Empty Container Handler 8-10 Tonnes: Technical Information Dce80-100

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Dedicated for empty container handling
To maximize the utalisation of ground space
empty containers need to be stacked high
and close together. Empty container han-
dling means stacking up to 9 high in high
pace. The containers must be moved and
stacked fast, safe and efficient. Kalmar has
developed a series of machines especially
adapted to the principles of empty con-
tainer handling.

Beside from driving fast and safe, stack-

ing is a time-consuming job that demands
preciseness. This places heavy demands
on the stability of the machine, mast and
spreader together with user friendliness
during handling. Another key factor is to
create an unobstructed field of visibility.
This let the operator focus on the task
instead of managing the machine.
Single stacking Double stacking
Kalmar has developed empty container The single handling concept starts at 5 high Double stacking of containers is an impor-
handling concepts for both single- and stacking and up to 8 high. Characteristic for tant step in increasing the productivity in
double stacking with a lifting capacity of the machines dedicated for single stacking the empty container handling business.
8-10 tonnes. The decision on which concept is flexibility, stability and high lifting speeds. Double stacking can be a very demanding
is most suitable is pending on individual This attachment is widely used on many application for the Empty Container Han-
operational demands. Kalmar machines over the globe. dler. The DCE100 model from Kalmar fulfil
these high requirements of stability and
Limitations in ground space and high strength with margin.
demands on selectivity are the key factor
when considering on single stacking equip- Stacking two containers simultaneously is
ment. most of all a question of extreme demands
of operational efficiency before demands
on selectivity.

Model designation
eg. DCE80-45E8
Diesel engine

Counterweight truck


Lifting capacity, in decitonnes

Wheelbase, in decimetres

Empty containers

No. of containers when stacking

Single stacking 8 high Double stacking 8+1 high

Capacity and dimensions

Capacity and dimensions DCE80-45E5/E6/E7/E8 DCE90-45E5/E6/E7/E8 DCE100-45E7/E8

Lift capacity Rated kg 8000 9000 10000


Load centre L4 mm 1220 1220 1220

Number of containers, 8’6’’ - 9’6’’ E5: 5-5 E6: 6-5 E5: 5-5 E6: 6-5
E7: 7-6 E8: 8-7
E7: 7-6 E8: 8-7 E7: 7-6 E8: 8-7
Truck Truck length L mm 6900 6900 6900
Truck width B mm 4000 4000 4500
Truck height H6 mm 3940 4000 4600
Seat height H8 mm 2800 2900 3500
Distance between centre of front axle - front edge of attachment L2 mm 1150 1150 1140 - 1200
Wheelbase L3 mm 4550 4550 4550
Track (c-c) front - rear S mm 3270 - 2250 3270 - 2250 3750 - 2250

Turning radius, outer R1 mm 6000 6300 6300

Turning radius, inner R2 mm 200 200 200
Ground clearance, min. mm 250 300 300
Min. aisle width for 90° stacking with 20’ container - 40’ container A1-A2 mm 10000 - 14000 10000 - 14000 10000 - 14000
Standard Lifting height H4 mm 13000 13000 16500
duplex mast Mast height, min. H3 mm 8540 8600 10350
Mast height, max. H5 mm 15040 16350 19500
Mast tilting, forwards - backwards α-ß º 3-3 3-3 3-3
Attachment Height under twistlock, min. H10 mm 2180 2240 2300
Sideshift ± V1 mm 600 600 600
Service weight kg E5: 33850 E6: 34350 E5: 34700 E6: 35200
E7: 40600 E8: 41900
E7: 35500 E8: 37050 E7: 36700 E8: 38200
Axle load front Unloaded kg E5: 21300 E6: 21800 E5: 21500 E6: 22000
E7: 21600 E8: 27400

E7: 22950 E8: 24500 E7: 23500 E8: 25000

At rated load kg E5: 33450 E6: 33950 E5: 35200 E6: 35700
E7: 41400 E8: 42700
E7: 35100 E8: 36650 E7: 37200 E8: 38700
Axle load back Unloaded kg 12550 13200 14500
At rated load kg 8400 8500 9200
Wheels/tyres Type, front-rear Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic
Dimensions, front-rear inch 12.00x24 - 12.00x24 14.00x24 - 14.00x24 14.00x24 - 14.00x24
Number of wheels, front-rear (*driven) 4*-2 4*-2 4*-2
Pressure MPa 1,0 1,0 1,0

