Xylem Guide To Blowers
Xylem Guide To Blowers
Xylem Guide To Blowers
In a typical wastewater treatment plant, the blowers account for only 10%
of the capital expenditure, while the operating expenses account for up to
90% of the lifecycle cost. This means that blowers can account for 40-80%
of the energy used at a treatment plant.
When determining which blower is best for your application needs, you should
consider not only the blower’s efficiency, but also how it will perform over time,
including both its turn-down capability and maintenance requirements.
treatment 54%
Blower Criteria
On the pages that follow you’ll find an overview of the advantages and
disadvantages of different blower technologies and ratings for each technology’s
efficiency, turn-down capability, and repair and maintenance requirements.
Gauge of how the blower transfers the energy power
into air power
(scale = Excellent; Good; Fair; Poor)
Gauge of how a blower (or group of blowers) is able to
satisfy the change in future air demand
(scale = Excellent; Good; Fair; Poor)
Lobe type blowers are simple and have been widely used in
aerating wastewater for over 100 years. Positive displacement (PD)
blowers, specifically in this case rotary lobe blowers, are the most
used technology for blower applications, especially for medium to
small flows.
Lobe type blower efficiency is poor due to no internal compression
during the 360 degree rotation cycle. It also loses efficiency with
increased pressure. However, the technology is reliable and meets the
turn down requirements well if sized correctly.
Very often the internal losses of these blowers are not taken into
account and the inlet flow is given as the flow value – giving the
technology better performance on paper than in reality. Other losses
that should be accounted for in these types of blowers include:
transmission losses (often from the belt drive), motor losses, gear losses,
and, if variable speed is used, losses from the variable frequency drive.
These blowers also result in high noise and vibration caused by
pulsations. Recent models have been released on the market with
slightly higher efficiency using twisted lobes with a prolonged sealing
line resulting in slightly less pulsation.
Integral gear type centrifugal blowers have been used for many
years when higher flows are required. While the compression
efficiency is good, these blowers operate on fixed speed. That
means that, when designed, these blowers have to account for
maximum pressure that may not be experienced for several years
and should include future pressure loss assumptions. This could
negatively impact the efficiency of the blower from the beginning
when it is first commissioned.
Integral gear blowers include a flow inlet guide vane (IGV) and variable
diffuser (VD). These components are seen as complicated because they
utilize many mechanical parts that require maintenance and the control
system required for their operation is complex and expensive.
While the compression efficiency of integral gear blowers can be
one of the highest, the gain from the compression efficiency is lost in
the complex power transfer, pressurized oil lubrication system, water
cooling and motor and bearing losses.
A sound enclosure is an additional accessory that does not come
standard with these types of blowers. The enclosure, however, limits
accessibility for blower service and increases the space required for
installation. In addition, this technology emits a lot of heat and therefore
requires good ventilation.
Battery Power to magnets
Backup Bearing
Controller from bearing controller Motor shaft
Several position
sensors communicate Emergency
with bearing controller landing bearing
Positive Displacement Lobe Blowers POOR EXCELLENT
Positive Displacement Screw Blowers MODERATE EXCELLENT