Reflection Paper 2 (MM)

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Ren-Ren P.

Montano (MDM 2019)

Reflection Paper 2 (Marketing Management)

On the framework for marketing strategy

Among the most important roles of marketing is gaining new customers. In so doing, companies
should be able to segment the market, target is prospective customer base, and position themselves
within the consciousness of these people. While gaining new customers is, in itself challenging, it
would even be more challenging to retain, or keep the existing customer base from purchasing goods
or availing of services being offered.

Interestingly, Levitt compared customer retention to other human relationships such as marriage, in
which people may lost interest in each other until things between the couple eventually turn sour. In
this regard, we are cautioned that maintaining relationships requires constantly being attentive and
sensitive to the needs of the other, which, to borrow Levitt’s phrasing, is about “fighting against the
forces of entropy”. In which case, keeping old customers, requires the same amount of effort as
gaining new ones. Corporations should therefore invest as much resources in carrying out research
activities to continuously serve clients’ needs in relation to current market trends and competitors.
Consequently, companies who keep their clients happy is also a good marketing tool as existing
customers tend to recommend that brand to people they know.

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