Background Logical Versus Physical Address Space Overlays Versus Swapping Contiguous Allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation With Paging
Background Logical Versus Physical Address Space Overlays Versus Swapping Contiguous Allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation With Paging
Background Logical Versus Physical Address Space Overlays Versus Swapping Contiguous Allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation With Paging
• Background
• Logical versus Physical Address Space
• Overlays versus Swapping
• Contiguous Allocation
• Paging
• Segmentation
• Segmentation with Paging
• User programs go through several steps before being executed:
Source Program Compiler or Assembler Object Module
Compile time
Load time time
Logical vs. Physical Address Space
Memory-Management Unit (MMU) (Cont.)
• In MMU scheme, the value in the relocation register is added
to every address generated by a user process at the time it
is sent to memory.
• Example: Dynamic relocation using a relocation register.
Logical Physical
address address
345 1745
1400 Memory
• The entire program and data of a process must be in the
physical memory for the process to execute.
• The size of a process is limited to the size of physical memory.
• If a process is larger than the amount of memory, a technique
called overlays can be used.
• Overlays is to keep in memory only those instructions and data
that are needed at any given time.
• When other instructions are needed, they are loaded into space
that was occupied previously by instructions that are no longer
• Overlays are implemented by user, no special support needed
from operating system, programming design of overlay
structure is complex.
Overlays Example
• Example: Consider a two-pass assembler.
– Pass1 constructs a symbol table.
– Pass2 generates machine-language code.
– Assume the following:
Size (k = 1024 bytes)
Pass1 70k
Pass2 80k
Overlays Example (Cont.)
• Overlay A needs 130k and Overlay B needs 140k.
Symbol table
Common routines
Overlay driver
• A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing
store, and then brought back into memory for continued execution.
• Backing store – fast disk large enough to accommodate copies of
all memory images for all users; must provide direct access to
these memory images.
• Roll out, roll in – swapping variant used for priority-based
scheduling algorithms; lower-priority process is swapped out so
higher-priority process can be loaded and executed.
• Normally, a process that is swapped out will be swapped back into
the same memory space that it occupied previously.
• Example: In a multiprogramming environment with Round Robin
CPU scheduling, when time slice expires, the memory manager
swap out the process that just finished, and swap in another
process to the memory space that has been freed.
Schematic View of Swapping
• Major part of swap
time is transfer time;
total transfer time is
directly proportional to
the amount of memory
• The context-switch
time in swapping
system is high.
• Modified versions of
swapping are found on
many systems, i.e.,
UNIX and Microsoft
Operating System Concepts 9.13
Example 1: Swapping
Contiguous Allocation
Example 2: Swapping
• A computer system has 1MB of 0
main memory. The O.S. takes O.S.
– Maximum size of user
process is 900KB. 100K
– User process may be smaller
than 900KB.
– From previous example if 900K
process P1 is 100K the swap
time is 108 milliseconds. But,
if P1 is 900K then the swap 1MB
time is 908 milliseconds.
Main Memory
• As the size of a process increases
the swap time increases too.
Operating System Concepts 9.16
Single – Partition Allocation
• Single-partition allocation
– Needs Protection.
– Protect O.S. code and data from changes by the user
– Protect user processes from one another.
– We can provide protection by using a relocation-
register with a limit register.
– Relocation register contains value of smallest
physical address.
– Limit register contains range of logical addresses.
– Each logical address must be less than the limit
Limit Relocation
Register Register
Yes Memory
CPU < +
Logical Physical
Address Address
Trap, Address
Multiple - Partition Allocation
• Several user processes residing in memory at the same
• Memory can be divided into a number of fixed-sized
partitions, where each partition may contain exactly one
process. Therefore, the degree of multiprogramming is
bound by the number of partitions.
• Or all memory is available for user processes as one
large block (hole).
• When a process arrives and needs memory, we search
for a hole large enough for this process.
• If we find a space, we allocate only as much memory as
is needed, keeping the rest available to satisfy future
Operating System Concepts 9.19
process 9 process 9
process 8 process 10
Multiple - Partition Allocation (Cont.)
• When no available block of memory (hole) is large enough to
hold process, the O.S. waits until a large block is available.
• In general, there is at any time a set of holes, of various
sizes, scattered throughout memory.
• When a process arrives and needs memory, we search this
set for a hole that is large enough for this process.
• If the hole is too large, it is split into two:
– One part is allocated to the arriving process.
– The other is returned to the set of holes.
• When a process terminates, it releases its block of memory,
which is then placed back in the set of holes.
• If the new hole is adjacent to other holes, we merge these
adjacent holes to form one larger hole.
