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Electric Current

In previous classes, you had learnt about electric current, battery,

electric circuit and its components.
• What do you mean by electric current?
• Which type of charge (positive or negative) flows through an electric
wire when it is connected in an electric circuit?
• Is there any evidence for the motion of charge in daily life situations?
In class VIII you learned about lightning. Lightning is an electric
discharge between two clouds or between cloud and earth. This electric
discharge through air appears to us as an electric spark or lightning.
Lightning is a live example which provides evidence for the motion of
charge in the atmosphere.
• Does motion of charge always lead to electric current?
Let us see.
Activity 1
Situation 1: Take a bulb, a battery, a switch and few insulated copper
wires. Connect the ends of the copper wires to the terminals of the battery
through the bulb and switch. Now switch on the circuit and observe the
• What do you notice?
Situation 2: Remove the battery from the circuit and connect the
remaining components to make a complete circuit. Again switch on the
circuit and observe the bulb. Does the bulb glow?

228 X Class Electric Current

Situation 3: Replace the copper wires with nylon wires and connect
the nylon wires to the terminals of the battery through a bulb and switch.
Now switch on the circuit and observe the bulb. Does the bulb glow?
After doing these activities you will notice that the bulb glows only in
situation 1.
• Can you predict the reason for the bulb not glowing in situations 2 and
In class VII, you have learnt that the battery stores chemical energy
and this energy converts into electric energy and makes the bulb to glow
as you observed in situation 1 i.e. the battery supplies the required energy
to make the bulb glow. But in situation 3, though there is a battery in the
circuit, the bulb does not glow because the connecting wires (nylon wires)
are not able to carry the energy from source (battery) to bulb.
Hence, the nature of the substance plays an important role in the transfer
of energy from battery to bulb. The material which transfers energy from
battery (source) to the bulb is called a conductor and the material which
cannot transfer energy from battery (source) to the bulb is called a non
• Why do all materials not act as conductors?
• How does a conductor transfer energy from source to bulb?
Let us see.
Electric current
Drude and Lorentz, scientists of the 19th century, proposed that
conductors like metals contain a large number of free electrons while the
positive ions are fixed in their locations. The arrangement of the positive
ions is called lattice.
Let us understand the behaviour of electrons in lattice space. Assume
that a conductor is an open circuit. The electrons move randomly in lattice
space of a conductor as shown in figure 1. When the electrons are in random
motion, they can move in any direction. Hence, if you imagine any cross
section as shown in figure 1, the number of electrons, crossing the cross
section of a conductor from left to right in one second is equal to that of
electrons passing the cross section from right to left in one second. It
means that net charge moving along a conductor
through any cross section is zero when the conductor
is in open circuit.
• What happens to the motion of electrons when fig-1: Random motion of
the ends of the conductor are connected to the electrons
(in open circuit)
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When the ends of the conductor are connected
to the battery through a bulb, the bulb glows because
fig-2: Ordered motion energy transfer takes place from battery to the bulb.
of electrons The electrons are responsible for this transfer of
energy. If the electrons are responsible for transfer
of energy from battery to bulb, they must have an ordered motion. When
the electrons are in ordered motion, there will be a net charge crossing
through any cross section of the conductor. See figure 2. This ordered
motion of electrons is called electric current.
Thus we can say that electric current is ordered motion of charges.
Let us define electric current quantitatively,
Electric current is defined as the amount of charge crossing any cross
section of the conductor in one second.
Let Q be the charge crossing through any cross section of the conductor
in a time interval t. Then the amount of charge crossing through that cross
section in one second is Q/t. Therefore,
Electric current = electric charge/time interval
I = Q/t
The SI unit of electric current is ampere denoted by A.
1 Ampere = 1 Coloumb/1 Second
1 A = 1 C/s
• Why do electrons move in specified direction?
When the conductor is not connected to the circuit through a battery,
the electrons inside the conductor are in random motion but when the
conductor is connected to a battery, the electrons move in a specified
direction. This shows that something causes the electron to move it in a
specified direction. When the ends of the conductor are connected to the
terminals of a battery a uniform electric field is set up throughout the
conductor. This field makes the electrons move in a specified direction.
• In which direction do the electrons move?
• Do the electrons accelerate continuously?
• Do they move with a constant speed?
The free electrons in the conductor are accelerated by the electric
field and move in a direction opposite to the direction of the field. When
electrons are in motion under the influence of the field, they collide with
lattice ions, lose energy and may even come to a halt at every collision.
They are again accelerated by the electric field and make collisions with
other lattice ions. In this way they continue to move along the conductor.
230 X Class Electric Current
The motion of electron is shown in figure 3. Potential difference
Hence, we assume that electrons in the A B
conductor move with a constant average speed. We
call this speed as drift speed or drift velocity. Direction of electric field
fig-3: Motion of electron
Let us calculate the drift speed of free charges
Consider a conductor with cross sectional area A. Assume that the
ends of the conductor are connected to a battery to make the current flow
through it. Let vd be the drift speed of the charges as shown in figure 4 and
n be the number of charges present in the conductor D
in an unit volume (charge density). The distance
covered by each charge in one second is vd. Then
the volume of the conductor for this distance is equal A (cross section area)
to Av d (see figure 4). The number of charges fig-4: Drift of positive charges
contained in that volume is equal to nAvd. Let q be
the charge of each carrier. Then the total charge crossing the cross sectional
area at position D in one second is nqAvd. This is equal to electric current.
Electric current I = nqAvd ………………. (1)
Therefore, vd = I/nqA ………………. (2)
We know that the charge carriers in a conductor are electrons. The
magnitude of electric charge ‘e’ is 1.602 x 10-19C.
Let us calculate the drift speed of electron in a copper wire carrying a
current of 1A and cross sectional area A = 10-6 m2. The electron density of
copper that was found experimentally is n = 8.5x1028m–3. Substituting these
values in equation (2) with q = e, we get,
vd = 1/(8.5x1028x10-6x1.6x10-19)
vd = 7x10-5m/s = 0.07mm/s
This shows that the electrons are moving very slowly.
• Why does a bulb glow immediately when we switch on?
When we switch on any electric circuit, irrespective of length of the
connecting wire (conductor) an electric field is set up throughout the
conductor instantaneously due to the potential difference of the source
(battery) connected to the circuit. This electric field makes all the electrons
to move in a specified direction simultaneously.
• How can we decide the direction of electric current?
The equation I = nqAvd Indicates that the values of n and A are positive.
The direction of electric current is determined by the signs of the charge
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q and drift speed vd. For electrons (negative charges), q is negative and vd
is positive. Then the product of q and vd is negative. This negative sign
shows that the direction of electric current is opposite to the flow of
negative charge. For positive charges the product of q and vd is positive.
Hence, the direction of electric current can be taken as the direction of
flow of positive charges.
• How can we measure electric current?
Usually an ammeter is used to measure electric current. It is always
connected in series to the circuit.
• Where do the electrons get energy for their motion from?
Potential Difference
When the ends of a conducting wire are connected to the terminals of
a battery, an electric field is setup throughout the conductor. This field
exerts a force on the charge (electron). Let Fe be the force exerted by the
electric field on a free charge q. The free charges accelerate in the direction
of the electric field (If the free charges are electrons, then the direction
of electric force on them is opposite to the direction of electric field). It
means the electric field does some work to move free charges in a specified
• Can you find the work done by the electric force?

