2016, 7 (10)
Review Article
P. Muralidhar *, E. Bhargav, C. Sowmya
Center for Pharmaceutical research, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical education and research (RIPER),
Anantapuramu-515721, Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author Email:
Article Received on: 11/09/16 Revised on: 04/10/16 Approved for publication: 14/10/16
DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.0710114
Granulation is an important unit process in the production of pharmaceutical dosage forms like tablets, capsules and other dosage forms. Granulation
process increases flow, compressibility and content uniformity of the powders. It inhibits the separation of blend components and reduces excessive
amount of fine particles. This process helps to achieve improved yields with less tablet manufacturing defects. Particle size of granules depends on the
quantity and feeding rate of the granulating liquid. Selecting a method of granulation requires comprehensive study of each ingredient in the formula,
the combination of ingredients and their compatibility with each other is checked after, which appropriate granulation process can be applied. The
recent technologies used for granulation include steam granulation, moisture activated dry granulation (MADG), moist granulation technique (MGT),
extrusion-spheronization granulation, fluidized bed granulation, thermal adhesion granulation process (TAGP) and foam granulation etc. have their
own advantages and overcome the disadvantages of conventional granulation process such as dust generation or deteriorating effect of heat as drying
step. The objective of present work is to focus on the novel granulation technologies.
Dry Granulation
This method is cheapest method of granulation and suitable for
hydro-sensitive products. In this method granules are prepared
without binding solution and heat. This method involves two
steps. One is preparing large particles called slugging. Second
one is milling and screening of slugs into small granules. 12-16
a) Less equipments are needed
b) Eliminate binding solution process
a) Requires specialized heavy duty tablet press.
Figure 1: Stages in granulation b) Does not permit uniform colour distribution.
P. Muralidhar et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (10)
Disadvantages Applications
· Unsuitable for thermo-labile, moisture sensitive, high · Applied widely because of compliment with regulatory
moisture absorbing substances. bodies.
· Difficult to develop formulations with high drug loading. · Suitable for drugs with high melting point.
P. Muralidhar et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (10)
Practice requirements, to reduce the cross-contamination and the It is an air suspension technique, of pharmaceuticals was first
environmental hazards and to get spherical and well-compacted reported by Wurster to coat tablets that are later used for
granules in a relatively short time. This equipment can be granulating and drying of pharmaceuticals and particle/granule
operated in a closed unit and it involves mixing, primary and coating. 31-34
secondary granulation, drying steps. Primary granulation step Fluidized bed granulation process involves spraying of binder
involves spraying of the binding agent onto the powder bed solution onto the fluidized powder bed (FPB) to get finer, free
while the secondary granulation involves kneading of the wet flowing and homogeneous granules employing single equipment
product to produce and to enlarge the granules. Subsequent known as FBP. FBP contains air-handling unit, product
drying of final material is done suitably under low pressure at container and air distributor, spray nozzle, disengagement area
moderate temperature. 29,30,31,32 and process filters, exhaust blower or fan, control system,
solution delivery system (shown in figure 3)4.
Impeller speed, chopper speed, water addition method and rate, Advantages
massing (mixing) time, load of the RMG, feed material · Reduces dust formation during processing.
characteristics, drug substance particle size are the granulation · Improves housekeeping and worker safety.
process parameters that requires monitoring to get granules with · Suitable for subsequent coating and controlled release
desired characteristics. Volume of load in RMG should be less products and reduces product loss
than two-thirds of its capacity (shown in figure 2)4.
Advantages · Cleaning was labor-intensive, time consuming and assuring
· It involves Short processing time. reproducibility was troublesome.
· Requires less amount of liquid binders required with respect
to fluidized bed granulation technology. Applications: Applicable for granulation, drying, coating,
· Highly cohesive material can be handled. mixing, etc.
· Used in pharmaceutical industry and as well as in paint,
cosmetic industries
P. Muralidhar et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (10)
Advantages Disadvantages
· Incorporates higher levels of active without producing · Substances which are sensitive to heat are poor candidates.
excessively larger particles · Improper spray leads to inadequate sized particles.
· Easy to combine two or more active agents within the same
unit, in any ratio Applications: Applicable in the preparation of dry syrups and
· Modification of physical characteristics of the active dusting powders.
ingredients and excipients
· Can produce spherical particles with high bulk density, low Freeze Granulation
hygroscopicity, narrow particle size distribution and Integrated Biosystems, Inc. (California, USA) had patented
smoother surface. freeze GT that results in spherical and free flowing granules
with optimal homogeneity. FG involves spraying of suspension
Disadvantages containing powder into liquid nitrogen where the drops were
· Needs more labor and time for granulation instantaneously frozen to form granules which upon subsequent
· Cannot be used for moisture sensitive and thermo-labile freeze-drying yields dry granules. 12-17
Applications: Used inpreparation of granules for tablets, · Granule density can be controlled by the solid contents of
capsules, suspensions and for dry powders. the suspension.
· Non-oxides and metals can be handled as mild drying
Spray Drying Granulation prevents serious oxidation.
It is a continuous process where a dry granular product is · Results solid granules with no cavities.
obtained by feeding a binding solution or a suspension of active · High yield with low material waste.
agent with or without excipients to the drying system where the · Low to high quantities of granules can be produced with
feed is atomized and dried with a heated gas stream followed by reproducibility.
subsequent separation of granular product from the gas stream. · Equipment can be easily cleaned up and Organic solvents
Alternately particle agglomeration was brought about by can be recycled.
spraying the binder solution onto bed of powder particles in
fluidized state achieved with the passage of air followed by Disadvantages
drying using hot air. 19,20,27,28 There may be a chance of degradation of drug due to use of
temperature which is less than 0 0C.
· It is a fast and continuous process. Applications: In the formation of injectable granules.
· Low cost.
· Reduces operator exposure to dust.
P. Muralidhar et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (10)
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