Pohick Post, November 2010
Pohick Post, November 2010
Pohick Post, November 2010
Church School is off to a great start! Seventy-nine The Martha Guild will meet on Wednesday, No-
students have registered for Church School. Everyone vember 4 in the Common Room Annex at 7:30 pm.
is looking forward to a very rewarding and exciting The agenda will include a review of the final details
year of working with all the children and youth of Po- for the Christmas Mart as well as future plans for the
hick! The Church School has 40 wonderful teachers group. All women of the church are cordially invited
and staff volunteers. Pohick is truly blessed to have to join in the fun and fellowship of the group. Any
such outstanding volunteers! questions, please contact a member or Connie Myers
Once again, Godly Play is being used as the cur- at 703-455-4652 or at jetskiing@hotmail.com.
riculum for the Preschoolers through 4th graders, and
the Living the Good News is being used with the 5th Waitresses Needed!
through 12th grade students. If anyone would like to WANTED: gracious waitresses to serve guests
review the curriculum, it is available in Frances Ses- at luncheon on Christmas Mart day, November
sum’s office any time. 18. The lunch seatings are 11:00 am, 12 noon,
For students in 5th - 12th grade, who attend and 1:00 pm. Colonial costume will be supplied.
Church School and then the 11:15 am service, please Please call Anita Stribling, 703-550-0444, as
wait in the Common Room until the 9:00 am ser- soon as possible!
vice ends before going to the trailers. This allows the
teachers to prepare the classrooms and not end up in
Advent Wreath Making
a one on one situation with a student, which is against
the teacher student policy. Thanks for assistance in and Potluck Dinner
this matter. Pohick’s annual Advent Wreath making will take
Jim From has volun- place on Sunday, November 21 at 5:00 pm in the Com-
teered to be the Christ- mon Room. The potluck dinner will be at 6:00 pm.
mas Pageant Director this There will be a sign-up sheet for the materials of the
year! The Pageant will be advent wreaths in the Common Room during coffee
held on Sunday, December hour. There will be a sample wreath on display as well
12 at 4:00 pm. Mark the as a handout for the use of the advent wreath at home.
calendar now! The dress These are easy to make and are a meaningful addition
rehearsal will be Saturday, to the home for the observance of the Advent season.
December 11, 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. This rehearsal The cost will be $7.00 per wreath, and the price in-
is for Kindergarteners through 8th grade students. cludes everything
Starting November 14, the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade needed to make a
students will be rehearsing during class time. It is wreath. It would
very important that the students who are musicians be appreciated if
or have speaking parts be present every Sunday. If a parishioners could
child must miss a rehearsal, please be sure to let Jim or bring additional
Frances know. The preschoolers through third grade greenery. For those
students will continue with their Godly Play stud- that already have the
ies and practice their parts during class time. The 7th frame and candle
and 8th grade students will be writing and rehearsing holders, these piec-
an introduction for the pageant as well as continuing es can be reused and
their study of the Sunday’s liturgy during their class the cost can be adjusted accordingly. This promises to
time. Any questions can be directed to Frances Ses- be a wonderful time for fellowship. Any questions can
sums at 703-425-2857. be directed to Frances Sessums at 425-2857.
Page 6 • November 2010 Pohick Episcopal Church
Ø Music Notes
Linda Egan, Minister of Music
Given By:______________________________________________________________________________
In Memory or Thanksgiving: (Written the way you wish it to appear in the Christmas Bulletin.)
Please make checks payable to Pohick Church • Designate for Christmas Flowers
The price is $10.00 • The deadline is Sunday, December 12
This form with check may be returned to the desk of the Church Secretary or dropped in the alms basket.
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2010 • Page 7
One of the most interesting things about attending that field education represents
an Episcopal church in Northern Virginia is the oppor- just three of 15 to 18 hours of
tunity to host one or more seminarians, and to be able academics the seminarian is pur-
to participate in the molding of the next generation of suing in any semester.
Episcopal priests. Pohick is seldom without a seminar- How does an applicant for
ian, and most people do not realize how these students ordination end up at VTS?
come to Pohick or, for that matter, to the Virginia Theo- Each applicant goes through a discernment process
logical Seminary (VTS). before being approved to attend seminary. This process
What is a seminarian? The seminarians are second can take as much as 10 years, though three to five is
and third year students at VTS. For most students, sem- probably more typical. This process is the responsibil-
inary is a three year course of study. Beginning in their ity of the bishop of the applicant’s home diocese. Once
second year, seminarians embark on a field education approved, applicants will typically be given a limited
program for which they receive three hours credit per choice of seminaries. Most bishops will steer applicants
semester. Typically, the seminarian will continue with toward a seminary experience that will be challenging
their field education program through their second and and even take the applicant outside their comfort zone.
third year. What happens when seminarians graduate? On
What is field education? In a nut shell, field edu- graduation, the seminary will make a recommendation
cation is the congregation at Pohick. Field education to the sponsoring bishop to ordain the graduate into
gives the seminarians an opportunity to put what they the diaconate or not, but the final decision is the bish-
learn in class to work in a parish. The church is a labora- op’s. Seminary graduates are typically ordained in their
tory. In field education sites such as Pohick, seminar- sponsoring diocese or in the diocese in which they will
ians develop/polish their worship and preaching skills, initially serve.
practice leadership and pastoral skills, learn to interact Would a seminarian who has served at Pohick ever
with people in a church environment, learn how to re- come to Pohick as a first church? It has happened. In
late their knowledge of Christian heritage to the people fact, at least one past seminarian has returned to Pohick
of the congregation, and develop in their spiritual life. as Rector.
