Nit No.: Mcl/Sbp/Mmd/Sec-Iii/Dte/2.5Fel/ Dated: .08.2018
Nit No.: Mcl/Sbp/Mmd/Sec-Iii/Dte/2.5Fel/ Dated: .08.2018
Nit No.: Mcl/Sbp/Mmd/Sec-Iii/Dte/2.5Fel/ Dated: .08.2018
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited Materials Management Department
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) At/P.O. Jagruti Vihar, Burla
Dist. Sambalpur – 768020 (Odisha)
Ph: +91 (0663) – 2542521(O)
FAX: +91(0663) – 2542734
Web site.
1. Tenders are invited on-line on the website from the eligible
bidders having Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by
Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India and which can be traced up to the
chain of trust to the Root Certificate of CCA .
Description of Item Estimated/ Earnest Money Delivery
Indent Value (In Rs.) Period
(In lakh Rs.) (In Days)
Procurement of 02 Nos Front End Wheel 234.00 4,68,000.00 120 Days
Loader of bucket capacity not less than 2.5
Cum along with Spares and Consumables
for First Year Warranty Period and for 08
Years Guarantee Period Beyond Warranty
Period.[NCD Requirement]
(The above tendered item is eligible for Input Tax Credit)
Special NOTE:-
If number of bids received online is found to be less than three on end date of bid submission
then the following critical dates of the tender will be automatically extended initially for a period of
two days, and if the number of bids still remains less than three, then for another five days :-
If any of the above extended dates falls on Holiday i.e. a non-working day as defined in the e-
Procurement Portal then the same shall be re-scheduled to the next working day.
3. Deposit of EMD :
Earnest Money can be deposited online only on e-Procurement portal of CIL.
3.1 The bidder will have to make the payment of EMD through online mode only.
In Online mode the bidder can make payment of EMD either through net-banking from designated
Bank/s or through NEFT/ RTGS from any scheduled Bank.
3.1.1 Net-banking: In case of payment through net-banking the money will be immediately
transferred to MCL’s designated Account.
3.1.2 NEFT/ RTGS: In case of payment through NEFT/ RTGS the bidder will have to make payment
as per the Challans generated by system on e-Procurement portal and will have to furnish online the
UTR Numbers before submission of bid. The EMD payment through NEFT/ RTGS mode should be
made well ahead of time to ensure that the EMD amount is transferred to MCL account before bid
Instruction to all Bidders: Although the system allows for the uploading of bids till the closing date &
time of submission of bids, considering the limitations of the Third Party payment gateway, bidders
are requested to submit EMD well ahead of the last date of bid submission to avoid the chances of
failure to upload their bids in time.
3.2 Bidder will be allowed to submit his/her bid only when the EMD is successfully received in MCL’s
designated account and the information flows from Bank to e-Procurement system.
3.3 In online payment of EMD, if the payment is made by the bidder within the last date & time of bid
submission but not received by MCL within the specified period due to any reason then the bid will
not be accepted. However, the EMD will be refunded back to the bidder.
3.4 State/Central Government Organisations/PSU, valid DGS&D (for the tendered items), valid Ancillary
Units of MCL (for the tendered items) and Micro / Small Enterprises [MSE] are exempted from
submission of EMD. Such bidders will have to upload the scanned copy of the documents as specified
below in support of their claim for exemption of EMD during submission of bid on-line.
Sl.No. Category of bidders Documents against exemption of EMD
1 State/Central Government Self declaration
2 DGS&D registered Firms Valid and Complete DGS&D Registration certificate for the
tendered items attested by Notary Public
3 Ancillary Units of MCL Valid and complete Ancillary Status certificate for the
tendered items attested by Notary Public
4 Micro / Small Enterprises Valid and Complete Micro & Small Enterprises [MSE]
(MSE) Registration certificate issued by District Industries Centers
(DICs)/ Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)/
Khadi and Village Industries Board (KVIB)/ Coir Board/
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)/ Directorate
of Handicraft and Handloom or any other body specified by
Ministry of MSME or registered under Udhyog Aadhaar
Memorandum (UAM) (attested by Public Notary). In case
MSE is owned by Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled
Tribe (ST) then they will have to submit a copy of
necessary caste certificate issued by State Authority as per
Law, duly notarized by Public Notary. Firms should upload
the scanned copy of Notary attested above valid certificate
with techno-commercial bid.
Instruction to the bidders: Although the system allows for the uploading of bids till the closing date and
time of submission of bids, considering the limitations of the Third Party Payment Gateway, bidders are
requested to submit EMD well ahead of the last date of bid submission to avoid the chances of failure
to upload their bids in time
4. Refund of EMD:
EMD of rejected bidders (except the bidders whose EMD is to be forfeited) at any stage will be
refunded directly to the account from where it has been received. No claim from the bidders will be
entertained for non-receipt of the refund in any account other than the one from where the money is
If the refund of EMD is not received by the bidder in the account from which the EMD has been paid
due to any technical reason then it will be paid through e-payment. Bidder may have to submit
Mandate Form for such e- Payment, if the mandate is not submitted by the bidder earlier.
In case the tender is cancelled then EMD of all the participating bidders will be refunded unless it is
forfeited by the Purchaser.
If the bidder withdraws his/her bid online (i.e. before the end date of submission of tender) then the
EMD will be refunded automatically after the opening of Bid.
The Earnest Money deposited by the L-1 bidder / Successful Bidder will be refunded on receipt of
required Security Money from the bidder.
5. The “special terms & conditions” as enclosed in the NIT at Annexure-“I” shall form an integral part of
the NIT and will also form a part of the Supply Orders placed against this tender.
6. CLARIFICATION OF BID: The bidder may seek clarification online within the specified period. The
identity of the Bidder will not be disclosed by the system. The department will clarify as far as possible
the relevant queries of bidders. The clarifications given by department will be visible to all the bidders
intending to participate in that tender. The clarifications may be asked from the day of e-Publication of
NIT. The period for seeking clarification by bidder will be upto 15(fifteen) days before the end date of
bid submission. The replies to clarifications sought by bidders shall be given at least 7 (Seven) days
before the end date of bid submission.
Note: No queries will be entertained after stipulated date. Bidders may also note that
queries which are not received online through e-tender portal will not be entertained.
Queries/clarifications submitted through offline mode/e-mail will not be entertained.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following information on-
Confirmation in the form of Yes/No, regarding possessing documentary evidence for being either a
manufacturer of the tendered item/items(being quoted by the bidder) or possessing specific
authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against the specific tender as their authorized
Selling Agent/ Dealer/ Distributor.
7.1.2. The bidder will have After Sales Service Support facilities in India like Depot / Warehouse for supply
of spare parts, Workshop facilities for servicing and repair assemblies, sub-assemblies and equipment,
availability of trained technical manpower etc., training facilities for providing training to MCL’s
personnel. In case the bidder does not have the above After Sales Service Support facilities in India, it
will have to submit an undertaking along with its offer that in the event of placement of order on them,
they will establish the above facilities in India within the completion period of warranty of the first
equipment commissioned. In such case, the bidder shall have to provide PBG for 30% of the contract
value as per PBG clause of NIT.
The offered Equipment shall be considered proven provided it meets any one of the criterion
mentioned below else the offer shall be liable for rejection:-
7.2.1: For Lower Capacity Equipments [i.e. Equipments other than 10 CuM Shovels to be procured
at subsidiary level]: The Equipment offered shall be considered proven provided the offered type &
model (*) of the Equipment must have been supplied in the past to the Mining Industry and/or to the
other Industries (Private or Government/Public Sector Undertaking—Indigenous or Global) and
consistently performed satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (one) Year from the date of
commissioning. Minimum population of the quoted type & model (*) of Equipment supplied &
commissioned in India should not be less than 02 Nos during the last 05 years, as on the date of
opening of tender. The performance of only those equipments shall be considered for assessing
proveness which have been commissioned 01(one) year prior to the opening of tender but not prior to
05(Five) years from the date of opening of tender.
7.2.2: For Lower Capacity Equipments [i.e. Equipments other than 10 CuM Shovels to be procured
at subsidiary level]: In case the quoted type & model (*) of the Equipment has not been supplied &
commissioned by the bidder in India or if the quantity supplied is less than 02 (two) Nos during the
last 05 (five) years as on the date of opening of the tender or if supplied and commissioned in India
but the same have not completed 01 (One) year of performance for proven-ness as mentioned in
point no 1 above, the offered equipment will be considered proven if the minimum worldwide
population of offered type & model (*) of equipment is 05 (five) nos or 25% of the tendered quantity
[rounded off to nearest whole number on higher side] whichever is higher, supplied & commissioned
during the last 05 (five) years, as on the date of opening of tender and consistently performed
satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (One) year from the date of commissioning. The
performance of only those equipments will be considered for assessing proven-ness which have been
commissioned 01 (one) year prior to the opening of tender but not prior to 05 (Five) years from the
date of opening of tender and each of such equipment should have consistently performed
satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (one) Year from the date of commissioning.
7.2.3. For Lower Capacity Equipments [i.e. Equipments other than 10 CuM Shovels to be procured
at subsidiary level]: In case the indigenous manufacturer is quoting the same type & model (*) of the
equipment as supplied by their foreign collaborator worldwide in the past and the quoted type &
model (*) of Equipment of indigenous manufacturer [minimum 02 Nos] has either not been supplied in
India or if supplied and commissioned in India, but the same have not completed the 01 (One) year
of performance for proven-ness as mentioned at point 01 above, the offered model will be
considered proven if the minimum worldwide population is 05 (five) nos or 25% of the tendered
quantity [rounded off to nearest whole number on higher side] whichever is higher, supplied and
commissioned during the last 05 (five) years, as on the date of opening of tender and consistently
performed satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (One) year from the date of commissioning. The
performance of only those equipments will be considered for assessing proven-ness which have been
commissioned 01 (one) year prior to the opening of tender but not prior to 05 (Five) years from the
date of opening of tender and each of such equipment should have consistently performed
satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (one) Year from the date of commissioning. However, for
worldwide population, foreign collaborator’s experience of supplying the offered Type & Model (*)
equipment worldwide shall be considered only if the indigenous manufacturer submits notarized copy
of their collaboration agreement with the foreign collaborator which should be valid as on the date of
opening of the tender and should also remain valid at least upto supply and commissioning of
equipment. However, the principal manufacturer will confirm to ensure supply of spares &
consumables and service support for smooth running of the equipment throughout its life. Further, if
any indigenous contents are added by the indigenous manufacturer in the quoted Type & Model of
the equipment, the foreign collaborator will give an undertaking for successful performance of the
equipment with the indigenization carried out by the indigenous manufacturer during lifetime of the
equipment. The agreements/ MOUs evincing collaboration of the Indian Firm/Company with a foreign
partner must be a document registered in India under the provisions of the Indian Registration Act,
1908, irrespective of the likelihood that the same may not be compulsorily registrable under the
provision of Section-17 of the said Act. A notarised copy of collaboration agreement/MOU, duly
registered in India as above and undertaking of principal manufacturer to ensure supply of spares &
consumables and service support for smooth running of the equipment throughout its life must be
uploaded alongwith the offer.
b) For Lower Capacity Equipments [i.e. Equipments other than 10 CuM Shovels to be procured
at subsidiary level]: In case no guaranteed availability has been stipulated in the supply order
(based on which proven-ness is being claimed by the bidder), the guaranteed availability stipulated in
the NIT shall be considered as the minimum guaranteed availability for satisfactory performance, for a
minimum period of 01 (one) year for each of the Equipment from the date of commissioning.
7.3.1. In case equipment manufacturer [Indian/Foreign] is quoting directly against the tender, it has to
upload scanned notarized copies of the following documents with the offer:-
a) Documentary evidence to establish the fact that they are equipment manufacturer for the offered
capacity and type of equipment. Such documentary evidence can be ISO-9001 Certificate,
Manufacturing License/ Certificate/ Registration issued by the appropriate authorities of the
manufacturer’s country, Certificate from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the manufacturer’s
country etc.
b) Details in respect of its organization along with the documents like Certificate of Incorporation/
Registration etc.
c) Details of After Sales Service Support facilities in India like Depot/ Warehouse for supply of spare
parts, Workshop facilities for servicing and repair of assemblies, sub-assemblies and equipment,
availability of trained technical manpower etc., training facilities for providing training to MCL’s
d) In case the bidder does not have the above facilities in India, an undertaking that in the event of
placement of order on them, they will establish the above facilities in India within the completion
period of warranty of the first equipment commissioned.
7.3.2 In case Indian Agent is quoting against the tender on behalf of the Equipment manufacturer, it has
to upload scanned notarized copies of the following documents with the offer:
a) Specific authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against this tender (attested by
Notary Public).
b) Documentary evidence to establish that their principal is the equipment manufacturer (as indicated
c) The authorised Indian Agent is to upload scanned copies of details in respect of its organization
along with the copies of document like certificate of incorporation / registration etc. alongwith the
offer. The firm (Indian Agent) should be in existence for 3 years on the date of tender opening,
irrespective of date of appointment as Indian Agent.
e) Audited Profit & Loss Accounts / Abridged Profit & Loss Accounts for the last three financial years
from the date of tender opening.
f) Details of After Sales Service Support facilities in India like Depot/ Warehouse for supply of spare
parts, Workshop facilities for servicing and repair of assemblies, sub-assemblies and equipment,
availability of trained technical manpower etc., training facilities for providing training to MCL’s
g) In case the bidder does not have the above facilities in India, an undertaking that in the event of
placement of order on them, they will establish the above facilities in India within the completion
period of warranty of the first equipment commissioned.
7.3.3. The bidders should upload scanned copies of supply orders, signed and stamped by the Original
Equipment Manufacturer and duly notarized, for the offered type & model of equipment received by
them from various customers as defined in proven-ness clause of NIT, covering at least for the
number of machines against which the bidder has claimed proven-ness of Equipment, within the
eligibility period as indicated in the NIT.
7.3.4. The bidder is required to upload scanned copies of the Performance Report(s) of the End-
User(s) and commissioning certificates for same machine(s) commissioned against supply order(s)
indicated at 7.3.3 above, issued by the respective end users, duly signed and notarised for the total
numbers of machines against which the bidder has claimed proven-ness of the Equipment as per the
proven-ness Clause of the NIT. In case, the commissioning certificates of the end user(s) are not
available, the bidder shall upload a certificate of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), duly signed
and stamped, confirming the date of commissioning indicating supply order reference no. & date,
model, machine sl. no., date of commissioning (date/month/year) and place of commissioning with
complete postal address, fax no. email address and contact no. etc.
