TD06 033
TD06 033
TD06 033
2006 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Venezuela
Index Term-- Control – Conventional – Numerical – Remote - II. DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL AND SUPERVISION SYSTEMS
Substation – Supervision – System – Transmission. APPLIED IN REGIONAL TRANSMISSION SUBSTATIONS TO 400
analogical/digital converter that processes all signals coming communication protocol, 32 bits processing capacity, multiple
from the analogical modules, a maximum of 30 cards with 10 serial canals, data base storage in RAM Non-volatile memory,
digital entries, and a maximum of 16 cards with 10 control allowing the configuration of data base through a computer,
output. and has advanced diagnostic capacity, using the maintenance
The structure of the RTUs with obsolete technology is port RS232 at 9600 bps called WESMAINT.
made up by the union of several card files of 19” wide with a The Remote Terminal Unit WESDAC D20, is made up of a
capacity of 16 cards each. The main card file holds the power D20M++/ME processor, with a microprocessor of
supply, the processor, the MODEM, the digital analogical 16MHz/40MHz (MC68020/ MC68030), a MODEM for each
converter, and the first analogical cards; the rest of the cards Control Center link, a commuted power supply for the
are placed in secondary card files. The physical processor and the peripherals, and allows the use of
communication among all the cards takes place through flat complementary power supplies if necessary. These RTUs can
cables that allow their connection to the bus of the central have up to 120 peripherals, that have 8 bits microprocessors
processor. In Fig 1 there is a general scheme of these remote and a maintenance port at 9600 bps called PROMAINT. The
terminal units. four types of peripherals chosen to be implemented in the CSS
of Regional Transmission are: D20S status modules with 64
SCCE entries, D20A analogical modules with 32 DC entries, D20K
Via General Diagram RTU SNW. control modules with 32 output and D20AC that have 6
DIGITALS 10 Digital Entries S alternating current entries and 6 alternating voltage entries, for
MODEM (30 cards maximum ) by card U
B the complete supervision of two (2) three-phase circuits by
8 Analogical T module without requiring of external transducers AC/DC. In
CONVERTER (16 cards maximum ) by card T Fig. 2, the scheme of configuration of the RTU WESDAC
have the tools detection of problems, among others. From the WESDAC D20 System will be used in Guayana "B"
D20M++/ME maintenance port, called WESMAINT it’s Substation, where there is a Local Control Center in
possible to access all the RTU, while the maintenance port of addition to the connection required with the SCCE.
the peripheral PROMAINT allows the same functions at each 2) Its open architecture allows to add modules when and
corresponding peripheral. where they are required, and to provide parallel,
The configuration program "Config Pro" allows to define distributed and real time processing, increasing the
the UTR (hardware, communications, applications, type and flexibility of the configuration.
amount of information), to capture and send configurations, 3) The maintenance is simplified thanks to the modular
compile configurations and generate the documentation of the design of the peripheral ones. All the peripheral ones
system. have frontal access, where there are terminals that receive
3) Observations of the modernization process of the yard signals and the LED's of indication of these signals.
conventional CSS. 4) In case of the failure of a peripheral, it can simply be
Doubtlessly the WESDAC D20 remote terminal units that substituted by a spare part and the processor
are installed in the Regional Transmission substations with D20M++/ME will recognize and will configure it
automatically so that it will operate normally.
conventional control and supervision systems represent a
The substitution process of the RTUs in the Regional
significant technological leap in comparison with the RTUs
Transmission substations is carried out since 2005; beginning
that are being replaced. Among the more important
with Macagua II Substation RTU and it is expected finish in
differences there are:
1) The RTUs with obsolete technology have Bits oriented
communication protocols, such as the TRW9550 used by B. Numeric Control System (NCS).
