Sports Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention: T.F Gulhane
Sports Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention: T.F Gulhane
Sports Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention: T.F Gulhane
P-ISSN: 2394-1685
E-ISSN: 2394-1693 Sports injuries: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and
IJPESH 2015; 1(4): 107-109
© 2015 IJPESH Prevention
Received: 25-03-2015
Accepted: 12-04-2015 T.F Gulhane
T.F Gulhane
Rajiv Gandhi College of Abstract
Engineering Research & This review provides the information about sports injuries with possible Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Technology, Chandrapur, and Prevention. Exercising is good for you, but sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports
Maharashtra, India. or exercise. Accidents, poor training practices, or improper gear can cause them. Not warming up or
stretching enough can also lead to injuries.
Exercising is good for you, but sometimes you can injure yourself when you play sports or
exercise. Accidents, poor training practices, or improper gear can cause them. Not warming up
or stretching enough can also lead to injuries.
difference in leg length can get orthotic lifts from a podiatrist Prevention: Maintaining body position during the swing,
to correct the problem. specific prehab exercises that strengthen the forearm, wear
Sportsmen affected by Lower-Back-Pain: Andre Agassi, John tennis elbow strap.
Terry Sportsmen affected by Tennis Elbow: Sachin Tendulkar
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Causes: Due to excessive running or jumping in sports like 9. Alison Quinn. Hip and Groin Pain: Physiotherapy and
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the muscles situated in the upper thigh area that serve to pull 2010; 4:93-107
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overuse or a sudden slip and strain by overstretching the diagnosis and treatment. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999;
muscle 7(4):262-269.
Symptoms: Sharp pain is experienced which is sometimes
accompanied with swelling and bruising of the inner thigh.
Treatment: RICE immediately along with anti-inflammatory
medications after 24 hrs. Before returning to play the sport,
undergo a stretching and strengthening programme.
Commence pain-free activity for the muscle as soon as
Prevention: Adequate stretching and warm up exercises before
playing the sport. The idea is to increase the intensity of
activity to ensure the muscles are strengthened rather than
jumping in too quickly.
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