Wireless Telephony - Fessenden (1908) PDF
Wireless Telephony - Fessenden (1908) PDF
Wireless Telephony - Fessenden (1908) PDF
by <]\. A . Fessenden
The writer made some experiments in 1896 and in conjunction with two
of his students, Messrs. Bennett and Bradshaw, did considerable work
on receivers of various types in the fall of 1896 and spring of 1897, the
results of which were incorporated in a thesis. 21
Up to the year 1898, as may be seen from the above, the development
of wireless telegraphy had proceeded along a si ngle line. In that year,
however, an entirely new method of wireless telegraphy was developed,
characterized by a return to first principles, the abandonment of the
previously used methods and by the introduction of methods in almost
every respec t their exact antitheses.
While the coherer is of more or less interest theoretically it is not
adapted for use for telegraphic purposes. Responding as it does to
voltage ri ses above a certain limit, it does not discriminate between
impulses of different character s, and is therefore peculiarly susceptible
t o interfering signals and atmospheric disturbances, and the operation
of coherer systems can not be guaranteed during the summer months or
in the Tropics. Roughly speaking, a coherer acts by starting an arc and
making a short circuit on the line ever y time a signal is received, w hich
short circuit persists until it is broken by a blow from an additional
mechanism, and such a method of operation is obviously far from
practical. In addition, it is practically impossible to obtain sharp tuning
in a local circui t containing a coherer; its action is always more or less
erratic, its electrostatic capacity variable, and it is insensitive.
At the sending end the energy which can be liberated by the
discharge of an antenna is limited, and in the form used prior to 1897 the
dampeni ng is so great that there are only a few oscillations per spark.
Locl ge, 22 by placing a coil of large inductance in the antenna, throttled
clown the amount of energy radiated per oscillation and so obtained with
the same limited amount of energy derived from the charged antenna, an
increase in the time of damping.
Braun 23 patented the method of using a local oscillator y circuit
connected to an antenna, the local oscillatory circuit having a much
longer period than the natural period of the antenna and of a different
order of magnitude. Such a system, however, does not radiate energy
appreciably, and produces a damped wave.
Th is dampening and the limited amount of energy obtainable by
charging and discharging the antenna operates to prevent sharp tuning
and working over long distances.
21 West ern University of Pennsylvania, May, 1897.
22 Lodge, Great Britain patent No. 11575, 1897.
23 Braun, German patent No. 11578, October 14, 1898.
24 Electrical World , July 29, August 12, September 16, 1899, and
Proceedings American Institute of Electrical Engineers, November,
1899, page 635, and November 20, 1906, page 781.
The coherer is well adapted for working with damped waves, but
the coherer-damped wave method can never be developed into a
practical te legraph system. It is a question whether the invention of the
coherer has not been on the whole a misfortune as tending to lead the
development of the art astray into impracticable and futi le lines and
thereby re tardi ng the development of a really practical system.
The fact that no coherer-damped wave system could ever be
developed into a practically operative te legraph system, a nd the fact
that it was necessary to return to firs t principles and initiate a new line
of development along engineering rather than laboratory lines was
perceived in America in 18982'1 and a new method was advised which may
be called the sustained oscillation-nonmicrophonic receiver method as
opposed to the clamped oscillation-coherer method previously used.
A I. . .. ......... Dumped oscillations nrc produced at the Sustained oscillations arc produced at tbr
sending encl. sending end.
A 2............. Tho energy tm nsmittcd Is obtained by The energy transmitted Is derived from
charging tho nntcnnn and cliscbnrg· a local source and fcdln totbeantcnna.
ing it .
.A.8 ....... ...... A5park gnp is used for producing the Anarcor hlgh!requencydyne.moisgen·
oscillntions. erally used for producing the oscilln·
B L ...... ... ... I mperfect or mforopbonic contact re- Nonmicrophonic con tact receivers nre
ccivcrs nrc used . used.
B 2 ............. Tho nction of tho receiver depends upon The receiver response ls determined by
t.hc voltage r ise nnd is iudependent of the integralnmountof energy received.
tho nmount of energy received.
