Shahbaz Final
Shahbaz Final
Shahbaz Final
Author : Supervisors :
Sesaria Kikitamara Prof. dr. M.C.J.D. van Eekelen
s4561414 Dipl. Ing. Jan-Peter Doomernik (Enexis)
This thesis was produced for the completion of my master’s course in Information
Science. The presented thesis is the outcome of a case study on Enexis, a Dutch energy
grid company. They provide access to energy for 33% of the Netherlands (2.7 million
households). They ensure this access to energy by owning the electricity grid.
For the future, they identify several exponential technologies that, combined, could
disrupt the way people are provided with energy. Enexis is focused on solutions that are
caring and inclusive: caring in that they serve the citizens and the organizations of the
Netherlands, and inclusive, in that energy distribution is not determined by business cases
or profit formulas, but can be ensured as a right for everybody.
Enexis follows Gartner’s vision concerning the ability of blockchain to lead to a pro-
grammable economy. In this programmable economy, Gartner expects new economic mod-
els to arise. In this vision, blockchain would be the fabric with which these new economic
models are operated, by artificial intelligence, autonomous machines, companies, or individ-
uals. Currently they are preparing to implement EV charging points based on blockchain
applications, as one of their actions towards a programmable economy.
Furthermore, although this study case is performed for Enexis, the results can be im-
plemented in other economic models. Therefore, the solution is presented in this report is
widely applicable and may be suitable for other fields, such as finance, healthcare, govern-
ment and others. However, the solution is not free of limitations. There may be problems
with and challenges to some aspects and practices.
I am grateful to all the people involved in this study. In particular, I would like to
thank Prof. Marko van Eekelen for supervising this master’s thesis and Mr. Jan-Peter
Doomernik for giving me opportunity to take part in this Enexis project, as well as for
offering a lot of insight into this project.
Finally, I would like to thank my family and my friends for being helpful and support-
ive during my time studying in Radboud University, as well as the Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education (LPDP) for granting me a master’s scholarship to study in Netherlands.
Nowadays blockchain has gained the interest of both technological and business sectors.
Accordingly, the energy sector is considering blockchain as the future of their infrastruc-
ture. There are two visions for energy system related to this, closed model and open model.
Technically speaking, closed model related to the intranet system and open model to the
internet system. Particularly, through its decentralized mechanism, blockchain could offer
a decentralized energy transmission and supply system in an open model environment sup-
ported by the use of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. In an open model,
there are interconnected devices and machine-to-machine interactions, and the transaction
data is stored on the blockchain. Users and companies identifies themselves using their
digital identities. Therefore, due to the implementation of blockchain, there is a need for
different kinds of digital identity management. In this study, we examine three categories
of digital identity—federated identity, user-centric identity, and hybrid identity—to deter-
mine which is best-suited for the open model energy system that is our case study. In order
to move towards open model, we need to evaluate also the closed model implementation.
Thus the basic method that we apply is a comparison of the digital identity categories
based on their implementations for both closed and open model, advantages, disadvan-
tages, and similarities with blockchain characteristics and open model characteristics. The
proposed solution reveals that hybrid identity is most likely the most appropriate for an
open model system. Additionally, this thesis also proposes some properties that are needed
to developed the selected digital identity category.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Two Visions for Future Energy System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Applying Blockchain to The Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 The Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Research Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Scope of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 Report Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Contents
7 Conclusion 61
8 Discussion 63
List of Figures
1.1 The Decentralized Energy Transaction and Supply System. Adapted from
Blockchain – an opportunity for energy producers and consumers? by PwC
Global Power Utilities. Retrieved July 7, 2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 Entity Communication Sequence. Adapted from Digital Identity and Access
Management: Technologies and Frameworks by Raj Sharman. Retrieved
May 18, 2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Digital Identity Life Cycle. Adapted from Discussion Paper : Digital Iden-
tity Towards Shared Principles for Public and Private Sector Cooperation
by World Bank Group, GSMA, Secure Identity Alliance. Retrieved May 20,
2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Encryption/Decryption Principle. Adapted from Public Key Encryption
And Digital Signature - How Do They Work? by CGI Group (2014). URL : Retrieved
May 22, 2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10 List of Figures
3.4 Website Access Using Digital Identity. Adapted from Digital Identity :
An Introduction by Piran Partners, URL :
content/uploads/2014/12/An-Introduction-to-Digital-Identity.pdf. Retrieved
May 18, 2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Federated Identity Model. Adapted from User Centric Identity Management
by Audun Jøsang and Simon Pope. Retrieved May 26, 2017. . . . . . . . . 32
3.6 User-centric Identity Model. Adapted from User Centric Identity Manage-
ment by Audun Jøsang and Simon Pope. Retrieved May 26, 2017. . . . . . 33
4.1 The Potential of Blockchain for Identity. Adapted from A Blueprint for
Digital Identity : The Role of Financial Institutions in Building Digital
Identity by World Economic Forum 2016. Retrieved May 26, 2017. . . . . . 39
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
This study began with ideas for the future of energy infrastructure. Today, energy
is generated by power plants and from several renewable energy sources. This energy is
distributed to companies and other customers using the energy grids. It may be the case
that this system will change only incrementally in the years to come.
There is also another possibility, however, a possibility for disruptive change. Energy
distribution could change through a combination of several emergent technologies. There
are also many raw energy sources that could be used. For example, the sun distributes a
very thick layer of raw energy over the earth. New infrastructures could be put in place
using machines that transform raw energy (sunlight) into usable energy (for example the
solar fluid hydrogen). At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers
are exploring artificial leaves as an example of such a technology. As well as the distribu-
tion starting point, the distribution process could also be changed, such as when we use
excess capacity in self-driving cars.New infrastructures in which machines communicate
could manage future energy demands.
In both visions, there are many emergent technologies that will help us to connect
with devices, vehicles, building, etc., including embedded sensor and network connectivity
that will enable our devices to collect and exchange data. Technologies such as blockchain,
autonomous assets, artificial intelligence and the internet of things (IoT) are correlated
and become the buildings blocks of future infrastructure. The amount of change in the
energy system will determine the future infrastructure of the energy system. One emergent
technology that could impact distribution is blockchain. This could be used to change the
current system incrementally or to disrupt the current system.
2 Chapter 1. Introduction
will be connected: the identity of things. Everything inside the house including heating
system, fridge or a lightbulb will be connected to the internet; therefore, the evolution of
digital identity will be a vital contribution to building the future of open model systems.
• Secure transactions. The database can only be extended and previous records
cannot be changed. Everyone who participates can see the blocks and the transactions
stored in them.
tion of inter-device transactions and using it as the technology to enable IoT devices
to exchange information without the need for intermediaries [58].
Figure 1.1: The Decentralized Energy Transaction and Supply System. Adapted from
Blockchain – an opportunity for energy producers and consumers? by PwC Global Power
Utilities. Retrieved July 7, 2017.
challenges, since our objective is to study what digital identity will look like when it is
applied to blockchain for the proposed energy system.
5. What properties necessary to build the chosen category of digital identity manage-
ment ?