Direction of electric field Let the electric force made the charges move
A Fe B through a distance ‘l’ from A to B as shown in
figure 5. We know that, the work is the product of
l force and distance along the direction of force.
Hence, work done by the electric force on a
free charge q is given by
W = Fe l
What is the work done by the electric force on unit charge?
Work done by the electric force on unit charge = W/q = Fe l/q
Work done by the electric force on unit positive charge to move it
through a distance ‘l’ from A to B is called potential difference between
those points. Potential difference is denoted by a symbol V. The potential
difference between two points separated by a distance l in a conducting
wire is given by,
V = W/q = Fe l/q

232 X Class Electric Current

This potential difference is also called voltage. The SI unit of potential
difference is “Volt” and it is denoted by V.
1 Volt = 1 Joule/1 Coulomb
1V = 1J/C
• What is the direction of electric current in terms of potential
• Do positive charges move in a conductor? Can you give an example of
Let us recall your experience of electrolysis and electroplating and
conductivity of fluids that you had learned in earlier classes. When electric
current is allowed to pass through fluids, the positive ions (cations) and
negative ions (anions) move in opposite directions. The direction of the
motion of positive charges in an electrolyte is always in the direction of
the electric field while negative charges move in a direction opposite to
that of positive charges. Thus for conduction in fluids there exists motion
of both positive and negative charges. Whereas in case of metal conductors
there will be only motion of electrons. (The positive charges are fixed in
the lattice)
If positive charges move from point A to B in a conductor, the electric
field does positive work so W/q is positive for free positive charges. You
can say that the direction of the electric field is from A to B and the point
A is at high potential and point B is at low potential. As negative charges
always move in a direction opposite to the electric field we consider that
electrons move from low potential to high potential.
We know that in a battery or cell a constant potential difference is
maintained till the battery is completely discharged.
• How does a battery maintain a constant potential difference between
its terminals?
• Why does the battery discharge when its positive and negative terminals
are connected through a conductor?
To answer this, we need to know about how a battery or a cell works.
A battery consists of two metal plates (electrodes) and a chemical
(electrolyte). The electrolyte (chemical) between the two metal plates
consists of positive and negative ions which move in opposite directions
(see figure 6). The electrolyte exerts a certain force on these ions and
makes them move in a specified direction. Let us call this force as a
chemical force (Fc). Depending upon the nature of the chemical, positive
ions move towards one of the plates and accumulate on that plate. As a
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result of this accumulation of charges on this plate it becomes positively
charged (called anode). Negative ions move in a direction opposite to the
motion of positive ions and accumulate on the other plate. As a result of
this the plate becomes negatively charged (called cathode). This
accumulation of different charges on respective plates continues till both
plates are sufficiently charged.
But the ions in motion experience another force when sufficient
number of charges are accumulated on the plates. Let us call this force as
electric force (Fe). The direction of this force is opposite to the direction
of chemical force Fc and the magnitude of this force depends on the amount
of charge accumulated on the plates.

The motion of ions continue towards their

respective plates if the chemical force Fc is
stronger than electric force Fe. See figure 7.
The accumulation of charges on plates is
fig-6 continuous till the electric force Fe becomes
equal to chemical force Fc. At this situation
there will not be any motion in ions due to
Fc Fe balance of forces Fe and Fc. It is shown in
Fe Fc figure 8. The new battery that we buy from
the shop is at a stage where the ions in the
fig-7 electrolyte are under the influence of
balanced forces. See figure 9. This is the
reason for the constant potential difference
Fc Fe
between the terminals of a battery.
Fe Fc The amount of charge accumulated on the
plates depends on nature of the chemical used
fig-8 in the battery.
• What happens when the battery is
connected in a circuit?
When a conducting wire is connected to
the terminals of the battery, a potential
difference is created between the ends of the
fig-9 conductor. This potential difference sets up
an electric field throughout the conductor
(the direction of electric field is from
positive terminal to negative terminal in the