How does a seminarian choose a field education Have any of Pohick’s past seminarian ever become
site? Seminarians visit churches with field education a Bishop? Yes, even this has happened!
openings at the end of their first year. They attend ser- What about Pohick’s new seminarian, Daniel
vices, mingle at coffee hour, and they meet with the rec- Cenci? Daniel has a very interesting background. Catch
tor. The choice is mutual between the seminarian and him at coffee hour and ask him about the journey that
the priest who will be their field education sponsor. brought him to VTS and to Pohick!
How does Pohick use seminarians? Typically, When will he preach next? Daniel is next sched-
seminarians play specific roles in worship service each uled to preach on Sunday, November 14 at all three ser-
Sunday. They may be lay Eucharistic ministers one vices.
week, participate in children’s church the next week,
and preach the third week. They may even get a week Consignment Room
off now and again. At Pohick, the seminarian will be Thanks to those putting things into the Con-
involved with the youth groups, attend staff and Vestry signment Shop at the Christmas Mart. Remem-
meetings, participate in special parish activities, and lead ber items can be donated or consigned. Consignors
Lenten study programs. While they are at Pohick, they receive 75% of the purchase price and the Church
are under supervision of a priest, usually Father Don, receives 25%. Desired items include nice knick
and they meet regularly with a lay committee selected knacks, silver, bowls, crystal, etc. New crafters are
from members of the parish. The VTS guidelines for very much welcome - items that have been knitted
field education suggest the seminarian spend no more or crocheted, wreaths, baskets, needlework, or any-
thing that might sell. Call Edie Bartlett, 703-780-
than 12 hours a week on average to keep “field ed” in
6809 or email at redsse@aol.com and she will send
balance with their academics. Most of the seminarians
directions for consigning.
do exceed that slightly, but it is important to understand
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2010 • Page 9
Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, other provinces from Anglican committees engaged
continued from page 10 in ecumenical dialogues with other faiths.
• The Archbishop of Canterbury announced late
it was pending. in September that he would convene a meeting of the
The “CANA Congregations” - parishes that want Primates of the Anglican Communion in January. The
to leave the Diocese of Virginia and align with oth- immediate question that arises is how will primates
er provinces of the Anglican Communion - had at- from the “Global South” that oppose TEC react. Now
tempted to claim their property under a Civil War one primate, the Archbishop of the Indian Ocean, has
era law known as the Division Statute. The Supreme said he will boycott the meeting if Presiding Bishop
Court agreed with them that there had been a “divi- Jefferts Schori attends.
sion” in The Episcopal Church and Diocese of Vir-
ginia, but said a Fairfax County Circuit Court judge It is important to remember that despite all these contro-
erred the way he applied the law. It sent the case back versies, the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and
to him for further proceedings on the dispute “consis- locally - goes on. In recent months, 20 bags of backpacks
tent with the views expressed in this opinion.” The full and school supplies were provided to the Lorton Com-
Supreme Court ruling can be found online. To date, munity Action Center, and more than 200 pounds of food
no further proceedings have been announced by the were contributed to LCAC. The ninth mission group from
Circuit Court. Pohick journeyed to New Orleans in mid-October. As the
• Last October, Pope Benedict XVI unveiled a Rector has said, “ we will continue to go back as long as we
plan to allow disaffected Anglicans from the Church are able and as long as the need to continues to be so great.
of England to join the Roman Catholic church, while The Carpenter from Nazareth, we feel, would not have it
retaining many Anglican traditions, including the any other way.”
ability of priests to marry. Initial predictions were that
offer would prompt thousands of Anglicans, and doz- Hospice Volunteers Needed
ens of bishops, to leave the Anglican Communion, VITAS Innovative Hospice Care of Northern
which some referred to as “swimming the Tiber.” A Virginia is now recruiting volunteers in northern
year later, the first Bishop from the Church of Eng- Virginia for “friendly visits” to patients at the end
land has announced he will join the Catholic Church. of their life. Visits made by volunteers help pa-
The Rt. Rev. John Broadhurst, the Bishop of Fulham, tients and touch families. HELP by visiting pa-
said he will resign by the end of the year, and join one tients or working in the office. Orientation and
of the new Roman Catholic “Ordinates,” when they assignments are made according to individual
are formally established. preference. Please contact the Volunteer Services
• The Secretary-General of the Anglican Consul- Manager at 703-270-4300 or VolMgrNoVA@vi-
tative Council (ACC) has removed a representative tas.com.
of the Province of the Southern Cone from an inter-
faith committee. The move came after the Province
did not respond to his inquiries about its position on Fall Cleanup
interventions in the life of The Episcopal Church, or
The Pohick Fall Cleanup
“border crossings.” Several dioceses, which attempted
to leave TEC have aligned themselves with the Prov- is scheduled for Saturday,
ince of the Southern Cone, which is based in South November 13 beginning at 9:15 am.