Hydraulic pressure Max. MPa 19,0 20,0 22,5

Hydraulic fluid volume l 320 320 320
Fuel volume l 380 380 380
Starting battery Voltage - capacity V-Ah 2x12-140 2x12-140 2x12-140

Chassis Lift Masts
The machine chassis create the base for its All masts are constructed according to the
external dimensions, stability and manoeu- free visibility principle. The robust mast
vre characteristics. has become even more robust. When we
now introduce the 10 tonne machine all
The chassis is built of fully welded steel pro- masts are improved to meet the demands
files which gives a rigid construction with that comes with the higher capacity. The
strong mounting points for the drive axle mast profiles are made of high tensile steel,
and lift equipment. Stress concentrations designed for minimal obstruction of the
have been eliminated for optimum tensile field of vision and long service life. All mast
strength. wheels for the bearing of longitudinal stress
are fitted with high quality roller bearings.
The chassis is flexible and is used for all the Lateral stresses are borne by plastic sliding
different models and driveline combina- plates. Four duplex masts are available.
tions. The space at the rear of the chassis
is used for counterweights. The number of
counterweights depends on special operat-
ing requirements.

The chassis has a low profile for good vis- The cab is located at the very rear of the
ibility. The tanks are separately constructed machine for best visibility. The DCE series
and bolted to the chassis in a position that comes in two different versions regarding
also contributes to good visibility. the cabin position. Depending on market re-
quirements the machines can be delivered
Cabin substructures are also bolted to with standard cabin height position or as an
the chassis. The wide cabin substructure elevated version. This decision is pending
jointing provides good accessibility and individual operational requirements.
therefore easy service and maintenance
operations. The improved instep is broader
and provides a safer grip.

Duplex mast

Carriages Single Double

Three different integrated carriages are The fixed carriage for attachment with The hook attachment has mechanical level-
available pending on if the spreader is twist-locks has a mechanical levelling. ling as standard and hydraulic as option.
landing from above (twistlocks) or from the
front side of the container (hooks).

All carriages have support wheels to bear

longitudinal stresses and sliding plates for
lateral stresses.

Carriage for single stacking Carriage for double stacking

Attachment Single stacking with twistlocks
The sidelift attachment has been designed Both the hook and twistlock attachments Lamp panels, both in the cabin and on the
for easy, safe and rapid handling, low have a hydraulic cylinder between the attachment, displays alignment, locked and
weight and ease of maintenance. The pri- attachment and the carriage that allows released container respectively. An electri-
mary function of the attachment is to firmly +-600 mm side-shift. cal safety system prevents the locking and
attach the container during lifting. The release of the container if the attachment
attachment is integrated with the carriage. is not correctly positioned. The system also
Two different models of attachment are prevent lifting if the container is not either
available; with twistlocks or with hooks for completely locked or released container
container connections. respectively.

Double stacking with hooks

The indication system allows the driver to
supervise the loading and unloading. Two
indication lamp panels are mounted, one in
the cabin and one on the attachment.

The indication system displays locking/

unlocking of flaps and alignment upper
and/or lower container.

Attachment for single stacking with twistlocks

Attachment for double stacking with hooks

The twistlock attachment The hook attachment Hydraulics on DCE100 attachment

This lifting is done by two twistlocks which The hook connections are used, for The spreader functions are fed with a
rotate, thereby securely gripping the clos- example, for simultaneous lifting of two constant hydraulic oil pressure, which
est two container corner fittings. The at- containers. The newly developed attach- means there is no pumping of hydraulic oil
tachment corner pieces are telescopic and ment has an increased capacity up to 10 when the function are not in use. One valve
suspended from the main beam by means tonnes. Great improvements have been serves all the hydraulic functions in the at-
of springs, which enables 195 mm levelling done on visibility. The new design provides tachment, this means fewer hoses over the
to both sides for the connection to leaning an open view in the critical area around the mast and thereby less sources of error. The
containers. The design is well proven and container corner fittings. The new spreader valve ensures that each hydraulic function
is in operation on many machines all over consists of fewer components compared is fed the exact amount of oil needed to
the world. to the former hook type spreader offering optimise the speed of the functions move-
improved reliability. The spreader is avail- ments.
able with or without hydraulic levelling car-
riages. The hook attachment allows three
degrees levelling.

