Accomplishment Report FOR THE PERIOD OF

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FOR THE PERIOD OF ____________

Name of Teacher _________________________________________________________

Name of Agency/LGU _________________________________________________________

Assignment: _________________________________________________________


Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


July 2 Attended a meeting and training for the remedial reading program.

July 3 Went to the assigned school and arranged the schedule.

July 4 Collected non-reader pupils and conducted an assessment to each pupils.

July 5 Created diagnosis and categorized the non-reader pupils.

July 6 Taught the letters and sounds of the alphabet. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

July 9 Taught the short vowel a and evaluated pupils’ works.

July 10 Taught words with ‘at’ and ‘an’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works and created
instructional materials.

July 11 Read stories with ‘at’ and ‘an’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

July 12 Taught words with ‘ad’ and ‘am’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

July 13 Read stories with ‘ad’ and ‘am’ family. Created instructional materials.

July 16 Practiced words with short vowel a. Evaluated pupils’ works.

July 17 Taught the short vowel e. Evaluated pupils’ works and created lesson plans.

July 18 Taught words with ‘ed’ and ‘eg’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

July 19 Read stories with ‘ed’ and ‘eg’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

July 20 Taught words with ‘en’ and ‘et’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

July 23 Attended school’s nutrition month celebration.

July 24 Read stories with ‘en’ and ‘et’ family.

July 25 Practiced words with short vowel e. Evaluated pupils’ works and created
lesson plans.

July 26 Taught the short vowel i and evaluated pupils’ works.

July 27 Taught words with ‘ib’ and ‘id’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

July 30 Read stories with ‘ib and ‘id’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

July 31 Taught words with ‘ig’ and ‘in’ family and evaluated pupils’ work.

Name of Teacher

Head of Office

FOR THE PERIOD OF ____________

Name of Teacher _________________________________________________________

Name of Agency/LGU _________________________________________________________

Assignment: _________________________________________________________


Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


August 1 Taught words with ‘ip’ , ‘it’ and ‘ix’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works and
created instructional materials.

August 2 Read stories with ‘ip’ , ‘it’ and ‘ix’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

August 3 Practiced words with short vowel i. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 6 Taught the short vowel o. Evaluated pupils’ works and created lesson plans.

August 7 Taught words with ‘og’ and ‘op’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

August 8 Read stories with ‘og’ and ‘op’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

August 9 Taught words with ‘ot’ and ‘ox’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

August 10 Read stories with ‘ot’ and ‘ox’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

August 13 Practiced more words with short vowel o. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 14 Taught the short vowel u. Evaluated pupils’ works and created lesson plans.

August 15 Taught words with ‘ug’ and ‘up’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

August 16 Read stories with ‘ug’ and ‘up’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

August 17 Taught words with ‘un’ and ‘ut’ family and evaluated pupils’ works.

August 20 Read stories with ‘un’ and ‘ut’ family and created lesson plans.

August 21 HOLIDAY

August 22 Practiced more words with short vowel u. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 23 Practiced short vowel sounds and evaluated pupils’ works.

August 24 Taught words with long vowel a. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 27 Read stories with long vowel a. Created lesson plans and instructional

August 28 Taught more words with long vowel a. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 29 Read stories with long vowel a. Created lesson plans.

August 30 Practiced more words with long vowel a. Evaluated pupils’ works.

August 31 Played educational games to improve the reading abilities of the pupils.


Name of Teacher

Head of Office

FOR THE PERIOD OF ____________

Name of Teacher _________________________________________________________

Name of Agency/LGU _________________________________________________________

Assignment: _________________________________________________________


Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


September 4 Taught words with long i sound. Evaluated pupils’ works and created
instructional materials.

September 5 Taught words with long i sound. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 6 Read stories with long i sound. Created lesson plans and instructional

September 7 Practiced more words with long i sounds. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 10 Practiced words with long a and long i sound. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 11 Taught words with long o sound. Evaluated pupils’ works and created lesson

September 12 Taught words with long o sound. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 13 Read stories with long o sound. Created lesson plans and instructional

September 14 Class suspended due to typhoon ‘Ompong’.

September 17 Taught words with long u sound. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 18 Taught words with long u sound. Evaluated pupils’ works and created lesson

September 19 Read stories with long u sound. Created lesson plans and instructional

September 20 Practiced words with long o and long u sound. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 21 Read stories with long o and long u sound. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

September 24 Taught words with ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 25 Read stories with ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

September 26 Taught words with ‘br’, ‘cr’, ‘fr’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

September 27 Read stories with ‘br’, ‘cr’, ‘fr’ family. Created lesson plans and instructional

September 28 Played educational games to improve pupils’ reading abilities.


Name of Teacher
Head of Office

FOR THE PERIOD OF ____________

Name of Teacher _________________________________________________________

Name of Agency/LGU _________________________________________________________

Assignment: _________________________________________________________


Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


October 1 Taught words with ‘gl’, ‘pl’, ‘sl’ family. Evaluated pupil’s works.

October 2 Read stories with ‘gl’, ‘pl’, ‘sl’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

October 3 ABSENT

October 4 Taught words with ‘dr’, ‘pr’, ‘tr’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 5 Read stories with ‘dr’, ‘pr’, ‘tr’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

October 8 Taught words with ‘sm’, ‘sn’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 9 Read stories with ‘sm’, ‘sn’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

October 10 Taught words with ‘sm’, ‘sn’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 11 Read stories with ‘sm’, ‘sn’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

October 12 Taught words with ‘st’, ‘sw’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 15 Read stories with ‘st’, ‘sw’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.

October 16 Taught words with ‘ng’, ‘nk’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 17 Read stories with ‘ng’, ‘nk’. Created lesson plans and instructional

October 18 Taught words with ‘sh’, ‘ch’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 19 Read stories with o ‘sh’, ‘ch’. Created lesson plans and instructional
October 22 INSET

October 23 INSET

October 24 INSET

October 25 INSET

October 26 INSET

October 29 ABSENT

October 30 Taught words with ‘th’, ‘wh’ family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

October 31 Read stories with ‘th’, ‘wh’ family. Created lesson plans and
instructional materials.


Name of Teacher

Head of Office
FOR THE PERIOD OF ____________

Name of Teacher _________________________________________________________

Name of Agency/LGU _________________________________________________________

Assignment: _________________________________________________________


Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


November 5 Taught words with family. Evaluated pupils’ works.

November 6

November 7

November 8

November 9
November 12

November 13

November 14

November 15

November 16

November 19

November 20

November 21

November 22

November 23

November 26

November 27

November 28

November 29


Name of Teacher

Head of Office

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