2011 Blood Transfusion
2011 Blood Transfusion
2011 Blood Transfusion
Red blood cell transfusions are used to treat hemorrhage and to improve oxygen delivery to tissues. Transfusion of
red blood cells should be based on the patient’s clinical condition. Indications for transfusion include symptomatic
anemia (causing shortness of breath, dizziness, congestive heart failure, and decreased exercise tolerance), acute
sickle cell crisis, and acute blood loss of more than 30 percent of blood volume. Fresh frozen plasma infusion can be
used for reversal of anticoagulant effects. Platelet transfusion is indicated to prevent hemorrhage in patients with
thrombocytopenia or platelet function defects. Cryoprecipitate is used in cases of hypofibrinogenemia, which most
often occurs in the setting of massive hemorrhage or consumptive coagulopathy. Transfusion-related infections
are less common than noninfectious complications. All noninfectious complications of transfusion are classified
as noninfectious serious hazards of transfusion. Acute complications occur within minutes to 24 hours of the
transfusion, whereas delayed complications may develop days, months, or even years later. (Am Fam Physician.
2011;83(6):719-724. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
lood transfusion can be a life- sickle cell crisis (for stroke prevention), or
saving procedure, but it has risks, acute blood loss of greater than 1,500 mL or
including infectious and nonin- 30 percent of blood volume.4 Patients with
fectious complications. There is symptomatic anemia should be transfused
debate in the medical literature concern- if they cannot function without treating the
ing the appropriate use of blood and blood anemia.4 Symptoms of anemia may include
products. Clinical trials investigating their fatigue, weakness, dizziness, reduced exer-
use suggest that waiting to transfuse at lower cise tolerance, shortness of breath, changes
hemoglobin levels is beneficial.1,2 This review in mental status, muscle cramps, and
will consider the indications for transfusion angina or severe congestive heart failure.
of blood and blood products, and will dis- The 10/30 rule—transfusion when a patient
cuss common noninfectious complications has a hemoglobin level less than or equal to
associated with transfusion. 10 g per dL (100 g per L) and a hematocrit
level less than or equal to 30 percent—was
Red Blood Cells used until the 1980s as the trigger to trans-
Packed red blood cells (RBCs) are prepared fuse, regardless of the patient’s clinical
from whole blood by removing approxi- presentation.4,5
mately 250 mL of plasma. One unit of packed In 1999, a randomized, multicenter, con-
RBCs should increase levels of hemoglobin trolled clinical trial evaluated a restrictive
by 1 g per dL (10 g per L) and hematocrit by transfusion trigger (hemoglobin level of 7 to
3 percent. In most areas, packed RBC units 9 g per dL [70 to 90 g per L]) versus a lib-
are filtered to reduce leukocytes before eral transfusion trigger (hemoglobin level
storage, which limits febrile nonhemolytic of 10 to 12 g per dL [100 to 120 g per L])
transfusion reactions (FNHTRs), and are in patients who were critically ill.1 Restric-
considered cytomegalovirus safe.3 tive transfusion practices resulted in a 54
RBC transfusions are used to treat hemor- percent relative decrease in the number
rhage and to improve oxygen delivery to tis- of units transfused and a reduction in the
sues. Transfusion of RBCs should be based 30-day mortality rate. The authors recom-
on the patient’s clinical condition.4 Indi- mended transfusion when hemoglobin is
cations for RBC transfusion include acute less than 7 g per dL, and maintenance of a
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Clinical recommendation rating References Comments
The threshold for transfusion of red blood cells should be a hemoglobin A 1, 2, 6 RCTs in adults and
level of 7 g per dL (70 g per L) in adults and most children. children with a critical
A restrictive transfusion strategy (hemoglobin level of 7 to 9 g per dL B 2 RCT in children with a
[70 to 90 g per L]) should not be used in preterm infants or children critical illness
with cyanotic heart disease, severe hypoxemia, active blood loss, or
hemodynamic instability.
Transfusion of plasma should be considered in a patient who has an C 8 Consensus conference
International Normalized Ratio greater than 1.6 with active bleeding, or recommendations
in a patient receiving anticoagulant therapy before an invasive procedure.