234 X Class Electric Current

We know that the conductor contains large number of electrons. The
electrons near the positive terminal of the battery are attracted by it and
start to move towards positive terminal. As a result, the amount of positive
charge on this plate decreases. So the electric force Fe becomes weaker
than chemical force Fc and chemical force pulls negative ions from the
positive plate (anode) and makes them move towards the negative plate
(cathode). The negative terminal pushes one electron into the conductor
because of stronger repulsion between negative terminal and negative ion.
Hence, the total number of electrons in the conductor remains constant
during the current flow. The above said process continuous till equilibrium
is attained between the forces Fe and Fc.
Electromotive force (emf)
When the ends of the conductor are connected to the terminals of a
battery, the electrons in the conductor move with a drift speed from negative
terminal to positive terminal because of the electric force acting on them.
At the same time negative ions of equal amount of charge move from
positive terminal to negative terminal against the electric force (Fe) because
of the chemical force acting on them within battery. Thus, some chemical
energy is spent to move ions in the battery. It means that an amount of
work is done by the chemical force (Fc).
Let us assume that work done by the chemical force to move a negative
charge q from positive terminal to negative terminal against the electric
force Fe be ‘W’ and also assume that the magnitude of chemical force Fc is
equal to magnitude of electric force (Fe).
The work done on negative charge q by the chemical force, W = Fcd
where ‘d’ is the distance between the terminals. Then work done by the
chemical force to move 1 Columb charge from positive terminal to negative
terminal is given by, W/q = Fcd/q. We know that Fc = Fe, then we get
W/q = Fed/q.
This W/q is the work done by the chemical force on unit negative
charge to move it from positive terminal to negative terminal. This is called
emf (ε).
ε = W/q = Fed/q
Generally, emf is defined as the work done by the chemical force to
move unit positive charge from negative terminal to positive terminal of
the battery.
• How can we measure potential difference or emf?

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Generally a volt meter is used to measure potential difference or emf
across an electric device like battery. It must be connected in parallel to
the electric device to measure the potential difference across the ends of
the electric device.
When a battery in a torch is used for several weeks, the light from its
bulb becomes dim. We say that the battery or cell in the torch is discharged.
What does it mean?
• Is there any relation between emf of battery and drift speed of electrons
in the conductor connected to a battery?
Ohm’s law

Lab Activity
Aim: To show that the ratio V/I is a constant for a conductor.
Materials required: 5 dry cells of 1.5V each, conducting wires, an
ammeter, a volt meter, thin iron spoke of length 10cm, LED and key.

Procedure: Connect a circuit as shown in figure
Iron spoke 10. Solder the conducting wires to the ends of the
I iron spoke. Close the key. Note the readings of
A current from ammeter and potential difference from
Battery key
volt meter in table 1.
fig-10 Table:1

SI.No. Potential difference (V) Current (I) V/I

Now connect two cells (in series) instead of one cell in the circuit.
Note the respective readings of the ammeter and volt meter and record the
values in table 1. Repeat the same for three cells, four cells and five cells
respectively. Record the values of potential difference (V) and current (I)
corresponding to each case in the table 1. Find V/I for each set of values.
What do you notice? The ratio V/I is a constant. We can write this
mathematically as

236 X Class Electric Current

From this experiment we can conclude that the potential

(in ampere)
difference between the ends of the iron spoke (conductor) is

directly proportional to the current passing through it (assuming
the temperature of the iron spoke is constant during the flow
of current through it).
Draw a graph between V and I taking the current (I) along
y-axis and potential difference (V) along x-axis with appropriate (in volt)
scale. You will get a straight line graph passing through the
origin as shown in figure 11.
Repeat the process by using a LED instead of iron spoke.

(in ampere)
The long terminal of the LED is connected to the positive

terminal of the battery and short terminal of the LED is
connected to negative terminal of the battery. Note the values
of current ‘I’ and potential difference ‘V’ in each case and record
the values in table 1 (draw this table in your notebook). Find
V/I for each set of values I and V. You will notice that the ratio V
(in volt)
V/I is not a constant. Draw a graph between V and I for LED. fig-12
You will get a curved graph as shown in figure 12.
From the above lab activity we can conclude that the ratio between V
and I is constant for some materials at constant temperature. This fact was
established by German Physicist, George Simon Ohm and it is popularly
known as Ohm’s law.
We can define Ohm’s law as follow.
The potential difference between the ends of a conductor is directly
proportional to the electric current passing through it at constant
Let V be the potential difference between the ends of the conductor
and I be the current passing through it.
V ∝ I (temperature is constant)
V/I = Constant
This constant is called resistance of the conductor. It is denoted by
‘R’. Then we get V/I = R.
V = IR
The SI unit of resistance is ohm. The symbol of ohm is Ω.
1 Ohm = 1 Volt/1 Ampere
1 Ω = 1V/A

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• Can you guess the reason why the ratio of V and I in case of LED is not
• Do all materials obey Ohm’s law?
• Can we classify the materials based on Ohm’s law?
Based on Ohm’s law materials are classified into two categories. Those
which obey Ohm’s law are called ohmic materials. For example, metals
are ohmic materials. Those which do not obey Ohm’s law are called non
ohmic materials. For example, LEDs are non ohmic materials.
Limitations of Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s law is valid for metal conductors provided the temperature and
other physical conditions remain constant. The resistance of the material
changes with temperature. Hence for changing temperature the V-I graph
for a conductor will be non-linear. Ohm’s law is not applicable to gaseous
conductors. It is also not applicable to semiconductors such as germanium
and silicon.
• What is resistance?
• Is the value of resistance the same for all materials?
When a conductor is connected to a battery the free electrons start
moving with a drift speed in a specified direction. During the motion, the
electrons collide with positive ions (fixed) of the lattice and come to halt.
This means that they lose mechanical energy in the form of heat. Due to
the electric field that was set up by the battery throughout the conductor,
these electrons regain the energy from the field and proceed to move. The
motion of electrons is obstructed by the lattice ions. The obstruction
offered to the flow of electrons in a conductor by lattice ions depends
upon the nature of the material.
Therefore, the resistance of a conductor is defined as the obstruction
to the motion of the electrons in a conductor. The material which offers
resistance to the motion of electrons is called resistor.
• Is there any application of Ohm’s law in daily life?
• What causes electric shock in the human body – current or voltage?
Let us see.
Electric shock
Let us assume that human body is a resistor. The resistance of the
human body generally varies from 100 Ω (if body is wet with salt water)
to 5,00,000 Ω (if the skin is very dry). Let us calculate the amount of
current that flows through the human body. Let us assume you have touched
the two electrodes of a battery of 24V with dry fingers in such a way that
the circuit is complete. Let your body resistance be 1,00,000Ω. Then the
238 X Class Electric Current
current flowing through your body is given by I = 24/100000 = 0.00024A.
This current is very small. When such small current passes through the
human body, it does not affect the functioning of various organs inside the
• Do you know the voltage of mains that we use in our household
• What happens to our body if we touch live wire of 240V?
The current passing through our body when we touch a live wire of
240V is given by I = 240/100000 = 0.0024A. When this quantify of current
flows through the body the functioning of organs inside the body gets
disturbed. This disturbance inside the body is felt as electric shock. If the
current flow continues further, it damages the tissues of the body which
leads to decrease in resistance of the body. When this current flows for a
longer time, damage to the tissues increases and thereby the resistance of
human body decreases further. Hence, the current through the human body
will increase. If this current reaches 0.07A, it effects the functioning of
the heart and if this much current passes through the heart for more than
one second it could be fatal. If this current flows for a longer time, the
person in electric shock is being killed. See the table 2 that describes the
effects of electric current on human body.
Current in Effect
0.001 Can be felt
0.005 Is painful
0.010 Causes involuntary muscle contractions (spasms)
0.015 Causes loss of muscle control
0.070 If through the heart, causes serious disruption ; probably fatal if current
lasts for more than 1 s
From the above discussions, we can conclude that an electric shock
can be experienced when there is a potential difference exists between
one part of the body and another part. When current flows through human
body, it chooses the path which offers low resistance. The resistance of a
body is not uniform throughout it. For example, skin offers more resistance
than the organs inside the body. As long as current flow continues inside
the body the current and resistance of human body goes on changing
inversely. Hence, the electric shock is a combined effect of potential
difference, electric current and resistance of the human body.
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• Why doesn’t a bird get a shock when it stands on a high voltage wire?
There are two parallel transmission lines on electric poles. The potential
difference between these two lines is 240V throughout their lengths. If
you connect any conducting device across these two wires, it causes current
to flow between the wires. When the bird stands on a high voltage wire,
there is no potential difference between the legs of the bird because it
stands on a single wire. So no current passes through the bird. Hence, it
doesn’t feel any electric shock.

