William N. Bender and Maureen E. Wall: Traditionally

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Judul Social-Emotionaldevelopmentof Students With Learning Disabilities

Jurnal Council for Learning Disabilities

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Volume dan Halaman
Volume 17 fall 1994 (pp 323-341)
Tahun 1994
Penulis William N. Bender And Maureen E. Wall
Reviewer Maya Lestari (5183131018)
Tanggal 30 September 2018
Tujuan Penelitian First, deficits in cognitive processing, which are sufficient to cause
major learning problems in academic areas, are proba-bly
sufficientto cause major learningproblems in non-academic areas
as well.
Subjek Penelitian Children and youth with disabilities.
Assesment Data Withinthese three domains, we collected liter-ature on all the
variables that were traditionally measured in the literature.We knew it
would be necessary to merge the data, simply because of the number
of different variables. We likewise realized that the process
described below, by which we grouped the data, was somewhat arbi
trary. Nevertheless, producing an overview of these data
necessitated some pooling, and we designed a four-step decision-
makingprocess for that purpose.

Metode Penelitian We developed a model to guide our delin-eation of the variablesof

interest. At the outset, we realized that some compilation of variables
would be necessary to meaningfullydiscuss these data in the
aggregate. Indeed, entire literature reviews can be done,
frequentlyare, for any one of the variablesthat were considered. Nev-

ertheless, we felt that some overview was neces-sary in order to

understandthe development of students with LD. Therefore, we
sought to pro-vide such a picture ratherthan a more traditional
review of the literaturein any one area.Initially, we focused on three
areas, which were not predominantly based on cognitive, mental, or
academic functioning: behavioral,emotional/personality, and social
development. While recognizing the interactivenature of these
domains, and their mutual interaction with the cognitive/achievement
domain, we nevertheless felt that initially we should concentrate our
ef-forts on some areas that we could differentiate from each other.

Langkah Penelitian First, we decided to utilize only variables that had been
investigated in a minimum of three studies. Second, we immediately
pooled the re-search data on the numerous variablesfor which
differentterms and/or assessment tools were uti-lized (self-concept
and self-esteem). Third, we pooled the numerous variablesthat
incorporated differentshades of meaning (locus of control and
attribution)and/or different emphases along a continuum(social
isolation and social rejection).
Finally, certain variables represented different concepts while
addressing the same general overall issue (misconduct, aggression,
delin-quency). For clarity and brevity, we felt that these areas should
be discussed together.Using this process, we identified 14 variables
within the three domains of emotional, social, and behavioral
development. While the bulk of the literatureshows deficits in each of
these ar-eas among children and/or youth with LD, less than one in
four of these areas has resulted in intervention studies aimed a
changing those deficits.
"Wheel of Successful Outcomes"
In the model presented in Figure 1, the indi-vidual emerges into the
world as a cumulative bundle of genetic predispositions, talents,
infant temperament, prenatal insights, and memories. If the human
tabula rasa prototype ever existed, it has not yet been seen; indeed,
research clearly indicates that an infant's prenatal experiences may
be remembered and retained into later life. Besides, the
informationavailableon infant tem-perament suggests that children
have decidedly different temperaments from the minute they are born.
The spokes in this wheel of development are comprised of the 14
measurableattributesema-nating from the individual child with LD.
The dark lines delineate the domains that we feel can be isolated,
including social, emotional, behav-ioral, and cognitive/academic