RTU ALERT and the GETAC used by RTU SNW; whilst The Palital 400/115 kV and Caruachi 400 kV substations,
the D20M++/ME has Bytes oriented communication integrate the group of substations in which the Division of
protocol represented by the DNP3.0. In addition, if in the Regional Transmission of CVG EDELCA has projected and
future some change or implementation of another implemented NCSs, taking advantage of the technological
communication protocol is required, only the advances and the benefits that these systems offer; thus
corresponding application of these RTUs will have to be covering the current needs of the clients to obtain more
acquired from the manufacturer and included it in the volume of information, the means of performing operations in
Firmware of these equipments. different levels of supervision and obtaining a constant
2) The RTUs that are being replaced have limitations of availability of the systems that they supervise.
digital, analogical and control points based on the The NCSs installed in these substations were made by Asea
maximum number of cards of each type per UTR. Whilst Brown Boveri (ABB), who together with CVG EDELCA’s
the WESDAC D20 system has as a limitation for its personnel made the installation, tests and put into service of
configuration that the maximum number of peripherals is these systems.
120; and the amount of points of each type will be 1) Control and Supervisión System of Palital 400/115 kV
proportional to the number of modules of each type that
Palital Substation is formed this way: (1) a maneuvers
are formed, which represents a significant flexibility.
switchyard of 400 kV having double scheme busbars with four
3) The configuration of the RTUs with obsolete technology
(4) bays of a circuit breakers and a half, two arrival lines from
takes place through micro circuit breakers in each one of
Guri “A” and Guayana “B” Substations, two exit lines towards
the cards; whilst the WESDAC D20 has a configuration
the Furrial Substation of CVG EDELCA and two exit lines
program where all the characteristics and the data base of
towards Autotransformadores (AT) of 400/115 kV; A (1)
each RTU is defined, which adds flexibility for its
switchyards of 115 kV, arranged in scheme of double game of
bars and shaped by six (6) cells distributed the following way:
4) The supervision of the analogical signals in the RTUs that
two (2) cells for the arrival of lines from the AT of 400/115
are being replaced is made through transducers. With the
kV of the switchyards of 400 kV, one (1) coupler of bars, and
peripheral WESDAC D20AC, it is not necessary to use
three (3) exit lines, two (2) towards the Cerro Negro
transducers; because these modules accept the values of
Substation 115/34,5kV of C.V.G. EDELCA and one (1)
voltage and current to the secondary level of the output of
towards the Woods Industries located in the same area.
the transforming of voltage and current, allowing the
In Palital 400/115 kV Substation, is implemented a system
elimination of obsolete transducers as well as a possible
based on the SPIDER™ MicroSCADA™ V8.2.2 of ABB, its
point of fault.
configuration is in Fig. 3. This system is composed as
During the implementation of remote terminal units
WESDAC D20 in the Regional Transmission CSS some
1) Level of control and supervision (SCS) integrated by two
benefits that these remotes can offer, were observed
industrial computers, in which the different applications
enumerated as follows: that compose the MicroSCADA system are found.
1) The heart of these RTUs is the D20M++/ME, which MicroSCADA is a programmable and distributed system
allows the simultaneous communication with more than of supervision, control and data acquisition (SCADA)
one a Remote Control Center. This quality of the based on microcomputers. These computers are called
maintenance is being made or the equipment is inoperative supervisory level and remote centers, since it does
due to a failure. not has a local HMI.
2) Control and Supervisión System of Caruachi 400 kV
The Caruachi 400 kV Substation, is arranged in scheme of SCCE SCCC
double busbars by six (6) bays of a circuit breakers and a half,
six (6) arrival lines from the Caruachi Hydroelectric Power
Plant, two (2) transmission lines towards the Guri "B"
Substation, a transmission line towards the Guayana "B" SCS
Substation and one (1) towards the Macagua II Substation. ENG INEER ING
This substation was constructed in 2004. HM I GATEW AY
communication among the main RER111s and the located in different CSS implemented in the company, is propitious to
each CAD is redundant and in addition is supervised the state initiate a process of standardization of the design of the CSS
of all the optical fibers that connect them, which adds reliable for the company Substations.
for its system. 5) The costs of installation and maintenance of the NCS are
As far as the supervision of each cells, the disposition of more elevated to CSS conventional, as regards it is important
the control and supervision equipment, allows the continuous to evaluate the advantages of a system with respect to the
operation, since when a equipment is down only is affected the other and the operation conditions of a substation at the time
cell at issue, this allows operations personnel to maintain one of making the automation of the same one.
complete supervision and control of the substation, during
activities maintenance. IV. REFERENCES
In the supervisory level for the communication with the [1] TRW CONTROLS. “Thenical Description ALERT RTU”. January
remote centers, the GATEWAY uses two redundant lines of 1979.
communications which are activated manually by means of [2] SYSTEMS NORTHWEST INC. “Theory of operation SNW RTU”.
