Consumer Attitudes Towards Online Grocery Shopping in Kathmandu Valley
Consumer Attitudes Towards Online Grocery Shopping in Kathmandu Valley
Consumer Attitudes Towards Online Grocery Shopping in Kathmandu Valley
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This paper has assessed some current issues and attitudes of customers towards online shopping of grocery
items within Kathmandu vicinity. Through quantitative analysis of the responses of the multichoice questionnaire
from customers’ perspective it was found that majority respondents i.e. 86% were found to be aware about online
shopping. From the customers’ perspective major advantages of online shopping were easy to order, variety at
one shop and time saving. Mobile application was viewed to be better and convenient option than websites and
phone calls. Similarly, 89% of the respondents were positive about online shopping of grocery items whereas
rest were negative. Result also depicts that 52% respondents were aware about existing online portals. The
freshness and delivery timing were given more importance than payment system and pricing while shopping
groceries online.
Attitude – online shopping – online groceries – E-Commerce
2. Literature review order into their car. There are challenges to bringing an
entire grocery store full of products to an online market
A number of researchers have tried to study and place. The vast disconnect between supplier and retailer
investigate on the various aspects of consumer attitudes is one of the reasons why online grocery has been so
towards online grocery shopping. Some of such slow to take off[8].
researches related to this study are reviewed in this
section: As a research gap it is found that most of the studies
were concentrated at global level and very few studies
The analyzed empirical findings by Blomqvist (2015) were at Nepalese scenario which even couldn’t explore
presented overall positive attitudes, as well as a strong about online grocery shopping.
correlation between positive attitudes and intentions
within online grocery shopping[4].
3. Research Methodology
Wee(2014) indicated that intention to purchase organic
food was significantly influenced by the consumer’s The study has been conducted in Kathmandu valley.
perception of safety, health, environmental factors and The sample of the study was the agro-product
animal welfare of the products[5]. Patnaik (2015) customers, mainly from Kalimati vegetables and fruits
disclosed that consumers still preferred the experience market, Kalimati, Kathmandu (60), From local
they get from traditional stores like feeling the store’s agro-markets at Lalitpur (18) and Bhaktapur
atmosphere, interacting with a salesperson, and seeking (22)selected purposively. Among them 32%
sensory stimulation. This might hinder the use of respondents were service persons, 25% respondents
certain goods like grocery and apparel, as the touch were business persons, 28% respondents were students
factor is the main factor, which drives the shopping for and rest of 16% were housewife. This study used
these goods[6]. purposive non- random sampling procedure. The
researcher used questionnaire as data collection tool to
For marketing of farm and dairy products, Walmart at US
elicit required data.The data elicited through
has a section named as Walmart Grocery[7]. Walmart
questionnaires were analyzed utilizing SPSS software.
Pickup is the new service of Walmart Grocery. In pickup
service, customers can simply shop their grocery lists
online, choose a time to pick up their orders and then pull 4. Result and Discussion
in to a designated parking area at their local stores, where
associates will load the items into their cars. It’s all the This is the result from survey with various customers of
convenience of a specially trained personal shopper, plus especially grocery items in order to assess the interest
the things customer has expected from Walmart; the and attitude about online shopping in those items. The
same low prices every day in the local stores; no extra quires were about the interest of online shopping,
fees or charges; and the ability to place an order and pick problems on this platform, advantages of it, preferable
it up the very same day. By focusing on local pickup tools or mode of it and the important issues to sustain
over delivery, Walmart is able to save some serious cash this service or business in long term. The result is
that it can then pass down to the consumer. Unlike presented in following sections:
the delivery services from Target and Amazon, where
delivery fees and subscription fees abound, Walmart’s 4.1 Customers perspective on online
pickup option is being offered for free. And the reason shopping
it’s free is because Walmart has no need for a middle
This section of result consists of assessing the awareness
man. It can simply designate a team of employees as
about online shopping, benefits of online shopping and
“personal shoppers” to shop and load online orders as
the preferable tools for online shopping.
part of their daily assignment. For customers, they just
shop their grocery lists online, choose a time to pickup
4.1.1 Awareness on online shopping
their orders, and then pull into a designated parking area
at their local Walmart store and an associate loads the To assess awareness about online shopping the
respondents were given three choices(yes, no, not but
Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2016
interested) on the question “Do you know about online Similarly, another major benefit of online shopping is
shoppin.” The pictorial representation in figure 1 shows saving the time. Online shopping seems beneficial for
that majority respondents were found to be aware about traffic jams and parking problem in town. Also the
online shopping. Very few (7%) were unknown about it product’s variety and discount /offers can facilitate and
and same number of respondents were unknown about it attracts the new consumers.
but found interested towards it.
4.2.1 Preferable tool for online shopping
Among three major online modes for online shopping,
phone call ordering is traditional way where using
websites and mobile phone application are modern way
of online shopping. Nineteen percent respondents
preferred phone calls. Eleven percent respondents
preferred websites and forty six percent respondents
preferred mobile phone application.
Consumer Attitudes Towards Online Grocery Shopping in Kathmandu Valley
Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2016
the most popular mode of payments among Nepalese the same context, preferred payment method of online
online stores. Result shows that almost all of the E- shoppers in India was to pay via cash on delivery. Only
Commerce sites has COD option of payment. The major 30 % of shoppers opted for digital payment systems.
reason for its popularity is that the buyers do not have The results by Hansen suggested that online grocery
to pay anything before the goods are delivered to them. shopping adopters have higher household incomes than
This helps in giving some confidence to new buyers as non-adopters[11].
ecommerce is still a growing concept in Nepal which is
fairly nascent at this stage. 62 % People have chosen for
very important option while shopping online groceries. 5. Conclusion
From customers’ perspective it was found that majority
Table 1: Importance of Cash on Delivery System respondents i.e. 86% were found to be aware about
SN Cash on Delivery(COD) Percentage(%) online shopping. Advantage of online shopping were
1 Very Important 62 easy to order, variety at one shop and time saving.
2 Somewhat Important 30 Mobile application was viewed to be better and
3 Not Important 8 convenient option than websites and phone calls.
TotalTotal 100 Similarly, 89% of the respondents were positive about
online shopping of grocery items whereas rest were
negative. Result also depicts that 52% respondents were
Based on the reviews by one hundred nineteen customers aware about existing online portals. The freshness and
of an online grocery at Kathmandu delivery timing were given more importance than
valley up to October 30, 2016, 65% customers were payment system and pricing while shopping vegetables
not only satisfied with the service of Metrotarkari but and fruit items online. Since the majority customers
also found it as innovative and good. The main reason were found to be aware and positive about online
behind the good impression was the reasonable price. grocery shopping, the researchers concluded that if the
Few customers found the service as prompt where few issues identified by this research are addressed there is
liked the new concept. Around 22% customers felt that potentiality for optimistic future of online grocery.
Metrotarkari needs improvement on its service. Only
few customers (13%) complaints that the service was Acknowledgments
disappointing due to the wrong product delivering and
over charging not often but sometimes. The authors are thankful to Dr. Madhu Sudan Kayastha,
The finding of present study is closer to the study by Er. Madan Neupane, Er. Bikal Adhikari and Ms. Karuna
Singh (2012). In the context of Mumbai, he revealed Nepal for their support during the research period.
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