B 3 .. . .. ... ..... An open-tuned circuit is used for re- A r losed tuned circuit is used for re·
cciving. ceiviog.
B 4 ............. T h o receiving circuit is tuned to th e The receh·ing cir cuit mny be tuned to a
wave frequency on1y. group frequency as well as to the wave
c 1 ............. l n transmitting mc=ges the production The wa\"CS a re preferably generated con·
of tho electromagnetic waves is intcr- linuously and tbe transmis.'<ion accom-
m l!tent. pii•hed by changing the character of
the wave.
C 2 ......... . .. . The wnvc energy llnx is intermittent . . .• The w a'l"e energy llux ls constant.
c 3 .. ..... . . ... . A high voltage i• used ................... . A low \"Oltage ls used.
C 4. ... . ..... .. . Comparati vely short wave longths are Comparatively long wave lengths are
used. used.
C :; . . . . . . . . . . . . . The signals consist o! dots nnd dashes, The sign als may consist of d ots only,
w hose interpretation is fixed. who•e in terpreta tion depends on the
station sencling and receiving.
D 1. . ....... .... Antcnnro arc used adapted, roughly The antennro are p referably arranged so
epca.ktng, to uttitze the electrostatic ns to utilize the other component of the
compon cn t of the electromagnetic electromagnetic waves instead of t he
waves. electrostatic component.
The history of these two antithetical lines of development will be
treated of separately.
The first essential for the development of the system was, of course,
a quantitatively responsive receiver. Several forms of this were tried,
including the modification of the Boys' radio-micrometer (consisting of
a light thermo couple suspended in the field of a permanent magnet and
heated by radiation from a wire, which in turn was heated by the current
to be detected) described by the writer at the Columbus meeting of th e
American association in 1897. 25 This was abandoned in favor of Prof.
Elihu Thomson's alternating current galvanometer, 26 suitably modified
for telegraphic work. 27
Among other forms of current-operated receiver may be mentioned
the following:
The hot-wire barretter, 28 consisting of a minute platinum wire a
few hundred thousandths of an inch in diameter and approximately
a hundredth of an inch in length. The term "barretter " was coined for
this device for the reason that it differs essenti ally from the bolometer
of Langley in that it is arranged to be affected by external sources of
radiant heat as little as possible instead of as much as possible, and to
have an extremely small specific heat, an object not sought in the case
of the bolometer.
The liquid barretter,29 in which the change of resistance is effected by
heating a liquid, the concentration of path being obtained by means of a
fine platinum wire point. Some question has been raised as to the theor y
of operation of this device, but I think there is no question but that the
effect is clue to heat, though what per cent of the effect is clue to change
in ohmic conductivity by heat and what per cent is due to depolarization
by heat is still, as originally stated by the writer, 29 uncertain. The facts
that the device operates practically equally well irrespective of which
terminal is connected to the local battery, and that the effect varies as
the square of the alternating current (as a heat-operated device should
do) instead of directly with the alternating current as a rectifier would do,
and that depolarization is produced by the heat, have been confirmed
by Dr. L. W. Austin. 30 The writer has experimentally determined the
fac t that though the electri cal impulses may have a duration of less
than a millionth part of a second, the change in resistance persists for
approximately the ten thousandth part of a second, which would seem
25 Electrician, June 24, 1904.
26 Elihu Thomson, Uni ted States patent No. 363185, January 26, 1887.
27 United States patents Nos. 706736 and 706737, December 15, 1899.
28 United States patent No. 706744, June 6, 1902.
29 United States patent No. 727331, April 9, 1903.
30 Austin, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, vol. 2, No. 2.
to show conclusively that the action is not a direct effect of the waves.
