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_ Submitted to the
No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma
(Certificated awarded etc.) or has been published. All the assistance and help
received during the course of the investigation has been duly acknowledged by him.
Dr. V.K. Swarnkar
Dr. M.M. Patel
Dr. A.M. Rajput
Member Dr. V.B. Singh
Director of
A rkulture College, !ND081
Irec or Instrnt5oD
$risbi Vishwa Viayala,w.
I avail this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide and Chairman
of the Advisory Committee, Dr. V.K. Swarnkar, Professor & Head of Section, Department of
Extension Education and Rural Sociology, College of Agriculture, Indore for his inspiring.
guidance, constructive criticism, constant encouragement and generous help throughout the
course of investigation and the course of writing this manuscript.
My sincere thanks are due to the members of the Advisory committee, Dr. M.M. Patel,
Associate Professor, Department of Extension Education and Rural Sociology, Dr. A.M. Rajput
Professor & Head of section, Department of Agricultural
9 Economics and Farm Management,
9 }
Dr. V.B,. Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Agricultural Statistics, for
their valuable suggestions and help during the course of investigation and preparation of
manuscript. I am deeply obligate to Dr. S. Choudhary Associate Professor and Shri R.L.
Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Extension Education and Rural Sociology, College
of Agriculture, Indore who provided valuable guidance and kind cooperation in conducting the
I express my sincere thanks to Dr. R.A. Sharma, Dean, College of Agriculture, Indore, for
his kind encouragement and providing necessary facilities during the course of-study.
I am highly indebted to my parents Dr. O.P. Soni and Smt. Madhuri Soni whose
affection, sacrifices and constant encouragement at all, stages of the study have been a real
source of inspiration to me. I am also grateful from the core of my heart, to my elder brothers
4bhishek and younger sister Akanksha Soni and my faithfully Mr. R.K. Soni whose affection and
,.onstant encouragement made it possible to complete my studies well in time.
At last but not the least no words are enough to express my colleagues and friends
'riyanka Mundra, Ritu Pal, Shurti Rao, Nishi K. Panday, Chandrakata Mandloi, Rajesh
:houhan, Rakesh Jain, Jaya Mahra,Geeta Tare, Rakesh Damar, M.Gowda, Tulika Prasad, Nitin
,harma, ,.
I am thankful to the lord almighty for his grace and immense blessings always showered
)on me.
ace: Indore
I. Introduction 1-4
Panchayats have been the backbone of the Indian villages since the
beginning of recorded history. Gandhi ji, the father of the nation, in 1946 had aptly
remarked that Indian Independence must begin at the bottom and every village
ought to be a Republic or Panchayat having powers Gandhi ji's dream has been
translated into reality with the introduction of the three-tier Panchayati Raj system
to enlist people's participation in rural reconstruction. Panchayati Raj Institutions
(PRIs) in India aim at decentralizing government to promote greater participation
by ordinary people in their own governance. This process of democratic
decentralization was set in motion with the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act
passed by the Indian Parliament, which enabled decentralized governance through
PRIs in rural areas. PRIs function at the village, intermediate (block) and district
level. Across India, there are approximately 2,34,676 Gram Panchayats at the
village level, 6097 Janpad Panchayats at block level and 537 Zila (district)
Panchayats. There are a total of about 2,187,000 elected representatives at all
three tiers. PRIs offer India's rural villagers a practical opportunity to participate in
village planning processes, to engage with the various developmental schemes
being implemented by the Government and to interact with their elected
representatives directly to ensure that their interests are being effectively served
and their money properly spent.
The village panchayats are entrusted .a wide range of activities for rural
development and welfare of rural people. These panchayats at village level are
meant for direct supervision and'implementation of socio-economic development
programmes like children and women development, adult education and other
related programmes. The village panchayats are also managing water supply,
schools, hospitals and many others facilities for rural people. Panchayats need
active involvement of rural people not only for managing their own affairs, but also
for promoting development activities best suited to satisfy the local needs.
