Trading With Market Statistics

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Trading With Market Statistics I. Volume Histogram

This thread and succeeding threads will discribe my use of market statistics as an
intraday trading tool. I wanted to write this down some where for my own edification
and perhaps introduce some new ideas that have not been expressed before.
Perhaps some of these thoughts may be of use to those of you who are mainly
interested in price action, and what market statistics implies about it.

We are all aware that price action is all about probabilities. One can ask the question,
what is the probablility that at any moment in time, prices will move higher rather
than lower. To answer this question requires a knowledge of the probability
distribution of prices or volume. The shape of the distribution, and where present
price is in the distribution function, suggests in which direction to trade. If price is in
a low probablility region, enter a trade in the direction of higher probability. If price
is presently in a high probability region, don't trade.

Sounds simple, but it's fraught with difficulties. Look at figure 1. This is a 2 minute
candlestick chart for the E-mini Russell 2000 index futures for June 22, 2007. The
volume distribution function is drawn on the left along the price axis with bars
extending out to the right. The length of the bar is determined by how much volume
was traded at that price. The longer the bar, the more volume traded at that price.
Looks a lot like a Market Profile. In fact Market Profile is a subset of this more
general probability distribution function.
Several things to note about it as follows:
1)The distribution of volume is roughly symmetric about the peak volume price
occurring at 840.20 (indicated by the red line in the center) with some smaller peaks
occurring both above the peak(at 842.30 and 843.60) and below the peak (at 837.20
and 836.60)
2)The distribution shows very low trading volume, in the high price area and low
price area.
Figure 1

I point out this symmetry in the distribution mainly because it is unusual. It doesn't
occur very often. More often than not, the peak volume price does not occur in the
center of the distribution.

I've also shaded in light blue, the region outside what is called the value area for you
Market Profile fans. The green region is the value area, the area where 70% of the
volume has traded. I suspect that 70% was chosen as the value area because it is
close to 1 standard deviation of a normal distribution ( 68.3%). The normal
distribution is symmetric about the peak volume price. There have been lots of
prognostications about how to trade when price moves back and forth across the
value area, especially value areas generated the previous day. For a more or less
complete list of these trade setups see the following sticky thread or this site

Simply entering a long where the volume distribution is low (below 836.60) and
exiting the trade when price moves back into the high volume area (near the peak
volume price) doesn't hack it, the reason being, that what looks like a low volume
area now, could become a high volume area later on in the day. In actual practice,
one never knows what the distribution will look like later on in the day.

Take a look at figure 2, which shows the same 2 minute chart of the Russell at 12:16
EST, 106 minutes after the open. The peak volume is at 842.30, and the last bar has
closed in a low volume area at 839.90. The distribution looks pretty much
symmetric. What do you do? You pull the trigger and go long. Would this have been
a good entry? Apparently not. Price action drops the market like a stone as shown in
figure 3. By 12:34, price has dropped to 835.80. You exit for a loss of 4.1 pts
Figure 2
Figure 3

So what happened?
What happened was, the distribution function decided to expand. It would evenutally
expand so much, that the peak volume price would eventualy move down to 840.20
(figure 1). In fact, you should NOT have taken the trade described above, for
reasons which will be mentioned in a future thread, when we introduce the concept
of the volume weighted average price, the VWAP in part II.

Trading With Market Statistics.II The Volume Weighted Average Price


In a previous thread, Part I I introduced the Volume Distribution Function in the form
of a volume histogram plotted along the price axis (see figure 1 of that thread). The
length of the bars extending out to the right represent the amount of volume traded
at that price during the day. The distribution has a peak which I call the peak volume
price or PVP ( also known as the Point of Control in Market Profile Analysis, but I
won't use that term here in order to avoid any confusion). . The volume distribution
is a probability function, thus trading occurs less often in the low volume regions of
the distribution compared to the high volume regions. However I also stated that the
distribution function is dynamic and that the shape of the distribution changes during
the day such that the PVP may change abruptly as the trading day progresses. As
such, if price action is in the low volume region, it does not mean that there will be a
reversal back to the high volume region. The distribution function could simply
expand itself and continue moving in the same direction with an eventual abrupt
change in the PVP. This was shown by the price action in figures 2 and 3 of the
previous thread.
In order to shed more light on this, I want to introduce the concept of the volume
weighted average price or VWAP. The VWAP is a well known quantity used by
institutional traders to gauge there trading performance. It's use as a day trading
tool however has not been fully explored. The VWAP is simply the average of the
Volume Distribution Function. The figures below show examples. The red line is the
PVP of the distribution and the light blue line is the VWAP for the distribution. To
compute it, take the volume Vi for each bar i in the distribution, multiply it by the
bars price, Pi, compute the sum, SUM(PiVi) and divide by the total volume, Vtotal,
for the whole distribution:

VWAP = [SUM (PiVi)]/Vtotal

The VWAP has the following characteristics:

1) Being the average for the entire distribution, Volume traded above the VWAP is
identical to volume traded below the VWAP.

In terms of the distribution function as a probability function, it means that when

price action is at the VWAP, there is equal probability for price to move up as there is
for price to move down.

As corollaries then we have:

2) if the VWAP is above the PVP, then more volume has traded above the PVP than
below it. The distribution function is thus skewed to the upside and the expectation is
that at the PVP, price action should move up.
Take a look at the figure below, the ER2 for June 28,2007.
At the end of the day, the VWAP (light blue line) is at 847.98 and the PVP at 846.60.
The VWAP > PVP hence more volume was traded above the PVP than below.

3) Conversely, if the VWAP is below the PVP, then more volume has traded below the
PVP than above it; the distribution function is skewed to the downside and the
expectation is that when price is at the PVP, price action should move down. You see
this in the following figure for ES on June 11, 2007.
The VWAP is at 1525.32 and the PVP is at 1528.75. VWAP < PVP. Clearly the amount
of the skew will be a function of the difference between the VWAP and the PVP.

4) If the VWAP approximately equals the PVP, then the distribution function is
symmetric. In this case when price touches the PVP, there is no expectation of price
movement in either direction. Instead, expect to see small oscillations about the
VWAP. The next image shows this for ER2 on June 22, 2007.
VWAP = 840.44 and PVP = 840.20. Oscillations about the VWAP occured for most of
the afternoon starting at 13:30.

5)The VWAP and its relation to price also determines the trend of the market as

a)If Price >> VWAP, the trend is up

b)If Price << VWAP, the trend is down.

6) Finally it doesn't matter on what time scale you plot the distribution functions and
its associated VWAP. The chart could be a 1, 2 ,3 minute etc time chart, or a tick
chart, or a range bar chart or a volume bar chart. The distibution and hence the PVP
and VWAP are all the same. You need only take a quick glance at the VWAP and its
relation to price, to decide the trend of the market.

In future threads I will present some examples of how to use this information for
entering a trade. In part III we will start with the newbies, since they need the most
help. After that we will look at more complex situations using only the distribution
function and the VWAP.

Trading with Market Statistics III. Basics of VWAP Trading

In this thread, we will present several videos to demonstrate how to use the volume
distribution function and its associated Peak Volume Price (PVP) and its Volume
Weighted Average Price (VWAP) as a trading tool. This thread will concentrate on
entries and stops only for new traders. Our trader for this is named NEWBIE. We will
show how NEWBIE should use the relationship between the PVP discussed in Part I
and the VWAP discussed in Part II to determine a) the region of the price action
where he could be trading, b)the direction of his trade (long or short) and c)a
possible entry point for the trade.

So lets get started. Below is the first video. We have a very raw newbie, who knows
nothing about market statistics. He's trading the Emini Russell 2000 index futures by
the seat of his pants. He thinks he knows the market direction from the premarket
open and the first half hour of trading. He's heard something about trend lines and
"The Trend is your Friend" , so he enters a long trade, sets a profit target and a stop
loss. Watch the video and see what happens. If you are a newbie yourself, see if you
recognize any of NEWBIE's traits in yourself. The video ends with a short discussion
of what NEWBIE could have done if he had used market statistics instead of the seat
of his pants.


NEWBIE is now ready to take trading a little more seriously. After a minor disaster
trading with the trend and getting stopped out, he's decided to look at the "Trading
with Market Statistics" Threads and has read Part I and Part II at least a half a dozen
times. He doesn't know much about statistics but he is willing to learn if it will help
him with his trading.