The term electrolyt ic receiver has sometimes been applied to
the liquid barretter. This is objectionable, as there are a number of
electrolytic receivers. For example, the Neughschwender-Schaefer 31
receiver, in which a number of microscopic fi laments are produced
between two terminals by electrolysis, which filaments are ruptured by
the wave-produced oscillations, th us increasing the resistance; also the
liquid coherer of Captai n Ferrie, described by him as follows: 32
The same effect of self-decohering coherence has been determined
for a contact of a metallic wi re and a liquid conductor, aciclu lated water,
contained in a glass tube of small diameter, and placed under the same
cond itions as the preceding. Always , the sensitiveness of this contact
is very notably inferior to that obtained in the experiments disclosed
above. T he maximum sensitiveness was obtained when the resistance
of the imperfect contact was about 2,000 ohms and when the extremi ty
of the metal wire scarcely grazed the meniscus of the liquid. The results
obtained were better with a copper wire, attacked by the acidulat ed
water, than with a platinum wire.
This coherer probably acts through a chemical effect producing a thin
film of gas and has never come into use, doubtless because, as Captain
Ferrie points out, it is even less sensitive than the Marconi coherer.
Also the rectifier of Pupin ,33 in which the terminals are placed so closely
together that pract ically no energy is absorbed in the receiver, in order
that the rectified energy may be utilized outside in the external circuit,
in opposition to the liquid barretter, where the position of the terminals
is such that all the received wave energy is absorbed in the barretter
for the purpose of producing a secondary effect, and so influencing the
current in a shunted local circuit.
F requ en cy . ... .. • .. . • . . . ... . .. ...... .. . ... . . .. ..... .. . . ......•..... .. . . 212,000 212,000 212,000
Tank capacity ( m . f.) .. . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . ...... .. . ... . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
Kilowat t output d yn amo.... . . . . .. . ....... . . ... . .. . . ............ .. . . ... .
SO I O. Oi 2
The large station at Brant Rock is operated with the local circuit
directly connected across the spark-gap, partly because the efficiency
is somewhat greater, but also on account of the great simplification of
connections and the fact that the degree of sustainment of the wave train
may be adjusted very simply, if desired, by sliding the lower terminal
of the antenna along a few inches of the lead of the local oscillatory
Cooper-Hewitt38 in 1902 used a modification of his mercury lamp to
obtain intermittent discharges, each followed by a train of high-frequency
Arc methods. - The worker with high-frequency oscillatory currents
w ill soon discover that we are indebted to the genius of Prof. Elihu
Thomson for practically every device of any importance in this art.
The method of producing high frequ ency oscillations from an arc and
continuous current was discovered by him in 1892. 39 Figure 1, taken from
his patent, shows the general form of his arrangement. If the directions
given in the specification are followed no difficulty will be met wi th in
obtaining frequencies as high as 50,000 per second .
Between 1900 and 1902 some experiments were carried out with the
Elihu Thomson are as a source of high frequency oscillations for wireless
telegraphy and telephony.
Some difficulties were found, for example, the arc could not be started
and stopped as quickly as was necessary for telegraphic purposes, and
the intensity of the oscillations and their frequency varied considerably.
37 Uni ted States patents Nos. 706735 a nd 706736, Dece mbe r 15, 1899.
38 Cooper-Hewitt, United States pa te nt No. 780999, Apri l 25, 1902.
39 Elihu Thoms on, United States patent No. 500630, July 18, 1892.
These were overcome --------~----,-11---
by making some minor
improvements, for
example, the difficulty in
sending was overcome by
permitting the arc to run
continuously and us ing
the key to change the
electrical constants of the
circuits .40 The difficulty in
keeping the intensity and
freq uency constant was
overcome by substituting
resistance for a portion of T
the inductance, and also T
by using the arc under
pressure. 41
Tests made by Doctor
Austin 42 show that with
this method frequencies
as high as 3,000,000 per
second and efficiencies FIG. 1.-Elibu Thomson's method of produciui;
as high as 60 per cent can blgh frequency osclllntlons.
be obtained together with
an absolutely steady43 generation of the high freque ncy currents and an
absence of harmonic frequencies.