1.5 Methodology
Systematic literature review (SLR) is the methodological approach used to analyze
the problems and find the solutions. A SLR is an essential tool for summarizing evidence
accurately and reliably. There are many reasons for undertaking a SLR. The most common
reasons are the following [49]:
• To identify any gaps in current research in order to suggest areas for further investi-
However, SLRs can also be undertaken to examine the extent to which empirical
evidence supports or contradicts theoretical hypotheses, or even to assist the generation of
new hypotheses. For this research, the literature is mostly derived from relevant research
conducted in three fields: digital identity, blockchain and energy systems.
The specific methodology presented on this research is a comparative analysis of each
digital identity category and its practical implementations, advantages, and disadvantages
to formulate the advice for the approach. For the result, this research delivers an approach
for what kind of digital identity is suitable for an open model system, a use case scenario
and the properties that will be needed.
1.6. Report Structure 7
1. Networked integrity
The system lets the network reach a consensus (the acceptance and verification by
10 Chapter 2. The Blockchain Technology
Figure 2.1: How Blockchain Works. Adapted from BlockChain Technology: Beyond Bit-
coin, Retrieved May 2, 2017, From Applied Innovation Review, Issue No.2 June 2016.
all the users in the network) algorithmically on what happened and record it cryp-
tographically on the blockchain. Integrity is encoded into every step of the process
and distributed, not vested in any single member. Participants can exchange value
directly with the expectation that the other party will act with integrity. Each block
must refer to the preceding block to be valid. No one can hide a transaction, and
that makes the transaction more traceable than cash.
2. Distributed power
The system uses peer-to-peer networks to distribute power without any single point
of control. No single party can shut the system down. If a central authority manages
to black out or cut off an individual or group, the system will still survive. Everyone
can see what is happening if some of the network attempts to overwhelm the whole.
3. Value as incentive
The system aligns the incentives of all the stakeholders. In the case of bitcoin, there
is an incentive for miners to participate in creating a block and linking it to the
previous block. Imagine a peer-to-peer network of solar panels for which the home
owner receives real-time compensation on the blockchain for generating sustainable
2.2. Types of Blockchain 11
4. Security
Anyone who wants to participate must use cryptography. In Satoshi’s paper, he
claimed that participants were required to use a public key infrastructure (PKI)
for establishing a secure platform. The PKI is an advanced form of asymmetric
cryptography, in which the user receives two keys that do not perform the same
function: one is for encryption and the other for decryption.
5. Privacy
Individuals control their own data, not a single party. On a blockchain, participants
can choose to maintain any degree of personal anonymity in the sense that they do
not need to attach any personal details to their identity or store those details in a
central database. Additionally, the identification and verification layer are separate
from the transaction layer.
6. Rights preserved
Ownership rights are transparent and enforceable. Individual freedoms are recognized
and respected. As a ledger of everything, the blockchain can serve as public registry.
through a tool called Proof of Existence (PoE), a site that creates and registers
cryptographic digests of deeds, titles, receipts, or licenses on the blockchain. The
hash of the document is calculated on the user’s machine, not on the PoE site, thus
ensuring the confidentiality of the content.
7. Inclusion
Blockchain allows for distributed capitalism, lowering the barrier for participation.
This makes the economy work best for everyone. Currently most financial institutions
have mobile payment apps that combine camera or QR scanner codes. As a result,
fees are needed to support these kinds of intermediaries. Satoshi designed the system
to work through the internet, but it can run without the internet if necessary. He
imagined that the typical person would interact with the blockchain through what
he called simplified payment verification. This would drastically lower the cost of
transmitting funds.
For a fully private blockchain, the write permissions are kept centralized to one orga-
nization. Read permissions may be public or restricted to an arbitrary extent. Likely
applications include database management, auditing, etc., internal to a single company,
and so public readability may not be necessary in many cases, though in other cases public
auditability is desired [16].
Ethereum. Ethereum is a blockchain platform allowing anyone build and use decentral-
ized applications that run on blockchain technology. Currently it counts more than 86 firms
in the alliance. It is attempting to build technology on which all transaction-based state
machine concepts may be built [84]. This refers to the technical perspective of bitcoin.
In Ethereum, the state is made up of objects called "accounts", with each account hav-
ing a 20-byte address and state transitions being direct transfers of value and information
between accounts that contains four fields [15]:
• The nonce, a counter used to make sure each transaction can only be processed once.
Ethereum can also be thought of as an expanded version of bitcoin since it uses a similar
underlying blockchain technology, while broadening the scope of what it can do.
This type of blockchain maintains the principle that anyone in the world can access
the data. This includes the consensus process to write the data into the public blockchain
or to block it. Public blockchain is an open-source system which is secured by the con-
cept of cryptoeconomics, a system of economic incentives and cryptographic verification
backed up by consensus algorithms such as proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS).
Cryptoeconomics enable developers to create systems which have certain desired proper-
ties, such as availability, in which higher fees result in faster transactions, or convergence,
in which new blocks can be added to the blockchain, but blocks cannot be replaced or
removed [10]. An example of a public blockchain is bitcoin.
14 Chapter 2. The Blockchain Technology
Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most popular example of a concept intrinsically tied to blockchain
technology. Bitcoin is a digital currency and online payment system in which encryption
techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer
of funds, operating independently of a central bank [78].The bitcoin value chain is com-
posed of several different constituents: software developers, miners, exchanges, merchant
processing services, web wallet companies, and users or consumers. From an individual
user’s perspective, the important elements in transacting bitcoin are an address, a private
key, and wallet software, a computer software to manage the bitcoin [78]. The advantages
of public blockchains generally fall into two major categories [16]:
1. Public blockchains provide a way to protect the users of an application from the
developers, establishing that there are certain things that even the developers of an
application have no authority to do.
2. Public blockchains are open, and therefore are likely to be used by very many entities
and gain some network effects, for example, cutting costs the intermediaries with a
smart contract.
A public blockchain can bring about disruptive changes and has the potential to lead
to a programmable economy. On an open blockchain anybody can build solutions that
can be used by anybody else. This can create new economic models such as a zero-margin
economy [8]. In this economic model, the new market players like machines who own
themselves, breaking the barriers of current industry and market models. It also enables
16 Chapter 2. The Blockchain Technology
machine-to-machine transactions. Designs for parts of machines can exist on the blockchain
before they are built, thus functioning as a kind of requirement before parts are created or
3D printed. Moreover, distributed autonomous organizations (DAO) in combination with
AI constitute a logical next step in evolution of open blockchain applications.
Current energy solutions are dominated by big players who own big production plants
(grey energy) or have other big stakes (investments in assets). As grid operators, they own
the electricity and gas infrastructure, making them a dominant (and, by law, monopolistic)
player in the current energy ecosystem. Open blockchain solutions, in combination with
autonomous assets and AI, could change that rapidly. For instance they create global solu-
tions in which machines could manage to distribute and balance energy through blockchain
infrastructures (e.g., IOTA).
2.3.1 Block
The blockchain facilitates a highly distributed ledger for recording transactions, at-
tributing them to a specific node in a network, and ordering them in time. Data is perma-
nently recorded in the network through files called blocks. A block is a record of some or
all of the most recent transactions that have yet to be recorded in prior blocks. The ledger
of past transactions is called the blockchain, as it is a chain of blocks [35].
A block consists of block header and block body [86]. The block header consists of three
sets of block metadata. First, there is a reference to a previous block hash, which connects
this block to the previous block in the blockchain. The second set of metadata, namely the
difficulty, timestamp, and nonce, in the case of bitcoin, relate to the mining competition.
