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nex t le vel dating Special Report

On Demand Orgasms Table of Contents


COMMIT TO COMMITMENT.......................................................................................2

HOW TO CHALLENGE HER TO CHASE YOU...........................................................4

GIVING GREAT FIRST DATE.........................................................................................5


BLOW HER MIND THE FIRST TIME...............................................................12


ORAL SEX MAGIC................................................................................................13


EXTREME FEMALE ORGASMS.........................................................................14

LESSON FOUR: SUPERMAN STAMINA..........................................................16

YOUR ARSENAL OF SECRET SEX WEAPONS............................................... 17

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I n t r od u c in g - J E S S I C A J OH N S ON pa g e 1

Hey Guys,

What I’m about to share with you is top secret amongst most females that very
few men are fortunate enough to already know. The first of which is, and most
important, is that we can smell a weak man from a mile away. As a result of this,
we can determine within the first 30 seconds of meeting you if we have any in-
terest whatsoever in you AND whether we think you know how to bring it in the
bedroom. Just like you want a great woman, women want a great man who can
blow their mind in the bedroom the first time and every time. So let me show
you how...

The second main point I hope to drive home in this free report is that even if you
think you’re pleasing your woman, you might be shocked to find out what she
really thinks is lacking in your sex life and what she tells her girlfriends about
you when you’re not around. If you don’t have the confidence and techniques to leave us panting, begging and
craving for more, then we’ll either walk all over you, drive you insane, or most likely just leave you.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Johnson. I’m not a porn star, paid actress, or model. I’m
simply a woman who knows exactly what games women play with men because I’ve seen and experienced
them all... and who better to share these secrets with you than someone who used to live them, PLUS I also
have extensive experience studying with some of the best, dating, sex and relationship coaches the world has
to offer. Through my blog and this free report I’m going to share ALL these secrets I have gathered that ALL
women are DYING for you to know.

Why am I doing this you ask? It’s simple. I’m tired of watching good men get walked all over by women
AND us women deserve the great type of man you are about to become after learning what I have to share
with you.

Once you can unlock women’s dating, sex, and relationship secrets, you can start to experience unbelievably
fun dates, mind-blowing sex, and intense intimacy by knowing that your woman truly respects and adores
you regardless of what type of relationship you’re looking for.

Of course all of this means nothing unless you are committed to not
only your dating and sex life, but to yourself as an individual as well.

When you truly commit to something like what I’m about to share
with you, this will unleash the unimaginably irresistable confident
man that awaits inside of you!

Below I will share these secrets with you that will allow you to take
control of your dating and sex life like never before.


- Jessica

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When You Commit To Yourself... Women Notice

Nothing Is More SEXY To A Woman Than A Guy They Can Tell Is
Committed To Himself!
When you hear the word commitment, it’s easy to think about love, intimacy and respect between two
people. Most women are desperate to find a man who is willing to commit to a relationship, but that’s not
the type of commitment I’m talking about right now. The type of commitment I am talking about is the very
first step you have to take immediately... RIGHT NOW... TODAY!

Have you ever known someone who breaks their commitments all the time? Someone who swears up and
down they’ll be somewhere and then never shows up? You may consider this person a friend, but you would
never trust them and don’t rely on them for anything important. The same goes for ourselves.

How many times have you told yourself “I’m going to...?” I’m going to get in better shape, I’m going to get
my finances in order, I’m going to get my life in order, only to fall short of your goal?

Unfortunately, we betray ourselves more than we do anyone else. Over time, failed commitments can un-
dermine your self-esteem and keep you from committing to future pursuits. It results in an internal mes-
sage that says you cannot achieve your goals. This results in women sensing you are a complete failure and
someone they can’t trust.

There is nothing wrong with spending time and energy on yourself. In

fact, when you start to give priority to a passion in your life, you start to
find your purpose. Your new outlook on life will attract sexy, beautiful,
intelligent women that you never thought you were capable of meeting.

Trust me, when you commit to something and follow through with it, you
are unleashing a confidence that never goes unnoticed by women. Let’s
face it, women will see your confidence as a sign that you are more than
capable of pleasuring them in the bedroom.

So how do you start committing to yourself?

I wish I could wave a magic wand and tell you that this will happen over
night, but in reality, this is no small task. It takes bravery, self-esteem,
confidence in your own judgement, with optimism and time.

That’s why you need to start TODAY!

Start by making a list of goals you want to accomplish. Start small. Don’t
make lofty goals that can set you up for failure. Start with what you know
you CAN and WILL accomplish.

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Instead of saying you will work out every day. Tell yourself you will work out twice this week. Instead of say-
ing you’re going to to be an NBA superstar, commit to joining a team at your gym.

Eventually, you will start to tackle the bigger goals in your life. Whether it be losing weight, making money or
getting the woman or women you really desire... learning how to commit to yourself will make it easier and
easier for you to get the things you really want out of life, especially with women.