High frequency alternato1: - The fi rst, high freque ncy alternator was
built by Prof. Elihu Thomson in 1889. And it4'1 was while experimenting
with it in 1900 that Doctor Tatum made his very interesting discovery
that high frequency currents of large amperage could be passed through
the body without injury.45
From 1898 to 1900 numerous experiments were made on antenna of
large capacity, and it was found that instead of usi ng sheets of solid metal
or wire netting, single wires could be placed at a considerable fraction of
the wave-length a part and yet give practically the same capacity effect
as if the space between them were filled with solid conductors.
From other investigations on the variation of radiation with frequency
40 Unit ed States patents Nos. 706742, July 6, 1902; 706747, September
28, 1901; 727330, March 21 , 1903; 730 753, April. 9, 1903.
41 lbid and United States patent No. 706741.
42 Austin, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, vol. 3, No. 2.
43 Austin assumed from the figure he obtained for the dampening,
that the oscillations were not continuous; but the method used for
determining the dampening is not applicable to this case, and a
comparison o f the currents and voltages with the frequencies given in
Austin's experiments, shows that these oscillations must have been
44 Thomson, Electrical Engineer, July 30, 1890, and London
Electrician, September 12, 1890.
45 Thomson, Electr ical Engineer, March 11 , 1891.
the result was arrived at that it should be possible to construct an
alternating-current dynamo of sufficiently high frequency and output to
give ample radiation for wireless telegraphic purposes.40
In 1900 a large American electrical manufacturing company kind ly
consented to take up the construction of such a dynamo. As a preliminary,
a dynamo of l kilowatt output and 10,000 cycles (shown in pl. 1, fig. 1)
was built in 1902. By the summer of 1906 many of the difficulties had
been overcome, and a machine giving 50,000 cycles was installed at the
Brant Rock station. Various im provements were made by the writer's
assistants, and in the fall of 1906 the dynamo was working regularly at
75,000 cycles, with an output of half a kilowatt, and was being used for
telephoning to Plymouth, a distance of approximately 11 miles. In the
following year machines were constructed having a frequency of 100,000
cycles per second and outputs of 1 and 2 kilowatts.
The credit for the development of this machine is due to Messrs.
Steinmetz, Haskins, Alexanderson, Dempster, and Geisenhoner, and also
to the writer 's assistants, Messrs. Stein and Mansbendel.
In 1898 the open tuned circuits originally used were discarded for
closed tuned circui ts,47 and it was discovered that valuable selective
effect s could be obtained by placing the condenser in shunt to the
inductance, instead of in series with it."i
Plate 2 Fig. 2
- Commu tator
Metho d of
Plate 3 Fig. 1
Interrupter for
Variation of
Intensity with
Change of Note.
. J..:._
inductance of that portion of the wire wound upon the copper cylinder.
Plate 4 shows a group-tuned call; that is , a vibration galvanometer
which operates a r-----=-===-=--= :-:--=-=::-=-::-:= - -- - - --.
selenium cell a nd
rings a bell when a
call is received.
Plate 5, fi gure
1, shows an
apparatus for
determining the
best shape of
coil for use with
the heterodyne
For wireless
t elep h ony
three things are
1. Means for
rad iating a s tream
of electrical
waves sufficiently
continuous to
transmi t the upper
harmonics on
which the quality
of the talking
2. Mean s for
modulating this
stream of waves in
accordance with
the sound waves.
3. A contin-
uously responsive
receiver, giving
in dicat i o n s
proportional to the
energy received Plate 4 - A Group-
and capable of Tuned Call; Vibration
Galvanometer Operating
responding with a Selenium Cell, which
sufficient rapidity Rings a Bell when Call is
to the speech Received.
harmonics. ~------------------=
Plate 5 Fig. I - Apparatus for
Determing Best Shape of Coil
for Use with the Heterodyne
The writer has been asked on several occasions how the wireless
telephone came to be invented. In November, 1899, shortly prior to the
delivery of my previous paper,84 while experimenting with the receiver
shown in figure 3 of that paper, I made some experiments with a Wehnelt
interrupter for operatin g the induction coil used for sending.