The last piece of metadata is the Merkle tree root, a data structure used to efficiently
summarize all the transactions in the block [4]. The block body includes a record of all
transactions separated into input and output.
Figure 2.2: Illustration of a Blockchain. Adapted from Block Chain Technologies & The
Semantic Web by Mattew English, Retrieved May 25, 2017, From Technical report, Uni-
versity of Bonn, Germany
verification phase. For example, when user “Alice” wants to sign a transaction, she first
generates a hash value derived from the transaction. She then encrypts this hash value
using her private key (confidential to her) and sends another user “Bob” the encrypted hash
with the original data (i.e., the transaction). Bob verifies the received transaction through
the comparison of the decrypted hash (using Alice’s public key) and the hash value derived
from the received data by the same hash function as Alice’s [86].
Figure 2.3: Digital Signature Used in Blockchain. Adapted from Blockchain Challenges
and Opportunities: A Survey by Zibin Zheng et al,. Retrieved May 25, 2017.
performing a transaction with another user or when a node receives data from another
node, it verifies the authenticity of the data. It then broadcasts the validated data to
every other node connected to it [86]. Within such a mechanism, the data spreads across
the whole network. The benefit of using this mechanism is the centralization of the human
factor is minimized and trust shifts from the human agents of a central organization to an
open source code [5].
Figure 2.4: Decentralized Network. Adapted from Blockchain Challenges and Opportuni-
ties: A Survey by Zibin Zheng et al,. Retrieved May 25, 2017.
computing the hash of the block and checking whether it satisfies the condition of
being less than the current target value [39]. To make it simply, consensus requires
that the calculated value must be equal to or less than a certain given value.
Smart Contract. Basically, a smart contract is a computer application that can auto-
matically execute commercial transactions and agreements. It also enforces the obligations
of all parties in a contract without the added expense of an intermediary [14]. A smart
contract also provides a means for owners of assets to pool their resources and create a cor-
poration on the blockchain, where the articles of incorporation are coded into the contract,
clearly spelling out and enforcing the rights of those owner. Associated agency employment
contracts could define the decision rights of managers by coding what they could and could
not do with corporate resources without ownership permission [79].
Insurance. Any valuable asset or property that is difficult to replicate or destroy can
be registered in blockchain. It can verify ownership and trace the transaction history.
Everledger is a company that creates a permanent ledger of diamond certifications. The
characteristics that uniquely identify the diamond such as height, width, weight, depth,
color, etc. are hashed and registered in the ledger [27].
blockchain takes notary timestamping to a new level [27]. Even the Estonian government,
in partnership with the world’s first blockchain powered virtual country, Bitnation, will
start offering a public notary service to their e-residents [67]. Another form of governance
service that also adopted blockchain is the online voting system or e-voting. Usually, votes
are recorded, managed, counted and checked by a central authority. Blockchain-enabled
e-voting (BEV) empowers voters to do these tasks themselves, by allowing them to hold
a copy of the voting record. The historic record could then not be changed because other
voters could see that the record differs from theirs. Illegitimate votes could not be added,
because other voters would be able to scrutinize whether votes were compatible with the
rules, perhaps because they had already been counted, or were not associated with a valid
voter record [12]. In this way, blockchain technology could encourage transparency in
governmental systems.
Decentralized Storage. This concept has been implemented in the health and music
industries. For health-related applications, blockchain provides a structure for storing
health data or electronic medical records (EMRs) on the blockchain such that they can
be analyzed but remain private, with an embedded economic layer to compensate for data
contribution and use [78].Taking advantage of the pseudonymous identity coded into a
digital address, and its guaranteed privacy mechanism, personal health records could be
encoded as digital assets and put on the blockchain just like digital currency. On the other
hand, in the music industry blockchain was applied to maintain a comprehensive and
accurate distributed database of music ownership rights information in a public ledger. In
addition to ownership rights information, the royalty split for each work was also held, as
determined by smart contracts [27].
Decentralized IoT. The use of IoT also presents some big challenges. One of these
is due to the centralized ecosystem also known as the client/server paradigm. While this
model has connected generic computing devices for decades and will continue to support
small-scale IoT networks as we see them today, it will not be able to respond to the grow-
ing needs of the huge IoT ecosystems of the future. Existing IoT solutions are expensive
because of the high infrastructure and maintenance cost associated with centralized clouds,
large server farms, and networking equipment [29]. By using a standardized peer-to-peer
communication model to process the number of transactions between devices, it will sig-
nificantly reduce the costs associated with installing and maintaining large centralized
data centers and will distribute computation and storage needs across billions of devices
that form IoT networks. In partnership with Samsung, IBM has developed ADEPT (Au-
tonomous Decentralized Peer To Peer Telemetry), a platform that uses elements of bitcoin’s
underlying design to build a distributed network of devices, or decentralized IoT [27].
22 Chapter 2. The Blockchain Technology
• Performance
When a transaction is being processed, a blockchain has to perform the same tasks
a regular database does, but it carries three additional burdens as well [83]:
• Scalability
In public blockchain, scalability is a major issue that developers are encouraged to
solve or minimize. This issue is often raised in technical discussions of the bitcoin
protocol. Since bitcoin is a self-regulating system that works by discovering blocks
at approximate intervals, its highest transaction throughput is effectively capped
2.6. Conclusion 23
at the maximum block size divided by the block interval [26]. However, the main
obstacle to blockchain scalability is a tendency toward centralization with a growing
blockchain: the larger the blockchain grows, the larger the requirements become for
storage, bandwidth, and computational power that must be spent by “full nodes” in
the network, leading to a risk of higher centralization if the blockchain becomes so
large that only a few nodes are able to process a block [46].
• Privacy
Blockchain can preserve a certain amount of privacy through the public key (an
address for each entity) [86]; however, it is shown that blockchain cannot guarantee
transactional privacy since the values of all transactions and the balances for each
(pseudonymous) public key are publicly visible [51]. Thus, the public nature of the
blockchain means private data would flow through every full node fully exposed. The
HD wallet has already tackled this problem; it uses an extended public key as the
unique index for associating blockchain transactions by giving users the capability
to generate as many public keys as they want. Then users can choose to protect
their privacy by sending their payments in multiple transactions without requiring
any explicit coordination between the sender and the recipient [70].
• Energy Consumption
The creating PoW blocks in a public blockchain consumes a large amount of compu-
tational power and with that a large amount of electricity. The computational power
is used for this process only, and the results do not have any other benefit than for
the sake of the blockchain [77].
2.6 Conclusion
This chapter set out with the aim of assessing the first research sub-question on the
definition of blockchain and how it works. The theory underpinning blockchain is a pub-
lic ledger of all executed transactions. It uses a decentralization principle and encryption
involving public and private keys. It works by placing transactions in groups called blocks
and linking these blocks through what is called blockchain. From a technical perspective,
are three types of blockchain: public, consortium and private. The basic elements are the
blocks where the data is stored, digital signatures to authenticate transactions, a decen-
tralized network for user interaction, and a network consensus to verify the transaction.
Perhaps the use of this basic elements may very depending on which type of blockchain is
used. Looking from business point of view, we could group blockchains into two categories:
closed for private or consortium blockchains and open for public blockchains. Both types
offer different economic advantages and can lead to different market players for example
machines who own themselves that exist in an open blockchain. In the energy market,
24 Chapter 2. The Blockchain Technology
closed blockchains helps with the transparency of the market but produce dominant and
lock-in effects. On the other hand, open blockchains enable machine-to-machine transac-
tions that could generate disruptive changes.
