Ijmet 10 01 001
Ijmet 10 01 001
Ijmet 10 01 001
Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019,
201 pp. 1–7, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_001
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=1
ISSN Print: 0976-6340
6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
This paper empirically investigates the influence of functional clues as a strategy
of customer experience management on engineering students’ loyalty within the
context of higher education in Nigeria. The basic purpose of this paper was to
examine if the application of marketing strategies can be applied by higher institutions
in order to satisfy their student and turn them to advocate of their brands/service. To
achieve this objective, a total of 215 copies of the questionnaires
questionnaires were retrieved from
engineering student of a private university adjudged to be the best in Nigeria. Multi-
stage sampling techniques were employed in this study. Using the Categorical
Regression CATREG analysis, the study found that functional clues have positive
influence on engineering students’
student loyalty to the university.. Relying on this finding, the
study therefore recommended among other things that the university management
should adopt customer experience management as a strategy to build student studen loyalty
and also concentrate their efforts on the improvement of functional clues by focusing
more on the development of the competences of their lecturers and implement the
strategy in order to gain repeat patronage of their students for further studies.
Keyword: Customer, Experience, Functional clues, Student, Loyalty, Higher
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Oluwole and DIRISU Joy
A major concern of every student in higher institutions today is the suitability of accurate
student centered activities that will enhance the learning outcome of the student. Higher
institutions are gradually recognizing higher education as being involved in the offering of
services, thereby requiring a better focus on satisfying the needs and expectations of the
student (DeShields Jr, Kara & Kaynak, 2005). However, the experiences are different
offerings, as distinct from the services just as goods are different from services. Currently,
marketers are presumably concerned about the experience era because customers indisputably
desire experiences, and greater numbers of organizations are taking actions by explicitly
creating and endorsing them. They have come to realize that staging experience is the only
way to be at competitive advantage. Presently, the experience factor performs a significant
role in determining the accomplishment of an institution’s offering and customer experience
is a critical differentiator in today’s commoditized economy (Palmer, 2010). The student’s
perception of academic life comprises student experiencing a lot of distinct service offerings
which includes teaching quality, learning undertakings and the quality of support service
delivery on-campus (Blackmore, Douglas and Barnes, 2006).HEIs are faced with the
problems of managing those experiences of their students in this current competitive business
environment. Meanwhile, the rising growth of private universities in Nigeria requires
institutions to create superior customer experience strategies. Nevertheless, Lemke, Clark and
Wilson (2011) inferred that customer experience management is a modern approach that
institutions can use to build customer satisfaction and eventual loyalty. To this end, customer
experience management strategies are classified into functional clues, humanic clues and
mechanic clues (Berry, Wall and Carbone, 2006). However, this study will be focused on the
influence of functional clues on engineering student’s loyalty. The functional clues are seen as
the trustworthiness and competence of services being offered which includes teaching quality,
learning activities, curriculum and the quality of support services on-campus. Going by the
foregoing, it is significant to concentrate on functional clues as a strategy of customer
experience management and student loyalty in the higher educational institutions of Nigeria.
Therefore, the hypothesis formulated for this study was:
Ho: Functional clues do not play a significant role in influencing student loyalty in the
higher education institution of Nigeria.
The Current State of Higher Education Institution In Nigeria
Nigeria has the biggest university structure in Sub-Saharan Africa. The system holds much of
the country's research volume and harvests most of its skilful professionals. Though
supposedly the obligation of the Federal Ministry of Education, it is controlled by the
National Universities Commission (NUC). Currently, the higher education institution of
Nigeria consist of 152 universities (40 Federal, 44 State, 68 Private) (NUC, 2017). The higher
education institution of Nigeria are anticipated to deliver quality services that will contribute
to the development of strong macro-economic and political environment that will result in the
growth of the society at large. Presently, the higher education institution are faced with
numerous challenges such as the lack of access to quality educational services that have
resulted in education tourism; most universities in Nigeria are in poor situations. In the major
states, the physical environment or atmosphere of teaching is not conducive for learning. The
structure of the buildings are dilapidated and they do not have teaching materials. Universities
lack applied or mechanical facilities. Below standard and lack of mechanical facilities make
learning becomes theoretical instead of practical. The sustainability of any nation’s
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Customer Experience Management: An Empirical Evidence of Functional Clues and Engineering
Student’s Loyalty
development depends on the superior performance of the higher education sector. Therefore,
adequate attention must be focused to the ability to build quality, sustain and ensure
maximum utilization and implementation of what has been imbedded in it to ensure growth of
the system.
Functional clues
Functional clues is concerned with the superiority of service since they are have to do with the
motive why the customer goes to the market (Berry, Wall and Carbone, 2006). For instance,
in a university, the clue is concerned about the quality of teaching, the robustness of the
curriculum and the swift service operations rendered at different units of the school, that the
students relate with. According to Berry, Wall and Carbone (2006). Functional clues are the
practical quality of the service. They are regarded as the reason of the service encounter,
uncovering the trustworthiness and competency of the service provided. Whatever that shows
the practical quality of the offering—its occurrence or non-appearance—is known as
functional clue. Functional clues involve endorsing that services will perform accurately what
they are anticipated to accomplish in a proficient, consistent and reliable way (Bloch, 2011).
