University of Illinois at Chicago Actg / Ids 475 - Database Accounting Systems Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2018 Instructor
University of Illinois at Chicago Actg / Ids 475 - Database Accounting Systems Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2018 Instructor
University of Illinois at Chicago Actg / Ids 475 - Database Accounting Systems Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2018 Instructor
a. Perry & Newmark: Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2010, South-Western Cengage
Learning, 8th Edition, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-1-111-53099-0 (PN in syllabus)
e-Text rental of the same text. ISBN-13: 978-1-111-89513-6, available at this link:
Software & Hardware: MS Access runs on a PC Windows platform, not a Mac. Student must have or arrange
access to an off campus PC because the campus computer labs do not allow for the necessary installation of
software. Mac users who want to do this project on their Mac can buy and install two software packages available at
the bookstore. The packages are 1) Parallels, fusion software that allows you to run PC programs on a Mac, and 2)
Windows, the PC operating system.
• For full credit homework assignments are to be submitted, properly labeled, to their respective links
under the assignments link on the course blackboard site by midnight (unless otherwise stated) of
the due date. Late homework will be given 50% credit for up to a week late.
• Put your name on the documents you submit!
• The document you submit to Blackboard will the one graded, so make sure it is the one you intend to
submit. Do not email alternate versions to the professor.
• Do not submit a homework that is identical to any other student’s – credit will not be given for either
• Homework assignments are distributed in class – they are not posted or emailed. If you miss class
you can pick up a copy of the homework assignment from the bulletin board outside of my office.
We only meet once a week, so please make the commitment to come to all of our classes and to arrive on
time to class. If you come to class late, especially in our computer lab sessions, you will frequently be
too far behind to follow the remainder of the class and you will miss announcements, handouts and
homework tips. If you are ill or have a family emergency contact me and make arrangements to make up
what you missed.
UIC Email
Please make sure that you are receiving class emails. Several times during the semester I will be sending
messages that will alert you to any changes in lab or lecture classes, and reminders and updates on
homework assignments. It is essential that you receive these messages.
There is only one exam during the semester. It is a midterm exam that covers all material in the readings
and lecture notes up to the midterm exam. MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL NOT BE GIVEN UNLESS
As a student in the College of Business Administration, you are subject to the following Honor Code:
In pursuit of these high ideas and standards of academic life, as a student I hereby commit myself to
respect and uphold the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor
Code during my entire matriculation at UIC. I agree to maintain the highest moral and ethical standards
in all academic and business endeavors and to conduct myself honorably as a responsible member of the
college academic community. This includes the following:
• Not to seek unfair advantage over other students, including, but not limited to giving or receiving
unauthorized aid during completion of academic requirements;
• To represent fact and self truthfully at all times;
• To respect the property and personal rights of all members of the academic community.
Honor Code implications for Accounting 475 include, but are not limited to, the following:
• You may not obtain any assistance during an exam from any person or material.
• All assignments handed in must be your own work. Although you may discuss approaches to
doing assignments with other students currently enrolled in the class, you must complete them
individually. You may not obtain assistance from anyone not currently enrolled in the course.
• You may question the grading of any assignment, however, any alteration of a graded assignment
that is then misrepresented as the original work will be considered a severe honor code violation.
As will the claim that an assignment was handed in when it was not.
Sanctions for Honor Code violations range from failure on an assignment, to failure for the course, to
expulsion from the university.
The course grades are based on a percentage of total points. Assignments are listed below. The usual
point total for the course is given below; the actual total points this semester may vary slightly if there are
any homework changes and additional points may be assigned as mini-homeworks.
Points Item
3 Access #1 Homework (PN Chapters 1&3)
3 Access #2 Homework (PN Chapter 4)
1 Normalization Homework #1
3 Access #3 Homework (PN Chapter 5)
1 ERD Homework #1
3 Normalization Homework #2
3 ERD Homework #2
3 Access #4 Homework (PN Chapter 6)
35 Midterm
3 Access #5 Homework (PN Chapter 8)
3 Access #6 Homework (PN Chapter 8)
3 Access #7 Homework (PN Chapter 9)
36 Final Project (#1 - 2 pts, #2 - 2 pts, #3 - 32 pts)
2 Monday
Assignment: ERD #2 & Normalization #2 Homework (due 10/15 at 3:00 PM – cannot be late!)
Read PN Chapter 6 (pp.245-286)
Access #4 Homework (due 10/22 at midnight)
8 Monday Lecture: Data Modeling & Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) – Implementing an ERD
9 Monday
13 Monday
11/19 Lecture/Lab: Final Project
Assignment: Final Project Submission #2 (due 11/26 at 3:00 pm – cannot be late!)
14 Monday
11/26 Lab: Final Project
15 Monday
12/3 Lab: Final Project
Assignment: Final Project Submission #3 (due MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 at 6:00 pm)