Do you know?
A multi meter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit.
Digital multi meter displays the measured value in
A multi meter has three parts
Display: The display usually has four digits and the ability
to display a negative sign.
Selection knob: The selection knob allows the user to
set the multi meter to read different functions such as
milliamps (mA) of current, voltage (V) and resistance (Ω).
Ports: Multi meters generally have two ports. One is
usually labelled as ‘COM’ (common or ground port). This is
where black test lead is connected. The other is labelled as
mAVΩ port where the red lead is conventionally plugged in.
WARNING: Most multi meters can measure AC quantities also, but AC circuits
can be dangerous. So measure DC quantities only.

Factors affecting the resistance of a material

Temperature and resistance

Activity 2
Measure the resistance of the bulb when it is in open circuit using a
multi meter. To measure the resistance of a bulb set the multi meter as
ohm meter and place the multi meter knob at 20K Ω. Now place the leads
of the multi meter on the terminals of the bulb. The meter will show one
of the following readings.
- 0.00 or 1 or the actual resistance of the bulb.

240 X Class Electric Current

− Ιf the multi meter reads 1, or displays OL, it’s overloaded. You will
need to try a higher mode such as 200K Ω or 2M Ω etc.
− If the multi meter reads 0.00 or nearly 0, then you need to lower the
mode to 2K Ω or 200 Ω.
Note the value of resistance in your note book. Connect a circuit with
components as shown in figure 13. Switch on the circuit. After few minutes,
measure the resistance of the bulb again as explained
above. Note this value in your note book. What
difference do you notice between these two
readings? The value of resistance of the bulb in I
second instance is more than the resistance of the
Battery key
bulb in open circuit.
• What could be the reason for increase in the fig-13
resistance of the bulb when current flows
through it?
You will notice that the bulb gets heated. The increase in temperature
of the filament in the bulb is responsible for increase in resistance of the
bulb. Hence we can conclude that there is a relation between resistance of
the bulb and its temperature.
Thus the value of resistance of a conductor depends on temperature
for constant potential difference between the ends of the conductor.
Nature of material and resistance
Activity 3
Collect different metal rods of the same length and same cross
sectional area like copper, aluminum, iron etc. Make
different metal rods are connected
a circuit as shown in figure 14. P and Q are the free between P and Q
ends of the conducting wires. Connect one of the
metal rods between the ends P and Q. Switch on the
circuit. Measure the electric current using the
ammeter connected to the circuit and note it in your Battery key
notebook. Repeat this with other metal rods and fig-14
measure electric currents in each case. What do you
notice? The values of current are different for different metal rods for a
constant potential difference.
From this activity, we conclude that the resistance of a conductor
depends on the material of the conductor.
• What happens to the resistance of a conductor if we increase its length?

