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Syllabus FMGT3531 Fall 2010

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FMGT 3531
Fall Semester, 2010
INSTRUCTOR: Nguyen Van Phuong


Students should have a good understanding of economics, mathematics, accounting,
and basic business concepts. Course work in statistics is helpful, but not required.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 7:30-8:00, Thursday 13:00-13:30 and by appointment.

OFFICE LOCATION: 180 Cao Lo, W.4,District 8, HCMC, Vietnam

OFFICE TELEPHONE: 08-8-2630792


WEB SITE: http://www.troyhcmc.edu.vn/

TIME OF CLASS and CLASS Wednesday 13:30 – 17:00 at A301

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Analysis, planning and control of internal and external finance decisions of a firm
with emphasis on corporate structure.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course will help you understand the fundamentals of finance, with the primary
goal of financial management, financial markets, and institutions. It provides basic
techniques for financial analysis, financial forecasting, and cash flows. Specifically,
you will acquire an understanding of stocks and bonds, the time value of money and
learn how to measure the expected future cash flows, along with risk-adjusted
discount rates, determine the values of firm. In addition, you will acquire knowledge
of capital allocation so that you can understand the importance of market efficiency
and explain why corporations make specific capital budgeting, financing, and working
capital decisions.

Brigham & Houston, 2009, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12 Edition,
Thomson-South-Western. (Required)
Ross / Westerfield / Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 7/e: McGraw-Hill 2005

Supplements, as assigned. (Online, ACCA, CAT textbook and revision kits)

OTHER MATERIALS: You are encouraged to read the Financial Times and the Wall street Journal.

CLASS PROCEDURE AND This course will be delivered in a lecture/discussion format. Primary delivery will
REQUIREMENTS: through PowerPoint and overhead presentations. PPT Presentations will be posted to
the web site prior to class. Students should read ahead the lecture notes and bring
them to class to save your note taking.

Most classes will begin with a “cold call” to one specific student that will open the
case, which is selected from the textbook, reference materials, and business news, and
provoke class discussion. In the course of a semester, every student will receive a cold
call at least once. After the opening question, the class will collectively analyze,
argue, approach, and persuade polite society (the class). The instructor’s role is one of
orchestration and additional stimulation of discussion.

You may use a laptop during class, but it should be used to further concepts and not
for other things such as…, as well as…

GRADING METHODS & Final grades will be calculated as a weighted average as follows:

 Class contribution and assignments 20%

 Midterm exam 40%
 Final exam 40%

The student's final grade will be determined using the traditional grading scale:
A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: Below 60.

ATTENDANCE & STUDENT Students are expected to:

RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Punctually attend all scheduled classes. Students who arrive after roll is taken
will be counted as absent that day.
2. Be responsible for all instructions and assignments given in class as well as for
the supporting textbook content.
3. Be an active participant in this class while being respectful of everyone else in
the class.

Students should read Student Handbook.
INCOMPLETE/MISSED If a student will miss a test, they must notify the instructor in advance and provide
WORK POLICY: acceptable documentation within one week of the missed test. If they are unable to
notify the instructor in advance (e.g., they were in the hospital), they must notify the
instructor as soon as they are able to return to class and provide acceptable WRITTEN
documentation on that day.
 If the absence is excused by the instructor, the student will take a special
comprehensive makeup test on Dead Day, to be taken on the computer with a
proctor. No individual makeup exams for particular tests will be given. This
comprehensive makeup test will be in addition to the formative exam taken during
the final exam period.
 If the absence is not excused by the instructor, the student will receive a zero for
any missed test.

GENERAL SUPPORT: The computer labs are available for student use when other classes are not in session.

