3D Simulation For Wall Openings
3D Simulation For Wall Openings
3D Simulation For Wall Openings
non-linear elements
Figure 22 Schematic representation of material types used for modelling the building
4.2.2 Phase 2
In the second phase the first three storeys were modelled considering the building in the original
unaltered state (i.e. no cut-out openings) from here on referred to by the term AsBuilt, see Figure 22. Dead,
imposed, and live loads applied were applied to all storeys. The loads applied to the third storey were
multiplied by factor of 9 representing the number of storeys excluded from the analysis. This approach was
preferred to only modelling the first two stories and applying the load as a uniformly distributed line load
on the walls as was done in the first phase.
Cutout openings were only created in wall D12 and only at the first two stories, therefore, only critical
structural elements adjacent to wall D12 at the first and second storeys were modelled considering a non-
linear behaviour, the rest of the building was modelled using linear elements in order to save computation
time. Figure 22 shows which building elements were modelled considering a non-linear material and which
were modelled considering only a linear material behaviour. Material qualities for each of the structural
elements are given in Table 10. The third storey was modelled considering the building in the unaltered
state only.
Table 10 Material characteristics
Structural element Material quality
Concrete classa) Reinforcement typeb)
Prefabricated walls B250 (C16/20) OB38 and STM (S235 and S400)
Cast-in-situ walls (web) B200 (C12/15) OB38 (S245)
Cast-in-situ walls (flange) B300 (C20/25) OB38 (S235)
Prefabricated floors B250 (C16/20) OB38 and STM (S235 and S400)
Joints and intersections B300 (C20/25) OB38 (S235)
B200, B250 and B300 (fck≈12.5, 16.6 and 20.5 MPa, respectively) where fck is the characteristic compressive cylinder
strength, equivalent concrete classes according to EC 2 (2005) are given in brackets
OB38 (plain bars with fyk≈235 MPa); STM (welded wire (plain) mesh with fyk≈440 MPa), equivalent stell classes
according to EC 3 (2004) are given in brackets
The analysed panel (D12) and the neighbouring panels (1BF and 2BF) of the second storey were
offset by 25 mm (tw/6) perpendicular to their respective axis direction to simulate effects of imperfections
(i.e. misalignment) that can occur in normal construction practices.
The FE model of the entire building is constructed based on the same principles as the ones presented
in Section 3.2 “FEA of tested wall panels”, with the following differences:
- The chosen solution method was Newton-Raphson for dead weight and live load up to a
predefined load level, and afterwards was switched to Arc-Length. The switch was necessary to
obtain the post peak behaviour of the structure since load application was done in force control, in
order to ensure the failure of the structure is achieved;
- The walls were supported continuously along their bottom surface simulating the basement
(represented in magenta, see Figure 23);
- The lateral supports were replaced by transverse walls and floors under as-built conditions;
- Perfect plasticity and perfect bond with no hardening was assumed for reinforcement.
- The loading to failure was done by increasing the uniformly distributed load on the slabs C and E
at each storey, see Figure 18
A parametric study was performed where the size of new openings varies from 0.9 × 2.1 m up to 4.4
× 2.1 m. The width of the opening was varied in steps shown in Table 11.
Table 11 Opening size summary
Assigned number Opening size
0 No opening (solid wall)
1 0.9 m x 2.1 m
2 1.8 m x 2.1 m
3 3.1 m x 2.1 m
4 4.4 m x 2.1 m
Openings were introduced in wall D12 at the first and second storey, named 1st and 2st, respectively,
see Figure 22. The size and location of the openings are indicated using the convention Oxy, where x and
y representing the size of the opening created at the first and second storey, respectively, taking values from
0 to 4 as indicated in Table 11.
Table 12 shows the naming system used to identify the models considering the combination of
openings crated in wall D12. For example, O23 refers to a building model having O2 (1.8x2.1m) cut-out
opening at the first storey and O3 (3.1x2.1m) at the second storey. A graphical representation of openings
size and configuration can be seen in Annex A1 and A2.
Table 12 Model naming matrix with respect to opening configuration
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid AsBuilt (O00) O01 O02 O03 O04
O1y O10 O11 O12 O13 O14
O2y O20 O21 O22 O23 O24
O3y O30 O31 O32 O33 O34
O4y O40 O41 O42 O43 O44
Figure 23 Schematic representation of the main analysed bay with type of materials assigned to elements
The total base reaction of the building was monitored, as well as reactions of walls 1BD, 1DF, 2BD,
2BF, and D12 that were monitored independently during the FEM analyses. The sum of reactions 1BD,
1DF, 2BD, 2DF, and D12 represents the total load distributed to the analysed bay, referred to as the
MainBay. Figure 23 illustrates the main analysed bay near the cut-out opening relative to rest of the FEM
model, outlined by thin black lines. All volumes in the main bay were assigned non-linear materials of
different properties as indicated in the original design documentation.