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Let us find out.
Length of the conductor and resistance
Activity 4
Collect iron spokes of different lengths with the same cross sectional
areas. Make a circuit as shown in figure 14. Connect one of the iron spokes,
say 10cm length, between P and Q. Measure the value of the current using
the ammeter connected to the circuit and note the value in your note book.
Repeat this for other lengths of the iron spokes. Note corresponding values
of currents in your note book. What do you notice? The current decreases
with increase in the length of the spoke. Thus the resistance of each spoke
increases with increase in the length for a constant potential difference.
From this activity, we can conclude that the resistance (R) of a
conductor is directly proportional to its length (l) for a constant potential
R ∝ l (at constant temperature and cross sectional area)
.................. (1)
• Does the thickness of a conductor influence its resistance?
Let us find out.
Crosssection area and resistance
Activity 5
Collect iron rods of equal lengths but different cross section areas.
Make a circuit as shown in figure 14. Connect one of the rods between
points P and Q. Note the value of the current using the ammeter connected
to the circuit and note it in your note book. Repeat this with other rods.
Note the corresponding values of currents in each case and note them in
your note book. You will notice that the current flowing through the rod
increases with increase in its cross sectional area. Hence, the resistance
of a rod decreases with increase in the cross section area of the rod.
From this activity, we conclude that the resistance of a conductor is
inversely proportional to its cross section area.
R ∝ 1/A (at constant temperature and length of the conductor)
.................. (2)
From the equations (1) and (2), we get
R ∝l/A (at constant temperature)
242 X Class Electric Current
R = ρl/A
Where, ρ is a proportionality constant and it
is called specific resistance or resistivity. See
figure 15 to get clear picture of this equation.
Specific resistance depends on the I
temperature and nature of the material where as Po
the resistance of the conductor depends on nature diffe tential
renc I
e (V
of material, temperature and geometrical factors )
like length and cross section area of the fig-15
The SI unit of resistivity is Ω - m.
The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity (σ).
The values of resistivity of material determine their conductivity.
Metals with low resistivity behave as good conductors. Metals such as
copper are therefore used for making electric
wires. The filament of an electric bulb is Table 3
usually made of tungsten, because of its higher Resistivity of various materials
resistivity values and melting point (34220C). Material ρ(ΩΩ-m) at 20 °C
The values of resistivity of insulators are Silver 1.59 × 10-8
very high of the order of 1014 to 1016 Ω-m.
Copper 1.68 × 10-8
Alloys like Nichrome (Nickel, chromium and
Gold 2.44 × 10-8
iron) and Manganese (86% copper, 12%
manganese, 2% nickel) have 30-100 times Aluminium 2.82 × 10-8
larger values of resistivity than those of metals. Calcium 3.36 × 10-8
This makes them suitable for use in the heating Tungsten 5.60 × 10-8
elements of electric irons, toasters etc. These Zinc 5.90 × 10-8
alloys also have the advantage that their Nickel 6.99 × 10-8
resistance varies very little with temperature Iron 1.00 × 10-7
and they do not oxidise easily. The resistivity Lead 2.20 × 10-7
of materials such as silicon and germanium Nichrome 1.10 × 10-6
are 105 to 1010 times more than that of metals, Carbon (Graphite) 2.50 × 10-6
but 10 15 to 10 16 times less than that of
Germanium 4.60 × 10-1
insulators. Such materials are called
Drinking water 2.00 × 10-1
semiconductors. Semiconductors are used to
make diodes, transistors and integrated Silicon 6.40 × 102
Circuits (ICs). ICs are used in all sorts of Wet wood 1.00 × 103
electronic devices, including computer, TV, Glass 10.0 × 1010
mobile phones etc. Rubber 1.00 × 1013
Air 1.30 × 1016
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• How are electric devices connected in circuits?
Electric Circuits
A closed path created by the connecting wires through a battery along
which electrons can flow is called a circuit. For a continuous flow of
electrons in the circuit it must be a complete circuit with no gaps left in
between. Usually a gap is provided in the circuit by an electric switch that
can be opened or closed to either cut off or allow current flow through the
circuit. Circuits may have more than one device (called as component)
that receives electric energy from the source. These devices are commonly
connected in the circuit either in series or in parallel.
When the components of the circuit are connected in series, there
will be a single path for flow of electrons between the terminals of the
battery, generator or wall socket (which is simply and extension of these
terminals). When these components are connected in parallel, they form
branches and each branch provides a separate path for the flow of electrons.
Both the series and parallel connections have their own distinctive
characteristics. We shall briefly study circuits, using these two types of
Series connection of resistors
Activity 6
Take different bulbs. Measure their resistances with a multi meter.
Note their values in your book as R1, R2, R3.
Connect them as shown in figure 16.

Measure the potential difference between

V1 V2 V3 terminals of the battery connected to the circuit.
Measure the potential differences between the
ends of each bulb and note them as V1, V2 and V3
from voltmeters in your note book. Compare
I the potential difference of the battery and
A resistors.
Battery key
• What do you notice?
The sum of the potential differences of the
bulbs is equal to potential difference across the combination of the
resistors. Then we get,
V = V1 + V2 + V3 ......................... (1)

244 X Class Electric Current

Measure the value of the current flowing in the circuit with help of the
ammeter. Note its values in your book as I.
• What do you notice?
Equivalent resistance of a series V
connection: V1 V2 V3

Observe figure 17. In this figure the bulbs I R1 R2 R3 I

are shown as resistors with symbols. fig-17
In series connection of resistors there is
only one path for the flow of current in the
circuit. Hence, the current in the circuit is
equal to I. Req fig-18
According to Ohm’s law,
Potential difference across R1 is , V1 = IR1
Potential difference across R2 is , V2 = IR2
Potential difference across R3 is , V3 = IR3
Let Req is the equivalent resistance of the combination of resistors in
• What do you mean by equivalent resistance?
If the current drawn by a resistor is equal to the current drawn by the
combination of resistors then the resistor is called as equivalent resistor
(provided the source in the circuit is constant).
So, we have V = I Req
Substituting the values of V1, V2, V3 and V in the equation (1), we get
IReq = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
Req = R1 + R2 + R3
From the above equation you can conclude that the sum of individual
resistances is equal to their equivalent resistance when the resistors are
connected in series.
• What happens when one of the resistors in series breaks down?
When one of the resistors in series breaks down, the circuit becomes
open and flow of current cannot take place in the circuit. This is the reason
why household electrical appliances are not connected in series.
• Can you guess in what way household wiring has been done?
Let us see

Free distribution by A.P. Government 245

Parallel Connection of resistors
Activity 7
Use the bulbs used in activity 6 and connect
these bulbs as shown in figure 19.
A Measure the potential difference across each
I1 bulb using a voltmeter or multi meter. Note these
values in your note book. What do you notice? The
I2 Q potential difference at the ends of each bulb is the
P same. These bulbs are said to be in parallel conne
ction. Measure electric currents flowing through
each bulb using ammeters. Note these values.
I ammeter 1 Let I1,I2 and I3 be the currents flowing through
Battery key R1, R2 and R3 resistors respectively.
• How much current is drawn from the battery?
• Is it equal to individual currents drawn by the resistors?
Measure the current (I) drawn from the battery using the ammeter 1.
You will notice that the current drawn from the battery is equal to the sum
of individual currents drawn by the bulbs.
Hence we can write
I = I1 + I2 + I3 .................. (1)
Equivalent resistance of a parallel connection
I1 The schematic circuit of figure 19 is shown in
R1 figure 20.
I I2 I
A According to the Ohm’s law,
Current through R1 is, I1 = V/R1
Current through R2 is, I2 = V/R2
Current through R3, is, I3 = V/R3
Let Req be the equivalent resistance of the
A resistors is parallel. It is shown in figure 21.
fig-21 Then we get; I = V/Req
Substituting the values I, I1, I2 and I3 in equation (1), we get
V/Req = V/R1 +V/R2 + V/R3
1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
Let two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel,
1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Req = R1R2/(R1+R2)

