buy French wines
or Dutch watches, he would have to order through English
merchants. Again, if a colonist desired to
sell to a
merchant such products as the law permitted him to sell to
foreigners, he had to export them in English ships and even send
them by way of England.
681. Trade Laws. Certain articles in which the colonists were
interested, such as sugar, tobacco, cotton, and indigo, could be
sold only in England. Other things they were forbidden to export
at all, or even to produce. For instance, though they possessed
the finest furs in abundance, they could not export any caps or
hats to England or to any foreign country. The colonists had
built up a lucrative lumber and provision trade with the French
West Indies, from which they imported large quantities of rum,
How England became Queen of the Ocean 397
sugar, and molasses, but in order to keep this trade within British
dominions, the importation of these commodities was forbidden.
682. The Colonists evade the English Restrictions. The
colonists naturally evaded these laws as far as possible; they
carried on a flourishing smuggling trade and built up industries in
spite of them. Tobacco, sugar, hemp, flax, and cotton were grown
and cloth was manufactured. Furnaces, foundries, and nail and
wire mills supplied pig and bar iron, chains, anchors, and other
hardware. It is clear that where so many people were interested
in both manufacturing and commerce a loud protest was sure to be
raised against any attempts of England to restrict the business of
the colonists in favor of her own merchants.
But previous to 1763 the navigation and trade laws had been
loosely enforced, and business men of high standing in their com-
munities ventured to neglect them and engage in illegal trade,
which from the standpoint of the mother country constituted
"smuggling." English statesmen had been too busy, however,
during the previous century with the great struggle at home and
the wars with Louis XIV to stop this unlawful trade.
683. Change in English Colonial Policy after 1763. With
the close of the successful Seven Years' War, and the conquest of
Canada and the Ohio valley, arrangements had to be made to
protect the new territories
and meet the expenses incident to the
great enlargement of the British Empire. The home government
naturally argued that the prosperous colonists might make some
contribution in the form of taxes to the expenses of the late war
and the maintenance of a small body of troops for guarding the
new possessions.
684. The Stamp Act. This led to the passage of the Stamp
Act, which taxed the colonists by forcing them to pay the Eng-
lish government for the stamps which were required on leases,
some of the leaders among the colonists, who declared that they
had already borne the brunt of the recent war and that Parliament
398 General History of Europe
had no right to tax them, since they were not represented directly
in that body. Whatever may have been the merits of their argu-
ments, representatives of the colonies met in New York in 1765
and denounced the Stamp Act as indicating a manifest tendency
to subvert the rights and liberties of the colonists."
The unpopular stamp tax was repealed, in spite of the opposi-
tion of King George III, who, with some of the members of
France. The outcome of the Seven Years' War had been most
lamentable for that country, and any trouble which came to her
old enemy England could not but be a source of congratulation
to the French. The United States, therefore, regarded France as
their natural ally and immediately sent Benjamin Franklin to
Versailles in the hope of obtaining the aid of the new French
the colonies could long maintain their resistance against the over-
689. Success of the Revolution, There was so much difference
of opinion in England in regard to the expediency of the war, and
so much sympathy in Parliament for the colonists, that the mili-
tary operations were not carried on with much vigor. Neverthe-
less, the Americans found it no easy task to win the war. In spite
of the skill and heroic self-sacrifice of Washington, they lost
more battles than they gained. It is extremely doubtful whether
as Florida, which England had held since 1763 but now gave back.
portant and successful revolt that has ever taken place in her
How England became Queen of the Ocean 401
I. Why is the study of colonial possessions important in understand-
ing the history of Europe? Compare the extent of Europe with the
colonial possessions of the European powers before the World War.
What were the possessions of Spain, England, and France in North
America before the Seven Years' War? What were the English pos-
sessions at the close of the war ? -
will, could marry without consulting the lord, and could go and
come as he pleased. But the lord might still require all those on
his manor to grind their grain at his mill, bake their bread in his
oven, and press their grapes in his wine press. The peasant might
have to pay a toll to cross a bridge or ferry which was under the
lord's control, or give a certain sum for driving his flock past the
lord's mansion. He might also have to turn over to his lord a
certain portion of his crops.
692. Condition of the Serfs in a Large Part of Europe. In
Prussia, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Spain the medieval
system still prevailed (406) the peasant lived and died upon
the same manor, and worked for his lord in the same way that his
ancestors had worked a thousand years before. Everywhere the
General Conditions in the Eighteenth Century 403
same crude farm implements were still used and were roughly
made in the neighboring village. The wooden plows were con-
structed on the model of the old Roman plow; wheat was cut
with a with an unwieldy scythe, and the rickety cart
sickle, grass
wheels did not have iron tires but only wooden rims.
693. Wretched Houses of the Peasants. The houses occupied
by the country people differed greatly from Sicily to Pomerania,
and from Ireland to Poland but, in general, they were small,
with little light or ventilation, and often they were nothing but
wretched hovels with dirt floors and neglected thatch roofs. The
pigs and the cows were frequently as well housed as the people, with
whom they associated upon very familiar terms, since the barn
and the house were commonly in the same building. The
drinking-water was bad, and there was no attempt to secure proper
drainage. Fortunately everyone was out of doors a great deal of
the time, for the women as well as the men usually worked in the
the towns also there was much to remind one of the Middle Ages
and comfort.
695. London. In 1760 London had half a million inhabitants,
or about a tenth of its
present population. There were of course
no street cars or omnibuses, to say nothing of the thousands of
automobiles which now thread their way in and out through the
press of traffic. A few hundred hackney coaches and sedan chairs
served to carry those who had not private conveyances and could
404 General History oj Europe
the streets were still narrow, and there were none of the fine broad
avenues which now radiate from a hundred centers. There were
few sewers to carry off the water which, when it rained, flowed
through the middle of the streets. The filth and the bad smells of
former times still remained, and the people had to rely upon easily
polluted wells or the dirty River Seine for their water supply.
697. German Towns. In Germany very few of the towns had
spread beyond their medieval walls. They had, for the most
part, lost their former prosperity, which was still
recalled by the
fine old houses of the merchants and of the once flourishing
guilds (413). Berlin had a population of only about two hun-
dred thousand. Vienna, the finest city in Austria, was slightly
larger. This city then employed from thirty to a hundred street
cleaners, and boasted that the street lamps were lighted every
698. Italian Cities. Even the famous
cities of Italy, Milan,
Genoa, Florence, Rome (485 ff.),
notwithstanding their beau-
tiful palaces and public buildings, were, with the exception of
General Conditions in the Eighteenth Century 405
although they were, of course, shorn of the great power that the
more important dukes and counts had formerly enjoyed. In the
Middle Ages they ruled over vast tracts, could summon their
vassals to assist them in their constant wars with their neighbors,
and dared defy even the authority of the king himself ( 341 ff.).
702. Feudal Nobles brought under Royal Control. The Eng-
gayeties at court.
703. The English Peerage. In England the feudal castles
had disappeared earlier than in France, and the English law did
not grant to anyone, however long and distinguished his lineage,
developed ;
this included those whosepermitted them to
lege to their eldest sons. But the peers paid the same taxes as
every other subject and were punished in the same manner if
they were convicted of an offense. Moreover, only the eldest
living son of a noble father inherited his rank, while on the
Continent all became nobles. In this way the num-
the children
ber of the English nobility was greatly restricted.
704. The German Nobles. In Germany, however, the nobles
continued to occupy very much the same position which their
ancestors held in the Middle Ages. There had been no king to
do for Germany what the French kings had done for France;
no mighty man had risen strong enough to batter down castle
walls and bend all barons, great and small, to his will. The
General Conditions in the Eighteenth Century 407
class, which was even more powerful and better organized than
the nobility. They still enjoyed many rights and immunities
which set from the people at large. We have seen how
them off
spite of the changes which had overtaken it, the Church remained
in the eighteenth century a powerful and impressive institution.
408 General History of Europe
his allegiancje to the Pope and declared himself the head of the
privileges of the Anglican Church, men were very free in the eight-
eenth century in England to believe and to say what they wished.
One desiring to publish a book or pamphlet did not have to obtain
the permission of the government, as was required in France.
The result was that there was a vast amount of discussion of
religious, scientific,and political matters beyond anything that
went on any other European country. The books of the Eng-
for the past. They believed that former times had been better
than the present, because the evils of the past were little known,
while the existing ones were only too apparent. They therefore
always aspired to be as saintly, to write as good books, or to
paint as beautiful pictures as the great men of old. That they
might hope to excel their predecessors did not occur to them.
Their ideals centered in the past, and improvement seemed to
them to consist in reviving the
"good old days."
714. New
Idea of Progress. Thoughtful people, however, be-
gan to be aware of the deficiencies and mistakes of the past and
to dream of betterment and progress beyond the happiest times
of which they had any record. They came to feel that the igno-
rance and prejudices of their forefathers, and the bad laws and
institutions which they had handed down to them, were the chief
obstacles to reform. If only they could be free of these burdens
cepted the old views of the world and religion were quite justified
in suspecting that the new discoveries would make them trouble.
For scientific investigation taught men to distrust the past, which
furnished so many instances of ignorance and superstition. More-
over, some of its teachings did not seem to harmonize with the
Bible and the prevailing notions of the universe. Unlike the
theologians, the newer thinkers maintained that man was not
utterly or incapable of good thoughts and deeds except
writings enabled him to bring his views before all sorts and
conditions of men. He wrote histories, plays, dramas, philosophic
treatises, romances, and innumerable letters to his many admirers.
The name of Voltaire has become associated with his relentless
attack upon the Roman Catholic Church, which appeared to him
gious intolerance, the bad taxes, the slave trade, and the atrocities
of the criminal law it encouraged men to turn their minds to
wealth, its industry, its banks,- its luxury, its agriculture. The
ruin of Leipzig, of Lisbon, of Lima, has led to bankruptcies on
all the exchanges of Europe and has affected the fortunes of many
millions of persons."
In spite of its wisdom and moderation, however, it aroused the
opposition of the theologians, and after the first two volumes
appeared, in 1752, the king's ministers, to please the officials of
the Church, suppressed them, as containing principles hostile to
General Conditions in the Eighteenth Century 415
Extravagance in dress, of which the men were as guilty as the women, was
largely due to the influence of court life
own, known as the "King's Friends," and with their aid, and a
liberal use of what would now be regarded as bribery and graft,
House of Commons.
4i 8 General History of Europe
I. What survivals of the manorial system were to be found in
Europe in the eighteenth century? What was the condition of the
serfs ? Describe the medieval towns. Compare town life in the
eighteenth century in London and Paris with what you know of it
living in the eighteenth century differ from what it had been in the
Middle Ages ? the French nobility with the English peerage.
What do we owe development of kingship? How did the clergy
to the
come to be a privileged class? What was the position of the Church
in Catholic countries ? What was the censorship of the press ? Does it
eighteenth century.
731. The "Old Regime." We have already examined these
institutions which were common to most of the European coun-
tries, despotic kings, arbitrary imprisonment, unfair taxation,
censorship of the press, serfdom, feudal dues, friction between
Church and State, all of which the reformers
had been busy
denouncing as contrary to reason and humanity, and some of
which the benevolent despots had, in a half-hearted way, at-
tempted to remedy. The various relics of bygone times and of
outlived conditions which the Revolution abolished forever are
content. AH Frenchmen
did not enjoy the same rights as citizens.
Two small but very important classes, the nobility and the clergy,
were treated differently by the State from the rest of the people.
They did not have to pay one of the heaviest of the taxes, the
notorious t aille ;
and on one ground or another they escaped other
burdens which the rest of the citizens bore.
734. The Church. We have seen how great and powerful the
medieval Church still was (see above, 706 ff.). In France, as
in other Catholic countries of Europe, it took charge of education
and of the relief of the sick and the poor. It was very wealthy
and is supposed to have owned one fifth of all the land in France.
The clergy claimed that their property, being dedicated to God,
was not subject as other land was to taxation. They consented,
however, to help the king from time to time by a free gift," as
422 General History of Europe
they called it. The Church still continued to collect the tithes
from the people, and its vast possessions made it very independent.
A great part of the enormous income of the Church went
to the higher clergy the bishops, archbishops, and abbots.
Since these were appointed by the king, often from among his
Many of the manors had great pigeon houses, built in the form
of a tower, in which there were one or two thousand nests. No
wonder the peasants detested these, for they were not permitted
to protect themselves against the innumerable pigeons and their
progeny, which spread over the fields devouring newly sown seed.
The higher offices in the army were reserved for the nobles,
as well as the easiest and most lucrative places in the Church
and in the king's palace.
persons as well. He could issue orders for the arrest and arbi-
trary imprisonment of anyone he pleased. Without trial or for-
mality of any sort a person might be cast into a dungeon for an
indefinite period, until the king happened to remember him again
or was reminded of him by the poor man's friends. These noto-
rious orders of arrest were called sealed letters." They were
not obtain for anyone who had influence with the king
difficult to
They would urge that the king's ministers had misled his Majesty.
426 General History of Europe
mercy of the men who might get the king under their influence.
741. Attempts to encourage Discussion of Public Questions.
Eye Room (salon de I'CEH-de-bceuf) from the round window above the
door where the ambassadors and other dignitaries waited to be admitted,
and while waiting often planned and plotted how to win the king's favor.
Louis XVI's bedroom at Versailles is still preserved, in much of its old-
time splendor; for the palace is now a museum
disagreeable busi-
ness of govern-
ment, and would
gladly have made
his people happy
if had not
that we found
in Frederick the
Great or Gather
ine II; he was
never tempted to
rise as they had
at five o'clock in
the morning in or-
der to read State
1756 ( 659). The queen was only nineteen years old when she
came to the throne, light-hearted and eager for pleasure. She dis-
liked the formal etiquette of the court at Versailles and shocked
people by her thoughtless pranks. She loved intrigue and did not
The Eve of the French Revolution 429
people could see for the first time how much the taille and the
salt tax actually took from them, and how much the king spent on
I. How should the French Revolution be distinguished from the
continued, "after it has learned the true state of the finances can
destroy the existing evils and injustices." So the king finally
decided to summon the Estates General in
May, 1789.
749. Question of voting by Order or by Head. The Estates
General had originated in the fourteenth century (481) and
was made up of representatives elected by the nobility, clergy,
and Third Estate, each sending an equal number of delegates.
These delegates were not expected to consider the needs of the
nation as a whole but of their own particular class. So each of
the three groups sat by itself, and each came to a separate agree-
ment and cast a single vote for its class. They did not form a
single body deliberating and voting individually, like a modern
House of Representatives. The Estates had not met since 1614,
and there was much discussion in regard to the nature and powers
432 General History of Europe
of the body. But there was a general agreement that the system
of voting by orders was absurd, for the two privileged orders could
outvote the representatives of the nation at large, and they were
likely to do so when it came to abolishing their old privileges and
pened, but most thoughtful people were tired of the old absolute
751. How the Estates General became a National Assembly,
June, 1789. Withthese ideas in mind, the deputies assembled in
Versailles and held on May 5, 1789. In spite
their first session
of the king's commands the representatives of the Third Estate
refused to organize themselves in the old way as a separate
order. They sent invitation after invitation to the deputies of the
that, since they represented at least ninety-six per cent of the na-
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The French Revolution 433
transformed the old feudal Estates, voting by orders, into the first
modern national representative assembly on the continent of Europe.
752. The "Tennis-Court" Oath. Under the influence of his
courtiers the king tried to restore the old system by arranging
a "royal" session of the three orders, at which he presided in
person. He presented a long program of reforms, and then bade
the Estates sit
apart, according to the old custom. But it was
like bidding water to run uphill. Three days before, when the
members of the Third Estate had found themselves excluded from
their regular place of meeting on account of the preparations for
the royal session, they had betaken themselves to a neighboring
building called the "Tennis Court." Here, on June 20, they took
the famous "Tennis-Court" oath, "to come together wherever
may dictate, until the constitution of the kingdom
shall be established."
Consequently, when the king finished his address and com-
manded the three orders to resume their separate sessions, most
of the bishops, some of the parish priests, and a great part of the
nobility obeyed ;
the rest sat still, uncertain what they should do.
