Providing and laying 50mm consolidated thick bituminous macadam using 0.20 cum fo 26.50-
13.20mm, 0.43 cum of 13.20-2.36mm and 0.08 cum of 2.36mm & below size IRC metal with 37 Kgs
of VG30/ VG40 bitumen for premixing per 10sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to
CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required
temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver
site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades
and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne Vibratory / Pneumatic Roller to the required density
etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-
30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, Paver Finisher / 9m paver finisher, Vibratory / Pneumatic
roller and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc.,
complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 504 of MORTH Rev-5
Hire charges excluding fuel charges per Hour 5169.52/8 =Rs. 646.19
Fuel charges per day 2.50 litres x 59.33 /lit =Rs. 148.33
Hire Charges including fuel charges per hour Rs. 794.52
Out turn of Vibrator Roller per hour= 350sqm. of 50 mm thick
Hire Charges for Vibrator roller per 10sqm. = 794.52 X 10 =Rs. 22.70
Hire charges excluding fuel charges per day 2330.48 /8 =Rs. 291.31
Fuel charges per hour 6 litres per hour X 59.33 /lit =Rs. 355.98
Hire Charges including fuel charges per hour Rs. 647.29
Out turn of Paver Finisher per hour = 135 sqm. of 50 mm thick
Hire Charges for paver finisher per 10sqm. = 647.29 X 10 =Rs. 47.95
Hire Charges for Tipper per 10sqm. = 323.06 x6x10 =Rs. 143.58
Total hire charges for machineries per 10 sqm =808.27+ 22.70+ 47.95+ 143.58
= 1022.50 /10sqm
For loading materials into CMP
33.00 Nos Mazdoor Ist Class @Rs. 401.00 /each = 13233.00
25.00 Nos Mazdoor IInd Class @Rs. 358.00 /each = 8950.00
For attending Paver Finisher
10.00 Nos Mazdoor Ist Class @Rs. 401.00 /each = 4010.00
Total Labour Charges per 1200sqm = 26193.00
Hire charges excluding fuel charges per Hour 5169.52/8 =Rs. 646.19
Fuel charges per day 2.50 litres x 59.33 /lit =Rs. 148.33
Hire Charges including fuel charges per hour Rs. 794.52
Out turn of Vibrator Roller per hour= 320sqm. of 50 mm thick
Hire Charges for Vibrator roller per 10sqm. = 794.52 X 10 =Rs. 24.83
Hire charges excluding fuel charges per day 2330.48 /8 =Rs. 291.31
Fuel charges per hour 6 litres per hour X 59.33 /lit =Rs. 355.98
Hire Charges including fuel charges per hour Rs. 647.29
Out turn of Paver Finisher per hour = 135 sqm. of 50 mm thick
Hire Charges for paver finisher per 10sqm. = 647.29 X 10 =Rs. 47.95
Hire Charges for Tipper per 10sqm. = 323.06 x6x10 =Rs. 143.58
Total hire charges for machineries per 10 sqm = 808.27+ 24.83+ 47.95+ 143.58
= 1024.63 /10sqm
For loading materials into CMP
33.00 Nos Mazdoor Ist Class @Rs. 401.00 /each = 13233.00
25.00 Nos Mazdoor IInd Class @Rs. 358.00 /each = 8950.00
For attending Paver Finisher
10.00 Nos Mazdoor Ist Class @Rs. 401.00 /each = 4010.00
Total Labour Charges per 1200sqm = 26193.00
0.240 Cum Cost of 26.50 - 13.20mm IRC at Rs. 1809.40 /cum. = 434.26
0.250 Cum Cost of 13.20-2.36mm IRC at Rs. 1273.33 /cum. = 318.33
0.230 Cum Cost of 2.36mm & below IRC at Rs. 1218.00 /cum. = 280.14
0.000 Cum Cost of Stone Dust (Filling mat.) at Rs. 560.00 /cum. = 0.00
53.20 Kg Cost of VG30 Bitumen at Rs. 40372.54 /MT = 2147.82
10.00 Sqm Hire charges at Rs. 1024.63 /10sqm = 1024.63
10.00 Sqm Labour charges at Rs. 218.28 /10sqm = 218.28
Rate for 10 sqm =Rs. 4423.46