246 X Class Electric Current

The equivalent resistance of a parallel combination is less than the
resistance of each of the resistors.
You can use this result to explain why the resistance of a metal wire is
inversely proportional to its area of cross section. Let us imagine a thick
wire as a parallel combination of several thin wires. Then the resistance of
the combination is less than that of each thin wire. In other words, the
resistance of a thick wire is less than that of a thin wire.
Though the methods discussed in the previous section for replacing
series and parallel combination of resistors by their equivalent resistances
are very useful for simplifying many combinations of resistors, they are
not sufficient for the analysis of many simple circuits particularly those
containing more than one battery.
Let us see.
Kirchhoff’s laws
Two simple rules called Kirchhoff’s rules are applicable to any DC
circuit containing batteries and resistors connected in any way.
Junction Law
See figure 19.
We have seen that the current divides at P. The current drawn from the
battery is equal to the sum of the currents through the resistors. P is called
junction. The junction is a point where three or more conducting wires
At any junction point in a circuit where the current can divide,
the sum of the currents into the junction must equal the sum of
the currents leaving the junction. This means that there is no I6 I1
accumulation of electric charges at any junction in a circuit. I2
From figure 22, we have I5 I3
I1 + I4 + I6 = I5 + I2 + I3 I4
This law is based on the conservation of charge.
Loop Law fig-22

The algebraic sum of the increases and decreases in potential difference

across various components of the circuit in a closed circuit loop must be
zero. This law is based on the conservation of energy.
Let us imagine in a circuit loop the potential difference between the
two points at the beginning of the loop has a certain value. As we move
around the circuit loop and measure the potential difference across each
Free distribution by A.P. Government 247
component in the loop, the potential difference may decrease or increase
depending upon the nature of the element like a resistor or a battery. But
when we have completely traversed the circuit loop and arrive back at our
starting point, the net change in the potential difference must be zero.
Thus, the algebraic sum of changes in potential differences is equal to
Let us apply Loop law to the circuit shown in
A I1 V1 R1 B figure 23.
For the loop ACDBA,
C I2 V2 R2 D -V2 + I2R2 – I1R1+V1 = 0
For the loop EFDCE
-(I1+I2) R3 – I2R2 + V2 = 0
E I1+I2 R3 F
For the loop EFBAE
fig-23 -(I1+I2) R3 – I1R1+V1 = 0

Find electric current drawn(fig-E)from the battery of emf 12V.
I1+I2 Solution:
I2 I1
Let I = I1+I2 be the current drawn from emf 12V.

From the figure E. Using the loop law,

4Ω For the loop DABCD,
12V 5V
-3 (I1+I2) + 12 – 2I1-5 = 0 ……….. (a)
I1+I2 For the loop DAFED,
I2 A I1 -3 (I1+I2) + 12 – 4I2 = 0 ………. (b)
F fig-E Solving the equation (a) & (b)
We get I1 = 0.5 A and I2 = 1.5 A
Total current drawn is then I = 0.5 + 1.5 = 2A
• You might have heard the sentences like “this month we have consumed
100 units of current”. What does ‘unit’ mean?
• A bulb is marked 60W and 120V. What do these values indicate?
Let us see.
Electric power
The electric appliances that we use in our daily life like heater, cooker,
fan, and refrigerator etc. consume electric energy. Let us consider a
conductor of resistance ‘R’ through which an electric current ‘I’ passes.

248 X Class Electric Current

We know that when current passes through conductor, heat energy is
Consider that a charge Q Coulomb passes through a
point A, moves to point B in the time interval ‘t’ seconds Potential difference V
A Q Fe B
as shown in figure 24. Let V be the potential difference t=0
between the points A and B. The work done by electric l
Direction of electric field
field in time ‘t’ is given by
W = QV .........................(1)
This work is equal to the energy lost by the charge while passing
through the conductor.
• What is the energy lost by the charge in 1 see?
It is equal to W/t.
From equation (1), we get
W/t = QV/t .........................(2)
In above equation Q/t represents the current (I) flowing through the
conductor and W/t represents the work done per second.
In lower classes you had studied that power is nothing but the rate of
doing work. Hence, W/t represents electric power (P).
Electric power P = VI .........................(3)
This equation can be used to calculate power consumption by any
electric device that is connected in a circuit.
According to the ohm’s law,
V = IR
We can write equation (3) as
P = I2 R = V2/R
The equation P = VI can also be used to know the power that can be
extracted from a battery or any source. In such case we modify the equation
P = VI as P = ε I.
Where ε is the emf of the battery.
Le us consider an example to understand power consumption.
A bulb is marked 60W and 120V. This means that if this bulb is
connected to 120V source, it will able to convert 60J of electrical energy
into heat or light in one second.
From the marking of bulb we can measure the resistance of the bulb.
From the relation P = V2/R R = V2/P
Substituting the values V and P in above equation, we get
R = 120 x 120/ 60 = 240 Ω
Free distribution by A.P. Government 249
Thus, the bulbs marked as 60W and 120V will offer a resistance of
240 Ω to the flow current through it in normal condition.
If this bulb is connected to the 12V a battery, the consumption by the
bulb is given by
P = V2/R = 12 x 12/ 240 = 3/5 = 0.6 W
Since watt is a small unit of power, a bigger unit Kilowatt is generally
used to express power consumption.
1 KW = 1000 W = 1000 J/S
You might have seen the current bill that comes to your home every
month. In that bill, consumption of electricity is marked in units. What
does the unit represent?
The unit of electric power consumption is equal to 1 KWH (one Kilo
Watt Hour).
1 KWH = (1000 J/S) (60 x 60 S)
= 3600 x 1000 J
= 3.6 x 105 J
• What do you mean by overload?
• Why does it cause damage to electric appliances?
We frequently hear news about overload of current and damages caused
by this overload.
Electricity enters our homes through two wires called lines. These
line wires have low resistance and the potential difference between the
wires is usually about 240V. These two line wires run throughout the
household circuit, to which we connect various appliances such as fan, TV,
refrigerator etc.
All the electric devices of our home are connected at different points
between these two wires. This means all the electric appliances are in
parallel connection. Hence, potential drop across each device is 240V. If
we know the value of resistance of the electric device, we can calculate
the current passing through it using the equation I = V/R. For example, the
current passing through a bulb with resistance 240 Ω is 1 A.
Based on the resistance of each electric device, it draws some current
from the supply. Total current drawn from the mains is equal to the sum of
the currents passing through each device (Junction law).
If we add more devices to the household circuit the current drawn
from the mains also increases.
• What happens when this current increases greatly?