When you make the decision to commit to yourself, you are acknowledging that you are serious in your pur-
suits and committed to finding the best part of yourself. You’re welcoming the unknown and taking a proac-
tive approach to life. The unknown may be scary at first, but you may learn something about yourself you
didn’t know was there... that even involves tricks and techniques in the bedroom that will never fail to leave
your woman wanting more. You deserve it, and she deserves it. So DO IT and take action now!

Women can’t resist new and exciting things they have never experienced in the bedroom. Committing means
you’re taking a proactive approach to becoming a better person AND a better lover.

I can tell you from experience that making and achieving goals is unbelievably attractive to women. When
you commit to something and follow through with it, women will start to look at you with a tremendous
amount of respect and take it as a sign that you will be committed and honest with them in whatever type of
relationship you are pursuing with them.

From this point forward, you will begin to recognize the barriers you mentally put up to keep you from
committing to yourself. Realize that tearing down these walls will give you the freedom to accomplish your
goals. You and you alone have the power to live a more fulfilled life... so take action
right now!

Don’t Wait! Go To

To Learn More Ways To

Take Your Dating, Sex, And
Relationships To The Next Level
So You Can Attract The
Beautiful Women You Really

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If You Know How To CHALLENGE A Woman Then

She Won’t Be Able To Resist You
One thing that all woman can’t resist is guy who can challenge her...

Presenting yourself as a challenge can create tremendous attraction. If you come across too eager, too obvi-
ous or too willing to please, you will lose a woman faster than you can imagine. The temptation to manipu-
late may be too strong for her to resist.

So how do you create this kind of challenge that makes women practically beg you to date them? The key
is presenting yourself as a challenge to her, but not so much of a challenge that she thinks you are trying to
control her.

Be A Challenge From The Very Beginning

Women get hit on daily. Most women walk into a bar knowing they can get any guy at any time. I can tell
you right now that most men are completely LAME with their pick up lines and attempts to get us into bed.
Remember, women pay attention to even the smallest details. If your approach is even a little different than
the average guy then she will likely come crawling back for more.

Make Her Laugh

No woman can resist humor. When you introduce yourself, say something funny then turn back to your
friends. Not only will she know you can make her laugh, turning away will let her know that you don’t
NEED her.

Turn The Tables On Her

Ask her what she offers that the other women at the bar don’t. By doing this, you are setting yourself apart
from the rest of the guys. She will start to wonder if she has what it takes to be with YOU.

Signs That A Woman Is Into You

If a woman is interested in you, she will let you know with some easy to miss signs! So pay at-
tention to whether she laughs or smiles at your jokes and even if she adds to them. A woman
is interested if she plays with her hair, fidgets with an object. If she stumbles over her words
then it’s a sign that she is thinking hard about what to say and trying to impress you. Leaning
in to you and blushing at compliments means you’ve successfully secured another date, and
maybe more... but only if YOU want it. Not the other way around!

Signs That A Woman Is Not Interested In You

If she is avoiding eye contact, faking a smile or laugh, looking at her phone or watch, then it’s
probably time you cut your losses and move on to the next one. Can’t win them all!

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Don’t Show Too Much Interest

Are you in the middle of a great and flirty conversation with a woman? Walk away for a bit. That’s right,
walk away and talk to someone else for awhile. Make a call and have a quick conversation with someone
else. Anticipation is a POWERFUL tool. You’ll leave her wanting more and create a longing to talk to you
again. Make her miss you, then she will be pleasantly surprised when you return.

Make Her Close The Distance

We hate when sweaty, aggressive men lean into us and get into our personal space. Men might think that
leaning into a woman or getting close will show us that you’re interested. Lean away from her once in a
while. You can even turn your back to her every once in a while. If she’s interested in you, she WILL close
the gap.

Make A Bet With Her

You have about 30 seconds of our attention before we figure out if we’re interested or not. Don’t walk up to
us with a lame opening, like, ‘how are you?’, ‘do you come here often?’ Walk up and make a bet with her.
“I’ll bet you a drink that you can’t name the band that is playing right now.” Or “See that guy over there
hitting on that girl? I bet you a shot that she turns him down in less than 5 minutes.”

I once had a guy come up to me and bet that if he couldn’t beat me in darts by 20 points then he’d walk into
the next bar wearing nothing but his boxers. Unfortunately he beat me by 25 points, but I spent the rest of
the night talking to him and even gave him my number by the end of the night.

All women know that if you can challenge us at a bar or anywhere we might meet you then you just might
be able to challenge us in other places... like the bedroom. Remember, women take everything you do as
a sign of what is to come...

Trust me on this, the chapters to come are going to give you some tips on how to create the most amazing
dates and give her the best sex of her life that you and her probably thought was unimaginable. Don’t waste
it on someone who doesn’t deserve your attention. You’re the prize, and never forget it.