ACADEMIC HONESTY AND The following activities are not permitted in the course:
1/ University Standards: Anyone suspected of cheating or copying will receive an “F”.
Further action will be carried out according to the TSU ORACLE, available in Student
Handbook or on the school website.
“2/ Plagiarism: copying or receiving material from a source or sources and submitting
this material as one’s own without acknowledging the particular debts to the source
(quotations, paraphrases, basic ideas), or otherwise representing the work of another
as one’s own;
2/ Cheating: receiving information, or soliciting information, from another student or
other unauthorized source, or giving information to another student, with the intend to
deceive while completing an examination or individual assignment;
3/ Falsification of academic materials: fabricating laboratory materials, notes, reports,
or any forms of computer data; forcing an instructor’s name or initials; resubmitting
an examination or assignment for reevaluation which has been altered without the
instructor’s authorization, or submitting a report, paper, materials, computer data, or
examination (or any considerable part thereof) prepared by any person other than the
student responsible for the assignment;”

This is a good style guide for references:


A plagiarism checker will be used on all papers turned in. Papers that do not give
correct credit for intellectual property will receive a grade of F. Be honest!

CELLPHONES AND OTHER Use of any electronic device by students in the instructional environment is prohibited
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: unless explicitly approved on a case-by-case basis by the instructor of record or by the
Office of Disability Services in collaboration with the instructor. Cellular phones,
pagers, and other communication devices may be used for emergencies, however, but
sending or receiving non-emergency messages is forbidden by the University.
Particularly, use of a communication device to violate the Troy University “Standards
of Conduct” will result in appropriate disciplinary action (See the Oracle.)

In order to receive emergency messages from the University or family members, the
call receipt indicator on devices must be in the vibration mode or other unobtrusive
mode of indication. Students receiving calls that they believe to be emergency calls
must answer quietly without disturbing the teaching environment. If the call is an
emergency, they must move unobtrusively and quietly from the instructional area and
notify the instructor as soon as reasonably possible. Students who are expecting an
emergency call should inform the instructor before the start of the instructional period.

COURSE SCHEDULE The schedule below presents an approximate expectation of course progress. The
instructor reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any part of this schedule. Any
changes will be announced in class.

Date Chapter Topic Assignments

Week 1 Assignment 1:
Oct/06 1 An overview of financial management Question 1.1, 1.7, 1.8, 1.10
2 Financial markets and institutions Question 2.2, 2.3, 2.7

Week 2 Assignment 1 due. Assignment 2:

Financial statements, cash flow and taxes
Oct/13 3 Question 3.4, 3.6, 3.9. Problem 3.2, 3.6, 3.7
4 Analysis of financial statements
Question 4.10. Problem 4.5, 4.6, 4.13

Week 3 Assignment 2 due. Assignment 3:

Oct/20 5 Time value of money. Question 5.4, 5.5. Problem 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.10,

Week 4 Assignment 3 due. Assignment 4:

Oct/27 10 The cost of capital Question 10.1. Problem 10.1, 10.2 10.3, 10.8,

Week 5 Assignment 4 due. Assignment 5:

Nov/03 11 The basics of capital budgeting. Question 11.1, 11.7. Problem 11.7, 11.8,
11.10, 11.14

Week 6
Nov/10 Mid-term exam
Week 7 Assignment 5 due. Assignment 6:
Nov/17 7 Bonds and their valuation. Question 7.4, 7.7. Problem 7.1, 7.2, 7.7
Week 8 Assignment 6 due. Assignment 7&8:
Nov/24 8&9 Risk and Rates of return & Stocks and their Question 8.3, 8.9. Problem 8.6, 8.7, 8.10,
valuation 8.19.
Question 9.3, 9.4. Problem 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5,
9.6, 9.15
Week 9 Assignment 7&8 due. Assignment 9:
Dec/1 16 Working capital management. Question 16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 16.10
Problem 16.1, 16.2, 16.4, 16.7, 16.8, 16.10

Week 10
Dec/8 17 Financial planning and forecasting. Assignment 9 due. Assignment 10:
Question 17.1, 17.2, 17.5
Problem 17.1, 17.7, 17.8
Week 11
Dec/15 Final Exam

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