7.3.5: In case, the Performance Report(s) of the End-User(s) is not available, the bidder shall upload a
self-certification, duly signed and stamped, confirming that the quoted Type & model (*) of Equipment
have performed satisfactorily for a minimum period of 01 (One) year /03(three) years from the date of
commissioning of the equipment and the desired parameters of the performance of the equipment
stipulated in the supply orders received and executed/NIT have been met and no warranty /
guarantee claim is pending against the supply orders received and copies enclosed by them along
with their offer to establish their Proven-ness for the quoted Type & Model of Equipment.
In case Authorized Agent is submitting the offer on behalf of the Original Equipment Manufacturer,
self-certification duly signed and stamped by the principal (i.e. Original Equipment Manufacturer) is to
be uploaded regarding performance as mentioned above. However, MCL reserves the right to verify
the above or get the performance directly from the concerned buyers/ customers/ end users of the
equipment (against past supplies as mentioned above) of the bidder.
7.3.6 In case bidders are not in a position to submit the past supply order copies due to confidentiality
laws of particular country, a copy of such laws should be uploaded along with the offer for claiming
exemption from submitting the supply order/contract copies and in such cases the bidder should
upload a Customers List for the quoted Type & Model of Equipment duly signed and stamped by the
Original Equipment Manufacturer and duly notarised, clearly indicating the Customer Name &
Address, Contract No.& Date, Date of supply and erection & commissioning, guaranteed annual
availability as per the performance guarantee clause of the supply order/contract/NIT [if the same is
not given in the supply order] and actual achieved annual availability for minimum 01 (One) year
/03(three) years(as applicable) from the date of commissioning, for each equipment supplied.
7.3.7. In case a bidder has a foreign collaboration, the bidder must upload the documents/ certificates,
duly notarized, relating to collaboration with principals, clearly indicating–
a) That the collaboration agreement is valid on date of tender opening and shall also remain valid at
least up to supply and commissioning of equipment.
b) That the principal manufacturer will ensure supply of spares & consumables and service support
for smooth running of the equipment during its lifetime.
c) The agreements / MOUs evincing collaboration of the Indian Firm/Company with a foreign partner
must be a document registered in India under the provision of the Indian Registration Act 1908,
irrespective of the likelihood that the same may not be compulsorily registrable under the provision of
Section-17 of the said Act.
7.3.8 Bidder should upload a self-certified certificate to the effect that the bidder has satisfactorily fulfilled
its contractual obligations including warranty obligations for the total equipment supplied by it to the
respective customers/end users during last 05 (five) years/ 07 (Seven) years (as applicable) from the
date of tender opening.
7.3.9 The following documents shall also be uploaded by the bidder in case of contract with foreign
principals involving Indian agents:
i) Foreign principal’s pro-forma invoice or any other authentic document indicating the commission
payable to the Indian agent, nature of after sales service to be rendered by the Indian Agent and the
precise relationship between the Principal and the Agent and their mutual interest.
ii) Copy of the agency agreement if any with the foreign principal stating the precise relationship
between them and their mutual interest in the business.
iii) A copy of the enlistment of the Indian agent with Director General of Supplies and Disposal, New
Delhi, under compulsory registration scheme of Ministry of Finance (As per DGS&D Circular no. 12
dated 17th September 2009 under “Compulsory Enlistment scheme) need to be submitted along with
the Cover-I of the offer. In any case all Government of India directives shall be followed in this regard
as may be applicable 30 days prior to the date of bid.:Not Applicable
However, if all the details given in Para – (i) are complied with, the requirement of submission of
document mentioned at Para – (ii) may be waived.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following information
Confirmation in the form of Yes/No regarding compliance and possessing the corresponding
supporting documents required as per NIT clause no 7.1 & 7.2 further detailed in 7.3 possessing the
satisfactory performance certificate along with supply orders for the type and model of the offered
equipment supplied to any Government/Public Sector Undertakings (Indigenous or Global) or any
Private Industry (Indigenous or Global) for a period of not less than one year from the date of
7.4 GST Registration Certificate: All Bidders shall possess GST Registration Certificate and submit
GST invoice for goods unless the bidder is exempted or opted for Composition scheme as per
relevant provision of GST Act 2017.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following information
Confirmation, in the form of Yes/No that the bidder possess the GST Registration certificate or
Exemption document or Composition scheme documents for GST.
7.5 PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: The bidder should possess Permanent Account Number (PAN)
issued by Income Tax department, Govt. of India.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following information
Confirmation in the form of Yes/No that the bidder possess the Permanent Account Number (PAN)
issued by Income Tax department, Govt. of India.
The bidder should be in a position to supply at least 50% (nearest whole No.) of the tendered quantity
within the specified delivery schedule mentioned in the NIT. [ please refer clause no 25 for further
7.7 BANNED OR DE-LISTED SUPPLIERS CERTIFICATE: The Bidders would give a declaration that
they have not been banned or de-listed by any Government or quasi-Government agencies or PSUs.
If a bidder has been banned by any Government or quasi-Government agencies or PSU, this fact
must be clearly stated and it may not necessarily be a cause for disqualifying the bidder. If this
declaration is not given, the bid will be rejected as non-responsive. Incase bidder has been banned
by any Government or quasi-Government agencies or PSUs, in addition to the declaration regarding
banning, they shall have to upload a copy of banning or de-listing letter issued by concerned
Government or quasi-Government agencies or PSUs to them, in the other eligibility criteria under
cover 1 documents.
9.1 In order to submit the Bid, the bidders have to get themselves registered online on the e-
Procurement portal ( with valid Digital Signature Certificate
(DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of
India, and which can be traced upto the chain of trust to the root certificate of CCA. The online
Registration of the Bidders on the portal will be free of cost and one time activity only. The
registration should be in the name of bidder, whereas DSC holder may be either bidder himself or
his duly authorized person”.
The bidders have to accept unconditionally the on-line user portal agreement which contains the
acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions of NIT including Commercial and General Terms &
Conditions and special terms and conditions (if any), along with on-line undertaking in support of
the authenticity of the declarations regarding the facts, figures, information and documents
furnished by the Bidder on-line in order to become an eligible bidder. No conditional bid shall be
The bidders must submit their offer i.e. Cover-I and Cover-II through ON LINE
bidding up to the scheduled time and date.
The COVER-I will contain all Techno-Commercial terms & conditions and other
supporting documents except price.The COVER-II will contain only BOQ i.e. price.
9.2 LETTER OF BID (LOB): The format of Letter of Bid (LOB) as given at Annexure–B will be
downloaded by the bidder and will be printed on Bidder’s letter head and duly Signed by a person
competent and having the “Power of Attorney” to bind the bidder. Scanned copy of such a “Signed
& Stamped with the seal of the company” LOB along with “Power of Attorney” are to be uploaded
during bid submission in Cover-I. This will be the covering letter of the bidder for his submitted bid.
The content of the “Letter of Bid” uploaded by the bidder must be the same as per the format
downloaded from website and it should not contain any other information. If there is any change in
the contents of Letter of Bid uploaded by bidder as compared to the format of Letter of Bid
uploaded by the department with NIT document, then the bid may be liable for rejection.
NOTE: The person who has signed Letter of Bid physically should bid online while submitting the
offer. The physical signature of the person who has signed the LOB will be accepted without
questioning the identity of person signing the LOB if the same person is DSC holder and himself
is bidding online on CIL’s e-Procurement Portal. In case the person who has signed LOB is not
bidding himself and has authorized another person to bid online on his behalf, then the further
authorization on non-judicial stamp paper duly notarized (as per Annexure-C) by the person
signing the LOB in favour of person bidding online is required to be uploaded. For Proprietary
Firms, Affidavit by the Proprietor or self declaration along with any other statutory document
showing him as the proprietor like GSTIN certificate etc. has to be uploaded along with the LOB
9.4 Confirmatory Documents: All the confirmatory documents as enlisted below in support of online
information submitted by the bidder are to be uploaded in Cover-I by the bidder while submitting
their bid.
9.4.1. BASIC ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA [Ref. CLAUSE NO.7.1 OF NIT]: The following specified
documents depending on the category of bidders
Depot/ Warehouse for supply of spare parts, Workshop
facilities for servicing and repair of assemblies, sub-
assemblies and equipment, availability of trained technical
manpower etc., training facilities for providing training to
MCL’s personnel. (self certified)
NOTE: The certificate in respect of Micro Small Enterprises Registration, NSIC Registration,
SSI Registration, DGS&D Registration, ISO, BIS License and DGMS approval etc, must be valid
on the date of opening of Bid.
9.4.2 Provenness Criteria [Ref. Clause No.7 .2 of NIT]: All the following specified documents :
ii) Copy of the agency agreement if any with the foreign principal
stating the precise relationship between them and their mutual interest
in the business.
iii) A copy of the enlistment of the Indian agent with Director General of
Supplies and Disposal, New Delhi, under compulsory registration
scheme of Ministry of Finance (As per DGS&D Circular no. 12 dated
17th September 2009 under “Compulsory Enlistment scheme) need
to be submitted along with the Cover-I of the offer. In any case all
Government of India directives shall be followed in this regard as may
be applicable 30 days prior to the date of bid.:Not applicable
However, if all the details given in Para – (i) are complied with, the
requirement of submission of document mentioned at Para – (ii) may
be waived.
Note: The details regarding estimated CIF value of import content shall be furnished only in
BOQ as detailed in NIT clause 15.2 and shall not be disclosed in Cover-I.
b. Document as per NIT clause no 9.4.2.(8) (if applicable) & 24.2.a or 24.2.b (if applicable)
(attested by Notary Public).
c. if the bidder submits the bid under NCD with Basic customs Duty rate which is other
than the standard rate of Basic customs duty under any FTA’s/DTAA’s ,Preferntial trade
agreements,CEPA etc.,the bidder shall submit documentary evidence along with relevant
commercial information regarding rate of Basic Customs Duty adopted (attested by Notary
Public). [For Both Foreign Bidder & Domestic Bidder]
Note:If the evaluation of the supplier is made considering the concessional rate of
customs duty applicable for import from certain countries under any FTA’s/DTAA’s
,Preferntial trade agreements,CEPA etc,all the required documentation for availing
concessional customs duty and subsequent customs clearance etc should be provided
by the supplier failing which the equivalent deduction will be made from the suppliers
d. Any other document to be submitted by the bidder in support of qualification criteria as per
NIT (attested by Notary Public).
Note:-if any of these particular clauses (i.e clause no 9.4.2.(8), 15.2 & 24.2.a or 24.2.b) is
not applicable for the bidder then the Bidder shall submit self declaration confirming
that the particular clause is not applicable to them against the subject tender).
5 Banned or De- (1) A self declaration that the bidder has been / has not been banned
Listed Suppliers or de-listed by any Government or quasi-Government agencies or
Certificate (Ref. PSUs.
Clause No.7.7 of NIT) (2) If a bidder has been banned then, in addition to the declaration
regarding banning, the bidder has to upload a copy of banning or de-
listing letter issued by concerned Government or quasi-Government
agencies or PSUs to the bidder. (attested by Public Notary)
6 Any other Any other document not specified above ,but indicated in the NIT
document elsewhere.
9.5 Technical Parameter Sheet (TPS): This document which is in Excel Format will be downloaded by
the bidder and he will furnish all the required information on these sheets. Thereafter, the bidder will
upload the same file during bid submission. The Technical Parameter Sheet (Excel file) shall contain
the following Two sheets:
(a) Technical Parameter Sheet (TPS_BoQ1) - The Technical Parameter Sheet containing the
technical specification parameters for each tendered item is in Excel format. Non-compliance of
any of the parameter of specification for any of the item will disqualify the bidder for that item.
(b) Commercial Parameter Sheet (CPS) - The Other Commercial Parameter Sheet containing the
commercial parameters should be uploaded after filling the required details and selecting the
parameters. Bidders must fill and select the relevant information before uploading the same.
The Technical Parameter Sheet (TPS) & Commercial parameter Sheet (CPS) which is incomplete and
not submitted as per instruction given will be rejected by the system. In case of non-compliance of any
of the parameter/ terms in these sheets shall result in rejection of the bid during the process of
automatic evaluation by the system and such bids shall not be considered for opening of Price Bids.
Bidders have to make sure that ‘Eligibility-Overall’ cell against items they intend to quote indicate
The system automatically evaluates TPS & GTE based on the declarations/information filled by the
9.6 PRICE BID: The Price Bid/BOQ is to be filled up as per the requirement i.e. in terms of percentage or in
absolute value as indicated in BOQ.
The calculation part shall remain protected and bidder cannot enter any data in these columns.
However, the bidder can view these columns to check their final figure of their bid.
All the column need to be filled as per the requirement of the format i.e. in percentage or absolute
In case the tendered item is eligible for Input Tax Credit then the Lowest Bidder (L-1) status shall be
decided by deducting the value of CGST & SGST / IGST and Cess related to GST (if any), to the
extent of set off allowed to MCL (depending upon the nature / category of item) for Domestic bidder.
However, if Bidder has opted for Composition scheme to deposit GST under Section 10 of GST Act,
2017 INPUT TAX CREDIT will not be available to MCL, hence the GST will not be loaded / deducted
while determining the L-1 Status. In case Bidder is exempted from GST Registration under GST ACT,
2017, GST will not be loaded / deducted while determining the L-1 Status, however applicable GST
shall be paid by MCL & MCL will avail Input Tax Credit.
In case of Successful bidders, if at the time of supply it is found that Input Tax Credit available to MCL
on this account is less than the Input Tax Credit Amount per unit declared in the BOQ / Price Bid, the
differential amount between the two shall be deducted from the bill of supplier while making payment
to them.
Bidders having GST Registration Certificate are required to select the bidder’s category as “GST
Registered Bidders” and also indicate their GST Registration number on the designated cells of the
BOQ and shall have to upload GST Registration Certificate as mentioned in the confirmatory
documents (clause no. 9 .4.3.1).