Platelets should not be transfused in patients with thrombotic C 10, 11 Guidelines based on case
thrombocytopenic purpura or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia reports
unless a life-threatening hemorrhage has occurred.
hemoglobin level between 7 to 9 g per dL.1 A recently per dL (85 to 95 g per L). The liberal transfusion trig-
updated Cochrane review supports the use of restrictive
ger was a hemoglobin level of 9.5 g per dL, with a target
transfusion triggers in patients who do not have cardiac
level of 11 to 12 g per dL (110 to 120 g per L). Patients
disease.6 in the restrictive group received 44 percent fewer blood
A similar study was carried out in critically ill chil-
transfusions, with no difference in rates of multiple organ
dren.2 The restrictive transfusion trigger was a hemoglo-
dysfunction syndrome or death. The restrictive transfu-
bin level of 7 g per dL, with a target level of 8.5 to 9.5 g
sion strategy is useful for children who are stable patients
in intensive care. It should not be used in
preterm neonates or in children with severe
Table 1. Indications for Transfusion of Plasma Products
hypoxemia, active blood loss, hemodynamic
instability, or cyanotic heart disease.2
Indication Associated condition/additional information
International Normalized Inherited deficiency of single clotting factors Plasma products available in the United
Ratio > 1.6 with no virus-safe or recombinant factor States include fresh frozen plasma and
available—anticoagulant factors II, V, X, or XI
thawed plasma that may be stored at 33.8 to
Prevent active bleeding in patient on
anticoagulant therapy before a procedure
42.8°F (1 to 6°C) for up to five days. Plasma
Active bleeding
contains all of the coagulation factors. Fresh
Emergent reversal of Major or intracranial hemorrhage
frozen plasma infusion can be used for rever-
warfarin (Coumadin) Prophylactic transfusion in a surgical
sal of anticoagulant effects. Thawed plasma
procedure that cannot be delayed has lower levels of factors V and VIII and
Acute disseminated With active bleeding and correction of is not indicated in patients with consump-
intravascular underlying condition tion coagulopathy (diffuse intravascular
coagulopathy coagulation).3
Microvascular bleeding ≥ 1 blood volume (replacing approximately Plasma transfusion is recommended in
during massive 5,000 mL in an adult who weighs 155.56 lb patients with active bleeding and an Interna-
transfusion [70 kg])
tional Normalized Ratio (INR) greater than
Replacement fluid for Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;
apheresis in thrombotic hemolytic uremic syndrome
1.6, or before an invasive procedure or sur-
microangiopathies gery if a patient has been anticoagulated.7,8
Hereditary angioedema When C1 esterase inhibitor is unavailable9 Plasma is often inappropriately transfused
for correction of a high INR when there is no
Information from references 7 through 9. bleeding. Supportive care can decrease high-
normal to slightly elevated INRs (1.3 to 1.6)
720 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 83, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2011
Table 2. Indications for Transfusion of Table 4. Indications for Transfusion of
Platelets in Adults Cryoprecipitate
March 15, 2011 ◆ Volume 83, Number 6 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 721
Blood Transfusion
Table 5. Noninfectious Serious Hazards
of Transfusion
Transfusion Complications Acute hemolytic reaction
Transfusion-related complications can be categorized Allergic reaction
as acute or delayed, which can be divided further into Anaphylactic reaction
the categories of noninfectious (Table 5 16) and infectious Coagulation problems in massive transfusion
(Table 6 16,17). Acute complications occur within minutes Febrile nonhemolytic reaction
to 24 hours of the transfusion, whereas delayed compli- Metabolic derangements
cations may develop days, months, or even years later. Mistransfusion (transfusion of the incorrect product to the
The AABB (formerly known as the American Associa- incorrect recipient)
tion of Blood Banks) uses the term “noninfectious seri- Septic or bacterial contamination
ous hazards of transfusion” to classify noninfectious Transfusion-associated circulatory overload
complications.16 Transfusion-related infections are Transfusion-related acute lung injury
less common because of advances in the blood screen- Urticarial reaction
ing process; the risk of contracting an infection from Delayed
transfusion has decreased 10,000-fold since the 1980s.17 Delayed hemolytic reaction
Noninfectious serious hazards of transfusion are up to Iron overload
1,000 times more likely than an infectious complica- Microchimerism
tion.16 However, there has been no progress in prevent- Overtransfusion or undertransfusion
ing noninfectious serious hazards of transfusion, despite Post-transfusion purpura
improvements in blood screening tests and other related Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
medical advances. Therefore, patients are far more likely Transfusion-related immunomodulation
to experience a noninfectious serious hazard of transfu-
Adapted with permission from Hendrickson JE, Hillyer CD. Noninfec-
sion than an infectious complication.17 tious serious hazards of transfusion. Anesth Analg. 2009;108(3):760.
722 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 83, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2011
Blood Transfusion
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SANJEEV SHARMA, MD, is an associate professor in the Department of 16. Hendrickson JE, Hillyer CD. Noninfectious serious hazards of transfu-
Family Medicine at Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Neb. sion. Anesth Analg. 2009;108(3):759-769.
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Address correspondence to Sanjeev Sharma, MD, Creighton University
purpura is consistent with the acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
Medical Center, 601 N. 30th St., Omaha, NE 68131 (e-mail: ssharma@
model. Transfusion. 2009;49(6):1050-1058.
creighton.edu). Reprints are not available from the authors.
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20. Reutter JC, Sanders KF, Brecher ME, Jones HG, Bandarenko N. Inci-
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