At first blockchain technology is commonly seen as the main technological innova-
tion of bitcoin. Today, this technology has more advanced practical implementations than
bitcoin. These range from financial application, including digital payment systems, smart
contracts, insurance, and crowdfunding, to non-financial applications, such as governmen-
tal services, decentralized storage, and decentralized IoT.
Chapter 3
1. Entities
According to its definition, an entity is an object that exist or has its own indepen-
dence existence. Entity conduct as representation from unit which bears the legal
rights for the system, e.g., individuals, businesses, and affiliates. In a digital system,
some types of entities require digital identities, including people, machines or devices,
organizations, codes, and agents. Those entities can be specifically categorized into
three types [75]. Locally-installed identity agents run on devices that are with the
user, like smartphones and laptops. Remote identity agents reside on the network.
They have their own private and public keys and can be run by parties that have
certain user credentials, such as banks, universities, or other entities that are trusted
by the user. The last type consists of Relying parties, which represent a party with
which a user intends to interact, essentially, an online service provider; however, in
26 Chapter 3. Digital Identity Management
Figure 3.1: Entity Communication Sequence. Adapted from Digital Identity and Access
Management: Technologies and Frameworks by Raj Sharman. Retrieved May 18, 2017.
2. Attribute Type
The attribute type is used to identify the entity. It commonly consists of three
attributes [85] ; who you are, context, and profile.
Who you are. This is the attribute that uniquely identifies a single entity in a
real-world context. It can include knowledge or data that is only know by that entity,
unique physical characteristic of that entity, or items that the entity possesses.
Context. This can refer to the type of transaction or organization that the entity
identifies itself as, as well as the manner in which the transaction is made. Different
constraints on digital identity maybe implemented depending on the context. For
instance, transferring sensitive information relating to birth certificates over phone
or the internet maybe prohibited. Context is also used to determine the amount and
type of identity information that is needed in order to provide the appropriate level
of trust. For example, in an email context, the amount of identifying information
necessary is usually only two things: a username and password.
Profile. A profile consists of the data needed to provide services to users once their
identity has been verified. User profiles can include what entities can do, what they
have subscribe to, what groups they are members of, their selected services, etc. A
user’s profile can change during the course of an interaction with the service provider.
3. Lifecycle
There are three fundamental steps to creating digital identity [25]: registration, in-
3.1. The Concept and Properties of Digital Identity 27
Figure 3.2: Digital Identity Life Cycle. Adapted from Discussion Paper : Digital Iden-
tity Towards Shared Principles for Public and Private Sector Cooperation by World Bank
Group, GSMA, Secure Identity Alliance. Retrieved May 20, 2017.
Enrollment. This stage is divided into two parts: enrollment and validation. En-
rollment entails registration steps: capturing and recording key identity attributes
of a person who claims a certain identity. This may include biographical data (e.g.,
name, date of birth, gender, address, email), biometrics (e.g., fingerprints, iris scan),
and the other attributes. Once a person has claimed an identity during enrollment,
this identity is then validated by checking the presented attributes against existing
Authentication. After users have been registered and credentialed, they can use
their digital identities to access public or private services. For instance, citizens
may use their eID number to pay their taxes through an online portal, while bank
customers can use smart debit cards or mobile financial services. In order to access
services, the user must be authenticated using one or more factors, for example,
password, pin, or fingerprint.
During the lifecycle stages, digital identity providers manage and organize the identity
system, including its facilities and staff, record keeping, compliance and auditing, and
updating the status and content of digital identities. For example, users may need
to update various identity attributes, such as address, marital status, profession,
etc. In addition, identity providers may need to revoke an identity, which involves
invalidating the digital identity for either fraud or security reasons, or terminate an
identity in the case of the individual’s death.
4. Policies
Policies are used to manage the identities. This is a set of rules, defined by the
resource owner, for managing access to a resource (asset, service, or entity) and for
what purposes it may be used. The level of access is conditioned not only by the
identity, but is also likely constrained by a number of further security considerations,
such as the company policy, the location (i.e., inside a secure corporate environment,
connected via a hotspot, or an internet cafe, and others), or the time of day.
5. Technology
To ensure usability, security, and privacy, digital identities must be implemented
using advanced technical methods. Therefore, technology must be applied in at least
three areas: authentication, security protocols, and storage improvements.
numeric term only (usually with four to six digits). A PIN-based authentication
mechanism is commonly used for financial services such as ATM banking and
credit card payments.
• Token
This works using the two-factor authentication (2FA) principle. Instead of using
a username and password, a level is added on to obtain time-limited token
(typically a cryptographic key or password) that is used for further transactions
during the session. Generally, it has a physical display, and the authenticating
user simply enters the displayed number to log in. The physical device for tokens
mostly does not require an internet connection because it communicates using
mobile telecommunication service operator services such as voice calls, SMS, or
• Public key cryptography
This method utilizes cryptographic mechanisms that, as their underlying theory,
engage an asymmetric key pair: a public key and a private key [20]. Public-key
encryption uses that key pair for encryption and decryption. The public-key
is made public and is distributed widely and freely. The private-key is never
distributed and must be kept secret.
• Biometric
Biometric authentication requires a completely different style of authentication
process. Biometric authentication, or just biometrics, is the process of making
sure that people are who they claim to be. This approach is based on a person’s
biological uniqueness and it can be used for the biometric identification of a per-
son [7], using, for example, fingerprint or iris recognition. A pattern-matching
technique is essential for measuring the characteristic. Biometrics also require
sensor devices to collect the characteristic from the user.
30 Chapter 3. Digital Identity Management
• Smart Card
When used for logical access, smart card technology typically comes in two
forms: a credit-card-sized plastic card or a USB device, each with an embedded
computer chip [53]. Using a smart card to store password files is its simplest
Security Protocols. These are valued for their strong identity verification and
authentication attributes. Specifically, they are designed to transfer authentication
data between two entities. The widespread authentication protocols used to address
security issues within open networks are Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), IP Sec, Secure
Shell (SSH), and Kerberos [33].
The illustration below indicates that digital identity is not just a straightforward
technique to deliver authentication and access control, but is more like a complex flow
of information within the trusted framework [68]. Furthermore, identity management is
also a critical building block for information security. It forms the basis for most types
of access control and for establishing accountability online. Thus, it contributes to the
protection of privacy by reducing the risks of unauthorized access to personal information,
data breaches, and identity theft [76].
Figure 3.4: Website Access Using Digital Identity. Adapted from Digital Iden-
tity : An Introduction by Piran Partners, URL :
content/uploads/2014/12/An-Introduction-to-Digital-Identity.pdf. Retrieved May 18,
In the physical world, identity management helps address the risks associated with
human interactions and increases confidence between the interacting parties. It is therefore
fundamental to economic and social life. The same is true online, where the lack of a
demonstrable link between a physical person and a digital identity can create additional
uncertainties that do not exist offline [63].