250 X Class Electric Current

To answer this, observe the values noted on digital meters fixed at
your home. You will notice the following values on the meter.
Potential difference: 240 V
Current: 5 – 20A Heater
This means the line wires that are entering the meter have a
potential difference of 240V. The minimum and maximum limit 4A Fan
of current that can be drawn from the mains is 5 – 20A. Thus, the
maximum current that we can draw from the mains is 20A. When 2A Bulb
the current drawn from the mains is more than 20A. Overheating
occurs and may cause a fire. This is called over loading. See figure 8A Fridge
25. If we switch on devices, such as heater shown in figure 25, the
current drawn from the mains exceeds the max limit 20A. 6A TV
• How can we prevent damage due to overloading?
To prevent damages due to overloading we connect an electric Fuse
fuse to the household circuit as shown in figure 25. In this 20A
arrangement, the entire current from the mains must pass through
the fuse. The fuse consists of a thin wire of low melting point. 240V
When the current in the fuse exceeds 20A, the wire will heat up
and melt. The circuit then becomes open and prevents the flow of
current into the household circuit. So all the electric devices are
saved from damage that could be caused by overload.
Thus we can save the house holding wiring and devices by using fuses.
Note: The value of overload current varies from the household currents
to factories.

Think and discuss

• What do you mean by short circuit?

• Why does a short circuit damage electric wiring and devices connected to

Key words

Charge, Potential difference, Electric current, Multi-meter, Ohm’s law,

Resistance, Resistivity, Kirchhoff’s laws, Electric power, Electric energy.

Free distribution by A.P. Government 251

What we have learnt

• Electric potential difference between points in an electric circuit is the work done to move a unit
positive charge from one point to another.
• Electric current is expressed as the amount of charge flowing through a particular cross section
0area in unit time.
• A multi-meter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measuring functions
(electric potential difference, electric current and electric resistance) in one unit.
• Ohms law: The current through a conductor element is proportional to the potential difference
applied between its ends, provided the temperature remains constant. Mathematically V=IR.
• Ohm’s law is valid for metal conductors at constant temperature. It is not applicable for gaseous
conductors and semiconductors.
• Resistance is the opposition that a substance offers to the motion of electrons.
• Resistance of a wire depends on the material of the wire, its length and its area of cross section
Rα l/A.
• The resistivity of a material is the resistance per unit length of a unit cross section of the material.
• Two or more resistors are said to be connected in series if the same current flows through them.
• Two or more resistors are said to be connected in parallel if the same potential difference exist
across them.
• The junction law: At any junction point in a circuit where the current can divide, the sum of the
currents into the junction must equal the sum of the currents leaving the junction.
• The loop law: The algebraic sum of the increases and decreases in potential difference across
various components of a closed circuit loop must be zero.
• Electric power is the product of potential difference and the current. SI unit of power is watt
• Electrical energy is the product of power and time. Units of electrical energy W-s and KWH.

Improve your learning

1. Explain how electronflow causes electric current with Lorentz – Drude theory of electrons.(AS1)
2. How does a battery work? Explain. (AS1)
3. Write the difference between potential difference and emf. (AS1)
4. How can you verify that the resistance of a conductor is temperature dependent? (AS1)

252 X Class Electric Current

5. What do you mean by electric shock? Explain how it takes place. (AS1)
6. Derive R = ρl/A. (AS1)
7. How do you verify that resistance of a conductor is proportional to the length of the conductor
for constant cross section area and temperature? (AS1)
8. Explain Kirchhoff’s laws with examples. (AS1)
9. What is a value of 1 KWH in Joules? (AS1)
10. Explain overloading of household circuit. (AS1)
11. Why do we use fuses in household circuits? (AS1)
12. Deduce the expression for the equivalent resistance of three resistors connected in series.
13. Deduce the expression for the equivalent resistance of three resistors connected in parallel.
14. Silver is a better conductor of electricity than copper. Why do we use copper wire for conduction
of electricity? (AS1)
15. Two bulbs have ratings 100 W, 220V and 60 W, 220 V. Which one has the greater resistance?
16. Why don’t we use series arrangement of electrical appliances like bulb, Television, fan and
others in domestic circuits? (AS1)
17. A wire of length 1m and radius 0.1 mm has a resistance of 100 Ω. Find the resistivity of the
material. (AS1)
18. Why do we consider tungsten as a suitable material for making the filament of a bulb? (AS2)
19. Are the head lights of a car connected in series or parallel? Why? (AS2)
20. Why should we connect electric appliances in parallel in a household circuit? What happens if
they are connected in series?
21. Suppose that you have three resistors each of value 30 Ω. How many resistors can you obtain
by various combinations of these three resistors? Draw diagrams in support of your predictions.
22. State Ohm’s law. Suggest an experiment to verify it and explain the procedure. (AS3)
23. a. Take a battery and measure the potential difference. Make a circuit and measure the
potential difference when the battery is connected in the circuit. Is there any difference in
potential difference of battery? (AS4)
b. Measure the resistance of a bulb (filament) in open circuit with a multi-meter. Make a
circuit with elements such as bulb, battery of 12V and key in series. Close the key. Then
again measure the resistance of the same bulb (filament) for every 30 seconds. Record the
observations in a proper table. What can you conclude from the above results? (AS4)