Performance is the result of how well Transmission
the machine’s functions work together. All trucks in the series are equipped with
Spicer off Highways well proven 32000
The efficacy of the lifting equipment is de- hydrodynamic transmission systems (3+3).
termined by a combination of lifting speed,
capacity, visibility and user-friendliness. The transmission has integrated gearbox
Lifting places heavy demands on the engine and torque converter, for smooth, quick
and working hydraulics, but lifting is only acceleration with a minimum of “clutch-
part of the operating cycle. Before the slip”. Gear changing is electrically achieved
machine is in position to load or unload, via solenoid valves, with three reverse and
the demands are instead on precise control three forward gears, controlled by means of
with tight turning radius, effective brakes an easily operated multifunction lever.
and high pulling power. And of course, all
the functions must still perform optimally
even after heavy use.

Drive axle
The Kessler drive axle (width = 4000mm) is A wider axle with a extremely robust design
of a robust design to be able to cope with with a track of 4500 mm has been devel-
tough working environments in ports and oped to meet the heavy-duty demands that
terminals. The axle has reduction in two is placed during operation with the new
stages - differential and hub reduction, DCE100 machine. It is also optional on the
which ensures a minimum of strain on the DCE80 and 90 machines.
transmission system. The drive axle is fitted
with hydraulic braking system.

Kessler D81 driveaxle

Volvo - TAD720VE Volvo - TWD731VE Cummins QSB5.9

DCE80-45 DCE90-45 DCE100-45 DCE80-45 DCE90-45 DCE100-45 DCE80-45 DCE90-45 DCE100-45
Lifting speed Unloaded m/s 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60
At rated load m/s 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55
Lowering speed Unloaded m/s 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60
At rated load m/s 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60

Travelling speed, f/r Unloaded km/h 27/27 28/28 28/28 27/27 27/27 27/27 27/27 28/28 28/28
At rated load km/h 25/25 26/26 26/26 25/25 25/25 25/25 25/25 27/27 27/27
Gradeability Max unloaded % 36 31 31 28 28 28 36 31 31
at rated load % 29 24 23 25 22 22 29 25 25
At 2 km/h unloaded % 31 27 27 24 24 24 31 27 27
at rated load % 25 21 20 22 19 19 25 21 21
Drawbar pull Max kN 127 114 114 105 105 105 127 115 115

As standard, the DCE truck is equipped The engine has low exhaust emission levels
with Volvo’s TAD 720VE diesel engine. The and complies with today’s stringent legal
turbocharged straight six cylinder engine environmental demands according to step
is equipped with intercooler. The engine II. A Cummins engine can be fitted as op-
is adapted to the special working require- tion. Low fuel consumption and low noise
ments of empty container handling, with and vibration levels characterise all engine
high power and torque levels at low engine alternatives.

Parking Brake System Service Brake System

The parking brake system consists of a dry The service brake system is of the Wet Disc
disc brake on the in going shaft of the drive Brake type with oil cooled discs that are
axle. The disc brake is applied by means of alternately fixed to and rotating with the
a powerful spring in the parking brake cyl- hub. When the brakes are applied, the discs
inder and is released by means of hydraulic are pressed together by hydraulic pres-
pressure from the parking brake valve. The sure from the brake pedal, which provides
brake is applied by a press button. effective braking. The system is virtually
maintenance free and can cope with heavy
loads over an extended period of time, with
Volvo TAD720VE engine with
Spicer off Highways 13.7HR 32000 transmission no fade and without the need for brake

The cooling circuit contains a hydraulic fluid

cooler with electrically powered fan.

Steering System
The steering system is completely hydraulic The pendulum suspension of the axle, over
and is fed from a hydraulic pump via a powerful spherical rubber bushings, has a
priority valve. When the steering wheel is long operative life span and is totally main-
turned, the steering valve transmits a load tenance free.
signal to the priority valve, which ensures
that the steering system always has suf- The minimal number of parts ensures
ficient hydraulic pressure. operational reliability, a minimum of service
points and easy maintenance. The steering
The steering axle is an robust construction geometry allows a tight turning circle.
with double-acting cylinder.