32 Chapter 3. Digital Identity Management
Figure 3.5: Federated Identity Model. Adapted from User Centric Identity Management
by Audun Jøsang and Simon Pope. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
Figure 3.6: User-centric Identity Model. Adapted from User Centric Identity Management
by Audun Jøsang and Simon Pope. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
curity and privacy features in current technologies. The most severe current problems are
summarized as follows [74]:
Global identifiers. Many systems use global identifiers to identify users, such as social
security numbers, URLs, or e-mail addresses. Global identifiers allow different sites to
correlate information about users, which usually allows sites to gain more information
than was specifically allowed by the user.
Insecure workstations. The typical workstation used by a user for internet access is
not a secure environment. Viruses and other malware can easily infect the workstation
and gain control over all the user’s activities. While the workstation is under malware
control, the user’s activity can easily be tracked, entered passwords can be observed, and
even complex man-in-the-middle attacks can be mounted against strong authentication
mechanisms. Many government digital signature schemes can also be subverted using
client-side malware.
3.5 Conclusion
Digital identity management relates individuals to their respective online identities.
It consists of several properties: entities, attributes, lifecycle, policies, and technologies.
These properties contribute to a more detailed and provisioning solution for deploying dig-
ital identity management. The role of digital identity is a critical element of information
security; it forms the basis for most types of access control and for establishing account-
ability online. Thus, it contributes to the protection of privacy by reducing the risks of
unauthorized access to personal information, data breaches, and identity theft.
Digital identity solutions can be categorized into three types: federated, user-centric,
and hybrid. Each category has different schemes and architectural options. Federated
identity allows a group of organizations to establish a trust by developing a digital identity
management system for their alliance; however, this category still relies on a centralized
mechanism. In order to move closer to the user by letting them to choose which identities
to use for different applications, user-centric identity has been proposed. This system fo-
cuses particularly on the user context rather than the organization or enterprise. The last
3.5. Conclusion 35
type is hybrid identity management. This provides flexibility due to certain circumstances
on the system and ambidextrous behavior between federated and user centric identity.
Chapter 4
Digital identity is critical in many business and social transactions. However most
recent conventional identity systems are costly and hinder the innovation and greater cus-
tomer experience. By using blockchain, it introduces a new way of managing the identities.
This chapter examines the core characteristics that blockchain had : self-sovereign identity
and handshake mechanism. These characteristics are what makes blockchain differs from
another identity solutions. It also presents the current implementation of blockchain-based
digital identity from some companies.
1. Existence
Users must have an independent existence. Any SSI is ultimately based on the
ineffable "I" that is at the heart of an identity. It can never exist in a wholly digital
form. This must be the kernel of self that is upheld and supported. An SSI simply
makes public and accessible some limited aspects of the “I” that already exists.
2. Control
Users must be in control of their identities. They should always be able to refer,
update, or hide them.
38 Chapter 4. Digital Identity on Blockchain
3. Access
Users should have direct access to their own identities and all related data. All data
must be visible and accessible without gatekeepers.
4. Transparency.
Systems and algorithms must be transparent. The systems used to administer and
operate a network of identities must be open, both in how they function and in how
they are managed and updated.
5. Persistence
Identities should last forever, or at least for as long as the user wishes. Though
private keys might need to be rotated and data might need to be changed, the
identity should remain. In the fast-moving world of the internet, this goal may not
be entirely reasonable, so it is a minimum requirement that the identities should last
until they are replaced by newer identity systems.
6. Portability
All information about identities must be transportable. The identity must not be
held by a single third party.
7. Interoperability
Identities should be as widely usable as possible. Regimes may change, users may
move to different jurisdictions, but transportable identities ensure that users remain
in control of their identities regardless of this, and this can also improve an identity’s
persistence over time.
8. Consent
Users must agree to the use of their identities and the sharing of all related data.
Any identity system is built around sharing that identity and its claims, and an
interoperable system increases the amount of sharing that occurs.
9. Minimization
The disclosure of claims must be minimized. When data is disclosed, that disclosure
should involve the minimum amount of data necessary to accomplish the task. For
example, if only a minimum age is called for, then the exact age should not be
disclosed, and if only an age is requested, then the more precise date of birth should
not be disclosed.
10. Protection
The rights of users must be protected; when there is conflict between the needs of
the network and the rights of entities, the priority should be the latter.
4.2. Handshake Mechanism 39
Aside from SSI, according to WEF 2016, blockchain also promises some key features that
hold great potential for identity systems: low transaction costs, immutability, and conve-
Figure 4.1: The Potential of Blockchain for Identity. Adapted from A Blueprint for Dig-
ital Identity : The Role of Financial Institutions in Building Digital Identity by World
Economic Forum 2016. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
Login. In this first step, instead of using a username and a password for login, the app
uses a QR code as an authentication method, since using QR codes makes it easier to
encoded the authentication request. The next step is to verify the request and create the
Verify Request. This step contains procedures that ensure authentication. First, the
public key cryptography is completed to verify that the request data is legitimate and
that the app is what the user is expecting to use. It allows the app to sign the request,
which is then published, either through blockchain or a certificate authority1 . To support
a simple transition, it begins with the certificate authority system used in TLS for HTTS.
Then it transitions into a full blockchain authentication by creating an app-identity on the
blockchain. After that, the user clicks a "verify login" button.
Create response. The last stage is to create a response after the user clicks the "verify
login" button. After this action, the app creates a response, signs it, and then sends it
back to the user through a specified route on the app. This request is then verified using
a PKI on the protected app and the user is then logged in.
• uPort
This was developed by ConsenSys using Ethereum, which consists of three main
components: smart contracts, developer libraries, and a mobile app. The user’s
A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted entity that issues electronic documents that verify a digital
entity’s identity on the Internet
4.3. The Implementation of Blockchain-based Digital Identity 41
key is saved in a mobile app. Ethereum smart contracts form the core of the
identity and contain the logic that lets users recover their identities if their
mobile device is lost. Finally, the developer libraries allow third-party app
developers to integrate support for uPort into their apps.
• Microsoft Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)
Microsoft has developed a foundation for building an open-source decentralized
identity ecosystem for people, organizations, apps, and devices. It uses four
pillars in a new ecosystem: decentralized identities, blockchain identity, zero
trust data stores, and being universally discoverable.
• Cambridge Blockchain LLC
This platform was developed in order to allow financial institutions to meet the
strictest new data privacy rules, eliminate redundant identity compliance checks,
and improve the customer experience. By combining blockchain technology with
an off-chain personal data service, they created an independent source of truth
through the network effects of transactions between individuals and trusted
• Netki
Netki provides open-source and open-standard based digital identity solutions
that allow financial service companies to meet their compliance requirements
on both public and private blockchains. Netki Wallet Name Service (WNS)
translates easy-to-remember names like "" into bitcoin (and
other cryptocurrency) wallet addresses.
• KYC-Chain
This is a novel platform built with the convenience and security of DLT, allowing
users to manage their digital identity securely, while businesses and financial
institutions are able to manage customer data in a reliable and easy manner.
HYPR provides decentralized biometric authentication to secure users across
mobile, desktop, and IoT systems. It enhances the user experience by allowing
users to choose from voice, face, touch, and eye recognition. By using biometric
authentication, data breach fraud can be avoided.
• Guardtime’s BLT
This is a blockchain standard for digital identity, an authentication and signa-
ture protocol intended to replace RSA as the standard for digital signatures. In
contrast to the RSA’s reliance on quantum-vulnerable asymmetric key cryptog-
raphy, BLT is based on Guardtime’s quantum-secure Keyless Signature Infras-
tructure (KSI) technology, which uses only hash-function cryptography.