If the Bidder is unregistered i.e. exempted from GST registration, they have to select the bidder’s
category as “GST Unregistered Bidders” and also indicate “NOT APPLICABLE” in the space of GST
Registration number in the BOQ and shall have to upload GST Exemption documents i.e. certificate
from Practicing Chartered Accountant / Cost & Management Accountant / Company Secretary that
Bidder is fulfilling all the conditions prescribed in GST Act, 2017 to make him exempt from registration
as mentioned in the confirmatory documents (clause no. 9 .4.3.1).
If bidder has opted for composition scheme under sec 10 of GST ACT 2017, they have to select the
bidder’s category as “Composition Scheme” and indicate their Registration number in the designated
cells of the BOQ. Bidder shall have to upload certificate from Practicing Chartered Accountant / Cost
& Management Accountant / Company Secretary confirming that Bidder is eligible to opt the scheme
and has fulfilled all the conditions as mentioned in notification in this regard. In addition bidder has to
upload the Registration Certificate, as mentioned in the confirmatory documents (clause no. 9 .4.3.1)
Delivery is to be effected on door delivery basis for domestic bidder, e-Way Bill required in
connection with supply of goods shall be arranged by the supplier/ MCL as per the provisions of GST
Act ruling on the date of supply.
The landed price will be calculated automatically by the system in the Excel Sheet. Thereafter, the
bidder will upload the same Excel file during bid submission in cover-II (i.e. Price Bid / BOQ). The
Price-bid will be in Item-wise Rate BOQ format and the bidder may quote for any or all the tendered
items and the L-1 status will be decided for each item separately. The Price-bids of the bidders
will have no condition. The Price Bid which is not submitted as per instruction given above will be
Evaluation shall be done by the system during price bid opening by considering the Total
price quoted by Bidders for supply of Equipment along with warranty spares & consumables
plus price quoted by the bidder for spares and consumables beyond warranty period on
Net Present value basis[NPV].
Discounting Factor for Net Present value basis [NPV] shall be considered @ 10.00 % Per
Note:- The following NPV factor has been considered in the BoQ for different years as detailed
10. All bids are to be submitted on-line on the website No bid shall be
accepted off-line.
12. BID VALIDITY: The validity period of the tenders shall be 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the
date of opening of bid.
The bidder shall not, during the said period or within the period extended by mutual consent, revoke
or cancel his tender or alter the tender or any terms/conditions thereof without consent in writing of
the company. In case the tenderer violates to abide by this, the Company will be entitled to take
action as per clause No.11 (Modification and Withdrawal of Bid) of NIT.
13. PRICES: Prices quoted must be FIRM till delivery, otherwise the offer will be rejected. The
destination point for delivery of materials will be as follows :
Item No. Qty Depot Destination Point (Place of delivery of materials)
01 02 Nos [NCD] Depot Officer, Depot Officer,
Regional Stores, MCL, Orient Regional Stores, MCL, Orient Area
Area P.O.: Orient Colliery,
Dist: Jharsuguda-768233, Orissa,
Nr. Rly. Stn. Brajrajnagar (SECR)
Allocation:Orient Area:02 Nos
The bidder will be responsible for safe arrival of materials to the destination points as mentioned
above. However, the unloading and stacking of materials will be the responsibility of the consignee.
The bidders should quote their unit rate on FOR (Free on Road/Rail) destination basis in a specified
format containing the breakup of freight, insurance, packing & forwarding and applicable taxes and
duties as per the requirement of BOQ i.e. in percentage or absolute value.
The rate quoted by the bidder shall be exclusive of CGST & SGST or IGST, GST (Compensation to
state) cess and it should be strictly as per the format of BOQ. Item wise each element of cost shall be
indicated in respective column specifically provided for that. Item wise rate of CGST & SGST or IGST,
GST (Compensation to state) cess, applicable at the time of bidding, shall be indicated by the bidder
in respective column of the BOQ. If the bidder is exempted or opted for composition scheme, under
GST Act 2017, no tax under GST shall be charged by him.
The evaluation of tender shall be done based on cost to company basis. The cost to company shall
be ascertained by reducing the total value (including taxes and duties) quoted by the bidder by the
amount of CGST & SGST or IGST, GST (Compensation to state) cess eligible for input tax credit.
The L1 shall be decided based on cost to company ascertained in the manner detailed above.
In BOQ for deciding L1 status, in case of unregistered bidders under GST act and bidders who opted
for composition scheme, the rate of GST will be taken as zero. However if the bidder is an
unregistered bidder i.e. (exempt from registration under GST) causing MCL liable to deposit tax under
reverse charges, the CGST & SGST, as applicable and payable by MCL under reverse charge, shall
be added separately to cost while ascertaining the landed price.
In case MCL is eligible for Input Tax Credit, the amount of CGST & SGST or IGST, GST
(Compensation to state) cess will be deducted from the landed cost for evaluation of tender and for
deciding the L1 status.
Non submission of any price component by bidder will be taken as ‘zero’ by the system, the
evaluation will be done accordingly and that price element will be assumed to be included in
the basic price quoted by the bidder.
14. TAXES AND DUTIES: The Tax Invoice raised by the supplier must be in compliance of relevant GST
Acts, Rules & Notifications made there under and should bear the MCL’s GST Registration no.
21AABCM5188P1Z3. The rate and amount of CGST, SGST, IGST and GST (Compensation to state)
Cess, related to supply of goods, shall be shown separately in tax invoice for each item of supply. In
case the bidder has opted for composition levy, the Bill of supply shall be raised by him in compliance
of relevant GST Acts, rules & notifications made there under.
If MCL fails to claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) on eligible Inputs and Capital Goods or the ITC claimed is
disallowed due to failure on the part of supplier of goods and services in incorporating the tax invoice
issued to MCL in its relevant return of GST, (i.e. payment of CGST & SGST or IGST shown in tax
invoice to the tax authorities, issue of proper tax invoice or any other reason whatsoever), the
applicable taxes & cess paid based on such Tax invoice shall be recovered from the current bills or
any other dues of the supplier.
Statutory variation: Statutory variation: if there is any statutory change in CGST & SGST or IGST or
introduction of any new levy within contractual delivery period, the same shall be admissible and will
be paid at actual based on the documentary evidence. However, no upward revision in the same
beyond original delivery period shall be admissible.
GST on Liquidated Damages deducted against supplies and EMD / Security Deposit /
Performance Guarantee forfeited against tenders / supplies shall be borne by bidder /
To supply both machines within 120 days from the dated of receipt of supply order.
15.1. Materials should not be supplied after expiry of scheduled Delivery Period. However, after
expiry of delivery period supplier may request the order placing authority for extension of delivery
period and materials to be supplied only after getting extension of delivery period.
15.2. The bidders quoting in INR on FOR destination basis, should also indicate the
following information in the BOQ ONLY [i.e In CIF Sheet of BOQ] for their offered
Equipment under PCD :-
(i)Estimated Value of the imported content ,if any both in INR and in the specified Foreign
Currency on the date of submission of tender ,included in the quoted unit Basic price of
equipment and Spares part and consumables Limited to 10% value of the Imported
content of Equipment.
The bidder should also indicate the following information, in their offer for equipment with Project
Concessional Duty (PCD) only: -
a) Estimated CIF value of the Imported content, if any, both in Indian Rupee and in the specified
foreign currency on date of opening of the tender.
b) Rate of Customs Duty, IGST and any other cess/duty as
applicable on assessable value (CIF plus landing charges etc.) of Imported component
taken for computation of the prices.
c) Rate of Exchange taken for computation of the prices.
In case of order for equipment under PCD on Indigenous manufactures, delivery period will be
counted from the date of project registration with customs authority. However in case of direct
import, delivery shall not be linked with issue of PCD certificate
15.3 L-1 Bidder shall be required to submit detailed list of imported items (Imported content), if any,
both in Indian Rupee and in the specified foreign currency in case of PCD requirement within 30
days from the date of receipt of supply order to avail Project Concessional Duty (PCD). In case,
(L-1) Bidder fails to submit list of imported items within the above stipulated period i.e. within 30
days from the date of supply order, delay in supplies of Machine shall be treated in the Bidder’s
1. Routine servicing and maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's published
recommendations, including: changing oils, oil filters and air filters;
lubrication; changing identified consumables or wear plates.
2. Planned preventative maintenance programmes;
It shall not however include:
I. damage due to abusive use or incorrect operation methods by the Purchaser;
II. accidents;
III. strikes or stoppage of work by the Purchaser's personnel;
IV.natural disaster;
V. lack of Spare Parts not attributable to a failure of the Supplier, it's Agents or Representatives.
Downtime shall also specifically include all hours lost due to failures determined to be
guarantee failures.
The Supplier shall state the number of hours per day required to carry out (c) and (d)
above. The time stated shall, with the agreement of the Purchaser, form the basis of the
assessment of the availability.
The Purchaser will assist the Supplier, without relieving the Supplier of any other
obligations under the Contract, to achieve the guaranteed availability by:
Providing normal and proper maintenance, including preventative maintenance in accordance
with the Supplier’s standard/published recommendations, and making all necessary repairs using
only genuine manufacturer's spares .
Providing co-operation to all Supplier’s authorised representatives, complying with all reasonable
procedural suggestions to improve efficiency of machine operation or reduce downtime.
Where appropriate, providing and maintaining such conditions as:
• Proper electrical Supply
• Terrain Area
• Bench preparation
• Reasonable floor conditions
Providing all Supplier’s authorised representatives access at all reasonable times to the machine
service and repair facilities.
Maintaining a log-book for each shift wherein the working hours, breakdown times,
maintenance hours, idle time, etc. shall be recorded. This record will be available for
examination and signature by the Supplier’s representative.
d. Effect and Duration of Guarantee
• This Guarantee shall become effective on the day on which the Equipment is
commissioned at the Site. Commissioning shall be evidenced by the issue of the
Purchaser's Acceptance Certificate.
• This Guarantee shall remain effective for 9 (nine) Years from the date of
commissioning, irrespective of the hours operated by the Equipment during the period of
the guarantee.
• In the event that the Equipment fails to achieve the Availability herein provided
during this 9 (nine) years period, the Supplier shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser, as
Penalty , a sum equal to , as indicated hereunder for each equipment : -
a )1% of the delivered price of the equipment for every percentage reduction from the
Guaranteed Availability for the first 5%
b )10% of the delivered price of the equipment for reduction beyond 5% from the
Guaranteed Availability .
The Supplier has however the option to modify the equipment , if felt necessary , to bring
its availability to the guaranteed level within three ( 3 ) months after expiry of initial
guarantee period of twelve (12 ) months from the date of commissioning .
• When the supplier is unable to supply the replacement of a failed part under warranty
within 21 days of giving intimation by the consignee and if the machine is commissioned
by using the spare from the stock of the project the period (after 21 days) till the supplier
replaces the part under warranty shall be treated as “Deemed Breakdown” (the credit for
keeping machine available shall not be given to the supplier).
16.2.C Performance Guarantee
In accordance with the provisions of clauses of the special terms and conditions, the
supplier shall guarantee that the availability of the equipment shall be of 85% with
expected annual working hours of 3000.Total obligation of guarantee shall be 09 years
(including one year warranty).
17. COST OF BIDDING: The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
of his bid and MCL will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.
18. Currencies of Bid: The Indian bidder must quote their unit rates in Indian Rupees only and the
Foreign Bidders should quote their rates ONLY in any of the following currencies.
19. It is the bidder’s responsibility to comply with the system requirement i.e. hardware, software and
internet connectivity at bidder’s premises to access the e-tender website. Under any circumstances,
MCL shall not be liable to the bidders for any direct/indirect loss or damages incurred by them arising
out of incorrect use of the e-tender system or internet connectivity failures.
20. OPENING OF TECHNO –COMMERCIAL BID: The Techno –commercial bid (i.e. Cover I) will be
decrypted and opened on-line, on the pre-scheduled date and time by the Bid Openers with their
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). Upon opening of bids, LOB, GTE, TPS and all other documents
uploaded by the eligible bidders except BOQ i.e price bid [Cover II] shall get opened.
After opening of Techno-commercial bids online, the documents submitted by all the bidders in
cover–I as enlisted in the NIT will be downloaded and will be examined against
information/declarations given by the bidders online by MCL.
In case, MCL finds that there is some deficiency in uploaded documents by the bidders then the
same will be specified online by Evaluator clearly indicating the omissions/shortcomings in the
uploaded documents and indicating start date and end date allowing 10 days (10 x 24 hours) time for
online re-submission by the bidders. The bidders will get this information on their personalized dash
board under “Upload confirmatory / shortfall document” link. Additionally, information shall also be
sent by system generated email and SMS, but it will be the bidder’s responsibility to check the
updated status/information on their personalized dash board regularly after opening of bid. No
separate communication will be required in this regard. Non-receipt of e-mail and SMS will not be
accepted as a reason of non-submission of documents within prescribed time. The bidder will upload
the scanned copy of all those specified documents in support of the information/declarations
furnished by them online within the specified period of 10 days. If the bidders fails to submit the
specified document/s in 10 (Ten) days, 10 more days ( 10 x 24 hours) may be given by Evaluator
clearly indicating the omissions / shortcomings in the uploaded documents and indicating start date
and end date for submission/uploading of such document/s.
The tender will be evaluated on the basis of documents uploaded by all the bidders online. The
bidders are not required to submit hard copy of any document through offline mode.Any document
submitted offline will not be given any cognizance in the evaluation of tender.
The techno-commercial acceptability of all the bidders shall be evaluated and after evaluation, the
date of opening of the price bid shall be fixed. As soon as the date and time of opening price bids of
the techno-commercially acceptable bidders are set in the portal, system will send SMS & e-mail alert
to the eligible bidders.Details of techno-commercially acceptable bidders will be entered into the
system along with date and time for price bid opening and reverse auction. System generated e-
mails/ SMS alerts will then be sent to qualified bidders intimating date and time for price bid opening
and reverse auction.
On initiating the process of opening the price bid, the system will allow for Auto Financial opening, and
upon clicking the button , the Auction BOQ will be created with the L1-rate of each item as “ Auction
Start Price in INR”. This Auction BOQ sheet will be filled up and uploaded by Tender Inviting Authority .
In case of Global Tenders this Auction BOQ sheet will be uploaded with an intimation of the Exchange
rate considered by TIA.The system will not disclose the name of the L-1 bidder to anybody prior to the
completion of Reverse auction process.
Reverse Auction will be initiated tentatively within two hours after opening of e-price bids i.e. COVER-II.
The schedule of e-price bid opening/Reverse Auction shall be intimated to the eligible bidders by the
system through SMS & e-mail alert.