A procedure to determine if a building is allowed to remain in service is given in ACI 318 (2014).
The total test load P:
P = 1.15 D + 1.5 L + 0.4( Lr or S or R ) (1)
where, D is the dead load, L is the imposed load, Lr is the roof live load, S is the snow load and R is
the rain load. It should be noted that all load were factored with the coefficients shown in Equation 1.
A general acceptance criterion for the behaviour of a structure under loading is that it does not show
evidence of failure. Evidence of failure includes cracking, spalling, or deflection of such magnitude and
extent that the observed result is obviously excessive (ACI 318 2014). Crack widths are good indicators of
the state of the structure and should be observed to help determine whether the structure is satisfactory.
ACI 318 recommends the displacement of structural elements to be limited to:
Δ = 0000A
with lt the span of member and h is the thickness of a member. Considering the geometries of slabs
C and E, Δ is 4.1 mm.
According to EC 2, the appearance and general utility of a structure could be impaired if the deflection
of structural components exceeds the span/250, however EC 2 also suggest that an appropriate limit for
elements deflection after construction under quasi-permanent loads can be calculated as: Δ = B /500.
Considering the geometries of slabs C and E, Δ is 6.3 mm. The ACI 318 provides in this case a more
conservative limit compared to EC 2. The ACI 318 limit (Δ = 4.1 --) will further be used to determine
the serviceability limit.
According to ACI 533 (2011), where it is stated that under normal service conditions cracks up to 0.3
mm wide are structurally acceptable in precast wall panels. This limitation is in line with the provision
provided in EC 2 for most exposure classes with the exception of classes X0 and X1 for which the limit is
0.4 mm. A 0.3 mm crack opening size will be further used as crack opening serviceability limit.
The ultimate limit state concerns the safety of people and of the structure to carry the imposed loads.
According to EC 2, limit states prior to structural collapse can be considered in place of the collapse itself
and may be treated as the ultimate limit state. Relevant limit states that need to be verified for a structure
or part of a structure are loss of equilibrium, failure by excessive deformation or rupture. Excessive
deformations for concrete are considered for those above the value associated with concrete crushing. In
this study for wall elements, the ultimate total strain of concrete in compression is εcu=1484 µm/m
determined based on the concrete class. Excessive deformation for the reinforcement steel are considered
values above that associated with yielding, εy=1231 µm/m according to the material properties for
reinforcement used.
MainBay, respectively) as a function of opening configuration Figure 24 shows the influence of enlarging
an opening of the first storey when the wall on the second storey is solid or with openings of different sizes,
respectively. It can be seen that the reaction force transmitted by wall D12 decrease with the increase in the
size of the opening. Simultaneously the load in the adjacent wall is increased. For example, in the case
Building O40 the reaction of wall D12 is decreased by approximately 62% compared the AsBuilt Building
while the reaction force in wall 1BD is increased by the about 60%. This indicates that with the creation of
openings and the change in the wall axial rigidity loads are proportionally redistributed to adjacent
members. Thus, in the case of such interventions the conditions of the foundations would require
investigation, however, this is out of the scope of this study.
Figure 24 Comparison of wall reaction coefficients a) ground floor schematic of the MainBay b) 2nd storey solid wall, c) 2nd storey wall O1,
d) 2nd storey wall O2, e) 2nd storey wall O3, f) 2nd storey wall O4.
The variation of slabs’ maximum vertical deflection and the deflection of the D12 wall spandrel are
presented in Figure 25. It should be noted that only the vertical deflection components are indicated. For
solid walls, the spandrel deflection represents the vertical displacement of the solid wall in the middle of
the wall and 2.1 m relative the level storey elevation. In location of the maximum deflection was
automatically determined.
It can be observed that in all cases the actual deflection limits are well below the recommended limit.
A 0.25 mm increase in the maximum displacements of the slabs at the first storey can be observed from the
AsBuilt to the O44 building. This represents a 50% increase relative to the AsBuilt conditions.
It can be observed that the eccentricity of wall D12 influences the maximum slab displacements. For
example, in the case of the AsBuilt building a slight difference is observed between the two slabs at the
same storey (i.e. 1stDisplSlabC and 1stDisplSlabE), a similar observation can be made for the second
storey. The influence of eccentricity is reduced with the size of the openings created, irrespective of the
storey. For example, Buildings O40, O04 and O44 show the same maximum deflection values for slabs C
and E of the same storey.
