1 Zigbee Configure
1 Zigbee Configure
1 Zigbee Configure
End Device
In a ZigBee network we have taken one coordinator, router, and end pointer.
ZigBee firmware is designed to form networks (star, mesh networks etc,). Here we are
configuring these Zigbee modules to form Mesh Network. You need Digi’s configuration
software, X-CTU, to do this.
Hardware Requirement:
Software Requirement:
X-CTU Software.
If You Double click on the above icon you can see the below window.
Configure the Zigbee as Coordinator
Select the COM Port (Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge) and click on Next as shown.
Now, click on Add selected devices and click Finish.
Enter the PAN ID as your wish, here I have entered 1234.
Select the COM Port (Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge) and click on Next as shown.
Now, click on Add selected devices and click Finish.
Now, close the application.