In the receiver mentioned the ring of a short-period Elihu Thomson
oscillating current galvanometer rests on three supports, i. e., two
pivots and a carbon block, and a telephone receiver is in circuit wi th the
carbon block. A storage battery being used in the receiver circuit85 it was
noticed that when the sending key was kept down at the send ing station
for a long dash the peculiar wailing sound of the Wehnelt interrupter was
reproduced with absolute fidelit y in the receiving telephone. It at once
suggested itself that by using a source with a frequency above audibility
w ireless telephony could be accomplished.
Professor Kintner, who was at that time assisting me in these
experiments and to whose aid their success is ver y largely clue, was kind
enough to make the drawings for an interrupter to give 10,000 breaks per
second. Mr. Brashear, the celebrated optician, kindly consented to make
up the apparatus, and it was completed in January or February, 1900.
The experimental work was, however, delayed, as th e writer was
at that time transferring his laboratory from Allegheny, Pennsylvania,
to Rock Point, Maryland, and it was not until six months later that the
stations at that point were completed and a suitable mast was erected
for trying the apparatus.
The first experiments were made in the fall of 1900 with the above
mentioned apparatus, which was supposed to give 10,000 sparks per
second, but which probably gave less. Transmission over a distance of
1 mile was attained, but the character of the speech was not good and it
was accompanied by an extremely loud and disagreeable noise, due to
the irregularity of the spark.
By the end of 1903 fairly satisfactory speech had been obtained by
the are method above referred to, but it was still accompanied by a
disagreeable hissing noise. In 1904 and 1905 both the arc method and
another method in which the 10,000 cycle alternator above referred to
was employed had been developed to such an extent that the apparatus
could be used practically and sets were advertised and tendered to the
United States Government.86 The transmission was, however, still not
absolutely perfect.
By the fall of 1906 the high frequency alternator had been brought
to a practical shape and was used for telephoning from Brant Rock to
Plymouth, a distance of 11 miles, and to a small fishing schooner, this
being the first instance in which wireless telephony was put in practical
use. The transmission was perfect and was admitted by tel ephone experts
to be more distinct than that over wire lines, the sound of breathing and
the slightest inflections of the voice being reproduced with the utmost
As it was realized that the use of the wireless telephone would be
seriously curtailed unless it could be operated in conjunction with
wire lines, telephone relays were invented both for the receiving and
transmitting ends, and were found to operate satisfactorily, speech being
transmitted over a wire line to the station at Brant Rock, retransmitted
there wirelessly by a telephone relay, received wirelessly at Plymouth,
and there relayed out again on another wire line. On December 11 ,
1906, invitations were issued to a number of scientific men to witness
the operation of the wireless transmission in conjunction with the
wire lines. A report of these tests appeared in the American Telephone
Journal of January 26 and February 2, 1907, the editor being one of the
men present.
In July, 1907, the range was considerably extended and speech was
successfully transmitted between Brant Rock and Jamaica, Long Island,
a distance of nearly 200 miles, in daylight and mostly over land, 8i the
mast at Jamaica being approximately 180 feet high.
In 1907 several European experimenters succeeded in transmitting
speech wirelessly, using some of the earlier forms of the writer's are
method, and some months ago the vessels of our Pacific squadron were
These have been already referred to. Plate 5, figure 2, shows a rotating
spark gap giving approximately 20,000 discharges per second. This was
• 0
.. . . .\.
--~· -~
· ,";
.9:.- • ·.• · •
1 ii •
~ '\
. .• .•.•.
, 9 ...
:e •
• .•
been made for a generator of still larger size, with a calculated output
of 50 kilowatts and a frequency of 50,000. This machine is intended for
trans-Atlantic work.
For some of these machines, instead of driving by gear or steam
turbine, a special 2-cycle motor has been devised , to operate at a
frequency of 500 cycles per second.
The high frequency alternator method is believed to possess a
num ber of adva ntages over other methods, inasmuch as it is set in
operation by merely opening a steam valve and has no complicated
electrical apparatus or circuits of any kind. The speed is regulated by
the s team pressure, this being accomplished by an electrically operated
reducing valve.