• Evernym
Evernym is developing a sophisticated identity platform built on Sovrin, a
42 Chapter 4. Digital Identity on Blockchain
• ShoCard
This easy-to-use digital identity built on a public blockchain data layer means
that companies do not own the user data. A user’s identity is encrypted, hashed,
and then written to the blockchain, where it can be called up when needed.
Users, in effect, give banks temporary access to the private side of this blockchain
record in order to verify identity. Once that is completed, the bank creates its
own record which can be consulted in the future to determine that a certain
individual is who they claim to be.
• UniquID
This provides identity management, integrated with fingerprint and other bio-
metrics, on personal devices. Ready to be deployed in custom hardware, servers,
personal computers, smartphones, or tablets, UniquID Wallet also runs on
battery- and low-powered devices, providing integrity and interoperability at
the edge of one’s infrastructure.
• Bitnation
This is a governance 2.0 platform powered by blockchain technology. Its goal
is to provide the same services that governments provide, but in a decentral-
ized and voluntary manner, unbound by geography. Bitnation has worked out
identification solutions such as blockchain passports and marriage certificates.
• Civic
Civic’s identity verification and protection tools give both businesses and indi-
viduals the power to control and protect their identities through the blockchain.
They allow users to register and validate their personal identity information and
lock their identities in order to prevent identity theft and fraudulent activity on
their credit reports.
• ExistenceID
This allows users to create a digital identity capsule to store their documents, ,
somewhat like Dropbox, but with a much higher level of security. Each user ac-
count is completely self-authenticated and zero-knowledge of the user’s personal
account. Identity documents saved to a digital identity capsule are encrypted
4.4. Conclusion 43
and uploaded to the safe network, a secure decentralized data management ser-
• Open Identity Exchange (OIX)
This is a non-profit, technology agnostic, collaborative cross-sector membership
organization with the goal of accelerating the adoption of digital identity services
based on open standards. They publish white papers to deliver value to the
identity ecosystem as whole.
• Cryptid
Cryptid is the next generation of identification. Current identification meth-
ods such as state-issued driver’s licenses are insecure and easily tampered with.
Cryptid eliminates the possibility of counterfeit identification by adding factors
of identification and encryption that are backed by a distributed, global net-
work. All of the data is encrypted with the provided password, after which it is
permanently transferred to the blockchain. The customer is then given a unique
identification number that points to the information on the blockchain and can
be stored on almost anything from magnetic strips to QR codes.
4.4 Conclusion
For digital identity, blockchain supports the implementation of SSI and incorporates
ten principles (existence, control, access, transparency, persistence, portability, interop-
erability, consent, minimization, and protection) which strengthen its application. As
a decentralized public ledger, blockchain enables users to control their own data without
third-party involvement. Unlike other common digital identity systems, the authentication
process on blockchain-based system requires a different mechanism, that is, the handshake
mechanism. This requires a three-step process: login, verify request, and create response.
Some applications have been developed for blockchain-based identity management and au-
thentication. They can be divided based on what type of blockchain that has been used.
For instance in closed blockchain there are uPort, Microsoft DIF, Cambridge Blockchain
LLC, Netki, KYC-Chain, HYPR, Guardstime’s BLT and Evernym. And in open blockchain
there are ShoCard, UniquID, Bitnation, Civic, ExistenceID, Open Identity Exchange and
Chapter 5
1. Federated identity
In the business world, federated identity also known as generic identity. This solution
evolved from a client-server style to a cloud-service style and uses web applications,
since many companies want to share resources with their partners [66]. Therefore, this
technology is used to create a globally interoperable online business identity, driving
relationships or affinity-driven business models between companies [13]. Looking
at the history, the FIA initiatives based on the client-server model are [38] Liberty
46 Chapter 5. The Comparison of Digital Identity Categories
Since this solution was developed as partnership-based solution for a federation (col-
laborating companies), federated identity management always refers to company
agreements, such as the set of business agreements, technical agreements, and poli-
cies that enables companies to lower their overall identity management costs, improve
user experience, and mitigate security risks for its implementation, especially on web
service-based interactions like F-SSO and web service security.
2. User-centric identity
User-centric identity management has recently taken on the role of handling private
and critical attributes that cannot be handled on federated identity systems. In
federated identity, the attribute is owned and managed by a group of organizations.
This interpretation contrasts with the idea of user-centric identity which allows users
to control their own digital identities. Furthermore, looking at the implementation
of these, current works focus on the interoperability architecture between identity
management systems, while there is limited implementation analysis on portability
issues related to IoT or various computer access and secure manners [1]. Popular
technologies include OpenID, Attribute-based credentials (ABC), and Information
Card [75].
OpenID is based on the action of verifying the ownership of a resource. This resource
is in the form of a publicly available uniform resource locator (URL), specifically, a
HTTP- or HTTPS-based URL [60]. The end-user interacts with a relying party
(such as a website) that provides an option to specify an OpenID for the purposes
of authentication; an end-user typically has previously registered an OpenID (e.g. with an OpenID provider (e.g.
On the other hand, in the ABC technique, identity information can be categorized
into attributes that are stored in the cryptographic container. One of the attributes
Liberty Alliance, a group of more than 200 companies and was launched in 2001
Shibboleth, an academic initiative of university members of Internet 2
WS-Federation, an important component within the secure framework architecture for Web Services.
5.1. The Implementation of Digital Identity Categories in a Closed Model 47
Figure 5.1: OpenID Authentication Steps. Adapted from An analysis of user-centric iden-
tity technology trends, openid’s firstact by Peter Motykowski. Retrieved June 12, 2017.
is a secret key that is only known to the user’s device. The ABC components can
be described as [3] the credential’s name, the secret key, the pairs of attribute names
and values, the issuer’s identity, and the issuer’s signature. In an ABC ecosystem,
there are at least four types of operational participant: the user, the card provider,
the issuer, and the verifier. The process includes card provisioning, verification, and
credential issuance. An ABC card is primarily used as a tool for authorization while
the digital content of an ABC card can be dynamic.
Figure 5.2: An example of an ABC card and mobile app for card identity management
within the IRMA project. Adapted from Attribute-based Identity Management by Gergely
Alpar. Retrieved June 24, 2017.
3. Hybrid identity
48 Chapter 5. The Comparison of Digital Identity Categories
Hybrid identity management not only deals with user identities but also with device
identities. Due to the emerging area of cloud services, this hybrid model is more
critical for implementation because of its support for factors such as interoperability
and privacy [55]. Microsoft designed software specifically to support a hybrid identity
model: Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD), which provides a powerful set of hy-
brid identity solutions [45] that connect to hundreds of cloud-based applications. The
basic architecture principle for Azure AD is that it separates the data center bound-
ary into two parts: primary replica and secondary replica [57]. The primary replica
receives all directory writes and the secondary replica is responsible for directory
reads. Additionally, Azure AD can be integrated with an existing Windows server
AD4 , giving organizations the ability to leverage their existing on-premises identity
investments to manage access to cloud-based SaaS applications.5 . Another imple-
mentation sample can be derived from hybrid identity management for healthcare
systems. The motivation for this is that the existing identity management technolo-
gies are not ready to cope with user consent revocation in an appropriate way. This
is a relevant issue with regard to privacy-enhancing mechanisms, especially in some
cases when sensitive data and profiles are shared. In a healthcare scenario, the system
must protect the user’s privacy and allow authorized entities (including humans) to
access medical records conveniently. Moreover, privileges permitting access to user
attributes should be revoked in an effective way [73]. Thus, hybrid identity could
provide a more flexible user consent-revocation mechanism in healthcare scenarios.
electronics, and many others, are considering the potential for incorporating IoT technology
into their products, services, and operations [72]. This new paradigm is introducing new
alternatives for digital identity management which operate on a global scale. Therefore, in
this chapter, digital identity management is discussed in the context of the concept of IoT,
in which its role is expanding. It is no longer just about identifying people and managing
their access to different types of data, but it must be able to identify devices, sensors,
monitors, and manage access to sensitive and non-sensitive data.