Giving Great First Date - Awkwardness Annihilation

First dates can be filled with an unbelievable amount of pressure. You know you get one shot at a first im-
pression... an impression that will either end with you walking home alone OR walking into the bedroom
with her. We all at one point or another have experienced an awkward first date, and even on a good date,
there is usually that initial awkwardness. You aren’t trying to give good first date, you are GOING to give
GREAT first date. Right now I am going to share with you exactly how to eliminate awkward dates forever.
When you take control of the date and crush the initial awkwardness, you as the man are already setting
the tone from the beginning that you are taking the reigns and as a man are a natural leader… which puts
you in the position of authority, which all women want, and even turns most women on.

It shows you’re chivalrous, spontaneous, adventurous fun side which allows this side of her to come out
easier as well… all while setting you apart from the other dates she has been on recently that are nothing
more than one-on-one sit down interviews. You might as well be wearing your resumes on a chain around
your neck!

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Eliminating that initial awkwardness for her is especially im-
portant because it allows her to relax quicker and trust you a
lot faster, and after that, if you follow the rest of the tips and
techniques I am about to share with you… your great first
date will be officially off and running smoothly.

Some of these tips may be so obvious that you’ll wonder why

I added them. The truth is, there are still SO many guys who
THINK they know what they’re doing, but have no idea.


No matter what the circumstances are for your first date,
never, I repeat, NEVER call her without a plan. The first
thing a woman is looking for is a guy who can take charge
of a situation. If she is picky, give her options. If you are un-
prepared, the woman may have already made up her mind
about you- even before the first date!

The number one most important factor in giving great first

date is what KIND of date you are taking her on. To put
this as simply as possible… you don’t, I don’t and no other
women want to go out on the typical boring cliche date
like dinner and a movie, coffee, or even just drinks! Why?
Because in those situations, you put way to much pressure
on yourself and her to keep up this one on one interview
process. Yes, you are still getting to know her and decid-
ing if you like her or not, but this is never very much fun for
anyone involved.

There Is A Direct Correlation Between Danger And Romance

It’s true. Every woman is attracted to the ‘bad boy’. It’s also true that you can be the bad boy without actually
being ‘bad’. Women are seeking adventure. They want a man to take charge and come up with a date that will
leave them dying to tell their friends all about it. So get creative!

Remember, high quality beautiful women are in high demand and are constantly being hit on, so they always
have a guy or two or even three they are “talking” to. These women are the ones who are especially craving
for that next date she goes on to not only be something new, different, and fun... but something that takes her
on a magical spontaneous adventurous journey full of surprise, mystery, and intrigue, that she is left with no
other choice but to be completely swept off of her feet or completely swept into your bedroom. This doesn’t
mean you have to do anything extremely extravagant, expensive, or crazy. It just means, a little extra in this
department, gets you a little extra in other departments later on... if you know what i mean.

Be Confident
When going on a first date, do everything with confidence regardless of whether you feel that way or not. A
woman is judging you from the first second a date starts. If a woman has the impression that you are con-
fident, she will instantly be more attracted to you.

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Negativity Will Make Her Run!

The best way to completely turn a woman off is by being negative. No woman wants to hear you complain
about your past relationships, your bad day or how awful you think your job is.

Be A Class Act
You may think chivalry is dead, but a woman doesn’t. A little goes a long way when it comes to common
courtesy. Open doors for her, pull out her chair. A simple act of class can let her know that you’re attracted to
her and are willing to protect and nurture her. Don’t go overboard though. You don’t want her to think you
are trying to hard to impress her.

Listen Up
The most impressive thing a man can do on a first date is listen and remember what a woman says. The
smaller the detail, the better. Ask her follow up questions to let her know that you are really paying attention.
Remember the things she likes and plan the next date (and there will be a next date if you follow these tips)
with the things she mentioned in mind.

Pay For The Date

This may seem like a no-brainer, but SO many guys make the mistake of allowing a girl to pay, or hesitating
when the bill comes. There is nothing more uncomfortable to a woman than the moment the check comes
and it is left untouched on the table. As soon as the bill arrives, grab your wallet and pay, whether you are
ready to leave or not. This doesn’t mean you have to take her on an expensive date to impress her!

Like I said... be creative, and find fun places to go with fun things to do so you two
can interact without all the pressure of the awkward face to face sit down. Women
can often mask themselves as the new-age, independent type who don’t need a man
to buy her anything. It’s an act! Let her do the fake reach for the tab, and don’t worry,
if she’s into you, she’s already planning the ‘favor’ she’ll repay you with later!

To Have Sex Or Not To Have Sex

This is where it comes in handy knowing what type of relationship you are looking
for. One night stand? Ten night stand? Long Term Relationship? Whatever the case
may be, just subtly be honest and give her the signals to let her know where things
are heading in your mind.

Studies have shown that people who have sex on a first date have a lot more trouble
developing a good date into a relationship than those who are content delaying
gratification. Studies have also shown that women you meet online are more likely
to have sex on a first date, because you have already built the trust needed in her to
get some action right away.