Hasil Penelitian We identified seven affective variables, pre-sented in Table 1,

within the domain of emo-tional development. While extensive review
of all the available studies on these variables is not possible here, we
present the general conclu-sions and informationon
interventionswherever interventionresearch is available.
Self-concept has been described in the litera-ture as self-evaluation,
self-esteem, self-aware-ness, self-understanding, self-perception,
self-worth, and self-image (Axelrod & Zvi, 1993; Morvitz& Motta,
1992; Priel & Leshem, 1990; Renick & Harter, 1989; Tomlan,
1985). Al-though the term self-concept may impact devel-opment in
the cognitive/academic domain, our review was focused on the
broader meaning of the term as it applies to affective as well as cog-
nitive processes, especially as it relates to how children and youth
view their learning disabili-ties. The search indicated that children
and youth with learning disabilitiesexhibit lower self- concept and
lower perceived competence than their nondisabledpeers (Ayres,
Cooley, & Dunn, 1990; Bear, Clever, & Proctor, 1991; Chap-man,
1988; Cooley & Ayres, 1988; De-Francesco & Taylor, 1985;
Mulcahy, 1990; Ra-viv & Stone, 1991). Further, research has
suggested that lower overall self-concept nega-tively affects social
behavior and academic achievement (Heyman, 1990; Kershner,
Interventionsaimed at improvingself-conceptin studentswith learing
disabilities,includinggroup counseling, rational-emotiveeducationand
cogni-tive strategiestraining,have yielded mixed results (Mulcahy,
1990; Omizo, Cubberly, & Omizo, 1985; Omizo & Omizo, 1988). The
interventions that seemed generallyto be more effectiveinvolve
rational-motiveeducation and group counseling. While some
interventionsin some studies did im-prove self-concept, there has
been little effort to measure secondary effects on related variables
such as improvementsin academicwork or social acceptance that may
result from interventionsin-tended to enhance self-concept. The model
pre-tervention researchto measure potential effects in these other
areas as well.

