Determination of Cyclamate in Low-Calorie Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography With Indirect Visible Photometry
Determination of Cyclamate in Low-Calorie Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography With Indirect Visible Photometry
Determination of Cyclamate in Low-Calorie Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography With Indirect Visible Photometry
Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR,
China. E-mail:
A rapid and simple method using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography combined with indirect
visible photometry at 433 nm was developed to determine cyclamate in some food samples. Cyclamate was not
detected in these chosen samples as its use is banned in Hong Kong. Cyclamate can easily be detected in spiked
samples using a mobile phase consisting of 30 mmol dm23 Methyl Red and 0.02 mol dm23 phosphate buffer
(pH 7.0)–methanol in a volume ratio of 3+2. The column temperature was set at 23 °C. The detection limit was
0.14 mmol dm23 and the relative standard deviation of the peak area response was 0.58% for a solution
containing 5.0 mmol dm23 of cyclamate (n = 8). This method was successfully applied to the analysis of eight
spiked food samples and the cyclamate recoveries for these samples ranged from 93 to 99%.
Artificial sweeteners play an important role in our society not mentioned or realised. It is possible that the principle of indirect
only for diabetic patients but also for people using low-calorie photometry in conjunction with HPLC can also be applied to a
foods. To date the most commonly used artificial sweeteners are mobile phase containing a visible absorbing ion. The main
saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame and acesulfam. The sodium advantage of using visible light detection is that the latest
and calcium salts of cyclamic acid are used extensively in many optoelectronics including super-bright light emitting diodes
diet and medical products. It has been reported that cyclamate is (LEDs), photodiodes, charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and
a potent carcinogen when it is converted into cyclohexylamine plastic optical fibres can be used to construct a relatively cheap
in the gastrointestinal tract. Some countries such as Canada, and compact detection unit for HPLC.
USA, European countries, India and Hong Kong have banned In this paper, we demonstrate the use of a chromogenic dye,
its use as a food additive but its usage is still permitted in other o-Methyl Red, as a visible absorbing dye dissolved in a mobile
countries including mainland China.1,2 The detection and phase, combined with an octadecylsilica column to determine
quantification of cyclamate in diet foods is still regularly cyclamate in various low-calorie foods.
performed in Hong Kong.
Tremendous efforts over the years have been devoted to the
development of methods for the determination of cyclamate. Experimental
There are many analytical procedures for determining this
sweetener, such as gravimetry,3 volumetric analysis,4 ampero- Materials
metry,5 ion-selective electrode,6 gas chromatography,7 high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),8–12 capillary Aspartame, cyclamate sodium salt and saccharin sodium salt
electrophoresis13 and spectrophotometry or flow injection were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA), o-Methyl
spectrophotometry.14–17 Most of these methods require ex- Red sodium salt from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI, USA),
tensive or laborious chemical reactions and extraction proce- methanol (HPLC grade) from Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium)
dures. HPLC is one of the most useful and popular techniques as and disodium hydrogen phosphate and monosodium dihy-
it can separate target analytes from a complex mixture in drogen phosphate from Farco Chemical Supplies (Beijing,
samples when an optimum mobile phase and stationary phase China). All other reagents were of analytical-reagent grade and
are employed. Unfortunately, traditional HPLC is not suitable mobile phase solutions were prepared in de-ionised water.
for the determination of cyclamate as cyclamate does not absorb
in the usable ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) range. This short-
coming has been solved by using indirect UV photometry,8,13
post-column ion-pair extraction,9,10 pre-column derivatisa- Instrumentation
tion11 and conductivity detection.12 Indirect UV photometry has
been shown to be a very sensitive detection method and has the The high-performance liquid chromatograph used was an
advantage of being applicable to conventional HPLC in- HP1050 series consisting of a pumping system, a vacuum
strumentation without any cumbersome modification.18 In this degasser and a variable wavelength detector (Hewlett-Packard,
technique, a fixed concentration of a UV absorbing ion is added Wilmington, DE, USA). The column was an Inertsil ODS-3, 5
into the mobile phase. The absorbance of this mobile phase is mm particle size, 250 3 4.6 mm id (GL Sciences, Tokyo, Japan).
then monitored and solute ions can easily be detected by the The column temperature was controlled by a Model CH-30
change in the baseline absorbance as either negative or positive column heater in conjunction with a Model TC-50 temperature
peaks.19,20 In most indirect photometric methods, UV absorbing controller (Eppendorf Scientific, Westbury, NY, USA). pH
ions are normally used as they are compatible with the UV light measurements were taken on an Orion (Chicago, IL, USA)
sources such as deuterium, mercury arc and xenon lamps used combined pH glass electrode. UV/VIS absorption spectra were
in HPLC. However, the use of chromogenic dyes is seldom measured on a Cary 100 Scan UV/VIS spectrophotometer
The use of o-Methyl Red as an indicator for acid–base titrations Composition of mobile phase
in aqueous solutions is based on the observation that the
indicator changes its colour in the pH range 4.2–6.3.21 The acid The volume ratio of a buffer–methanol mixture as the mobile
dissociation constant of o-Methyl Red is pKa = 5.1.22 It is phase was investigated for chromatographic separation of
obvious that different forms of Methyl Red exist in different pH artificial sweeteners. When a volume ratio of 9+1 of buffer to
ranges. In Fig. 1, broad absorption bands at 350–500 nm are methanol was used as the mobile phase, there was no
observed due to the formation of the yellow anionic form of background absorption signal on the detector. Methyl Red was
Methyl Red at pH 7.0. This dominant anionic form does not completely retained in the column since the mobile phase is too
hydrophilic. However, when 100% methanol was pumped
through the column again, all the Methyl Red was desorbed
from the column, giving a very high background absorption
signal. Lower volume ratios of buffer–methanol mixtures as
mobile phases (4+1 to 1+1) were subsequently tested. It was
found that at 4+1 and 7+3 volume ratios of buffer to methanol,
the saccharin, cyclamate and aspartame peaks were not
satisfactorily separated. When the volume ratio was set at 3+2,
all the solute peaks were completely separated within 12 min.
Fig. 2 shows a typical chromatogram for the separation of a
mixture of saccharin, cyclamate and aspartame using buffer–
methanol (3+2) as the mobile phase and o-Methyl Red as the
visible-absorbing anion. The first negative peak was assigned as
the injection peak arising from a decrease in absorbance
because of all the unretained solutes and the eluent dilution
resulting from the injected sample solvent. This observation
was confirmed by the injection of a solvent without cyclamate
Fig. 1 Absorption spectra of Methyl Red (30 mmol dm23) in various into the column. A similar negative peak at the same retention
volume ratios of 0.02 mol dm23 phosphate buffer (pH 7.0)–methanol: (1) time was found in the chromatogram. The second, third and
4+1; (2) 7:3; (3) 3+2; (4) 1+1. fourth positive peaks were identified as saccharin, cyclamate
Methyl Red
concentration/mmol Slope/area unit
dm23 mmol21 dm3 y-Intercept/area unit r2