• Submission of forged documents if any by the bidder shall be dealt as per extant
guidelines of the Purchase Manual.
• In case none of the bidder complies the technical and/or commercial requirement, then
re-tender will be done (with the same or different quantity, as per the instant
General guidelines and Process Flow for Tender cum Auction, if applicable are as under:-
i. The Reverse Auction Process (RAP) in Tender(s) is applicable for estimated value of tender
equal to or more than Rs.1.00 Crore, invited by MCL.
ii. Reverse Auction will be initiated after opening of price bids, as specified by Tender Inviting
Authority (TIA) as detailed above.
iv. Upon opening of the price bids, a reverse auction platform will be created, displaying only the
item-wise L1 price received. No indication will be available in the portal to anybody regarding
number of bids and names of the bidders.
v. L-1 Landed price/cost to the company will be the start bid price for tenders for Goods. The
BOQ has been designed taken into consideration Input Tax credit, GST set off, as applicable,
so that it is reflected in the landed price.
vi. Item-wise H-1 bid will be eliminated during price bid opening if more than three techno-
commercially acceptable bids are available and those bidders will not be able to participate in
the Reverse Auction for that item, for which they have quoted H-1 Landed Cost. If two bidders
have quoted the same H-1 landed cost, the bidder who submitted/frozen the bid later, shall be
rejected and will not be able to participate in Reverse auction.
vii. The L1 price/start bid price is Landed / cost to the company price on which the auction will
be initiated. At the end of reverse auction, the L1 bidder shall upload break-up of price online
through confirmatory link, in the same structure as per their original price bid and they will not
be allowed to increase the initial quoted rate of any component. The composite price may be
either equal to the price offered in reverse auction or less. While giving breakup, the bidder
will have to consider the same rate of taxes and duties as quoted while submitting the e-Price
bid. In case the L-1 bidder fails to submit the breakup of landed price within stipulated period
or increase the initial quoted rate of any component, MCL shall be at liberty to place order on
the basis of Price breakup calculated based on the e-price bid submitted by the bidder along
with the initial offer and same shall be binding on the bidder.
viii. The decrement value will be 0.5% of the start bid price rounded off to the nearest Rupee with
minimum of Rs.1/-, as the system does not have a provision of taking amounts less than
Rs.1/- as decrement value. The reduction shall have to be made as per decrement value or in
multiple thereof. The maximum seal percentage in one go shall be fixed as 2% over and
above the normal decrement of 0.5% i.e. 2.5% of start bid price or the last quoted price during
reverse auction, whichever is lower.
ix. Initial period of reverse auction will be two hours (Start date & time of auction shall be
intimated online after opening of Price Bid). There will be auto extensions of time every time
by 30 (thirty) minutes in case of any reduction recorded in the last 30 (thirty) minutes. The
reverse auction will come to a close only when there is no further reduction recorded in the
last 30 (thirty) minutes slot.
x. System protects bid and bidder information till auction gets over and displays current L1 price
to the bidder in auction hall.
xi. System provides bidder details along with bid documents at the end of reverse auction
xii. The log details of the entire reverse auction process will be generated by the system once the
process of reverse auction is completed.
xiii. If a bidder does not submit his bid in the Reverse Auction, the price quoted by him in the price
bid shall be considered as the valid price of that bidder. The status of the bidder (L1, L2 etc)
shall be evaluated considering either the bid price submitted in Reverse auction or the Price
quoted in the price bid, whichever is lower.
xiv. Since, reverse auction is a sequel to e-tender, the process of finalizing the tender upon
completion of reverse auction will be same as the tender process without reverse auction.
xv. MCL will provide the calculation sheet (e.g.:EXCEL sheet) which will help to arrive at “Total
Cost to MCL” by the vendor, like packing & forwarding charges, Taxes and duties, freight
charges, Insurance etc, to enable them to fill-in the price and keep it ready for keying in during
the Reverse auction.
xvi. The bid history shall reflect only the landed price. The landed price shall also not be same for
two bidders even if any bidder makes such an attempt.
xvii. Only the chronologically last bid submitted by the bidder till the end of the auction shall be
considered as the valid price bid of that bidder. Any bid submitted earlier by the bidder prior to
submission of his last bid will not be considered as the valid price bid.
xviii. Purchase Preference: In case Bid Evaluation Criteria (BEC) provides for Purchase
Preference as per Govt. Policy, as may be notified time to time to any category of bidders, and
if any of the short listed bidders are eligible for such purchase preference in terms of policy,
such bidders would get opportunity to match the L-1 prices concluded after reverse auction, if
their final prices in reverse auction fall within the permitted %.
xix. Conversion Rate: while evaluating the bids, the exchange rate prevailing on the price bid
opening date, shall be fed to the system by the Tender Inviting Authority during opening of the
price bid for conversion of foreign currency into Indian rupee based on the prevailing
Exchange rate as available in the website of Reserve Bank of India ( / State
Bank of India or directly from banks on the date of opening of bid.
xx. Server time shall be the basis of Start time & Closing time for bidding and shall be binding for
all. This would be visible to all concerned.
xxi. On expiry of the closing of the auction, the bid history showing all the last valid bids offered
along with name of the bidders shall be published. All bidders shall have the facility to see and
get a print of the same for their record.
xxii. All electronic bids submitted during the reverse auction process shall be legally binding on the
bidder. The chronologically last bid submitted by the bidder till the end of the auction will be
considered as the valid price bid offered by that bidder and acceptance of the same by MCL
will form a binding contract between MCL and the bidder for entering into a contract.
xxiii. Input Tax Credit will be considered for determining the status of the bidders.
xxiv. Conditional discounts shall not be considered. If a bidder offers a discount unilaterally after
submission of bid, the discount shall not be considered for evaluation of offers but shall be
availed if order is placed on such tenderer.
xxv. If the lowest price received during reverse auction is unreasonable or it is unacceptable on
ground of being too high or too low compared with estimated price, the management reserves
right to seek justification of the price from lowest bidder. If the price is not considered
reasonable, management may not accept such bid and go for another tender process.
xxvi. In case of disruption of service at the service provider’s end while the RAP is online, due to
any technical snag or otherwise attributable to the system failure at the server end, the RAP
process will start all over again. In such a situation, the last recorded lowest price of
prematurely ended RAP, will be the ‘Start Bid’ price for the restarted RAP. The prices quoted
in the prematurely ended RAP will be binding on all the bidders for consideration, if the
restarted RAP does not trigger within the stipulated time.
Disruption and restarting of RAP shall be intimated to all the bidders through system/SMS/e-mail
through e procurement portal. All the time stipulations of normal RAP will be applicable to the
restarted RAP.
23 Ancillary policy and MSE Policy: The facilities / preferences for procurement of materials from
the Ancillary units, Startups and Micro / Small Enterprises ([MSE) shall be extended as per the
MCL Procurement Policy for Ancillary as well as Micro / Small Enterprise (MSE). The MCL’s
Policy regarding Procurement from Micro / Small Enterprises and Ancillarised units of MCL as per
[MSE] Order 2012 and Existing Ancillary Policy of MCL is available at MCL website:
Under ‘Make in India’ policy of Government of India, Purchase Preference will be given to
eligible bidders as per Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 issued
vide order No. P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II dated 15th June 2017 of Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
In terms of the above said policy, purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers in the
following manner:
a) For divisible contracts (where quantity of items covered in the NIT is more than 01 unit
and can be distributed).
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L-1. If L-1 is from a local
supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to him for the items for which he is L-
1 bidder subject to acceptance of the L-1 price by the Purchaser.
ii. If L-1 is not from a local supplier, 50% of the ordered quantity shall be awarded to the L-1
.Thereafter the lowest bidder among the local suppliers will be invited to match the L-1
price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to local supplier’s quoted price falling within
the margin of purchase preference, and the contract shall be awarded to such local supplier
for that item subject to his matching the L-1 price.
iii.In case the lowest eligible local supplier for that item fails to match the L-1 price or
accept less than the offered quantity, the next higher local supplier within the margin of
purchase preference shall be invited to match the L-1 price for remaining quantity and so on
and contract shall be awarded accordingly.
iv.In case if some quantity is still left uncovered on local suppliers then such balance
quantity shall also be ordered on the L-1 bidder .In case none of the local suppliers within
the margin of purchase preference matches the L1 price, then the contract for full quantity
may be awarded to the L1 bidder.
b) For Non-divisible contracts (where quantity of items covered in the NIT is 01 unit or
cannot be distributed).
i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L-1. If L-1 is from a local
supplier, the contract will be awarded to him for the items for which he is L-1 bidder subject
to acceptance of the L-1 price by the Purchaser.
ii. If L-1 is not from a local supplier, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers for the that
item , will be invited to match the L-1 price subject to local supplier’s quoted price falling
within the margin of purchase preference, and the contract shall be awarded to such local
supplier for that item subject to his matching the L-1 price.
iii.In case the lowest eligible local supplier for that item fails to match the L-1 price, the
local supplier with next higher bid within the margin of purchase preference shall be invited
to match the L-1 price and the contract for the that item shall be awarded to him on
matching the L-1 price. In case none of the local suppliers within the margin of purchase
preference matches the L1 price, then the contract shall be awarded to the L1 bidder.
iv.In case of MSE units quoting within price band of L1 + 15%, 100% will be booked to the
lowest quoting MSE unit, subject to their acceptance of L1 rates.
24.1 The definitions of ‘Local Supplier’, ‘Local Content’ and ‘Margin of Purchase
Preference’ are as follows:-
A. ‘Local Supplier’ means a supplier whose product offered for procurement meets the
minimum local content of 50 %. (Where nodal ministry has prescribed a higher or lower
percentage and/or the manner of calculation of the local content in respect of a particular
item, the same is to be incorporated)
B. ‘Local Content’ means the amount of value added in India which shall be the total value
of the item procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported
content in the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in
C. ‘Margin of Purchase Preference’ means the maximum extent to which the price quoted by
a local supplier may be above the L1 for the purpose of purchase preference. The margin of
purchase preference is 20%.
a. In cases of procurement for estimated value upto Rs. 10 crores, the local supplier
at the time of tender, bidding or solicitation shall be required to provide self-
certification that the item offered meets the minimum local content and shall give
details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made.
b. In cases of procurement for estimated value in excess of Rs. 10 crores, the local
supplier shall be required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost
auditor of the company (in the case of companies) or from a practicing cost
accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than
companies) giving the percentage of local content.
c. MCL may constitute committees with internal and external experts for independent
verification of auditor’s / accountant’s certificates on random basis and in the case of
d. False declarations will attract banning of business of the bidder or its successor(s)
for a minimum period of three years as per CIL purchase manual, along with such
other actions as may be permissible under law.
e. A local supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation of
above order shall not be eligible for preference under this Order for procurement by
any other procuring entity for the duration of debarment. The debarment for such
other procuring entities shall take effect prospectively from the date on which it
comes to the notice of other procurement entities.
24.3 Procedure for award in case of participation of MSE & non-MSE local supplier against the
same tender, where L1 bidder is not a local supplier (NEW CLAUSE):
• For all goods proposed to be procured, among all techno-commercially qualified bids, the
lowest quoted price will be termed as L1 and the rest of the bids shall be ranked in
ascending order of price quoted, as L2, L3, L4 and so on.
• Suppose there are five bids. Consider LS as the Local supplier, LS-MSE as the Local MSE
supplier and NLS as Not a Local supplier.
• For qualifying for price preference - under "Make in India", a local supplier has to quote
within 20% of L1 price of NLS and, MSE bidder has to quote within 15% of L1 price quoted
by NLS.
Scenario 1: After opening of price bids, position is like L1: NLS1, L2: NLS2, L3: LS1, L4: LS-MSE1
and L5: LS2.
Here NLS1 qualifies as L1, and LS1 is L3 and LS-MSE1 is L4. Then NLS1 will get 50% of the order
quantity, LS-MSE1 shall be booked for 20% of the order quantity at L1 prices & LS1 will get
remaining 30% of the order quantity at L1 prices, subject to their acceptance.
Scenario 2: After opening of price bids, position is like L1: NLS1, L2: NLS2, L3: LS-MSE1, L4: LS1
and L5: LS-MSE2. Then NLS1 will get 50% of the order quantity. LS-MSE1 will get remaining 50%
of the order quantity at L1 prices, subject to their acceptance.
The above scenarios are indicative only. However actual distribution shall be done depending upon
the status of the bidders against a tender following the Policy to provide Preference to Make in
India in Public Procurement, Order 2017 & Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012.
ii) The bidder should clearly specify in the Excel Sheet of the TPS, the quantity of equipment which
they are in a position to supply within the specified delivery schedule.
iii) In case, bidder agree to supply full tendered quantity within specified delivery schedule and they
stand L1, order for 100% of the tendered quantity shall be placed on them. .[subject to compliance
of Govt Guidelines ruling on the date of Bid Opening Date].
iv) In case bidder is not in a position to supply 100% of the tendered quantity but offer to supply
minimum 50% or more of the tendered quantity within specified delivery schedule and stand
lowest bidder (L1 on landed price basis), the order for their offered quantity within specified
delivery shall be placed on them and for balance quantity, order shall be considered on L2 bidder
subject to matching the L1 landed price. In case L2 bidder don’t accept L1 landed price, similar
process of counter offering L1 landed price to L3 tenderer, L4 tenderer and so on shall be
followed for placement of order for balance quantity, subject to their matching L1 landed price.
26. PLACEMENT OF SUPPLY ORDER: The bidder, whose bid has been accepted, will be intimated
about placement of supply order on-line and also by registered/speed post by the Purchaser. The
scanned copy of the supply order will be uploaded, on the e-procurement portal and the original copy
will be sent to the L-1 bidder/s through Registered / Speed Post. The L-1 bidder/s will get the
information regarding placement of supply order on their personalised dash-board on-line. The date
of receipt of order will be taken as the date on which the scanned copy of Supply Order is uploaded
on the e-Procurement portal or 7th day from the date of issue of Supply Order by Registered/Speed
Post whichever will be earlier. It will be the responsibility of the firm to download the same from CIL
portal. On receipt of supply order, the successful tenderer shall submit his acceptance of supply order
within 15 days from the date of order. In case of non receipt of any response from the bidder , it will
be presumed that the order has been accepted by the bidder for its execution at their end.