• External fragmentation – total memory 0 O.S.
space exists to satisfy a request, but it 400K
is not contiguous; storage is
fragmented into a large number of small
holes. 1000K
• Example: We have a total external
fragmentation of (300+260)=560KB. 1700K
– If P5 is 500KB, then this space Free
would be large enough to run P5. 2000K
But the space is not contiguous.
• The selection of first-fit versus best-fit 2300K
can affect the amount of fragmentation.
Operating System Concepts 9.23
Fragmentation (Cont.)
• Internal fragmentation – Memory
that is internal to a partition, but is
not being used, because it is too O.S.
• Example: Assume next request is P7
for 18462 bytes.
– If we allocate exactly the
requested block, we are left Hole of
with a hole of 2 bytes. 18464 Free
• The overhead to keep track of this
hole will be larger than the hole
itself. So, we ignore this small hole
(internal fragmentation).
Fragmentation (Cont.)
• One solution to the problem of external fragmentation is compaction.
• The goal is to shuffle memory contents to place all free memory
together in one large block.
• Example: (Compaction) 3 holes compacted into one large hole 660KB.
0 O.S. 0 O.S.
400K 400K
900K P5 900K P5
1000K Free 100K 1600K P4
1700K P4 1900K P3
2000K Free 300K
2300K P3 Free 660K
2560K Free 260K 2560K
Fragmentation (Cont.)
• The simplest compaction algorithm is to move all processes toward
one end of memory; all holes move in the other direction, producing
one large hole of available memory.
• Example: Comparison of different ways to compact memory.
0 O.S. 0 O.S.
If we use the
300 300
simple algorithm,
500 P1 500 P1
we must move
600 P2 600 P2
P3 and P4 for a
1000 Free 400 800 P3
total of 600K
1200 P3 1200 P4
1500 Free 300
1900 P4 Free 900
2100 Free 200 2100
A) Original B) Moved 600
Operating System Concepts 9.26
Fragmentation (Cont.)
• Example (Cont.): Or, we can move P4 above P3 moving only 400K.
0 O.S. 0 O.S.
300 300
500 P1 500 P1
600 P2 600 P2
1000 Free 400 1000 P4
1200 P3 1200 P3
1500 Free 300
1900 P4 Free 900
2100 Free 200 2100
A) Original C) Moved 400
Fragmentation (Cont.)
• Example (Cont.): Or, we can move P3 below P4 moving only 200K.
0 O.S. 0 O.S. Swapping can
300 300 also be
500 P1 500 P1 combined with
600 P2 600 P2 compaction; a
1000 Free 400 process can be
1200 P3 Free 900
swapped out of
main memory to
1500 Free 300 1500
a backing store
1900 P4 1900 P4
and swapped in
2100 Free 200 2100 P3 again later.
A) Original D) Moved 200
• Logical address space of a process can be noncontiguous;
process is allocated physical memory whenever the latter is
• Divide physical memory into fixed-sized blocks called frames
(size is power of 2, between 512 bytes and 8192 bytes).
• Divide logical memory into blocks of same size called pages.
• To run a program of size n pages, need to find n free frames
and load program.
• When a process is to be executed, its pages are loaded into
any available memory frame from the backing store.
• The backing store is divided into fixed-sized blocks that are
of the same size as the memory frames.
Address Translation Architecture
Paging Example for a 32-byte Memory with 4-byte each Page
Example: Free Frames
Page 1 21 1 13 21
Page Table
• In general, each page of the process needs one frame.
• If the process requires n pages, there must be at least n
frames available in memory.
• If there are n frames available, they are allocated to this
arriving process.
• The first page of the process is loaded into one of the
allocated frames, and the frame number is put in the
page table for this process.
• The next page is loaded into another frame, and its
frame number is put into the page table and so on.
Frame Table
• The operating system is managing physical memory, it
must be aware of the allocation details of physical memory:
– Which frames are allocated.
– Which frames are available.
– How many total frames there are and so on.
• This information is kept in a data structure called a frame
• Frame table has one entry for each physical page frame,
indicating whether the latter is free or allocated and if it is
allocated, to which page of which process or processes.
• Clear separation between the user’s view of memory and
the actual physical memory.
• Paging increases the context-switch time.
Operating System Concepts 9.37
Translation Look-aside Buffers (TLBs)
• In this scheme every data/instruction access requires two
memory accesses. One for the page table and one for the
• The two memory access problem can be solved by the use of
a special fast-lookup hardware cache called associative
registers or translation look-aside buffers (TLBs).
• In TLBs, each register consists of two parts: a key and a value.