Drive train Standard environment driveline Optional driveline Cummins option driveline

Engine Manufacturer - type designation Volvo - TAD720VE Volvo - TWD731VE Cummins QSB5.9
Fuel - type of engine Diesel - 4 stroke Diesel - 4 stroke Diesel - 4 stroke
Rating ISO 3046 - at revs kW-r/min 174 - 2300 167 - 2200 160 - 2200
Peak torque ISO 3046 - at revs Nm-r/min 854 - 1400 893 - 1300-1400 938 - 1400
Number of cylinders - compression cm³ 6-18,4:1 6-17,7:1 6-16.3:1
Drive train

Fuel consumption, normal driving l/h 12 - 14 12 - 14 13 - 15

Transmission Manufacturer - type designation Spicer off Highways 13,7HR32000 Spicer off Highways 13,7HR32000 Spicer off highways 13,7HR32000
Clutch, type Torque converter Torque converter Torque converter
Gearbox, type Powershift Powershift Powershift
Numbers of gears, forward - reverse 3-3 3-3 3-3
Alternator Type - power W AC - 2240 AC - 2240 AC - 2240
Driving axle Type Differential and hub reduction Differential and hub reduction Differential and hub reduction

Electrical and hydraulical systems
Electrical system
The electrical system is logically structured.
The 24 V system is supplied by two 12 Volt
batteries connected in series charged by
an alternator, with related electronics for
rectification and current stabilisation. The
system provides high power levels even at
low engine revs.

The electrical fuses, relays and connectors

are located in an easily accessable position
within a central electrical unit inside the
cabin. The unit is located behind the opera-
tor seat.

Optional: ECS
The empty container handler can be For example the following
equipped with ECS, a system for optimum functions are available:
operational security and overall economy. • automatic gear changing
(load sensing system)
The system consists of a number of • lever steering
modules that can be combined in differ- • mini steering
ent ways, depending on the nature of the • montitoring
operations. • electrohydraulic servo
(electrical hydraulic servo is standard Levers for hydraulic functions:
Lifting, tilt, side shift, 20-40 feet
on the DCE100)
extension, twistlocks/flaps.

Hydraulic system
The hydraulic system includes The accumulator is charged from the valve Part of the excess flow from the pumps is
the following sub-systems: block and in turn feed the service- and directed to the brake circuit in order to dis-
• Working hydraulics. parking brake system. As a safety measure, sipate the built up of heat, before returning
• Service brake system with parking- the accumulator ensures efficient braking to the hydraulic tank.
and cooling circuit pressure to be able to brake several times,
• Parking brake circuit if the engine temporarily should stop. Following functions are available as op-
• Hydraulic servo (standard) tional extras:
• Steering system A priority valve, which is controlled by a • electro-servo controls (DCE100,
load-sensing signal from the control valve, electrical hydraulic servo is standard
The hydraulic system is built around two ensures there is always pressure for the on the DCE100)
gear wheel type pumps. The pumps are steering system. At full extension of the lift • piston type accumulator
driven from a power outlet on the transmis- functions, both pumps work in tandem for • additional hydraulic functions
sion. A valve block enables easy installa- maximum lifting speed. • electronic joystick
tion with a minimum number of hydraulic

Operator environment
The Spirit Delta cab provides the operator
with an efficient and safe place of work.
The design of the cab is the result of a
comprehensive analysis of operators’ work-
ing conditions providing optimum visibility
with large glass areas and no forward
corner posts to inhibit the field of vision.
The instrument panel is gently rounded and
ergonomically designed with an uninhibited
clear view of all essential information. Ac-
cess to the cab is convenient and safe with
steps, on the left hand side, and ergonomi-
cally designed hand rail.