Socially and culturally the women folk and the scheduled caste and
scheduled tribes had limited opportunity growth. Initially the B.R. Mehta committee
recommended co-option of two female members "who are Panchayat Samiti and
village panchayat level. In early seventies down graded status was identified and
measures were suggested for integrating women in the process of development.
Committee on the status of women recommended the establishment of statutory
women's panchayat at the village .level transitional measures to ensure greater
participation by women in the political process.
The Ashok Mehta committee, which considered women as the most
important part of our population, stressed the need to recognized and managerial
and strengthens women's construction decision-making and managerial roles. In
the mean time the United Nations declared 1975 as the "International women's
years" The decade 1975-85 was hailed by the member nations as the "Women's
development decade" During this period the nations of the world were expected to
focus their attention and resource on the problem of women with the objective of
integrating women in the social, economical and political activities.
Realizing the need to promote weaker sections and significance of village
panchayats in all round development of villages, Government of India implemented
73rd constitutional amendment act, bearing the basic tenet of the Rajiv Gandhi's
proposition "empowering peo le for prosperity' to bring out a significant change in
the attitude, behavior and performance of the rustic folk in India. This act came into
force on 24th April 1992. It was a historic event in the evolution of democracy for
removing gender imbalance and bias in the institution of local self-government.
Article 243 (D) makes the provision for the one-third reservation of seats for
women and it attracts the active participation of those excluded from the decision
making process. As a large segment contributing for successful operation of a
democratic system special attention is paid to the role of women in PRI's. The
reservation seats for women have given them an opportunity to take part in the
political process of state of in general and rural areas in particular.
Madhya Pradesh was the first state completed election in May-June 1994
and handed over power to Zila Panchaya at district level, Janpad Panchayat at
block level and Gram Panchayat at village level on 20th August 1994. At this time
state of Madhya Pradesh was fully covered under Panchayati Raj System having
48 Zila Panchayats, 313 Janpad Panchayat and 22931 village Panchayats
covering 48 District, 313 blocks and 51806 villages.
in the village panchayats the sarpanch is the supreme authority assisted
and co-operated by ward members or panchs. Taken together rural -women
participate in large number irrespective of caste, creed and religion and play an
important role aiming towards rural welfare. Reservation has increased the number
of elected women panchayat leaders including first time electors.
The role of women members in panchayats is very important in developing
agricultural, social, economical, and political level of rural mass for both general
and weaker sections. It is the need of time to provide proper guidance and
leadership to perform their duties. It has been general observation that the
panchayats are dominated by a privileged class of society in village having political
influence or stronger economic power. To ensure better participation of women in
political sphere, it is necessary to identify their extent of participation and give
suggestions to improve their participation and role in panchayats.
Panchayati Raj is studied from different aspect but this whole study keeping
in the view the present functioning of the panchayat and the suggestion of women
panchayat leaders in effective execution of their responsibility. This research study
has been undertaken with a perspective to identify the factors affecting the.
participation of women panchayat. leaders. Based on results of investigation
suggestion may be made for working efficiency of women headed village
It is a matter of find out the extent of participation of women panchayat
leaders as perceived- -by, them which resultantly affects their role performance.
Hence, the present investigation "A study on participation of women members of
panchayats in Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh." was designed and
undertaken with the following specific objectives:
1.To know the socio-personal, economic and psychological profile of
women members of panchayat.
2.To assess the extent of participation of women members of panchayat.
3.To find out the extent of association between socio-personal,
economic and psychological variables with participation of women
members of panchayat.
4. To identify the constraints for less participation of women members
in panchayat and suggestions for more participation of women
members of panchayat.
Scope of the Study :
One of the tasks stressed from the start of Panchayati Raj
activities was to assist the "weaker groups." This has been held to be the objective
of various plans, community development programmes and the Panchayati Raj
Institutions. The objective of Panchayati Raj particularly women panchayat leaders
and their extent of participation in Panchayati Raj programmes as functionaries.
