Viralnomics Final PDF
Viralnomics Final PDF
Viralnomics Final PDF
Here’s to the forward-thinkers; the ones told that they
cannot think for themselves. Here’s to those destined for
greatness, frustrated by the status quo. The ones who want
to build a dream life. The ones who work to live; to love,
and to smile.
Here’s to those who don’t just want to get by, but want to
do something special with the short time that they have. The
ones unwilling to trade their best years for “freedom” at 55.
The only people for me are the ones who are in this for the
long run. They operate with integrity, passion, and with
pride. They know that life is too short to spellcheck and they
bring a book on the bus instead of shooting pigs with birds.
The only people for me are the ones who know that
emotion trumps all else because people will forget what you
did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
They wrote you off as being a crazy fool but you are
getting better every single day. You know that the longer it
takes for you to be noticed, the better you will be. And the
World needs more crazy fools like you.
This book is dedicated to my Mom and Dad, as always.
Notes to the Reader
1. All stories are real, especially the stuff about me
refusing to speak in Starbucks’ made up language just
to order a coffee.
Jonathan Goodman
Our Story Begins in the 1870’s
In a time when the horse and buggy was the primary mode
of transportation, a British portrait photographer had a
silly idea.
Around 130 years after Pointer’s silly idea, on June 14th 2006,
the domain was registered. The cat – unforgiving,
sarcastic, selfish, playful, and angry – has become one of the
most popular Internet memes. The images are funny and they
make people smile, but so what? What can we learn from
a 130+ year old story that involved a British photographer
doing something funny, a scientist looking for the secrets to
evolution, and some dude who struck gold by figuring out
that people, for some reason, really, really, like to pass along
funny pictures of cats to pass the time?
to make us feel that we are being viewed a certain way –
that we’re part of a group; that we’re loved.
This book won’t tell you how much concrete to mix. This
book will tell you how the arch works in order to empower
you to use whatever tools, software, and buttons are at your
disposal at the time so that you’re always one step ahead.
“There are no magic tricks,
potions, or secrets that you can
buy for $27.”
- @jon_ptdc
All that I ask is that you use the material in the following
pages for good.
Carpenter Ants
You don’t see carpenter ants. They prefer moist wood and
usually reside in decks and porches. They dig nests in the
wood and cut out galleries so they can move from nest
to nest. Aside from being pests and occasionally leaving
some sawdust around, carpenter ants don’t do much real
They use your home and never say thank you. Without you
(or people like you) they wouldn’t have a place to live.
You’ll always have carpenter ants but they aren’t the key
people that you need to help spread your message. What
you need to identify are your road builders.
What most wouldn’t have noticed were the sea lions. The
sea lions stayed on the outside of the chaos and caught
the fish that the whales left behind or flung too far away.
Part 1: The Cast
Influencers have done the work for you. Their appeal and
widespread respect have congregated lots of like-minded
people in one place. When they post on Facebook or
Twitter it starts a flurry of activity similar to a bubble feed.
Once you’re in, you’re in. The hardest part is getting your
first major break. Once you have it, use it to get more.
This book will show you how to attract, appeal to, and
foster relationships with those who will share your info. It
will teach you how to establish your network and create
content to spread purposefully through it, finding more of
your ideal consumers.
The go-to.
Draw a line in the sand. There will be those with you, and
those against you.
The previous passage holds the key. It’s not about getting
people to do something for themselves, it’s about getting
them to do something that they feel serves the population
as a whole. Before showing you how to get people to want
to do stuff that helps the community, propelling you to
expert status, I want to discuss what’s going on a bit more.
All you have to do is get the right type of person to select you.
Filter Bubbles
Media theorist Marshall McLuhan once said, “We become
what we behold. We shape our tools, and therefore our
tools shape us.”
The Feed
The feed is the most important marketing tool. Those at
the top will become the go-to sources for information in
their community, their industry, and the World.
Miss out on the feed and you’ll be pushed aside, not just
from people’s minds but also from their wallets. Feeds are
turning into reverse search engines showing you what you
want to see before you think to ask.
I believe:
Referral traffic to websites will continue to grow
making conventional SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) less valuable.
Those who understand what benefits individuals gain
from sharing via social media will develop into
industry experts earlier and with fewer credentials
than ever before.
Professional accounts don’t dominate feeds. Large
organizations will be forced to establish
representative personalities.
