15 Popular Saints of Bhakti Movement - Medieval India
15 Popular Saints of Bhakti Movement - Medieval India
15 Popular Saints of Bhakti Movement - Medieval India
Saint # 2. Nimbarka:
Saint # 3. Madhva:
Madhva was another devotee of Vishnu from the South. He took to
monastic life when he was 25 years old. He wrote four bhasyas on
Brahma Sutra; on the opening passages of the Rig-Veda; on the ten
philosophical Upanishads; and on the Bhagavad-Gita. He also wrote
expositions of Mahabharata and Bhagavata. It is said that Madhva in
all wrote thistly-seven works
Saint # 5. Ramananda:
The credit for the spread of Vaishnava religion in northern India goes
to Ramananda. He was born at Prayag (Allahabad) of Kanya-kubja
parents. He got his schooling at Prayag and Banaras and visited the
various religious places in northern India, where he preached
Vaishnavism. He preached the worship of Ram and Sita in place of
Vishnu. He believed in Vishistadvaita philosophy of Ramauja and
carried his teachings much further. He strongly opposed sectarianism
and rites and insisted on adoption of Hindi in place of Sanskrit.
He could not even cast off the sense of superiority of a Hindu over the
Mohammedan. Similarly he accepted the superiority of the regenerate
classes (dwijas) -over Sudras. Thus Ramananda, like the other saints
of the South, did not believe in social equality. He enjoined strict
segregation and perfect privacy in the matter of food.
Though Ramananda did not believe in the equality of the four varnas
and numerous castes, but he made disciples from almost all castes.
His disciples included members of the higher castes as well as lower
castes like Jat (Dhana), barber (Sena), cobbler (Ravi Das) and
Muslims (Kabir). Even women became his disciples (Padmavati and
Sursari). Thus he treated disciples from all the castes on footings of
equality. In short, he opened the doors of Vaishnavism to all without
distinctions of caste, creed or sex.
Saint # 7. Kabir:
Another prominent saint of the Bhakti movement in northern India
was Kabir. There is much controversy among scholars regarding his
date of birth, but it is certain that he lived either in the closing years of
the fourteenth century or early fifteenth century.
It is said he was the son of a Hindu widow, who in order to hide her
shame left the baby by the side of the tank in Banaras. wherefrom he
was picked up by a Muslim weaver named Niru. From his childhood
itself Kabir was a meditative child.
Kabir did not believe in extreme asceticism and abstractions from the
world. He condemned idolatry and useless ceremonies. He believed in
the equality of man and declared that before the high throne of God all
were equal.
It is to show to the world that two different signs are made, one is
called Namaz, while the other is termed Puja. Mahadev and
Muhammad are one and the same; Brahma and Adam are one and the
same. What is a Hindu? What is a Turk? Both inhabit the same earth
one reads the Veda, and the other Quran and the Khutba. One is a
Maulana and the other a Pandit. Earthen vessels have different names,
although they are made from the same earth. Kabir says: both are
misled, none has found God.”
According to Gertrude Emerson Sen, Kabir was not only a saint but a
stern reformer, hating religious cant and hypocrisy, as can be gartered
from his terse and often caustic verses which are still sung all over
Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.”
Kabir laid great emphasis on Bhakti and said “Neither austerities, nor
works of any kind are necessary to obtain the highest and this is only
to be obtained by Bhakti (fervent devotion) and perpetual mediation
on the Supreme—His names of Hari, Ram, Govind being ever on the
lips and in the heart. The highest end is absorption in the Supreme
and reunion with Him from whom all proceeded, and who exists in
Though Kabir was opposed to the division of mankind into sects, yet
differences cropped up between his disciples regarding the disposal of
his last remains after death. While the Musalmans wanted to bury
him, the Hindus demanded that he should be burnt.
It is said that the dispute was resolved because the body of Kabir lying
under the shroud disappeared and only a handful of flowers were left.
These flowers were divided by the Hindus and the Muslmans and they
disposed them off according to their religious rites, This also led to
division amongst the disciples of Kabir and two sects with their
headquarters at Kabir Chaura in Banaras and Chattisgarh respectively
continued to exist, Occasionally the relations between these two Kabir-
Panthis were strained.
The initial efforts of his parents to involve him in worldly things did
not yield the desired results. Though he was married and had children,
he renounced the world and paid visits to various holy places to preach
Guru Nanak believed that the married life and secular business did not
obstruct the spiritual progress and emancipation of man. Nanak not
only visited various parts of India but also visited a number of foreign
countries like Ceylon, Persia, Arabia. He is also said to have visited
Guru Nanak laid much impress on the oneness of God as truth, and
fraternity of men, righteous living, the social virtues of dignity of
labour and charity. To him Islam and Hinduism provided two paths
for meeting the God.
Nanak believed in God as the omnipotent reality and the human soul
could attain union with him through love and devotion, and not by
knowledge of ceremonial observance. He believed in oneness of God
and the brotherhood of man. Nanak preached in the language of the
people and his preaching’s became very popular during his lifetime
itself. His disciples included both the Hindus and the Muslims.
In his teachings Dadu laid stress upon the promotion of love, union,
sentiments of brotherhood and toleration among people of various
faiths. He said “The Illusion of Allah and Rama hath been dispelled
from my mind; since I see Thee in all, I see no difference between
Hindu and Turk.”
Dadu expressed his ideas which are contained in the granth known as
Dadu Ram Ki Bani. Dadu like Kabir and Nanak was an embodiment of
free spirit from any taint of religious bigotry or sectarianism,
remarkable in any age. He tried to assuage religious quarrels and did
his best to bring Hindus and Muslims and all other sects together. He
dwelt upon the greatness of Guru even over the sacred books—the
Vedas and the Quran.
Mira became widow, but continued with her devotion to Lord Krishna
and service of the saints. This was not liked by the brother of her late
husband and he tried to kill her through poison and snake bite, but
without any success in his mission. Therefore, Mira Bai left for
Brindaban at dead of night and started doing public kirtan.
Mira’s massage was that none by reason of birth, poverty, age or sex
will be debarred from his divine presence. The way is but one—that of
Bhakti. The portals will open when the teacher will bless the devotee
with his company and teach him the mysteries of the Sabda.
Once he is reached, is no further or future separation possible. Sooner
or later every one is to meet his Lord. Time is a great factor, and can be
shortened by intensity of one’s affection for the Lord. Burn in the fire
of separation from the Lord. But this is to come through practice of no
yogic exercises nor through mere learning. It is a gift and a boon from
the Lord himself.
Bankey Behari says, “To me Mira is the moth that burn itself in the
candle of love for Girdhar and for all times filled the temple of
devotion with gragrance. Undaunted by fire or frown, unperturbed by
persecutions, this devotee of Sri Krishna sang her songs of princely
renunciation and self surrender, that shall infuse courage in the
aspiration the Path of Love. Mira lived the message she preached,
scoffed at cold intellectualism and boldly proclaimed the doctrine of
absolute faith in and devotion to the Lord.”
Though Tulsi Das did not start any new sect or advocate any new
doctrine, yet by his own pure life and the magic of his poetry he
rendered great service to the Bhakti-marga.
He spent the later part of his life in travels and visited numerous
places in Rajputana and Punjab.
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