• When the TLBs are presented with an item, it is compared with
all keys simultaneously.
• If the item is found, the corresponding value field is output.
• The search is fast, but hardware is expensive.
• The number of entries in a TLB varies between 8 and 2048.
CPU p d
Page Frame
number number TLB hit
f d Physical
TLB ----
TLB miss
Operating System Concepts 9.40
Translation Look-aside Buffers (TLBs) (Cont.)
• When a logical address is generated by the CPU, its page
number is presented to a set of associate registers (TLB) that
contain page numbers and their corresponding frame numbers.
• If the page number is found in the TLB, its frame number is
immediately available and is used to access memory.
• If the page number is not in the TLB, a memory reference to the
page table must be made.
• We add the page number and frame number to TLB, so that will
be found quickly on the next reference.
• If the TLB is already full of entries the operating system must
select one for replacement.
• Every time a new page table is selected the TLB must be
flushed (erased) to ensure that next executing process does not
use wrong translation information.
Operating System Concepts 9.41
TLB’s Hit Ratio (Cont.)
• Example: For a 98-percent hit ratio:
– Effective access time=0.98x120+0.02x220=122
– This increased hit ratio produces only a 22-percent
slowdown in memory access time.
• The hit ratio is clearly related to the number of associative
registers (TLBs).
• Motorola 68030 processor (used in Apple Macintosh systems)
has a 22-entry TLB.
• Intel 80486 CPU has 32 registers and claims a 98-percent hit
• In general, number of entries in TLB ranging from 16-512, a
hit ratio of 80 to 98 percent can be obtained.
Operating System Concepts 9.43
Memory Protection
• Memory protection implemented by associating protection bits with each frame.
• These bits are kept in the page table.
• One bit can be define a page to be read and write or read-only.
• Every reference to memory goes through the page table to find the correct
frame number and at the same time the protection bits can be checked to verify
that no writes are being made to a read-only page.
• An attempt to write to a read-only page causes a hardware trap to the operating
system (memory protection violation).
• Valid-invalid bit attached to each entry in the page table:
– “valid” indicates that the associated page is in the process’s logical
address space, and is thus a legal page.
– “invalid” indicates that the page is not in the process’s logical address
• Illegal addresses are trapped by using valid-invalid bit.
• The O.S. sets this bit for each page to allow or disallow accesses to that page.
Example: Memory Protection
• A system with 14 bit address space (0 to 214 = 16,383).
• A program use only addresses 0 to 12,287. 0
• A page size is 2KB (2048). 1
Page Frame Valid- 2 Page 0
00000 Page 0 Number number invalid
bit 3 Page 1
Page 1 4 Page 2
0 2 v
Page 2 1 3 v 5
2 4 v 6
Page 3
3 7 v 7 Page 3
10,468 Page 4
4 8 v 8 Page 4
12,287 Page 5 5 9 v 9 Page 5
6 0 i
7 0 i Page n
Page Table
Operating System Concepts 9.45
Multilevel Paging
• Most modern computer systems support a very large logical
address space.
• The page table is very large.
• Example: A system with a 32-bit logical address space.
– If page size is 4K bytes (212), then a page table may
consist of up to 1 million entries (232 / 212) = (220).
– Because each entry consists of 4 bytes (32 bits) and we
have one million entries, each process may need up to 4
megabytes of physical address space for the page table
• A simple solution is to divide the page table into small pieces.
• One way is to use a two-level paging scheme (the page table
itself is also paged).
Operating System Concepts 9.47
Two-Level Paging Example
• A logical address (on 32-bit machine with 4K (212), page size) is
divided into:
– a page number consisting of (32-12)=20 bits.
– a page offset consisting of 12 bits.
• Since the page table is paged, the page number is further divided
– a 10-bit page number.
– a 10-bit page offset.
• Thus, a logical address is as follows:
page number page offset
pi p2 d
10 10 12
where pi is an index into the outer page table, and p2 is the
displacement within the page of the outer page table.
Address-Translation Scheme
• Address-translation scheme for a two-level 32-bit paging
Multilevel Paging and Performance
• The SPARC machine with 32-bit addressing supports 3-level
paging scheme, and the 32-bit Motorola 68030 supports 4-level
paging scheme.
• How does multilevel paging affect system performance?
• For example, in 4-level paging scheme, each level is stored as a
separate table in memory, it will take 4 memory accesses.
• If we use cache memory, let hit ratio to be 98 and it takes 20
nanoseconds to search TLB and 100 nanoseconds to access
memory, then the effective access time will be:
0.98 x 120 + 0.02 x 520 = 128 nanoseconds.