Perception of quality is more important than actual
quality when attempting to get material to share.
We’re starting to get into the fun part now, so let’s keep going.
Search “SEO help” in Google and this is how many results
you get. I went back as far as the 40th page and still found
seemingly legitimate companies claiming to optimize your
SEO with the promise to get you on the first page.
to Put
the Pieces
in Place
Your chances of success start and finish with how lucky you
get. Do everything that you can to increase your chances.
But I was the only person she tagged in a video she deemed
funny about exercise. She thought of me when watching
this video.
This is what the focus of your page must be. Your products
come second.
“If you take personal training seriously you have to read this.”
The reason why I don’t just link the article about supplements
and include a line about the importance of research is that
it wouldn’t make me stand out. It wouldn’t give a viewer any
reason to pay more attention to me than the next guy.
Unknowingly, you’ve been building your customer list for
as long as you’ve had Facebook. Some are close friends,
some family, and some schoolmates you haven’t seen for 20
years. These are your primary leads and your access point to
thousands more. If I have 500 Facebook friends who all have
500 Facebook friends, that’s 250,000 potential leads.
Encyclopedia Britannica
On March 13, 2012 Encyclopedia Britannica announced that,
after 244 years, it would no longer be printing books.
The joy wasn’t in finding the answer. The joy was in the search.
Make it good.
1. It’s thrust into our faces all day, every day. Much has
been said about the addictive nature of social media.
It’s on our phones and increasingly everywhere and
everything seems to be trying to become social. My
GPS just asked me to rate Costco as I pulled out of the
parking lot. If I had accepted it would have asked me to
share my rating on Facebook. We can’t get away.
The Engineer
“A good engineer takes pride in being lazy for he then
creates systems that do not need constant meddling with.”
- Unknown
Pundits will try to convince you that the next best thing is the
better way. And it might be. Or it might be a worse way. Or
the same.
You need to create systems that don’t need trifling with and
that cannot be affected by advances, innovations, widgets,
or shiny whathaveits that come out. Base these systems off
of building relationships, offering value, and establishing a
power position.
point in time. Facebook forced the word “is” after your name.
How about Facebook groups? Remember them? Lots of
companies do. Businesses spent piles of money building
up their group members before Facebook decided to
change to the professional page format in October 2010. adve
Group members weren’t transferred to the new pages and
companies around the world lost millions of customer leads.
Buttons will change. The reasons people will push them won’t.
But what this did for me is highlight one of the oldest and
worst questions asked by almost every adult to almost
every child. That question is:
The problem isn’t just that children don’t know what they
want to be. It’s that, in asking them the question and
forcing an answer, they begin to identify with a certain
profession early on before they’ve had the time to see and
experience enough of the World to have any idea of what
it is that they really want.
Part 4: Influence
Part 4: Influence
I investigated. Why did this one booth that sold the exact
same junk as the others seem to fare better?
Part 4: Influence
How can you dress up your product so that you stand out
in a crowded marketplace, sell more, and charge more?
Part 4: Influence
Part 4: Influence
chance that they will share your post simply because it’s
easier than creating their own.
Part 4: Influence
Every piece of marketing material that you put out, and this
includes everything from independent status updates, to
marketing materials, to a follow-up email series, needs to
include the following three attributes in order:
1. Emotion/benefits
2. Value/steps to solving
3. Logic/features
Tap into one or more of the above benefits with every “ask”
you make to increase your chances of gaining a lead or sale.
Viralnomics: How To Get People To Want To Talk About You
Part 4: Influence
The Formula
Every good status update follows the same basic formula:
1. Headline
2. Lede
3. Steps to solving
4. Call to action
Part 4: Influence
Oh, and both statements above are false, the dam was
completed in 1936.
Part 4: Influence
Part 4: Influence
Part 4: Influence
The critic helps you grow. All of us make mistakes and we’re
never right 100% of the time. Listen to what the critic says
and figure out whether it’s warranted or not. Perhaps you
were actually wrong … it happens and there’s nothing wrong
with it, that is, unless you refuse to admit it and change ways.
The Hater: No matter what you do, the hater will figure out
a way to hate. They hold a grudge and take everything that
you say as a personal affront to them. The main way to tell
the difference between a hater and a troll is that the hater
doesn’t appear to make any effort to seem funny.
