Soft Power and Higher Education

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Joseph Nye

Harvard University

Soft Power and Higher Education

SOFT POWER IS THE ABILITY to get what you want through attraction rather
than through coercion or payments. It arises from the attractiveness of a country’s
culture, political ideals, and foreign and domestic policies. When the United States’
policies are seen as legitimate in the eyes of others, our soft power is enhanced.
Joseph Nye, dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard Universi-
ty from 1995 to 2004, coined the term “soft power.” He describes how soft power
differs from hard military strength and economic power, and why it is becoming
more important than in the past—largely due to globalization and the communica-
tions revolution. Nye suggests how higher education leaders might enhance Ameri-
can soft power by helping to build a better understanding of the nature of power
and increasing international student and cultural exchange programs.

Soft Power

Power comes in many guises. Although we may believe that the United
States is the only superpower in a unipolar world, in reality the distri-
bution of power resources in the contemporary information age varies
greatly across different issues. Power always depends on its context—
requiring a far more complex analysis than first meets the eye. World
politics has become like a three-dimensional chess game in which one
can win only by playing vertically as well as horizontally. On the top

board of classic military issues, the United Figure 1.
States is indeed the only superpower
with global military might and reach,
Hard Soft
and it makes sense to speak in tradition-
al terms of unipolarity or hegemony. Spectrum of Coercion Inducement Setting Attraction
However, on the middle board of inter- Command Co-opt
state economic issues, the distribution is
multipolar. For example, the United Most Likely Force Payments Institutions Values
Resources Sanctions Bribes Culture
States cannot obtain the outcomes it
wants on trade, antitrust, or financial
regulation issues without the agreement
of the European Union, Japan, China, and others. It makes some preferences because they seem to be too unrealistic.
little sense to call this American hegemony. The types of behavior between command and co-option
On the bottom board of transnational issues such as range along a spectrum from coercion to economic induce-
terrorism, international crime, climate change, and the ment to agenda setting to pure attraction, as illustrated in
spread of infectious diseases, power is widely distributed Figure 1.
and chaotically organized among state and nonstate actors.
It makes no sense at all to call this a unipolar world or an Sources of Soft Power
American empire—despite the claims of propagandists on
The soft power of a country rests primarily on three
the right and left.
Many political leaders still focus almost entirely on
• its culture, in places where it is attractive to others;
military assets and classic military solutions—the top
• its political values, when it lives up to them at
board. They mistake the necessary for the sufficient and are
home and abroad; and
one-dimensional players in a three-dimensional game. In
• its foreign policies, when they are seen as legitimate
the long term, that is the way to lose.
and having moral authority.
To obtain favorable outcomes on the other boards—
Culture is the set of values and practices that create
particularly the bottom, transnational board—the use of
meaning for a society. It has many manifestations. When a
soft power assets is often required. Soft power rests on the
country’s culture includes universal values and its policies
ability to shape the preferences of others. A country may
promote values and interests that others share, it increases
obtain the outcomes it wants in world politics because
the probability of achieving desired outcomes because of
other countries—admiring its values, emulating its exam-
the relationships of attraction and duty that its culture cre-
ple, aspiring to its level of prosperity and openness—want
ates. Narrow values and parochial cultures are less likely to
to follow it. In this sense, it is also important to set the
produce soft power. The United States benefits from a uni-
agenda and attract others in world politics, and not just
versalistic culture. The German editor Josef Joffe argued in
force them to change by threatening military force or eco-
2001 that America’s soft power was even greater than its
nomic sanctions. This soft power—getting others to want
economic and military assets: “U.S. culture, low-brow or
the outcomes you want—co-opts people rather than
high, radiates outward with an intensity last seen in the
coerces them.
days of the Roman Empire—but with a novel twist. Rome’s
Hard and soft power are related because they are both
and Soviet Russia’s cultural sway stopped exactly at their
aspects of the ability to achieve one’s purpose by affecting
military borders. America’s soft power, though, rules over
the behavior of others. The distinction between them is
an empire on which the sun never sets.”
one of degree, both in the nature of the behavior and in the
The political values a government champions in its
tangibility of the resources. Command power—the ability
behavior at home (for example, exercising democracy), in
to change what others do—can rest on coercion or induce-
international institutions (working with others), and in
ment. Co-optive power—the ability to shape what others
foreign policy (promoting peace and human rights) strong-
want—can rest on the attractiveness of one’s culture and
ly affect the preferences of others. Governments can attract
values or on the ability to manipulate the agenda of politi-
or repel others by the influence of their example.
cal choices in a manner that makes others fail to express