For efficient working of panchayats the problems faced by the women
panchayat leaders in their participation in village panchayats their needs must be
located and necessary guidance for such identified problems must be sought
enabling them to advise better participation in village panchayat and obtain greater
satisfaction. The present study reveals whether the elected women panchayat
leaders have the participation in the work of village panchayat and how they are
performing their role to a satisfactory extent. This would provide an understanding
of a efficiency of work carried out by the panchayats. Thus this study is intended to
realize the extent of working of women panchayat leaders and problems faced by..
them, because the participation of women in the PRIs that for most of them are
less experienced. It will be interesting and of great help to the administrators and
policy makers for making necessary improvements in panchayats and to provide
necessary training facilities and support to the elected member of panchayats.
1. Socio-personal-economic attributes:
(1.1) Age:
Singh et al. (1995) observed that more than 55 per cent of the
Sarpanches and Panchs were above 40 years of age.
Jhamtani et al. (2001) reported that majority of the panchayat
leaders were in the age group of above 60 years.
(1.2) Education:
concluded that education is one of the major contributing factors in
role performance.
(1.3) Caste:
Singh et a/. (1995) reported that 65 per cent of the village
leaders were from higher caste group, followed by backward classes
and scheduled castes.
Roy (1995) found that 33.7 per cent of the panchayat leaders
have family size of 3-4 members, followed by 26 per cent having 5-6
members. Panchayat leaders with more than 6 members were 22.9
per cent and less than three members were 16.6 per cent.
Roy (1995) observed that 84.2 per cent panchayat leaders and
81 per cent ward members reported their occupation as agriculture
Kurariya (1997) found that 38.77 per cent elected
representatives in panchayati raj system belonged to small (1-2 ha)
according to their size of land holding, while 36.67 per cent belonged
to marginal (up to 1 ha) category.
Choudhary (1998a) revealed that majority of women panchayat
leaders belonged to big farmers category, followed by landless,
marginal and small farmers category with the last two categories
having equal number of respondents.
Jhamtani et al. (2001) observed that majority (69.99%) of the
panchayat belonged to small and medium farm size.
Gurjar (2002) found that 49.42 per cent panchayat leaders
belonged to land less (54.36%) category.
Shrivastava (2003) concluded that majority (54.36%) of village
panchayat leaders belonged to land less category.
Debnath (2005) found that maximum (40.00%) number of
panchayats representatives had marginal size of land holding.
Singh (1995) found that about 1/3rd of the sarpanches have Rs.
40,000/- or more annual income.
Shrivastava (2003) found that 66.99 per cent village panchayat
leaders belonged to low annual income group (up to Rs. 12000/-).
Spio (1997) observed that rural women work within different set
of time constraints. Time is the primary resource of poor women.
They generally work longer and harder hours as a result of their dual
roles. This leaves little time for leisure.
Choudhary (1998) reported that majority (62.20%) of women
panchayat leaders spent their maximum time in participation in
monthly meetings and making development plans.
1. Participation:
Bhargava and Raohae (1992) revealed that attendance of
women members is very poor in Gram sabha meetings, hence
quantitative participation of people is almost negligible. A few
expressed .that they do not have any business with such meetings.
involvement of women panchayats in the village of Haryana, but it is
good beginning with lot of potential . In order to harness the potential
and training on motivation, leadership development planning and
Th.e total geographical area of the block is 65023 square
kilometer. The population of this block is 144645 and Khandwa block
comprises 96 villages and 60 gram panchayats.
Table 3.1: General features of the Khandwa district, in M.P.
with the village and influence of different development agencies
located _ near by the headquarter Janpad Panchayat of Khandwa
district. This Janpad Panchayat also ensures better implementation of
the developmental programmes.