Figure 25 Variation of vertical deflections of slabs and spandrels relative to allowable deflections
Figure 26 Variation of maximum crack opening displacements (COD) relative to allowable crack openings (wc)
The results shown in Figure 26 indicate that in all cases the cracks in the evaluated elements are below
the limit. It can be observed that the creation of openings has small or little effect on the maximum crack
of slab elements and in some cases the influence is positive (i.e. the maximum crack opening is reduced).
For example, it can be observed that the crack opening size in the slabs (particularly the slab over the first
storey) decreases with the increase in opening size at the second storey, see Figure 26 diagram from
BuildingAsBuilt to BuildingO04. Due to the cutout opening created at the second storey, the slabs support
condition change. Thus for the case with the largest opening, has larger rotational capacity that translates
into smaller cracks. In addition, the spandrel of the walls accommodating cutout openings have small cracks
appearing in at midspan. Crack patterns are given in Annex A1 for the ultimate limit state of the building.
In all cases, the solid walls do not show any cracks. Creating openings in all cases induces cracks in
the wall where the opening is created, on the other hand adjacent walls with openings (i.e. 1BF) do not
present cracks in either of the cases. This is due to the fact that these walls were designed to accommodate
openings, while wall D12 was designed as a solid (i.e. no reinforcement around the opening). The maximum
crack opening of 0.036 mm is observed for wall D12 of Building O42.
Table 15 presents the change of the maximum service limit load in percentage relative to the AsBuilt
building. Positive value indicate an increase and negative values indicate a decrease. Small changes can be
observed for combinations of O1 and O2 at the first and second floor, decreasing the service limit up to 3.5
%. The highest decrease in load was observed as expected for the building with the largest cut-out openings,
in particular when openings are created at the first storey (i.e. O42, O43, O44).
Table 15 Change in service load (%) due to cutout openings from displacement condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid Ref. -0.3 -3.5 -3.7 -6.3
O1y 0.3 0.1 -3.4 -3.6 -6.1
O2y 0.6 0.4 -2.7 -3.4 -6.1
O3y -1.7 -2.3 -2.9 -5.1 -6.3
O4y -3.9 -5.6 -12.6 -20.3 -15.6
Table 16 shows the maximum service load from the crack opening condition. Also in this case, the
maximum service load is not obtained for the AsBuilt building, instead Building O20 (i.e. having a 1.8 x
2.1 m opening at the first floor has the maximum service limit, although, compared to the AsBuilt Building
is only slightly higher. The lowest service limit was obtained for Building 43.
Table 16 Service load (kN/m2) from crack opening condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 22.1 22.1 19.0 21.3 20.1
O1y 23.0 22.1 18.8 21.3 20.4
O2y 23.1 22.1 22.2 21.3 20.1
O3y 22.4 22.4 22.3 20.7 20.3
O4y 21.8 22.4 19.2 14.0 17.8
Table 17 presents the change of the maximum service limit load in percentage relative to the AsBuilt
building. Positive values indicate an increase and negative values indicate a decrease in the maximum
service load. Small changes can be observed for combinations of O1 at the first and second floor, increasing
the service limit up to 4.1 %. In this case it was observed that creating an O2 opening at the second storey
decreases the service limit load by 13.6% and in combination with a O1 opening at the first storey, by
14.7%. The highest decrease in load was observed as expected for the building with the largest cut-out
openings, in particular when openings are created at the first storey (i.e. O42, O43, O44) but also for (O02
and O12).
Table 17 Change in service load (%) due to cutout openings from crack opening condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid Ref. 0.0 -13.6 -3.7 -9.0
O1y 4.1 0.2 -14.7 -3.7 -7.7
O2y 4.4 0.2 0.6 -3.6 -8.9
O3y 1.5 1.3 0.9 -6.3 -8.1
O4y -1.3 1.7 -12.8 -36.8 -19.5
Table 18 shows the maximum service load from both the displacement and crack opening conditions.
It can be seen that the crack opening is the condition that governs serviceability in all cases, and the
observations previously made for crack opening conditions are valid overall. The load at the service limit
state for the AsBuilt and O44 buildings was found to be 160% and 100% higher, respectively, compared to
the proof load.
Table 18 Service limit load (kN/m2)
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 22.0 22.1 19.1 21.3 20.1
O1y 23.0 22.1 18.8 21.3 20.4
O2y 23.0 22.1 22.2 21.3 20.1
O3y 22.4 22.3 22.3 20.7 20.3
O4y 21.8 22.4 19.2 14.0 17.8
Table 19 presents the difference between the maximum service loads determined from crack opening
and displacement conditions. The difference is given in percentage for each building relative to service
limit load from the crack opening condition. It can be seen that the deflection limit load is between 17.4
and 59.4 % with an average of 28.3 % higher than the crack opening limit load.