Noise and vibrations levels are low thanks

to the insulated mounting to the chassis.
The operator’s seat and hydraulic controls
are all individually adjustable for optimum
working position. The steering wheel and
related panel angle is adjustable. Two easily
Levers for hydraulic functions: Lifting, tilt, side shift, 20-40 feet extension, twistlocks/flaps.
operated, ergonomically positioned multi-
function levers are provided for gear chang- Instrumentation
ing, windscreen wipers, washers and horn. The instrument panel has logically grouped Trucks fitted with Electronic Control System
units, all within easy reach. Standard (ECS) (option) monitoring are not equipped
A heating/ventilation unit ensures a instrumentation includes warning lamps for with warning lamps or gauges. These func-
comfortable cab temperature. An easily battery charging, low engine and gearbox tions are handled by the ECS, which has a
replaced fresh air filter cleans the incoming lubrication oil pressure, low brake pressure, single warning lamp and full text display
air, the unit slides out to give easy access high coolant temperature, high gearbox oil showing current values and any faults that
for service. As standard, the equipment temperature and applied parking brake. In occur.
includes a powerful 3-speed fan for cooling, addition, gauges display values for gearbox
heating, defrosting and recirculation. Air oil pressure, engine coolant temperature,
conditioning can be fitted as optional extra. fuel quantity and operating time.

Service Access Reliability

Routine daily service checks contribute to The DCE series is one of the most widely
a safe work place and reduce the risk of spread machines manufactured by Kalmar.
breakdowns. This has created a great field experience of
this machine type. The machine sub-sys-
Daily service checks are made easier tems all consist of well tested and field
thanks to well thought out and grouped proven components.
service points. The operator can reach all
service points without having to climb up
onto the truck. The cabin position facilitates
easy access to the engine compartment.
Hydraulic components can be reached
by removing the top covers. Together his
makes all vital components readily acces-
sible for service. Thanks to great improve-
ments there are now even fewer lubrication

Standard equipment, base machine
All Kalmar trucks are CE marked and • Door stops with lock Instrument
constructed to and comply with the • Sliding window on left side • Fuel gauge
following norms: • Wiper/washer front and rear window • Hour meter
• EN 1551 • Interval wiper front window • Engine temperature (coolant water)
• EN12053 (Sound) • Fixed drivers seat BEGE • Transmission pressure
• EN 12895 (EMC test, Europe) • Armrest right hand side
• 97/68 EC Stage II, US EPA Tier II • Adjustable lever console Indication lights
(Standard engines) • Electrical assisted levers • Summer at warning lamps
• ANSI B56.1 Compliance. (only hook attachment). • Engine oil pressure
• EMC approved electrical system • Hydraulic assisted levers • Engine oil temperature
(only twistlock attachment) • Engine coolant level
Chassis • Steering wheel knob • Charging
• Lifting eyes front • Ignition key with electric engine stop • Brake pressure
• Towing pin • Multi-lever left hand side • Transmission oil temperature
- Travel direction selector • Transmission oil pressure
Body (forward/neutral/beckward) • Parking brake
• Steps with anti-slip protection - Electrical gear shifting “powershift” • Headlights
• Rear view mirror on each side • Multi-lever right hand side • Direction indicator
• Engine hood with gas springs - Horn • Safety locking device disconnected
- Direction indicator (only twistlock attachment)
Steering axle - Interval wiper on front window • Hydraulic oil temperature
• Kalmar design steer axle with double- - Washer on front, rear and roof window • Indication lamps
acting steer cylinder - Low beam/high beam on head light - Indication locked twistlock/flaps
• Maintenance free rubber bushing • Mechanical foot accelerator - Indication alignment
• Oscillation stops • Dual brake pedals with inching function - Indication opened twistlock/flaps
• Button for electronic hand brake
Drive train • Heating incl. Defroster system Warning lamps
• Engine: Volvo TAD720VE • Warning buzzer for not activated • Charging
• Alternator 80A parking brake leaving seat • Direction indicator/warning lights/high
• Transmission: Spicer Off-Highways • Container panel with safety locking beam/disconnection of safety device
13,7HR32000 device (only twistlock attachment) (only twistlock attachment)
• Drive axle: Kessler D81 • Instep handle • Parking brake
• Wet Disc Brakes • Inside rear view mirror • Low brake pressure
• Electrical parking brake • Interior light with fade away • Low oil pressure - engine
• Radiator and oil-cooler for engine • Indication panel for driver support • Low water level – engine
and transmission (only hook attachment) • Preheating – engine
• Air-cleaner with interchangeable filter • High temperature – engine
• Large diesel tank 380 litres Heating/ventilation • Low oil pressure – transmission
• Diesel filler cap and breathing filter • Control knob with three step setting • High temperature - transmission
of fan speed
Cabin • Control knob for setting the air flow Wheels
• Cabin internal height 1500 mm (floor, cab and mixed) • Pneumatic tyre
• Standard position, backward, • Separate air-flow blowers, for setting • Tyres: 12.00 x 24 (DCE80)
H6=3940mm of the required air flow 14.00 x 24 (DCE90-100)
• Cabin without front corner posts • Powerful defroster for front/side/door
(silicon sealed front windows) window
• Windows of security glass, 5 mm • Control knob for stepless setting
• Lexan roof window, 6 mm of cooling/heating
• Lockable doors (key) • Re-circulation function (20%-80%)
with electrical switch
• Aluminium fresh air filter, washable
and interchangable

