Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), popularly called ‘MILMA’ was
established in _____ with its head office at Trivandrum for the successful implementation of
2. The _____ founded in 1844, is usually considered the first successful co-operative enterprise,
3. Expand CICED, which was established in order to enhance education quality in developing countries.
5. The _____ was the first international association formed (1895) by the cooperative
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7. A _____ is a cooperative that is run by and for a network of volunteers, for the benefit of a
9. National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) was established
11. Who undertakes the responsibility of providing Co-operative Education and Training in Kerala ?
12. “Circle Co-operative Union” means a circle co-operative union constituted under Section _____
(A) 2 (B) 22
(C) 88 (D) 66
13. _____ means a society having jurisdiction over one or more Revenue Districts but not the whole
of the State as its area of operation; and having as its members only other societies and declared as
14. “_____ member” means a member who possesses only such privileges and rights of a member
and who is subject only to such liabilities of a member as may be specified in the bye-laws.
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15. The number of applicants for registration of a society shall not be less than
16. The following one is not a reason for the Cancellation of registration certificates of societies :
(A) Where the whole of the assets and liabilities of a society are transferred to another
(B) Where two or more societies are amalgamated into a new society in accordance with
(C) Where a society is divided into two or more societies in accordance with the
provisions of Section-14.
18. Co-operative Arbitration Court refers to a court formed under Section _____of the Act.
19. The committee of a society may, at any time, call a special general body meeting of the society
20. The Government may provide moneys to a society for the purchase of shares in other societies
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(A) Transfer an amount not being less than fifteen per cent of the net profits to the reserve
(B) Credit such portion of the net profits, not exceeding five per cent, as may be
(C) Pay, in the case of a Central Society, including a District Cooperative Bank, dividend to
its members, on their paid up share capital such rate not exceeding twenty per cent.
22. The _____shall by notification in the official gazette, appoint a person to be the Director of
24. The year in which the Kerala State Co-operative Societies Act was passed in Kerala
28. The term "Co-operation" is derived from the _____ word ‘Co-operari’ which means _______.
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30. Only a person who has attained the age of _____ years can become a member in a co-operative
(A) twenty one for full membership and fifteen for minors
(B) twenty one for full membership and eighteen for beneficial members
(D) eighteen
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38. KRIBHCO is an
functions in 1982 ?
42. Section _____of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act gives provisions relating to winding up of
43. When a member can exercise his right to withdraw his share from a cooperative society ?
45. Which Committee recommended for the formation of Farmers Service Co-operative Society ?
47. The year in which the National Policy on Co-operation is declared in India :
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(B) Committee to Review Aid for Institutional Credit for Agricultural and Rural
(C) Committee to Review Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agricultural and
Regional Development
54. Overvaluation of closing stock at the time of preparing P & L A/c will result in _____ statement
of reported profit.
55. Salaries outstanding of the previous year which is paid during the year is ______ to the current
56. An error in accounting transaction which cannot be detected by checking the trial balance as its
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57. A type of goodwill which is directly relate to reputation in the name of the institution is called :
(A) All possible losses should be taken into account on accrual basis.
(B) Same accounting principles should be followed over a series of years to make the
accounts comparable.
(C) All possible profits should be taken into account on accrual basis.
(D) All possible losses and should be taken into account on accrual basis.
62. The process of thoroughly checking the collected data to ensure optimal quality level is referred to
as :
63. The ability of a concern to meet its long term liabilities as and when it becomes due is called :
(A) Profitability (B) Liquidity
65. When a person transacts with a company on matters which is beyond the powers of the company,
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66. Under _____method of valuation of shares, from the market value of assets the amount of external
liabilities and preference share capital is deducted and the result is divided by the number of
equity shares.
67. An extra commission paid by the consignor to the consignee for guaranteeing credit sales is called
68. The sequence of accounting procedures repeated each accounting year to record and summarise
70. The customs and traditions followed by the accountants for the preparation of the financial
statements :
71. A situation when a firm gets a profit lower than the average profit of the industry is called :
73. A debit note is prepared by the _____ of goods when he returns some of the goods purchased.
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(D) Nowhere
75. _____ is the expenditure of a revenue nature, the benefit of which lasts for more than one
accounting year.
76. That part of subscribed capital set apart to be called only at the time of liquidation of a company is
called :
77. The type of depreciation by which the value of an asset is reduced due of change in technology or
fashion is called
78. ______ is the amount received by non-profit making organisations on the death of a person as per
his will.
79. _____ is the amount of profit earned by a concern over and above the normal return expected on
its investment.
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81. Which of the following was the leader who not participated of Nivarthana Agitation ?
82. The first session of the Praja mandal be held at _____in January 1942.
85. The Article in the Constitution which gives the Primary Education in Mother Tongue :
(A) Article 348(A) (B) Article 350(A)
88. Who is the present Chairman of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
89. In which state of India the famous festival of Horn bill celebrated ?
90. First Modern factory for the manufacture of coir was opened at Alleppey during the period of
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91. Who says the Revolutionary message ‘No Caste, No Religion, No God for Man’ ?
93. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) came into force on
97. Who has been appointed the new Chairman of Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal ?
98. The Historic site 'Hampi' is located in which of the following states :
99. Who was crowned as the 65th Miss Universe, held on 30th January, 2017 ?
100. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan was the chief guest of 68th Republic day celebration. He
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