When the master of ceremonies ordered them to comply with the
king's commands, Mirabeau, the most distinguished statesman
among the deputies, told him bluntly that they would not leave
their places except at the point of the bayonet. The weak king
almost immediately gave in and a few days later ordered all the
nearly a hundred were killed. After a brief attack the place was
surrendered, and the mob rushed into the gloomy pile. They found
only seven prisoners, but one poor fellow had lost his wits and
another had no idea why he had been kept there for years. The
captives were freed amidst great enthusiasm, and the people soon
work to demolish the walls. The anniversary of the fall of the
set to
Bastilleis still celebrated as the great national holiday of France.
Assembly had effected. Louis XVI gave his assent to the changes,
1 The National
Assembly resolved to issue a paper currency for which the newly ac-
quired lands should serve as security. Of these assignats, as this paper money was
called, about forty billions of francs were issued in the next seven years. But since so
much land was thrown on the market, they were worth less and less as time went on, and
ultimately a great part of them was repudiated.
438 General History of Europe
but with the feeling that he might be losing his soul by so doing.
From that time on he became at heart an enemy of the Revolution.
The discontent with the new system on the part of the clergy
led to another serious error by the Assembly. It required the
clergy to take an oath to be faithful to the law and the new
French constitution. Forty-six thousand parish priests refused to
sacrifice their religious scruples.As time went on, the "nonjur-
ing" clergy were dealt with more and more harshly, and the way
was prepared for the horrors of the Reign of Terror.
were joined later by other nobles, and collected a little army with
which they proposed to invade France and reestablish the old
regime. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette tried to join them in
June, 1791, but were arrested at Varennes near the border and
brought back to Paris. The National Assembly pretended that
the king had not really fled, but had been carried off by his
bad advisers.
The French Revolution 439
proud people like the French, even if the permanence of the new
the most famous was that of the "Jacobins." When the Assembly
moved into Paris, some of the representatives of the Third Estate
rented a large room in the monastery of the Jacobin monks, not
far from the building where the National Assembly itself met.
The aim of this society was to discuss questions which were about
44O General History of Europe
assembly was made up for the most part of new and inexperienced
young men. For the National Assembly had voted that none
of its members should be eligible for election to the Legislative
part of the priests who had formerly supported the Third Estate.
It lost, moreover, the confidence of the great mass of faithful
Catholics, merchants, artisans, and peasants, who had ap-
proved the reforms but would not desert their religious leaders.
767. France involved in War with Austria and Prussia (1792).
their heart upon doing away with the king altogether and estab-
lishing a republic. A group of them had taken possession of the
city hall, pushed the old members of the municipal council
from their seats, and taken the government in their own hands.
In thisway the members of the Paris city government (or
Commune) became the leaders in the new revolution which
established the first French republic.
769. France a Republic, September 22, 1792. The Assembly
nobles, they had filled the prisons with some three thousand citi :
zens. On September 2 and 3 hundreds of these were executed with
occupation with France to seize more than her share in the second
partition of Poland (665). They now came to an agreement.
444 General History of Europe
leaders relied upon the populace of Paris, which had been disap-
pointed that "liberty" had not bettered the hard conditions of
life as it had hoped, to aid them in reaching their ends.
rested, and the power in the Convention fell into the hands of the
extreme Jacobins of the Mountain. This act of violence was re-
publicans, who drove off the enemy so that by the end of the year
all danger from invasion was past.
446 General History of Europe
wives, fathers and mothers, and children of all the emigrant nobles
were to be imprisoned. The guillotine was used to cut off the
heads of those convicted of being counter-revolutionists.
In October the queen, Marie Antoinette, after a trial in which
falseand atrocious charges were brought against her, 1 was exe-
cuted in Paris, and a number of high-minded and distinguished
persons suffered a like fate. But the most horrible acts of the
Reign of Terror were perpetrated in the provinces, where deputies
of the Committee of Public Safety were sent with almost absolute
military power to crush rebellions. A representative of the Con-
vention had thousands of the people of Nantes shot down or
drowned. The Convention proposed to destroy the great city of
Lyons altogether, and, though this decree was only partially car-
ried out, thousands of its citizens were executed. 2
780. Split in the Mountain. Soon the radical party which
was conducting the government began to disagree among them-
selves. Danton, a man of fiery zeal for the Republic, who had
1 She
had, like the king, been guilty of encouraging the enemies of France to
2 It
should not be forgotten that very few of the people at Paris stood in any fear of
the guillotine.The city during the Reign of Terror was not the gloomy place that we
might imagine. Never did the inhabitants appear happier, never were the theaters and
restaurants more crowded. The guillotine was making away with the enemies of liberty,
so the women wore tiny guillotines as ornaments, and the children were given toy guil-
lotines and amused themselves decapitating the figures of " aristocrats."
The French Revolution 447
1 The date of Robespierre's fall is generally known as the Ninth of Thermidor, the
day and month of the republican calendar.
448 General History of Europe
few of those who were brought before it. Indeed, it turned upon
those who had themselves been the leaders in the worst atrocities ;
speedy end, and the coalition of foreign powers had been defeated.
Meanwhile other committees appointed by the Convention had
been quietly working upon the problem of bettering the system of
education, which had been taken by the State out of the hands of
the clergy. Progress had also been made toward establishing a
single system of law for the whole country to replace the old con-
fusion. The new republican calendar was not destined to survive
many years, but the metric system of weights and measures intro-
duced by the Convention has now been adopted by most Euro-
pean countries and is used by men of science in England and
The French Revolution 449
I. What were'Calonne's plans, and why did they fail? How did the
Estates General come to be summoned in 1789? What were the chief
questions raised in regard to their organizationWhat were the cahiers,
and upon what main points did they agree? By what process did the
Estates General turn into a national assembly ? What were the causes
and results of the attack on the Bastille ? What were the chief provi-
sions of the decree abolishing the feudal system? Give an account
of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Under what conditions was
the National Assembly moved to Paris ? What were the reforms made
in the French Church? What immediate results did they have on the
course of the Revolution ?
II. Who
were the emigrant nobles, and what was their plan ? What
were the results of the king's attempted flight in June, 1791? What
was the Declaration of Pillnitz ? Who were the Jacobins ? What vari-
ous kinds of matter do we find in a modern newspaper? What meas-
ures were taken against the emigrant nobles and the nonjuring clergy?
Why did the Legislative Assembly declare war on Austria ?
III. How was the First French Republic established ? Do you see
any good reasons for the execution of Louis XVI? Why did France
declare war on England? With what European powers was France at
war by the spring of 1793?
IV. What was the need of a Committee of Public Safety ? Who
were the Girondists ? the Mountain ? What led to civil war in France,
and what was the outcome of it? What do you understand by the
Reign of Terror ? Can you give any justification of the harsh measures
taken by the Convention and its committees ? What were Robespierre's
views? What were the reasons for his fall? Describe the constitu-
tion of the Year Three. Review the chief acts of the Convention.
1See page 437 n. There were about forty billions of francs in assignats in circulation
at theopening of 1796. At that time it required nearly three hundred francs in paper
money to procure one in specie.
Republic had driven back its enemies in the autumn of 1793 and
The Career oj Napoleon Bonaparte 451
Egypt with the idea of cutting off Great Britain's commerce with
the East and perhaps seizing her possessions in India. He man-
aged to land his army safely at Alexandria, but the British fleet
under Nelson destroyed the French fleet as it lay in the harbor
and cut Bonaparte off from Europe. He easily defeated the troops
of the Turkish Sultan, who was ruler of Egypt, in the famous
M <" I
i-) O.
O 1
2 -
The Career of Napoleon Bonaparte 453
Bonaparte head
at the of the government. He had a new con-
stitution drawn up which was ratified by a vote of the nation.
790. Bonaparte Acceptable as First Consul. The accession of
the popular young general to power was undoubtedly grateful to
the majority of citizens, who longed above all for a stable govern-
ment. The Swedish envoy wrote just after the coup d'etat : A
legitimate monarch has perhaps never found a people more ready
to do his bidding than Bonaparte, and it would be inexcusable if
this talented general did not take advantage of this to introduce
led his troops over the famous Alpine pass of the Great St. Ber-
nard, dragging his cannon over in the trunks of trees which had
been hollowed out for the purpose. He arrived safely in Milan
on the second of June to the utter astonishment of the Austrians,
who were taken completely by surprise.
793. Battle of Marengo, June, 1800. Bonaparte defeated the
Austrians in the famous battle of Marengo (June 14), and added
one more to the list of his great military successes. A truce was
signed next day, and the Austrians retreated eastward, leaving
Bonaparte to restore French influence in northern Italy. The dis-
tricts that he had "freed" had to support his army, and the
reestablished Cisalpine Republic was forced to pay a monthly
tax of two million francs.
794. General Pacification (isoi-isoz). A second victory gained
by the French in December of the same year brought Aus-
tria to terms, and she agreed to conclude a separate peace with
emperor agreed, on his own part and on the part of the Holy
Roman Empire, that the French Republic should thereafter
robbery prevailed, and there was a general decline in industry. A manufacturer in Paris
who had employed from sixty to eighty workmen now had but ten. The lace, paper, and
linen industries were as good as destroyed.
458 General History oj Europe
813. Prussia forced into War with France. One of the most
important of the continental states had taken no part as yet in the
opposition to the extension of Napoleon's power. Prussia, the first
815. Treaties of Tilsit (iso?). Napoleon now led his army
into Poland, where he spent the winter in operations against Rus-
sia. He closed an arduous campaign by a signal victory at Fried-
land (June 14, 1807), which was followed by the treaties of
Tilsit with Russia and Prussia (July 7 and 9). Prussia was
thoroughly defeated. Frederick William III lost all his pos-
sessions to the west of the Elbe and all that Prussia had gained
in the second and third partitions of Poland. The Polish terri-
tory Napoleon made into a new subject kingdom called the grand
duchy of Warsaw, and chose his friend the king of Saxony as
its ruler. Out of the western lands of Prussia, which he later
1 That
is, a blockade which includes too long a stretch of coast to permit the
ships at the disposal of the power proclaiming the blockade really to enforce it.
464 General History of Europe
lations and pay all the charges she imposed for licenses and
dues, the amount to be paid for a single voyage, let us say from
Baltimore to Holland and back, would amount to thirty thousand
dollars a large sum in those days.
which endanger the lives of passengers and crews and threaten the
destruction of cargoes. All warring nations are likely to disre-
Napoleon used the various palaces erected by the previous rulers of France.
That at Compiegne, fifty miles from Paris, was built by Louis XV. The
smaller harp was made, it is said, for Napoleon's heir, the "King of Rome,"
as his father called him. However, when Napoleon abdicated in 1814, the
boy was but three years old, and was carried off to Austria by his Austrian
mother, Maria Louisa. He was known by the Bonapartists as Napoleon II,
but never ruled over France
of Europe," but this time she found no one to aid her. The great
battle of Wagram, near Vienna (July 5-6), was perhaps not so
unconditional a victory for the French as that of Austerlitz, but
it forced Austria into just as humiliating a
peace as that of
Pressburg. Austria's object had been to destroy Napoleon's sys-
tem and "to restore to their rightful possessors
of dependencies
all those lands belonging to them respectively before the Napo-
leonic usurpations." Instead of accomplishing this end, Austria
was obliged to cede more territory to Napoleon and his allies, and
468 General History of Europe
social organization than France had been before 1789. The agri-
cultural classes were serfs, who were bound to the land and com-
pelled to work a certain part of each week for the lord without
remuneration. The population was divided into strict social castes.
470 General History oj Europe
century, and then under the stress of dire calamity, that Prussia
sufficiently modernized herself to abolish the medieval manor and
free the peasants until then bound to the soil and sold with it.
But the manorial lords, the so-called Junkers, remained rich and
influential, and have continued down to this day, with their
ancient notions of kingship by the grace of God and military
tempts were being made to rouse the national spirit of the Ger-
mans and prepare them to fight against their French conquerors,
A leader in this movement was the well-known philosopher
Fichte. He arranged a course of public addresses in Berlin, just
after the defeat at Jena, in which he told his auditors, with
impressive warmth and eloquence, that the Germans were the
one really superior people in the whole world. All other nations
were degraded and had, he was confident, seen their best days ;
diers were, however, still triumphant for a time. He gained his last
peror crossed the Rhine with the remnants of his army the whole
French people and trusted that the divisions between the nations
would prevent a combined attack on him. But the allies quickly
forgot their rivalry in the face of common danger and joined to
overthrow once more "the destroyer of the world's peace."
838. Defeat of Napoleon. The Duke of Wellington assembled
an army of one hundred thousand British, Germans, and Dutch
in the Netherlands, and Bliicher with another large army of
Prussians was ready to assist him. The Austrians also had a
considerable force near the Rhine. Napoleon hastily collected
such an army as he could and with his old daring marched to the
Belgian frontier, hoping to divide his enemies and deal with them
separately. Although he managed at first to drive back the Prus-
sians, he was overcome by Wellington's forces at Waterloo and
completely routed by Bliicher's troops, who arrived to assist the
There was now no hope for Napoleon, for the allies
British general.
had combined to send indefinite numbers into the field against
him. Hopelessly defeated at last, the career of the mighty con-
I. Tell something of the early life of Napoleon Bonaparte. What
powers were at war with France when Bonaparte took command of the
Italian army ? With what success did Bonaparte meet in Italy ? De-
scribe Bonaparte's character. What were the chief sources of his
Describe the general nature of the Holy Roman Empire. Had the em-
perors tried in previous centuries to strengthen Germany ? What were
the circumstances that led to the consolidation of Germany in 1803 ?
What is meant by "secularization"? Give some examples.
The Career of Napoleon Bonaparte 475
Napoleon's attempt to add Spain to his empire ? How were the French
boundaries extended after the war with Austria in 1809? Why did
Napoleon marry an Austrian princess ?
VI. Why did Napoleon undertake his Russian expedition ? What re-
forms were carried through in Prussia as a result of her defeat by
Napoleon? Tell something of the campaign of 1813. Why is the battle
of Leipzig called the "Battle of the Nations"? What was the end of
Napoleon's career in Europe? What does Europe owe to Napoleon?
ing things as they had been before the Napoleonic period, for the
reason that Austria, Russia, and Prussia all had schemes for their
own advantage that interfered with so simple an arrangement.
The allies quickly agreed that Holland should become a heredi-
tary kingdom under the House of Orange, which had long played so
away with. The people of the countries that had come under his
influence had learned some of the great lessons of the French
Revolution. Nevertheless the restored monarchs in many of the
smaller European states proceeded to reestablish the ancient feudal
abuses and to treat their subjects as if there had been no French
Revolution and no suchman as Napoleon.
In order to understand the period following the downfall of
Napoleon we must realize that the statesmen who met together
at Vienna were determined to restore peace in Europe and to
promote their own national interests, which had been so impaired
by Napoleon's ambitions. They therefore reinstated the monarchs
whom they regarded as " legitimately " entitled to rule, and sup-
pressed all attempts on the part of the people to gain any further
measure of liberty. This they believed was the only way to bring
order out of the chaos into which Europe had fallen.
844. Influence of Metternich. Austria had emerged from the
disorder as the most dominant power in Europe and played for
any cost were able, under the leadership of her astute minister,
Count Metternich, to oppose pretty successfully those who from
time to time attempted to secure for the people a greater control
of the government. This did not mean, of course, that no prog-
ress was made during this long period in realizing the ideals of
the liberal parties in the various European states, or that one
man could block the advance of nations for a generation.
845. The Holy Alliance. The Tsar, Alexander I, had become
very religious and invited the pious king of Prussia and the
voting the nobility a large sum of money for the property they
had lost during the Revolution. Then, by royal decrees, a censor-
ship of the press was established, the suffrage was limited to a
48o General History of Europe
form and who had become the leader of those who fought all
nich, who had from time to time called congresses of the European
powers, obtained their consent to dispatch Austrian troops to
check the development of "revolt and crime." So all liberal
movements were suppressed for the time being.
in Italy
857. Hopeful Signs. Yet there were two hopeful signs. Eng-
land protested as early as 1820 against Metternich's theory of
interfering in the domestic affairs of other independent states in
order to prevent reforms of which he disapproved, and France, on
the accession of Louis Philippe in 1830, emphatically repudiated
the doctrine of intervention. A
second and far more important
indication of progress was the increasing conviction on the part
of the Italians that their country ought to be a single nation and
against theirDutch king and forced his troops to leave the city.