Inverted Page Table Architecture
• Examples of
systems using this
Systems 6000
- HP Spectrum
Shared Pages
• Another advantage of paging is sharing common code.
• Shared code
– One copy of read-only (reentrant) code shared among
processes (i.e., text editors, compilers, window
– Shared code must appear in same location in the logical
address space of all processes.
• Private code and data
– Each process keeps a separate copy of the code and
– The pages for the private code and data can appear
anywhere in the logical address space.
Shared Pages (Cont.)
• Example: A system supports 40 users, each executes a text
editor. If the text editor consists of 150K of code and 50K of
data space, we would need 8000K to supports the 40 users.
– That is (150K + 50K) x 40 = 8000K
– If the code is reentrant (it can be shared), then we need
only one copy of the editor (150K) plus 40 copies of the
50K of data space per user.
– The total space required is now (150K + 40 x 50K)
2150K instead of 8000K (a significant saving of
• Other used programs can be shared:
– Compilers; Window Systems; Database Systems …
– To be shared, the code must be reentrant (non-
Shared Pages Example (Cont.)
• The user’s view of memory is not the same as the
actual physical memory.
• A program is a collection of segments. A segment is a
logical unit such as:
main program,
local variables, global variables,
common block,
symbol table, arrays
Logical View of Segmentation
• User’s view of a 1
program as segments. 4
• Segmentation is a
memory-management Stack2
scheme that supports this
user view of memory. Symbol
Table3 2
• A logical address space Main
is a collection of Program4
segments. 3
Segmentation Architecture
• Logical address consists of a two tuple:
<segment-number, offset>
• Mapping 2-dimensional user-defined addresses into 1-
dimensional physical addresses, by using segment table.
• Each entry of the segment table has a segment base and
a segment limit.
• The segment base contains the starting physical address
where the segment resides in memory.
• The segment limit specifies the length of the segment.
• The segment table is an array of base-limit register pairs.
Operating System Concepts 9.60
Segmentation Hardware
s Table
limit base
s d
Logical Yes
Address < + Physical
Physical Memory
Segmentation Example
Limit base
Implementation of Segment Tables
• Like the page table, the segment table can be put either in fast
registers or in memory.
• Segment-table base register (STBR) points to the segment table’s
location in memory.
• Segment-table length register (STLR) indicates number of segments
used by a program.
• For logical address (s, d):
– Check the segment number (s) is legal if (s < STLR).
– Then add the segment number to STBR resulting in the address
(STBR+s) in memory of the segment table entry.
– As before, now check the offset against the segment length and
compute the physical address of the desired byte as the sum of
the segment base and offset.
• This mapping requires two memory references per logical address,
slowing the computer system by a factor of 2.
• Solution: use a set of associative registers to hold most recently used
segment-table entries.
Operating System Concepts 9.63
Example: Sharing of Segments
Segmentation: Fragmentation
• The long-term scheduler (selecting a process from disk into
memory) find and allocate memory for all the segments of a
user program.
• Segments are of variable length; whereas pages are of same
• With the variable-sized partition scheme, memory allocation
is a dynamic storage-allocation problem, usually solved with a
best-fit or first-fit algorithm.
• Segmentation may cause external fragmentation; whereas
paging may cause internal fragmentation.
• External fragmentation, when all blocks of free memory are
too small to accommodate a segment.
• In this case, the process may have to wait until more memory
becomes available.
• Compaction may be used to create a larger hole.
Operating System Concepts 9.66
Average Segment Size
Segmentation with Paging – MULTICS (Cont.)
Segmentation with Paging – MULTICS (Cont.)
• In MULTICS the segment number is 18-bit , we could have
up to 218 = 262,144 segments, requiring a large segment
• To solve this problem, MULTICS pages the segment table.
• The segment number (18 bits) is broken into an 8-bit page
number and 10-bit page offset.
• The segment table is represented by a page table consisting
of up to 28 entries.
• So, a logical address in MULTICS is as follows:
Segment number Offset
s1 s2 d1 d2
8-bit 10-bit 6-bit 10-bit
Page table
segment Page of
table segment
table Page
table for
segment Page of
Performance in MULTICS
• To ensure reasonable performance:
– 16 associative register are available that contain the
address of the 16 most recently referred pages.
– Each register consists of two parts: a key and a value.
– The key is 24-bit field that is the concatenation of a
segment number and a page number.
– The value is the frame number.
Segment number Offset
s1 s2 d1 d2
8-bit 10-bit 6-bit 10-bit
Page #
Key 24-bit
Intel 30386 address translation
• Hardware support
• Performance
• Fragmentation
• Relocation
• Swapping
• Sharing
• Protection