November 1981.
the software of handling of communication ports. The [3] Telecommunication, Electronic y controls “TELETROL”, C.A. “Curso
engineering computer allows doing maintenance activities de Operación, Configuración y Mantenimiento GE HARRIS D20”.
without affecting the operation of HMI and GATEWAY March 2003.
[4] Telecommunication, Electronic y controls “TELETROL”, C.A.
computers, offering a continuous operation in this level. “Suministro de diez (10) Unidades Terminales Remotas de Telecontrol y
It is possible to be said then that this system has been sus repuestos para las Subestaciones del Sistema de Transmisión
optimized with respect to the system implemented in the Regional de C.V.G. EDELCA. Documentación”. December 2005.
Palital 115 kV substation, due to its advantages as far as the [5] ABB University Switzerland. “MicroSCADA Introduction to
Operation/O212”. June 2002.
availability of the complete system during maintenance [6] ABB. “M487 Caruachi Course REC316”. Septembre 2002.
activities, endorsement system detached at individual levels so [7] ABB University Switzerland. “M487 REC580 Operation”. September
that a complete bay when failure an equipment or when an 2002.
[8] ABB University Switzerland. “M588 Palital Curso Especial Parte SA
equipment is down for maintenance is not affected. For this Automatización de Subestaciones”. January 2004.
system the function of voltage selection is made in a logic of [9] ABB University Switzerland. “M588 COM581v4.5/CAP581/RER581
external relays to the control relay and the interlocks among Engineering course for EDELCA”. January 2004.
[10] ABB University Switzerland. “M588 Palital Special Course. Part
bays are made sending the information by means of wiring REC580 Numerical Controller”. January 2004.
among the bays. [11] ABB University Switzerland. “M588 COM500 Engineering course for
The software of the REC580 installed in Caruachi 400 kV EDELCA”. January 2004.
substation is more advanced that the software installed in the
Palital 115 kV substation, which allows configuring Caruachi V. BIOGRAPHIES
REC580 faster than REC580 Palital. On the other hand the
hardware used in the new version of the REC580, contains Hildarys Salazar was born in Bolivar,
Venezuela, on May 30, 1977. Electronic
elements "Plug and Play" that facilitates the replacement of Engineer. She graduated from the “Antonio José
modules, since it is not needed to make no configuration and de Sucre” Polytechnic Experimental National
therefore the replacement times diminish remarkably. University.
She works as Maintenance Engineer at CVG
EDELCA, Venezuela, since April 1, 2002. Her
III. CONCLUSIONS special field of interest included supervision and
During the description of the modernization process of the control systems for power plants and electric
CSS implemented in the 400 kV Substations of CVG
EDELCA’s division of Regional Transmission, the most
important observations of the process of modernization of the Luis Paredes was born in Bolivar, Venezuela,
on February 3, 1976. Electronic Engineer. He
conventional CSS and the technological improvements graduated from the “Antonio José de Sucre”
observed in the NCS installed more recently were enumerated. Polytechnic Experimental National University.
Nevertheless some general conclusions appear next: He works as Maintenance Engineer at CVG
EDELCA, Venezuela, since October 25, 2001. His
1) The WESDAC D20 UTR allows the simultaneous special field of interest included supervision and
communication with more of a Remote Control Center control systems for power plants and electric
through DNP 3.0 protocol, like the NCS. substation.
2) The modernization of the CSS with modular designs,
integration of functions and more flexible systems, reduces the
maintenance activities.
3) The NCS represent a technological advance for the
electrical substations automation, but the complexity of the
configuration of the equipment, makes a more specialized
training and very specific knowledge necessary to intervene
this type of systems when they fail.
4) Given the CSS diversity that offers the market and the