What he has learned so far or at least should have learned is that market direction is
reflected in the relation of price to the VWAP AND the relation of the VWAP to the
PVP. Market data is skewed to the upside when the VWAP is above the PVP, skewed
to the downside when VWAP is less than the PVP and symmetric when VWAP ~=

NEWBIE should be trading only in the high volume region of the price action
so for NEWBIE to enter a trade, the following conditions should prevail:

Long Entry:

VWAP > PVP and price action above the VWAP

Short Entry:

VWAP< PVP and price action below VWAP

No Trade:


NEWBIE is going to embed this in his brain so that it becomes second nature.

Download the following video and see how NEWBIE fairs by following market
In the next thread, part IV, our newbie will learn about other points where he can

NEWBIE wants to test his new found trading knowledge for other contracts besides
the emini Russell 200. In this video he trades the Emini S&P500 for July 9, 2007. As
usual, NEWBIE trades shorts when price action is below the VWAP AND the VWAP <
PVP. So follow along as NEWBIE takes this ES short trade.


NEWBIE is on roll. He now has the PVP , the VWAP and their relationship down pat.
He keeps his entries simple by trading short when Price Action < VWAP < PVP and
trading long when Price Action > VWAP > PVP. He wants to test his new found
knowledge on other contracts, like the Emini NASDAQ 100 ( NQ ). So here is
NEWBIES NQ trade for today July 18, 20007. Watch the video and see how NEWBIE
does it.


Trading with Market Statistics. IV Standard Deviation

Throughout the previous threads (Part I,Part II and Part III), I have described the
use of a probability distribution in the form of the volume distribution function as a
trading tool. The shape of the probability distribution is dynamic, changing with time
throughout the trading day. Nevertheless all information relating to price and price
action is contained within this distribution function. Anything you want to know about
price and price action can be obtained by analysis of the distribution function itself.
No extraneous information from other sources is required.

We have so far analyzed the distribution in terms of two properties, a)the peak
volume price ( PVP ) and b) the volume weighted average price ( VWAP ), which is
the mean for the distribution. Both of these are dynamically updated throughout the
trading day as the volume distribution function dyanmically changes. In Part III, we
showed how the relationship between the VWAP and the PVP could be used for an
entry technique in a simple newbie VWAP trading strategy.

But there is much more that is needed to advance beyond the newbie strategy. In
this thread and succeeding threads, we will address the following issues:

1)Given an entry point, where should the profit target be set?

2)What other entry points are there beside the VWAP?
3)How can you tell when a reversal may be imminent?
4)When is a breakout imminent?
5)How do you trade the opening?
6)When should you be looking for scalps.?
7)How do you set stoplosses ?
and related to this
a)Should you set stoplosses?
b)when do you scale in?
c)when do you scale out?
d)When do you reverse a trade.?

While we won't address all these questions in one thread their answers can be
obtained by analysis of the volume distribution function. To do so requires that we
introduce a third property of the volume distribution function called the Standard
Deviation of the VWAP, SD for short. SD is computed from the following equations:

where the summation subscript i, runs over all prices in the volume distribution
pi = ith price in the volume distribution
Pi = vi/V is the probability of occurrence of price pi
vi = the volume traded at price pi from the volume distribution
V = total volume for the entire distribution

That's a mouthful. If you would like more details about the variance and the
standard deviation, see the wikipedia reference and references therein.

So what does the Standard Deviation tell you?

Well for starters,
SD tells you how far you can expect price to move away from the VWAP.

It can be shown (but we won't prove it here ) that computing the SD with respect to
the VWAP gives the smallest expectation of price movement.

Put another way, if our newbie trader were to initiate a trade at the VWAP (which
he/she already knows how to do from Part III), then the obvious place to put his
profit target is 1 standard deviation away from his entry price. This is the least he
should expect the price action to move price.

SD is thus a measure of market volatility for the time period over which the VWAP is
computed. This gives NEWBIE a very powerful handle for his trading. If the SD is too
small, he should stand aside. If it is too large, requiring a large stoploss, he might
stand aside as well, if this frightens him. Too small and too large are of course
qualitative terms which NEWBIE will have to decide for himself, but at least now he
has a quantitative measure of market volatility and what he can expect when he
enters a trade.

Watch the attached video ESlongJuly23.swf and see how adding the SD helps


NEWBIE set his profit target.

After using the SD for profit targets, a light bulb goes off in NEWBIE's head. He
realizes something about entry points that he didn't know about before. If he
believes what he is thinking, it will totally change his way of trading now and forever.
Can you tell what it is?
Check out part V to see what it is.

NEWBIE now has an arsenal of tools to trade with, all generated from the volume
distribution function. He knows how the distribution is skewed by comparing the
VWAP to the PVP, and he knows how volatile the market is by including SD bands
above and below the VWAP. The SD now determines is exit strategy. If he enters at
the VWAP, his exit will be 1 standard deviation above the VWAP (for long trades ) or
1 standard deviation below the VWAP (for short trades).

Here is an example from today's ER2 price action of a trade that NEWBIE takes with
a VERY LARGE SD. Watch it to see how NEWBIE trades it. In this video NEWBIE has
the opportunity to make 4 or 5 points because of the large SD. But he doesn't. He
properly exits early. Watch it and understand why he exits where he does.


Trading with Market Statistics V. Standard Deviation Entries

NEWBIE has come a long way since his early days of using technical analysis. He no
longer trades by the seat of his pants. He has a good quantitative feel for market
statistics and he simply follows the statistics wherever it wants to take him. He
knows that the volume distribution function contains all the information that he will
ever need to institute a trade. He knows about the peak volume price, PVP, and can
pinpoint that with good precision on his charts. He knows about the distributions
average value, the VWAP, and he can follow it as it slowly evolves during the day. He
knows about market volatility and he can quantitatively measure it using the
standard deviation, SD, of the VWAP. He knows how to determine the market's skew
from the difference between the VWAP and the PVP (skew is proportional to VWAP -
PVP). He has a simple entry technique, entering at the VWAP in the direction of the
skew, a good profit point measured by the SD and a good stoploss point at the PVP.

(As an aside, a discussion of distribution skew, also called kurtosis, can be found at
this Wikipedia site.
We use the Karl Pearson definition of skew which is (VWAP-PVP)/SD )

But he wants more. He's discovered that trade entries at the VWAP don't occur all
that often throughout the day. He knows the market can give more if he just knew
where else he could enter a trade beside the VWAP.

NEWBIE is about to have an epiphany.

Suppose he enters a short trade at the VWAP, exits the trade at the 1st SD. Then
what does the market do? If it rarely returns to the VWAP, then the only other thing
it can do is drop below the 1st SD. Now here is the epiphany.

Another entry point is at the 1st SD itself.

NEWBIE knows this has to be a good entry because the volume distribution function
being skewed to the downside, (VWAP-PVP<<0) will remain skewed to the downside
only if the price action stays below the VWAP. Only two conditions will change this,
a)The market stalls near the 1st SD such that the PVP abruptly changes to near the
1st SD or b)the price action takes the market back up to the VWAP and higher. We
will discuss these two conditions in later threads, but first things first. Watch the 31
minute video and see how NEWBIE takes a trade at the 1st SD. Where is his profit
target? The volatility is still in force. His profit target can only be one place, the 2nd


NEWBIE is about to have a second epiphany. He's about to learn how he might
change losing trades into winners by changing his ideas on stoploss placement.
Check out part VI to find out how.

Trading with Market Statistics VI. Scaling In and Risk Tolerance

In Part V of this series on trading with market statistics (click here for Parts I,II,III,
and IV), I posed the question in the video about what TRADER should do if upon
entering a trade at the 1st SD, the market should move against him. I suggested
that based on the data given there was only 1 correct answer. That answer we will
now discuss in this thread.

Before we address the answer, we need to discuss a related topic called risk
tolerance. First what risk tolerance is not. It is not a stop loss that you set for each
trade based on some support or resistance point you arbitrarily choose on the price
chart. More often than not, this kind of stop loss is in the wrong place. These stop
losses are not based on market volatility, but rather on some price point that "looks
like it ought to hold", usually some local minimum (for long trades) or local
maximum (for short entries). That they are wrong probably accounts for the large
number of losing trades that new traders have. Unfortunately, most trading books
tout these stoploss points as if they are written in stone. Phrases like, "you should
only enter a trade such that your reward/risk ratio is 2:1 or greater" forces the
trader to choose a stop loss which has nothing to do with the known volatility of the

So what should you as a day trader do about stop losses? Well for starters, you
should set a "system stop". This is an in the market hard stop far from your market
entry which protects you in case of system failure (eg, your computer crashes, you
cable modem dies, you lose electric power in your neighborhood, etc.). It has
nothing to do with the trade itself. Any other stop you wish to use you keep in your
brain as a mental stop.
And where is this mental stop? Your mental stop should initially be a percentage of
your account. Typical values bandied about range anywhere from 1% to 2% of your
trading capital. So if you have a 50K account, you should be willing to risk up to 1K
on every trade. The mental stop is flexible, it won't increase, but it certainly can
decrease depending on the price action. For example if the price action makes the
trade profitable, your mental stop can become a hard trailing stop.