Part 4: Influence
Diminishing Sensitivity
A dim light in a dark room gets noticed. A bright light in an
already lit room gets ignored.
To stand out you don’t need to yell louder, you just need to
find the dark room.
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
Take a day and write down every question that you’re asked
about your product or service. If you have a team, ask them
to do the same. Compile a master list of the questions and
simply write the answers to each. Compile every answer into
its own blog post or send it to a copywriter to formulate
them into blog posts if you have the means, and publish
them all.
Do this and not only will you become the most honest and
transparent company in your industry, but you’ll also become
the resident experts because, by sharing your knowledge,
knowledge that all companies who do what you do might
have, you’ll be seen as the expert.
Red Bull excludes most of the population in their marketing.
They’re extreme. Yet their energy drink flies off of the shelves
even though it costs more than the competition.
Exclude the bad real estate agents from reading your posts.
Include lines like, “if you don’t care about your clients, click
off this site right now and never come back.” Commitment
level to your site will increase because now your content
stands for something.
Part 5: Tactics
You can bet proud real estate agents who are fed up
with the dishonesty in their industry will jump at the
opportunity to share your material.
Once someone hits your site they need to know four things
within less than a second:
1. What it is.
2. Who the site is for.
3. How they will benefit.
4. Why they should care.
At the top of your site and all of your platforms you should
have a mission statement of sorts. The Personal Trainer
Development Center’s is:
A carpenter ant can be converted into a buyer, but you’ve
usually got to generate traction out of them first.
Part 5: Tactics
Feel free to check out the PTDC’s about page for an example
Viral Video
Videos share well. But is creating a viral video a sure-fire
way to blow up a company or brand? I’m not convinced.
Part 5: Tactics
We were riding our bikes through the Santa Teresa
National Park in Uruguay. Buzzing down a hill enjoying the
wind on my face, something smacked my cheek. I stopped,
and then I saw them.
When you stop and focus you see things that others don’t.
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
Perceived quality
The success, or failure, of a blog post, status update, or
any other type of material that you produce online is
dependent on a few factors, and one of them is perceived
quality. Notice that I said ‘perceived’ and this has created
some issues. Actual quality doesn’t have as much of an
impact as it should in terms of how much the message or
content gets passed around.
It’s when they opt-in to learn more that you hit them
with your high-value materials. These materials are
generally more thorough and don’t need to follow many
of the “rules” I outline in this book. In a sense, the point
of any front-facing materials is to create the perception
of expertise to enable you an opportunity to prove your
expertise later. Flip the script and you’ll have a hard time
gaining traction. Not to say that it cannot be done but you
will have a harder time.
Part 5: Tactics
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t always strive to put out
the best material possible. Far from it. Understanding the
purpose for each type of content will help you make your
work more effective.
The only real exceptions to this rule are sites that already
have a large/dedicated audience. With an established
critical mass of followers actual quality should definitely be
the first and only priority.
Often times the right answer is one that takes the middle
ground. If you already have a strong audience then you
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
As Ryan Holiday points out in his book, Trust Me, I’m Lying:
Confessions of a Media Manipulator, ads are what pay the
bills and page views are what drive ad revenue.
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
SEO Content
What’s a more engaging title? “Tax help: a blog about how
to get help with tax” or “How Jeff saved himself from a tax
crisis and how you can too in 3 easy steps”?
Add to this the obvious fact that you’re writing content for
your readers. The goal is to get them to share it with their
trusted network. They’re not going to share your spam,
and the only people who will find it are the carpenter ants
in the information gathering stage. To win, you’ve got to
stay in the feed long enough so that when people are
ready to buy you’re the first person that they think of.
Spend your time writing 1-3 really good posts each month
and promote the heck out of them. Find groups related to
your niche and network, attend events, reach out to other
bloggers and add value, do anything you can to get an
audience back to your site. Once you have a good readership,
you can choose whether or not to post more often.
Part 5: Tactics
Inherent Value
Packaging largely determines value. We have pre-existing
notions of what is worth money and how much. And it has
much less to do with logic than you may think.
If you want a newspaper and you walk into a store, you
wouldn’t think twice about paying a few dollars for the
current issue. Yet when a news outlet asks for a few dollars a
month for a subscription that not only provides digital access
to each current issue, but also to the entire archive, the
response is to click away and sometimes even cry foul.