1. Federated identity
An IoT network can consist of some IoT cluster and inter-cluster communication.
Device-to-device communication within the cluster can be carried by WiFi, bluetooth,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), etc. Following the principles of federated
identity, the mechanisms still retain a single registration or authentication process,
even when there is an inter-cluster network. Hence, the federation topologies will be
as follows [55];
• Local profiling. All devices are registered on local networks. Profiles for these
devices are entirely managed by the local network and a local identity model is
used for local profiling. An example of local profiling is the smart home scenario.
• Distributed profiling. After the devices have been registered in the local network,
when needed new profiles for the same devices can be created on other new
networks. Thus, this new network will create new attributes and the profiles
become distributed across multiple networks and attributes synchronization is
• Third Party profiling. In this scheme, the trusted third party within the estab-
lished federation holds full control of creating and managing profiles, and more
IoT networks can be connected to the trusted party.
2. User-centric identity
The essential key for this method is the use of mobile devices as personal authenti-
cation devices (PDAs). The expansion of the internet enables a multiplication of the
modes of connectivity that lead to interactions between things, places, and people.
As a result, identity management should incorporate user identity, device identity,
and the relationship between them, so a new layer for device authentication was
added based on this model [17]:
Figure 5.3: An Example of Federated IoT Network. Adapted from Identity Management
for Internet of Things By Parikshit Narendra Mahalle and Poonam N. Railkar. Retrieved
June 18, 2017.
3. Hybrid identity
The use of blockchain and IoT creating a new model of digital identity management.
The hybrid identity in an open model is an alternative that will be presented as a
proposed solution for the research question in this master thesis. As a result, it is
discussed in detail in the next chapter.
Advantages. This identity management type allows for the joining of partners
among companies to deliver service automation to both customers and companies.
For example managing employee retirement accounts, pension plans, stock options,
and healthcare requires both additional labor and costs if they are done separately.
5.3. The Advantages and Disadvantages 51
By using this model, they can leverage the employees’ corporate portal authentication
to provide access to their services. Additionally, in this model the employer (client)
is responsible for managing its users and passwords (the client does not face any
additional costs, because they already have to manage these).
2. User-centric identity
Advantages. The clear benefit is allowing the user to select the attributes they
share with the requesting party. Hence, it ameliorates privacy concerns because
users have full control over their data and know who using it and when [75]. OpenID
also allows the use of an authentication registration process via SSO, which provides
a more user-friendly method that ultimately encourages increased website adoption
rates [11]. An ABC card provides a dynamic identity since it is possible for users to
collect their attributes from several issuers.
Disadvantages. Even though users know and can control their data, in a decen-
tralized model, only the relying parties such as services or applications know the
identity provider; otherwise they would have no basis for making the decision to
trust an assertion [75]. The second problem is relates to the use of OpenID. The
URL identifying the subject is recyclable, and since OpenID permits URL-based
identification, it raises the issue of privacy [55].
3. Hybrid identity
5.4 Findings
Based on these comparisons, the implementation of federated identity and user-centric
identity is primarily focused on creating an alliance between the identity provider, third
5.4. Findings 53
party even service provider in order to authenticate or store the user’s data. Yet the open
model as a vision for the future of energy infrastructure focuses more on an interconnected
system, heterogeneous environment, and a greater range of physical devices or things, than
in a closed model (intranet system), that also delivers a decentralized database mechanism
for each user. This is a prominent argument as to why hybrid identity is suitable for
adaptation into an open model system. In addition, hybrid identity also provides other
superior reasons that parallel open model characteristics:
2. Hybrid IT and interoperability. We are currently in the age of hybrid IT. In this
environment, all applications and elements of infrastructure work cooperatively, re-
gardless of whether they run on a public or private cloud. In an open model, energy
will be delivered in any form that involves dynamic and continuous interaction. An
example of this hybrid IT is a self-driving car, which needs to be able to detect
and avoid obstacles, as well as understand if an object is a curb, a pedestrian, or
a cyclist. It also allows the use of internet applications for ride-sharing or building
computer vision with 3D mapping. This requires the integration and interoperabil-
ity of multiple applications, and hybrid identity is needed to unify identities across
these different applications and infrastructures. Regarding ride sharing, Toyota says
blockchain could make it easier for companies and communities to come together to
analyze the huge amounts of data expected from sensors in cars, roads, and other new
transport devices. Eventually, this could lead to efficient smart transit everywhere.
They are optimistic that blockchain technology may create transparency and trust
among car users, reduce risk of fraud, and reduce or eliminate transaction costs [37].
3. Self-sovereign identity (SSI). Another finding that correlates with blockchain charac-
teristics is that hybrid identity also enables the user to take control, providing SSI.
Here the user can be people, organization, or devices. There are thousands of appli-
cations and each application has a different security model. With the proper identity
54 Chapter 5. The Comparison of Digital Identity Categories
story, we can unify access control for all those applications and thus save a lot of
time, while still remaining aware of potential dangers. In addition, by using SSI, we
can put in-house service identity in the blockchain which will allow us to plan for the
future of hybrid IT.
5.5 Conclusion
There are three categories of digital identity management that can be implemented for
both closed and open models; federated identity, user-centric identity, and hybrid identity.
Each category offers different solutions for different conditions, as well as taking along their
own advantages and disadvantages. In a closed model, currently the biggest marketplace
for digital identity, there are some implementation examples by companies such as OpenID,
Microsoft Azure, IBM Tivoli, etc. While in an open model, renewal systems are proposed by
combining features such as the device subsystem layer for user-centric identity and the three
topologies (local profiling, distributed profiling, and third-party profiling) for federated
identity. However, considering that federated identity and user-centric identity still depend
on third-party and centralized mechanism to provide storage and authentication services,
hybrid identity is the likely recommended approach, if we want to use blockchain as the
backbone for a decentralized system. Besides, hybrid identity could also address scalability
and interoperability issues; whereas, it is developed to give flexibility to the system in
certain circumstances, such as the use of blockchain with IoT.
Chapter 6
From the results of the comparison of digital identity categories, hybrid identity seems
to be a potential choice. This section discusses the design of the hybrid identity system
using blockchain technology, how they correlate, what properties are required, and what
kind of use case models can be generated.