Online dating should definetly be in your aresenal if sex is all you’re interested in,
and is a lot easier and cheaper than the bar or club scene. So in other words, if you
are looking for a long term relationship, you may want to wait to have sex with her,
and if not, then let her rip and have at it, but remember to do it with honesty and

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If You Think Women Aren’t As

Manipulative in Dating, Sex and
Relationships As Men, You Are
DEAD Wrong!
Learn How to Figure Out If She’s Using You
Below you will find tips on how to have the most amazing sex of
your life, but before reading, ask yourself what you want out of
these tips.

Be honest with yourself. Do you want a one night stand? A two

week fling or a lasting and meaningful relationship? If you’re in it
just to have sex, then you may just want to skip to the next chap-
ter. If you are looking for great sex AND a relationship, read on to learn how to avoid the women who are
only using you. If you want to avoid these women, you have to know how to spot them.

How many times have you gone out with a girl and had an amazing connection with her during the first
few dates, but as the relationship went on something happened. After the blissful first couple of dates,
after staying up all night talking and writing cute text messages back and forth she totally bailed on you?

As a woman, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard my friends talk about the men they have dated
and how they get exactly what they want from them. I hate to break it to you, but she was using you.

You may think that you have your relationship in control, and that she is madly in love with you. Even
if you think you’re the ultimate player, she may be playing you worse than you can ever imagine. Some
women are so good at turning the tables they have you thinking that it was your idea to do something,
when they are really playing you like a puppet and are in complete control of the relationship!

I can’t say that I haven’t done the same thing. I meet a guy who is the perfect gentleman. He takes me
out and we have a good time. Here’s the thing... most women can read a guy better than the back of our
hands. We know when a guy has fallen into our ‘trap’. We know during the first five minutes of a date
whether we can have him eating out of our hands. We know if the guy thinks the date is going great and
we’ll use that to our advantage.

Women are even manipulating you during sex! Has your woman ever moaned, talked dirty or even
screamed during sex? Two scientists from the University of Central Lancashire and the University of
Leeds asked women why they make noises in bed and 66% of them responded that they made loud noises
to hurry up their man because they were bored, tired, or because of time constraints. So even when you
think you’re a big hot shot in bed and that your moves have her screaming for more, it may all be an act.

Guys, don’t be fooled... and heres how...

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Sometimes manipulation in a relationship is right in front of your face. Other times, it’s more subtle. It’s
often hard to see the warning signs, especially at the beginning of a relationship when things are blissful.

A controlling and manipulative woman is constantly making you choose sides. Is it going to be her or your
friends? Her or your job? Even the most innocent, sweet girls you meet may not be so innocent after all.
Have you ever found yourself making excuses for her?

You may try to convince yourself (and others) that she isn’t manipulative. You tell yourself that she’s had a
rough life or she’s going through a hard time right now. The reality is you are making excuses for her. While
these things may be true, it is not your job to FIX her!

If a true relationship and amazing sex is what you’re looking for

and you are ready to commit, you have to find the right person
who won’t take advantage of you. It’s not that easy! If it was, there
would be no need for this special report.

Sometimes your starry-eyed affection can close you off to what is

really going on.

If you’re not sure, ask yourself these questions:

Have any of your friends told you a story about her past, but she
tells it differently?
Always be cautious when you hear discrepancies between a story
your friends tell you and a story she tells you. Every story you
hear about your woman had to originate somewhere. If it happens
more than once, call her out on it. It’s likely that if you catch her off
guard, she won’t be able to keep up a lie.

Does she have double standards?

Is it OK for her to be an hour late, but not you? When she wants
sex does she expect you to please her in every way possible, but
when you want sex she complains and makes excuses? Double
standards are a sure sign that you are being manipulated.

News Flash... The Time Is Now!

Don’t make excuses, go to right now to
build the skills and confidence you need to approach the women you
desire. Now is the time to build those skills so next time she comes
along you are ready to start building attraction from the moment
you see her.

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Is she excessively jealous?
Sure, we’ve all been there and sometimes you might think it’s cute when your girl gets jealous of a past
relationship, co-worker, or the random girl at the bar. But how jealous does she get? Is she constantly nag-
ging you about where you are and who you’re with? When men are wrapped up in a jealous girl they are
likely to cut off ties with family and friends in order to reassure her that there is nothing to worry about.
This is a game women play to make sure they have their man all to themselves!

Are your plans always changing to make her happy?

One of the awesome things about being in a relationship is doing ‘couple’ things... going to dinner, par-
ties, spending holidays with each other. It’s true that couples tend to like the same things and plan activi-
ties together, but don’t let that get confused with her running the show. Take a look at the list of activities
you have planned for the next month. How many of those activities did YOU want to do? Think about
how much time you’ve spent with your friends since you and her have been together. Women are great
at making you think that YOU are choosing to do something when in fact, she’s the one who made the
decision for you.

How does she apologize?