27. The supply should be completed within the stipulated period of delivery which shall be reckoned from
the date of receipt of Supply Order (domestic bidder)/date of issue of L/C (in case of direct import).
28. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The successful tenderer will be required to deposit Security Money equivalent
to 10% of the value of the awarded contract(inclusive of all taxes & duties), in the form of Demand
Draft or irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by any scheduled Bank in the prescribed format (as given
in the NIT at Annexure-D), within 15 days from the date of receipt of Supply Order. The Bank
Guarantee submitted towards Security Money shall be valid for a minimum period of ninety days
beyond the stipulated delivery period. Failure to deposit the required Security Money within the
specified period shall entail cancellation of Supply Order and the case shall be processed to order
elsewhere and the firm’s performance is to be kept recorded for future dealing with them.
The Security Deposit shall be refunded within 30 days of satisfactory execution of the contract. For
unsatisfactory performance and/or contractual failure, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited. In case
of extension of the delivery period the validity of Bank Guarantee submitted towards Security Deposit
shall be suitably extended to cover the required validity period of ninety days beyond the extended
delivery period.
State/Central Government Organisations/PSU, valid DGS&D registered firm (for the tendered items)
and valid Ancillary Units of MCL (for the tendered items) are exempted from submission of Security
In case the value of Security Deposit works out to be less than Rupees Five Lakh, then the same
shall be deposited in the form of Demand Draft. No Bank Guarantee shall be accepted by MCL for a
value less than Rupees Five Lakh.
Provision for operating Bank Guarantee locally at Sambalpur, Odisha shall also be stipulated in the
above Bank Guarantee by the issuing outstation Bank. The complete Postal address, Telephone
Number, FAX Number and e-mail address of both the outstation issuing Bank as well as the local
operating branch should also be mentioned on the Bank Guarantee.
In case the validity period of the above Bank Guarantee needs extension the same shall be extended
for a minimum period of three (03) months.
Note:-The NSIC registered firms/MSEs shall be exempted from paying EMD only as per provisions of
Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order, 2012.However they are not exempted from submission of
Security deposit.
Security Money may be converted into Performance Guarantee by extending the validity of Bank
Guarantee. In case the successful tenderer wants to convert their “Bank Guarantee for Security
Deposit” into Performance Guarantee, the validity of Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit should be
suitably extended to cover the required validity period of ninety days beyond the stipulated warranty
period & Guarantee Period.
The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be released within 30 days of expiry of warranty period, if no
claim is pending. For unsatisfactory performance and/or contractual failure, the Performance
Guarantee shall be forfeited.
In case the value of Performance Bank Guarantee works out to be less than Rupees Five Lakh, then
the same shall be deposited in the form of Demand Draft. No Bank Guarantee shall be accepted by
MCL for a value less than Rupees Five Lakh.
Provision for operating Bank Guarantee locally at Sambalpur, Odisha shall also be stipulated in the
above Bank Guarantee by the issuing outstation Bank. The complete Postal address, Telephone
Number, FAX Number and e-mail address of both the outstation issuing Bank as well as the local
operating branch should also be mentioned on the Bank Guarantee.
In case the validity period of the above Bank Guarantee needs extension the same shall be extended
for a minimum period of three (03) months.
In case the bidder does not have the After Sales Service Support facilities in India as indicated at NIT
clause 7.1.2. In such case, the bidder shall have to provide PBG for 30% of the contract value.
PBG of 30% value of contract shall be released after establishment of after sales service support
facilities in India and submission of fresh performance Bank guarantee equivalent to 10% of the
contract value.
NOTE: (Only for Information to bidders) Applicable for Clause No. 27 Security Deposit & Clause No.
28 Performance Guarantee)
a) The bank guarantees issued by the issuing bank on behalf of contractor, supplier, customer in
favour of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited shall be in paper form as well as Structured Financial
Messaging System (SFMS).
b) MCL has chosen State Bank of India and ICICI Bank to act advising/beneficiary bank of MCL.
The bank issuing the guarantee can chose either of these banks to send confirmation through
c) The details of beneficiary (i.e. MCL) for issue of bank guarantee in SFMS platform is as furnished
as below.
A. State Bank of India as advising bank of MCL
i. Name Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
ii. Area MCL HQ Sambalpur
1. Name and details of
iii. Name of Bank State Bank of India
the Beneficiary
iv. Bank Account No. 010659453016
v. Department MM Department, MCL HQ
i. Name of Bank State Bank of India
2. Beneficiary’s Advising ii. Bank Branch Name MCL Complex Burla
Bank, Branch and iii. Branch Code 07749
Address for
iv. Beneficiary Bank
Confirmation of BGs SBIN0007749
Branch IFSC
through SFMS
v. Beneficiary Bank MCL Complex,
Address Jagriti Vihar, Burla, Sambalpur-768020
B. ICICI Bank as advising bank of MCL
i. Name Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Name and details of ii. Area MCL HQ Sambalpur
the Beneficiary iii. Name of Bank ICICI Bank
iv. Bank Account No. 019405003862
v. Department MM, HQ
i. Name of Bank ICICI Bank
2. Beneficiary’s Advising
Bank, Branch and ii. Bank Branch Name Sambalpur
Address for iii. Branch Code 0194
Confirmation of BGs iv. Beneficiary Bank
through SFMS Branch IFSC
v. Beneficiary Bank Paradise Chamber, Infront of
Address Jagannath Temple, Budharaja,
Sambalpur -768004
The applicant’s bank transmitting the Bank Guarantee through SFMS
needs to mention the following details for Beneficiary Bank.
SFMS Field Details
7035 IFSC Code: ICIC0000194
A/C No.019405003862
7037 MCL224951
BG Applicant is to specifically ask BG issuing bank to mention the
code ‘MCL224951’ in field no 7037 of IFN760COV/IFN767COV so
as to enable the email IDs tagged with the account to receive
advised BG over emails.
d) The Supplier / Contractor/ Customers are required to take note of it that above particulars are to
be incorporated by the issuing bank properly while issuing the Bank Guarantee under SFMS
mode to avoid any future problem in accepting the BGs
e) The Guarantor (BG issuing bank) shall send information about issuance of this Guarantee
through SFMS gateway to the State Bank of India, MCL Complex Burla (IFSC-SBIN0007749) or
ICICI Bank, Ainthapalli, Sambalpur (IFSC-ICIC0000194), as the case may be, to aid in the
process of confirmation of Bank Guarantee.
f) The Guarantor (BG issuing bank) shall also send information about issuance of this Guarantee to
its local operating branch at Sambalpur to aid in the process of confirmation as well as claim for
encashment of Bank Guarantee
g) The Original Bank Guarantee issued by the outstation bank shall be sent by the Issuing Bank to
the Concerned Department of Head Quarters of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited at Sambalpur by
Speed Post /Registered Post (AD)
In case the materials are rejected on first inspection, all charges, boarding, lodging, TA, inspection
fee etc. for subsequent inspection shall be borne by the supplier.
FINAL INSPECTION: Final inspection of materials shall be carried out at the consignee’s end before
acceptance of materials by SO (Excv) of the concerned area. The purchaser shall at its discretion
have the right to test the supplied materials in any Government testing laboratory. The sample of
materials used for testing shall be on Supplier’s account. If the test shows that the materials are
conforming to the specification, the supplied materials shall be accepted and the testing charges shall
be borne by the department. However, if the test shows that the materials are not conforming to the
specifications, the supplied materials shall not be accepted and the testing charges shall be borne by
the Supplier and the materials shall be removed and replaced by the supplier.
31.1.a :Payment terms for Indian Bidders (For Indigenous materials) for Equipment
Payment of 80% basic cost of equipment and 100% taxes, duties, freight & insurance shall be made
through e-Payment within 21 days of receipt and acceptance of equipment at consignee’s end or
submission of bill along with all requisite / relevant documents whichever is later and receipt &
acceptance of Performance Bank Guarantee by the order placing authority. Payment of balance 20%
basic cost of equipment shall be made within 21 days of successful commissioning of equipment.
31.2 Payment terms for Indian Bidders (For Imported materials) [Quoting in INR]
31.2.a Payment terms for Indian Bidders (For Imported materials) for Equipment [Quoting in
Payment of 80% basic cost of equipment and 100% taxes, duties, freight & insurance shall be made
through e-Payment within 21 days of receipt and acceptance of equipment at consignee’s end or
submission of bill along with all requisite / relevant documents whichever is later and receipt &
acceptance of Performance Bank Guarantee by the order placing authority. Payment of balance 20%
basic cost of equipment shall be made within 21 days of successful commissioning of equipment.
The supplier has to produce a certificate from their Auditor certifying that they have paid Customs
Duty as per prevailing Custom Rates and refund, if any, shall be passed on to the buyer. This
certificate is to be submitted along with supplies/bills.
The supplier has also to produce the following documents along with supplies/bills,
i) Copy of Invoice/Packing List of Manufacturer drawn in favour of Indian Authorized
Dealers/Distributors/Selling Agents alongwith original.
ii) Copy of Bill of Entry together with the original.
iii) Copy of Bill of Lading drawn in favour of Indian Authorized Dealers/ Distributors/Selling Agents
showing the manufacturer as Seller/Exporter/ Shipper/Consignor.
iv) Certificate of Country of Origin.
NOTE: The original documents will be returned after verification by the Consignee.
Note to all bidders: If MCL fails to claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) on eligible Inputs and capital Goods
or the ITC claimed is disallowed due to failure on the part of supplier of goods and services in
incorporating the tax invoice issued to MCL in its relevant return of GST, (i.e. payment of CGST &
SGST or IGST shown in tax invoice to the tax authorities, issue of proper tax invoice or any other
reason whatsoever), the applicable taxes & cess paid based on such Tax invoice shall be recovered
from the current bills or any other dues of the supplier.
32. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: In the event of failure to deliver or despatch the stores within the stipulated
date/period in accordance with the samples and/or specifications mentioned in the supply order and
in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in the supply order, MCL should
have the right :-
a) To recover from the successful tenderer, a sum of 0.5 % (half percent) of the price of any stores
which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply as aforesaid for each week or part of a
week during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears limited to 10% (Ten percent).
b) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to the successful tenderer on the account and at the risk
of the defaulting supplier the stores not supplied or others of similar description without cancelling
the supply order in respect of the consignment not yet due for supply or,
c) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof and if so desired to purchase the stores at the risk
and cost of the defaulting supplier and also,
d) To extend the period of delivery with or without penalty as may be considered fit and proper, the
penalty, if imposed shall not be more than the liquidated damages referred to in clause (a) above.
f) Whenever, under this contract, a sum of money is recoverable from and payable by the supplier,
MCL shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or in whole by deducting any
sum or which at any time thereafter may become due to the successful tenderer in this or any
contract should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the successful
tenderer shall pay MCL on demand the remaining balance. The supplier shall not be entitled to
any gain on any such purchase.
33. PRICE FALL CLAUSE: The price charged for the stores/equipments supplied against this tender by
the bidder shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which the bidder sell or offer to sell the stores
of identical description to any other organisation during the period of contract.
If the supplier at any time during the period of contract reduces the sale price, sells or offers to sell
such stores/equipment to any other organization at a price lower than the price chargeable under this
contract, the supplier shall forthwith notify such reduction of sale price to the MCL and the price
payable under the contract for stores/equipment supplied after the date of coming in force of such
reduction in sale price, shall stand correspondingly reduced.
34. PRICE CERTIFICATE: In the event of placement of Supply Order on the lowest tenderer they shall
have to submit a price certificate in all their invoices in the following format:-
“It is certified that the price charged in this invoice does not exceed the lowest price at which we sell
or offer to sell the stores of identical description to any other organisation during the period of
35. RISK PURCHASE: In the event of failure of the supplier to deliver or despatch the stores within the
stipulated date/period of the supply order , or in the event of breach of any of the terms and
conditions mentioned in the supply order, the Company have the right to purchase the stores from
elsewhere after due notice to the defaulting supplier at the risk and cost of the defaulting supplier. It is
mentioned clearly in this tender enquiry that in the event of failure of the supplier as detailed above,
the cost as per risk purchase exercise may be recovered from the bills against any other supplies
pending in MCL and also in any other Subsidiary Companies/ Coal India Limited.
36. FORCE MAJEURE CONDITION: If the execution of the contract/supply order is delayed beyond the
period stipulated in the contract/supply order as a result of outbreak of hostilities, declaration of an
embargo or blockage or fire, flood, acts of nature or any other contingency beyond the supplier’s
control due to act of God, then the purchaser may allow such additional time by extending the
delivery period as he considers to be justified by the circumstances of the case and his decision in
this regard shall be final. If and when additional time is granted by the purchaser, the contract/supply
order shall be read and understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as
extended. Power failure will not be considered as a force majeure conditions.
a) The successful bidder will advise, in the event of his having to resort to this clause, by a
registered letter duly certified by the local chamber of commerce or statutory authorities, the
beginning and end of the causes of the delay, within fifteen days of the occurrence and cession
of such force majeure conditions. In the event of delay lasting out of force majeure, MCL will
reserve the right to cancel the contract, and provisions governing termination of contract as
stated in the bid documents will apply.
b) For delay arising out of Force majeure, the bidder will not claim the extension in completion date
for a period exceeding the period of delay attributable to the causes of force majeure and neither
MCL nor the bidder shall be liable to pay extra cost provided it is mutually established that the
force majeure conditions did actually exist.
c) If any of the force majeure conditions exist in the place of operation of bidder even in the time of
submission of bid, he will categorically specify them in his bid, and state whether they have been
taken in to consideration in their quotation.
37. Transportation of Goods: In case of placement of order, the bidder/ supplier should transport/ deliver
the contracted material/ supplies through registered common carriers only as per the provisions of the
Carriage by Road Act – 2007.
38. e-WAY BILL: e-Way Bill required in connection with supply of goods shall be arranged by the
supplier/ MCL as per the provisions of GST Act ruling on the date of supply.
39. Canvassing in connection with the tenders in any shape or form is strictly prohibited and tenders
submitted by such tenderers who resort to canvassing shall be liable for rejection.
40. The Company reserves the right to postpone the date of receipt and opening of tenders or to cancel
the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
41. The Company reserves its right to allow Public Enterprises purchase preference facility as admissible
under prevailing policy.
42.The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject any or
all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever and to accept the tender in part and not in
its entirety.