TRADER is now about to have a second epiphany. He is about to realize that by using
risk tolerance instead of some fixed stoploss, he will be able to scale-in to a trade
and not feel any angst about it, if the scale-in is within his risk tolerance limit.
If it is not within his risk tolerance, then he should not have entered the initial trade
to begin with. TRADER should always have a plan to either scale-in or to reverse a
trade (to be discussed in a future thread), and the scale-in price should be a point
where he could have taken a trade in the first place.

Risk tolerance and scaling in may make you feel queasy, because it requires a
paradigm shift in your thinking about what trade management is all about. It is not
about setting fixed stoplosses and profit targets and then sitting back and watching.
It requires your active participation. Like the baby bird who is kicked out of the nest
and told by its mother to either fly or die, if you are losing money from stoplosses
and your account is slowly bleeding, you need to find a better way.

Now that our trader has some idea about risk tolerance, what does TRADER do when
after his 1 contract entry at the 1st SD, price action takes the market backup to the
VWAP rather than down to the 2nd SD? In the old paradigm of using fixed
stoplosses, he probably would have been stopped out. In the new paradigm of
replacing stoplosses with risk tolerance, you know what he has to do! He's done it
many times before. The market is still skewed to the downside, he normally takes
short entries at the VWAP. So why not this time? Indeed why not? TRADER pulls the
trigger a second time and enters with a short at the VWAP because he knows that his
risk tolerance is still quite large. He is now 2 contracts short. This is called scaling in.
His expectation at this point is that the market will move back down to the 1st SD. Is
this a reasonable expectation? Yes! Nothing about the volatility has changed. The SD
is still where it was before the 2nd entry and that's the measure of volatility.
Nothing's changed. TRADER should feel confident in pulling the trigger a second
time. He is going to actively manage this trade. He still has a mental stoploss at his
risk tolerance level. Where is his profit target? He has three choices now that he is
short 2 contracts: 1) He can take 2 contracts off the table when price action hits the
breakeven point-1 tick, 2) take 1 contract off the table at the break even point-1 tick
and the 2nd contract off at the 1st SD, 3) hold both contracts and exit at the 1st SD.
In all cases he ends up with a profit instead of a loss. Watch the video and see how
TRADER manages his trade.


What TRADER did in the video is of course controversial (For previous discussions on
this topic see the thread "Doc, my passion gives me much stress" beginning at post
13916 where Dogpile expounds upon his firm belief in hard stops and my response.
Also the discussion in the thread "Scaling In and/or Out" where I discuss the
difference between scaling in and averaging down (or up for short trades) beginning
at post 13142.

Controversial or not, it is my firm belief that a trader needs to understand what

scaling-in is all about. I personally didn't become profitable until I understood this
and I use it as one tactic in my trading arsenal. If stoplosses are bleeding you, then
consider this new paradigm.

If you have followed the details for scaling in, you should be able to answer the
following questions. Take a shot at them and post your answers here

1)Assume your account is 50K and that you have a risk tolerance on any trade
sequence of 2% of your account including commissions. A trade sequence is a group
of related trades involving scale-ins and scale-outs and/or reversals (which we
haven't discussed yet).
Let's say you trade the Emini Russell 2000 index futures where 1 tick is worth $10
(0.1 points) and your roundtrip commission/contract is $5.00. You enter a 1 contract
trade long at the 2nd SD, but the market moves against you back down to the 1st
SD where you scale-in another contract long. The market is relentless and it
continues to move down to the VWAP where again you scale-in an additional 2
contracts long. Again the market continues it relentless move down. You finally hit
your risk tolerance at the 1st SD below the VWAP, so you exit your entire trade and
are flat.

Question: What is the value of the SD in ticks?

2)When you scale-in at the VWAP in the above scenario, the market finally rotates
and starts moving back up. You exit the entire trade at break even +1 tick.

Question: Where is your break even point including commission measured in ticks
above the VWAP?
How much money did you make on the trade?

If you were able to answere these questions without too much difficulty, then you
are ready to become a full time trader with all the rights and privileges granted
thereto. You are also ready for part VII

Trading with Market Statistics VII. Breakout Trades at the PVP

We are now in a position to discuss trading aspects at points in the volume

distribution function near the PVP.

WARNING!! This is not for new traders. If you have not read and understood threads
I,II,III, IV, V, and VI, and practiced with entries, exits and scale-ins using simulation
mode until you are comfortable, then entries described in this thread are not for you
(click on the thread numbers to see them). This is a dangerous place to be entering
a trade. Anything and everything can happen and you can be caught with your pants

You are probably asking, why is JERRY telling me about this place to trade if it is so
dangerous? Two reasons. If you are a basic trader taking entries at the VWAP and
1st SD, you might find yourself caught in this trap and not know what to do.
Secondly, if you like excitement and like living on the edge, like the bikers in the first
attachment (a picture I found on the internet), and if you have a correct entry, there
are lots of bucks you can pull out of the market by trading here.

So what's this all about? Well it has to do with price action at and around the PVP.
The PVP as you've learned in part I, is the dividing line between the low volume zone
and the high volume zone. All of the trades we have discussed so far have been in
the direction of the skew at the VWAP or its 1st SD in the high volume zone. When
price action is around the PVP, it's decision time for the market. The market has to
either move back into the high volume zone and continue trading there, or look for
new territory in the low volume zone. Thus like the bike riders in the picture, you as
a trader will be riding a fine line between the safety of the high volume zone, and the
sudden fall into the abyss.

How does price action end up at the PVP anyway. There are only two ways: a)the
PVP suddenly jumps to where the price action is or b) Price moves there. In either
case, if you are in a trade, you are going to want to know what to do. If you are not
in a trade, but want and exhilarating experience, here's your chance to do or die.

In case a) the skew suddenly flips its sign from positive to negative or vice versa.
(Remember the skew is proportional to VWAP - PVP). While skew flips can occur
anytime during the day, they usually occur early in the trading day when the volume
distribution is beginning to form. Sometimes this is a sign of an imminent reversal.
What should you do if you are in a trade and find yourself in this situation? Simple
answer: GET OUT!, Dump the trade, win, lose or draw.

When price action is near the PVP, price is sandwiched between the VWAP and an SD
or betwen 2 SD's. You might notice that price will tend to oscillate back and forth for
a while between the VWAP and the SD, across the PVP line or oscillate between the 2
SD's. The market is thinking. Do I want to go back to the safety of the high volume
zone where most of the trading has taken place or am I adventurous and want to
discover new territory in the abyss of low volume. Don't trade in this region unless
you are a scalper. Just wait. Wait for the market to decide what it wants to do,
before you decide what you will do.

In the first video, we see price action in the PVP area with the VWAP on the
downside. The Video shows when to take a trade to the upside on the break out of
the 1st SD.



In the second video, we again see price action in the PVP area, but this time price
breaks through the VWAP. We show how to apply the Shapiro Effect discussed in
post 16541 to enter the trade.


And finally in the third video, we show a skew flip, where the PVP suddenly jumps to
the price action. A trader may have taken a trade just before the flip as shown in the
video and exited before the flip occurred, but if he didn't he should exit at the flip



Regardless of whether price action has moved to the PVP or the PVP has moved to
the price action, the effect is the same. You are now looking at a zone where trade
entry is precarious, so be cautious.

In the next thread Part VIII, we will discuss what to do when the skew is close to or
equal to zero and the volume distribution function is symmetric.

Trading with Market Statistics VIII. Counter Trend Trades in Symmetric


In the discussion about VWAP in Part II, we introduced the concept of skew, a
measure of how the volume distibution deviates from a symmetric or normal
distribution. The sign of the skew allowed a new trader to decide in which direction
he/she should look for a trade setup. Positive skew meant look for long trades only.
Negative skew meant look for short trades only. We have yet to consider trading
aspects in markets with symmetric distributions. Like breakout trades discussed in
part VII, trading symmetric distibutions is an advanced concept. Not for newbies to
be dabbling in.

A symmetric distribution is one in which the skew is very small or zero

Skew = (VWAP-PVP)/SD ~= 0.

There are a number of implications of this definition as follows:

1)a small skew means the VWAP is close to or equal to the PVP
2)Given a small or zero skew, it means that price action has moved across the VWAP
at least once, otherwise the volume distibution could not be symmetric.

Now comes the kicker:

3)If the distribution is to remain symmetric, it must continue to oscillate across the
PVP and hence the VWAP.