Table 3.2: Name of selected women headed Gram panchayats and total
number of village panchayat members with women members in
Name of village Total No: Total No. Total No. of Total No. of selected
panchayat of of women selected women women members
Sarpanch panch panch (sarpanch + panch)
Amalpura 1 7 5 6
Bmangounaakhi 1 7 4 5
Borgounkhurd 1 7 5 6
Dhorani 1 6 6 7
Jamli sayad 1 4 4 5
Jasvadi 1 7 5 6
Kalmukhi 1 7 4 5
Khehlari 1 4 3 4
Korglaa 1 4 4 5
Machodi riyat 1 7 5 6
Mathnibujurg 1 4 4 5
Mathpur. 1 4 4 5
Nagchoon 1 6 4 5
Rampura 1 4 4 5
Rohini 1 5 4 5
Satvada 1 '4 4 5
Savnkheda 1 4 4 5
Sirpur 1 7 5 6
Tigreya 1 5 4 5
Teerandajpur 1 5 4 5
3.3. Variables and their measurement:
A. Independent variables
a. Socio-personal & Economic
1. Age Actual chronological age
Psychological variable
► Dependent variable
Independent variables:
1. Age:
S.No. Categories
1. Young
2. Middle
3. Old
2. Educational Status:
1. Illiterate 0
2. Literate 1
3. Primary 2
3. Caste:
been categorized into schedule caste and schedule tribe, other
backward- caste and general according the Scale of Pareek & Trivedi
(1963). The scores were assigned as follows:
S.No. Categories Score
3. General 3
4. Family size:
5. Occupation:
6. Annual Income:
calendar year. Scale of Pareek & Trivedi (1963) was used and the
respondents were placed into three income groups based on mean
+IS.D. as follows:
S.No. Categories
2. Upto0.1 to0.43ha. 1
8. Social Participation:
S.No. Categories Score
1. Not affiliated 0
each activity. Score 0,1,2,3, allotted to Never, Irregular, As per
required and Regular time allocation of respondents.
Dependent variable:
and 0 respectively. After summing up the score of each respondent,
they were categorized into three groups namely Low, Medium, and
High on the basis of mean ±1S.D.
The data was collected by personal interview method. For this the
researcher collected the list of village panchyat of Khandwa block
from the Janpad Panchyat office and got an idea about the location of
the village Panchyat selected for the study from the officials of
Janpad Panchayat. Several visits were then made to the selected
village panchayats for the purpose of collecting the data.
The data collected were analyzed manually and also by the help
of computer. The statistical methods viz, frequency, percentage
arithmetic mean etc. were used.
The term per cent means for every hundred. A fraction whose
denomination is 100 is called percentage and the numerator of the
fraction is called the rate for calculating percentage, frequency was
multiplied by 100 and divided by the number of total respondents. It
was used for making comparison of various attributes of Sarpanch
and women panchayat leaders.
Percentage (%) = x 100
W here,
n = obtained frequency of respondents
N = total number of respondents
Arithmetic mean:
Where: i = 1, 2...n
X = Mean
= Sum of observations
n = number of observations
Standard deviation
Standard deviation is the positive square root of variance, in symbols.
x 2 — ( X)
S.D. = 1
n n
X = deviation of the score from mean
n = number of observation
Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
E xy = sums of product of scores of two
Ex = sum of the xi scores
Ey = sum of the yi scores
Ex2 = sum of squared xi scores
Eye = sum of squared yi scores
n = number of cases
3.7. Reliability and validity of the instrument:
Reliability of an interview schedule refers to its consistency or
stability in obtaining information from the respondents. It has been
observed properly that interview schedule had reliability before it is
used as a data collection instrument.
Validity refers to whether the data collection instrument
measures it is supposed to measure. Taking the following steps
maximized validity of the interview schedule for this study.
The interview schedule was thoroughly discussed with the
member of the authority; advisory committee and their suggestions
were incorporated.
Pre-testing of the interview schedule provided an additional
check for improving the instrument.
