3 Tier Bank Vault Security
3 Tier Bank Vault Security
3 Tier Bank Vault Security
Abstract-People always look for safe places to keep their valuable Vaults are more susceptible to such attacks. As robbers used
items and cash. Most of the people find banks as the most trusted advanced technologies to Rob bank it is the need of the day to
place to store their valuables. The valuable assets stored in bank tackle them using smart technologies. This proposal aims at
vaults often attract interests of burglars; due to this reason the efficiently tackling burglars using advanced technology.
bank security has been a very important factor to assure
customers that their assets are safe. Biometrics validation, keypad
This system uses two doors instead of one door for bank vaults
locks, Burglar alarms, and armed security have been traditionally
used by banks all over the world. This proposal aims at which has been used traditionally. The first door will have
automating the bank security as well as automatically traps the biometric based entry. And the second door will have a camera
burglar if he tries to breach security. We will be using two doors in with image processing ability and a keypad lock with OTP
our project instead of traditional approach of using single door for module. Thus this proposed system will efficiently counter the
bank vault, the first door will have biometrics or keypad based burglars by using the advanced technology.
entry, when the first door is opened a software system will get
triggered, as soon as the person enters the first door, he will face II. EXISTING SYSTEM
the second door, the second door will have camera with image Existing bank vault security system is implemented using
processing capability. This camera will detect a person’s face, and
various types of technology. Current bank vault security
if that person is an authorized person he will get an OTP on his
phone which will serve as the password for second door. If the systems provide access to authorized people based on
person is an unauthorized person and if he breaches security at passwords using keypads. Another type of security System
first door, he will be unaware of the OTP and image processing, so based on RFID and GSM technology. But, the RFID card can
if he tries to enter password in second door, the first door will get be stolen /duplicated/misplaced easily and more time
closed automatically, and the person will get trapped. Thus this consuming when sending messages through the GSM. Along
proposed system will help to safeguard bank vault in a better way. with these bank vaults have also been using Thermal powered
alarms and motion detection and sensing for securing Bank
Keywords- bank Vaults, OTP, RFID, GSM, IP cameras, Arduino Vaults. IP cameras have also been used for surveillance on
UNO microcontroller, Arduino camera module OV7670,
bank vaults. GSM based security and authentication have also
Fingerprint Module, DC Motor, Image processing, buzzer.
been widely used these days to inform the authorized user about
I. INTRODUCTION the activities in vault. Laser based detection and tear gas have
People always care for their belongings from the start of time. also been used in some of the places in order to tackle burglars
As the world progressed the concept of bank came into picture. away from bank vaults.
People always consider Banks as the safest place to store their
valuables. More and more people use banks to store their
valuables in bank nowadays, this has led to increased flow of There have been a lot of research work done in the bank vault
cash in banks. The valuables and cash deposited by bank as security domain. Some of the research works in papers are
well as the cash earned by the bank are all stored in a safe place mentioned below.
in bank called as bank vault. The increasing flow of cash has
In [1], Sayemul Islam and Md. Saiduzzaman have proposed a
increased the interests of burglars in bank. Nowadays with
system named Design of a Bank Vault Security System with
increasing Technology at a very fast pace even burglars use
advanced technologies to attack and rob bank vaults. So bank Password, Thermal & Physical Interrupt Alarm. This system
will give protection against burglars using Thermal detection parents will be informed about boarding time, time when the
technique and physical interrupt Alarm. As soon as a Thief tries child reached school etc. In this way this project ensures safety
to break in system he an alarm will go on and law enforcement of the students travelling from school bus.
policies will be informed about it.
In [9], RFID based Kindergarten Intelligence security system
In [2], GSM Based Bank Vault Security System, Authors Ripan by Zhiyuan Fang, Li Wei, Li Wei. This paper aims at achieving
Kumar Ray, Muhammad Afsar Uddin, Syed Foysol Islam. This security in school environment by using rfid tags on school
is a system designed to protect bank vault from unauthorized uniforms. This project helps teacher to monitor the movements
access. This system has incorporated IP cameras, motion and whereabouts of kids in school. This project can also be
sensors and GSM module. If motion detectors detect anything used in Kindergarten for security as well as analysis purposes.
suspicious in vault it alerts the user by sending message to a
dedicated number via GSM module. In [10], Using Digital Image Processing to Make an Intelligent
Gate by Sundus K. E. and AL Mamare S. H. This paper used
In [3], OTP (One Time Password) Based Locker System, By Image processing and face detection to control the gates of
Meha Brahmbhatt and Vishva Pandya The project aims to Building and organizations. The camera processes the face of a
change the existing system and automate the locker system person who wants to enter and checks it if the person is an
using Unique ID/Password for customer identification. Every authorized person then the gate is opened automatically.
customer will be given a unique Id which he has to enter on the
main entrance of the locker room, once they enter unique id,
they will be given an OTP which has to be entered on the
The proposed system “3 tier bank vault security” is a system
which is aimed to safeguard the bank vault from burglars.