Apologies may be the biggest sign that a woman is manipulating you. Fights and arguments are going to
happen in any relationship. How you and your woman deal with disagreements is the true test of whether
the relationship is strong and prosperous. If a woman apologizes, seems sincere and reassures you that it
will never happen again, hold her to it! If a similar problem keeps occurring, it could be a sign that her
so-called apology was just a way for her to control you by getting you to feel sorry for her.

The sad part is that many guys will continue to put up with a manipulative woman even when they realize
that they are being played! From what I’ve seen, most guys think they can’t get someone better. I’m here
to tell you that you are WRONG!

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Attracting the most beautiful, intelligent, and sincere women is so easy, but guys miss out on the
opportunity time and time again because they are not confident in themselves or thier abilities
in the bedroom.

It’s probably safe to say that the reason most guys are getting walked all over is because deep down, they
don’t feel that they are good enough to have someone better. You fear that you don’t make enough money,
aren’t good looking enough, or can’t perform in bed the way she expects. This is a rational and very com-
mon fear. You may be so scared of rejection that you would rather stay with a woman who is sucking you
dry (and not in the good way) then to try and find a woman who truly loves and cares for you.

We know that if a man is committed to himself, confident, and crazy good in the sack, then we will
do just about anything to keep him. There is nothing that gets a woman going more than a man who
knows how to take charge!

You have to understand that women, especially beautiful women, get hit on ALL the time. Like I said
before, we know within 5 minutes whether a guy will be eating out of our hands. Women not only crave,
but thrive off attention, and start to think of guys as a pawn in their chess game.

But why would we do such a thing? Why would a woman manipulate you when you’ve been nothing but
a perfect gentleman to her?

It’s simple- If you don’t present yourself as a challange to her, it doesn’t matter how amazing the date was, or
how nice you are to her. Women will see this as a sign that you are NOT going to perform in the bedroom.
The date will only carry you so far. Now it’s time to PROVE that you can make her moan in the bedroom.

What I’m about to reveal below are sex secrets that EVERY woman wants their man to know. Don’t wait
until she’s left you for someone who knows how to perform these mind-blowing sex moves. Be the one
that she runs to.

Do You Want To:

• Give her a DIFFERENT kind of orgasm every night?

• Learn positions that will leave her screaming and clawing at your back?
• Last 10, 20, 30 minutes longer in bed?
• Master techniques you thought only the pros could do?

Then you’ve come to the right place...

If prior to reading this you didn’t think these things

were possible, then I highly suggest you read on...

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On Demand Orgasms Lesson One:

Blow Her Mind The First Time You Have Sex With Her
Did you master your dates and now it’s time to head to the bedroom?

Let’s face it. A woman will judge you the first time you have sex with her. She will decide the first time if she’s
ever going to have sex with you again! Make sure you blow her mind with a full-bodied orgasm the first time
she is fortunate enough to sleep with you. If you do, she will be YOURS. She will return the favor by coming
back for more over and over again.

Believe me, this can and will make or break the relationship. If you can’t get her HOT and SWEATY in the
bedroom she’ll leave you hanging... literally. So many guys blow it because they don’t know these easy and
mind-blowing tricks that are sure to get
a woman going. Follow along and she’ll
know you’re a MASTER in the bedroom.
I watched Blow Her Mind The First Time 3-4
You think it’s too late to teach an old dog
times. Next thing I know, me and this girl I re-
new tricks? The worst mistake a guy can
make is thinking there is nothing else cently met started taking showers together, sleep-
you can learn. THINK AGAIN! ing together and what not. I even gave her the 1st
orgasm she’s ever had... thats what she told me
You may think you have all the tricks
down, but you can learn so much more.
at least, and even went as far as saying she didnt
Learn how different paces, strokes and think a girl could have multiple orgasms. So I
breaths can take you from a fun time to know im doing something right if she is praising
the steamy, heart-pounding passionion-
me in bed that much already!
ate ravishment she has been waiting for.
-Matt F.
There is enough pressure when it comes
to scoring a date with her. Getting a 10
is hard, but keeping a 10 can seem impossible. Don’t leave her wanting to run into the arms of another guy.
Trust me, there is a a way to make her HORNY for you all the time! You can become the guy she runs to for
WILD and CRAZY sex! Sounds great, doesn’t it? These secrets works so well that you’ll become the only
man she craves.

There are a few female facts you have to know FIRST before you take her to your bedroom, or hers:
• If you don’t make us happy the first time...there probably will NEVER be a 2nd Time.
• Giving Your Girl An Orgasm the FIRST TIME is not about “Size or Stamina”, it’s about “Sexual
• If you don’t GET to the Sex the right way we have already CHECKED OUT before it begins!
• If you are amazing in bed the first time we will want a relationship with you or just sex if that’s
all that we can get!

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That’s not all! Follow the link below to watch a free video on how to Blow Her Mind The First Time. This isn’t
just a compilation of sex techniques... it’s a complete step-by-step system to getting the girl you want.