Mast Hydraulics • 2 rear lights and 2 rear position lights
• Duplex standard, full free visibility • Pumps, 2 units • Blinkers front and rear
(2-stage with 2 cylinders) • Distributed hydraulics on spreader • Rotating beacon
• Tilt angles standard; forward 3 deg. • Hydraulic electric servo function • Brake lights
and backward 3 deg. for lifting levers • Cabin lightning
• Hydraulic main valve for lifting equipment
Carriage • Servo assisted steering (Orbitrol) Colour
• Carriage for twistlock attachment • Hydraulic assisted/servo function • Chassis, counter weight: Red RAL 3000
with mechanical levelling for lifting levers • Cabin: Grey RAL 9007
• Carriage for hooks with mechanical • Hydraulic oil filters, high pressure 2 pcs • Lifting equipment: Black RAL 7021
levelling • Hydraulic accumulator for the brake
system 2 pcs Documentation and signs
Attachment • Large hydraulic tank (320 L), external • Instruction manual 1 pce
• 8-9 tonnes capacity for 20-40 ft ISO hydraulic oil level gauge and breathing • Technical handbook 1 pce
containers, hydraulic extension filter • Spare parts catalogue 1 pce
(only twistlock attachment) • Electrical fan for hydraulic oil cooling • Complete set of signs according to the
• 10 tonnes capacity for 20-40 ft ISO instruction manual:
containers, hydraulic extension (hooks) Electrics - Forklift truck data sign with serial no.
• Hydraulic sideshift ± 600 mm, 1 cylinder • Electrical system 24V model, capacity etc.
• Mechanical passive levelling, ± 195 mm • Batteries 12V/140Ah 2 pcs - Warning and information signs
(with spring power) (only twistlock • Main power switch - Load diagram
attachment) • Control central mounted in the rear
• Safety locking with twistlocks, alignment cab wall
pins and sensors • 2 head lights and 2 position lights
(only twistlock attachment on front fenders
• Fixed ISO twistlocks • 2 working lights on mast
• Locking, alignment pins and sensors (only • 2 working lights on carriage
hook attachment) • 2 rear lights on fenders, activated in
• Mechanical levelling 2,5 degrees reverse
(only hook attachment)

Common options

See price list for more options • Central greasing system • Double stacking carrigage
• Elevated cabin 600 mm • Automatic stop of engine at high with hydraulic levelling
• Cabin Globetrotter with internal temperature, low pressure etc. • Reading lamp
height 1700 mm (not in combination with ECS) • Container lights on cabin roof
• ECS monitoring system • Connection at 220 V • Engine oil pressure gauge
- Automatic gear shift - Engine heater • Transmission oil temperature gauge
- Joystick control/mini-steering/ - Cab heater • Hydraulic oil temperature gauge
lever steering - Battery charger • Air conditioning
- Electrical/hydraulic servo control • Reverse alarm • Interval wiper rear and roof pane
- Load indicator • Tyre Michelin XZM • Electric heat in driver seat
- Electronic scale • Single stacking carriage • Air cushioned seat
• Triplex mast with hydraulic levelling • Radio with CD-player

Contact information:

Kalmar global partner

Local presence, globally
Kalmar is a global supplier of heavy materials
handling equipment and services for ports,
terminals, industry and intermodal handling.

Local presence means that we can support

our customers throughout the product’s life
cycle, wherever they are.

We reserve the right to change the design and technical data without prior notice.
Our products are manufactured in Sweden,
Finland, the USA and the Netherland

921524-0821/04-03 Råd & Resultat Kommuniktion AB

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Svanenmärkt trycksak

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KalmarSund Tryck



Kalmar Industries Sverige

Torggatan 3 SE-340 10 Lidhult, Sweden
Tel: +46 372 260 10. Fax: +46 372 259 77.

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