The relevancy of each question in terms of the objectives of the
study, their logical order and wording of each question was checked
4. There is significant association between family type and size
with participation of women members of panchayat.
Table 4.1, shows that out of total women members, 17 per cent
were of young age group, 45 per cent belonged to middle age group
and 38 per cent were found in old age group.
Hence, it can be con'cluded that highest percentage (45%) of
women members were middle age group followed by young and old
age group. Roy (1995), Kurariya (1997), and Gurjar (2002) revealed
the same results
Distribution of age of women members
of panchyat
Level of educationalstatus of
women members of panchayat
Distribution of family size of women members of
❑ Small size (Up to 5
o Medium size (6 to 10
Income group of women members of
o Low income group (Rs.
20,000 to 40,000)
o Middle income group (Rs.
4 0, 000 to Rs. 60,000)
2% 100.44to1.80ha.
Social participation of women
members of panchayat
o No membership in any other
o Membership in one any other
Contact with developmental agencies of
women members in panchayat
B. Psychological characteristics
12. Attitude towards the system of Panchayat
The attitude towards the system of Panchayat of women members of
panchayat is presented in Table 4.11.
Table 4.12: Distribution of women membersof pachayat according to their
Attitude towards the system of Panchayat. (n = 106)
S.No. Attitude towards the system of Frequency Percentage (%)
1. Unfavorable (less than 27) 19 18
2. Moderate (between) 26 25
3' Favorable (above 33) 61 57
Table 4.12 shows that out of total women members, majority
(57%) women members had favorable attitudes towards system of
Distribution of women members according to their
time allocation towards system of panchayat
❑ Minimum ci Medium ❑ Ma)dmum
figure no. 12
Disribution of women members in panchayat
according to their attitute towards system of
❑ Unfavorable (less
than 27)
0 Moderate (between)
25% I ❑
Favorable (above 33)
pachayat, while 25 per cent and 18 present of them had moderate and
unfavorable attitude towards system of pachayat respectively.
Therefore it can be concluded that most of the women members
had favorable attitude towards system of pachayat. Shrivastava
(2003) found the same results.
Table 4.13: Distribution of extent of participation of women
members according to panchayat activities. (n = 106 )
1. To present in each 23 22 39 37 38 36 6 6
meeting of Gram
2. Suggestions and plans 28---- 13 34 32 42 40 2 2
were given in each
meeting of Panchayat.
3. Organization of Gram 26 14 32 30 42 40 6 6
4. Evaluation of plans 23 15 36 34 44 42 3 3
working under Gram
5, To convey important. 29 16 28 26 45 42 4 4
information related to
Gram sabha.
6. Control on people 21 17 23 22 56 53 6 6
working in village.
7. Organization and control 15 18 31 29 52 49 8 8
of public as well as
social activities under
8. To solve the problems of 39 37 41 39 23 22 3 3
village women.
9. Control of plans under 23 20 34 32 40 38 9 8
construction of
10. Evaluation of each work 21 21 28 26 53 50 4 4%
after its completion.
11. To rusticate or appoint 16 22 31 29 52 49 7 7
new persons if sarpanch
or panch were irregular.
12. To excise timely 24 25 34 32 41 39 7 7
inspection of Panchayat.
13. To take action in 23 24 39 37 26 25 18 17
against, due to
irregularity of Panchayat.
14. Management of health 25 25 35 33 41 39 5 5
and sanitation in village.
15. Construction, 24 25 32 30 44 42 6 6
reconstruction and
management of
16. Direction, control and 20 26 35 33 46 43 5 5
management of
17. Management of 24 27 36 34 40 38 6 6
Panchayat properties.
18. Advertisement of 27 28 30 28 42 40 7 7
modern agriculture
technologies by
19. Construction and 35 33 28 26 36 34 7 7
maintenance of co-
operative societies.
20. Spread of primary 23 30 32 30 43 41 8 8
education and its
21. To conduct adult 20 31 38 36 20 19 28 26
education centers and
its management.