You’ll discover everything from how to spark attraction and get a date... to getting her excited and interested
in you... to taking things to a physical level quickly and easily... to being the BEST your girl has ever had in

This video contains everything you need to have ultimate success with women... whether you’re looking to
find a great girl and settle down... or have some fun playing the field.

Find Out For Yourself Right Now By Clicking Here!

On Demand Orgasms Lesson Two: Oral Sex Magic!

The key to getting her aroused starts at the beginning. A lot of women can’t orgasm through intercourse so
that is why mastering oral sex is very, very important! If you know how to make a woman scream with ex-
citement by going down on her, then she will remember to thank you later on, especially when returning
the favor.

Most men are CLUELESS when it comes to going down on their girl! Although you may have heard what a
girl wants, you may be wrong. Even if you think you’re performing right, she may be secretly bored, wish-
ing you were done. Certain techniques work so much better than others. Once you learn these techniques,
you will be able to give the most powerful, heart-pounding, screaming orgasm she’s ever had.

It’s sad, but most guys will NEVER learn what makes a girl squeal... for real!

You may think that girls don’t talk about what goes on in the bedroom, but I am here to tell you that you
are WRONG. We talk... a lot! Girls probably talk about sex more than guys. Make sure you are the guy that
she is bragging about to all of her friends.

Most guys get their information on how to please a woman from one of 3 sources:

1. Books & magazines

2. Friends
3. Trial & error Oral sex magic is pure gold! I knew most of what the
girls demonstrated, but the insights into why cer-
I hate to break it to you fellas.... but you
can’t learn how to master techniques
tain things were better than others really hit home
by reading an article or even a free re- with the techniques I’d already been using. “KEEP
port like this. Trying to learn advanced GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING”... hahaha!
moves by following instructions in a Great stuff.
book is like trying to become a better
basketball player by reading a sports ar- - Travis M.

It WON’T happen.

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The key to becoming a master of mind blowing oral sex is by giving her not one, but MULTIPLE orgasms.
Don’t be fooled, it IS possible! Not only that, you can give her different types of orgasms. Orgasms can vary in
intensity, feeling and power. The key is in getting her to experience an orgasm that will blow her mind!

Don’t waste another second. Find out for yourself what it takes to give your woman an experience she’ll never
ever forget. Trust me, she’ll come back for more.

To learn for yourself, I suggest clicking the link below. I was skeptical myself, but when I actually watched this
video I was amazed at how good the advice was. You’ll never have to rely on bad tips or advice ever again.

In this exciting new Oral Sex Magic instructional Free Video, you will be given the opportunity to watch beau-
tiful, bi-sexual women demonstrate the ADVANCED oral sex techniques that 99% of men will never discover.
Everything from clitoral orgasms, G-spot orgasms, “deep spot” orgasms, multiple orgasms, even squirting

By the time you finish watching this exciting free video just one time, you’ll know exactly how to give your girl
ALL of these types of pleasurable orgasms. From the moment you begin going down on her she’ll instantly
know that you are something very special... and very, very good.

Click Here To Discover Oral Sex Magic And Watch The Free Video Now!

On Demand Orgasms Lesson Three:

Extreme Female Orgasms
If you thought that a woman couldn’t have
more than one type of orgasm than you are
You have changed my love life. The girl I’m
You Can Give Her 8 Different Extreme seeing now was bi-sexual, but has told me
Orgasms... She’ll SWEAR You’re The Best I’m better than any girl she was ever with,
She’s Ever Had!
and I’m 17 yrs older than her... No Viagra
Women experience different orgasms de- needed thank! We have sex at
pending on how you pleasure them. Some least twice a night and sometimes I think
more extreme than others, and it all depends
on the different positions and rhythms. Do
I need to ask for a night off. My biggest is-
you want to learn how to give the type of or- sue is wanting to date different girls with-
gasm that leaves her screaming and clawing at out them being so damn jealous! Is there
your back? a secret to that I’m missing? Rough life I
Give her a different kind of orgasm each know!
night… or several different kinds in one ses- - Steve C.
sion! That’s right, don’t just settle for one! You
can give her multiple, mind-blowing orgasms
every night. Even if your woman has had a hard time coming when you have intercourse, YOU can learn
how to make sure she doesn’t leave the bedroom without giving her the type of orgasms I am talking about.
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How does the idea of giving her a full body orgasm sound? This will completely overtake a woman’s body,
sending excitement right down her spine, all the way into her toes. This kind of orgasm doesn’t just happen
without knowing these secrets. She’ll explode with ecstasy and will be BEGGING you for more and more!

How about a simultaneous orgasm? You want to please your woman, but we love it when our man comes
too... especially when it’s at the same time. The idea of having that kind of passion only intensifies the plea-
sure for us.

Did you know that when we start to orgasm it can start off with nothing more than a tingle and then
EXPLODE into a killer orgasm. It all depends on how you work her body. Again, this has absolutely nothing
to do with size or stamina... so pay attention!