43. Matters relating to any dispute or difference arising out of this tender and subsequent contract
awarded based on this tender shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Local District Court.
44. Arbitration: In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of
the provisions of the contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party for
arbitration to the sole arbitrator in the department of public Enterprises to be nominated by secretary
to the Govt.of India in-charge of the Deptt. of public Enterprises. The Arbitration and conciliation Act,
1996 shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be
binding upon the parties to the dispute, provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may
make further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of
Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India. Upon such reference the dispute shall be
decided by the Law Secretary or the special Secretary/Additional Secretary, when so authorized by
the law secretary, whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the
dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the arbitrator.
The arbitration clause mentioned above shall be applicable only in case of orders/ contracts to
be placed on Public Sector Enterprises/Government Departments.
46. The “General Terms & Conditions” as enclosed in the NIT at Annexure-A and
special terms & conditions at Annexure I shall also form an integral part of
the NIT unless and otherwise specified in this NIT.
47. This tender and resultant supply order will be governed by CIL purchase manual(if not
specified otherwise in this Bid document) / guidelines of CVC, New Delhi/ Govt. of India and
extant procedures of MCL issued from time to time.
48. Contact Details:-
Telephone No. 0663-2542461-70(PBX), Fax No. 0663-2542734/2542770
1. In the interpretation of the Contract and the general and special conditions governing it, unless the context
otherwise requires:
i. Contract means the invitation to tender, instructions to tenderers, acceptance of tender, particulars
and the general and special conditions specified in the acceptance of tender and includes a repeat
order which has been accepted and acted upon by the supplier.
ii. The term "SUPPLIER" shall mean the person, firm or company with whom the contract is placed and
shall be deemed to include the supplier in successors (approved by the Purchaser) representatives,
heirs, executors, administrators and permitted assignee as the case may be.
iii. "CONTRACT PRICE" shall mean the sum accepted or the sum calculated in accordance with the
price and/or terms accepted by or on behalf of the purchaser.
iv. The CHAIRMAN-CUM MANAGING DIRECTOR means, Chairman-cum-Managing Director of
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited.
v. The term DRAWING shall mean the drawing, the plans specified in or annexed in the schedule of
vi. The term PURCHASE EXECUTIVE shall mean the purchaser or purchaser named in the schedule to
tender, his or their successor or assignees.
vii. The term INSPECTOR shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the purchaser to inspect
supplier's Stores or works under the contract or his duly authorized agent.
viii. The term "PROGRESS OFFICER" shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the
purchaser to visit supplier's works to ascertain the position of deliveries of stores purchased.
ix. The term "MATERIALS" shall mean anything used in the manufacture or fabrication of the stores.
x. The term "PARTICULAR" shall mean the following:
a. Specifications
b. Drawing
c. Sealed pattern denoting a pattern sealed and signed by the Inspector
d. Certified or sealed sample denoting a copy of the sealed pattern or sample sealed by the
purchaser for guidance of the Inspector.
e. Trade pattern denoting a standard of the ISI or other standardizing authority or Coal India Ltd.
and/or any of its Subsidiary Companies or a general standard of the industry and obtainable in the
open market.
f. Proprietary make denoting the product of an individual manufacturer.
g. Any other details governing the construction manufacture and or supply as existing in the
xi. "STORES" means the goods specified in the supply order or schedule which the contractor has
agreed to supply under contract.
xii. The term "TEST" shall mean such test or tests as prescribed by the specification or considered
necessary by the Inspector or any agency acting under direction of the Inspector.
xiii. The term "SITE" shall mean the place or places named in the "SUPPLY ORDER" or such other
place or places at which any work has to be carried out as may be approved by the purchaser.
xiv. Works denoting the persons shall include any company or association or body of individuals whether
incorporated or not.
xv. "WRITING" shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed statement under or over signature or
seal as the case may be.
xvi. "UNIT" and "QUANTITY" means the unit and quantity specified in the schedule.
xvii. "SUPPLY ORDER" or "PURCHASE ORDER" means an order for supply of Stores and includes an
order for performance.
2. The delivery of Stores shall be deemed to take place on delivery of the stores in accordance with the terms
of the contract after approval of stores by the Inspector, to:
a) the consignee at his premises, or
b) where-so provided the interim consignee at his premises, or
c) a carrier or other persons named in the contract as interim consignee for the purpose of
transmission to the consignee, or
d) The consignee at the destination station in case of contracts stipulated for delivery of stores at
destination station.
3. Words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa.
4. Words denoting the masculine gender shall be taken to include the famine gender and work persons, shall
include any company or association or body of individual, whether incorporated or not.
5. Terms and expression not herein defined shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Indian Sale of
Goods Act. 1930 or the Indian Contract, 1872 or the General Clauses Act. 1897 and as amended in
respect of all the Acts, as the case may be.
6. (a) Parties :
The parties to the contract are the supplier and the purchaser named in the schedule or any other
specifically mentioned in the contract.
(b) Address to which communication are to be sent : For all purposes of the contract, including arbitration
the tender, the address of the supplier mentioned in the tender shall be the address to which all
communications addressed to the supplier shall be sent, unless the supplier has notified a change by
a separate letter containing no other communication and sent by registered post acknowledgement
due to the head of the office placing the supply order. The supplier shall be solely responsible for the
consequence of an omission to notify a change of address in the manner aforesaid.
(c) Any communication or notice on behalf of the purchaser in relation to the contract may be issued to
the supplier by Purchase Executive and all such communications and notices may be served on the
supplier either by registered post or under certificate of posting or by ordinary post or by hand delivery
at the option of such executive.
7. (i) Samples of each item, if considered necessary, should be submitted simultaneously by the contractor
for inspection by inspector(s) unless the articles under tender are of considerable bulk, in which case
separate arrangement will be made for inspection of the articles offered while considering the
(ii) All samples required for inspection or test shall be supplied by the successful tenderer free of cost.
(iii) All samples must be clearly labeled with the tenderer's name, this offer enquiry number and the last
date of opening of tender.
8. (a) Subletting and Assignment :
The supplier shall not save with the previous consent in writing of the purchaser, sublet, transfer or
assign the contract or any part thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof in any
manner whatsoever. Provided nevertheless that any such consent shall not relieve the supplier from
any obligation, duty or responsibility under the contract.
(b) Change in a Firm
(i) Where the supplier is a partnership firm, a new partner shall not be introduced in the firm except
with the previous consent in writing of the purchaser (which may be granted only as an exception)
of a written undertaking by the new partner to perform the contract and accept all liabilities incurred
by the firm under the contract prior to the date of such undertaking.
(ii) On the death or retirement of any partner of the supplier firm before complete performance of the
contract the purchaser may at his option cancel the contract in such case the supplier shall have no
claim whatsoever to compensation against the purchase.
(iii) If the contract is not determined as provided in the sub-clause (ii) above notwithstanding the
retirement of a partner from the firm, he shall continue to be liable under the contract for acts of the
firm until a copy of the public notice given by him under Section 32 of the Partnership Act has been
sent by him to the purchaser by registered post acknowledgement due.
9. (a) Consequence of Breach
Should the supplier or a partner in the supplier firm commit breach of either of the conditions (a) or b(i)
of clause - 8, it shall be lawful of the purchaser to cancel the contract and purchase or authorize the
purchaser of the stores at the risk and cost of the supplier and in that event the provisions of Clause -
16 shall as far as applicable shall apply.
(b) The decision of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited as to any matter or thing concerning or arising out of this
sub-clause or any question whether the supplier or any partner of the supplier firm has committed a
breach of any of the condition in this sub-clause contained shall be final and binding on the supplier.
10. Use of raw materials secured with Government Assistance
(a) Where any raw materials for the execution of the contract is procured with the assistance of Coal India
Ltd. and/or any Subsidiaries Company of CIL by purchaser or under arrangement made or permit,
license, quotas certificate or release order issued by or on behalf of or under authority or by any officer
empowered in that behalf by law, or is issued from government stock and where advance payments
are made to the supplier to enable him to purchase such raw materials for the execution of the
contract, the supplier;
i. shall hold such material as trustee of Coal India Ltd. and/or any subsidiary companies of CIL.
ii. shall use such material economically and solely for the purpose of the contract.
iii. shall not dispose of the same without the previous permission in writing of the purchaser, and
iv. shall tender due account of such material and return to the purchaser at such place as the
purchaser may direct all surplus or unserviceable material that may be left after the completion of
the contract or its termination for any reason whatsoever. on returning such material, the supplier
shall be entitled to such price thereof as the purchaser may fix having regarding the condition of
such materials.
b) Where the contract is terminated due to any default on the part of supplier, the supplier shall pay all
transport charges incurred for returning any material upto such destination as may be determined by
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited whose decision shall be final.
c) If the supplier commits breach of any of the conditions in this clause specified, he shall, without
prejudice to any other liability, penal or otherwise, be liable to account to Coal India Ltd. or any
Subsidiaries of CIL all moneys, advantages of profits accruing from or which in the usual course would
have accrued to him by reasons of such breach.
d) Where the stores manufactured or fabricated by the supplier out of the materials arranged or procured
by or on behalf of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited are rejected the supplier shall, without prejudice to any
other right or remedy of the Government pay to the Government on demand the cost price or market
value of all such materials whichever is greater.
11. The tenders shall give a warranty of satisfactory performance of the unit offered by them as per the terms
appearing elsewhere in the tender documents. The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that they
develop under the conditions provided for by the contract and under proper use arising from faulty
materials, design or workmanship and shall remedy such defects at his own cost when called upon to do
so. If it becomes necessary for the supplier to replace or renew any defective portion of the goods, such
replacement or renewal should be made by the supplier without any extra cost to Mahanadi Coalfields
12. On acceptance of the tender, a formal acceptance of tender or supply order will invariably be issued.
Letter of Intent or Advance intimation in writing of acceptance of the tender will be given whenever
considered necessary by the said authority. In case an advance intimation has been given, the formal
acceptance of tender of supply order shall follow in due course but immediate action towards execution of
supply order shall be taken on receipt of the advance intimation.
13. Inspection and Rejection:
Generally the stores shall be of the best quality and workmanship and comply with the contract or supply
order in all respect.
The stores supplied shall be in accordance with specification unless any deviation is authorized and
specified in the contract or supply order or any amendment thereto.
a) Facilities for Test and Examination :
The supplier shall at his own expenses offer to the Inspector all reasonable facilities and such
accommodation as may be necessary for satisfying itself, that the stores are being and/or have been
manufactured in accordance with particulars. The Inspector shall have full and free access at any
time during the execution of the contract to the suppliers work for the purpose aforesaid and he may
require the supplier to make arrangement for inspection of the stores or any part thereof or any
material at his premises or at any other places specified by the Inspector and if the supplier has been
permitted to employ the services of the sub-supplier, he shall in his contract with the sub-supplier
reserve to the inspector a similar right.
b) Cost of Test :
The supplier shall provide without any extra charge, all materials, tools, labour and assistance of every
kind which the inspector may demand from him for any test, and examination other than special or
independent test, which he shall require to be made on the supplier's premises and the supplier shall
bear and pay all costs attendant thereon. If the supplier fails to comply with the conditions aforesaid,
the Inspector shall in consultation with the purchaser, be entitled to remove for test and examination
all or any of the stores manufactured by the supplier to any premises other than his (suppliers) and in
all such cases, the supplier bear the cost of transport and/or carrying out such tests elsewhere. A
certificate in writing of the inspector, that the supplier has failed to provide the facilities and the means,
for test and examination shall be final.
15. DELIVERY: The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the "Purchase Order" shall be
deemed to be of the essence of the contract and delivery of the stores must be completed by the date
16. In the event of failure to delivery or despatch the stores within the stipulated date or period in accordance
with the samples and/or specifications mentioned in the supply order and in the event of breach of any of
the terms and conditions mentioned in the supply order, Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. should have the right :
a) To recover from the successful tenderer as agreed liquidated damages, a sum not less than 0.5% of
the price of any stores which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply as aforesaid for
each week or part of a week during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears limited to 10%;
b) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to the successful tenderer on the account and at the risk of
the defaulting supplier the stores not supplied or others of a similar description without canceling the
supply order in respect of the consignment not yet due for supply or
c) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof and if so desired to purchase the stores at the risk and
cost of the defaulting supplier and also
d) To extend the period of delivery with or without penalty as may be considered fit and proper, the
penalty, if imposed shall not be more than the agreed liquidated damages referred to in Clause (a)
e) To forfeit the security deposit full or in part.
f) Whenever under this contract a sum of money is recoverable from and payable by the supplier,
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in part or in whole
by deducting any sum or which at any time thereafter may become due to the successful tenderer in
this or any other contract should this sum be not sufficient to cover full amount recoverable, the
successful tenderer shall pay Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. on demand the remaining balance. The
supplier shall not be entitled to any gain on any such purchase.
17. If the execution of the contract/supply order is delayed beyond the period stipulated in the contract/supply
order as a result of outbreak of hostilities, declaration of an embargo or blockade or fire, flood, acts of
nature or any other contingency beyond the supplier's control due to act of God then Mahanadi Coalfields
Ltd. may allow such additional time by extending the delivery period, as it considers to be justified by the
circumstances of the case and its decision shall be final. If and when additional time is granted by
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, the contract/supply order shall be read and understood as if it had continued
from its inception in the delivery date as extended.
18. The supplier shall allow reasonable facilities and free access to his work and records to the inspector,
Progress Officer or such other Officer nominated for the purpose. Inspector of Stores, i.e., supplies made
by the successful tenderer against the supply order mentioned at (12) above shall be carried out by the
Inspector/Consignee at the site stores or by Inspecting Wing inclusive of all its branch officers) of the
DGS&D, New Delhi or any other agency as may be specified in the supply order. Where necessary,
inspection may be carried out at the supplier's premises.
19. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited do not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself the
right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the tenderer
shall supply the same at the rate quoted.
20. The supplier shall at all times indemnify Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. against all claims which may be made in
respect of the supplies for infringement of any right protected by patent Registration of Design or Trade
Mark, provided that in the event of any claim in respect of alleged breach of Letter Patent Registered
Design or Trade Mark being made against Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd., the said authority shall notify the
supplier of the same and the supplier shall be at liberty at his own expense to settle any dispute or to
conduct any litigation that may rise therefrom.
21. Carrying Vessels for Imported Items
In case of machinery imported from abroad, it is preferable that shipment should be effected in Indian
Vessels wherever possible. Supplies will however not be delayed on this account.