Through the influence of England and France the European
because their inhabitants speak Spanish or Portuguese, which are languages derived from
486 General History oj Europe
Upon what points did the Congress of Vienna easily agree ? Upon
The spinning mule required only one person to operate a long row of
spindles and did the work of many hand-spinners
facturing, two new social classes. There were, on the one hand,
the capitalists, who owned the buildings and the machinery and
who had the money necessary to run the business and, on the
The workingman became dependent upon the few who were rich
enough to set
up factories. He
could no longer earn a livelihood
in the old way by conducting a small shop of his own, but must
seek employment from the capitalist. As long as there were
plenty of workers the business man could fix any hours and pay
what he wished. The question of how much of the profits shall
go to the business man or capitalist and how much shall be given
tc the workmen is still the most vital question in the problem of
the relation of labor and capital.
877. Womenand Children in the Factories. The destruc-
tion of the domestic system of industry had also a revolution-
ary effect upon the work and the lives of women and children.
Before the invention of the steam engine, when the simple
machines were worked by hand, children could be employed only
in some of the minor processes, such as preparing the cotton for
special ability he could only hope to get the wages that the em-
ployer found it advantageous to pay him.
879. Sad Results of the Industrial Revolution. The chief
trouble with this theory was that it did not work well in practice.
On the contrary, the great manufacturing cities, instead of being
filled with happy and prosperous people, became the homes of a
small number who had grown rich as the owners and
of capitalists,
and multitudes of poor working people
directors of the factories,
with no other resources than their wages, which were often not
enough to keep their families from starvation. Little children
under nine years of age, working from twelve to fifteen hours a
day, and women forced to leave their homes to tend the machines
in the factories were now replacing the men workers. After their
At first the formation of unions was forbidden by
English law. Men were sentenced to imprisonment or deporta-
tion as convicts if they joined such "combinations," or unions,
to raise their wages. In 1824 Parliament repealed this harsh law,
and trade-unions increased rapidly. They were hampered, how-
ever, by various restrictions, and even now, although they have
spread widely all over the world, people are by no means agreed
as to whether workingmen's unions are the best way of improving
the conditions of the laboring classes.
Another theory for permanently bettering the situation of the
working people which developed was socialism. As socialism has
played an important role in the history of Europe during the past
fifty years, we must stop to examine the meaning of this word.
mines which house and keep them going, as well as the railroads
and steamships which carry their goods. In short, the main idea
of the socialists is that the great industries which have arisen as a
result of the Industrial Revolution should not be left in private
hands. They claim that it is not right for the capitalists to own
the mills upon which the workingman must depend for his living ;
that the attempt of labor unions to get higher wages does not
offer more than a
temporary relief, since the system is wrong
which permits the wealthy to have such a control over the poor.
The person who works for wages, say the socialists, is not free ;
1 The craft guilds described in a previous chapter ( 413, 700) somewhat re-
sembled modern labor unions, but they included both capitalists and laborers. Our labor
unions did not grow out of the medieval guilds, but were organized to meet conditions
'that resulted from the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution 497
to bring the change, once the situation was made clear. Modern
socialists, however, do not
think that the rich will ever,
from pure unselfishness, give
up their control over indus-
tries. So they turn to work-
ing people only, and call
claim only that there shall be no unearned wealth in private hands controlling, as now,
the industries of the country. Brain workers are also " workers."
2 The French term
boutgeoisie is often used by socialists for this class.
4Q8 General History of Europe
I. What do you understand by
the "Industrial Revolution"? What
is spinning? weaving?Give some account of the way in which our
modern way of spinning and weaving by machinery grew up.
II. What conditions were necessary for the development of modern
Philippe. The liberals maintained that the king had too much
power and demanded that every Frenchman should have the
right to vote so soon as he reached maturity. As Louis Philippe
grew older he not only opposed reforms himself but also did all
he could to keep the parliament and the newspapers from advo-
cating any changes which the progressive parties demanded.
Nevertheless, the strength of the Republicans gradually increased.
They found allies in the new group of socialistic writers who
desired a fundamental reorganization of the State.
887. The Second Republic Proclaimed. On February 24,
1848, a mob invaded the Assembly, as in the time of the Reign
of Terror, crying, Down with the Bourbons, old and new !
500 General History of Europe
Long live the Republic ! The king abdicated, and a provisional
lead of Milan and set up the republic of St. Mark. By this time a
great part of Italy was in revolt. Constitutions were granted to
Naples, Rome, Tuscany, and Piedmont by their rulers. Charles
Albert, the king of Sardinia,was forced by public opinion to as-
sume the leadership in the attempt to expel Austria from Italy.
894. Reform Movement in Germany. The king of Prussia
determined to take the lead in Germany. He agreed to summon
an assembly to draw up a constitution for Prussia. Moreover, a
great National Assembly was convoked at Frankfort to draft a
constitution for Germany at large.
895. Defeat of the Italians (July, 1848). For the moment
Austria's chief danger lay in Italy. The Italians were, however,
unable to drive the Austrian army out of Italy. Charles Albert
found himself, with the exception of a few volunteers, almost un-
supported by the other Italian states, which, for one reason or
another, grew indifferent as soon as the war had actually begun.
On July 25 he was defeated at Custozza and compelled to sign a
truce with Austria and withdraw his forces from Lombardy.
896. Conditions in Austria. Meanwhile conditions in Aus-
triabegan be favorable to a reestablishment of the emperor's
former influence. Each of the various peoples under Austrian
rule determined to make itself largely independent, and great
was the confusion that ensued. The Czechs 1 and Germans in
Bohemia hated one another. The Germans naturally opposed the
plan of making Bohemia practically independent of the govern-
ment of Vienna, for it was German Vienna to which they were
wont to look for protection against the enterprises of their Czech-
ish fellow countrymen. An insurrection that broke out among the
war was brutally murdered, and the emperor fled. The city was,
however, besieged by General Windischgratz and was forced to
surrender. The imperial government was now in a position still
further to strengthen itself. A reactionary ministry was formed
and the emperor, a notoriously inefficient person, was forced to
abdicate (December 2,
sweep away most of the reforms that had been gained. Charles
Albert abdicated in favor of his son Victor Emmanuel, who was
destined before many years to become king of Italy (see next
900. Problems in forming a Constitution for Germany. In
Germany, as elsewhere, Austria profited by the dissensions
among her opponents. On May 18, 1848, the National As-
sembly, consisting of nearly six hundred representatives of the
German people, had met at Frankfort. It immediately began
the consideration of a new constitution that should satisfy the
impossible for the new union was to include two great European
I. What were the causes of discontent with Louis Philippe's govern-
ment ? When and how was the Second Republic established ? Why
were the Socialists dissatisfied with the provisional government ? De-
scribe the experiment with the "national workshops" and its result.
Give some of the causes that led to the reelection of Louis Napoleon
Second Republic. How did he succeed in reestab-
as president of the
lishing the
II. Whywas Austria regarded as the greatest enemy of liberal
government in Europe ? Name some of her possessions. What effect
did the overthrow of Metternich have on the liberals in Europe? De-
scribe the struggle in Italy for independence. What were the difficul-
ties in making any peaceful settlement in Austrian territories ? Describe
M lta\>
(To QreatBr tln)
y rp
* T V
904. How Two New European Powers were formed. Among
the most important events of the latter half of the nineteenth
Italy into the Holy Roman Empire. Both Germany and Italy
apart for centuries into practically independent little princi-
palities and city states, often warring with one another and often
dominated by foreign powers. After the French king Charles VIII
invaded Italy in 1495 ( 504), France, Austria, and Spain fought
with one another over bits of Italian territory, and later Napoleon
rearranged both countries to suit his taste. The Congress of
Vienna left Italy divided and assured Austria control over the
northern portions. As for the German states, they were com-
bined in a feeble union in which Austria and Prussia, with all
their bitter rivalries, were included.
In spite of Metternich's efforts to maintain this situation there
were leaders in both Germany and Italy working for unification,
and finally, weakness, and foreign
after centuries of disunion,
ceded Lombardy to
Victor Emmanuel and
permitted him to an-
nex the little duchies
of Parma and Mo-
dena. It was also ar-
when, under his auspices, many of the little states were swal-
lowed up by the larger ones in 1803 and the following years
( 797 f -)- The old Holy Roman Empire of the German na-
tion came to an end in 1806, and Germany was completely
under French influence for several years. After Napoleon's
downfall a loose union of the surviving states into which Ger-
many had been consolidated was formed at the Congress of
Vienna. The attempt of the constitutional assembly of Frank-
fort in 1848-1849 to form a strong democratic empire under
Prussia failed, because the king of Prussia refused to accept the
subject. The first thing that William I did was to increase the
annual levy from forty to sixty thousand men and to see that all
the soldiers remained in active service three years. They then
passed into the reserve, according to the existing law, where for
two years more they remained ready at any time to take up
arms should it be necessary. William wished to increase the
term of service in the reserve to four years. In this way the
capacitated by disease.
The Kingdom of Italy and the German Empire 513
nevertheless, with his plan, and in 1862 called to his side Otto von
Bismarck, a Prussian statesman who could carry out that plan
despite opposition. The new minister was a Prussian of the
Prussians, and he dedicated his great abilities to the single object
of Prussianizing all Germany. He believed firmly in the divine
sion, but the powerful Prussian army was ready for immediate
action, so that, in spite of the suspicion and even hatred which
the Liberal party in Prussia entertained for the autocratic Bis-
marck, all resistance on the part of the states of the North was
promptly prevented. Austria was defeated on July 3 in the deci-
sive battle of Sadowa, and within three weeks after the breaking
off of diplomatic relations the war was practically over. The in-
fluence of Austria was at an end, and Prussia had proved her
power to do with Germany as she pleased.
919. The North German Federation. Prussia was aware that
the larger states south of the Main River were not ripe for the
union that she desired. She therefore organized a so-called
North German Federation, which included all the states north
of the Main. Prussia had grasped the opportunity to increase
her own boundaries and round out her territory by seizing the
North German states, with the exception of Saxony, that had
gone to war against her. Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, and
the free city of Frankfort, along with the duchies of Schleswig and
tion of two states lasted down until 1918, when it all fell to
pieces as a result of
the World War.
owing to the recovery of the United States from the Civil War
and their warning that they should regard his continued inter-
vention there as a hostile act.
922. The Franco-Prussian War (isvo-mi). One course re-
mained French emperor, namely, to permit himself to be
for the
forced into a war with Prussia, which had especially roused the
1869 Spain was without a king, and the crown was tendered to Leopold of
1 In
Hohenzollern, a very distant relative of William I of Prussia. This greatly excited the
people of Paris, for it seemed to them only an indirect way of bringing Spain under the
influence of Prussia. The French minister of foreign affairs declared that the arrangement
was an attempt to " reestablish the empire of Charles V." In view of this opposition
Leopold withdrew his acceptance of the Spanish crown early in July, 1870, and Europe
believed the incident to be at an end. The French ministry; however, was not satisfied
with this and demanded that the king of Prussia should pledge himself that the plan
should never be renewed. This William refused to do. Bismarck did not hesitate
to falsify the actual circumstances in the German newspapers
in such a way that it ap-
peared as if the French ambassador had insulted King William. The Parisians at the
same time received the impression that their ambassador had received an affront, and
demanded an immediate declaration of war.
The Kingdom of Italy and the German Empire 517
Rome, and the Pope made little effort to defend his capital
against the Italian army, which occupied it in September. The
The Kingdom of Italy and the German Empire 519
just behind but the monument faces in the opposite direction, down a
broad, busy street of the modern city, which is growing rapidly. Electric cars
now connect the seven hills, and arc lights shine beside the Colosseum
520 General History of Europe
warfare they were able to retain only a strip along the coast of the
and the two churches of the Vatican and the Lateran in Rome, are all that is
left of the temporal sovereignty of the papacy
Red Sea about twice the size of the state of Pennsylvania. Again,
in 1911,by a war with Turkey, they took Tripoli on the south
shore of the Mediterranean ( 1103).
929. Emigration from Italy. The cost of armaments made
Italy almost bankrupt at times, and as it was not a rich country,
taxes were very high. Since these fell largely upon the poor, hun-
dreds of thousands of Italiansleft their land as emigrants, prefer-
I. Review of Italy from the break-up of the
briefly the history
Roman Empire to 1859. What was
the importance of Sardinia in
Italy ? Why was Napoleon III ready to intervene in Italian affairs ?
What was the result of his intervention.? How was the kingdom of
Italy founded, and what Italian territories were not included in the
union of 1861 ?
II. Why is Germany called the youngest of the European powers?
How Germany really begin? Why did Prussia
did the unification of
play such an important role in Germany? What was the policy of
William I and Bismarck? What do you know of the German army?
What had the Schleswig-Holstein affair to do with the war of 1866?
What was the North German Federation?
III. How did France become involved in war with Germany in
1870? What was the course of the war? What were the terms of
peace? Why did these prove disastrous not only to Germany but to
the world at large? How did the final unification of Germany take
place ?
IV. When and how was Italy finally unified ? What is the position
of the Pope? Why do Italian emigrants go to America in preference
to their own colonies ?
930. The Predominance of Prussia in the German Empire.
In the North German Federation of 1866 Prussia, with the Ger-
man states she had just seized, constituted nearly the whole
union. After the South German states joined the federation and
so formed the German Empire, Prussia still formed nearly two
thirds of the whole empire, and her citizens amounted to nearly
two thirds of the entire population of Germany.
We may be sure that Bismarck, with his Prussian autocratic
ideas and his confidence in armies and kings, would see to it
that the new constitution for the empire insured the control of
This did not seem real socialism to the Socialists, but rather
more of the old paternalism familiar to Prussia in the time of
Frederick the Great. The existing capitalistic system of produc-
tion wasno way affected by State socialism, and the workers
themselves enjoyed no more influence over industry than they had
previously. It was the State, not they, that gained control.
937. Accession William II (isss). Kaiser William I,
who with Bismarck's help had founded and developed the Ger-
man Empire, died in 1888 full of years and honor among his
people. He was succeeded by his grandson, the "kaiser" of the
World War, William II. Bismarck did not get along well with
the arrogant new ruler and resigned in 1890. The kaiser chose
a new chancellor from time to time, but none of them exhibited
the capacity of the "iron chancellor," as Bismarck was called.
938. German Colonies. United Germany, like united Italy,
embarked upon a colonial policy. In the later years of Bismarck's
administration the Germans got control of large provinces (Togo
and Kamerun) on the western coast of Africa. They moreover
carved out a protectorate called German Southwest Africa, far
larger than the whole area of the German Empire, and they estab-
lished themselves in German East Africa, which was even more
extensive (see map, p. 582). But few Germans cared to emigrate
to the new colonies, and their treatment of the natives made
them a good deal of trouble. The enterprise cannot be said
to have paid very well. In 1897 the Germans seized the port
of Kiaochow in China and began to exhibit great jealousy in
William IPs father, Frederick, lived for only a few months after the death of the
" old kaiser."The new kaiser was a grandson of Queen Victoria of England and spoke
and wrote English excellently.
526 General History oj Europe
cials. Unfortunately the other nations did not take this German
talk seriously. Few imagined that the old Prussian
spirit of the
Great Elector, Frederick the Great, and Bismarck and the talk of
Fichte and other German philosophers, historians, and economists
about German superiority would take the form of an armed
attempt to put the theories into practice. Nevertheless this hap-
pened. The German conception of the State was quite different
from that which prevails in democratic countries. Lincoln once
defined democracy as "the government of the
people, by the
people, for the people." But in Germany the people were taught
The German Empire and the Third French Republic 527
Church control, liberty of the press, and other ideas which seemed
to be undermining the authority of the Church. A public-school
system was established in which clergymen were forbidden to
teach, and the private schools, which had been mainly run by
religious orders, were placed under strict government inspection.