This implies trades of the following type:

If price moves to the 1st or 2nd SD above the VWAP pull the trigger SHORT.
If price moves to the 1st or 2nd SD below the VWAP pull the trigger LONG

WOW- that's completely opposite to everything you've been told in the last seven
threads. Up until now, every trade was taken moving AWAY FROM THE VWAP. Now
you have to learn to take trades moving TOWARD THE VWAP.
To trade a symmetric distribution, everything you have learned in the preceding
threads is turned upside down. To complicate the situation, the condition for a
symmetric distribution is fuzzy. It's defined with skew approximately but not
necessarily 0. There is also no guarantee that it will remain small. For example,
suppose the skew is slightly positive and price action is around the 1st SD below the
VWAP. You would look for long trades back toward the VWAP. But it is also possible
for the price action to continue on down with the VWAP crossing the PVP and
continuing on down. Like the breakout trade, trading a symmetric distribution has to
be done with great care.

By its very nature, a trade taken toward the VWAP in a symmetric distribution is a
counter trend trade. For example, when price is below the VWAP, the trend is down
as defined in Part II. If you trade toward the VWAP then, you are taking a long entry
in a down trending market.
Similarly for shorts.

Look at the first video and see if our trader can decide if the distribution is


Symmetric YM Trade

Advice: If you want to counter trend trade in a symmetric distribution, use the
Shapiro Effect discussed in post 16541 to decide on the entry. If the countertrend
trade is taken at the 1st SD below the VWAP and the trade fails (price action drops
below the 1st SD) you have two choices. 1)reverse the trade and take your profit at
the 2nd SD or 2) hang on and scale in at the 2nd SD for the counter trend move
back to the 1st SD.

Our trader in the first video was so sure that he would not want to take a short
trade. But now watch the second video and see what our trader thinks now.

In the second video, our trader takes 3 trades, the first a standard breakout from the
PVP area as discussed in Part VII, the second a counter trend trade, and the third in
the trend direction after a retrace. The last two trades demonstrate the use of the
Shapiro Effect when the distribution is symmetric.


NQsymmetric trades

Clearly trading symmetric distributions is as difficult as trading breakouts. The

choices can be quite contradictory.

Trading with Market Statistics IX. Scalping

If you have followed and understood all the "Trading with Market Statistics" threads,
from the very basic VWAP trades in Part III, and the SD trades in PartV to the more
advanced trade types involving breakouts in Part VII and counter trend trades in Part
VIII, then you are ready to apply your new found knowledge to the fast and furious
world of scalping
Scalp trading has many definitions depending on whose doing the scalping. The usual
definition is trading for ticks rather than points. But this is a purely heuristic
definition. My definition is more quantitative and is based on when I start my volume
distribution computation as follows:

a)If I start my volume distribution computations at the opening bell and continue
until the closing bell, then that's a normal non-scalping trading day

b)If I start my volume distribution at any time after the opening bell, and watch it for
short periods of time, then I'm scalping.

You know what a) means from the previous eight threads. What does b) mean?

Until now, I have talked about the volume distribution when it starts from the
opening bell, and runs until the closing bell, that is regular trading hours.

However, there is no reason why you could not start the volume distribution
computation at any other time during the day, let it run for say 15 minutes or so,
trade off of it, and then restart it again. That's what b) means, and that's what I call

By doing this you are essentially looking at the market statistic over a short time
frame and asking the same questions with the same responses as given in the last
eight threads. The net result will be, you will be taking many more trades and
trading smaller standard deviations. This is what is meant by "trading for ticks rather
than points".

Scalping requires entries, exits, scale ins, scale outs, reversals and closes with one
mouse click, otherwise you will miss the opportunity. To do this, you have to use a
DOM (Depth of Market) or something equivalent as part of your trading platform.

Watch the video and see how I do scalp trades using the DOM.



Addendum: I was going to present a thread on the use of Hold Up Prices (HUP)
which I've mentioned many times in these threads. I've decided not to do it now
because it's quite complicated and I haven't yet found a simple way to present it. So
I am going to delay that presentation until another time.

Trading with Market Statistics X. Position Trading

Position Trading is generally described as a trade which you enter and expect to hold
for a considerable period of time during the day. Such a trade can be entered at any
time after the open. My personal preference for a position trade is at the beginning
of the trading day using market statistics from the previous day as my guide for
determining entry, profit target, stoploss and scale in points if necessary. The
direction of the trade is based on interpretation given in the last 9 "Trading with
Market Statistics" threads but using the previous days statistics as the starting point.
Position trading is thus no different than any other type of trading that I have
previously described.

Here is the idea:

a)Set up a chart with yesterdays volume histogram, PVP, VWAP and SD's on it.
Leave sufficient room to the right of yesterdays close so that at the open you can
continue to add to the statistical data as todays market begins to unfold. In effect
you are continuing to update yesterdays volume distribution as more data is added
to the chart.

b)Before the open, decide on your trading plan. Pick a direction for the trade, an
entry point, profit target and stoploss based on what you see in the volume
distribution function. It will help to reread the previous threads to determine what
you should be looking for.

c)When the market opens, execute the plan.

In the following video on trading the ER2 (Emini Russell 2000), you will see that the
previous days volume distribution ended the day in a symmetric state with the VWAP
= PVP. I then concluded that I should look for a countertrend trade back toward the
VWAP as described in "Trading with Market Statistics Part VIII".

Watch the video to see what I did on September 06, 2007.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ER2PostionTradeSep06

This trade was a good position trade which would have been even better if I had
traded more than one contract. After having climbed up to the 2nd SD above the
VWAP, the price action continued on down below the VWAP to the 1st SD and then
evenutally to the 2nd SD, a very typical signature of a symmetric distribution.

Trading with Market Statistics XI. HUP

This is the Market Statistics thread that some of you advanced traders have been
waiting for. This is the "how to trade anywhere, anytime" thread otherwise called the
"when not to trade thread", but not for NEWBIES. If you are a NEWBIE, back off and
read the first ten threads on this topic starting here.

One of the properties of most markets is the up and down motion that price action
displays on virtually all time frames. Some traders call this the market volatility,
others call it the natural market rotation. Newbie traders don't like this motion,
because when they enter a trade they want the market to continue moving in their
direction. Newbies fear volatility. Advanced traders love it. What ever you wish to
call it, it is this motion that is tradeable. In the words of Nihabaashi, "To fear
volatility is to fear profits".

The main purpose of this thread will be to show how you can use market statistics to
determine the most probable times when the market will rotate and when it will not.
Once you know this, you can then enter a trade either in the same direction that the
market is moving or take a contertrend trade in the opposite direction. If you have
read the previous market statistics threads, you already know how to do this. Here I
want to start to put this all together in terms of a generalized concept which I call

HUP stands for Hold Up Prices. As the name implies, HUP are those prices where the
price action tends to hold up, that is where the market slows down, pauses, then
either reverses (read rotates) or continues in the same direction.

There are two kinds of HUP, static and dynamic. Static HUP are those prices which
are fixed for the day. They don't change with market development. In contrast
dynamic HUP change as the day progresses. As new data is added, dynamic HUP will
readjust to reflect the new data.

Below are some examples of HUP that can be used in daily trading


Yesterdays High,Low,Close
Overnight High,Low
Any computations based on these
such as classic pivot points


Yesterdays PVP,VWAP and SD's

2 day PVP, VWAP and SD's
1 week(5day) PVP, VWAP and SD's
2 week PVP, VWAP and SD's
1 month(4 week) PVP, VWAP and SD's
2 month PVP, VWAP and SD's
1 year PVP, VWAP and SD's

You can of course come up with other examples of HUP, such as previous bars highs
and lows, or 2 day or longer static HUP, or dynamic HUP that are in between the
ones I have listed. It really doesn't matter. More important is to realize that these
HUP points are prices where the market will tend to hold up.
What HUP doesn't tell you of course, is how long the market will hold up and/or how
far it will continue in the same direction or if it reverses, how large the reversal will
be. Getting the direction correct doesn't mean you can sit back and do nothing. You
still have to manage the trade.
In the video that follows you will see a 15 second chart with HUP lines drawn on it..
Green lines are SD's above a VWAP. Red lines are SD's below a VWAP. VWAP are
dotted blue. PVP are purple lines

Now watch this video to see where these HUP lines come from and how the market
reacts to them.

