6 Simple Machines
6 Simple Machines
6 Simple Machines
Throughout history, humans have developed a number of devices to make work easier. The most
notable of these are known as the "six simple machines": the wheel and axle, the lever, the
inclined plane, the pulley, the screw and the wedge, although the latter three are actually just
extensions or combinations of the first three.
Because work is defined as force acting on an object in the direction of motion, a machine makes
work easier to perform by accomplishing one or more of the following functions:
Many machines combine more than one of these devices to make work easier. For instance, we
might attach a long handle to a shaft to make a windlass, or use a block and tackle to pull a load
up a ramp. While these machines may seem simple, they continue to provide us with the means
to do many things that we could never do without them.
The wheel greatly reduces the friction encountered when an object is moved over a surface. "If
you put your file cabinet on a small cart with wheels, you can greatly reduce the force you need
to apply to move the cabinet with constant speed," according to the University of Tennessee.
In his book "Ancient Science: Prehistory-A.D. 500" (Gareth Stevens, 2010), Charlie Samuels
writes, "In parts of the world, heavy objects such as rocks and boats were moved using log
rollers. As the object moved forward, rollers were taken from behind and replaced in front." This
was the first step in the development of the wheel.
The great innovation, though, was in mounting a wheel on an axle. The wheel could be attached
to an axle that was supported by a bearing, or it could be made to turn freely about the axle. This
led to the development of carts, wagons and chariots. According to Samuels, archaeologists use
the development of a wheel that rotates on an axle as an indicator of a relatively advanced
civilization. The earliest evidence of wheels on axles is from about 3200 B.C. by the Sumerians.
The Chinese independently invented the wheel in 2800 B.C. [Related: Why It Took So Long to
Invent the Wheel]
Force multipliers
In addition to reducing friction, a wheel and axle can also serve as a force multiplier. If a wheel
is attached to an axle, and a force is used to turn the wheel, the rotational force, or torque, on the
axle is much greater than the force applied to the rim of the wheel. Alternatively, a long handle
can be attached to the axle to achieve a similar effect.
The other five machines all help humans increase and/or redirect the force applied to an object.
In their book "Moving Big Things" (It's about time, 2009), Janet L. Kolodner and her co-authors
write, "Machines provide mechanical advantage to assist in moving objects. Mechanical
advantage is the trade-off between force and distance." In the following discussion of the simple
machines that increase the force applied to their input, we will neglect the force of friction,
because in most of these cases, the frictional force is very small compared to the input and output
forces involved.
When a force is applied over a distance, it produces work. Mathematically, this is expressed as W
= F × D. For example, to lift an object, we must do work to overcome the force due to gravity
and move the object upward. To lift an object that is twice as heavy, it takes twice as much work
to lift it the same distance. It also takes twice as much work to lift the same object twice as far.
As indicated by the math, the main benefit of machines is that they allow us to do the same
amount of work by applying a smaller amount of force over a greater distance.
"Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I'll move the world." This boastful claim is attributed
to the third-century Greek philosopher, mathematician and inventor Archimedes. While it may
be a bit of an exaggeration, it does express the power of leverage, which, at least figuratively,
moves the world.
The genius of Archimedes was to realize that in order to accomplish the same amount or work,
one could make a trade-off between force and distance using a lever. His Law of the Lever
states, "Magnitudes are in equilibrium at distances reciprocally proportional to their weights,"
according to "Archimedes in the 21st Century," a virtual book by Chris Rorres at New York
The lever consists of a long beam and a fulcrum, or pivot. The mechanical advantage of the lever
depends on the ratio of the lengths of the beam on either side of the fulcrum.
For example, say we want to lift a 100-lb. (45 kilograms) weight 2 feet (61 centimeters) off the
ground. We can exert 100 lbs. of force on the weight in the upward direction for a distance of 2
feet, and we have done 200 lb.-feet (271 Newton-meters) of work. However, if we were to use a
30-foot (9 m) lever with one end under the weight and a 1-foot (30.5 cm) fulcrum placed under
the beam 10 feet (3 m) from the weight, we would only have to push down on the other end with
50 lbs. (23 kg) of force to lift the weight. However, we would have to push the end of the lever
down 4 feet (1.2 m) in order to lift the weight 2 feet. We have made a trade-off in which we
doubled the distance we had to move the lever, but we decreased the needed force by half in
order to do the same amount of work.
Inclined plane
The inclined plane is simply a flat surface raised at an angle, like a ramp. According to Bob
Williams, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Russ College of
Engineering and Technology at Ohio University, an inclinedplaneis a way of lifting a load that
would be too heavy to lift straight up. The angle (the steepness of the inclined plane) determines
how much effort is needed to raise the weight. The steeper the ramp, the more effort is required.
That means that if we lift our 100-lb. weight 2 feet by rolling it up a 4-foot ramp, we reduce the
needed force by half while doubling the distance it must be moved. If we were to use an 8-foot
(2.4 m) ramp, we could reduce the needed force to only 25 lbs. (11.3 kg).
If we want to lift that same 100-lb. weight with a rope, we could attach a pulley to a beam above
the weight. This would let us pull down instead of up on the rope, but it still requires 100 lbs. of
force. However, if we were to use two pulleys — one attached to the overhead beam, and the
other attached to the weight — and we were to attach one end of the rope to the beam, run it
through the pulley on the weight and then through the pulley on the beam, we would only have
to pull on the rope with 50 lbs. of force to lift the weight, although we would have to pull the
rope 4 feet to lift the weight 2 feet. Again, we have traded increased distance for decreased force.
If we want to use even less force over an even greater distance, we can use a block and tackle.
According to course materials from the University of South Carolina, "A block and tackle is a
combination of pulleys which reduces the amount of force required to lift something. The trade-
off is that a longer length of rope is required for a block and tackle to move something the same
"A screw is essentially a long incline plane wrapped around a shaft, so its mechanical advantage
can be approached in the same way as the incline," according to HyperPhysics, a website
produced by Georgia State University. Many devices use screws to exert a force that is much
greater than the force used to turn the screw. These devices include bench vices and lug nuts on
automobile wheels. They gain a mechanical advantage not only from the screw itself but also, in
many cases, from the leverage of a long handle used to turn the screw.
According to the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, "Wedges are moving
inclined planes that are driven under loads to lift, or into a load to split or separate." A longer,
thinner wedge gives more mechanical advantage than a shorter, wider wedge, but a wedge does
something else: The main function of a wedge is to change the direction of the input force. For
example, if we want to split a log, we can drive a wedge downward into the end of the log with
great force using a sledgehammer, and the wedge will redirect this force outward, causing the
wood to split. Another example is a doorstop, where the force used to push it under the edge of
the door is transferred downward, resulting in frictional force that resists sliding across the