Kekuatan Penelitian Penelitian yang dilengkapi dengan data yang sangat akurat berupa
tabel menambah wawasan dalam mendalami materi. Hasil penelitian
ini juga dilengkapi penjabaran dari data penelitian yang dibuat.
Sehingga pembaca dapat lebih mudah memahami kajian materi yang
Kelemahan Penelitian Penggunaan kalimat yang sedikit membingungkan atau jarang
digunakan oleh masyarakat awam sehingga mengakibatkan sukar
dipahami oleh pembaca awam. Penggunaan bentuk tulisan yang
besar kecil juga membuat bingung pembaca untuk memahami isi
kajian materi.
Kesimpulan Number of research implicationsmay be de-rived from the growing
body of research on the social-emotional development of students
with LD. First, there is increased evidence that some students with
learning disabilities suffer from a wide array of social-emotional
problems that are not limited to the deficits traditionally discussed in
the literature. For example, we have known for a number of years
that this population demonstrates deficits on such variables as self-
concept and attributions for success, as well as deficits in socially
acceptable behaviors (Bender Golden, 1988, 1990), social skills,
and social acceptance (Vaughn & LaGreca, 1988, 1993). However,
serious problems in interpersonal skills, adaptivity, loneliness,
depression, legala cumen-leading to trouble with the law-and
suicide appear to be much more common than previously supposed
among students with LD. And these variables have only recently
been in-vestigated. Clearly, problems of this nature should command
more attention. We need to follow up on existing studies and
ascertain the extent of these problems among students with LD; that
is, whether they characterizethe majority of that group or merely a
small subgroup. Second, there is growing evidence that social-
emotional problems result in negative outcomes both duringschool
and duringthe earlyadultyears (Bruck, 1987; Sitlington& Frank,
1990; Sitling-ton et al., 1992). As Welleret al. (1994) pointed out,
these problemstend to exacerbatethe difficul-ties of young adultswith
LD, includingless-than-optimal employment outcomes, more legal
trou-bles, and unsatisfactorypersonaland social lives.
The model presented here suggests that any deficit in these
variablescan affect successfulout-comes in any of the domains. For
example, it is unclearwhether (a)juveniledelinquencyis a result of the
cognitiveprocessingdeficitsthat caused the learningdisability,(b)
academic failuresthat led to the need for money and unemployment,
(c) deficits in social competence that led to job loss,habitual
inappropriate behaviors throughout the school years, or (e) unusual
anxiety and/or loneliness that resulted in a need for attention.
Given the proposed model and the potentialinter-actions it
represents, any of the above factors could lead to juvenile
delinquency.Consequently, any service delivery plan must include
attention to each of these potentially causal factors.
Judul Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurnal Jurnal Ilmu Pendidlkan Di Perguruan Tinggi:
Suatu Studi Telaah Pada Tahun 1993
Volume dan Halaman
Jilid 1, Nomor 1, h.3-21
Tahun Februari 1994
Penulis Dali S. Naga Dan Muza Yanah Sutikno
Reviewer Rido Harlan (5181131015)
Tujuan Penelitian Mengkritik Jurnal (Critical Journal Review)
Ini Di Buat Sebagai Salah Satu Referensi Ilmu Yang Bermanfaat
Untuk Membawa Wawasan Penulis Maupun Pembaca Dalam
Mengetahui Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Journal, Menjadi Bahan
Pertimbangan Dan Juga Menyelesaikan Salah Satu Tugas Individu
Mata Kuliah Ppd Di Universitas Negri Medan
Assesment Data Isi makalah ini berasal dari hasil studi telaah jurnal ilmu pendidikan
yang dilakukan pada tahun 1992/1993. Studi telaah itu dibiayai oleh
Pembinaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dalam
kegiatan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang penerbitan ilmiah di
tinggi dan di lingkungan organisasi profesi. Judul studi 'telaah yang
menjadi sumber artikel ini adalah "Evaluasi Publikasi Ilmiah di
Bidang Pendidik
an: " .
Hasil Penelitian Secara tersirat, studi telaah ini memiliki tugas untuk menunjukkan
rnana di antara 51 judul majalah itu yang dapat diangkat menjadi
jumal ilmu
_ lidikan bertaraf nasional. Tugas ini tidak mudah untuk
Seperti halnya dengan bidang ilmu lainnya, ilmu pendidikan juga
wilayah yang luas. Kalau kawasan ilmu .pendidikan itu disandikan ke
. sandi angka, maka kita akan menemukan majalah satu digit angka
mengandung berbagai bidang ilmu di kawasan ilmu pendidikan. Kita
menemukan majalah dua digit angka yang hanya berisikan satu
di kawasan ilmu pendidikan. Dan kita dapat juga menemukan
iga digit arigka yang hanya berisikan satu jalur di dalam satu bidang
ilmu di
dalam kawasan ilmu pendidikan.
Bersama itu, penentuan peringkat di antara majalah itu dapat
pada tingkat satu digit yakni dengan anggapan bahwa hanya ada
majalah ilmu pendidikan. Namun penentuan peringkat ini dapat juga
an pada tingkat dua digit yakni dengan anggapan bahwa ada
~aJah ilmu pendidikan yang masing-masing berkenaan dengan suatu
u di kawasan ilmu pendidikan.
Penentuan peringkat pada taraf satu digit akan menghasilkan peng-
~2;btan satu di antara majalah itu menjadi jumal ilmu pendidikan
:l!:sional. Ini berarti bahwa kita .perIu mengangkat salah satu
majalah ilmu
xwidilrnn dengan berbagai jenis isi. Bersama itu, kita tidak dapat
yang agak merata terhadap semua bidang ilmu di kawaspendidikan.
Dengan demikian, mungkin saja ada bidang pendidikan
_ ban ak ditulis oIeh para pakar pendidikan serta ada bidang
_ terbengkalai.
Sebaliknya, penentuan peringkatan pada taraf dua digit akan
evaluasi terhadap berbagai majalah ilmu pendidikan itu. .Kea-
~ di dalam isi majalah ilmu pendidikan itu menghambat penilaian
sampai kepada peringkat berdasarkan bidang ilmu di dalam kawasan
pendidikan. Tampaknya, karena kesulitan memperoleh artikel,
derungan di kalangan pengasuh majalah itu untuk mengisi. penuh
ialah mereka dengan artikel apa saja yang dapat merekajangkau.
Hal lain yang turnt serta di dalam pengangkatan suatu judul majalah
- salah satu pergurnan tinggi ke tingkat nasional adalah keterbatasan
_ dapat dimuat di majalah itu.
Kelebihan Penelitian Semua materinya lengkep penulisa kalimatnya jelas
Kelemahan Penelitian Tidak Mudah Di Mengerti Kalimatnya Berlibet Isinya Tidak Jelas
Kesimpulan Studi telaah ini menunjukkan bahwa isi majalah ilmiah ilmu
yang terbit di berbagai perguruan tinggi memiliki pola isi yang sama
atau bersamaan. Sebagian besar di antara mereka berisikan
berbagai bidang
ilmu di kawasan ilmu pendidikan. Sebagian lagi, berisikan bidang
ilmu yang
lebih terbatas (pengajaran bahasa, pengajaran MIPA, teknologi
Kedua bagian ini yakni bagian berisikan berbagai bidang ilmu dan
bagian yang berisikan bidang ilmu yang lebih terbatas ini temyata
tersebar di
berbagai LPT KIP. Hal ini dapat kita lihat dengan lebih tegas di
Lampiran 3. Penyebaran seperti ini, serta ketidakrnantapan
penerbitan mereka,
menyulitkan studi telaah untuk memastikan· secara mantap majalah
mana yang dapat direkomendasikan kepada DP3M untuk dijadikan
jumal ilmiah
ilmu pendidikan tingkat nasional.

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