These are just a few of the orgasms that a woman can reach. The truth is there are so many more.
Remember when I said a girl can fake an orgasm to manipulate you? With these secrets there is NO WAY a
woman could ever fake it.

Remember These 3 Facts When It Comes To Your Woman:

• Women NEED Sex Just As Much As Men! Women LOVE sex... maybe even more than men!
Check out a Cosmo mag next time you go down to the store. Almost every girl I know reads that
magazine and practically the entire thing is about sex!

• Women ONLY Want Good Sex! If a guy doesn’t know EXACTLY how to get a girl off, she’s not
gonna have an orgasm. So... being with a guy who can’t give her an orgasm is just a big TEASE for

• A Woman Can Tell If You’re Gonna Be Good In Bed BEFORE You Sleep With Her! So if you’re
having trouble meeting women or getting dates, it’s probably not because you’re a bad guy... but be
cause a woman can sense that you aren’t 100% sure you have the skills to get her off...

You see... when a woman meets a guy who has this “sexual magnetism”... a PRIMAL URGE takes over her
body and mind. All logic and rational thinking goes out the window, and her body tells her she has to have
you right now!

It doesn’t matter how tall or short you are, how much money you make, and it has nothing to do with your
“size”. In fact, once this urge takes over, it doesn’t matter if all of her friends are telling her to stay away from
you – she has to have you anyways! Scientists call it “pheromones”. Call it “mojo”, call it “confidence”, “cha-
risma”... whatever you want to. Just know that it is REAL. And women sense it!

To make sure you learn the orgasm techniques perfectly the very first time you go through the video pro-
gram I am about to share with you, all techniques are explicitly demonstrated by HOT bi-sexual women.
You’ll see the exact places to touch, the specific angles, and just the right rhythms... NOTHING is left to the
imagination here! Just sit back and watch the girls give each other orgasm after juicy orgasm... then go try the
techniques for yourself. You’ll be using them the same night you see them to make your girl scream!

Watch The Video Program And Have Her Screaming In Ectasy Tonight By Clicking Here!

To Take Your Dating and Sex Life To The Next Level Go To w w w. m y n e x t l e v e l n o w. c o m


On Demand Orgasms Lesson Four: Superman Stamina

Do you wish that you could last 10, 20 even 30 minutes longer in bed TONIGHT? Not only that, but give her
a toe-curling orgasm that she will never forget? Do you want THE CURE for Premature Ejaculation?

There is nothing worse than a guy who can’t perform. Period! You may be great looking, rich, smart, and
funny, but if you can’t keep it up long enough to stimulate your girl then she will go running! Premature ejacu-
lation can be DEVESTATING to a relationship and your sex life.

Don’t worry if your inexperienced! You can learn to be aware of your level of arousal and delay your ejacula-
tion. Delayed gratification will make a woman crazy with anticipation!

No matter how self conscious you may be, the first time you learn how to perform longer and better, all of
your insecurities will fly right out the window! Never, ever be anxious again when it comes to pleasing her!

Superman Stamina isn’t just about making you last longer in bed. It’s learning about what makes your woman
go crazy for you. I would highly recommend taking the time to learn these tips. Superman Stamina gives you
the confidence you need to please a woman the RIGHT WAY. Trust me, if you don’t have confidence in the
bedroom, it doesn’t matter how long you can keep going.

• Sex Secret # 1: Oral Sex Alone Is Never Enough To Truly Please A Woman!
• Sex Secret # 2: Women Don’t Just LOVE Penetration Orgasms... They Actually Need Them!
• Sex Secret # 3: If You CAN’T Give A Woman A Penetration Orgasm, She Can Never REALLY Be
Attracted To You!
• Sex Secret # 4: Giving A Woman A Penetration Orgasm From Now On Will Actually Be Easy...

It took me a long time to figure this stuff out... but I’m pleased to say I’ve finally “cracked the code” on how
you can last as long as YOU want in bed... no matter your age, physical fitness level, or how sexy the woman
is you are with.

The techniques are easy to learn and use... no special exercises are required. You’ll learn them in a matter of
minutes and start using them immediately to last longer and longer!

Click Here To Watch This Free Video To Keep It Up All Night!

Well I watched the video and being a soldier myself I knew what they were talking about
as far as body control. So I applied that same mental control in the bedroom and now I
have the problem of getting out of the stamina mode. I actually tried it tonight and after
50 minutes of different positions I finally stopped... for a few minutes anyways :)... dead
exhausted, but feeling quite happy with myself. Not sure how many times she got off, but I
had to help her walk out to the car and drive her home afterwards because she couldn’t do it
herself. Anyways, I can’t believe I never thought to use that control method for sex before...
so here is to a very helpful video.
- Scott R.