22. The stores shall be dispatched at public tariff rates in the case of FOR station of despatch contract and the
stores shall be booked at full wagon rates whenever available and by the most economical route or by the
most economical tariff available at the time of despatch as the case may be. Failure to do so will render
the supplier liable for any avoidable expenditure caused to the purchaser. Where alternative route exist
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited shall, if called upon so to do indicate the most economical route available or
name the authority whose advice in the matter should be taken and acted upon. If any advice of any such
authority is sought his decision or advice in the matter shall be final and binding on the supplier.
23. Passing of Property
Property in the stores shall not pass to the purchaser unless the stores have been delivered to the
consignee or interim consignee as the case may be in terms of the contract.
24. Laws Governing the Contract
a) This contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force.
b) Irrespective of the place of delivery, the place of performance or place of payment under the contract,
the contract shall be deemed to have been made at the place from which the acceptance of tender or
supply order has been issued.
c) Jurisdiction of Court
The courts of the place from acceptance of tender has been issued shall alone have justification to
decide any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract.
d) Marking of Stores
The marking of the stores must comply with the requirements of the law relating to Merchandise Marks
for the time being in force in India.
25. Corrupt Practices
(a) The supplier shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person in the employment of the purchaser
or working under the orders of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for going or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in
relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the purchaser or for
showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other
contract with the purchaser. Any breach of the aforesaid condition by the supplier or any one
employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the supplier) or the
Commission of any offence by the supplier or by any one employed by him or acting on the behalf
under chapter IX of the Indian Panel Code.1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and any
amendments thereto or any other Act enacted for prevention of corruption by Public Servants shall
entitle Mahanadi Coalfields Limited to cancel the contract and all or any other contract with the
supplier and to recover from the supplier the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation in
accordance with the provision of Clause -16.
b) Any dispute or difference in respect of either the interpretation effect or application of the above
condition or of the amount recoverable, the retender by the purchaser from the supplier shall be
decided by Mahanadi Coalfields Limited whose decision thereon shall be final and binding on the
26. Insolvency and Breach of Contract
Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. may at any time by notice in writing summarily determine the contract without
compensation to the supplier in any of the following events, that is to say.
a) If the supplier being an individual or if a firm any partner thereof, shall at any time be adjudged insolvent
or shall have a receiving order for administration of his estate made against him or shall take any
proceeding for composition under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any
conveyance or assignment of his effects or enter into any arrangements or composition with his
creditors or suspend payment or if the firm be dissolved under the Partnership Act.
b) If the supplier being a company is wound up voluntarily by the order of a court or a Receiver. Liquidator
Manager on behalf of the Debenture-Holders is appointed or circumstances shall have arisen which
entitled the court or Debenture-Holder to appoint a Receiver. Liquidator or Manager.
c) If the supplier commits any breach of the contract not herein specifically provided for :
Provided always that such determination shall not prejudice any right of action or remedy which shall
have accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the purchaser and provided also the supplier shall be liable to
pay to the purchaser for any extra expenditure he is thereby put to and the supplier shall under no
circumstances be entitled to any gain on repurchase.
27. Progress Report
a) The supplier shall from time to time render such reports concerning the progress of the contract and/or
supply of the stores in such form as may be required.
b) The submission, receipt and acceptance of such reports shall not prejudice the right of the purchaser
under the contract, nor shall operate as an estonnel against the purchaser merely by reason of the fact
that he has not taken notice of or objected to any information contained in such report.
Letter of Bid
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,
PO Jagruiti Vihar,Burla
Sambalpur -768020,
Odisha , India
Dear Sirs,
Dated: .08.2018
Note: .
1. This letter should be on the letterhead of the Bidder and should be signed by a
person competent and having the Power of Attorney to bind the Bidder. It should
be submitted by the Bidder with its bid alongwith Power of Attorney.
2. In case the person who has signed LOB is not bidding himself and has
authorized another person to bid online on his behalf, then the further
authorization on non- judicial stamp paper duly notarized (as per Annexure- C)
by the person singing the LOB in favour of person bidding online, is required to
be uploaded.
Annexure – C
Format for Authorisation to DSC holder Bidding Online by the person who has
signed Letter of Bid
Name, Signature & Seal of the person who has signed Letter of
Bid And is Authorising the DSC Holder for online bidding.
Name, Signature/ & Seal of the DSC Holder Authorised for online bidding
1. It has been agreed that hundred percent (100%) payment of the value of the order will be made to the Sellers
in terms of the said contract on the Seller furnishing to the purchaser a Bank Guarantee for the sum of Rs.
_________________ equivalent to 10% value of the stores/materials supplied by the seller as security for the
due and faithful performance of the terms of the said contract and against any loss or damage caused to or
would be caused to or suffered by Purchaser by reason of any breach by the said seller of any of the terms
and conditions contained in the said contract.
The __________________ Bank having its office at __________________________ has at the request of
Seller agreed to give the guarantee hereinafter contained.
2. We ________________________________ Bank Ltd., do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and
payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the purchaser stating that the
amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the
Purchaser by reason of any breach by the said Seller of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said
contract or by reason of the Seller’s failure to perform the said contract. Any such demand made on the Bank
shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. We shall not
withhold the payment on the ground that the Seller has disputed its liability to pay or has disputed the quantum
of the amount or that any arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding is pending between the Purchaser and
the Seller regarding the claim. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not
exceeding ____________________.
3. We, _____________________________ Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall
come into force from the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect, during the period that would be
taken for the performance of the said contract and it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the
purchaser under or by virtue of the said contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or purchaser
certifies that the terms and conditions of the said contract have been fully and properly carried out by the said
Seller and accordingly discharges the guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on
us in writing on or before the ________ (date to be given) __________ and unless the guarantee is renewed
or a claim is preferred against the Bank within ________ (months from the date of the Bank Guarantee) we
shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
4. We, ___________________________ Bank Limited, further agree with the purchaser, that the purchaser,
shall have the fullest liberty, without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations
hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend the time of performance of
the said contract from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers
exercisable by the purchaser against the seller and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions
relating to the said contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said seller or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the purchaser,
or any indulgence by the purchaser, to the seller or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the
law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.
The Bank further agrees that in case this guarantee is required for a longer period and it is not extended by
the Bank beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the purchaser the said sum of Rs.
_________________(specify the amount) or such lesser sum as may then be due to the purchaser and as the
purchaser may demand.
5. We, _________________________ Bank Limited, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of the purchaser, in writing.
6. The Bank has under its constitution, power to give this guarantee and Mr. ______________________
Manager, who has signed it on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
7. This Bank Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
8. The Bank Guarantee shall also be operative at our Sambalpur Branch located at ………. (detailed address),
from whom, confirmation regarding issue of this guarantee or extension / renewal thereof shall be made
available on demand.
9. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be send by post / e-mail / fax addressed
to the bank branch / operative branch, which shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand notice. Bank shall
effect payment thereof forthwith.
10. Whenever there is change in postal address and / or other details of this branch issued the guarantee and / or
the operative branch, we ……………(the issuing bank) will ensure to intimate MCL, being the beneficiary, of
such changed address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail ID.
The postal address, Telephone no., Fax No. and e-Mail address of the both the outstation Bank issuing the
BG and local operative Branch are as under:-
1. It has been agreed that hundred percent (100%) payment of the value of the order will be made to the
Sellers in terms of the said contract on the Seller furnishing to the purchaser a Bank Guarantee for the
sum of Rs. _________________ equivalent to 10% value of the stores/materials supplied by the seller as
security for the due and faithful performance of the terms of the said contract and against any loss or
damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by Purchaser by reason of any breach by the said
seller of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said contract.
The __________________ Bank having its office at __________________________ has at the request
of Seller agreed to give the guarantee hereinafter contained.
2. We ________________________________ Bank Ltd., do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and
payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the purchaser stating that the
amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the
Purchaser by reason of any breach by the said Seller of any of the terms and conditions contained in the
said contract or by reason of the Seller’s failure to perform the said contract. Any such demand made on
the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee.
We shall not withhold the payment on the ground that the Seller has disputed its liability to pay or has
disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding is pending
between the Purchaser and the Seller regarding the claim. However, our liability under this guarantee
shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding ____________________ .
3. We, _____________________________ Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained
shall come into force from the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect, during the period that
would be taken for the performance of the said contract and it shall continue to be enforceable till all the
dues of the purchaser under or by virtue of the said contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied
or purchaser certifies that the terms and conditions of the said contract have been fully and properly
carried out by the said Seller and accordingly discharges the guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under
this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ________ (date to be given) __________ and
unless the guarantee is renewed or a claim is preferred against the Bank within ________ (months from
the date of the Bank Guarantee) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
4. We, ___________________________ Bank Limited, further agree with the purchaser, that the purchaser,
shall have the fullest liberty, without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations
hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend the time of
performance of the said contract from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of
the powers exercisable by the purchaser against the seller and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and
conditions relating to the said contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variation or extension being granted to the said seller or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part
of the purchaser, or any indulgence by the purchaser, to the seller or by any such matter or thing
whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving
The Bank further agrees that in case this guarantee is required for a longer period and it is not extended
by the Bank beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the purchaser the said sum of Rs.
_________________ (specify the amount) or such lesser sum as may then be due to the purchaser and
as the purchaser may demand.
5. We, _________________________ Bank Limited, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of the purchaser, in writing.
6. The Bank has under its constitution, power to give this guarantee and Mr. ______________________
Manager, who has signed it on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
7. This Bank Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
8. The Bank Guarantee shall also be operative at our Sambalpur Branch located at ………. (detailed
address), from whom, confirmation regarding issue of this guarantee or extension / renewal thereof
shall be made available on demand.
9. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be send by post / e-mail / fax
addressed to the bank branch / operative branch, which shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand
notice. Bank shall effect payment thereof forthwith.
10. Whenever there is change in postal address and / or other details of this branch issued the
guarantee and / or the operative branch, we ……………(the issuing bank) will ensure to intimate
MCL, being the beneficiary, of such changed address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail ID.
The postal address, Telephone no., Fax No. and e-Mail address of the both the outstation Bank issuing the
BG and local operative Branch are as under:-
Dear Sir,
Sub: Authorisation for release of payment due from Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Burla through
Electronic Fund Transfer/Internet Banking (SBI-NET).
Ref.: Order No.___________________ Date_______________ and/or Tender/Enquiry/ Letter
No._______________ Date _______________________.
(Please fill in the information in CAPITAL LETTERS, Please TICK wherever it is applicable)
1. Name of the Party__________________________________________________
2. Address of the Party _________________________________________________
City________________________PIN CODE____________
E-Mail ID ________________________________________
Permanent Account Number _________________________
3. Particulars of Bank.
Bank Name Branch Name
Branch Place Branch City
PIN Code Branch Code
(9 Digits code number appearing on the MICR Band of the cheque supplied by the Bank. Please
attach Xeroy copy of a cheque of your bank for ensuring accuracy of the bank name. branch name and
code number)
Account Type Saving Current Cash Credit
Account Number (as
appearing in the Cheque Book)
4. Date from which the mandate should be effective.
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If any transaction is
delayed or not effected for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information. I shall not hold Mahanadi
Coalfields Limited responsible. I also undertake to advise ay change in the particulars of my account to
facilitate updation of records for purpose of credit of amount through SBI Net.
Date : Signature of the party/Authorised Signatory
Certified that particulars furnished above are correct as per our records
Banker’s Stamp
Date (Signature of Authorised official from the Banks)
Annexure - G
The above information should be sent through hard copy/Fax/e-mail on readiness of the
consignment with above details. The system generated way bill shall be sent to the requisitioner
and the consignor.
This pre-bid pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made on _______ day of the
month of _______, between, on one hand, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (hereinaftercalled the “BUYER”,
which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors in office and
assigns) of the First Part and M/s _______ represented by Shri _______, Designation of the Officer
(hereinafter called the “BIDDER/Seller” which expression shall mean and include, unless the context
otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of thee Second Part.
WHEREAS thee BUYER proposes to procure (Name of the Stores/Equipment/Item) and the
BIDDER/Seller is willing to offer/has offered the stores and
WHEREAS the BIDDER is a private Company / Public Company / Government Undertaking
/Partnership / registered export agency, constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and
the BUYER is a Ministry/Department of the Government of India/PSU performing its functions on behalf
of the President of India.
To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any
influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered
into with a view to:-
Enabling the BUYER to obtain the desired said stores/equipment at a competitive price in conformity with
the defined specifications by avoiding thee high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption on public
procurement, and
Enabling BIDDERS to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to secure thee
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other
corrupt practices and the BUYER will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by
following transparent procedures.
The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows:
Commitments of the BUYER
1.1 The BUYER undertakes that no official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the
contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe,
consideration, Gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the
BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to thee contract in
exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process
related to the contract.
1.2 The BUYER will, during thee pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike and will provide to all
BIDDERS the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER
which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs.
1.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted or
completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach.
2. In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to the
BUYER with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by the BUYER,
necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may
be initiated by the BUYER and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract
process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the
contract would not be stalled.
Commitments of BIDDERs:
3. The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means and
illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or postcontract stage in order to secure
the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the following:
3.1 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward,
favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement
to any official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person,
organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation,
contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly
any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the BUYER or otherwise in procuring the
Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract
or any other contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any
person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Government.
3.3* BIDDERs shall disclose the name and address of agents and representatives and Indian BIDDERs shall
disclose their foreign principals or associates, if applicable.
3.4* BIDDERs shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/brokers or any other intermediary,
in connection with this bid/contract, if applicable
3.5* The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER is the original
manufacturer/integrator/authorized government sponsored export entity of the defence stores and has not
engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign of intercede, facilitate or in any way
to recommend to the BUYER or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award of
the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such
individual, firm or company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation, if
3.6 The BIDDER, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the
contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of the
BUYER or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the
contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
3.7 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.8 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and
illegal activities.
3.9 The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to
others, any information provided by the BUYER as part of the business relationship, regarding plans,
technical proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The
BIDDER also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
3.10 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
3.11 The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the actions
mentioned above.
3.12 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER, either
directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of the BUYER, or alternatively, if any relative of an
officer of BUYER has financial interest/stage in the BIDDER’s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the
BIDDER at the time of filling of tender.