 Todays VWAP and PVP can be used for tomorrow's trade setups. We will cover
that topic down the road when we get to more advanced types of trades.
However, you will see in the videos that you can use todays developing VWAP
to make trades today. This will be the basic VWAP trade that must be
understood before we move on. Newbies will be able to get their feet wet
here. A sort of crawling before we start walking.
 Market Profile Analysis is actually a subset of this more general way of looking
at market statistics. There are important differences, however. a)Market
Profile uses half hour increments for setting up the distribtuion. Generalized
market statistics has no special time scale. b)I introduce the concept of the
distribution average (the VWAP) which Market Profile does not use. c)There is
no concept of value area as used in Market Profile. Value area is a purely
heuristic invention. Rather we use the terms, high volume zone or high
probability zone and low volume or low probability zone. In addition we will
see later on that there is a generalized standard deviation of the VWAP which
can be used as a measure of market volatility. But I am getting ahead of stay tuned.
 Yes NEWBIE for now only knows about todays data. We will leave to a later
thread the significance of previous days,weeks,months PVP and VWAP. I will
anticipate that discussion by telling you here that when NEWBIE is no longer
wet behind the hears, he is going to want to know about previous PVP's,
VWAP's, as they are going to tell him all about what price action to anticipate
in the daily intraday time series.
As far as jumps in the PVP, that is another important event in the price action
which we will discuss in a future thread. Again, I will anticipate that discussion
by telling you that a jump in the PVP often will signal the onset of a reversal
in the price action. For NEWBIE now that means exit the trade immediately
and sit on the sidelines.
 , Is there a mathematical proof which says that for ANY distribution
P[X>=E(X)] = P[X<=E(X)]
i am thinking of VWAp as the expected value.
 There is no proof Naveen, because my statement about equality is only
partially true. It's true for the median value by definition. You can see why it
is true for a normal distribution and other well known distributions when the
mean equals the median. For all other non analytic distributions what you can
say and prove is that the mean-median< 1 standard deviation The proof is
here proof
 can this method be applied to stocks too.
 Short answer is yes. I qualify it with the statement, that there needs to be
sufficient data to be statistically meaningful. So very low volume stocks would
not work.
 I didn't have much discussion about trading at Old PVP's except for the post
in the HUP thread. There is a complete discussion of PVP trading at the
"Trading with Market Statistics VII: Breakout Trades at the PVP" thread. In
that discussion and in the HUP post, I point out that entering trades at the
PVP is not a good idea. It doesn't matter whether the PVP is old or new,
touched or untouched. The basic point is that if the skew is large, ANY PVP
represents a dividing line between the high volume area and the low volume
area. If you take a trade at the PVP in the direction of the high volume area
and it turns out to be wrong, you can be wrong big time with a large breakout
into the low volume area against your entry. If the skew is small (VWAP~=
PVP), the volume is the same on both sides of the PVP. Then you might as
well flip a coin. Bottom line, don't enter trades at the PVP, new or old. (This is
in sharp contrast to the Enthios style of trading).
 The NTR is Enthios' estimate of today's trading range based on previous
untouched POC's. I have looked at this concept but I have not found it of

 What would you consider doing when VWAP is below PVP and price action is
above PVP and thus above VWAP as well? On the chart I am looking at now
VWAP is slightly below PVP but price action is quite above PVP, is this still
considered a short entry?
 Unleashed---good question. If you looked at the first video in this thread, you
saw exactly that situation. If you are a newbie, you stand aside. Do nothing.
In that video, NEWBIE took a long trade based on perceived market trend and
was stopped out. Trading in the low volume region is dangerous and requires
more advanced analysis. We'll get to that in future threads.
In your chart, from what you describe, it sounds like VWAP ~= PVP. Again do

It's imperative that you understand the logic of the basic VWAP trade. It
forms the foundation of everything that is to follow.
 From a MP perspective when price trades into the low volume wouldn't we
would want to trade as price is potientially looking to establish a new value
area and potientially starting to trend ?
 If you are a newbie, the answer is no. If you are an advanced trader, the
answer is yes. You have to learn how to crawl first before you can walk. We
will get to trading in the low volume zone in later threads.
 I like your approach using VWAP however is seems to be most benefical in
establishing a bias. I also think it would keep you out of trend days like
yesterday as there was no substancial reversion to a mean, just a steady
climb throughout the day. Would you mind going over how VWAP and PTP
looked during yesterdays action (7/12)?
 Slow creep upward price action is difficult to trade under any circumstances. I
actually traded yesterdays ER2 action. Took about 4 trades.
Reversion to the mean (VWAP) doesn't occur all that frequently. You will have
to wait until we talk about reversions to the Standard Deviation. Stay tuned
 As we will see later, the PVP is one example of a hold up price, HUP for short,
prices where the market slows or reverses. More importantly for NEWBIE
now, its the relationship between PVP and VWAP that is important for
determining market skewness. When PVP and VWAP are close together, there
is no skew. Volume distribution is then symmetric about the mean ( VWAP ).
It's when they are further apart producing a market skew that things get
 What makes it difficult to trade even with market statistics, is that the slow
creep usually hugs one of the standard deviation lines rather than rotating
between the SD's. As a result while you may have an entry point, you don't
have an exit target that get's touched before you get stopped out.

 There is a solution to this which we will eventually get to in later threads
having to do with how you incorporate previous days, weeks, months VWAPs
and their SD into todays price action. At this point in time, our NEWBIE trader
waits for the distribution to develop and also waits for the price action to
touch the VWAP. But, coming up in the next thread, we will introduce a
paradigm shift in NEWBIE's thinking. Stay tuned.

 I have a problem using rolling 90-minute periods or for that matter any N-
period method for computing the SD or N-period technical analysis in general.
(This is includes all moving averages, CCI's, stochastics, MACD's, RSI's and
any other method that requires a period length, and yes, sad to say Market
Profile Analysis which uses 30 minute periods and an arbitrarily defined value
area). The period length is arbitrary and would have to be readjusted when
market properties change as they do daily. This is why I am presenting this
general statistical method of viewing the markets. It's independent of period
length of your chart and only depends on your starting time.As we delve
deeper into this you will see the utility of using this generalized statistic

 I don't use Market Profile terminology to describe the Volume Distribution

function. Throughout these threads, I have not offered an explanation of why
the PVP is where it is or why it moves from point to point. I don't use terms
such as "value", or "value area". The fact is, it doesn't matter. I just accept
the statistic for what it shows.

The PVP serves two purposes:

1)It acts as a Hold Up Price or HUP for short. A point where the market
pauses before continuing on or reversing
2)Along with the VWAP it defines the skew of the market. How much the
market deviates from a symmetric distribution.

For a NEWBIE trader, the skew of the market is his lifeblood. He needs to
know how skewed the market is before he will enter a trade. And he will only
enter a trade in the direction of the skew.

The extent of the skew is defined by the difference between VWAP and PVP
skew = VWAP - PVP
so if the skew is positive NEWBIE takes long trades only
if the skew is negative NEWBIE takes short trades only
and if there is no skew (skew close to 0) no trade

It doesn't get any simpler than this.

Eventually NEWBIE will learn how to take trades against the skew. But for
now he needs to understand the basics
 Thus, if PVP is above the VWAP, expectation is for 'next PVP' to be something
that is closer to the current VWAP and therefore odds favor the short side?
and vice versa... is that right?

 This is a Market Profile interpretation, that somehow markets if they are "out
of balance" (that is skewed) will somehow move back into balance (market
skew = 0).
There is no evidence to support this assertion. And as far as intraday trading
is concerned it isn't necessary. A NEWBIE trader simply needs to trade in the
direction of the skew and avoid trading when there is no skew.
An Advanced trader can do many other things (Trade against the skew, trade
when the skew is 0) but NEWBIE is not ready for that yet.

 The skew would reset, only if the market stalled with a build up of volume to
move the PVP. It takes a large volume to do this. NEWBIE, being the alert
trader that he his would notice this immediately. So if he was in a short trade
(negative skew) and the skew reset and turned positive, he would bail out of
his short position as shown in the video. What he is hoping for of course is
that price action will take the market to the first SD before the skew resets.
In either case, he takes money off the table.

 First, regarding the VWAP, PVP, and SD do you use the previous day value for
these? For example, at the open what values do you use and when do you
adjust the values for todays trading in real time?

 The thread on position trading Part X describes how I use the previous days
volume distribution to take a position trade near the open. Today's developing
volume distribution is simply added onto yesterdays. Once the position trade
is completed, I then switch to using todays volume distribution for further day

 Second, you mentioned to stay away from trading around the PVP as market
indecision takes place. I have been using the POC as a potential
support/resistance the entire time and found this concept quite interesting.
Could you care to elaborate on this?