When applied to the higher educational institutions, the functional clues include the
superiority of the teaching methods, which are the qualities of lecture delivery, the lecturers’
competences, cooperate learning, problem based learning, group discussion, oral presentation
in class and seminar or workshop which are centred on student focused activities. The
functional clues are furthermore concerned about prompt, precise and proficient performance
of relevant responsibilities in addition to swift provision of services from different units
where the students relate with (Borishade, Worlu, Kehinde & Ogunnaike, 2017). These may
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Oluwole and DIRISU Joy
include services provided from the office of the registrar, finance unit, student health care
unit, bookstore and library.
Exhaustive research have recommended that the satisfaction of student significantly
influences their loyalty (Brown, Cowles, & Tuten, 1996; Helgesen & Nesset, 2007; Temizer
& Turkyilmaz, 2012). Student loyalty can be seen as the affection or unfathomable obligation
of student towards the institution (Ogunnaike, Borishade, Sholarin & Odubela, 2014). It
shows the student perception on educational services delivered by the institution which may
inspire them in the development of the institution in the future (Chitty & Soutar, 2004;Webb,
& Jagun, 1997). Though loyalty behaviours encompass different actions, they basically
involve three types: Inspiring upcoming student to apply to the university, coming back for
further studies in the same university if required and contributing money in cash and in kind
to the university (Mavondo & Zaman, 2000). In agreement with other research on student
loyalty, this present research concentrated on the loyalty of student, which sees loyalty as
manifested by student intent to patronize the educational services of the universityyet again or
backup the development of the institution. Student loyalty is an objective that is worthy of
chasing by higher educational institution because it is “significantly and positively associated
with recommending prospective students” (Mavondo & Zaman, 2000)Bolliger and Wasilik
(2009) discovered that organisational matters could also have emotional impact on the level of
student’s satisfaction. Paswan and Ganesh (2009) asserted that institution of higher education
with solid managerial support structures can favourably stimulate students to be brand loyalist
to that institution. Helgesen and Nesset (2007) postulate that extraordinary echelons of
relationship occur amid student satisfaction and loyalty.
To ascertain the influence of functional clues on student loyalty in higher educational sector
of Nigeria. The data for this paper is quantitative in nature. The quantitative data consists of
the socio-economic characteristics of engineering student sampled as well as their responses
on the influence of functional clues as a strategy of customer experience management on
student loyalty. The data for this objective were derived from the engineering students of a
private university. Data from the engineering students of the university on the influence of
functional clues and student loyalty were sourced via the administration of structured
questionnaire. The engineering students were deemed fit for the survey because they represent
the highest number of students in the university. The questionnaires were administered to
them immediately after the lecture hours of the week days. Accidental sampling technique
was adopted in administering the questionnaire to the engineering student. Two hundred and
fifty (250) copies of questionnaires were dispensed to the engineering student of the private
university, and 215 copies of questionnaires representing about 86% were retrieved. The
response rate is deemed reasonably high for surveys of this type, and thus regarded
satisfactory. It is worthy to note that the help of the lecturers of the department in giving
approval to the researcher as well as the administration of the questionnaire contributed to the
high response rate achieved in the surveys. The respondents were requested to answer to the
statements on a 5-point Likert scale, where 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = undecided, 2 =
disagree and 1=strongly disagree. Data were analysed using the categorical regression
analysis with optimal scaling technique otherwise regarded as CATREG in SPSS which
accommodate nominal and ordinal variables, was used to study the influence of functional
clues as a strategy of customer experience management on student loyalty.
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Customer Experience Management: An Empirical Evidence of Functional Clues and Engineering
Student’s Loyalty
Standardized Coefficients
Bootstrap (1000) Est. of Df F Sig.
Std. Error
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Oluwole and DIRISU Joy
management is a modern approach that institutions can use to build customer satisfaction and
eventual loyalty, but there is scarcely any effort in marketing literature, where this strategy is
applied to higher educational institution in Nigeria. This present research delivers this
development and establishes that superior customer experience management tend to unveil
greater level of student loyalty. This study considered the influence of functional clues on
student loyalty. The functional clues were measured through the quality of teaching,
robustness of the curriculum, swift service operation and the competences of the lecturers.
The competences of the lecturers were found to be the most significant drivers of student
loyalty to the institution. Thus, it was recommended that the university management should
adopt customer experience management as a strategy to build student loyalty and also
concentrate their efforts on the improvement of functional clues by focusing more on the
development of the competences of their lecturers and implement the strategy in order to gain
repeat patronage of their students for further studies.
In order to have good grasp of the sophistication of customer experience management
variables as they relate to building student loyalty, the researcher recommends that this study
be replicated in other sectors of the Nigerian economy. Further studies in this area should also
consider the other variables of the CEM such as mechanic clues and humanic clues in
building student loyalty in higher education institutions
The authors of this research paper wish to appreciate the management of Covenant University
for the full sponsorship of this academic paper.
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