22. Management of co- 31 32 36 34 35 33 4 4
23. To be responsible for 15 33 32 30 28 26 31 29
child and maternity
25development centers.
24. Marketing and storage of 25 34 38 36 40 38 3 3
agricultural produce.
25. Organization of market, .20 35 37 35 27 25 22 21
fairs, and ferries.
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4.3 Association between socio-personal, economic and
psychological variables with Participation of women
members of panchayat
To determine the relationship between the selected Dependent
variable viz.-Participation with Independent variables viz- Age,
Education, Caste, Family size, Occupation, Annual income, Size of
land holding, Social participation, Contact with developmental
agencies, Political affiliation, Time allocation to panchayat matters,
Attitude towards system of panchayat analysis of correlation
coefficient (r) was applied. Results are presented in the Table No.
Table 4.15 Relationship between socio-personal, economic and
psychological characteristics and extent of Participation.
doing agriculture as occupation, So that they easily understand the
problems of villagers and solved them accordingly, this increases
their extent of participation of women of panchayat. Chaudhary,
(1998) revealed the same results.
It is observed from Table 4.15 that the relationship between
annual income and their extent of participation of women members of
panchayat was (0.2738) positive and significant at 1% level of
probability. Hence Hypothesis 3.9.6 was accepted. That means
women members who had medium to higher annual income were
found more active in panchayats due to better living of standard and
thinking: Prasad, (2004) showed the same results. But, that the
relationship between size of land holding and their extent of
participation of women members of ,panchayat was (-0.0640) non
significant. Therefore Hypothesis 3.9.7 was rejected. It means that
size of land holding was not an important factor in extent of
participation of women members of panchayat.
Where as, the relationship between social participation and
their extent of participation of women members of panchayat was
(0.2762) positive and significant at 1% level of probability. Hence
Hypothesis 3.9.8 was accepted. It means that social participation of
the women members had very much influenced on their extent of
participation in panchayat. Women members in panchayat having
membership in more than one organization, so that they were very
active and have knowledge about panchayati raj, this increases their
extent of participation in panchayat.
Similarly the relationship between contact with developmental
agencies and their extent,. of participation of women members of
panchayat was (0.2682) positive and significant, at 1% level of
probability, Hence Hypothesis 3.9.9 was accepted.That means
contact with developmental agencies influences their extent of
participation in panchayat. Contact with developmental agencies
increases their activity and contact with villagers.
Further, it is observed from Table 4.14 that the relationship
between political affiliation and their extent of participation of women
members of panchayat was positive and significant at 1% level of
probability. Hence Hypothesis 3.9.10 was accepted. It shows that
political affiliation influences the extent of participation of women
members panchayat.
It is also observed from Table 4.14 that the relationship
between time allocation to panchayat matters and their extent of
participation of women members of panchayat was (0.2745) positive
and significant at 1% level of probability. Hence Hypothesis 3.9.11
was accepted. That means the women members of panchayat had
gave more time to panchayat matters which increases their
participation in panchayat.
As regards the relationship between attitude towards system of
panchayat and their extent of participation of women members of
panchayat was (0.2819) positive and significant at 1% level of
probability, Hence Hypothesis 3.9.12 was accepted. It means that
favorable attitude towards system of panchayat enhances their extent
of participation in panchayat, it also increases their interest in
panchayat system.
Communicational constraints
7 Prior information of meeting is not 50 47.16 II
8 Panchayat members are not taken in 65 61.32 I
to confidence for construction works.
9 Some programmes remain limited to 38 35.84 Ill
paper works
10 No support from Janpad and Zilla 27 25.47 IV
Legal/procedural constraints
11 Dissolution of meetings for want of 42 39.62 11
quorum. --
12 No knowledge of rules & regulations 69 65.09 1
of panchayati raj act.
13 Less powers to women members in 37 34.90 IV
panchayat and not well distributed.