3. Choose the one topic that you know best and create a
full video course going into a lot of detail on it.
Nick Tumminello is a top strength coach who has built a
killer reputation on the Internet. So much so that he sold
his business in Baltimore and moved to Florida to focus on
developing his Internet presence. He still trains select clients
but has released a few successful books, travels the globe
speaking, and creates DVDs and digital books sold via the
Internet. He does this all from his beachside apartment.
Part 5: Tactics
Nick’s got one rule and I’m proud to say that, after speaking
with him, I’ve adopted his rule:
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
I’ll be the first to say that the type of people who read lists
called “50 things that all successful people do” are clearly
missing the point because successful people don’t read
Viralnomics: How To Get People To Want To Talk About You
You’ll notice that I use a lot of lists in this book. Short lists.
Years ago I had the Personal Trainer Development
Center website audited by an outside party. I was about
to undergo a major redesign and needed an un-biased
analysis of the site. There was one major surprise.
Part 5: Tactics
I was inundated with emails and didn’t want to read her life
story. I’m happy I did. I was moved by what this amazing
woman had gone through to become fit, and I stayed awake
until 2 a.m. composing a response. Since then we’ve built up
a great relationship.
Who Shares?
Ben Bruno used to be the centre of information in the
fitness world. He published two lists weekly. One was of
the top blog posts and the other consisted of the top
videos from the fitness industry.
They should have cared about the people already on the list.
Part 5: Tactics
The pattern will look something like this: There will be 2-3
key people commenting and “liking” that seem to share
every piece of content by the blogger. The same names will
keep popping up on a number of different bloggers’ walls.
Part 5: Tactics
A blog post with three tax tips isn’t special. Any accountant
can write that. A blog post about how you saved a client
thousands of dollars is effective. Better yet, add a picture of
the postcard they sent you from the vacation they can now
afford. I’d hire you.
Show off. Speak about your past and why it’s helped you
develop your ideas. Show that you’re human by talking
about your struggles and how you overcame them. Build
rapport with your audience by asking for help in areas
outside of your expertise. Talk specifically about the people
you’ve helped.
Part 5: Tactics
I Want In
If you’re in a position of power people will share your post
in an attempt to climb the Internet social ladder. It’s a way
of becoming part of a club and can be a powerful source
of traffic for popular bloggers. If you already have a big
following, go out of your way to profile active members of
your community.
Here are some tricks to make you appear bigger and more
important than you are so that others will build you up. It’s
not deceitful and you don’t need to lie. These are simply ways
to make note of particular things happening.
Call to Action
Do you want your reader to buy your product after reading
your blog post? Maybe you want them to enter your sales
funnel by “liking” your Facebook page or signing up for your
mailing list.
When was the last time your company got 1,600 leads from
dedicated consumers in a week?
The book cost $5 to produce and took much less time to put
together than you may think. I opened a Google spreadsheet
and asked my network of top fitness professionals to send in
any mistakes they’ve made on the job. Two weeks later I had
a list of 120 mistakes. I sent the list out and asked people to
write in solutions.
Part 5: Tactics
Instead I gave it away for free. The result was that it went
purposefully viral. The PTDC had passed 1,000 views a day
twice before the book was released. It’s never been below
1,000 views since and now reaches many millions a year. That
book is largely responsible for the site’s success. The massive
shareability of the Ebook created the base my site needed.
Part 5: Tactics
Want to get somebody to click on your link? Ask a question.
Intrigue will help you stand out from the noise.
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
Part 5: Tactics
I’ve introduced you to the cast, showed you that what’s new
is really old, and put the pieces in place for you to rise to
power within your own network. Now it’s up to you to decide
the next steps. So what do you say, will you be “the guy”?
Part 5: Tactics
Introduction.......................................................................... 10
Our Story Begins in the 1870’s........................................................10
What the Mesopotamians and Lolcats Have
in Common.............................................................................................. 12
Here’s What is New... .......................................................................... 15
Encyclopedia Britannica................................................................... 49
Content’s Fall From Grace.................................................................51
The Newest, Oldest, Drug on the Market................................... 53
Duck Lips and Selfies Aren’t All
That Interesting but… ........................................................................ 57
The Engineer......................................................................................... 58
Jon Goodman is... ............................................................................... 58
Do you want to be a vet or an animal doctor? .......................60