For measuring the frequency various s peed indicators have been
tried , but it has been found that the best way is to use a resonant circuit,
with an ammeter (shown in plate 11) in it, 88 this being an extremely
sensitive means of indicating the frequency, and in addi tion affording a
means of automatically keeping the speed constant to a small fraction
of a per cent. The reducing valve is adjusted so that if left to itself the
machine will run s lightly above speecl 89 As soon as it reaches one-tenth
of 1 per cent higher than its designed speed , the resonance begins to
fall, and a contact is opened which s lightly throttles the steam. In this
way the frequency is kept varying between the limits of one-tenth of 1
per cent above speed and one-tenth of 1 per cent below speed. Where
the drive is electric instead of by turbine, a storage battery is used to
drive the two-phase generator, and even better results may be obtained
as regards regulation than with s team.
88 Electrical World and Engineer, November 11, 1899.
89 Since writing the above, my attention has been called to the fact
that the general method of governing by resonance was invented
and patented by Kempster B. Miller, United States patent No. 559187,
February 25, 1896.
Plate 10 Fig.
2 - Standard
Type of Carbon
The types of trans mitters most commonly used are the carbon
transmitter and static transmitter, and the carbon transmitter relay.
Plate 10, figure 2, shows the standard type of carbon tran smitter.
It was fou nd that the ordina ry carbon transmitter was uns uited for
wire less telephonic work, on account of its inability to handle large
amoun ts of power. A new type of transmitter was the refore designed,
which the writer has called the "trough" transmitter. It consists of
a soapstone annulus to whic h are clamped two plates with platinurn-
iridium e lectrodes. Through a hole in the center of one plate passes a
rod , attached at one end to a diaphragm and at the other to a platinum-
iridium s pade. The two outs ide electrodes are water jacke ted.
This transmitter requires no adjusting. All that is necessary is to
place a teaspoonful of carbon granules in the central space. It is able
to carry as much as 15 amperes continuously without the articulation
falli ng off appreciably. It has the advantage that it never packs. The
reason for this appears to be that whe n the carbon on one s ide heats
and expands the electrode is pus hed over against the carbon on the
other side. These transmitters have handled amounts of energy up to
one-half horsepower, and under these circumstances give remarkably
clear and perfect articulation and may be left in circuit for hours at a
time. Plate 12, figure 1, shows a modifi ed form with split back.
Plate 12, figure 2, shows a transmitting relay for strong currents.
The only thing noticeable about this is that the telephone magnet is a
differential one.
Plate 11 - Ammeter for lndicatin<>
Frequency and Automatically "'
Regulating Speed.
Plate 13 - Faulty
Type of Condenser
Plate 12 Fig. 1 - Modified Form of Carbon
Transmitter with Split Back.
Plate 14 Fig. I -Type
of Transmitting Relay
for Amplifying Very
Feeble Currents.
is blown. As is well known, thi s causes the disk to be held close to the
nozzle. The telephone magnets alter the position of the disk and thus
produce ver y loud talking.
The transmitting relays are connected in the wire-line circuit in the
same way as the regular telephone relay, except that in place of being
inserted in the middle of the line they are placed in the wireless station
and an artifi cial line is used for balancing. There is no difficulty met with
on the wireless side of the apparatus , but on the wire-line side there are
the well-known difficulties due to unbalancing which have not yet been
entirely overcome. F'or the correction of these difficulties, therefore, we
must look to the engineers of the wire telephone companies. At present
the difficulties are, if anything, less than those met with in relaying on
wire lines alone.
Plate 16 Fig. 1 - Liquid
Barretter Receiver.
Plate 16 Fig. 2 -
T he rmoelectric Receiver or
Rectifie rs.
Plate 18 Fig I. - Apparatus for Balance Method of Talking
and Li stening Simultaneously.
It may be here mentioned that balance methods wor k much better
with wirel ess telephony and telegraphy than with line telephony and
telegraphy, for the reason that the radiation resistance of an antenna is
absolutely definite and is not affected by the weather, as are line circuits.