14 Procedure of recall/removed of 41 38.67 III
sarpanch is very complicated and
Financial/economics constraints
15 Lack of funds, grants from out side 81 76.41 I
agencies and inadequate local
16 Funds are expended in other works. 32 30.18 Ill
17 Construction works are not prioritized 62 58.49 II
as per local needs.
Political constraints
18 Political interference. 63 59.43 II
19 Lack of co-ordination amongst 71 66.98 1
20 Groupism is encouraged by sarpanch. 55 51.88 IV
21 Lesser trainings are organized at 56 52.83 III
local level there by ruling out
maximum participion.
Socio-personal constraints
22 Many members are uneducated and 28 26.41 III
ignorant about their responsibilities.
23 Lack of awareness on the part of 39 36.79 II
members about development
24 Male dominance in panchayat. 72 67.92 I
Table 4.16 shows constraints/obstacles/problems encountered
by the women members in panchayat carrying out their day-to-day
many members are uneducated and ignorant about their
responsibilities (26.41%). These findings were supported by the
works of Soni (2001), and Shrivastava (2003).
The suggestions were divided in six categories viz:-
Administrative, Technical, Social, Economical, Political, and Personal
suggestions and giving them ranking according to the percentage.
Out of these majority of women members felt that panchayat
secretary (sachiv) must cooperate with members of panchayat
(86.79%), Panchayat leaders must have knowledge about needs and
problems (96.22%), There should be no groupism in panchayat
(89.62%), panchayat must get sufficient finances (97.16), co-
operation between different political parties is must (92.45%), and
there should not be gender biasness in panchayat (97.16%).
These all suggestions were necessary to maintain
successful participation of women members in panchayat and smooth
running of panchayat activities. The findings of the present study are
in conformity with findings of Chaudhary, (1998).
2. To assess the extent of participation of women members of panchayat.
3. To find out the extent of association between socio-personal,
economic and psychological variables with participation of women
members of panchayat.
4. To identify the constraints for less participation of women members
in Panchayat and suggestions for more participation of women
members of panchayat.
Maximum (34%) respondents had sizel.81 to 2.80 ha. of land
holding, while 2 percent had Up to 0.1 to 0.43 ha. size of land holding.
Maximum 31 percent of the respondents had no membership in any
other organization, while 19 percent had membership in one any other
organization in social organization.
Most (42%) of the respondents had high level contact with
developmental agencies, while 22 percent of the respondent had
minimum contact with any developmental agencies. Majority (73%) of
the respondents had affiliated to political party, while 27 percent of
the respondents had not affiliated with any political party.
Majority (46%) of the respondents had given more time to
panchayat matters, while 26 percent had given less time to
panchayat. Majority (57%) of the respondents had more favorable
attitude towards system of panchayat, while 18 percent of the
respondents had less favorable attitude towards system of panchayat.
village, construction ,reconstruction and management of panchayat,
direction, control, and management of panchayat, management of
panchayat properties, extension of modern agriculture technologies
by panchayat, construction and maintenance of cooperative societies,
extension of primary education and its management, marketing and
storage of agriculture produce, the participation of women members
of panchayat were occasionally participate, and the between the
range of 34% to 54%.
personal major constraint of women members was male dominance in
3) It was noticed that majority of women members were being
done all functions of panchayat. They have an important
position in the panchayat, but still they were not independent in
decision making. It is suggested to women member should be
motivated, and giving them training and providing them social
facilities for better participation.
position and so on. The Government and non-government
interventions should facilitate and promote women participation
in panchayat.
Rural Development, pp. 230-265
Ghosh, D.K. (1997). "Grass root women leaders: Who are they?" J.
Rural Development, Vol. 16 (2): 291-311.
