OSCE Neurologic Test
OSCE Neurologic Test
OSCE Neurologic Test
Neurological Test
Upper Limb
o Scars
o Wasting of muscle
o Involuntary movements
o Fasciculation’s
o Tremors
Stick arms in front pronated and supinated
o See if there is any drift
Muscle power test
o Arms at shoulder
o Shoulder Abduction (C5)
Push down on muscle
o Shoulder adduction (C6, C7)
Push up on arm
o Elbow Flexion (C5, C6)
Pull muscle away
o Elbow Extension (C7)
Push muscle towards body
o Wrist extension (C6)
Wrist tilt up
o Wrist flexion (C6, C7)
Wrist tilt down
o Finger extension (C7)
Hand straight out in front
Prevent hand by pushing finger down
o Finger Abduction (T1)
First dorsal interosseous
Abductor digit minimi
o Thumb abductor (C8, T1)
Turn hand around, thumb up
o Bicep reflex (C5, C6)
o Triceps reflex (C6, C7)
o Supinator reflex (C5, C6)
Cranial Nerve
CN I (Olfactory)
o Change in smell
CN II (Optic)
o Inspect pupil size and alignment
o Hand in between head and shine light
o Light swing test
o Visual Inattention
Patient stares at you and point to the finger that is moving (high and low)
o Visual Fields
o Tell patient to cover one eye
Hand move in a H motion
o Feel patient
V1 (ophthalmic branch)
Above eyebrows
V2 (maxillary branch)
V3 (mandibular branch)
Access muscle wasting (“im going to feel some muscles around your face”)
o Clench jaw and feel eye level, cheeks
o Open month and don’t let me close it
CN VII (Facial)
o Raise eyebrow
o Close eyes as hard and don’t let me open them
o Puff cheeks and don’t let me push them it
o Purse lips
o Show teeth
o Change in taste?
o Change in hearing? Louder or softer than usual
CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear)
o Snap from close to far
o Tuning fork
o Close you eyes and march
CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) CN X (Vagus)
o Say ahhh
o Move tongue side to side
CN XI (Accessory)
o Shrug shoulders with arms on his shoulders
o Turn head against my hand
CN XII (Hypoglossal)
o Push tongue against fingers on side of mouth