Table 19 Difference in service load (%) between displacement and crack opening conditions
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 26.5 26.1 41.2 26.4 30.3
O1y 21.8 26.3 43.1 26.5 28.7
O2y 21.8 26.6 22.3 26.6 30.4
O3y 22.5 22.0 21.7 28.2 28.8
O4y 23.1 17.4 26.8 59.4 32.6
Table 21 presents the change of the ultimate limit load in percentage relative to the AsBuilt building.
The highest decrease in load was observed as expected for the building with the largest cutout openings, in
particular when openings are created at the first storey (i.e. O41, O42, O43, O44). In this case, also creating
openings O3 and O4 at the second storey, substantially influences the ultimate capacity of the structure
(43–59% decrease).
Table 21 Change in ultimate load (%) due to cutout openings from concrete crushing condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid Ref. -17.2 -30.9 -46.1 -42.9
O1y -18.1 -16.9 -30.9 -46.1 -42.8
O2y -21.0 -16.7 -31.9 -46.0 -42.8
O3y -37.4 -42.4 -42.7 -48.4 -43.2
O4y -42.1 -45.9 -51.1 -59.2 -57.0
Table 22 shows the maximum ultimate load from the reinforcement yielding condition. As expected
the AsBuilt building shows the maximum ultimate capacity, for which the ultimate limit is given by the
yielding of the reinforcement in adjacent walls with openings (walls 1BF). In all other cases the ultimate
limit is given by the by the reinforcement yielding in the walls accommodating the cutout openings. The
lowest ultimate capacity was obtained for Building O43. The ultimate limit of the structure was observed
to decrease with the opening size, although not proportionally. However for cases with O2 cutout opening
at the second storey (column Ox2 in Table 22), a higher limit load was observed when the openings of the
same size are introduced (i.e. opening O2 at both stories) compared to cases when first storey has a solid
wall or a smaller cutout opening. This would suggest that vertical consistency can provide a better structural
Table 22 Ultimate load (kN/m2) from yielding of reinforcement condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 35.2 31.9 28.5 28.5 24.5
O1y 33.7 32.8 28.5 28.5 24.6
O2y 33.0 32.9 28.0 27.8 24.6
O3y 30.7 24.9 25.0 21.5 23.7
O4y 28.4 20.7 18.5 14.0 17.1
Table 23 presents the change of the ultimate limit load in percentage relative to the AsBuilt building.
The highest decrease in load was observed as expected for the building with the largest cutout openings, in
particular when openings are created at the first storey (i.e. O41, O42, O43, O44). It was observed that O2
has a more significant influence on the ultimate capacity when introduced at the second storey.
Table 23 Change in ultimate load (%) due to cutout openings from reinforcement yielding condition
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid Ref. -9.5 -19.1 -19.2 -30.4
O1y -4.3 -6.9 -19.1 -19.1 -30.2
O2y -6.4 -6.7 -20.6 -21.2 -30.2
O3y -12.9 -29.3 -29.7 -38.8 -32.7
O4y -19.4 -41.4 -47.3 -60.4 -51.3
Table 24 shows the maximum ultimate load from both concrete crushing and reinforcement yielding
conditions. It can be seen that yielding of the reinforcement is the condition that governs the ultimate limit
in all cases, and the observations previously made for yielding of reinforcement conditions are applicable
Table 24 Ultimate limit load (kN/m2)
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 35.2 31.9 28.5 28.5 24.5
O1y 33.7 32.8 28.5 28.5 24.6
O2y 33.0 32.9 28.0 27.8 24.6
O3y 30.7 24.9 24.8 21.5 23.7
O4y 28.4 20.7 18.5 14.0 17.1
Table 25 presents the difference of the maximum ultimate load between the concrete crushing and
reinforcement yielding conditions. The difference is given in percentage for each building relative to
ultimate limit load from the reinforcement yielding condition. It can be seen that concrete crushing limit
load is between 0 and 61 % with an average of 28.2 % higher than the reinforcement yielding limit load.
Table 25 Difference in ultimate load (%) between concrete crushing and reinforcement yielding conditions
Solid Ox1 Ox2 Ox3 Ox4
Solid 50.1 37.4 54.2 0.0 23.1
O1y 28.4 34.0 61.7 0.0 23.0
O2y 26.8 33.9 28.7 2.8 23.0
O3y 7.9 22.4 22.3 26.7 26.7
O4y 7.8 38.5 39.4 54.4 32.7
Table 26 shows the change in ultimate load for openings at the first storey relative to the ultimate load of
buildings with all opening sizes at the second storey. For example, the first column of Table 26 shows the
decrease (negative values) of the ultimate load compared to the building having a solid panel at the
second storey, whereas the fourth column shows the decrease of the ultimate load compared to the
building having a O4 cutout opening at the second storey. The results suggest that if the opening at the
second storey is larger than the cutout opening at the first storey, the size of the opening at lower level