Free distribution by A.P. Government 253

24. Draw a circuit diagram for a circuit in which two resistors A and B are connected in series with
a battery and a voltmeter is connected to measure the potential difference across the resistor A.
25. How can you appreciate the role of a small fuse in house wiring circuit in preventing damage to
various electrical appliances connected in the circuit?
1A V= 0
26. In the figure Q-26 the potential at A is —————
A 5Ω 2V B
—— when the potential at B is zero. (AS7)
27. Observe the circuit and answer the questions given
below. (AS7)
i. Are resistors 3 and 4 in series? 1 V1

ii. Are resistors 1 and 2 in series? – +
iii. Is the battery in series with any resistor? + +
2 V2=14V 4 V4=8V
iv. What is the potential drop across the resistor 3? –
G –
v. What is the total emf in the circuit if the potential
drop across resistor 1 is 6V? fig-Q27
28. If the resistance of your body is 100000Ω what would
be the current that flows in your body when you touch
the terminals of a 12V battery? (AS7)
29. A uniform wire of resistance 100Ω is melted and recast into wire of length double that of the
original. What would be the resistance of the new wire formed?(AS7)
30. A house has 3 tube lights, two fans and a Television. Each tube light draws 40W. The fan draws
80W and the Television draws 60W. On the average, all the tube lights are kept on for five
hours, two fans for 12 hours and the television for five hours every day. Find the cost of electric
energy used in 30 days at the rate of Rs. 3.oo per Kwh. (AS7)

Fill in the blan

1. The kilowatt hour is the unit of...........................

2. A thick wire has a ........................... resistance than a thin wire.
3. An unknown circuit draws a current of 2A from a 12V battery its equivalent resistance
4. The SI unit of potential difference is ......................

254 X Class Electric Current

5. The SI unit of current is ..........................
6. Three resistors of values 2Ω, 4Ω, 6Ω are connected in series. The equivalent resistance of
combination of resistors is .....................
7. Three resistors of values 2Ω, 4Ω, 6Ω are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance of
combination of resistors is .....................
8. The power delivered by a battery of emf, 10V is 10W. Then the current delivered by the
battery is ......................

Multiple choice question

1. A uniform wire of resistance 50 Ω is cut into five equal parts. These parts are now connected
in parallel. Then the equivalent resistance of the combination is [ ]
a) 2 Ω b) 12 Ω
c) 250 Ω d) 6250 Ω
2. A charge is moved from a point A to a point B. The work done to move unit charge during this
process is called. [ ]
a) potential at A b) potential at B
c) potential difference between A and B d) current from A to B
3. Joule/ coulomb is the same as [ ]
a) 1 - watt b) 1 - volt
c) 1- ampere d) 1 - ohm
4. The current in the wire depends [ ]
a) only on the potential difference applied b) only on the resistance of the wire
c) on both of them d) none of them
5. Consider the following statements. [ ]
A. In series connection, the same current flows through each element.
B. In parallel connection, the same potential difference gets applied across each element.
a) both A and B are correct b) A is correct but B is wrong
c) A is wrong but B is correct d) both A and B are wrong

Free distribution by A.P. Government 255

Can we apply Newton law’s to the motion of electrons?
Note: In this explanation, the random motion of electrons is neglected.
Let us consider a conductor of length l and cross sectional area A. Let
n be the density of electrons of a conductor.
The current passing through the conductor when the ends of the
conductor is maintained at a constant potential difference V is given by
I = nAevd ....................... (a)
Where e is the charge of electron and vd is the drift velocity of
Work done by the source to move electron between the ends (along
the conductor) is given by,
W = Ve ....................... (b)
We know that the work done by the electric force,
W =Fl ....................... (c)
Where F is the force applied by the electric field.
From equations (b) and (c), We get
Fl = Ve F = Ve/l
From Newton’s second law, we know that F = ma is applicable to any
particle. Hence we have,
ma = Ve/l a = Ve/lm ......................(d)
Assuming that the initial velocity (u) of electron is zero. Let v velocity
acquired by the electron in a time interval τ (interval between successive
collisions). Then u = 0 and t = τ
From equation v = u+at
v = aτ = Veτ/lm (from equation d)
Due to collisions with lattice ions, the motion of electrons is restricted.
Hence the average velocity of electron in time τ becomes its drift velocity.
Average velocity of electron vd = (v+u)/2 = v/2
Substituting the value of v in above equation, we get

256 X Class Electric Current

Average velocity = Drift velocity, vd = Veτ/2lm
Substituting the value of vd in equation (a) we get,
I = nAe(Veτ/2lm)
I = V(ne2τ/2m)(A/l)
I (2m/ne2τ)(l/A) = V ......................(e)
In the above equation, mass of the electron (m) and charge of the
electron (e) are constants because these values are characteristics of
the electron.
The electron density (n) of a metal conductor depends on its nature
so it is also constant for a particular conductor.
For a given conductor, the length (l) and cross section area (A) are
also constants. The value of τ depends on temperature of the conductor.
When the temperature increases the random motion of electrons
increases hence the value of τ decreases.
For a constant temperature of a conductor the value of τ becomes
Hence (2m/ne2τ) (l/A) becomes a constant for a particular
conductor at constant temperature. Let this value be R (called resistance
of a conductor). The we get
IR = V (from equation e) ...................(f)
This is what we call Ohm’s law.
Where R = (2m/ne2τ) (l/A) ..................(g)
In the above equation 2m/ne2τ is the characteristic value of a
conductor. The value of resistance R is different for different
geomentrical values for a particular conductor (material). Hence 2m/
ne2τ is taken as a constant independent of geomentrical values. Let it
be ρ. It is called specific resistance.
ρ = 2m/ne2τ
From equation (g) we get
R = ρl/A ..................(h)

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