 I pointed out in this thread that the PVP is a dividing point between a high
volume trading zone and a low volume trading zone. Consider for example a
distribution with a negative skew. Several things can happen around the PVP
as follows:
a)Price can break out into the low volume zone above the 1st SD, in which
case you want to go long or
b)Price can break back into the high volume zone below the VWAP in which
case you want to go short or
c)Price action may simply oscillate between the 1st SD and the VWAP, in
which case you might consider a short after a bounce off the 1st SD or a long
after a bounce off the VWAP.
So at the PVP itself you have no idea of any expectation until one of the
above 3 conditions occurs
Trading at the PVP thus becomes a slippery slope as I described in Part VII .
 Third, when the skew is negative but price is trading above the WVAP, do you
not fade a retracement back to the VWAP to SD1? Or would you wait to fade
the SD1 above the VWAP and a target back to the VWAP?

 Not quite sure what you meant in the first part of this question. With a
negative skew (VWAP<< PVP) and price action above the VWAP, wait for a
breakout to occur above the 1st SD for a long trade. If that does not occur (if
for example price bounces off the SD) then go short with the VWAP as the
profit target. As I indicated above you might get oscillations in this region
between SD and the VWAP.
Once the breakout occurs say above the SD, you would only consider long
trades away from the VWAP. example a retace to the SD, go long, or if price
action is above the 2nd SD, again go long on a retrace to the 2nd SD. Such
trades should be viable as long as the skew is negative. Eventually however
the skew will become zero as the breakout continues. It's at that point you
would take a countertrend trade TOWARD the VWAP. This is described in the
thread on counter trend trading Part VIII

 Fourth, do you play the range between SD2 and SD3?

 Above SD2, you are on your own. I usually don't take trades above SD2,
mainly because continuation to SD3 is not that viable. And as I say that, you
realize that in the last two months trades to the SD3 and beyond have
become quite common.

 Is any price movement extending beyond SD3 a fading opportunity? I have

been using your concept to observe the Nikkei and have found price to break
out of SD3 at times and never fall back.

 Beyond SD3 is no mans land. When I see the market extend beyond SD3, I
just shake my head in amazement, take a break and go have a cup of coffee

 So when should you first consider taking a trade? My rule of thumb is, don't
trade until the range of the bars on your chart are less than 1 standard
deviation. If the high of a bar touches 1 SD level and the low of the bar
touches a second SD level, then the bar range is too large to consider
entering a trade on that time frame. You either need to wait until the bar
range gets smaller, or go to a faster time frame.
 No I don't start a new VWAP every hour. You lose two important pieces of
information by doing so: a) The present trend, determined by price relative to
the VWAP and b)the day's volatility as measured by the standard deviation.
The present trend determines my bias and thus whether I will favor longs or
shorts. The SD tells me how much I should expect to pull out of the market
when I trade. I don't want to lose either of those two pieces of info by
restarting the VWAP computation.
 How large does the skew have to be to consider taking a trade at the VWAP
or SD in the direction of the skew.
The answer is: I was concerned about this for a long time. It turns out, that
there is no correlation between the size of the skew (as measured by the Karl
Pearson definition of skew which is (VWAP-PVP)/SD ) and the momentum of
the trade in the skew direction. What only seems relevant is that a skew
exist. Other HUPs will come into play between the entry point and the profit
target which will play an important role in the momentum of the trade.
 Your initial thought was correct
The sign of the skew tells you where most of the trading has taken place.
Positive skew: Most of the trading has taken place above the VWAP
Negative skew: Most of the trading has taken place below the VWAP.

Your first order of business when looking at a volume distribution is to

determine the sign of the skew. Once you have done that, see where the
price action is.
a) If price action is above the VWAP and skew >0, look for long trades only.
b) If price action is below the VWAP and skew <0, look for short trades only.

These are the best trades to look for and Newbies should only do these to
begin with. When you take these kinds of trades, you will be trading in the
high volume zone of the distribution.

It's when price action is BELOW the VWAP and skew > 0 or
price action is ABOVE the VWAP and skew < 0
that things get interesting and exciting. Then your looking for breakouts into
the low volume region with range extension. "Exciting" means "Living on the
edge". If you like the rush of living on the edge, then look for trades in the
low volume zone. These types of trades are described beginning in Part VII

 Near perfect balance would be price = PVP = VWAP.

Very often when PVP=VWAP, price action can be far from the PVP, even as far
as the 3rd Standard Deviation. That's not a balanced market.

 Since today's distribution has not developed yet at the open, use yesterdays
distribution and simply add on to it as the morning price/volume data
develops. I do this for position trades as described in part X. You can then
switch to today's distribution at your convenience.

 To restate this question, how large does the SD have to be before you enter a
If you are only using today's distribution, then at the open, the SD is virtually
zero. As more price/volume data is added, the SD grows. What's nice about
watching this is you can see how the volatility is changing as the day
continues. First growing, possibly leveling off, then growing again, then
reaching some kind of stasis.
So when should you first consider taking a trade? My rule of thumb is, don't
trade until the range of the bars on your chart are less than 1 standard
deviation. If the high of a bar touches 1 SD level and the low of the bar
touches a second SD level, then the bar range is too large to consider
entering a trade on that time frame. You either need to wait until the bar
range gets smaller, or go to a faster time frame.

 Would it not make more sense to convert the VWAP bands into an oscillator

 That's fine for the forward candles, (the ones all the way to the right).
However the oscillator gives the wrong impression about where price has
been relative to the standard deviations in the past, due to the fact that the
standard deviation lines are renormalizing with each added data point.
For example from 12:20 to 12:50, the lows of all the candles touched the 3rd
standard deviation price which kept renormalizing to a lower price.
The oscillator on the other hand gives the impression that none of those
candles touched the 3rd standard deviation until about 12:40


DISTRIBUTION. One does look at a finite sample population and that sample
population has a mean, a standard deviation, a skew and a kurtosis. Those
are the first four moments for the distribution.
This implies nothing about the distribution being Gaussian(ie normal). Every
finite distribution has these properties. These moments can and do change
with additional data added to the population. I think I have shown this
numerous times in the videos.
How you might use this information depends on your trading style. I
presented some simple ways as example, but there are many others.
The question you might raise is: Is this statistics the best way to view the
data or are there other ways. At the moment this is the best I know. There
are other alternatives such as fractal analysis a la Mandelbrot or perhaps
some kind of Bayesian analysis.

 Sorry Head, but this is incorrect. A skewed distribution MAY return to a

SYMMETRIC distribution, which is not the normal one. Notice my emphasis on
MAY and SYMMETRIC. Using the exact definition of skew which you
presented, a skew of zero does not imply anything about the distribution
being normal, only symmetric. Example would be a double peaked
distribution which is far from normal. There are many others. Moreover, there
are many days when the skew never returns to zero.

 I learned something new from you HEAD when you presented a way of
looking at the skew using the exact definition of the third moment. There is
more there than I think you realize, certainly more than I originally realized
using the approximate definition. One of the most difficult problems traders
have commented on to me using market statisitics is how to decide which
direction the market will go once it touches a standard deviation point.
Knowledge of skew action can help in this regard. Perhaps I will start a new
thread on this if I can find the time.
 I agree with this. I hope I haven't mislead anyone into thinking that what I
presented is a "system" for trading. It is rather a way of looking at the data
from which you have to develop your own trading style. I presented some
simple ways that you might use market statistics to trade, but in the final
analysis every trader must develop his/her own style.
 If you scaled in at VWAP and there was no retrace back toward break even, it
suggests the market is strongly moving against you. You might want to
condsider a reversal trade provided you are still within your risk tolerance for
the day.

 I introduced the approximate skew because it was easy to visualize, and

required no further computation on the part of the trader. However since
Head did the complete computation of the third moment, I took a closer look
and it seems like that may be a better alternative.
 The deviation is from a symmetric distribution which can have any shape.
You seem to have a fixation that averages only have statistical significance if
the distribution is gaussian. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can
always define an average for a finite sampling of data. The question that you
should be asking is, is the average stable or does it change if you take a
different sampling of data?

 Based on the history of all financial markets, they are all unstable. This
includes normal distributions which don't remain that way for very long. This
does not mean however that you as a trader should not use the evolving
statistics as a framework for deciding both trade direction and trade
management. On the contrary, without the statistical information you are
depriving yourself of what the market's price action might be like. For
example, if I enter a trade, how much should I expect the market to move.
The answer is simple if you are following the market statistics. It's one
standard deviation.

 Is your use of Skew and VWAP the only solution (that you know of) to having
to deal with unstable distributions?

 I don't know. There is considerable research going on in this field associated

with unstable time series evolution. Examples would be fractal analysis and
other non-linear dynamic analysis (chaos theory and complexity theory). I'm
in the process of looking at these in some detail, but haven't reached any
conclusions yet in so far as there use for traders.