56 Chapter 6. The Proposed Solution
Then which blockchain type is suitable with open model system ? As mentioned in
the introduction, blockchain will introduce decentralized energy transactions and supply
systems. The biggest transformation is from a market and business perspective. In line
with this argument, Chapter 2 discusses closed and open blockchains from a business
perspective. In that section, we could argue that open blockchain is more likely to suitable
with the open model for following reasons:
1. Disruptive changes. From innovation point of view, open blockchain leads to radical
innovation as it moves from a centralized system to a decentralized system which
totally offers a different mechanism. An impact of this transformation is the global
economy accelerating down a path of massive technology-driven change. The open
blockchain accelerating smart economic system as more devices are connected. This
smart economic phenomenon can be called the programmable economy.
3. No lock-in effect. Unlike closed blockchains that generate dominant players, open
blockchain users will receive services without being forced to buy additional updates
or hardware. This is similar to the characteristic of the open model system as men-
tioned in the introduction.
6.2. The Use Case Model 57
Furthermore both open blockchain and hybrid identity offers same characteristics for flex-
ibility and interoperability. Thus it strengthens the argument to choose open blockchain.
From the illustration of use case model, we see that smart contracts are used to au-
tomate the execution of the transaction. Smart contracts signal to the system when to
58 Chapter 6. The Proposed Solution
initiate specific transactions. This would is based on predefined rules designed to ensure
that all energy and storage flows are controlled automatically, so as to balance supply and
demand. For instance, whenever more energy is generated than needed, smart contracts
could be used to ensure that this excess energy is automatically delivered into storage [42].
1. Entity
In an open model, identities can be assigned to three main kinds of entities: in-
stitution identity (e.g., institute-ID, role-ID), individual identity (e.g., user-ID, role-
ID, passport-ID, driving license, social-ID), and object identity (device-ID, network-
ID, asset-ID, system-ID, app-ID). Those entities are then securely stored on the
blockchain. Furthermore, since we use blockchain, every identity is a keypair, con-
sisting of a public key (used to send data to, like an address) and a private key,
needed to read private data and send data [64].
2. Attribute
The energy sector field is huge in terms of open models, consequently an individ-
ual’s identity is not defined by a single attribute such as a name, address, or user
ID. Rather, it is a collection of attributes including, but not limited to, name, age,
financial history, work history, address history, social history, energy consumption
history (metering and billing) and etc. These attributes work together dynamically
to create cross-vendor and cross-platform interoperability in autonomous services for
the energy sector. The attributes also include user selected services (that they have
subscribed to) and a checklist for the services that can change as the transactions
happen for each interaction in the blockchain.
Unlike another database system, in the blockchain we can create self-organizing at-
tributes. For example, users can add smart contracts as their new attribute, which
enables neighbor-to-neighbor transactions recorded on the blockchain. In this case,
some consumers are also producers: so-called prosumers not only consume energy but
also dispose of generation capacity in the form of solar systems or small-scale wind
turbines. Blockchain technology could enable them to sell the energy they generate
directly to their neighbours [42].
6.3. The Properties 59
3. Lifecyle
The lifecyle still apply three fundamental steps as introduced in chapter 3; reg-
istration, issuance and authentication. However for authentication, since it used
blockchain, it will use a handshake mechanism to create direct interaction between
user and service provider (chapter 4).
4. Policies
Because of the use of blockchain for this open model system, consequently the policies
will look at how energy law dealing with current legal framework for the application
of blockchain technology in dealings with consumers and prosumers and future legal
challenges presented by blockchain [42].
5. Technology
In the previous properties (lifecycle) basically it derived from chapter 3. From that
chapter we mentioned some tools such as QR code, public key infrastructure (PKI),
and secure protocol like TLS as basic technique to develop a blockchain-based digital
identity. Those technologies are the major technique for this concept. Since PKI has
been discuss in chapter 3, then following will discuss about QR code and TLS.
• QR code
Quick Respond (QR) code authentication scheme is more user friendly and
practical than one time password mechanism. QR code used two dimensional
barcode to achieve much higher capacity since it encodes data in both horizontal
and vertical directions, holds up to 108 bytes data [22]. In term of usability on
blockchain, we could take bitcoin wallet as an example. When a user wants
to send Bitcoins to another person, he starts by creating a Bitcoin transaction
with the desktop wallet. When the transaction is ready for signing, the desktop
wallet displays a QR-Code which contains embedded data such as the IP address
of the desktop wallet and the public key for a TLS connection then user opens
the smart phone wallet and scans the QR code with the phone’s camera [56].
• TLS connection
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a standardized protocol which allow
two parties of an internet connection encrypt their communications. It used
a handshake protocol that permit the client and server to speak the same lan-
guage, allowing them to agree upon an encryption algorithm and encryption
keys before the selected application protocol begins to send data [30]. First the
handshake itself uses asymmetric encryption – two separate keys are used, one
public and one private. The public key is used for encryption and the private
key for decryption during the handshake only, which allows the two parties to
confidentially set up and exchange a newly-created “shared key”. The session
itself uses this single shared key to perform symmetric encryption, and this is
what makes a secure connection feasible in practice [50].
60 Chapter 6. The Proposed Solution
2. Security
A new IT architecture also introduces new cybersecurity risks, and blockchain poses
some weaknesses. The type and amount of data stored on the blockchain will affect
the risk profile, as will the permission mechanisms used, especially, the smart con-
tracts that are vulnerable to cybersecurity risk. The exploitation of smart contracts
can be due in part to a lack of review and testing prior to deployment activity.
3. Regulatory consideration
The policy makers and regulators are continuing to find specific responses relating to
the implementation of new emerging IT to ensure that the usability, availability, and
safety criteria are met by this technology. Blockchain as digital identity management
requires new mechanisms and research on the impact of those criteria. Currently
there is still lack of regulatory standards for the implementation of blockchain. For
instance, in Europe there is regulation on big data but not for blockchain. Even
the current standard might evolve and it remains uncertain concerning blockchain
Chapter 7
Blockchain is a currently trending topic in the IT world, and it is not only tech-
nically interesting but is also attractive from a business perspective. As a consequence,
blockchain is believed to offer less operational costs for an open model system as the future
of the energy sector in which many services will have interconnected machines, decentral-
ization, be non-money-driven, and have no lock-in effects. This thesis has analyzed the
use of blockchain in digital identity as one of the steps to building an open model system.
Blockchain and digital identity introduce a new system for preserving people’s credentials
for their public services. Digital identity management combined with blockchain technology
delivers decentralized online identities. In particular, the relationship between blockchain
and digital identity is like the concept of a wallet in which the user can manage their
attributes, as well as their public and private keys.
A hybrid digital identity, the selected approach, used in this thesis results from the
comparison of three digital identity categories (federated identity, user-centric identity, hy-
brid identity). Based on this comparison, there are four main reasons why hybrid identity
is selected as the most suitable choice:
1. Hybrid identity is a mixture of federated identity and user-centric identity. Since the
implementation of both types primarily focuses on creating an alliance between an
identity provider, a third-party provider, and even a service provider, the concept
of centralization still lies behind those categories. Thus, using hybrid identity can
enlarge the implementation cluster aligned with the open model concept, which many
service providers could join to create a system with no centralized power.
2. Hybrid identity offers scalability, since it has flexibility because it can be extended
into open environments like cloud-based services.
3. Hybrid IT and interoperability. The use of blockchain and IoT is one of the possibil-
ities for such a future hybrid IT system. Moreover, this would allow integration by
and interoperability from multiple applications.
62 Chapter 7. Conclusion
4. By using blockchain as the database technology for hybrid identity, the users would be
able to take control of their own attributes, specifically called self-sovereign identity
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