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M ULE Taxes: A TNE SHI S: R N L Ul L H

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18. (d) The requirement is to determine Arch's share of Gilroy should report for 2008 as total income from
the JK Partnership'S ordinary income for 2009. A partner- the part-
ship functions as a pass-through entity and its items of in- $22,000
come and deduction are passed. through to partners accord-
ing to their profit and loss sharing ratios, which may differ lbQQQ
from the ratios used to divide capital. Here, Arch's distribu- $:H.OOQ
tive share of the partnership's ordinary income is $40,000 x
75% = $30,000. Note that Arch will be taxed on his $30,000
distributive share of ordinary income even though only
$5,000 was distributed to him.
19. (c) The requirement is to determine whether the
statements regarding partners' guaranteed payments are
correct. Guaranteed payments made by a partnership to
partners for services rendered are an ordinary deduction in
computing a partnership's ordinary income or loss from
trade or business activities on page 1 of Form 1065. Part-
ners must report the receipt of guaranteed payments as ordi-
nary income (self-employment income) and that is why the
payments also must be separately listed on Schedule K and
Schedule K-l.
20. (b) The requirement is to determine the correct
statement regarding a partnership'S election of a deprecia-
tion method. The method used to depreciate partnership
property is an election made by the partnership and may be
any method approved by the IRS. The partnership is not
restricted to using the same method as used by its "principal
partner." Since the election is made at the partnership level,
and not by each individual partner, partners are bound by
whatever depreciation method that the partnership elects to
21. (c) The requirement is to determine the correct
statement regarding guaranteed payments to partners. Guar-
anteed payments are payments made to partners for their
services or for the use of capital without regard to the
amount of the partnership'S income. Guaranteed payments
are deductible by the partnership in computing its ordinary
income or loss from trade of business activities, and must be
reported as self-employment income by the partners receiv-
ing paymen~.
22. (c) The requirement is to determine the total amount
of partnership income that is taxable to Dale in 2008. A
partnership functions as a pass-through entity and its items
of income and deduction are passed through to partners on
the last day of the partnership's taxable year. Income and
deduction items pass through to be reported by partners even
though not actually distributed during the year. Here, Dale
is taxed on his $50,000 distributive share of partnership in-
come for 2008, even though $23,000 was not received until
2009. The $10,000 interest-free loan does not effect the
pass-through of income for 2008, and the $10,000 offset
against Dale's distributive share of partnership income for
2009 will not effect the pass-through of that income in 2009.
23. (d) The requirement is to determine the amount of
the partnership'S capital gain from the sale of securities to be
allocated to Carr. Normally, the entire amount of precon-
tribution gain would be allocated to Carr. However, in this
case the allocation to Carr is limited to the partnership'S
recognized gain resulting from the sale, $47,000 selling
price - $35,000 basis = $12,000.
24. (c) The requirement is to determine the amount that
nership. Gilroy's income will consist of his share of the basis for the 50% partnership interest received in exchange
partnership's ordinary income for the fiscal year ending for a contribution of cash of $45,000. Since partners are
June 30, 2008 (the partnership year that ends within his individually liable for their share of partnership liabilities, an
year), plus the twelve monthly guaranteed payments that he increase in partnership liabilities increases a partner's basis
received for that period of time. in the partnership by the partner's share of the increase.
25% x $88,000 Jones' initial basis consists of the $45,000 of cash contrib-
12 x $ 1,000 uted, increased by the increase in Jones' individual liability
Total income resulting from the partnership's assumption of Curry's
25. (b) The requirement is to determine Allan's distribu- mortgage ($12,000 x 50% = $6,000). Thus, Jones' initial
tive share of the partnership income. In a family partner- basis for the partnership interest is $45,000 + $6,000 =
ship, services performed by family members must first be $51,000.
reasonably compensated before income is allocated accord- 28. (b) The requirement is to determine the total amount
ing to the capital interests of the partners. Since Edward's includible in Flagg's 2009 tax return as a result of Flagg's
services were worth $40,000, Allan's distributive share of 50% interest in the Decor Partnership. Decor's net business
partnership income is ($100,000 - $40,000) x 50% = income of $45,000 would be reduced by the guaranteed
$30,000. payment of $7,500, resulting in $37,500 of ordinary income
26. (c) The requirement is to determine Curry's initial that would pass through to be reported on partners' returns.
basis for the 50% partnership interest received in exchange Here, Flagg's share of the includible income would be
for a contribution of property subject to a $12,000 mortgage $37,500 x 50% = $18,750.
that was assumed by the partnership. Generally, no gain or 29. (c) The requirement is to determine Miles's tax
loss is recognized on the contribution of property in ex- basis for his 50% interest in the Decor Partnership on De-
change for a partnership interest. As a result, Curry's initial cember 31, 2009. The basis for a partner's partnership inter-
basis for the partnership interest received consists of the est is increased by the partner's distributive share of partner-
$30,000 adjusted basis of the land contributed to the partner- ship income that is taxed to the partner. Here, Decor's net
ship, less the net reduction in Curry's individual liability business income of $45,000 would be reduced by the guar-
resulting from the partnership'.s assumption of the $12,000 anteed payment of $7,500, resulting in $37,500 of ordinary
mortgage. Since Curry received a 50% partnership interest, income that would pass through to be reported on partners'
the net reduction in Curry's individual liability is $12,000 x returns and increase the basis of their partnership interests.
50% = $6,000. As a result, Curry's basis for the partnership Here, Miles's beginning tax basis for the partnership interest
interest is $30,000 - $6,000 = $24,000. of $200,000 would be increased by Miles's distributive
share of ordinary income ($37,500 x 50% = $18,750), to
27. (a) The requirement is to determine Jones' initial

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