 You have this correct Pepperdog. A newbie trader would just have to sit and
watch, while the market moves against the skew. After you feel comfortable
trading in the skew direction, you can become a more advanced trader and
trade against the skew as well. This is discussed in some detail in the later
threads on Market Statistics. The skew then no longer becomes a relevant
factor in your trading. However be careful here. You need to know that you
are doing this and what it implies. Trading with the skew is the teaching
mode. Trading against the skew is where the real action lies. You can't do the
latter unless you're comfortable with the former.

 No Ramora, I don't start a new VWAP every hour. You lose two important
pieces of information by doing so: a) The present trend, determined by price
relative to the VWAP and b)the day's volatility as measured by the standard
deviation. The present trend determines my bias and thus whether I will favor
longs or shorts. The SD tells me how much I should expect to pull out of the
market when I trade. I don't want to lose either of those two pieces of info by
restarting the VWAP computation.

 Yes of course. If you scalp you could start the VWAP anytime you want to
have a quicky. This works well in non trending markets.

 No darth, you are incorrect. The one std dev is for whatever the distribution is
when you make the trade. It has nothing to do with the normal distribution.
Again you still seem to be hung up on the idea that std deviations are defined
in terms of the normal distribution only.
 You are partially correct here. Years of experience do make a difference in
how well you trade. The best analogy is playing a musical instrument. I can
teach you all the techniques for playing, but it takes years of practice to
develop your own style and to be good at it.
My point of the market statistics threads was to teach you a technique for
analyzing the data and how you might use it. But it will still take you years of
experience to use it successfully and to develop your own style

 If I interpret what you are implying here, it is that since I compute the
standard deviation about the mean symmetrically, that it suggests that the
distribution is symmetric about the mean.
This is not the case. Keep in mind that the variance is a positive number by
definition of the second moment, but that standard deviation is either positive
or negative since it is the square root of the variance. The fact that the
standard deviation can have either sign implies nothing about the shape of
the distribution. Perhaps it's the word standard that you don't like, but that is
the general usage for any distribution normal or not.


 Very good questions thrunner and good observation as well.

First let me clear up one poorly understood idea about the SD. Most traders
think that 68.3% of the data falls within 1 SD and 95% falls within 2 SD. This
is only true for the normal or gaussian distribution. For skewed data, that is
data that deviates from normal behavior, the best estimate can be obtained
using Chebysev's inequality, which states that no less than 50% of the data
falls within 1.4 SD, and no less than 75% falls within 2 SD. No less than 89%
falls within 3 SD. These numbers are quite a bit different than that for the
normal distribution.

These numbers are of course lower limits. The exact values could be
computed from the distibution function. But I don't think there is much to be
gained knowing that say 55% of the data rather than 50% of the data fall
within 1.4 SD.

Another important point which I stated as a theorem in the SD thread, is that

for any arbitrary distribution, computing the SD with respect to the VWAP
yields the smallest SD possible. What that means in practice is that if you
compute the SD with respect to any other price (eg the 1st SD price), you will
by the theorem get a larger value for the standard deviation. This implies yet
a larger volatility at the 1st SD than it does at the VWAP.

These two pieces of information taken together suggest to me that getting to

the second SD (computed with respect to the VWAP) is not all that
unreasonable although of course with greater risk than trading at the VWAP.
Getting to the 3rd SD however is problematic.

I will discuss in the next thread, about what to do when you take a trade at
the 1st SD and the price action does move against you. There is still room for
pulling a profit out of the trade.
 Good observation nelo. I was wondering when someone would see this. The
point I will make here, is the old paradigm about choosing trades with a 2:1
or 3:1 reward/risk ratio with fixed stop losses for most traders results in a
slow bleeding of their account. We are going to cover this topic in more detail
in the next thread, coming soon.

 Probably the most important mind set that I had to overcome, was giving up
the idea of fixed stoploss on every trade and substituting the idea of risk
tolerance instead. It wasn't until I did that, that I became a profitable trader.

 My style is something that developed over many years. I was initially a strong
proponent of classical technical analysis and traded futures and stocks for
quite a number of years using classical methods. I oscillated back and forth
between swing trading and daytrading, but was never satisfied with the
results. Some years were profitable, other years were not. There was no
consistency. I slowly came to the realization that classical technical analysis
was not going to yield a consistent picture of market behavior. It was too
heuristic. I wanted day to day consistency. I looked very carefully at market
profile analysis. Realized that there was something there but it was woefully
incomplete and in some cases just plain wrong. I wanted to be able to write
my own software, but there were no good charting packages for doing that
until ensign software came along. Being a student of molecular simulation
theory, I knew enough about statistics to realize that the logic of the market
could be found in a proper statistical analysis of the data. That coupled with
understanding risk tolerance and trade management is where I am today. My
trading is now quite consistent and I am happy to say has become quite
enjoyable. I am both a teacher and student. I've been both my whole life and
I am happy to share with you what I've learned about market behavior. There
is still much about market behavior that I don't know and learning about the
markets will be a lifetime experience.

 There is actually no good way to back test something like this Dogpile,
because the distribution function, the volatility and HUP distribution (Hold Up
Price, which we haven't discussed yet) is constantly changing from day to
day. What you will discover in the next thread, is a new paradigm about stop
loss placement and trade management.

 Very good question, glad you asked. I'll phrase it differently. How large does
the skew have to be to consider taking a trade at the VWAP or SD in the
direction of the skew.
The answer is: I was concerned about this for a long time. It turns out, that
there is no correlation between the size of the skew (as measured by the Karl
Pearson definition of skew which is (VWAP-PVP)/SD ) and the momentum of
the trade in the skew direction. What only seems relevant is that a skew
exist. Other HUPs will come into play between the entry point and the profit
target which will play an important role in the momentum of the trade. We
will discuss these in a later thread.
 Unfortunately not. It's the very nature of skewed distributions that the "tail"
on one side is not the same as the tail on the other side. So a tail test just
doesn't make much sense

 what do you think of currency futures GBPUSD EURUSD; how

suitable/appropriate is the market statistics method for trading them?
 I don't trade these, but I see no reason why market statistics data could not
be used for these, as long as volume data is available.

 It's not fixed in stone unicorn. The point of having high volume is two fold,
a)You want enough data to generate proper statistics
b)you want enough volume to provide liquidity, so you don't get caught with
your pants down.
36000 contracts traded/day would be about 5000 contracts/hour or
80 contracts/minute. That's not a lot of contracts.

 PVP refers to the peak volume price for the complete volume histogram. POC
refers to the peak volume price (called Point of Control) for Market Profile,
which is a 30 minute average of the volume historgram. Market Profile's POC
will thus only show a slower variation of the peak volume price.

 VAH and VAL have no statistical significance. They are purely heuristic values
based on a percentage of the volume data above and below the peak. The
choice of that percentage was based on the incorrect assumption that the
volume distribution is normal. It rarely is. The statistically valid values are the
standard deviation of the data from the VWAP. For finite data, this is always
definable regardless of the shape of the distribution.

 Risk is determined by what percentage of your capital you can afford to lose
on each trade. This is typically 1 or 2 %. You can use the width of the SD
bands to determine how far you can expect the market to move against you.
If the bands are wider than your risk tolerance then you might not want to
The more data of course the better the statistics. But this does not determine
the width of the SD bands. It's the price action that does

 Do some markets just tend to behave "better" due to other factors

(persistence, more consistant volatility etc.)?

 If by behaving better, you mean not jumping around a lot, I have no idea
what determines that, but I really don't care. I just follow the statistics. It's
the only thing that really matters. I've quoted this before from Nihabaashi:
"To fear volatility is to fear profits"


 As far as risk/reward, think of it as how much does it realy hurt if it only

represents 2% of your entire account vs. how much you are hurting if you
take multiple stoplosses. To get stopped out in the scenario that is described,
the market would have to move 3 SD without a rotation against the skew.
You can avoid a chunk of that by not taking trades at the 2nd SD, expecting a
move to the 3rd SD, not a high probability trade.

 Except for basic ideas concerning statistical analysis which you can find in
wikipedia there are no books or reading material describing what I've posted
in these threads as it relates to intraday trading. It's all new stuff that I've
developed over the years. I thought it would be a good idea to present it
somewhere. There is also a short description of where I'm coming from in
post 15717.