As the monastic orders opposed the carrying out of this and
similar laws, which they regarded as persecution, parliament
finally closed their schools and forced the religious orders to dis-
band. As a result many monks and nuns left France.
946. Separation of Church and State. The next step was more
far-reaching. By the treaty, or "Concordat," of 1801 between
Napoleon and the Pope the bishops were appointed by the gov-
ernment, and the salaries of all the clergy were paid by the State,
much as had been the case in the old regime. The clergy, therefore,
Although the Catholic religion was recognized as that of the majority of Frenchmen,
the State also recognized the Reformed (Calvinists) and Lutheran churches and the
Jewish religious community.
53O General History of Europe
that the working classes in the cities ceased to hope for very much
proposed to win their way by strikes until they could force the
capitalists to meet their demands. Such a method of attack upon
I. How did the North German Federation grow into the German
Empire ? What were
the powers of the kaiser ? Contrast the position
of the Bundesrat with that of the United States Senate. Describe the
ing the powers claimed by the king and the English Church. The
Whigs, or Liberals, were the successors of the Roundhead, or
parliamentary, party of Charles I's time. This party had over-
thrown the Stuarts, gained theBill of Rights, and in the nine-
teenth century won the name of Reform party, from the kind of
laws which it advocated. Only recently has the Labor party
become important.
The party which happens to have the majority of votes in the
House of Commons claims the right to manage the government
of the country as long as it retains its majority. The leader
1 When Gladstone introduced his Home Rule Bill for Ireland in 1886, many
Liberals who opposed his policy deserted to join the Conservatives, who have since
generally been called Unionists.
532 General History of Europe
may happen, however, that the defeated cabinet believes that the
country is on its side. In this case it will ask the king to dissolve
Parliament and have a new election, with the hope that it will gain
a majority in that way. So it is clear that the cabinet regards itself
as responsible not merely to Parliament but to the nation at large.
952. Parliament responsible to the Nation. As the members
of the House of Commons are not elected for a definite term of
1 The
granting of the right to vote to women is one of the most important and inter-
esting events of the early twentieth century. Australia granted suffrage to women in
1901 Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark between 1907 and 1915. The World War
established the same right not only in England but in the United States, Russia, Germany (
Hungary, and other countries.
534 General History of Europe
right of free speech, free press, and liberty to meet for political
not until the middle of the nineteenth century that full liberty
of speech was attained. Now England is very proud of this
necessary institution of democracy.
957. Religious Toleration. England was a country of religious
freedom in the eighteenth century, but Catholics and those Prot-
estants who disagreed with the State Church namely, the Dis-
senters were excluded from public offices. After long agitation
this restriction was removed. In 1828 the old laws directed against
Dissenters were repealed on condition that those seeking office
should take an oath not to use their influence to injure or weaken
the established Church of England. The following year the Catho-
lics were put on the footing of other citizens by the passage of
the Emancipation Act, which admitted them to both houses of
Parliament and to almost publicall
upon condition that
1870 the government has been providing for the founding of free
public schools, and as a result almost all English children now learn
to read and write. As newspapers may now be had for a penny or
so, almost everyone is in a position to buy them, read them,
century. There were no less than two hundred and fifty offenses for
which the penalty of death was established. By a gradual process
of abolishing one death penalty after another the long list of
cottages where the workmen and their families were crowded to-
gether. The introduction of steam-driven machinery had made
possible the use of child labor on a large scale. The conditions of
adult labor, save in the most skilled classes, were almost as
wretched as those of child labor.
961. Factory Reform begins (1333). Finally, in 1833, Par-
liament, after much investigation, reduced the hours of child
labor in cotton and woolen mills, and in 1842 women and children
were forbidden to work in the mines. It was not until 1847 that
a bill was passed restricting the labor of women and children in
mills to ten hours.
With this great victory for the reformers the general resist-
ance to State interference was broken down, and year after year,
through the long reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) and those
of her successors, new measures were carried through Parliament,
and supplementing earlier laws, until today England does
in than any other European country for the welfare of the fac-
tory operatives.
962. England's Free Trade. England is famous for its free
:ade, while almost all other countries protect their manufacturers
by a tariff imposing customs duties on most articles imported from
foreign countries.England believed heartily in protection and ship-
ping laws until about the middle of the nineteenth century, when
536 General History of Europe
with the
English manufacturers decided that they could compete
world on a free-trade basis. First, all duties on grain (the Corn
Laws) were abolished, and then, between 1852 and 1867, all navi-
for providing meals for poor school children; and for properly
housing the poverty-stricken and so getting rid of slums.
964. Lloyd George's War on Misery. In 1908 David Lloyd
George became Chancellor of the Exchequer, in charge of the
nation's finances. In April, 1909, Lloyd George made a famous
speech in introducing his budget. "I am told," he said, "that
no chancellor of the exchequer has ever been called on to impose
Great Britain and her Empire 537
1911, they took away the power of the Lords to interfere seri-
ously in future with the will of the people as expressed in the
not only asked how much a man had but how he got his income. Those who worked their
lands or conducted mines or factories were to be treated with more consideration than
those who owed their incomes to the efforts of others. In this way Lloyd George intro-
duced a new principle of taxation, which was vigorously denounced by the Conservatives
as revolutionary and socialistic.
538 General History of Europe
trol, and in the west she held Bombay and a considerable area
north of Surat. Besides these
march, there was a fertile region known as the Sindh, ruled over
by an Ameer. On the ground that the Ameer's government was
and corrupt the British invaded his territory in 1843
peninsula was finally taken entirely out of the hands of the East
India Company, which had directed it for more than two hundred
and fifty years, and vested in the British sovereign (1858), to be
exercised under parliamentary control. On January i, 1877, Queen
Victoriawas proclaimed Empress of India amid an illustrious gath-
ering of Indian princes and British officials. King George V, as
Emperor of India, now rules over about three hundred millions of
Indian subjects inhabiting a domain embracing 1,773,000 square
miles. The
Secretary of State for India is responsible for Indian
affairs, while the actual administration in India is conducted by
a viceroy appointed by the British government.
980. Progress in India. The construction of railway lines has
been pushed forward with great rapidity, so that the vast interior
might be quickly reached by troops and an outlet opened for its
crops of cotton, rice, wheat, indigo, and tobacco. Cotton mills are
rising by the tombs of ancient kings, cities are increasing rapidly
in population, and the foreign trade by sea has multiplied twenty-
fold in the past seventy years. About eight hundred newspapers,
bec, New
Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The great regions to the
west and north were later developed by transcontinental railways
and divided into provinces and territories and added to the union.
So the Dominion of Canada is a federation somewhat like the
United States. It is greater in area than the republic to the south
544 General History of Europe
of it, and, though much of it lies very far north, there are vast
Parliament Hill is beautifully situated beside the Ottawa River. The main
building was burned, February, 1916
are really chosen mainly by the premier and the party in power
and hold office for life. The House of Commons
the important
United States ;
New Zealand alone is larger than the island of
Great Britain. A great part of the continent of Australia lies in
the southern temperate zone, but the northern region, near the
ern hemisphere. The country possesses gold, silver, coal, tin, cop-
per, and iron. Tasmania and New Zealand are more fortunate
than Australia in the diversity of their scenery and the general fer-
tility of their soil, while their climate is said to possess all the
had made any serious attempt to gain any foothold there until
England in 1787 decided that Botany Bay near the modern
town of Sydney would be an excellent and remote spot to which
to send criminals of whom she wished to get rid. For many years
convicts continued to be dispatched to Australia and Tasmania,
but by the middle of the nineteenth century so many respectable
English colonists had settled in New South Wales, West Australia,
Queensland, and South Australia that they induced the English
government to give up the practice of transporting criminals to
these lands. The discovery of gold in 1851 led to a great rush of
immigrants ;
but farming and sheep raising are the chief industries
987. The Commonwealth of Australia. The Australian colo-
nies finally decided that they would prefer to unite in a union
similar to that of Canada. Accordingly, in 1900 the British
Parliament passed an act constituting the Commonwealth of Aus-
tralia, to be composed of six states New South Wales, Tas-
mania, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, and West Australia.
546 General History oj Europe
chosen in the same way as in the United States. This body has
extensive power over commerce, railways, currency, banking,
postal and telegraph service, marriage and divorce, and industrial
arbitration. The system of secret voting, called the "Australian
impossible for a political manager who has bribed men to vote for
his side to be sure that they really fulfill their promises.
years later New Zealand became a separate colony, with the seat
of government at Wellington.
989. Social Reform in New Zealand. New Zealand has re-
to them nothing but the Dutch word for "peasant." The Eng-
weak Transvaal and the Orange Free State boldly declared war
on England. The Boers made a brave fight, and the English
managed the war badly. Many Englishmen thought it a shame
to be fighting Paul Kruger and his fellow farmers, and the greater
number of foreign nations
were in sympathy with the
Boers, but no one of the
powers intervened. Finally
England, after some humiliat-
ing defeats, was victorious
and annexed the two Boer
993. Formation of the
South African Union. With
a wise liberality toward the
conquered Boers, Britain pro-
ceeded to give them self-
government other parts
I. What is cabinet government ? How has it been connected with
party government ? How is the English government responsible to the
people? Describe the ways in which Parliament failed to represent the
nation prior to 1832. Outline the provisions of the Reform Bill of
1832. What did the Chartists want? How was the right to vote later
extended ?
II. Why
is freedom of speech an important part of self-government ?
There are about people in the South African Union, but a large por-
1 six millions of
tion of these are colored. white population, including both those of English and
those of Dutch descent, do not equal in number the inhabitants of Philadelphia.
550 General History of Europe
IV. How did England conquer India (answer with the map) ? What
different races are there in India ? What was the cause of the mutiny ?
How did Victoria become Empress of India? What have the British
done for India ? How
India governed today ?
century Russia has been coming into ever closer relations with
western Europe. Although still a backward country in many
Under his dominion there were many races and peoples, dif-
fering in customs, language, and religion Finns, Germans, Poles,
Jews, Tartars, Armenians, Georgians, and Mongols. The Rus-
sians themselves had colonized the southern plains of European
Russia and had spread even into Siberia. They made up a large
twelfth century.
997. Absolute Powers of the Tsar. Alexander
I had inherited,
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The Russian Empire in the Nineteenth Century 553
most despotic of all the long list of autocratic rulers. His harsh
measures speedily produced a revolt in Poland. Europe made no
response to Poland's appeals for assistance, and the Tsar's armies
soon crushed the rebellion with great cruelty. To all intents and
their writers. It may be said that, except for a few short intervals
of freedom, this whole system continued down to the revolution
of 1917.
Thirty years later, in 1863, the Poles made another desperate attempt to free them-
selvesfrom the yoke of Russia, but failed. Napoleon III refused to assist them, and
Bismarck supported the Tsar in the fearful repression which followed.
2 The Near-Eastern
question concerning the Turkish realms is to be distinguished
from the Far-Eastern question of European claims in China and the Orient.
554 General History of Europe
however, the national spirit once more awoke in Greece, and able
writers made modern Greek a literary language and employed it
nize the independence of Greece in 1829. She also freed from the
Sultan's control the two provinces at the mouth of the Danube
which were be combined into the kingdom of Rumania.
later to
Both the French and the English suffered great hardship and
losses.Russia was, however, disheartened by the sufferings of
her own soldiers, the inefficiency and corruption of her officials,
and the final loss of the mighty fortress of Sebastopol. She saw,
moreover, that her near neighbor, Austria, was about to join her
enemies. The new Tsar, Alexander II, therefore, consented in
nobility. Nearly one half of the Tsar's subjects were serfs whose
bondage and wretched seemed to present an insurmountable
monly reserved a portion of his estate for himself and turned over
to his serfs barely enough to enable them to keep body and soul
together. They usually spent three days in the week cultivating
their lord's fields. The serf was viewed as scarcely more than a
beast of burden.
The Russian Empire in the Nineteenth Century 557
p .
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The Russian Empire in the Nineteenth Century 561
engine, the factory, and the railroad, all of which served to un-
settle the humdrum agricultural life which the great majority of
Paul I
Alexander 1 Nicholas I
(1801-1825) (1825-1855)
Alexander II
Alexander III
Nicholas II
The Russian Empire in the Nineteenth Century 563
lowers of Karl Marx and looked forward to the time when the
population rather than for the benefit chiefly of the rich who
owned them.
1025. The Socialist Revolutionary Party. In contrast with
these were those Russian agitators who belonged to the Socialist
Whatever the cause, disaster was the outcome. The Japanese
defeated the Russians in Manchuria in a series of terrific conflicts
stealing money which should have gone for rifles and supplies,
and even funds of the Red Cross" Society for aiding the wounded.
continued all day. "Red Sunday" was, however, only the most
impressive of many similar encounters between citizens and the
Tsar's police and guards.
1028. Establishment of a Russian Parliament (Duma).
Some months after this tragedy the Tsar at last yielded to public
opinion and on August 19, 1905, agreed to summon a Russian
parliament (Duma), which should thereafter give Russia's auto-
cratic ruler advice in making the laws.
He and his advisers were soon pushed somewhat farther along
the path of reform by a general strike which began in the follow-
ing October. All the railroads stopped running in all the great
towns the shops, except those that dealt in provisions, were closed ;
gas and electricity were no longer furnished the law courts ceased
their duties ;
and even the apothecaries refused to prepare prescrip-
tions until reforms should be granted.
The situation soon became intolerable, and on October 29 the
Tsar announced that he had ordered "the government" to grant
the people freedom of conscience, speech, and association, and
to permit the classes which had been excluded in his first edict to
vote for members of the Duma. Lastly, he agreed "to establish
an immutable rule that no law can come into force without the
approval of the Duma."
The Tsar's ministers would not cooperate with the Duma in
the two months September and October, 1906, these courts sum-
marily condemned three hundred persons to be shot or hanged.
During the whole year some nine thousand persons were killed
or wounded for alleged offenses against the government.
1030. Famine added to the Other Disasters. A terrible
lage where the peasants had food enough for themselves or their
cattle. In some places the peasants were reduced to eating bark
and the straw used for their thatch roofs.
1031. The Dumas oppose the Tsar's Ministers. The Tsar
continued to summon the Duma regularly, but so changed the
suffrage that only the conservative sections of the nation were rep-
resented, and his officials did all they could to keep out liberal dep-
uties. In spite of this the fourth Duma, elected in 1912, showed
much independence in opposing the oppressive rule of the Tsar's
ministers. Although parliamentary government was by no means
won in Russia,many important reforms were achieved. The Tsar
retained the title of "Autocrat of all the Russias" until he was
forced to abdicate in 1917, and his officials went on violating all
the principles of liberty and persecuting those who ventured
to criticize the government.
I. What different peoples make up the Russian empire ? Prepare a
list of the Tsars of the nineteenth century with their dates. How did
Alexander I rule? How had Poland been left by the Congress of
Vienna? What resulted from its rebellion in 1831? State the argu-
ments for and against autocracy in Russia. What did Nicholas I do to
check the growth of liberalism ?
III. Describe the conditions of the serfs in Russia in the early nine-
teenth century. What were the results of the emancipation of the serfs ?
State the arguments of the terrorists.
IV. Describe the conditions of the people under the Sultan's rule.
Why did the European powers fail to interfere in the Bulgarian atroci-
ties ? What settlement of the Balkan situation was made at the Berlin
regularly from one port to another, and few of all these thousands
of ships are as small as the famous Great Western.
1034. The Suez Canal completed in 1869. The East and the
West have been brought much nearer together by the piercing of
the Isthmus of Suez, which formerly barred the way from the
Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. This enterprise was
carried outunder the direction of the great French engineer
Ferdinand de Lesseps. After ten years of work the canal was
opened to traffic in November, 1869.
