Non-Epicurean Desires1
Fabien Schang2
In this paper, it is argued that there can be necessary and non-natural desires. After a discus-
sion about what seems wrong with such desires, Epicurus’ classification of desires is treated
similarly to Kripke’s treatment of the Kantian table of judgments. A sample of three cases is
suggested to make this point.
Keywords: desire, Epicurus, judgment, nature, necessitation.
There are impossible desires, those that cannot be satisfied due to physical limitations: flying
like a bird, teleporting to the other side of the world, and the like. But this paper will talk about
conceptual impossibilities, that is, whatever cannot be thought of by definition. Let us see why it is
largely assumed that there are also conceptually impossible desires.
Epicurean desires
After describing Epicurus’ classification of desires, we will focus on his assumed opposition
between necessity and vanity.
non-necessary desires; and vain desires. The first category Therefore, the controversy lies in the moral value of
splits into three different goals: happiness (eudaimonia); bodi- necessity and finiteness: according to the Epicureans, good
ly well-being (aochlèsia); and life for itself (survival means). desires are those that can be satisfied within the limits of
The second category corresponds to merely natural desires human nature; knowledge of this nature is a precondition
that can be dispensed with: sexual activities, pleasures of the of happiness.
table, and the like. The third category of desires is considered Is there any sort of sufficient reason behind such a classi-
to be the source of pain and an unhappy life: avidity, anger, fication of desires? Let us try to tackle this issue, even to chal-
thirst for power, etc. Epicurus strongly advises us to avoid lenge the Epicurean taxonomy of desires.
these bad desires because they are “devoid” (kenai) or empty
desires. These are the most important in what follows, due to
their radical opposition to necessary desires: quests for power,
Non-Epicurean desires
riches, or honour are said to be “empty” desires insofar as they
First, let us consider the way in which Epicurus came
do not have a proper end.
to his famous classification. Then let us see how far it can be
altered in a relevant way.
Vanity against necessity!
Analogy II: Kantian table This combination seems meaningless, indeed, given that
culture is the domain par excellence of contingent things like
An analogy between two sorts of modalities was drawn habits, norms, or taboos. Nevertheless, such an idea is not more
above. The same can be drawn between Epicurean desires and absurd than the hypothesis of analytic a posteriori judgments.
Kantian judgments (in Kant, 2007 [1781]), despite their as- Table 3 can be qualified in two opposite ways: by re-
sumed difference in nature. At the same time, the comparison stricting, extending, or squarely cancelling its valid combi-
made by Gardiès (1979) between epistemic and aboulic mo- nations.
dalities refers to two kinds of judgment. Could desire be viewed
as a special sort of judgment? Or should so-called boulic mo- Restriction of Kant’s table
dalities be restricted to the sole case of will, i.e., the objective
part of desire? In fact, the following analogy does not need to According to Kant (2007 [1781], B15-16), the judg-
fulfill the condition that desires be proper sorts of judgment. ment “7 + 5 = 12” is both synthetic and a priori: it is synthet-
For analogy differs from identity: an analogy consists in say- ic because it is not analytic, insofar as the predicate concept
ing that whatever holds for a with respect to b also holds for “equal to 12” is not contained within the subject concept “7
c with respect to d, even if there is no logical interconnection + 5”; it is a priori, because the justification of such a predi-
between the elements of the pairs a,b and c,d. For our present cation does not depend upon experience. The main problem
concerns, let a and b be symbols for the Epicurean necessary concerns what Kant meant with “analyticity”: a containment
and natural desires, respectively; and let c and d be symbols for relation between subject and predicate in a judgment. How
the Kantian analytic and a priori judgments. The same table can it be warranted that the number 12 contains the sum of 7
(Table 2) appears as with the previous analogical table (Table and 5? What is the source of such a relation?