Consequently, the balance can be made very sharp and once made does
not need to be altered. 97 Of course, half the energy is lost, but this is a
matter of practically no importance, as the cutting down of the strength
of a telephonic conversation to one-half is as a rule hardly noticeable,
especially where there are no line noises or distortion of the speech
through capacity effects.
Receiving station relay. - The receiving station relay is similar to the
transmitting relay shown in plate 14, figure 1. The same remarks apply to
its use in connecti on with w ire lines as to the transmitting relay.
between Brant Rock and Brooklyn. If so, I think they will bear me out in
saying that the transmission was clearer than over wire lines.
As a rule, there is absolute silence in the wireless teleph one receiver
except when talking is going on, though of course the usual noises
may be heard if persons are walking across the room, etc. This makes
listening less of a strain than when talkin g over wire line. Even during
severe atmospheri c disturbances the talking is not interfered with to any
noticeable extent, provided, of course, that an interference preventer is
A comparative test was made with talking between Brant Rock and
Brooklyn by wireless and by wire telephony. The talking over the wire
line was done from a long-distance station in Brooklyn. The wireless
transmission was considerably the better. The fact that the wire line
included in its circuits a cable from New York to Brooklyn was of course
a disadvantage, but even allowing for this, practice and theory appear
to be in agreement to the effect that transmission by wireless telephony
over long distances is better than by wire line.
This method should be of especial value to independent telephone
companies, which have their local exchanges, but no long-distance lines,
especially since no franchises or rights of way are necessar y.
am not a telephone engineer. I hope the defects will be discussed by the
exper ts who are familiar with telephone operation and therefore better,
able to point them out. Before leaving this par t of the subject I would say
that I think the question of interference has been worked out to such an
extent that no serious difficulty need be feared in that direction.
This also will, I th ink, have considerable value, as enabling the captain
of a vessel to communicate, by rel aying over the wire line, with the
owner of the ship, or enabling a passenger on a vessel to communicate
with friends on shore.
I \ )
) \ - J
10 15 ""'
F ro. 7.-Curve showing varlntlon of intens ity of t rnnsatla ntlc messages for t he month
of Januar y, 190(1.
conti nuously with the wave length.98 This fluctuating a bsorption at one
time appeared to place a fundamental obstacle to commercial wi reless
telegraphy, as telegraph engineers will easily app reciate the impossibility
of ope rating telegraph systems with circuits where the s trength of the
received signals may fall to one thous andth of its value or rise to a
thousand ti mes its value in the course of a few minutes.
It was the refore cons idered absolutely essential, in order to decide
whether long-distance wireless telegraphy was commercially possible or
not, to investigate this phenomenon fully. As a preliminary, the station at
Brant Rock sent signals to four or five other stations at varying distances
and comparative readi ngs were taken. The following table shows the
general character of the results obtained:
Strength oi
SUltion. Distance. received
on wor8t
Compnny's cotlJlge ............... ...... ....................... ... .. .. ..... 200 yards .... . 1,000
Lynn ........ .......... ..... .... . . .. ...... ... . .... . .. .. .. .. . ... . . ........... 30 miles ...... 1, 000
Schcncctncly . . . ...... ...... .... ..... ..... ... . ... .. . . .. .......... .. ......... 170 miles . . .. . 500
Philltclclphi11 .......... ..... ... .. .. . . . ... .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. ... . . ..... .. ...... .. 270 miles . . .. . 300
Washi11gton ... . .... ....... . . . . .. .................... . . . . . . ..... . ..... . ..... 400 miles... .. lf>O
Machr!h anish .. ....... ... ............................ .. ...... . ............. 3,000 miles.... 1
FrG. 8.-Absorptlon curve, tests between Brnnt n ock and Washington.
minute, and at night, when the effect could not be due to the sun directly,
seemed to indicate that the body producing the absorption, whatever it
was , was not in a state of continuity, but was broken up into masses like
clouds. 99 This also was in accordance with some experiments made in
Brazil in 1905.