1035. Panama Canal. The construction of a canal through the
Isthmus of Panama was undertaken in 1881 by a French com-
pany organized by De Lesseps ;
but the company failed, and in
steamship has taken the place of the schooner for the rapid trade
of the world, so, on land, the merchandise which used to be
Compare this with the Lnsitania, which had a tonnage of 32,500 tons, engines of
68,000 horse power, was 785 feet long, and carried a supply of over 5000 tons of coal for
its journey across the Atlantic, which lasted less than five days. Later vessels have been
places in Africaand Asia have been brought into close touch with
one another and with Europe. China now has lines connecting
all the important cities of the
republic and affording direct over-
land communication between Peking and Paris. In October, 1907,
Marconi established regular communication across the Atlantic
by means of the wireless system of telegraphy discovered some
years before ;
and now the wireless telephone can carry the voice
from Washington to Paris.
1040. Competition for Foreign Markets. The Industrial
Revolution which enabled Europe to produce far more goods
ADVANCE (TO 1 9 1 4) IN
How European History merged into World History 573
than it could sell in its own markets, and the rapid transportation
which permitted producers to distribute their commodities over
the whole surface of the globe, combined to produce a keen com-
Empire. Fifty years ago Japan was still almost completely iso-
lated from the rest of the world; but now, through a series of
got the right to trade with Japan, and the Japanese decided that
they must acquaint themselves with European science and inven-
tions if they
hoped to protect themselves against European en-
croachments. In 1871 feudalism was abolished, serfdom was done
away with, and the army and navy were rapidly remodeled on a
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This method of pulling a boat up the rapids illustrates the old ways in China.
The men each received a fourteenth of a cent in our money for their efforts.
Now the rocks have been blown up by dynamite, and steamboats have
replaced the former craft
How European History merged into World History 577
1049. The War between Japan and China and Russia's Inter-
vention. Japan, having become a manufacturing people, wished
to extend her trade and was specially anxious to get control of
between the two powers, binding each to assist the other in case
a third party joined in a conflict in which either was involved.
For example, England, under the provisions, would have to
aid Japan in a war with Russia, should France or Germany
578 General History of Europe
O S 4)
fc J2
w 2
How European History merged into World History 579
1 The Japanese have not left Korea independent. They immediately took control of
the administration, and finally, by the treaty of August 23, 1910, Korea was annexed to
the Japanese Empire.
58o General History of Europe
This ardent Republican has been the soul of the Chinese revolution. He was
born in 1866. After studying medicine he determined to devote his life to
the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty and the establishment of a Chinese
republic. He spent a considerable period in the United States. When the
revolution was finally successful, he was chosen provisional president of the
new republic, but gave way to Yuan Shih-kai, China's first president
A very able general, who was anxious for reform but feared that it would
be forced prematurely on the country by the ardent Republicans led by
Sun Yat Sen. He tried to make himself emperor, but this was opposed by
the foreign powers, especially Japan, who feared his ability. He died in 1916
How European History merged into World History 581
pean powers, and within ten years after his triumphant return
to Marseilles in1878 the entire surface of Africa had been divided
among marked out into "spheres of influence."
the powers or
A generation ago a map of Africa was for the most part based on
mere conjecture, except along the coast today it is traversed by
, Seyehelk I*.
(To Gr.Br.)
ous military class known as the Mamelukes and only fell to the
Ottoman Turks in 1517. With the decline of the Sultan's power
the country fell under the domination of the Mameluke Beys, or
leaders; and was against these that Bonaparte fought in 1798.
forms. He created an army and a fleet, and not only brought all
Portugal, which lost its greatest possession, Brazil, about the same time that Spain lost
could boast that the sun never set on her empire, had been in
decline since the days of Philip II. After losing her colonies
on the American continents in the early nineteenth century
(862ff.) she made no compensating gains in the other parts of
the world.
In the meantime there was rising to predominance in North
America a nation that was destinedto deal the final blow to the
Philippines were ceded to the United States. The following year
the Caroline and Pelew Islands were transferred to Germany, and
thus the territory of Spain was reduced to the Spanish peninsula,
the Balearic and Canary Islands, and her small holdings in Africa.
1068. Latin-American Relations of the United States. Many
forces conspired to extend the influence of the United States into
Spain also ceded to the United States the island of Guam in the Ladrone
How European History merged into World History 587
I. How did the Industrial Revolution open world trade? Compare
steamship and railroad as factors in the spread of commerce. What
change in the routes of trade was made by the Suez Canal ? the Panama
Canal? How does foreign commerce stimulate imperialism? What
effects did the missionaries have
in spreading European culture ?
II. Why should the Chinese object to Europeans' entering China?
When did Europeans enter it? What is a "treaty port"? Why is a
"railroad concession backward country likely to bring international
in a
regard to China ? Explain why the Japanese were able to pass from
feudal to modern conditions so much more rapidly than the nations
of Europe. W hat
pretexts did the powers of Europe have in seizing
Chinese territory? Explain the causes and results of the Boxer upris-
ing. How have the interests of Russia and Japan clashed? Out-
line the Russo-Japanese War. Why has China been a prey to the
European nations? How did Yuan Shih-kai try to turn the republic
into an empire?
III. When was Africa opened up to colonization ? Why has it been
so behind America? Mark on an outline map the possessions of the
European powers prior to the W orld War of 1914. Sketch the his-
tory of Egypt to the middle of the nineteenth century. How did the
English get control of Egypt ? How have they used their control ?
IV. Trace the expansion of the United States since 1867. What
were the causes and results of the Spanish-American War? Review
the relations of the United States to Latin America.
lights, and electric cars, which are everyday necessities to us, but
they knew nothing of ocean steamships or railways, of photog-
which has been carried on during the past hundred years with
ever-increasing ardor and success, in both Europe and America.
1073. Great Age of the Earth. To begin with, almost every-
one in Europe believed a hundred years ago that the earth had
been created along with the sun, moon, and stars, and all the ani-
mals and plants some five thousand years before. Modern geolo-
gists, on the other hand, now believe that it must have required a
hundred million, perhaps even a billion, years for the so-called
sedimentary rocks to be laid down in the beds of ancient seas and
oceans. Many of these rocks contain fossils, which indicate that
plants and animals have existed on the earth from very remote
periods. Accordingly it seems possible that for at least a hun-
dred million years the earth has had its seas and its dry land,
differing little in temperature from the green globe familiar to us.
Even if we reduce this period by one half, it is
impossible to
form more than a faint idea of the time during which plants
and the lower forms have probably existed on the
of animals
earth. Let us imagine a record's having been kept during the
of trees and shrubs, fishes, snakes, birds, and mammals were not
descendants from original separate and individual species created
in a certain form which they had always kept, but that these
species as they exist in the world today were the result of many
changes and modifications which have taken place during the mil-
lions of years in which plants and animals have lived upon the earth.
The theory that higher and more complicated kinds of animals
and plants are derived from and simpler ancestors is
earlier lower
words too harsh to apply to the patient and careful Darwin, who
seemed to them to contradict the express word of God and to rob
man dignity. But as
of all his time went on many religious
leadersbecame reconciled to the new view. For on further thought
it seemed to them to furnish a more exalted notion of God's pur-
Many investigators feel, however, that Darwin's explanation of evolution is, as he
himself freely admitted, only a partial one and quite inadequate to account for the exist-
ing forms of animals and plants.
592 General History of Europe
posed of minute bodies, which they named cells. The cells are
Many very low organisms, like the bacteria, consist of a single cell. The human
body, on the other hand, is estimated to contain over twenty-six billions of cells, that is,
of minute masses of protoplasm, each of which is due to the division of a previous cell,
and all of which sprang from a single original cell, called the ovum, or egg. " All these
cells are not alike, however, but just as in a social community one group of individuals
devotes itself to the performance of one of the duties requisite to the well-being of the
community and another group devotes itself to the performance of another duty, so too,
in the body, one group of cells takes upon itself one special function and another,
another" (McMurrich, The Development of the Human Body (1907), p. 2).
Progress of Modern Science and Invention 595
began to be used for the same purpose. Before the discovery of
anaesthetics few could be induced to undergo the terrible experi-
ences of an operation even the most unsympathetic surgeon could
not bring himself to take the necessary time and care as the
1082. Germ Theory of
Disease and Antiseptics.
But even after the dis-
apt become
to infected.
drugs would reduce or destroy pain was known to the Greeks, the
1 That certain
ancient Chinese, and even in the Middle Ages. As early as 1800 Sir Humphry Davy, a
famous English chemist, advocated the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) in surgical
operations. Faraday, another English chemist, showed, in 1818, that the vapor of ether
could be used to produce anaesthesia. American surgeons began to apply these discov-
eries in the forties, and Dr. Long of Georgia and Dr. Morton and Dr. Warren of Boston
did much to bring ether into use. In 1847 Dr. Simpson of Edinburgh began to advo-
cate the use of chloroform. Like most discoveries, that of producing anaesthesia cannot
be attributed to the insight of any single person.
596 General History of Europe
Lister, Koch, and Pasteur will take their places beside those of
Metternich, Cavour, and Bismarck.
Progress of Modern Science and Invention 597
For, after all, the real progress of civilization depends less upon
statesmen who control the fate of nations than upon the scientist,
years ago such manuals as this were apt to deal pretty fully with
ancient history Greece and Rome and give very little indeed
about the modern world in which we live. This has now been
reversed. The World War called everyone's attention to the vital
very important things that one must know in order to see how
man has reached his present stage. They put nothing in just
because it happened, but include only the matters that are abso-
lutely essential in tracing man's general progression from the
I. How did the growth of the science of geology change men's
ideas? What is meant by the theory of evolution? When was it
first advanced ? What contribution did Darwin make to it ? Why was
it opposed? What has the chemist contributed to civilization? How
did the discovery of radium affect our views of matter ?
II. What is the cell theory in biology? What can you tell of
you give for special attention to recent history ? Illustrate the manner
in which history enables us to understand the present. Give some
examples of the way in which your own history explains your present
situation and interests.
had any European army been supplied with such deadly weapons ;
never before had any war, however serious, so disturbed the affairs
of the whole globe. The war came to most people as a horrible
spending vast sums each year to train and equip soldiers. Prussia
was the chief promoter of militarism. Following her defeat at
Jena ( 832) it had become clear to her statesmen that Prussia
could no longer rely on an old-fashioned standing army, but must
depend on the nation in arms." Accordingly her men were given
in 1914
100 200 300 400
Scale of Miles
a brief period of training in the army and then were sent into the
reserve forces. This made a much larger force available in case
of war than any standing army of the old type. When, fifty
years later, William I and Bismarck were preparing to establish
Prussia's control of Germany, the annual levy of recruits was in-
creased and the term of service was lengthened. With an effective
army thus built up of four hundred thousand troops, Prussia, in
1870, succeeded in reaching her ambition of consolidating Germany
into theGerman Empire, with the king of Prussia at its head.
1091. The Spread of the Prussian System. Not long after
the war of 1870-1871 all the European 'powers, except England,
adopted the plan of building up an army by "conscription" that ;
clared that Germany's future lay upon the ocean. After 1897
the German navy was built up so rapidly that it became a menace
to the peace and security of other nations, and they, for protection,
had to increase their navies. So to the crushing cost of armies
European nations added the cost of navies, in which the rapid
progress of invention made battleships almost worthless if they
were but a few years old.
tury, as rivals for the world's trade, to seize colonies and trading
posts in Africa and Asia, and, moreover, how they stood eying
each other suspiciously as to which was to profit most from the
604 General History of Europe
from the Algerian border. The Entente was hailed with great
on both sides of the English Channel.
England had even earlier made a treaty with Japan, and now
she came to terms with her ancient rival Russia. The Tsar's
armies had been gradually penetrating nearer and nearer to India,
and a conflict with the British seemed likely to come at any mo-
ment. -However, in 1907, the two powers settled their dispute by
each carving out a sphere of influence in Persia and agreeing not
to interfere with one another. These two great powers were by
no means naturally friends, for the British hated the Russian
autocracy and London was a place of refuge for Russian revolu-
tionists. The Russian government, on the other hand, disliked
the English ideas of liberty.
1098. Europe on the Brink of War Morocco. One great
Everyone saw how near Europe had come to the brink of war.
had apparently tried to humble them before the world and were
bitter that Germany got any satisfaction at all. The result was
that all nations increased their warlike preparations.
In 1897 Greece risked a war with Turkey, with the hope of in-
creasing her realms, but was defeated. Turkey was of course
anxious at all costs to hold on to the remnant of her once large
dominion in
Europe her by the Congress of Berlin. She still
held Macedonia and Albania. In 1908, thirty years after the un-
satisfactory settlement at Berlin, a series of events began which
in six years precipitated the World War.
1101. The Turkish Revolution of 1908. During the opening
years of the twentieth century there developed in Turkey a small
party of reformers, known as Young Turks. In 1908 a so-called
"Committee Union and Progress" was formed, which declared
that Turkey must have a constitution and that the reformers
would march on Constantinople if the Sultan did not yield. The
aged Sultan, Abdul Hamid, did not feel himself in a position to
oppose the movement, and so even Turkey got something at last
that passed for a constitution. The election of representatives
to the Turkish parliament took place, and the assembly was
provinces were for Austria, since they connected her other main
possessions with Dalmatia and her ports on the Adriatic.
1103. War between Italy and Turkey. In September, 1911,
Turkey's troubles were multiplied, for Italy declared war on her,
on the ground that Italian subjects in Tripoli were not properly
6o8 General History of Europe
Tripoli as she could hold with her troops and also captured the
island of Rhodes. The Young Turks did not feel that they could
face the unpopularity of surrendering these to Italy, but after the
war had dragged on for a year they were forced, in October, 1912,
by the oncoming of a new Balkan war, to cede Tripoli, reserv-
ing only a vague Turkish suzerainty. Italy continued to hold
Rhodes too.
1104. The First Balkan War (1912-1913). Venizelos, the
statesman, who had been reorganizing Greece with the ability of
a Cavour, secretly arranged an alliance with Bulgaria, Serbia, and
little Montenegro for a war with Turkey, which began in October,
1912. The Turkish army proved very ineffective, and the Bul-
garians were able in a few days to defeat it, invest the important
fortress of Adrianople, and drive the Turkish forces back close,
to Constantinople. The Greeks advanced into Macedonia and
Thrace, and the Montenegrin and Serbian army defeated the
Turkish army sent against them and attacked Albania.
1105. Austria Intervenes. Austria now began to get very
nervous lest the Serbians should establish themselves on the,
Adriatic. She forbade Serbia to hold the port of Durazzo. Had
Russia been inclined to support Serbia at that moment the gen-
eral European war would probably have broken out at the end of
Russia, which had not yet recovered from the war with Japan
and its own revolutions, was obliged to submit to the humiliation,
as she viewed it, of being unable to protect those of her own race
in the Balkans.
her navy ;
and even Belgium introduced universal military service
on the ground that Germany had been constructing railroad
tracks up to her borders, which could be explained only by her
affair, which she must be allowed to settle for herself. She did
Luxemburg, in spite of
the protests of its ruler.
consented, Germany
promised to respect her
territory and people ;
France has much upon its artillery for defense, since Germany has
more but in the great war of 1914 the Germans had prepared more
heavy cannon than the French, who used mainly a lighter gun. The Creusot
works are next to the German Krupp works in importance. This picture
of them is from an etching by the American artist Mr. Joseph Pennell
Origin of the War of 1914 615
case they were attacked she considered that they were now the
I. Describe the growth of Prussian militarism. How did the Prus-
sian system affect the otherEuropean powers ? What is conscription ?
What change did Edward VII make in the foreign affairs of England ?
What countries were friendly to England in 1914? Trace the history
of the Morocco affair.
IV. What interests had Russia and Austria in the Balkans? How
did the Balkan wars of 1912-1913 affect Germany, France, and Russia?
Give a short account of the Turkish revolution of 1908. In what way
did Austria take advantage of the situation in Turkey in 1908 ? What
reason did Italy give for making war on Turkey? What was the
outcome of the war? Outline the history of the Balkan wars. What
difficulties did Austria's annexation of Bosnia raise ?
established after the battle of the Marne and the check on the
Yser did not change greatly in four years, in spite of the constant
fighting and the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of men on
both sides. The Germans were not able to push very much
62 o General History of Europe
farther into France, and the Allied forces were almost equally
unsuccessful in their repeated attempts, at terrible sacrifice of
life, to force the Germans more than a few miles back. Both sides
"dug themselves and trench warfare went on almost in-
cessantly, with the aid of machine guns, shells, and huge cannon.