1) of epistemic and boulic modalities, accordingly: A controversy arose at the end of the 19th century be-
tween those who took logic to ground mathematics (e.g.,
Table 2. An analogy between Epicurus’ classification of desires Frege, 1980 [1884]; Carnap, 1947) and those who did not
and Kant’s classification of judgments. (e.g., Poincaré, 1968 [1902]). According to the former, “7 + 5
= 12” is not a synthetic but, rather, an analytic a priori judg-
Epicurean desires Kantian judgments ment: the concept “7 + 5” is taken to be necessarily identical
to the concept “12”. Like Kant, this assumes a connection be-
(1) necessary analytic
tween arithmetic and apriority: no such justification can stem
(2) not necessary synthetic from the domain of experience, given that it is in principle not
(3) natural a priori possible to find counterevidence against what is grounded a
(4) not natural a posteriori priori, i.e., universally. Against Kant, the concept of analytici-
ty has been separated from the criterion of containment and
updated by the logical positivists: an analytical judgment is a
Note that Kantian judgments are lexicalized by posi- judgment that is true by definition, according to the meanings
tive concepts, unlike some of the Epicurean desires. How- given to its terms in a given language. This more conventional
ever, it is not difficult to find positive counterparts to “not definition helps to avoid the psychologist connotation of ana-
necessary” and “not natural”: contingent, for the former; lyticity. Above all, it shows how a controversy can be raised in
cultural, for the latter. Consequently, our main issue can be philosophy with a redefinition of its main concepts. Why not
reformulated as follows: can there be desires that are both do the same with the Epicurean table of desires?
necessary and cultural?
An obvious similarity arises between the way in which
Extension of Kant’s table
Epicurus and Kant made use of their respective concepts:
there are three and only three possible combinations, in both
According to Kripke (1980), there is no restriction at
cases. This is displayed in Table 3, where the same shaded row
all in the Kantian table of judgments: each row constitutes a
(2) is ruled out by the two theories.
proper judgment on its own, including the case of necessary a
posteriori judgments. Again, a prior redefinition of the basic
Table 3. An analogy between Epicurus’ forbidden desires and terms is required to go from a negative to a positive reception
Kant’s forbidden judgments.
of Kripke’s strategy. The same should apply to an extension of
Epicurus’ table of desires.
Epicurean desires Kantian judgments
Take Kripke’s famous case of analytic a posterio-
(1) necessary, natural analytic, a priori ri judgment: “Water is H2O”. Strictly speaking, “analytic”
(2) necessary, cultural analytic, a posteriori should be replaced by “necessary” in Kripke’s terminolo-
(3) contingent, natural synthetic, a priori gy; and “judgment” should be turned interchangeably into
“proposition” or “sentence”. How can such a sentence be
(4) contingent, cultural synthetic, a posteriori
true in every case, anyway?
Firstly, Kripke proposes a redefinition of analyticity in the Kantian table of judgments. Besides, Quine claimed that
terms of necessary truth, i.e., truth in every possible world. Carnap’s distinction between “external” and “internal” ques-
Whether “possible” is to be taken in the same sense as “con- tions relies upon an arbitrary distinction between facts and
ceivable” or not is not at issue now, despite the close connec- theories. Every true sentence has an empirical content, Quine
tion between conceivability and our issue of conceptually argued, in the sense that true sentences always have a linguis-
impossible desires. tic and factual component.
Second, Kripke’s point is that there are some sentences Whether Quine’s rejection of pure analyticity should be
that are both necessary and based on experience. Thus, the endorsed is not the point; rather, the controversy helps to call at-
chemical nature of water is taken to be a scientific fact; but tention to those who accept the Epicurean table unreflectively.
as a fact, it needs to be discovered by experimental methods
before it is shown to be true necessarily. There seems to be a
clear-cut difference in the present controversy between Kant
and Kripke and the opposition between Kant and logical pos-
In any case, there is something common between the
itivists: in the latter case, the two sides agreed that experience
aforementioned tables: both locate the problem in row (2).
has no role to play in the justification of arithmetic judgments; A logical analysis shows that this corresponds to the issue of
in the former case, however, Kripke claims that experience entailment.
does contribute to the justification of analytic judgments.
