PERISA Case Study Private Sector: SADC Payment Integration System
PERISA Case Study Private Sector: SADC Payment Integration System
PERISA Case Study Private Sector: SADC Payment Integration System
On 22 July 2013 the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Integrated Regional Electronic Settlement System (SIRESS)
became operational in the four countries of the Common Monetary Area (CMA): South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland.
This is a first step to implementing a common electronic cross-border payment system across all member states of the SADC
The implementation supports the aims of other systems are being explored.1
SADC initiatives, such as harmonisation in trade The implementation of SIRESS has relied on the
tariffs, smoother and efficient border controls of trade active participation of the private sector – essentially
transactions, and integration in information and commercial banks that are members of the SADC
communications technologies. This project introduces Banking Association (SADCBA) – and the facilitation by
a regional interbank settlement system. However, central banks in the SADC member states. Through this
there are also plans for regional clearing capability
for low-value (electronic funds transfer) credits and
1 SADC Banking Association, ‘SADC Payment Project
debits; regional clearing capability for card and ATM Presentation’, SADC Open Session at SWIFT ARC,
transactions; and regional central securities settlement Kampala, Uganda, May 2012.
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electronic system, money clearance across borders can common pursuit of macroeconomic convergence. The
now take place within the same working day, whereas convergence targets specified in the Regional Integration
with cheques and paper-based systems the clearance Strategic Development Programme (RISDP) have the
period is between seven and 21 working days. aim of maintaining macroeconomic stability in the
region, thereby contributing to faster economic growth
CONTEXT and laying the basis for an eventual monetary union.
The SADC Finance and Investment Protocol (FIP)
Payment, clearing and settlement systems (also known is a vehicle for the implementation of the RISDP, which
as financial market infrastructures) are an essential part provides strategic direction to the SADC integration
of the global financial system, which allows financial process. The RISDP economic targets include the
institutions to serve customers and clients across creation of a free trade area by 2008, a customs union by
the world. This payment system consists of a set of 2010, a monetary union by 2016, and a single currency
instruments, banking procedures and interbank fund by 2018. These targets have had to be delayed, especially
transfer mechanisms that ensure the circulation of with the impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on
money regionally in SADC and worldwide. the region – the latter event calling into question the
Successful regional financial integration (RFI) long-term prudence of monetary unions.
leads to an increase in capital flows moving towards an The FIP was signed in August 2006 by 14 SADC
equalisation of commodity and asset prices, and returns member states (excluding Seychelles), was ratified by a
on financial assets traded in member states. Monetary two-thirds majority in 2010, and came into force on 16
and financial integration is a complex set of processes April 2010 with two broad objectives.
from collaboration to co-operation, to unified financial
market codes, markets and services – and is reliant on t 5PJNQSPWFUIFJOWFTUNFOUDMJNBUFJOFBDINFNCFS
stable domestic financial systems within the particular state and improve foreign and intraregional
region.2 investment flows.
RFI is considered to benefit regional member states t 5PFOIBODFDPPQFSBUJPO
in the following ways: harmonisation in financial sectors at national level
in the region.
competition. Central Bank Governors (CCBG), approval was given
t *UQSPNPUFTGPSFJHOEJSFDUJOWFTUNFOU for the initiation of the SADC Payment Integration
t *UBMMPXTMPDBMGJOBODJBMTFSWJDFTJOTUJUVUJPOTUPHSPX System project. The project team responsible for the
regionally, continentally and globally. payments system was tasked with, among other things,
involving other CCBG subgroups to ensure that the
H I S TO R Y O F S A D C F I N A N C I A L intersecting functional areas and requirements for
I N T E G R AT I O N A N D T H E S A D C P AY M E N T regional integration are considered when coming up
SYST E M with the conceptual design of the payment system.