In [4], Bank Locker Security System based on RFID and GSM
Along with safeguarding the bank vault it also aims at trapping
Technology, Authors R.Ramani, S.Valarmathy, S. Selvaraju,
the burglar inside the vault if he enters the vault. So This
P.Niranjan.In this system an RFID reader is used to read the
proposed system uses two doors instead of one door which is
RFID tag. Once the tag is read it displays username on screen
traditionally being used by vault security. The first door will
and then user needs to enter the password. This password is
have a biometric based entry if a person is authorized at first
compared by microcontroller and if it is valid then an OTP is
door then he will get access to the second door. All the
sent on that users mobile, the user then needs to enter this
components will be interfaced to Arduino UNO
password again to enter the vault.
microcontroller. The second door will have Arduino camera
moduleOV7670 which has Image processing capability, it will
In [6], Self-Powered and Reusable Biocomputing Security
detect the face of the person, if the face is authorized then it
Keypad Lock System Based on Biofuel Cells by Ming Zhou,
will send an OTP to that person’s cell phone which will serve
Xiliang Zheng, Jin Wang Prof., Shaojun Dong Prof. This
as password for second door. If the face is unauthorized and he
project has the idea of making a self powering keypad by
tries to enter pin on keypad of second door, then first door will
binding chemistry. It uses enzymes, AER to self power the
automatically get closed and the person will get trapped inside.
Thus the proposed system will not only prevent burglars from
accessing vault but also trap them if they breach the security at
In [7], RFID based security and access control system using first door.
arduino with gsm module by Grewal Kaushal, Rishabh Mishra,
Neelam Chaurasiya, Paramdeep Singh, in this project When
RFID tag placed on the RFID. In this project when an RFID tag
In this section components describe briefly.
is placed on a reader the reader reds its code, and compares it
with the predetermined stored code according to pattern if the
A. Arduino UNO
code matches then the user is granted access, if not then the
The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on
alarm is triggered.
the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which
In [8], RFID based School Bus tracking and security system by 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
Shraddha Shah and Bharti Singh , This paper provides an Rfid quartz crystal. Its input voltage is 6-20V, flash memory 32 KB.
based solution for security of students travelling from school This module is very important module it connects to the keypad
bus. Each student will have an rfid tag in identity card as soon and the stepper motor of the two doors.
as the student boards the bus this card will be scanned and
B. Arduino Camera Module
Arduino Camera Module (OV7670) image sensor, small
volume, low operating voltage, providing all functions of a
single chip of VGA camera and image processor. Through
SCCB bus control, the sensor can output the whole frame,
sampling, and various resolution 8 bits of data. The product
VGA image can reach up to a maximum of 30 frames per
second. Users can completely control the image quality, data
format and transmission mode. All the process of image
processing functions can be through the SCCB programming
interface. We will be using this module to detect face and send
OTPs. Fig 1. First Phase
C. Fingerprint Module The person willing to enter the vault has to first scan his
Fingerprints are one of several forms of biometrics, used to fingerprint. If the fingerprint matches he/she gets access to
recognize persons and verify their identity. The analysis of second door. If the fingerprint not matches, then buzzer will
fingerprints for identical purposes generally requires the ring.
similarity of several features of the print pattern. This is a At the second door face detection technique is used as a
fingerprint sensor module with TTL UART interface. The user security feature. Face recognition module detects the user face
can store the finger print data in the module and can configure and if he/she is authorized person the system will send OTP to
it in 1:1 or 1: N mode for identifying the someone. We will e the user’s phone.
using fingerprint sensors to validate user at the first door
D. Keypad
A keypad is a miniature keyboard or set of buttons for
operating a portable electronic device. Keypad will be used to
open the second door using the OTP which user receives.
E. LCD Display
LCD display, display 16X2 characters. LCD is used to
display numbers which is enter by person.
F. DC Motor
This direct current motors series, whose power range goes
from 45Watt to 1500 Watt. Using L293D and L298 are dual H-
bridge motor driver ICs. We can control the rotation of two
motors in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. DC
motors are used to physically drive the application as per the
requirement of system. The dc motor works on 12V.We will be
using these motors to open and close the doors.
The 3-Tier Bank Security System is secure, automated, remote
monitoring for Bank Vault. The approached system has attained
the target to secure Vault room using mixer of both Biometric
sensor and Image Processing. Hence it can be concluded that
the proposed system has achieved required goals and
objectives. In a near future, the number of security levels can be
increased by using different sensors and other security
equipment. This proposed system can be used in higher
restricted areas example: In Military areas for provided strict
[1] Sayemul Islam and Md. Saiduzzaman, “Design of a Bank Vault Security
System with Password, Thermal & Physical Interrupt Alarm,”
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4,
Issue 8, August 2013 ISSN 2229-5518 International Journal of Computer
Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 57– No.18, November 2012.
[2] Ripan Kumar Ray, Muhammad AfsarUddin , Syed Foysol Islam, “GSM
Based Bank Vault Security System,” International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No. 2, February
[3] Meha Brahmbhatt and Vishva Pandya, “OTP (One Time Password)
Based Locker System,” International Journal of Engineering Research
and Development (IJERD) ISSN: 2278-067X Recent trends in Electrical
and Electronics & Communication Engineering pp. 78-80 [RTEECE
08th – 09th April 2016]