To Take Your Dating and Sex Life To The Next Level Go To w w w. m y n e x t l e v e l n o w. c o m


How To Blow A Girl’s Mind The First Night You Have

Sex With Her—Guaranteed!
If You Can Give A Girl An Intense, Full-Body Orgasm The First Time You Sleep
With Her She’ll Be YOURS Forever... And GIVE YOU SEX Whenever And
However You Want!
This guide will teach you:
• Sex Techniques To Blow Her Mind The First Time
(with demonstrations)
• Sexual Escalation Secrets: How To Go From A Date To Mind Blowing
First-Time Sex (with demonstrations)
• Total Control: Complete Devotion To You
• Emails, Texting, and Phone Calls For “Sexual Chemistry” and Connection

How To Turn A Female Friend Into A Lover
Tested Techniques To Get Women From Online To Your Bedroom


“If You Didn’t Learn How To Go Down

On A Woman FROM A Woman... Then
You Are Probably Doing It Wrong...”
Have you ever wished your girl knew how to give the perfect blowjob? And
knew ALL the tricks from deep throat, to swallowing... and exactly how to use
them to give you that perfect orgasm every time?

And what if on top of that she LOVED doing it... and just couldn’t seem to get
enough? Like she wanted you in her mouth ALL THE TIME... before sex, after sex, every morning... even in
the car??

Well, if your answer is YES than get excited... because you’re going to discover exactly how to turn this dream into
reality in this Oral Sex Magic course!

You Can’t Find These Secrets In Any Other Program, Any Book, Any Magazine, Or Anywhere Else!


To Take Your Dating and Sex Life To The Next Level Go To w w w. m y n e x t l e v e l n o w. c o m


How To Give Your Girl So Many INTENSELY Wild

Orgasms – Using So Many DIFFERENT Methods... And
Giving Her So Many DIFFERENT Sensations – That She
Forgets Her Own Name!
To make sure you learn the orgasm techniques perfectly the very first time you go through
the program, all techniques are explicitly demonstrated by HOT bi-sexual women. You’ll see
the exact places to touch, the specific angles, and just the right rhythms... NOTHING is left
to the imagination here!

Just sit back and watch the girls give each other orgasm after juicy orgasm... then go try the
techniques for yourself. You’ll be using them the same night you see them to make your girl


How To Eliminate Premature Ejaculation And Pound

Your Girl Like A Porn Star... Starting Tonight!
Eliminate Premature Ejaculation In 7 Days... Guaranteed!”
These are the same closely-guarded secrets male adult film stars use to have true Superman Stamina... without
pills, without creams, and while enjoying sex more than ever! And of course, exactly how YOU can do the same.

The Superman Stamina program breaks down into 3 parts:

1. Secrets Of Superman Stamina Revealed

2. Superman Stamina In Action!

3. The Superman Stamina Interactive Trainer

Each part of the Superman Staminia system contains an important piece of the “code” to last-
ing as long as you want. And once you have the pieces and put them together, you’ll be able to
get hard and stay hard as long as YOU want. It’s that simple.


To Take Your Dating and Sex Life To The Next Level Go To w w w. m y n e x t l e v e l n o w. c o m

Do you want to learn other thrilling sex secrets that will leave her knowing you are a SEX GOD? Check
these out today! No matter what level of experience you have, these guides can help you gain extreme confi-
dence in the bedroom. Learn everything from erotic foreplay techniques, to advanced oral sex, to advanced
sex positions and techniques, erectile dysfunction solutions, and much much more!

2 Girls Teach Sex Squirting Mastery

Adult film star Shawna Lenee and her girl- In this 3 video set plus bonuses, Sex Expert
friends teaching men the secrets from erotic Marcus London teaches men how to master
foreplay techniques, to oral sex, to rock-her- giving her squirting orgasms so they can use
world sex positions that always satisfy a woman. it the RIGHT WAY to rock a woman’s world
This 5 video set includes the Multiple Orgasms with the most INTENSE orgasms she’s ever
Method, Forbidden Sex Secrets, Advaned Sexu- felt before, that no man has every given her!
al Positions, and Secrets Of Squirting Orgasms. Learn these advanced sex positions for Killer

Click Here To See The Girls Get This Live Demonstration

In Action For Yourself! Program RIGHT NOW!

Rear Entry Made Easy The 3Some Code

In this 2 video set, Adult film star Tori Black and Your girl may ALREADY be fantasizing about
her girlfriends teach men the secrets to getting having a threesome... here’s how to find out. The
a woman to not only have anal sex… but love Threesome Code, a 3 video set, for a special type
it, crave it, and submit to them in naughty ways of man… an ADVENTURER who doesn’t settle
they’ve never imagined. These Backdoor Sex Se- for the “norm” and isn’t afraid to go after what he
crets will literally leave her begging you for more. wants. Her and her girlfriends will love you!

Get This Special Introductory Of- By Clicking Here I Am Admitting I

fer For My Newsletter Members Want To Learn How To Get Any Wom-
Only By Clicking Here Now! an To Have A Threesome With Me

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