The official launch of the SADC Payment Integration
In the late 1980s a process of financial reform and System project took place in February 2010. The SADC
liberalisation took root in many African countries, CCBG has since developed a monetary and financial
prompted by structural adjustment programmes statistical database; developed an information bank
supporting loans from the Bretton Woods Institutions. on the policies and structures of SADC central banks;
SADC member countries have, by and large, liberalised improved the national clearance, payments and
their financial systems and have recorded solid settlement systems; and facilitated the repatriation of
macroeconomic performance in recent years in their bank notes and coinage among SADC countries. The
SADC CCBG adopted the SADC Central Bank Model
2 AfDB, 2010.
Law in 2009, whose Chapter VI enshrines central
2 P E R I S A S E R I E S : P R I VAT E S E C TO R
banks’ strategies for stabilising financial systems in In addition, there is some disincentive for smaller
the SADC region. The law’s provisions on ‘disclosure, sovereign states to give up the application of their
the accommodation of banks, emergency liquidity independent monetary policy to react to asymmetric
assistance, and central bankers’ banker role, including shocks, which is required in the move to a monetary
as lender of last resort’3 are considered robust. However, union. The SADC Payment Integration System project
there is a perceived omission of capital and liquidity does, however, offer the opportunity for member states
requirements. to develop an internationally accepted national payment
A proposal by the project team set out the advantages system for their economies. This will facilitate the
of using the SADC CMA to test the possibility of development of their domestic financial instruments
implementing a single-currency cross-border settlement and will improve trust in, and security of, their financial
system. The introduction of this system will mean that institutions and markets.
participating banks will be able to exchange financial The overlapping membership of certain SADC
transactions through a single settlement authority; member states with other RECs, as well as the
and cross-border payments made in the member state’s probable incorporation into the Tripartite Free Trade
currency will be denominated in the South African Area (TFTA), does introduce some tension into the
rand. This test case using the CMA went online in July level of commitment some SADC members have
2013 as discussed. It is further envisioned that other towards financial integration – for instance, the case
SADC countries will adopt the system through a type of Mauritius. The Central Bank of Mauritius is the
of ‘variable geometry’ approach towards the SADC settlement bank of the Regional Payment and Settlement
monetary union. System (REPSS) of the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa (COMESA), which became operational
Influencing factors in October 2012. REPSS is an initiative of the COMESA
Clearing House, which is fully endorsed by all 19
Unequal political commitment from SADC member COMESA member states and which enables the faster
states has led to less than unanimous support – transfer and receipt of funds within COMESA at a lower
through slower than desired ratification – for the price and in a less risky manner.5 The REPSS business
various protocols. This has resulted in regulatory model has mobilised central banks with commercial
inconsistencies in a variety of sectors in countries across bank participation playing a much lesser role.
the region. SADC countries are widely heterogeneous Success of the SADC project will thus be measured
with different economic vulnerabilities. Smaller SADC not only on the basis of the pilot project rolled out in
countries are reportedly hesitant to relinquish economic July 2013 across the CMA, but also on the number of
(and political) sovereignty to a bloc where economics SADC countries that follow suite. The SADC Payment
and politics are largely dominated by South Africa.4 System is expected to be on a platform that is easy to
Yet it is most likely that these small countries will use and suitable to convert, should other RECs, such
benefit most from the risk-mitigating mechanisms of as COMESA and the East African Community, wish
a monetary union (for example, against symmetric to consider using it under the proposed TFTA. With
shocks). There is thus a misalignment of incentives, the COMESA REPSS nearly a year established, it is an
capacity and will for moving this regionalisation process opportune time to assess the relative strengths of the
among the countries – such as South Africa, Mauritius two systems.
and Botswana – with effective insurance mechanisms,
as well as a good monetary policy, versus the smaller Key institutional players
countries, which stand to gain but do not have much
capacity to accelerate the project. South Africa acceded to the SADC Treaty on 29
August 1994 and was shortly thereafter allocated
responsibility for co-ordinating the new SADC Finance
3 Zongwe D, 2011, p. 99.
4 Malhotra et al., 2012. 5 Bank of Mauritius, 2012.
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and Investment Sector Coordinating Unit (FISCU) in The finance and investment unit has two main
1995. In 2000 a decision was taken to centralise the committees: the Committee of Senior Treasury Officials
work of SADC through four directorates, based at the and the CCBG. The CCBG reports to the SADC
SADC Secretariat in Gaborone. FISCU ceased to exist; Committee of Ministers responsible for Finance and
however, the impetus given to financial integration by Investment (COMFI), which reports to the SADC
the South African-based structure was set to continue. Council of Ministers.
The Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (TIFI) The CCBG has five ongoing projects: the Payments
Directorate, under the deputy executive secretary of Systems Project; Legal and Operational Frameworks;
regional integration, is of greatest significance to this Exchange Control Subcommittee; Training and
case. TIFI is responsible for the co-ordination of regional Development Forum; and the Information Technology
trade and financial liberalisation, and the facilitation Forum. Two autonomous committees report to the
of competitive, diversified industrial development; SADC COMFI through the CCBG, namely the SADC
increased investment; and integration of SADC into the Committee of Stock Exchanges and SADCBA.
global economy. TIFI is focused on fostering regional The SADCBA has been tasked by the SADC CCBG to
integration through pursuing the objectives set out in establish a platform for integration of the payments and
the RISDP and FIP. clearing system in the region. The Banking Association
The TIFI Directorate undertakes its mandate of South Africa is a member of, as well as the secretariat
through designated units, which include trade; customs; for, the SADCBA; and is responsible for executing
macroeconomic convergence; finance and investment; the project. However, the participating countries are
standards, quality assurance and metrology; and appropriately represented through voting rights and
industry productive competitiveness. there are working groups for each of the 10 payment
RTGS experts Retail payment expert Sec DVP expert Card/ATM group Legal group
Note: RTGS represents real-time gross settlements; DVP represents delivery versus payment; P2P represents
Source: SADCBA, SADC Open Session at SWIFT African Regional Conference, Kampala Uganda, May 2012, http://www.swift.
4 P E R I S A S E R I E S : P R I VAT E S E C TO R
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C A S E S T U D Y 2 : S A D C P AY M E N T I N T E G R A T I O N S Y S T E M
Commencement Including a period of sensitisation of the various stakeholders in the financial systems in each SADC
member state. All 15 SADC member countries are represented on the SADC Payment Integration
System project. This phase has also included information gathering and institutional assessments to
identify capacity-building needs.
Vision and strategy Conceptualisation of the vision for implementation of the payment, clearing and settlement system
development at a national level, based on each county’s unique circumstances and economic objectives.
Long-term Development of the project implantation plan in each country supporting the overarching objective
objectives of free trade in SADC. This includes the harmonisation of national payment, clearing and settlement
and strategy systems across member states. The steps in this phase are as follows.
in the region.
national payment systems, allowing them to make improvements where applicable.
mechanisms, and establishment of memorandums of understanding.
Source: Adapted from Masela T, ‘SADC Payment System Integration: Roadmap and constraints’, 19 August 2011, Protea
Balalaika Hotel, Sandton, South Africa,
project. This has meant that the private-banking sector The current crisis in the EU has led to a questioning
has been involved through the process – perhaps not of the wisdom of monetary unions. Especially in light
surprisingly, as they will benefit greatly from the of the overlapping membership of countries in different
integrated cross-border payment and settlement system. RECs, SADC member states will probably continue to
be tempted by alternatives to SADC regional integration,
CONCLUSION such as the TFTA. This may lead to competing policy
and regulatory requirements, which will make
SADC countries are among the most diverse economies compliance more difficult to ensure. Inconsistencies in
in a geopolitical region. The REC is made up Africa’s commitment to regional financial integration objectives
largest economy (South Africa), along with some of vis-á-vis long-term fiscal stability needed to achieve a
the least-developed, small, landlocked economies monetary union will create tensions in domestic policy
(Lesotho, Swaziland and Malawi), and small island processes. Moreover, the hegemonic relationships
states (Seychelles, Madagascar and Mauritius). Financial among SADC countries, embedded in the differing sizes
integration in the region is highest among the CMA and levels of economic and political influence of SADC
countries, where the currencies of Lesotho, Namibia members, is likely to threaten economic and financial
and Swaziland are pegged at par to the South African integration. South Africa, as the economic and financial
rand. Interest rate movements in these four countries economic locomotive, has significant political clout in
are highly synchronised, and South African financial shaping SADC activities, schedules, and outcomes of the
institutions account for between 60% and 90% of project. In this light, it seems the pilot SIRESS project
banking system assets and deposits in the smaller CMA may also represent a test of the variable geometry
members. South African banks, especially the big four – approach to regional processes in SADC, and may
ABSA, Standard Bank, First National Bank and Nedbank provide lessons for the RECs for the future.
– are also active in the rest of the region.
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