Jadhav, S. ; Dhane, A.V. and Dhane, V.P. (2004) "Planner role as
perceived and performed by Sarpanchs". Journal of
Maharastra Agricultural Universities, 2004;29(3): 316-
Prakash, N. (1999) "Role of women in India's intraction with China,
Central and West Asia".J.Social science.Vol.3(3):187-
Shrivastava, P. (2003). "Job performance of village panchayat
leaders of Jabalpur block, district Jabalpur, M.P."
M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis (unpublished), JNKVV, Jabalpur.
Singh, S. Gill S.S. and Dev D.S. (1995). "Panchayat Raj in Punjab:
An analysis." J. Rural Development. Vol. 14 (2):117-,
Edu. Congress, Society of Extn. Edu., Agra & JNKVV,
General information —
Name — ..............................
Gram panchayat — ..............................
Post - ...............................
(1)Age- .................years.
(5) Annual Income — Total annual income of family members ............... Rs.
Are you have injdependent source of annual income, if yes then ......... Rs.
(8) Contact with developmental agencies —
At district headquarter, whether
you contact with different department for village development? Yes/ No
If yes, then explain:-
S.No. Department Daily Weekly Monthly
1. Agriculture
2. Veterinary science and animal science
3. Health deparment
4. Gram panchyat
5. Education
6. Electricity
7. Small scale inductaries
8. Non government organization
9. Other
(11) Time allocation -- Explain your distribution for different panchayat activities.
12. All posted members are done their
work effectively.
13. There should be monopoly of
sarpanch in the panchayat.
14. The formalities in paper work are
helpful for their time) execution.
15. There should be monopoly of special
political party in panchayat.
1. To present in each
meeting of Gram
2. Suggestions and plans
were given in each
meeting of Panchayat.
3. Organization of Gram
4. Evaluation of plans
working under Gram
5. To convey important
information related to
Gram sabha.
6. Control on people
working in village.
7. Organization and control
of public as well as
social activities under
8. To solve the problems of
village women.
9. Control of plans under
construction of
10. Evaluation of each work
after its completion.
11. To rusticate or appoint
• new persons if sarpanch
or anch were irregular.
12. To excise timely
inspection of Panchayat.
13. To take action in
against, due to
irregularity of Panchayat.
14. Management of health
and sanitation in village.
15. Construction,
reconstruction and
management of
16. Direction, control and
management of
17. Management of
Panchayat properties.
18. Advertisement of
modern agriculture
technologies by
19. Construction and
maintenance of co-
operative societies.
20. Spread of primary
education and its
21. To conduct adult
education centers and
its management.
22. Management of co-
23. To be responsible for
child and maternity
25development centers.
24. Marketing and storage of
agricultural produce. `
•• Constraints/problems in participation in panchayat activities
perceived women members.
18 Political interference.
19 Lack of co-ordination amongst members.
20 Groupism is encouraged by sarpanch.
21 Lesser trainings are organized at local level there
by ruling out maximum participation.
Socio-personal constraints
22 Many members are uneducated and ignorant
about their responsibilities.
23 Lack of awareness on the part of members about
development programmes.
24 Male dominance in panchayat.
~thor of this thesis 1u.Ape/ sha Soni D/o Dr. O.P. Soni was bourn on 3 Sep.1984
lore She has completed her hqher secondary from Seth Guru Prashad 4grwai
r Secondary Schoo(J-(oshangabad (M.P).
pined College of 9lgriculture, Indore and successfully completed her B.Sc. (~Lg.)
in the year 2006 with an OC~P I of 7.45 out of 10.00 scare. Subsequent to Fier
ation, she joined the Department of Extension Education and Rural sociology at
e for her Post graduation. She completed alt the course requirements for Master's
e in the yea r2006-200 7, securing an Oi YP9L of 7.7 out of10.00 scare.
the partial fulfillment of MMMfaster's degree site was allotted need based research
rem; ' i Study on Participation of women members in pannehayats of 7(handwa.
ict of Madhya Pradesh" which was successfully completed 6y Fier and presented in
orm of this thesis. -
ing her studies, she actively participated in several social and cultural activities at
5choof and College level