1917. The British also forced back the Turkish army in Pal-
estine and succeeded in capturing the holy city of Jerusalem, in
December, 1917.
Anattempt of the English and French in 1915 to take Con-
stantinople proved, however, a terrible failure. In April of that
year their forces, greatly strengthened by contingents from Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, who had come to the Mediterranean by
way of the Red Sea, tried to force their way up the Dardanelles.
The Turks, well supplied with German commanders and equip-
ment, defended themselves with such success that the Allies, in
spite of the sacrifice of a hundred thousand men, killed and
wounded, were unable to hold their positions on the peninsula of
Gallipoli, where they had secured a footing.
After some months
the English government was obliged to recognize that it had made
a tragic mistake, and the attempt was given up.
1125. Italy joins the Allies. In May, 1915, Italy finally decided
that she could no longer remain out of the war. Her people be-
lieved in the principles for which the Allies were fighting and had
no love for Austria. Then, too, it seemed that the opportunity had
come to win "Italia Irredenta," those portions of the Italian
people still unredeemed from Austrian rule who live around
Trent, in Istria and the great seaport of Trieste, and along the
Dalmatian coast. So this added another front" which the Cen-
tral Powers had to defend.
1126. The Belligerents at the Opening of the Second Year
of the War. The line-up at the opening of the second year of
the war consisted of the Central Powers Germany, Austria-
Hungary, and Turkey opposed to Russia, France, Italy, Great
Britain (including Canadians, Australians, New
Zealanders, South
Africans, and East Indian troops, all ready to shed their blood in
the cause of the British Empire), Belgium, Serbia, Japan, and the
egress from the Kiel Canal, and the outlet from the Baltic with-
out violating the established principles of international law. But
the German submarines could still steal out and sink English
merchant ships and manage now and then to torpedo a great war
vessel. Great Britain claimed the right under these new condi-
tions of naval warfare to force all neutral ships bound for the
neutral ports of Holland, Norway, and Sweden to stop and be
sure that their cargoes were not really destined for Germany.
The British soon declared that all shipments of foodstuffs to
parently with the foolish notion that they were going to intimi-
date the people. They first used the huge dirigible balloons called
I. What led Germany to attack Belgium ? Trace the advance of the
German armies into France. Describe Germany's treatment of Bel-
gium during her occupation of the country. Give some account of
the course of the fighting on the Eastern Front. What was the policy
of the Entente in regard to Turkey ?
II. What policy did England and Germany adopt in marine warfare?
What effect did this have on the commerce of neutrals ? Compare the
situation with that during the Napoleonic wars. What was the policy
of the Balkan states?
III. Why did the Germans undertake the drive at Verdun and what
was the outcome? Describe the battle of the Somme. What do yoi
know of the conditions of trench warfare ? What importance hac
aircraft in -the war ?
1138. Opinion in the United States. Early in the year 1917
Germany's submarine policy and reckless sinking of neutral ships
finally involved her in war with a new antagonist, the great and
avoid taking sides in a conflict that did not directly concern them.
But it was impossible to remain indifferent when such tremendous
events were being reported day by day. The German newspapers
in the United States eagerly defended the Central Powers and
Late in the year 1917 and early in 1918 the German government extended
the barred zone so as to include the islands off the coast of Africa, Madeira,
the Cape Verde Islands, and the Azores, in order to cut the routes between
Europe and South America
who receives much of her food from distant regions, would soon
be reduced to starvation and the war brought to a speedy end.
One of the most insulting features of Germany's plan was that
a narrow lane was to be left through which the United States
old forms of taxation were greatly increased and many new ones
added. In May, 1917, conscription was introduced, and all able-
bodied men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one were
declared liable to military service. Preparations were made for
cases, the treason, of the Tsar's court and his imperial officials.
The millions of Russians who perished in the trenches of the
Eastern Front in vain endeavors to advance into Germany and
Austria-Hungary or to stem the tide of German invasion were
supported by their government. The Duma became unman-
ageable, and
December, 1916, it passed a resolution declaring
free. The world viewed with astonishment this abrupt and com-
plete collapse of the ancient system of tyranny.
1148. The Socialists gain Control of the Russian Govern-
ment. A
revolutionary cabinet was formed of men of moderate
views on the whole, but Alexander Kerensky, a socialist and repre-
sentative of the Workingmen's and Soldiers' Council, was made
minister of justice. The new cabinet declared itself in favor of
on March concluded
3, 1918, the representatives of the Bolsheviki
a peace with the Central Powers in which they agreed to evacu-
ate the Ukraine and Finland, and surrendered Poland, Lithuania,
and southern regions were, for the time being, under the strong
influence of the Germans. (For a further account of Russian con-
ditions see 1189 ff.)
asia her possessions had been taken over by Japan and Australia.
Were all these regions conquered by one or the other of the
belligerent groups to be given back or not? Then what about
Belgium, whose people had been mulcted and abused and pil-
laged by their conquerors and what
of northeastern France wan-
less than six days are necessary, and airplanes might soon be
soaring above its waves far swifter than any steamer. Formerly
the oceans were great barriers separating America from Europe,
and the Orient from America but, like the ancient bulwarks
At the same time the progress of the deadly art of killing one's
fellow men advanced so rapidly, with the aid of scientific dis-
covery and the stress of war, that what was considered adequate
military preparedness before the war would seem absurdly inade-
quate after its close. Giant guns, aircraft, "tanks," and poison-
ous gases have, among other things, been added to the older
devices of destruction, and the submarine suggested a complete
revolution in naval strategy.
1157. "Militarism" and "Autocracy." Everyone knew that
peace and war, except when portions of the sea might be closed
by international understanding; removal of economic barriers
and reduction of armaments impartial adjustment of all colonial
against Germany.
long front of one hundred and fifty miles, but at what point the
Allies could only conjecture. The new blow .came April 9, when
U.S. Official
time, but after retreating a few miles the British made a stand
and were ordered by their commander to die, if necessary, at their
posts. This checked the second effort of the Germans to break
through.- In the latter part of May the German armies attempted
a third great attack, this time in the direction of Paris. They took
Soissons and Chateau-Thierry, which brought them within about
1 The United States proposed to have at least four million men in France by June
30, 1919. The limits of the draft were extended so as to include all able-bodied men
between the ages of eighteen and forty-five.
646 General History of Europe
here all the battles in which they fought valiantly, side by side
with the French or British, as the hosts of the enemy were rapidly
pushed back. In the middle of September the Americans dis-
tinguished themselves by taking the St. Mihiel salient and bring-
ing their lines within range of the guns of the great German
fortress of Metz. Reenforcing the British, they performed prodi-
gies of valor in the capture of the St. Quentin canal tunnel far
to the north, where thousands of lives were sacrificed. In the
Argonne Forest, and especially in the capture of Sedan, on
November 7, the United States troops played a conspicuous part.
In the months from June to November, 1918, the battle casualties
of the American expeditionary forces killed, wounded, missing,
and prisoners amounted to about three hundred thousand.
1166. Conditions in Russia. On the other fronts the fortunes
of war were turning in favor of the Allies. Germany, instead of
being able to get supplies from demoralized Russia, met resistance
at every point. The people of the Ukraine resented her domina-
tion and began them in forming their
to look to the Allies to assist
new republic. In Finland war raged between the "White
Americans were fresh and brave and full of enthusiasm, and they
were backed by a great and rich country, which had thrown its
well-nigh inexhaustible resources on the side of the war-weary
Allies in their fight against Prussianism.
The Germans began to see that they had been grossly deceived
by their leaders. The ruthless use of the U-boats had not suc-
ceeded in subduing England, but it had aroused this new and
One of the most dramatic events in history occurred when the German
delegates, traveling in automobiles bearing the white flag, made their way to
the headquarters of the Allied Generalissimo. There the Germans made their
finaladvance, not as conquerors, as they had arrogantly boasted that they
would, but as suppliants for peace, admitting their overwhelming defeat
The Final Stages of the War: th n Russian Revolution 649
I. What was the attitude of the people of the United States toward
the war? What differences of opinion existed? What problems had
the government to face ? Sketch the policy of President Wilson. Draw
a map based on Lesson XI of Bishop and Robinson's "Practical Map
Exercises in Medieval and Modern History" and locate geographical
names in assignments I and II. What did the Germans mean by
" "
frightfulness (Schrecklichkeit)? What led to the declaration of
war by the United States on Germany ? Give a of the powers at
war with Germany and her allies in 1918. Give the chief military
operation of 1917.
II. Describe the Russian revolution of 1917. What were the aims
of Kerensky? What were the objects of the Bolsheviki? Give the
terms of the peace of Brest-Litovsk.
III. What were the chief sources of international rivalry and mis-
understanding before the World War ? What new problems were added
by the war? What is your attitude in regard to war? What makes
war more disastrous now than it was in Napoleon's time ? What do you
understand by German Kultur? How did the German government
and military system appear to Germany's enemies ? Give some of the
chief items in the Fourteen Points.
IV. Describe the German drive of 1918. What part did the United
States troops play? Why do you suppose that the Germans were un-
able to maintain their positions ? What members of the German
alliance first surrendered?
V. Describe the fall of the Hohenzollern dynasty. What were the
terms of the armistice ?
1176. The Peace Conference. The Allies decided that their
thirty-two states, scattered all over the globe, had their representa-
tives on hand to take part in, or at least watch, the momentous
1177. How
the Treaty was Drafted. The public sessions
the first was held January 18, 1919 were rare and ac-
of which
on all the intricate questions that had to be settled, and the treaty
with Germany, which would fill about two hundred and fifty
pages of the size of the one you are now reading, was submitted
to and approved by the whole Peace Conference, May 6.
654 General History of Europe
port nor export munitions of war and was to produce them only
in a limited amount.
1181. The German Indemnity. Germany was made to assume
responsibility for the infinite damage she had done to the Allied
nations during the war. She was to replace all the merchant ships
by turning over most of her own fleet and by
she had destroyed,
constructing new She was required to pay an indefinite
but huge indemnity some five billions of dollars at the start
and such additions as the International Reparations Commissions
should deem necessary to make up for the devastation wrought
by her armies. The coal deposits of the Saar basin were given to
Louis Or
Europe after the World War 655
France as part of the indemnity for her special losses. The Ger-
man treaty was followed by agreements with Austria, Hungary,
Bulgaria, and Turkey.
1182. Changes in the Map of Europe. The map of Europe
was greatly changed as a result of the World War. Germany, as
we have seen, was considerably reduced in size, and her mil-
itary power was carefully restricted. The ancient domain of
the Hapsburgs, Austria-Hungary, was completely disintegrated.
Italy now extended to the north and east of the Adriatic, and
Greece across the .Egean Sea. The former empire of the Sultan
of Turkey was reduced to Constantinople and Asia Minor, and
new states seemed to be emerging in the Caucasus, Syria, and
Mesopotamia. In general the political divisions on the map now
corresponded far more nearly than ever before with racial lines.
This is one of the most unmistakable and promising results of the
war, as it removes one of the old sources of misunderstandings.
cluded, and Russia and Mexico were not to be invited to join until
656 General History of Europe
parties to the dispute, the latter agree not togo to war in the
matter. recommendations are not unanimous, the parties
If the
complete self-determination.
On the other hand there was an important group who claimed
that the United States could not stand aloof. Ex-President Taft,
for instance, said : The argument that to enter this covenant
is a departure from the time-honored policy of avoiding entangling
alliances withEurope is an argument that is blind to the changing
circumstances in our present situation. The war itself ended that
policy. . We were driven into it because, with the dependence
. .
of all the world upon our resources of food, raw material, and
manufacture ;
with our closeness, under modern conditions of
transportation and communication, to Europe, it was impossible
for us to maintain the theory of an isolation that in fact did not
exist. It will be equally impossible for us to keep out of another
Those who have been studying this book will have no more
important duty when they become voters than to decide in what
way we can best organize to reduce the chances of war if we
wish to make an end of war. But are there not many who still be-
lieve in war and glorify it, or who are interested in perpetuating it ?
The country that gave Europe and America the greatest concern
after the defeat of the Germans was Russia. Under the leader-
ship of Lenin, the Bolsheviki attempted to carry out a complete
social and economic revolution by which the laboring classes
should be given control not only of the government but of the
land and factories and business in general, to be managed there-
after in the interests of manual laborers (the so-called proletariat).
The peasants were authorized to take the estates of the great
long been familiar under the despotic rule of the Tsar. Trotzky
organized the "Red" army to enforce the "dictatorship of the
proletariat." The leaders of the Bolsheviki argued that these
harsh measures were only temporary, but were necessary to
carry out the Revolution against the opposition of its enemies
who sought to restore the old system.
commission on the terms of the new order, but they could not
agree on details, so Egypt for the time being
remained in the
status of a protectorate.
1197. Discontent in India. During the World War Indian
princes and troops came to the aid of Great Britain, but at the
to pay, but was pointed out in many quarters that there could
be no real peace until the total sum was finally agreed upon and
arrangements were made for payment. The Germans flatly declared
that they would not set to work again seriously if all they produced
for a long and indefinite period was to be taken from them by
the Allies. In the course of time England began to relent, and
I. What countries were represented at the Peace Conference in Ver-
sailles ? How was the treaty with Germany drafted ? What problems
caused the mostdifficulty ? What were the terms forced on Germany ?
What were the chief changes made in the map of Europe? Compare
the new map of Europe with that in 1914.
II. How is the League of Nations organized ? What are mandates ?
Why did the United States Senate refuse to ratify the treaty? What
difference of opinion existed in the United States in regard to the
League of Nations ?
Babylonia and Assyria. KING, History of Sumer and Akkad and History of
Babylonia. GOODSPEED, History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. Recent
discoveries have greatly altered the chronology. HALL, The Ancient History
of the Near East, chaps, v, x, xii. ROGERS, A and Assyria.
History of Babylonia
BREASTED, Ancient Times, chaps, iv-v. JASTROW, Civilization of the Babylo-
niansand Assyrians. SAYCE, Babylonian and Assyrian Life and Customs.
Source Material and Maps. R. F. HARPER (Ed.), Assyrian and Babylonian
Literature. BOTSFORD, A Source Book of Ancient History. SAYCE (Ed.), Records
of the Past. BREASTED-HUTH, Ancient History Maps, Maps 62 and 63 Teacher's ;
Ancient Times, chaps, vi-viii. HALL, The Ancient History of the Near East,
chaps, ix, xii. GEORGE ADAM SMITH, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land,
the most valuable of the many books on Palestine, but a little advanced for
high-school pupils. HENRY PRESERVED SMITH, Old Testament History. COR-
NILL, History of the People of Israel. KENT, History of the Hebrew People and
History of the Jewish People. MACALISTER, A History of Civilization in Pales-
tine (Cambridge Manuals). JACKSON, Persia, Past and Present. This valuable
book is the best introduction to the subject of Persia as a whole. HILPRECHT,
Recent Research in Bible Lands.
Source Material and Maps. The Avesta will be found in the series called
Sacred Books of the East. The Old Testament in the Revised Version.
G. F. MOORE, The Literature of the Old Testament. BOTSFORD, A Source Book
of Ancient History. BREASTED-HuTH, Ancient History Maps, Maps 62 and 64 ;
The Persian Wars and the Age of Pericles. BOTSFORD, Hellenic History.
WESTERMANN, Ancient Actions, chaps, xi-xvii. GOODSPEED, Ancient World.
BREASTED, A ncient Times, chaps, xiii-xviii. ABBOTT, Pericles. HALL, Near East.
chap.xii. GRUNDY, Great Persian War. SEIGNOBOS, Ancient Civilization.
GRANT, Greece in the Age of Pericles. ZIMMERN, Greek Commonwealth. SANDYS,
Companion. TARBELL, History of Greek Art. MUNROE, History of Education.
FERGUSON, Greek Imperialism.
Source Material and Maps. BOTSFORD and SIHLER, Hellenic Civilization.
FLING, Source Book of Greek History. Herodotus (especially Bk. vii). Plu-
tarch's Lives of Theseus, Solon, Aristides, Themistocles, Patisanias, Cimon,
Lycurgus, Nicias.