The term ‘relative’ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act 1956.
3.13 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or
transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the BUYER.
4. Previous Transgression
4.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years immediately before
signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in respect of any corrupt practices
envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprises in India or any Government Department in India
that could justify BIDDER’s exclusion from the tender process.
4.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be disqualified
from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason.
5. Sanctions for Violations
5.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any, one employed by it or acting on its
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle the BUYER to take all or any
one of the following actions, wherever required:-
(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any
compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other BIDDER(s) would continue.
(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security Deposit/Performance Bond (after
the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by the BUYER and the
BUYER shall not be required to assign any reason therefore.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of an Indian BIDDER with interest
thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India, while in case of a
BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any
outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the BUYER in connection with any other contract for any
other stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if furnished by the
BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the BUYER, along with interest.
(vi)To cancel all or any other Contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay
compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such cancellaltion/rescission and the
BUYER shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.
(vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating the future bidding processes of the Government of India for a
minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion of the BUYER.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middleman or agent or broker
with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contract signed by the
BUYER with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened.
(x) Forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same without
assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact.
5.2 The BUYER will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 6.1(I) TO (X) OF THIS
Pact also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether
with or without the knowledge of BIDDER), of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal
code, 1860 or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption.
6. Independent Monitors
6.1 The BUYER has appointed Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors) for this Pact in
consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission (Names and Addresses of the Monitors to be given).
6.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent
the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.
6.3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and perform their
functions neutrally and independently.
6.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating to the
project/procurement, including minutes of the meetings.
6.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will so inform the
Authority designated by the BUYER.
6.6 The BIDDER(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all Project
documentation of the BUYER including that provided by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant the
Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his
project documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor shall be under contractual
obligation to treat the information and documents of the BIDDER/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality.
6.7 The BUYER will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among thee parties
related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the
parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings.
6.8 The Monitor will submit a written report to thee designated Authority of BUYER/Secretary in thee
Department/ within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the BUYER/
BIDDER and should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
7. Facilitation of Investigation
In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, the BUYER
or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the
BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend
all possible help for the purpose of such examination.
08. Law and Place of Jurisdiction
This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the BUYER.
09. Other Legal Actions
The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow
in accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings.
10. Validity
10.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend upto 5 years or thee
complete execution of thee contract to the satisfaction of both the BUYER and the BIDDER/Seller,
including warranty period, whichever is later. In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall
expire after six months from the date of the signing of the contract.
10.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact shall
remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions.
11. The parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at __________ on __________
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited Name of the Officer
Witness Witness
1. 1.
2. 2.
1.2 References
The following International Standards are referred to in, and form part of, the Specification:
ISO 8313 Earth-moving machinery-Loaders - Methods of measuring tool forces and tipping
ISO 9249 Earth-moving machinery-Engine test code-Net power.
ISO 10570 Earth-moving machinery-Articulated frame lock - Performance requirements.
ISO 10968 Earth moving machinery - Operator's controls.
The Supplier shall also be responsible for the provision and delivery content of any
suitable training programmes necessary for operation and maintenance of the
equipment shall be delivered periodically in two separate lots for each year as per break
up furnished at the beginning of each year. List of such spares unit wise to be submitted,
required to maintain minimum availability (85%)
The bidder has to furnish following lists of spares and consumables excluding Oil and
Lubricant only.
1. Spare parts and consumables for first year of the warranty.
2. Spare parts and consumables for second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and
ninth year of the guaranteed period.
In the event that the spare parts and consumables, as recommended by the supplier, in
any way fall short of actual requirements during the above guarantee period (09
years/16000 hrs whichever is earlier), then supplier shall provide it free of cost.
In the event the equipment completes 16000 Hrs prior to completion of 9 years,
requirement of spares and consumables for the remaining balance period shall be
prepared with the consent of the supplier and MCL and the same shall be supplied by
the supplier at the price of spares and consumables as already quoted with the bid for
that year. The cost of spares and consumables over and above 16000 hrs will be borne
by MCL. For the items not covered in the list, the price shall be mutually agreed by buyer
and seller.
In the event that the spare parts and consumables, as recommended by the supplier are
in excess of the actual requirements the supplier shall buy back such excess spare parts
and consumables after each year in exchange for payment to the purchaser of the
contract Price of the spare parts and consumables concerned.
SO (Excv) of the concerned Area will notify the supplier, in writing, the list of spares and
consumables which are to be bought back by the supplier within thirty (30) days after
completion of each respective year during contract period of 9 years.
c. Emergency Spare Parts
The Bidder shall ensure that Spare Parts required urgently by the Purchaser for repair of
breakdown equipment are supplied at over riding priority.
d. Lifetime Spare Parts
The Supplier undertakes and guarantees to produce and maintain stocks, to be available
for purchase by the Purchaser under separate agreement, of all Spare Parts and
Consumables as may be required for maintenance and repair of the Plant throughout its
working life. In the event that the Supplier wishes to terminate production of such Spare
Parts, the Supplier shall:
• give not less than six months notice in writing of it's intention to terminate production
in order to permit the Purchaser reasonable time in which to procure needed
requirements; and
• immediately following termination, provide to the Purchaser at no cost,
manufacturing drawings material specifications and all necessary permissions to
facilitate manufacture of the Spare Parts elsewhere.
• In any event, the Supplier shall not seek to terminate manufacture of spare parts for a
period of not less than ten (10) years from Taking-Over.
e. Oils, Lubricants and Fluids
Not less than one ( 1) month before the scheduled date for Acceptance, the Supplier shall
provide to the Purchaser a detailed schedule of all necessary oils, lubricants, fluids and
the like for the operation and maintenance of Equipment. The schedule shall indicate
estimated annual consumption and specify the appropriate international standard number
or the name and reference number of an equivalent available in India considered being
acceptable by the Supplier.
f. General
Nothing in this Clause 2.3.I shall relieve the Supplier of any Guarantee, Availability,
Performance or other obligations or liabilities under the Contract.
D. Warranty/ Guarantee Clause
3.1 Composite Warranty / Guarantee
The Bidder shall warrant that the equipment supplied under this contract is :--
c) In accordance with the contract specifications.
d) The equipment shall have no defects arising out of design , material or workmanship
& the Complete Equipment shall be warranted for 12 months from the accepted date of
The warranty shall cover for total equipment so that ultimate responsibility lies only with
the Equipment Bidder although components may be supplied by different suppliers to
the Bidder.
a. Performance Guarantee
3.2.A Introduction
e. The Supplier shall guarantee that the Equipment supplied pursuant to this Contract
shall be available for use by the Purchaser and shall meet the performance criteria
specifications at the level and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Availability Guarantee herein contained.
f. Where Equipment supplied under the Contract fails to meet the criteria of the
Availability Guarantee, the Supplier shall, at it's own cost, provide suitably qualified and
experienced personnel at Site to demonstrate to the Purchaser's satisfaction that the
required level of availability can be achieved and maintained.
g. The Supplier shall provide the Services of such personnel at Site within seven (7) days
of notification by the Purchaser that the availability criterion has not been met in any one (1)
3.2.B Guarantee
d. The Supplier shall guarantee that the Equipment supplied pursuant to the Contract shall
be available to the Purchaser at the level hereinafter defined to perform to criteria of not
less than that defined in the Technical Specifications incorporated in the Contract.
e. The Supplier shall guarantee that the Equipment shall be available to perform its duty to
minimum criteria and to the minimum availability percentage level as defined in the
individual Equipment Specifications included as the Attachment to the Technical
Specifications. The method of assessment applied shall be as follows:
f. Method of Assessment:
The following calculation shall determine the availability of the Equipment:
1. Routine servicing and maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's published
recommendations, including: changing oils, oil filters and air filters;
lubrication; changing identified consumables or wear plates.
2. Planned preventative maintenance programmes;
It shall not however include:
I. damage due to abusive use or incorrect operation methods by the Purchaser;
II. accidents;
III. strikes or stoppage of work by the Purchaser's personnel;
IV. natural disaster;
V. lack of Spare Parts not attributable to a failure of the Supplier, it's Agents or
Downtime shall also specifically include all hours lost due to failures determined to be
guarantee failures.
The Supplier shall state the number of hours per day required to carry out (c) and (d)
above. The time stated shall, with the agreement of the Purchaser, form the basis of the
assessment of the availability.
The Purchaser will assist the Supplier, without relieving the Supplier of any other
obligations under the Contract, to achieve the guaranteed availability by:
Providing normal and proper maintenance, including preventative maintenance in
accordance with the Supplier’s standard/published recommendations, and making all
necessary repairs using only genuine manufacturer's spares .
Providing co-operation to all Supplier’s authorised representatives, complying with all
reasonable procedural suggestions to improve efficiency of machine operation or reduce
Where appropriate, providing and maintaining such conditions as:
• Proper electrical Supply
• Terrain Area
• Bench preparation
• Reasonable floor conditions
Providing all Supplier’s authorised representatives access at all reasonable times to the
machine service and repair facilities.
Maintaining a log-book for each shift wherein the working hours, breakdown times,
maintenance hours, idle time, etc. shall be recorded. This record will be available for
examination and signature by the Supplier’s representative.
h. Effect and Duration of Guarantee
• This Guarantee shall become effective on the day on which the Equipment is
commissioned at the Site. Commissioning shall be evidenced by the issue of the
Purchaser's Acceptance Certificate.
• This Guarantee shall remain effective for 9 (nine) Years from the date of
commissioning, irrespective of the hours operated by the Equipment during the period of
the guarantee.
• In the event that the Equipment fails to achieve the Availability herein provided
during this 9 (nine) years period, the Supplier shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser, as
Penalty , a sum equal to , as indicated hereunder for each equipment : -
a )1% of the delivered price of the equipment for every percentage reduction from the
Guaranteed Availability for the first 5%
b )10% of the delivered price of the equipment for reduction beyond 5% from the
Guaranteed Availability .
The Supplier has however the option to modify the equipment , if felt necessary , to bring
its availability to the guaranteed level within three ( 3 ) months after expiry of initial
guarantee period of twelve (12 ) months from the date of commissioning .
• When the supplier is unable to supply the replacement of a failed part under warranty
within 21 days of giving intimation by the consignee and if the machine is commissioned
by using the spare from the stock of the project the period (after 21 days) till the supplier
replaces the part under warranty shall be treated as “Deemed Breakdown” (the credit for
keeping machine available shall not be given to the supplier).
3.2.C Performance Guarantee
In accordance with the provisions of clauses of the special terms and conditions, the
supplier shall guarantee that the availability of the equipment shall be of 85% with
expected annual working hours of 3000.Total obligation of guarantee shall be 09 years
(including one year warranty).
4. Quality Assurance
a. The Supplier should furnish in detail its quality assurance plan for various stages of
manufacture.. The Quality Assurance plan shall comply with an internationally
recognised quality assurance standard such as ISO 9000.
b. The Supplier shall provide facilities to Purchaser or their authorised representatives for
progress inspection during manufacture at his works and furnish all test data available in
this regard for quality control, both for bought out items and his own manufactured items.
c. The Purchaser or his agent, when so required by him, shall also be provided with
samples of “bought-out” materials for the purposes of undertaking independent tests
which independent tests shall be at the expense of the Purchaser.
b) Details of nearest existing Depot, Warehouse and Service Facility available with
manufacturer or their exclusively authorized dealer & after sales service provider for the
present offer, in the format given below:
* Engineers / Technicians employed to service the equipment either at the facility or on site.
c) Details of special tools to be provided with the equipment.
d) Details of erection programmes for the bid.
5.2 Technical Details:
a. Volumetric rating of the bucket according to ISO 7546 together with verification
calculations and drawings.
b. Maximum breakout force, lifting capacity and tipping load measured according to ISO
c. Rated operating load according to ISO 5998
d. Latest engine performance curves , showing net power, net torque and specific fuel
consumption of the installed engine, measured according to ISO 9249.
e. Maximum travel speed determined according to ISO6014.
f. Results of service and secondary brake stopping tests carried out according to ISO
g. Turning diameter as defined in clause 4.2 of ISO 7457.
h. Detailed technical description of the loader.
i. Layout drawings and detailed description of all hydraulic systems and components.
j. Comprehensive commercial literature indicating therein complete technical
specifications, the content of which must comply with ISO 7131.
k. Detailed list of instrumentation, monitoring and alarm systems
l. Schematic and layout drawings and details of the Supplier, number, function and
type of Automatic fire detection and suppression System and compliance of DGMS
Circular: DGMS (Approval) Circular No 02 dated 08.07.2013.
m. Details of major bought-out assemblies and sub-assemblies indicating make, type,
manufacturer's complete address etc.
n. Operation and Maintenance Manuals in accordance with ISO 6750.
5.3 Dimensions, Weights and Performance Details:
5.3.A Dimensions
a)Maximum overall length
b) Bucket width
c) Maximum width over tyres
d) Maximum overall height-bucket at full raise
e) clearance diameter- bucket at carry.
5.3.B Weights:
a) Bucket weight
b) Operating weight-front wheels
c) Operating weight-rear wheels
d) Total operating weight
5.3.C Hydraulic System:
a) Make, Model, number, flow rates and operating pressures of pumps
b) Make, Model, number, piston diameters and stroke lengths of cylinders
c) Relief valve operating pressures (kPa)
d) Hydraulic cycle time
i. Raise lift arm (loaded)
ii. Dump bucket (loaded)
iii. Lower lift arm (empty)
iv. Total cycle time
5.3.D Transmission
a) Type and make
b) Number of gear speeds- forward & reverse
c) Travel speeds, forward & reverse.
5.3.E Final drive
a) Type and make
b) Differential ratio
c) Planetary ratio
d) Rear axle oscillation
e) Wheel lift-total
5.3.F Engine
a) manufacture and model
b) number of cylinder
c) bore
d) stroke
e) displacement
f) ISO net power
g) maximum torque
5.3.G Steering
a) type and make
b)Emergency steering method
c)Minimum turning radius(over tyres)
d) Steering angle(each direction)
5.3.H Brakes
Service brakes
a) Type
b) Actuating system
Secondary brakes
a) Type
b) Actuating system
Parking brakes
a) Type.
b) Actuating system
5.3.I Tyres
a) Make
b) Size and type
c) Tread
d) Ply rating
e) Rim size