Chess Exercices

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Analysis and Exercises – April 2018

Jan Cheung, 7 April 2018

In this article, a game of the NATO Chess Championship 2016 is annotated by one of the players.
During the game some exercises will be given by me. The solution of the exercises are shown after
the game.

(255) Luca,Ionel (2050) - Kedzierski,Slawomir (2034) [A34]

NATO-ch 27th Shrivenham (6.11), 25.08.2016
[Annotations by Slawomir Kedzierski]

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.cxd5 Nxd5 4.g3 c5 5.Bg2

Exercise 1
Choose between A) 5...Nxc3 and B) 5...Nc7 and C) 5...e6.

5... Nxc3

I think computers do not like moves like this. Taking often means developing opponent's pieces. 5...
Nc7 was probably better - similar positions played Rubinstein and Botvinnik. Nevertheless I decided
to play something different.

6.bxc3 e5 7.Nf3 Nc6 8.0–0 Be7 9.Rb1 0–0 10.Ne1 Qc7

Preventive measure against taking on c6 and ruining my pawn structure.

Exercise 2
What is whites strategy?


I rather expected the night aiming c2–e3 and d5. Better was 11.Nc2.

11...Be6 12.Qa4 Bd7

Again I protect my pawn structure.

13.Qc2 Rad8 14.Nf3

It seems that White has another plan for its knight so previous Ne1 was a waste of tempo.

Exercise 3
Are there other candidate moves ?

14...Bf5 15.Nd2 Be6 16.Qa4 Bd7 17.Qc2 Be6 18.Re1 b6


Exercise 4
Are there other candidate moves ?


I want to weaken white central pawns.

20.dxc4.Bxc4 21.Nd2 Be6

Black has a much better position. I can have a nice pressure on column c. My figures are well placed.
Bishop on c1 is not developed.

22.c4 Na5 23.Bb2 Rc8

Strengthening the pressure.

24.Rbc1 Rfd8

My pieces are at their best places.

25.Be4 f5

I want to gain space and limit white bishop, then the centre is under Black's control.


Completely puzzled since it is too risky. White does not get enough advantages for the sacrifice.

26...Bxf5 27.Qxf5 Rxd2 28.Qe6+ Kh8 29.Bxe5

Second pawn for the night, but it's too little since White's rooks cannot quickly head for an attack.

Being up material and having d column under control I am ready to trade queens.

30.Qh6 Bf8

White did not feel the danger and the destroying of the white pawn structure was good.


No chances for an attack for White.


Activating the bishop and pressing on f2. Rf8 is a threat

32.Bc3 Rd6

I just need to coordinate the figures. Taking on a2 is probably good but I do not need more material -
I prefer not to give up the d column.

Exercise 5
What should white play after 32... Rxa2?

33.e3 Nc6

The threat Nb4 and then d3 is annoying. Probably White would have to exchange light figures.

34.a3 Bxa3

I saw no reasons not to take the pawn.

35.Ra1 Bb4??

A blunder which gives White some chances. Going to c5 and then a5 followed by Bb4 or Nb4 was
simple and strong. I was too eager to change figures.

36.Bxb4 Nxb4 37.Rxa7!

Winning a pawn.


Trading rooks was also possible but I want to have more figures on the board for a possible attack.

38.Qe5 Rg6

In time trouble I want to make safe moves]

39.Qf5 Rf6 40.Qg4 Rg8 41.Rd1

Now I see that White threatens to have 2 rooks on the 7th line and it would give it big pressure on g7.
Psychologically difficult since I spoilt the winning position - and I have less and less time on the clock.
In the meantime I decide to chase the queen. Perhaps I can misplace it?

41...Rg6 42.Qf4 Rf6 43.Qg4 Rd6

Repeating moves is good for White not Black, so after the trade I hoped to activate my knight and
prepare some threats. But White would have some chances to continue the fight.


A surprise for me which is difficult since slowly we both were getting into time trouble where the
probability of mistakes in a sharp position is quite high.


Good or bad - I must activate the knight.


It's getting sharp since White wants to go Rf4–f7 and press on g7 and have 7th line under complete
control. I did not like it all.


After f3 I would have some objects to attack but variations were not so clear for me.


Having less than 5 minutes White makes a losing move. Instead of taking the rook and losing myself I
gave mate which does not happen often on NCC level.

Exercise 6
What should black play after 46.e4?


Quite tense game.


Solution of exercises

Exercise 1
Taki g o ith …N is ot ad isa le e ause it reinforces whites centre, giving white a pawn
majority in the centre which is an asset in the end game.
Defe di g the k ight at d ith …e is also ot ad isa le e ause it loses o t ol of s ua e d . It
gives white the opportunity to seize control of the centre, for example 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.0-0 Be7 8.d4!
The est o e is …N . There are a lot of arguments that favors this move.

 With this move, black seizes control of square d4.

 Furthermore, after occupying the centre with e7-e5, black will have more space and he will
benefit that there are a lot of pieces at the board. White at the other hand, has less space and it
could be a problem to find good squares for a lot of his pieces.
 In the future, the knight at c7 can be routed to d4 from square e6, after playing e7-e5 first, for
example 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.0-0 e5

Exercise 2

Black has a weak square, d5. This square is an ideal square for the white knight. This square can be
reached with 11.Nc2! Be6 12.a4 Rad8 13.Ne3

The battle at square d5 gives white adequate counter play, for example:

 1 …Qd 1 . f 1 .Nd 1 .d
 1 … 1 .R a 1 .Nd B d 1 .R d Bd 1 .d Ne 1 .d N d 1 .B d ith o pe satio
for the exchange due to the fact that white controls the white squares.

Exercise 3
White can try to dissolve blacks centre with 14.f4!?
No la k est t is to keep a pa at e ith, fo i sta e 1 … . Afte 1 .f e N e 1 .d N
17.Nf3 white has conquered the centre

Exercise 4
Blacks threat is c5-c4. To stop this treat, white could play 19.Nc4!? Black cannot take this knight
because otherwise square d5 will be seriously weakened. With the knight at c4, white could continue
to improve his position with a2-a4 and f2-f , fo i sta e 1 … Bf6 20.a4 Rb8 21.f4.

Exercise 5
The time consuming move 32...Rxa2 gives up the d file, which can be used for an attack at the black
king side, for example 33.Rcd1 Qe6 34.Rd5 Nc6 35.Rg5 Rg8 36.Rg4 Although black has a good
position, he unnecessarily gave white chances of hope.

Exercise 6
After 48.e4 black should try to relieve the pressure by exchanging pieces with 46...Rf6.

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