America. Secretary-General Kenneth Kearon had tak- The work usually ends at 2:00 pm.
en similar actions previously against representatives of Bring gloves
The Episcopal Church on the committee. Both moves and handyman tools
carry out a proposal by the Archbishop of Canterbury if available -
to remove members of provinces, which breach one of but volunteers are
the “moratoria” on blessing of same-sex unions, ordi- needed most of all!
nation of non-celibate gay bishops, and interventions
Page 12 • November 2010 Pohick Episcopal Church
Seasonal Outreach
With the approaching holidays, there are some wonderful opportunities to engage in meaningful Outreach in
the community. Listed below are a variety of ways to engage and have an impact.
Donate a Meal! annual Christmas party for the clients of New Hope
The Lorton Community Action Center (LCAC) Housing. Volunteers are needed to attend the party as
will be collecting food baskets to share with local well as help with set-up and cleanup. This is a much an-
families. This year the need is very great. Please help ticipated event for the clients of New Hope Housing,
bring some holiday happiness to a family that will have and its success is due to the support of the Pohick fam-
nothing without help. ily. Gift tags will be available in the Common Room
Thanksgiving Food Basket a few weeks prior to the event. Return the unwrapped
• 2 cans each of corn, green beans and carrots gifts to the Common Room with the gift tag attached
• 2 cans of fruit no later than Sunday, December 5. Sign-up sheets for
• 1 large can of sweet potatoes food donations, set up and cleanup will be posted on
• 1 small bag of brown sugar the bulletin board at the bottom of the stairs.
• 2 cans of evaporated milk
• 1 box of single serving instant oatmeal Breakfast with Santa
• 1 box of brownie mix On Saturday, December 11, Pohick will host
• 2 cans of tuna Breakfast with Santa for LCAC client families. Volun-
• 1 bottle of cooking oil teers are needed to assist with the set-up and serving
• 1 container of poultry seasoning breakfast. In addition, volunteers are needed to help
• 1 $20 gift card to purchase meat with a craft activity for the children. Please see the sign
Drop off date - Sunday, November 21, 2010 by up sheet on the bulletin board.
11:00 am. Deliver all Thanksgiving donations in stur- For questions or additional information, regarding
dy boxes or plastic containers with lids to the Pohick any of these activities, please feel free to contact Susan
Church Common Room. A group will deliver the food Homar at homar.susan@gmail.com or 703-550-6058.
to The Moose Lodge located at 9612 Fernedge Lane,
which is just off Richmond Highway in Lorton. For Christmas Mart Kitchen Volunteers
those able to assist the delivery caravan, please contact The delicious luncheon served at the Christmas
Susan Homar at homar.susan@gmail.com. Mart is always a big hit. Preparing the 300 lunches
served requires a lot of help. The schedule of the
Christmas Food Basket
“behind the scenes” work in the kitchen includes:
Due to the ever increasing number of families
• Saturday, November 13 at 9:30 am: Chop-
LCAC is serving for the December Holiday Out-
ping the turkey. Bring a sharp knife and meet in the
reach, and the limitation of space at the Moose Lodge,
LCAC is requesting food gift cards in lieu of food to kitchen.
distribute to families. Please purchase two food gift cards • Tuesday, November 16 after 1:00 pm: prepara-
instead of a meal, and LCAC will distribute them. tion for Mart luncheon.
• Wednesday, November 17 after 9:00 am: con-
Unwrapped gifts collected for client families tinue with preparation of the food. Homemade tur-
On Sunday, November 21, 2010, an angel gift key noodle soup is available to ALL Mart workers
card tree will be in the Common Room. Please take for lunch!
as many as possible and know that this generosity will • Thursday, November 18 beginning at 8:00
positively impact children in the community. Drop off am: final preparation, serving Mart luncheon, and
date - Saturday, December 18, 2010 by 11:00 am. cleanup.
Deliver all donations for LCAC to: Gift cards to Su- Please contact Connie Myers at 703-455-4652
san Homar and angel tree gifts to the Common Room or via email at jetskiing@hotmail.com to volunteer
with the tag taped to the gift. for any of the above dates or for additional infor-
mation. Come volunteer for an hour or for the day
Christmas Party - any time will be appreciated!
On Monday December 6, Pohick will host the
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2010 • Page 13
Contact the Parish Secretary, Vonne Troknya, troknya@pohick.org, to list group meetings or events on the calendar.
Page 14 • November 2010 Pohick Episcopal Church
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.”
Pohick Episcopal Church November 2010 • Page 15
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