From optical theories it is known that where the absorption is produced
by conducting masses of a more or less definite size the absorption is
to a certain extent selective. The next point in the investigation was,
therefore, to determine whether there was any possibility of this being
the fact in the case of the absorption of wireless signals.
Comparative tests were therefore made of the absorption at night
and during the day between Brant Rock and Washington, with wave
lengths varying from a fraction of a mile up to four or five miles. It was
found that the absorption did not increase continuously w ith the wave
length, but reached a maximum and then fell off with great suddenness.
Figure 8 shows the general character of the curve, the ordinates
referring to the amount of the absorption and the abscissas to the wave
It may be noted that the absorption is a maximum at a frequency of
about 200,000 per second , nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths
(0.999) of the energy being absorbed at this frequency during daylight,
while for a frequency of 50,000 the absorption does not appear to
be appreciable. Longer experiments , of course, might show some
absorption, but in any case it is of a different order from the absorption
for the shorter wave lengths.
Experiments were then made between Brant Rock and the West
Indies, a distance of 1,700 miles, during the spr ing and summer of
1907. It was found that the results were of the same character, i.e., that
while there was greater absorption for frequencies of 200,000 there was
comparatively little absorption for frequencies in the neighborhood of
80,000, and messages were successfully transmitted in daylight wi th this
latter frequency. No messages were received in daylight with the higher
frequency, though messages transmitted from the same station and with
the same power and frequency were officially reported as having been
received at Alexandria, Egypt, a distance of approximately 4,000 miles.
The fact th at these experiment s were made during summer weather,
and the receiving station was in the Tropics, and the fact that the
distance, 1, 700 miles, was practically the same as that between Ireland
and Newfound land, definitely settled the question as to whether long-
distance wireless telegraphy was a commercial possibility or not, and
the results were therefore published. 100
Since the publication of the above results , transmission has been
accomplished by means of these long waves over still greater distances
during daylight. Mr. Marconi, early in October, 1907, abandoned the
short-wave lengths previously used and adopted one over two unit s
in length , and immediately succeeded in operatin g between Glace Bay,
Nova Scotia, and Clifden, Ireland, a distance of more than 2,000 miles,
th e frequency being approximately 70,000. The same messages were
received at Brant Rock, Massachusetts, a distance of nearly 3,000 miles.
Still more recently Captain Hogg, of the " Glacier," has written that
during the southward passage of the Pacific fleet he receiv ed messages
from the station at Brant Rock, Massachusetts, while off Cape Ste. Roque,
Brazil, South America. The frequency used for sending was approximately
80,000, and the messages were received with th e very inter esting and
sensitive silicon receiver invented by Mr. Pickard. This distance of
3,000 miles is the greatest yet achieved by wireless transmission during
daylight, and would indicate that with the use of suitable high towers
much longer distances can be reached.
With transmitters arranged for the purpose good transmission
has been obtained with thirty times the energy required to produce
audible telegraphic signals. By still further modification the power
required has been reduced to approximately ten times that necessary
for telegraphing, curiously enough without noticeably d istorting the
character of the speech. There is one fact, however, which prevents
the ratio from being as large practically as the instruments show, i. e.,
speech can be satisfactorily understood with a less increase of power
above a minimum audibility than telegraphic signals.
The amount of power necessar y for wireless telephony may
therefore be taken as approximately five to fifteen times that necessary
for wireless telegraphy, i. e., under the same circumstances and for the
same power the wireless telegraph will carry two to four times as far.
The difference in range would be very much greater also but for the
curious fact that there is much less falling off with sustained oscillations
than with intermittent groups of waves, even though the frequencies are
This fact has been repeatedly determined by sending between Brant
Rock and Brooklyn on the same frequency, using in the one case spark-
produced trains of waves and in the other the high-frequency dynamo.
The difference in the fall ing off for the same frequency and energy is
very great, but further work is necessary before anything very definite
can be said abou t it or the reasons finally determined.
[Mr. Fessenden concludes his article with a discussion of the difficulty
of securing governmental authority and legislation for the development
and operation of wireless telegraph systems by private corporations. ]
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