Alcibiades, ^Lschylus' Persians. Thncydides (JowETT),
Xenophon's Anabasis and Economics (DAKYN). Plato 's Apology: Selections from
Bibliography iii
Source Material and Maps. BOTSFORD, Story of Rome and Source Book.
MUNRO, Source Book. Plutarch's Lives of Romulus, Numa, Pyrrhus,
War. Sallusfsjugitrthine War.
DAV!S,.Swtt* Readings, Vol. III. Cesar's, Gallic
BREASTED-HUTH, Ancient History Maps, Maps BII, Bi2, 613 (A), 614 (A-D),
Bi 4 (E); Teacher's Manual, pp. 13-17, 25-32, 80-96, 97-100, 106-109, 109-122.
The Roman Empire and its Decline. BOTSFORD, History of Rome. WESTER-
MANN, Ancient Nations. GOODSPEED, Ancient World. BREASTED, Ancient
Times, chaps, xxvii-xxix. FOWLER, Rome.
CAPES, Early Empire. JONES,
Roman Empire. BURY, Students' Roman Empire, chaps, i-xii. ABBOTT,
Political Institutions, chap. xii. DAVIS, Influence of Wealth. FlRTH, Augustus.
iv General History of Europe
Source Material and Maps. BOTSFORD, Story of Rome; Source Book. MUN-
ROE, Source Book. DAVIS, Source Readings. LAING, Masterpieces of Latin
Literature (selections). The Deeds of Augustus (Fairley's translation in the
tory, by various writers, devotes its first volume to the period in question.
The textbook and the collateral reading should always be supplemented by
examples of contemporaneous material. ROBINSON, Readings in European His-
tory,Vol. I (from the barbarian invasions to the opening of the sixteenth cen-
tury) and Vol. II (from the opening of the sixteenth century to the early
twentieth century), arranged to accompany chapter by chapter ROBINSON'S
Introduction to the History of Western Europe, will be found especially useful
in furnishing extracts which reenforce the narrative together with extensive
of the Christian Church. Church histories are usually written by either Catho-
or Protestants, who naturally differ in their interpretation of events. One
Mohammed and his Followers. For Mohammed and the Saracens, see
THATCHER and SCHWILL, Europe in the Middle Age, chap. xv.OILMAN, The
Saracens. GIBBON has famous chapter on Mohammed and another on the
conquests of the Arabs. These are the fiftieth and fifty-first of his great work.
Cambridge Medieval Histoiy, Vol. II, chaps, x-xii. MuiR, Life of Mohammed.
AMEER ALI, The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, a Short History of the
Saracens, by one who sympathizes with them. It is not hard to find a copy of
one of the English translations of the Koran. See brief extracts in ROBINSON,
Readings, and in OGG, Source Book of Mediaeval History, pp. 97
LANE-POOLE, Speeches and Table Talk of Mohammed, is very interesting.
Charlemagne and the Age of Disorder. EMERTON, Introduction to the Mid-
dle Ages, chaps, xii-xv. THORNDIKE, History of Medieval Europe, chaps, xi-xiv.
vi General History of Europe
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, chaps, xi, xx. There are several
source books of English history CHEYNEY, Readings in English History,
chaps, iv-xii COLBY, Selections from the Sources of English History LEE,
; ;
The Crusades. EMERTON, Mediceval Europe, chap. xi. TOUT, The Empire
and the Papacy, chaps, vii, viii, xiii, xiv, xix. THORNDIKE, History of Medieval
Europe, chap. xvi. DAVIS, Medieval Europe, chap. viii. MUNRO and SELLERY,
Mediaeval Civilization, pp. 240-276. ADAMS, Civilization during the Middle
Ages, chap, xi, for discussion of general results. ARCHER and KINGSFORD,
The Crusades. GIBBON, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chaps. Iviii-lix.
The Medieval Church Heresy and the Friars. EMERTON, Medieval Eu-
chap. xvi. The works of Flick and Walker referred to above are useful
brief treatments. Special topics can be looked up in the Encyclopedia Britan-
nica, the Catholic Encyclopedia, or any other good encyclopedia. CUTTS,
Parish Priests and tkeir People. LEA, A History of the Inquisition
of the
Middle Ages, contains chapters upon the origin of both the Franciscan and
Dominican orders. For St. Francis the best work is SABATIER, St. Francis of
Assist. See also GASQUET, English Monastic Life JESSOPP, The Coming of the
introductory chapter.
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, Vol. I, chaps, xvi, xvii, xxi.
THATCHER and McNEAL, A Source Book for Mediaeval History, contains many
Medieval Books and Science. EMERTON, Medieval Europe, chap. xiii.
English readers, is the best place to turn for these famous stories. ROBINSON
and ROLFE, Petrarch (new enlarged edition, 1914), a collection of his most
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, Vol. I, chap, xxi, and Vol. II,
chaps, xxiv-xxvi. WAGE and BUCHHEIM (Editors), Luther's Primary Works
Bibliography ix
and The Augsburg Confession. WHITCOMB, Source Book of the German Renais-
sance. HAZLITT, Luther's Table Talk. SMITH, PRESERVED, Luther's Corre-
spondence and Other Contemporary Letters.
Cambridge Modern History, Vol. II, chaps, ix, xvi, xviii-xix Vol. Ill, chaps, ;
i, vi-x, xv, xx ;
Vol. IV, chaps, i, iii-vi, xiii-xiv. LINDSAY, History of the Refor-
mation, Vol. II, Bk. Ill, chaps, iv-v, and Bk. VI. PUTNAM, RUTH, William
the Silent. PAYNE, Voyages of Elizabethan Seamen to America, Vol. I. MOTLEY,
Rise of the Dutch Republic. GlNDELY, History of the Thirty Years' War.
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, Vol. II, chaps, xxviii.xxix. CHEYNEY,
Readings in English History, chap. xiii.
England, chap. xvii. CROSS, A History of England and Greater Britain, chap. xli.
EcERTON, A Short History of British Colonial Policy. GlBBlNS, British Com-
merce and Colonies from Elizabeth to Victoria. LYALL, The Rise of British Do-
minion in India. WOODWARD, A Short History of the Expansion of the British
Empire. CHEYNEY, The European Background of American History, an excellent
survey. EDGAR, The Struggle for a Continent. HUNTER, .4 Brief History of the
Indian Peoples. LUCAS, A Historical Geography of the British Colonies (5 vols.).
MACAULAY, Essay on Clive. MAHAN, The Influence of Sea Power upon History,
1660-1783. MORRIS, A History of Colonization (2 vols.). PARKMAN, A Half-
Century of Conflict (2 vols.). SEELEY, The Expansion of England. THWAITES,
The Colonies. TRAILL, Social England, Vol. V.
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, chap, xxxiii, and ROBINSON and
BEARD, Readings in Modern European History, chaps, vi-vii.
The Old Order in Europe. ASHTON, Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne.
GIBBINS, Industry in England, chaps, xvii-xx. HENDERSON, A Short History of
Bibliography xi
Germany, chaps, iii-vii. LOWELL, The Eve of the French Revolution. PROTHERO,
English Farming, Past and Present, chaps, v-xi, excellent. SYDNEY, England
and the English in the Eighteenth Century (2 vols.). CUNNINGHAM, The Growth
BELLOC, The French Revolution, chap, iv, sects, iv-vi ; chaps, v-vi. Cam-
bridge Modern History, Vol. VIII, especially chap. xii. MATTHEWS, The French
Revolution, Pt. IV.
Source Material. ROBINSON, Readings, chaps, xxxv-xxxvi, and ROBINSON
and BEARD, Readings, chaps, xii-xiii. ANDERSON, Constitutions and Other Select
Documents Illustrative of the History of France, 1789-1907, a valuable collection
for modern French history. BURKE, Reflections on the French Revolution (Every-
man's Library), a bitter criticism of the whole movement. MORRIS, Diary and
Letters (2 vols.), contains some vivid description by an American observer.
Napoleon and Europe. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VIII, chaps, xviii-
xxv Vol. IX, chaps, i-iii. FISHER, Napoleon (Home University Series),
chaps, i-v. FOURNIER, Napoleon the First, chaps, i-vii, excellent. JOHNSTON,
Napoleon, chaps, the best brief account in English. ROSE, The Life of
A'apoleon the First, Vol. I, chaps, i-xi, the most scholarly account in English.
ANDERSON, Constitutions and Other Select Documents Illustrative of the His-
tory of France, 17891907. BlNGHAM, A Selection from the Letters and Despatches
of the First Napoleon (3 vols.). LAS CASES, The Journal of the Emperor Napoleon
at St. Helena. LECESTRE, New Letters of Napoleon I. DE REMUSAT, Memoirs
Europe after the Congress of Vienna. There are several works on the
political history of Europe after the settlement at Vienna in addition to those
of HAYES and SCHAPIRO referred to at the end of each chapter: ANDREWS, The
Historical Development of Modern Europe (2 vols.) FYFFE, History of Modern
Europe (in a single volume and a three-volume edition) HAZEN, Europe since;
chaps, xx-xxi. MARVIN, The Living Past, chaps, ix-x. POLLARD, The History
of England (Home University Series), chap. vii. SLATER, The Making of
Modern England (American edition), especially the introduction, excellent.
BYRN, The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century. COCHRANE, Mod-
ern Industrial Progress. CUNNINGHAM, The Growth of English Industry and
Commerce: Modern Times, Pt. II. HOBSON, The Evolution of Modern Capital-
ism, excellent. KIRKUP, A History of Socialism, well written and fair. SPARGO
and ARNER, The Elements of Socialism. WOOLMAN and McGowAN, Textiles.
Germany 1916 edition), chaps, xi-xiii. HOWE, Socialized Germany. KRUGER, Gov-
ernment and Politics of the German Empire, excellent. MACY and GANNAWAY,
Comparative Free Government, Pt. II, chap. li. OGG, The Governments of Europe,
chaps, ix-xiv. DODD, Modern Constitutions. DAWSON, The Evolution of Modern
Germany. DEWEY, German Philosophy and Politics. HOWARD, The German
Empire, chaps, i-xiii. TOWER, Germany To-day (Home University Series).
since 1815, chap. xv. MACY and GANNAWAY, Comparative Free Government,
Pt. II, chaps, xlvi-xlix. OGG, The Governments of Europe, Pt. Ill, best brief
analysis. BODLEY, France, by an English Conservative. BRACQ, France
the Republic. CoUBERTIN, The Evolution of France under the Third Republic.
HANOTAUX, Contemporary France (3 vols.). LOWELL, Governments and Parties
in Continental Europe (2 vols.). VlZETELLY, Republican France. The constitution
of France is to be found in DODD, Modern Constitutions.
Great Britain. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XI, chaps, i, xii Vol. XII, ;
A History of England and Greater Britain, chaps. 1-lv. HAZEN, Europe since
1815, chaps, xviii-xxi, excellent. MACY and GANNAWAY, Comparative Free
Government, Pt. II, chaps, xxx-xli. OGG, The Governments of Europe, chaps, i-
viii. OMAN, England in the Nineteenth Century. SLATER, The Making of
Modern England (American edition), with select bibliography.
BAGEHOT, The English Constitution. HUTCHINS and HARRISON, A History
of Factory Legislation. LOWELL, The Government of England (2 vols.), a stand-
ard work. MEDLEY, English Constitutional History, a good reference manual.
PAUL, A History of Modern England (5 vols.), liberal in politics. SMITH, Irish
History and the Irish Question. WEBB, Problems of Modern Industry. Three good
biographies are: MONYPENNY and BUCKLE, The Life of Benjamin Disraeli; MOR-
LEY, The Life of William Ewart Gladstone; TREVELYAN, The Life ofJohn Bright.
Source Material. ROBINSON and BEARD, Readings, chaps, xxv-xxvi.
HAYES, British Social Politics, a collection of speeches by English statesmen
on social reform. KENDALL, A Source Book of English History. LEE, Source
Book of English History, Pt. VIII, chaps, xxx-xxxii.
The British Empire. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XI, chap, xxvii ;
Vol. XII, chap. xx. CHEYNEY, A Short History of England, chap. xx. HAZEN,
Europe since 1815, chap. xxii. OMAN, England in the Nineteenth Century,
chaps, ix-xii. STORY, The British Empire. BURINOT, Canada under British
Rule. DlLKE, Problems of Greater Britain. EGERTON, A Short History of
British Colonial Policy. FRASER, British Rule in India. HOBSON, The War in
South Africa. INNES, A History of England and the British Empire, Vol. IV.
chap, xxi ;
Vol. XII, chap. xiii. HAZEN, Europe since 1815, chaps, xxix-xxxi.
SKRINE, The Expansion of Russia, best brief survey. KENNAN, Siberia and the
Exile System (2
vols.). KROPOTKIN, Memoirs of a Revolutionist. ALEXINSKY,
Modem Russia. KRAUSSE, Russia in Asia.MAYOR, An Economic History of
Russia (2 vols.), elaborate and excellent. MILYOUKOV, Russia and its Crisis,
a valuable work by a leader in Russian thought and politics. RAMBAUD,
History of Russia, Vol. Ill Expansion ;
of Russia. SAROLEA, Great Russia.
WALLACE, Russia (2 vols.), readable and thorough survey. WESSELITSKY,
Russia and Democracy. OLGIN, The Soul the Russian Revolution.
Source Material. ROBINSON and BEARD, Readings, chap, xxviii.
Political History of Europe since 1814, chaps, xx-xxi. SLOANE, The Balkans,
a recent study. GIBBONS, The New Map of Europe, very readable. HOLLAND,
The European Concert in the Eastern Question. ABBOTT, Turkey in Transition.
BUXTON, Turkey in Revolution. COURTNEY (Editor), Nationalism and War
Near East. DAVEY, The Sultan and his
in the Subjects (2 vols.). LANE-POOLE,
The Story of Turkey. MILLER, The Ottoman Empire and The Balkans. ROSE,
The Development of the European Nations (2 vols.), Vol. I.
Source Material. ROBINSON and BEARD, Readings, chap. xxix.
The Expansion of Europe. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XII, chaps,
xv-xxii. DOUGLAS, Europe and the Far East, excellent. HAZEN, Europe since
1813, chaps, xxiii, xxx. HOLDERNESS, Peoples and Problems of India (Home
University Series). JOHNSTON, The Opening tip of Africa (Home University
Series). REINSCH, World Politics. ROSE, The Development of the European
Nations. DENNIS, Christian Missions and Social Progress. GILES, The Civiliza-
tion of China (Home University Series) China and the Chinese. HUNTER,
The Indian Empire. Ycs.Q'X., Japanese Life in Town and Country. HARRIS, In-
tervention and Colonization in Africa, a recent, reliable guide. KELTIE, The
Partition of Africa. WEALE, The Reshaping of the Far East (2 vols.).
Story of the Recent Diplomatic Crises and Wars and of Europe's Present
chief international issues before the
Catastrophe. Admirable account of the
war, especially of the Balkan troubles. BUI.LARD, The Diplomacy of
the Great
War, deals in a sprightly manner with the negotiations preceding the conflict.
SEYMOUR, The Diplomatic Background of the War, 1916. LOREBURN, How the
War Came, a sober and thoughtful study made after the war closed.
Points of View on the War. ROSE, The Origins of the War, from an Eng-
lish standpoint. VON MACH, Germany's Point of View, an attempt to justify
The Roots of the War, from an
Germany's policy in America's eyes. DAVIS,
ardent American point of view.
For German ideas of government and war, see JOHN DEWEY, German Phi-
and a of in the last century Out of their
losophy Politics, 1915, survey thought ;
The following deal with some of the deeper problems raised by the war:
ROSE, Nationality in Modern History, 1916; BEER, The English-Speaking
Peoples, their Future Relations and Joint International Obligations, 1917 ;
Antioch (an'ti ok), 106, 239, 240 Athens, 66, 68, 76, 93 and Sparta,
Arbitration, Hague Court of, 602 545 in the World War, 622, 638
Arbitration treaties, 603, 639 Australian ballot," 546
Archimedes (ar ki me'dez), 109 Austrasia, 188
Architecture, earliest, in stone, 45 ; Austria, imperial house of, 305 f. ac- ;
Ar is
toph'a nes, 95 tions of, with Italy after 1815, 476,
Aristotle, 99, 102, 112, 347; medie- 502 ff., 508 f., 511; ascendancy of
val veneration for, 269, 271 f. ; (1815-1848), 478, 502 ff.; defeated
Luther's attitude toward, 310, 312, by Prussia, 512 ff. in a dual mon-
gate, 328 ; King James version of, 400 f., 539 ff.