Government policies can reinforce or squander a governmental organizations (NGOs), from approximately
country’s soft power. Domestic or foreign policies that 6,000 in the late 1980s to roughly 26,000 in the late
appear to be hypocritical, arrogant, indifferent to the opin- 1990s. Much good stems from NGOs such as Oxfam and
ion of others, or based on a narrow approach to national Doctors without Borders, but the ease of global communi-
interests can undermine soft power. The steep decline in cation also enables the activities of groups such as Al
perceptions of the attractiveness of the United States after Qaeda, the international terrorist organization with cells in
the Iraq invasion, as measured by polls taken in the spring 50 to 60 countries.
of 2003 by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, offers a recent What is different today is the ability of NGOs to com-
vivid example. However, respondents with unfavorable municate rapidly and coordinate their efforts over great dis-
views for the most part said they were reacting to the Bush tances. This ability has led to the privatization of war.
administration and its policies rather than to the United Consider that a transnational network was able to kill more
States generally. They distinguished the American people Americans in 2001 than the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor.
and culture from American policies. Respondents in most Mass killing was possible in years past, but it occurred under
nations continued to admire the United States for its tech- totalitarian governments (e.g., Germany under Hitler, China
nology, music, movies, and television, but large majorities under Mao, and Russia under Stalin).
in most countries said they disliked the growing influence The democratization of tech-
of America in their country. nology has made NGOs more One metric to assess
powerful and terrorism more progress in the current
Globalization, the Information lethal. The United States must struggle against terrorism
Revolution, and Power adjust its mental framework to this
is whether the number of
new landscape. Our post-9/11
It is often said that the world changed on 9/11. I would terrorists being killed with
focus has been on the use of hard
argue, however, that the attacks on America that day hard power is greater
power—the top board—when the
served as a flash of lightning that illuminated an already than the number Osama
problems we face stem from
changed world landscape—one that we have only just
transnational issues on the bottom bin Laden is recruiting
begun to understand and chart a course through. Two pri-
board. One metric to assess with his soft power. From
mary shifts already well under way in September 2001
progress in the current struggle
were globalization and the information revolution. this point of view, things
against terrorism is whether the
Globalization, characterized by networks of interde- do not look good.
number of terrorists being killed
pendence at global distances, has many facets beyond the
with hard power is greater than
well-recognized economic ties that now span the globe.
the number Osama bin Laden is recruiting with his soft
Military, political, social, environmental, and health issues
power. From this point of view, things do not look good.
all cross borders and are driving the construct of global
connections pushing the world toward modernity. The
Higher Education’s Role
United States, while greatly influencing the spread of glob-
alization, must also come to grips with what globalization Colleges and universities can help raise the level of discus-
means to our nation’s place in the world order. Witness the sion and advance American foreign policy by cultivating a
profound effects of terrible conditions prevalent in a poor, better understanding of power and how the world has
weak country, Afghanistan, on the United States—which changed in important ways over the last 20 to 30 years. We
following the Cold War hadn’t viewed Afghanistan as a can work to instill in our students and in the broader pub-
nation of strategic importance. lic a better appreciation of both the realities of our inter-
Globalization is fueled by the information revolution, connected global society and the conceptual framework
which has led to an incredible reduction in the cost of that must be understood to successfully navigate the new
computing and communications. Between 1970 and 2000, landscape we face.
the cost of computing dropped by a thousandfold, such Many observers agree that American higher education
that by 2000, instantaneous global communication was produces significant soft power for the United States. Sec-
available to anyone with a laptop and an Internet connec- retary of State Colin Powell, for example, said in 2001: “I
tion. The result has been a tremendous growth in non- can think of no more valuable asset to our country than the

friendship of future world leaders who …American higher education foreign enrollment and evaluate
have been educated here.” produces significant soft whether that enrollment is high
The Cold War was fought with a power for the United States. enough to meet the needs of our glob-
combination of hard and soft power. al society.
Secretary of State Colin
Academic and cultural exchanges
Powell said in 2001: “I can
between the United States and the Conclusion
Soviet Union, starting in the 1950s, think of no more valuable
The U.S. government invests a little
played a significant role in enhancing asset to our country than the
over a billion dollars a year on soft
American soft power. American skep- friendship of future world
power, including the State Depart-
tics at the time feared that visiting Sovi- leaders who have been ment’s public diplomacy programs and
et scientists and KGB agents would
educated here.” U.S. international broadcasting. The
“steal us blind”; they failed to notice,
nation’s defense budget is over $400
however, that the visitors vacuumed up political ideas
billion a year and rising. Thus, we are spending approxi-
along with the scientific secrets. Because exchanges affect
mately .25 percent of the military budget on soft power, or,
elites, one or two key contacts may have a major political
put another way, 400 to 450 times more on hard power
effect. For example, Aleksandr Yakovlev was strongly influ-
than on soft power.
enced by his studies with the political scientist David Tru-
Americans—and others—face an unprecedented
man at Columbia University in 1958. Yakovlev eventually
challenge from the dark side of globalization and the priva-
went on to become the head of an important institute, a
tization of war that have accompanied new technologies.
Politburo member, and a key liberalizing influence on the
Our success in this changed world will depend upon
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
developing a deeper understanding of the nature of power
From 1958 to 1988, 50,000 Russians visited the Unit-
and the role of soft power, and achieving a better balance
ed States as part of formal exchange programs. Contrast
of hard and soft power in our foreign policy. Smart power
that to today, when restrictive visa policies have caused a
is neither hard nor soft. It is both.
precipitous drop in applications from foreign students to
study in the United States. The long-term implications are
that talented foreign students seeking a quality higher edu-
Joseph Nye is University Distinguished Service Professor at
cation will go elsewhere, and thus America will lose the Harvard University and served as dean of the John F.
opportunity to both influence and learn from foreign stu- Kennedy School of Government there from 1995 to 2004.
dents. This will diminish American’s awareness of cultural Nye also has served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for
differences precisely when we must become less parochial International Security Affairs and chair of the National Intel-
and more sensitive to foreign perceptions. ligence Council. His most recent books include Soft Power:
Higher education leaders need to continue to press for The Means to Success in World Politics (2004), an antholo-
gy, Power in the Global Information Age (2004), and a
less restrictive student visa policies and for more expedi-
novel, The Power Game: A Washington Novel (2004).
tious handling of visa requests. Further, colleges and uni-
versities can assess their internal policies concerning


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