CIM As A Solution of Choice For DSOs v1.2 PDF
CIM As A Solution of Choice For DSOs v1.2 PDF
CIM As A Solution of Choice For DSOs v1.2 PDF
Aleksander Babs
Institute of Power Engineering
Gdansk, Poland
For each of the following, please state whether your organization has in operation…
In CIM EA, select clasess, attributes and relations to be used for profile building
<ns1:Header> <ns1:Header>
<Verb>get</Verb> <Verb>reply</Verb>
<Noun>MeterReadings</Noun> <Noun>MeterReadings</Noun>
<Revision>1.0</Revision> <Revision>1.0</Revision>
<Context>TESTING</Context> <Context>TESTING</Context>
<Timestamp>2015-02-01T12:00:00+01:00</Timestamp> <Timestamp>2015-02-01T12:00:00+01:00</Timestamp>
<Source>SCADA</Source> <Source>AMI</Source>
<AsyncReplyFlag>false</AsyncReplyFlag> <AsyncReplyFlag>false</AsyncReplyFlag>
<AckRequired>false</AckRequired> <AckRequired>false</AckRequired>
<MessageID>MsgID00001</MessageID> <MessageID>MsgID20001</MessageID>
</ns1:Header> <CorrelationID>MsgID00001</CorrelationID>
WSDLs required:
• GetMeterReadings.wsdl (on AMI side)
• ReceiveMeterReadings.wsdl (on SCADA side)
1. In a tender process, make it clear that the software vendor should
provide an application that enables CIM based messaging
2. Define desired integration pattern (transport, message paths etc)
3. Define XSDs that will be used for messages exchange between
SCADA and WMS application and provide them to the vendor
4. Make sure the implemented messages are correct (try SoapUI!)
CIM Users Group Meeting – Gdynia, Poland – 1-4 June 2015
Definition of XSD in detail for a specific business case (1)
1. Check which reference model is relevant. In this case it is 61968-6