352 Britons, early, 279
Bill of Rights, 362 Brittany, 228, 233
Biology, 593 Bronze, used in Egypt, 18 in Crete, ;
Birmingham, 532 5
Bishop of Rome, 197, 219. Pope See Bruce, Robert, 280
Bishoprics, 455 f. Bruges, 255, 257
Bishops, 179; in feudal system, 217; Brunswick, 257 duke of, 441, 462
Catherine II of Russia, 378, 384, 414 344, 421 relation of, to state, 223 ff.
; ,
Catholic Church, Roman, 258. See 322 ff. break-up of medieval, 308
; ;
in, 415 Ctesiphon, 175, 193
Commonwealth of England, 357 Cuba, 400, 585, 632
Commune of Paris, 442, 527 Curia, papal, 224
Communism, 635, 663 Custozza, 503
Compurgation, trial by, 189 Cynoscephalae, 137
Concordat of 1801, 457, 529 Cyrus, 37, 44
Congo, French, 581 Belgian, 581 ;
f. Czechoslovakia, republic of, 648
Conrad III, 241 Czechs, 387, 503, 610, 646, 660
Constance, 456
Constantine, 177 Dacia, 1 58 f.
Constantinople, 177, 207, 242, 273; Dalton's theory, 592
captured by Turks, 386 Russian ; Damascus, 647
claims to, 553 in Balkan wars,
Danish language, 265
608 f.; in the World War, 661 D'Annunzio, 661
Constitutions: French, 414, 433, 438, Danton, 446
440, 442, 448, 453, 479, 528 English, ; Danzig, 257
416, 531 ff.; Belgian, 484; Spanish, Dardanelles, the, 553, 661 ;
in the
484 Bohemian, 502
; Hungarian, ;
\Vorld War, 622
502 Italian, 503, 505
; German, ;
Darius the Great, 39, 70, 72
505,663; Japanese, 576; Turkish, Darius III, 103
607 Darnley, Lord, 340
Continental Congresses, 399 Darwin, 591
Contraband of war, 623 David, 41 f.
XX11 General History of Europe
" benevo-
Despots, 424, 426 ff., 442 ; ence from Turkey, 620
lent," 414 Egyptian writing, 1 1 f .
Divine right of kings, 105, 204 f., 351, under Elizabeth, 334, 338 ff.; and
366, 470 Spain, 334, 342, 485 and Ireland ;
Dresden, battle of, 471 China and Japan, 577 and Portu- ;
Duma, Russian, 566 f., 634 gal, 584 n.; army and navy of, 601,
Dumouriez, General, 443 f. 615, 625 and the Entente Cordiale,
of, with America, 389, 395, 399 on ; Directory, 448. See Directory
eve of French Revolution, 419 ff.; French Republic, Second, 499 f. the ;
" election of
in French Revolution, 430 ff.; un- red republic," 500 ;
German language, 207, 265, 471, 517 during the World War, 625, 633
German nobles, 406 f. Greek art and architecture, 78 ff., 93 f.
German peoples, 35 Greek city-state, 56, 66, 68, 91, 95, 99
Germans, early, 146, 158, 173, 175, Greek civilization, in the Age of
182 ff., 202 civilization of, 181. 188;
; Kings, 56 ff. in the Age of Nobles,
Guise (gez), House of, 335, 340 Hippocrates (hi pok'ra tez), 84, 85
Gunpowder, 275, 301, 350
Historic Period, 8
Gurkhas, 540 History, earliest writer of, 42 sum- ;
revolt of the
Hardenberg, 470, 480 tary kingdom, 476;
Austrian Netherlands, 484 neutral- ;
Hargreaves, 489
See Republic (Dutch)
Harvey, 352 ity of, 633.
Holstein (hol'shtin), 481
Hastings, 228
Hawkins, 342 Holy Alliance, 478 f.
Hebert (aber'), 446 Holy Roman Empire, 216 f., f.,
Hor'ace, 1
56, 200 Intervention, 483 f., 587
Horse, first appearance of the, 17 Intolerance, examples of, 244, 318, 334,
Hos'pi tal ers, 240 341, 348, 361, 370, 408 f., 482
House of Commons, Canadian, 544 Inventions, 274 f., 350, 489 ff., 569
Hrolf. See Rollo 572, 589, 626
Hudson Bay ceded to England, 372, I o'ni ans, 55, 71
39 1 Irish question, the, 341, 537 ;
Huguenots (hu'ge nots), 335 f., 366, acts, 538; home rule, 531 n., 539,
369 f. 663
Humanists, 273 Iron, 30, 53, 491
Hundred Years' War, 283 ff. Isaac, 43
Hungarians, 209, 216 Isabella, queen of Castile, 303
Hungary, 502 ff. See Austria-Hungary Isaiah (I za'ya), 44
Huns, 182 f. I'sis, 1 68
Hutton, James, geologist, 590 Islam, 191
^smail I, 583
Ikh na'ton, 22 I soc'ra tes, 99, 101
Il'i ad, 59 Israel, 42
Imperator, 153 Is'sus, 103
Imperialism, 573, 605 f. missionaries ;
Is'tri a, 622
as agents of, 574, 577 Italian cities, and the Orient, 242 f. ;
British in, 539 ff. population of, ; mate of, 116; and the revived Ro-
542 and
the World War, 622, 633 ;
man Empire, 207, 216, 221 f.; and
discontent in, 662 the Orient, 254; during the Renais-
Indo-European languages, 36 sance, 289 ff. a battleground for
Indo-Europeans, 35 f., 54, 116 Europe, 300 f. and France, 450 f., ;
Indulgences, 311 453 ff., 460, 508, 518 laws of, 458 ; ;
Russia, 561. See Industry, Socialism of, 507, 509, 518; kingdom of, 509;
Industry, mass production in, 491 ;
and Prussia, 520 and Turkey, 520, ;
factories, 493, 535 ; capital and labor, 607 and colonies, 520, 604 and
; ;
Joanna the Insane, 306 Latin peoples, 485, 508, 586, 633
Joffre, General, 617, 625 Latins, 118, 124
John of England, 234 f. Latium, 118
John II of France, 283 Laud, William, 354, 356
Joliet (zholya'), 391 Law, earliest written codes of, 28, 122,
Joseph, 43 160, 186, 189; English common,
Joseph II of Austria, 387, 414 f.
232; study of, 271; international,
Josephine, 458, 468 372 f.; local codes, 421, 434; civil,
Judah, 42, 44 in France, 458, 479; criminal, in
Jugoslavs, 648, 661 f. England, 534
Julian, "the Apostate," 177 League of Nations, 656 ff. first ses- ;
Modena (mo'dana), 482, 509; Mary power, 465 ff. second marriage of,
Mohammed Ahmed, 584 and Prussia, 516 f.; and China, 576
Mohammedan conquests, 209, 241, Napoleonic Period, the, Italian cam-
302, 386 paign, 450 f.
Egyptian expedition,
Mohammedans, 191 ff., 206, 302 f., 54 1, 452 f.; war with coalition of great
620. See Moslems powers, 453 f.; general pacification,
Moliere (mo Iyer'), 368 454 ;
cession of left bank of the
Mommsen, 171 Rhine to France, 455 seculariza- ;
405 f., 415; after the Congress of influence, order, and prosperity of
Vienna, 424, 478!, 481, 520, 649. France, 456 ff. the Code Napoleon,
barter, 250; grants of, to the gov- of the Holy Roman Empire, 460 ;
ernment, 281 f., 287, 532. See war with Prussia and Russia, 461 f. ;
Monks, 198, 201, 246 f., 324, 330; ments in PVance, 465; Spain and
contribution of, to civilization, the Peninsular War, 466 f.; war with
200 f. Austria, 467 campaign of Napo-
Mon te ne'gro, 606, 608, 610, 615, 622, allied with Russia, 469 ff. War of ;
372, 443 f., 456, 476, 484; king 290; 296. See Crusades
of the, 481. See Belgium, Holland, Origin of Species, by Darwin, 591
Republic (Dutch) Orleanists, 528 n.
Neustria, 188 Orleans (or'laan), Maid of, 285
Neutral nations, 464, 484, 613, 615, Orleans, House of, 480
618, 623, 630, 633, 652 Ostracism, 68
New Atlantis, 349 Ostrogoths. See East Goths
New Testament, 169 Oth'man, 386
Newcomen (nu kum'en), 491 Otto the Great, 2i6f.
Newfoundland ceded by France, 372 Ottoman Turks, 386
New Gra na'da, 483 Ov'id, 200
New Orleans, 391 Oxford, University of, 271
Newspapers, 439, 542
Newton, Sir Isaac, 412 Painting, 295 f.
Petrograd (pye tro grat'), 378 n. 218; claims of, 219, 234; position
Pharaoh (fa'ro), 20, 22 of, 223 ff., 308 f., 457, 5 J
Phar sa'lus, 149 Port Arthur, siege of, 579
Phid'i as, 84, 94 Portcullis, 210
Philip Augustus of France, 233, 242 Porte, the, 554
Philip of Macedon, 101, 124 Porto Rico, 585
Philip II of Spain, 326, 331 f., 340 ff. Ports'mouth, Treaty of, 579
Philip V
of Spain, 371 f. Portugal, 302, 390, 400, 466, 484, 584
of, 321; in France, 321, 335; spread 480, 505 in China, 578
in Turkey, ;
social conditions before 1806, 469 f.; St. Mark, 503; Third French, 527 f.;
militarism of, 470 f. acquisitions ;
Latin- American, 586 f.; Czecho-
(1815), 477 f.; ascendancy of, 480 f.; slovakian, 648 Hungarian, 648
; ;
Rheims (rems), 617, 645; cathedral the Church, 218 in the eighteenth
Rhine, left bank of, ceded to France, volt of (1848), 503 ; retained as the
455; Confederation of the, 461, papal capital, 510; annexed to the
472, 477 districts of, ceded to
kingdom of Italy, 518 f.
Prussia, 477 Rom'u lus and Re'mus, 141
Rhodes, Cecil, 547 Roosevelt, President, 579
Rhodes taken by Italy, 608 Rossbach (ros'baK), 381
Rhodesia, 549 Rotten boroughs," 533
Richard I, 233 f., 241 Rouen (ro on'), 228, 285
Richelieu (resh lye), 337, 345, 366 Roumania. See Rumania
Robespierre (ro bes pyer'), 447 Roundheads, 356, 531
Rollo, Duke of the Normans, 228 Rousseau (ro so'), Jean Jacques, 413 f.
Roman army, 124, 129, 133, 146, 153 f., Royal Academy, 349
158, 172, 174 f.; army of the allies, Ru'bi con, 148
127 Rubinstein, composer, 551
Roman art and architecture, I39ff., Ru ma'ni a, 1 59, 606 invaded by ;
155, i58f., 161, i63ff., 208 Germans, 627, 638; ambitions of, 636
Roman Catholic Church. See Church Rumanians in
Hungary, 387, 609
Roman citizenship, extension of, 123, Runnymede (run'i nied), 235
172 Rurik (ro'rik), 375
Roman civilization, Greek influence Russia, beginnings of, 374 f., 551 f. ;
on, 120, 128, 143, 161 ff.; wealth in, Baltic provinces of, 378; in the
139, 142, 167; collapse of, 1740.; Seven Years' War, 381 acquires ;
Roman colonization, agricultural, 123, tions of, with France, 453 f., 459 f.,
127, 159 462, 465, 468 f., 471 f. art and sci- ;
Roman commerce, 128, 139 ence in, 551 absolutism of, 552 f.
; ;
Roman education, 140 f., 162 the Near-Eastern question, 553 ff.,
Roman Empire, origin and govern- 606, 609 the Russo-Turkish War,
ment of, 143, 154,159; decline of, 559 f.;industry in, 561 f.; railroads
170 ff.; division of, 177 ff.; fall of, in, 562, 597 revolution under Nich-
See Charlemagne, Holy Roman and China, 564, 577 f. " Red Sun- ;
Roman law, 122, 160, 186, 421 parliament in, 566 sale of Alaska, ;
Sar din'i a, 131, 508; king of, 503 alliance after, 428
Sardis, 38 Se ve'rus, Sep tim'i us, 174
Sar'gon I, 28 Sev'ille, 194, 302
Sas sa'nids, 175 Seymour, Jane, 324
Satan, 37 Shakespeare, 338, 352
Satrap, 39 Shan tung', Germans in, 577 ; ques-
Saul, 41 tion of, 653
Savoy, 443, 508, 509 Sicily, taken by Moslems, 209, 221;
Saxons, in Britain, 183, 202, 279 f.; kingdom of, 461, 482, 509
conquered by Charlemagne, 206 Sikhs in India, 541
Saxony, 462, 477, 480, 515 Silesia (si le'sha) acquired by Prus-
Schleiden and Schwann, naturalists, sia, 380, 387
Social orders and classes. See Bishops, Steam, age of, 492
Clergy, Feudalism, Peasants, Third Steam engine, 491
Estate Steamships, 569
Socialism, principles of, 496 ff. ;
and Stein (shtiri), Baron vom, 470, 480
democracy, 498 ; flag of, 500 n. ; in Stevenson, Robert Louis, 281
Germany, 524 f. ;
in Russia, 635; as Stoics, 113
an international movement, 664 f. Stone Age, Early, 3 f. Late, 5 f. ;
loses Dutch provinces, 334; suffers tant revolt in, 320 f. independence
from policies of Philip II and sinks of, 346 neutrality of, in World
484; revolution in, 485 f.; a Hohen- under French protection, 661
zollern candidate for the throne of,
5i6n. decline in colonial power
; Tacitus, 167, 206
of, 584 ff. neutral in the World
; Taft, ex-President, 658
War, 633. See Austria, Charles V, Taille, 421, 424
Italy, Monroe Doctrine, Spanish- Talleyrand (ta le rah'), 477
American War Tanks, 626
Spanish Armada, destruction of, 342 Tartars. See Mongols
Spanish language, 265 Tasmania, 544
Spanish Main, 299 Taxation, Roman Empire, 160,
in the
Spanish ships captured by English 171, 176; in the Middle Ages, 235,
mariners, 338 256, 282, 284, 285, 402, 406, 407,
of the American colonies,
Spanish Succession, War of the, 363, 421 ;
Thirty Years' War, 343 ff. World War, 615, 638; surrender
Thucydides (thu sid'i dez), 98 of, 647 realm of divided, 661
Tours (tor), 193 f., 204 at war with England (1812), 464;
Towns, medieval, 248 ff., 319; repre- repels French intervention in Mex-
sentation of, 281, 286, 532; great ico, 516 commercial and territorial
manufacturing, 390 free, 455, 481, ; expansion of, 585 acquires terri- ;
Trade unions, 495, 530. See Business sacrifices by, 650, 667 refuses to ;
52, 55, 103 372, 39 1
Truce of God," 214
Tsars, origin of title, 376; dominions Vaccination, 594
and powers of, 551 f.'; genealogical Valera, Eamonn de, 662
table of, 562 n. overthrow of, 634
; Valois, 335
Index xxxvn
Vandals, 183, 186 Warfare, modern, 620, 626 f.
Van Eyck, the brothers, 296 Wars, of the Roses, 286 of religion, ;
624 f.; Austria's ultimatum, 613; 57; Phoenician, 57; Roman, 120
Germans violate Belgian neutrality, Writing materials, invention of, 13;
6i3f.; the powers at war (1914), earliest, in Europe, 58
615; Germany indicted by Ger- Wiirtemberg, 518; king of, 460, 482
mans, 616; France and England Wyc'liffe, John, 284 f.
against the Germans, 617 ff. the ;
frontier as the most constant and potent force in our history and
the unusually large amount of space devoted to the history of our
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