Isn’t there some misunderstanding here when it comes
to the usual distinction between the origins of a concept and Analogy III: Truth-table
its justification? For if Kant accepted the empirical origin
of concepts like numbers and operation signs, this does not Another deep epistemological obstacle seems to justify
mean that he thereby accepted the empirical foundation of the open consensus around Epicurus’ taxonomy of desires:
an arithmetical identity such as “7 + 5 = 12”. In a nutshell, the set-theoretical relation of inclusion between necessary
doesn’t Kripke, with his necessary aposteriority, reproduce and natural desires. A logical link with set theory is easily
made through the connective of the conditional, which is
the mistake made by John Stuart Mill? According to Mill
said to approximate the relation of entailment. Little wonder
(1974 [1843]), the empirical observation that adding seven
that the Kantian table of judgment nicely matches with the
apples to five oranges resulted in a set of twelve fruits was tak-
truth-table characterizing the logical connective of condition-
en to be an argument for the empirical foundation of mathe-
al, “if … then” (Table 4).
matics. Just as Frege (1980 [1884]) stressed this confusion be-
tween occasion and foundation, Kripke (1980) could equally
be blamed for reproducing the same conceptual flaw. Table 4. The truth-table of logical conditional and its “forbidden”
Yet this is not the case. I take this distinctive reception truth-condition.
of Kripke’s hypothesis to rely upon a deep revision of what
“analyticity” means. From a Kantian perspective, analytici- p q
ty is closely related to the categories of pure reason, i.e., to (1) T T
what stands in the a priori conditions of thought. No such
transcendental analysis seems to be at hand in the Kripkean (2) T F
account of necessary a posteriori sentences: “Water is H2O” (3) T F
is a necessarily true sentence not in the light of pure reason (4) F F
but, rather, as a discovery holding in every world. Kantians
must view rigid designators as a regressive emancipation of
metaphysics from epistemology; in any case, the changes in The prohibited shaded row (2) is the case in which the
analytic philosophy from Kripke (1980) to the two-dimension- antecedent p is true and the consequent q is false, in the con-
alism of Chalmers (2006) should be tolerated with respect to ditional sentence p ⊃ q. A logical interpretation of this table
the classification of desires too. comes to the same result as a Kantian interpretation of ana-
lytic a posteriori judgments: it is impossible for the complex
Cancellation of Kant’s table sentence p ⊃ q to be true whenever p is true and q is not true
(i.e., false), just as it is impossible for a desire to be entertained
Recall how Quine also shook the ongoing debate around whenever it is said to be necessary and not natural (i.e., cul-
the distinction between analytic and synthetic. According to tural). The same sort of inclusive relation is presupposed by
Quine (1951), there is no difference in nature but, rather, a Kant’s transcendental philosophy: no judgment can be ana-
mere difference in degree between these two kinds of judg- lytically true and a posteriori at once, according to the Kan-
ment. Mathematical and logical sentences are “more analyti- tian reading of analyticity in terms of the categories of pure
cally true” than truths from empirical sciences, but there is no reason inherent to human nature. Similarly, no desire can be
purely analytic or synthetic sentence in the sense assumed by necessary and cultural at once, according to the Epicurean
be seen as a third example of what socialization may make system. Is the occurrence of necessary and cultural desires an
necessary through the force of education, after Freud’s neu- external or internal question? Quineans should question the
roses and Girard’s desires of desires. In fact, taboos proceed very distinction between what a concept means inside and
as counter-desires: they are feelings produced by prohibited outside of a philosophical system.
rules in a given community, and the stronger they are the more Are there non-Epicurean desires, in conclusion? Not im-
natural they appear. Disgust provoked by the incest taboo, for possibly, at any rate.
example, is a feeling where agents do more than merely not
desire something: they desire not to do what is made shame-
ful by the tacit rules of the community. Therefore, anthropol-
ogy and psychoanalysis jointly argue for the necessitation of BOUVERESSE, J. 1987. La force de la règle: Wittgenstein et
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In fact, the central problem concerns the conditions for Submitted on March 23, 2016
making sense of an idea inside or outside of a philosophical Accepted on June 21, 2016