Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-Reliance

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Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

Motivation, Adversity Quotient, and Self-reliance of SHS of Union Christian College

Background of the Study

Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is

also one's direction to behaviour, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behaviour.

A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an

inclination for specific behaviour. An adversity quotient (AQ) is a score that measures the

ability of a person to deal with adversities in his or her life. Adversities are part of living,

and people choose the way they react to each adversity in their lives. Many times they

will be senseless, unfair, painful, and beyond our control to prevent. However, they come

into our lives for a reason. People can choose to learn valuable lessons from each

adversity they encounter. It is commonly known as the science of resilience. Self-reliance

is the capacity to rely on one's own capabilities, and to manage one's

own affairs; independence.

First, motivation at school, or academic motivation, is very vital on the everyday

life of a student for it is the driving force for them to study harder. Second, the Adversity

Quotient, which is the capacity of a person to cope up with their adversities or problems

in life. Lastly is the Self-reliance, which is the ability of the person to rely on his self.

Alongside with the general objective in this study, to determine the impact of Motivation

on the Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance of the respondents, it focuses on three

important variables, the Motivation, Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance, which will be

measured through the authorized and adopted tests provided by the researchers. This
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

study was conducted to the said respondents since most of them are experiencing more

hardened school works compared to the lower year levels.

There are various issues and problems that adolescents may face in the turbulent

times of their teen years. An adolescent feels all kinds of pressures from parents, school

and peers. They are in a transitional period where they are moving from childhood to

adulthood (Problems of children and teens). Life for many adolescents is a painful tug of

war filled with conflict demands from parents, teachers, friends, coaches and oneself. It

can create hardship, stress, and serious depression to people who cannot cope,

communicate, or solve problems. More so, it can affect their motivation to succeed.

Achievement motivation can best be understood by examining the meanings of

“achievement” and “motivation” separately. Achievement typically stresses the

importance of accomplishment and attainment with effort involved. Achievement can

also be described as energy that is used to overcome challenges and persevere to conquer

a goal. Motivation relates to an individual’s reason for engaging in an activity, the degree

to which an individual pursues the activity and the persistence of the individual (Clark


According to Brunkhorst, adversities are a part of living, and people choose the

way they react to each adversity in our lives. Many times it will be senseless, unfair,

painful, and beyond our control to prevent. However, it comes into our lives for a reason.

They can choose to learn valuable lessons from each adversity we encounter. The more

difficult the adversity, the more valuable will be the lessons it offers.
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

Stoltz (1997) perceives the variable of adversity as one which has the capacity to

change a learner’s expected performance despite intelligence ability. He thus defines

Adversity Quotient® as “an indicator of how one withstands adversity, the ability to

overcome it or the capacity of a person to deal with the adversities of his life” (Stoltz,

1997, 2010). As such, it is the science of human resilience. It entails remaining stable and

maintaining healthy levels of physical and psychological functions, even in the face of

chaos. It can also be seen as a successful adaptation response to high risk. Conceptually,

this has been described as the outcome of both individual attributes and environmental

effects (Markman, 2000; Peak Learning, 2010). More recently, other researchers have

shown through the results of their studies that measurement of AQ might be a better

index of achieving success than IQ, not just for academic achievement in education, but

in other related social skills (Zhou, 2009; Williams, 2008; Tantor, 2007).

In Nigeria, adversity is a part of the educational life of students and teachers. An

individual’s response to adversity may be determined by personal characteristics and

environmental factors. According to the studies conducted by Stoltz in year 2010 showed

that one’s response to adversity is formed through the influence of parents, teachers,

peers, and other key people. Furthermore, due to some factors, the responses of the

people to adversity can be interrupted and permanently changed. Some studies,

particularly the study by Dweck in year 2012 have shown that responses to adversity are

learned. Thus discovering and measuring Adversity Quotient and factors that influence it

allows one to understand how and why some people consistently exceed the predictions

and expectations of their natural intellectual ability.

Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

CORE represented the four sub-components of the Adversity Quotient, Control,

Ownership, Reach, and Endurance. They measure very different aspects of AQ, although

they may be inter-correlated. Where C stands for the amount of perceived control one has

over an adverse event or situation. O is the degree to which an individual is willing to

own the outcome of adversity, the extent to which the person owns, or takes

responsibility for the outcomes of adversity or the extent to which the person holds

himself or herself accountable for improving the situation. R is a reflection of how far the

adversity reaches into other aspects of an individual’s life or the degree to which impacts

other areas of life positively or negatively. E is the measure of endurance, which assesses

how long the adversity and its causes and effects will last in one’s life or the perception

of time over which good or bad events and their consequences will last or endure.

Motivation may be described into two broad categories such as extrinsic and

intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are contextual and change

overtime. They vary with situations. They characterized people in relation to activities

and the same activity can be intrinsically or extrinsically motivating to different people

(Briones et al., 2010).

Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation are terms based on social and behavioural

psychology, and describe the types of factors that motivate people to engage in certain

behaviours, according to Renata.

Intrinsic motivation refers to engagement in an activity with no reason other than

the enjoyment and satisfaction of engagement itself, while extrinsic motivation refers to

engagement that provides means to ends that go beyond the engagement itself.
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

The goals of extrinsically motivated engagement might be the attainment of

tangible rewards such as money, prizes, or other benefits. Intangible rewards such as

social approval, a sense of worthiness, or even a sense of conscientiousness; or the

avoidance of tangible and intangible punishments such as time out, scolding, rejection or

sense of low self-worth.

Theoretical Framework

The research was guided by the following theories that provide the academic

substance of this study and serve as the backbone of the research.

First, is the Cognitive Evaluation Theory which further explains the relationship

between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This theory is useful for determining

extrinsic motivation, which decreases autonomy and reduces intrinsic motivation

implicate to the classroom.

Another is the Attribution Theory, it is a framework to explain why people do

what they do. It stated that people seek causal factors that allow them to maintain a

positive self-image, and it is these attributions that determine an

individual's motivation to repeat behaviours. This theory is also useful in this study as it

gives awareness to the respondents for motivate their behaviours well and to prevent

error or bad performance in the future.

Lastly, is the Goal-related theory, this theory is useful in order to direct the

respondents in their personal, educational and professional life goals. This can be clear,
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

challenging or achievable. It discusses the motivation to set goals rather than imposing it.

It is more likely to work harder in order to achieve the set goals.

These three theories served as the framework of this study as a guide in the

motivation on the adversity quotient and self-reliance of SHS of Union Christian College.
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance


1. Analysis of the:
a. Profile of the
Respondents along
Sex, Types of
Community Living,
Parental Guidance at
Home, Birth Order,
Family Size.
2. Determine the
1. Profile of the Significant relation of
Respondents along; the respondents
a. Sex between their
b. Types of
profile: Conduct Student
Community Living
c. Parental Guidance a. Motivation Empowerment
at Home b. Adversity Quotient Program
d. Birth Order c. Self-reliance
e. Family Size Motivation:
a. Adversity Quotient
b. Self-reliance
Adversity and Self-

3. Formulation of
student empowerment

Figure 1
The Research Paradigm
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance


This study aims to determine the level of Motivation on the Adversity Quotient and Self-

reliance of Senior High School Students of Union Christian.

Specifically, it sought to the following questions.

1. What is the Profile with the respondents along ;

A. Sex

B. Types of Community Living

C. Parental Presence at Home

D. Birth Order

E. Family Size

2. Is there a significant relationship on the following:

A. Profile and motivation

B. Profile and adversity quotient

C. Profile and self-reliance

D. Motivation and adversity quotient

E. Motivation and self-reliance

F. Adversity quotient and self-reliance

3. What SEP can be proposed?

Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance


1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and

their Motivation, Adversity Quotient, Self-reliance.

2. There is no significant relationship between the Motivation and Adversity

Quotient and Self-Reliance.

3. There is no significant relationship between the Adversity Quotient and Self-



This section deals with the research method employed by the researcher. This

includes the research design, participants of the study, data gathering tools and

procedures and data management.

Research Design

The study used the descriptive developmental research design. Descriptive

research is used to describe the variables and result of the study regarding of Motivation

on the Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance of SHS of Union Christian College because

the gathered data serve as basis for formulating of the training design.

Descriptive research is valuable in providing facts on which scientific judgmental

may be used; providing knowledge about the nature of person or object for close

observation into the practices behaviour, methods, and procedures.

Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were the Grade 11 and 12 students in a school in San

Fernando La Union named Union Christian College. UCC have many students which

made the school questions/survey how student trust themselves and what should be the

effective way to motivate them.

Data Gather Tool and Procedures

This study used one type of tool to gather the information needed. The only tool

that we used was the questionnaire which measures the Adversity Quotient of the


The researcher requested permission through a formal letter from the School

Coordinator and Principal to conduct the study. The questionnaire was distributed to the

teachers through their school heads. The retrieval of the questionnaire was done in the

same manner as in administering them.

As the research gathered the questionnaires from the respondents, we interviewed

them regarding their points of view on the impact of motivation on the quotient adversity

and their self-reliance then recorded for their responses to be able to review the

information given.

Data Management

To address the sub-problem raised which dealt on the profile of the respondents in

terms of age, sex, year level, types of community living and parental guidance. Weighted

mean and averages were used to measure the quotient adversity of the respondents. The
Motivation Adversity Quotient and Self-reliance

study of Paul Stoltz were applied to deal with the significant relationship between the

profile and the status of quotient adversity of the respondents.


(Bakare, Babajide, Mike, JNR., Students adversity quotient and related factors)
(Guillian Alaine L. Cornista, Charmaine Joy A. Macasaet) Adversity Quotient and
achievement motivation

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