 You are quite correct here Dogpile. If a move from the VWAP gives the
smallest SD (and thus lowest volatility), then trading at a price just above the
VWAP (in the case of positive skew) should have higher volatility and should
be a superior location for a trade in the direction of the skew. I thought to
myself that this should be correct, but then realized that the probabilites for
continuation in the skew direction is declining the further you move from the
VWAP, which offsets the higher expected volatility. Exactly where the
"balance point is" I don't know. I decided not to pursue this because there
other interferences which I call HUP which are virtually impossible to include
in a more general computation. HUP will be discussed in a future thread

 You are correct here. The SD is a reference point rather than a point fixed in
cement where you have to take a trade. When we discuss HUP in more detail
in a later thread, you will see that more often then not, the entry for the
trade is offset from the SD by the HUP. This can get quite complicated, so I
don't want to get ahead of myself in a discussion of it here.

 Good question and good observation darth. Here's the problem.In a short, if
price is already below the 1st SD, (or above the 1st SD in a long) the
probability of it returning to the VWAP diminishes with every tick that it
moves down. Thus if you expect to take a trade at all, you have to find
another entry point, since price may never return to the VWAP. You could of
course develop a trading style in which you only take VWAP trades, but you
may have to wait a long time for an entry. The 1st SD is then the next best
entry target.

 Yes, if you enter at the VWAP, scaling in becomes dangerous. At the PVP,
other things can happen which we are going to cover in the next thread.
Scaling-in there or at the next SD becomes a touchy situation, definitely not
for newbies. Advance traders might do so, but can easily get caught with
there pants down (as I did today, but I didn't lose my pants, only my shirt).

 Sorry Dogpile, but this is just plain wrong. The standard deviation
computation IS the true volatility, for the distribution in question, no matter
what the shape of it, normal or otherwise.

 No, 2 std devs doesn't mean anything different. It's just that most people
exposed to statistics, have only seen the normal distribution and think the
whole world revolves around that (I guess that's why its called "normal"), so
they think that 2 SD should always represents 95% of the data for any
distribution. The normal distribution,however, is not the center of the
statistical universe. There are more different types of distributions than you
can count on both your fingers and toes. Academicians have been trying to
pigeon hole the type of distribution that markets follow for years. The closest
they've come is something called the Pereto-Levy distribution which I don't
want to discuss here since it really doesn't have any practical significance for
trading. The point is, no matter what the distribution function looks like, the
standard deviation is computed in exactly the same way for all of them. How
much of the data this represents will of course be different depending on the
distributions shape.

 If you are thinking here that the VWAP is some psuedo mean then that's not
correct. The VWAP IS the exact mean for the volume distribution. For any
finite distribution of arbitrary shape, you can calculate the mean in exactly
the same way

 Wrong on both counts. Skewed distributions are funky to you, because you
are not used to them, but they have been around a lot longer than any of us
have been on this planet.
And once again, the mean for a finite skewed distribution is well defined.

The VWAP is as mean as they get. lol

 good question cooter. yes price will reach the 3rd SD at times. This usually
occurs on a fast momentum break out. In the last week there has been a lot
of this. Extremely difficult to trade, if you didn't catch the move at the start.
You don't want to enter a trade when price hits the 3rd SD. A rebound could
catch you off guard.

 By entering a trade at the 3rd SD, I meant entering in the same direction as
the breakout.
By fading it, you are doing a countertrend trade. This is also dangerous
because you are trading against the skew. The breakout could just continue.
We will discuss countertrend trades in the next thread.

And yes you should wait for a pull back to the 2nd or better the 1st SD and
enter in the direction of the breakout.

 If you are going to use risk tolerance procedures to trade, you need a
sufficiently large account so that 2% of it represents enough dollars to scale-
in or reverse trades when necessary. Once you have computed your risk
tolerance, you can then decide what instruments to trades based on their
current SD. Personally, I wish I had known about risk tolerance years ago
when I first started trading

 Well it's tough to answer your question Blowfish, because I haven't kept any
data on every possible trade that could have been taken.
As far as getting stopped out, that is, my risk tolerance hit, it doesn't happen
that often, maybe once every couple of months (turns out it happened
yesterday). Usually when it does happen, it's because I did something stupid,
like scaling in too early, or not having my system stop in the right place, or
not seeing something that I recognized after the fact.
Generally markets rotate daily many times, so there is ample opportunity to
exit a trade after scale in. On trend days, you wouldn't scale in, but I think it
would be pretty obvious. Trend days usually just creep up an SD with little or
no rotation.

 Well first, I haven't defined a method as such. I've given you a tool from
which you could develop your own method. Every trader using the volume
distribution function will use it differently. So far I've shown you some basic
entry and exit points, which you could incorporate into a style of trading.

Secondly, if you call yesterday a trend day for NQ, it worked pretty well, don't
you think? I wouldn't have called yesterday a trend day for NQ, because there
was considerable rotation from one SD to another. A trend day from my
perspective is one with little rotation, ie, market just creeps up one of the SD
curves all day long.

There is no preference for environment type as far as using statisitical analyis

like this to make a profit. What is more important is how you adjust your
trading style to conform to the statistics for the day. You can make money (or
lose it) on any type of day.

 If you want to do more advanced trades (which I only recommend once you
have passed the basic test, lol), you will want the volume histogram and its
VWAP,SD's for 1 day,2 day,1 week, 2 week, 1 month, 2 month and 1 year.
You will also want these lines to update dyanamically for the day you trade.
We will get to what all this means when we discuss Hold Up Prices ( HUP )


 seems to me that each contract has its own nuances relative to VWAP. for
example, the S&P futures really seem to react as you would expect around
the VWAP price -- generally finds support or resistance there -- unless its a
strong move -- whereas other contracts (NQ/YM) seem to violate the VWAP
without the same regard for it. has this been something you have noticed?

 I haven't investigated this in any detail Dogpile, but my feeling is that the
nature of the instrument your trading shouldn't matter that much. As long as
the statistics are valid, any violations of the VWAP or SD should occur in a
random fashion. Use of the Shaprio Effect should help find those.

 When using Shapiro Effect trading with the skew, how often have you seen
prices breakout against the skew and stop you out, and how much wiggle
room should one allow the market to have before you bail?

 If you are afraid of using risk tolerance as a trading philosophy, then you
need to have a nearby hard stop for your trade. If you entered short using
the Shapiro Effect, then you entered below the low of a nearby up bar. Set
the stop 1 tick above the high of that bar. Simlarly for longs.

 If that's your risk tolerance, then by definition you are comfortable with it. If
you are not comfortable with it, then you need to redefine a different risk

 The number of ticks up where I would set a break-even stop depends on what
I'm trading. For me a break-even stop is discretionary, it depends how the
trade is going.

 I hope you are not thinking that I am giving you a method to trade, rather
than a tool to use for understanding price action. The "method" will depend
on your trading style. Exact entry, stoploss points, and profit targets will
depend on your trading style which only you can develop for yourself.
That being said, the stats for trading wil be based on your trading style. If
you know where and how I trade, then you know my stats. But my stats
won't be anyone else's stats using the same tools.

 If you have to wonder whether the trade is any good, then you probably
shouldn't have been in the trade in the first place. Before you enter a trade
you must have all your ducks set up so you know exactly what you will do
when the market decides to move against you.

 Yes, this is the problem with breakout trades against the skew in general.
There can be several pseudo breakouts that fail. This is why they are so
difficult to execute properly and why I don't like them.

 If you are using risk tolerance, then yes, wait for the market to retrace to the
VWAP and scale-in. If risk-tolerance is not your cup of tea, then you have to
set a hard stop and it might as well be the high of the entry bar.

 Correct, I use risk tolerance with scale-in rather than tight stops for trades in
the skew direction. For break-out trades against the skew, I will use a break
even stop quickly, but if I can't do that, I will put a stop just below the VWAP.
There really is no good scale-in point.

 Probably not, but I haven't investigated this in any detail. When the real
breakout occurs, there won't be any retrace. It just goes.

 You are correct bh_trade. PVP does jump around especially at the beginning
of the day when the volume histogram is first developing. It's important to
know the relation between PVP and VWAP in order to understand the price
action. Hopefully these threads will help you understand how price action is
connected to this relation.

 The simple answer to your question walter is yes. What complicates the
anwser however, is that the price action is in a region (low volume region)
where a break out against the skew is very likely. Also, price action is on the
wrong side of the VWAP, so the trend is up. In addition, price action is above
the PVP which acts as a HUP (Hold UP Price) for the short. So be cautious
here. Use the Shapiro effect to enter the short, but bail out immediately if the
SD is violated to the upside. Similarly for longs.

 Is there a distinction to be made between a)PVP moving to the price action

and b) price action moving to the PVP.

My initial thinking about this was similar to yours. That if the PVP suddenly
jumped to the price action, it was still trying to establish itself and hence the
price action would continue in the same direction. But after seeing a lot of this
type of behavior (that is, PVP jumping to the price action) and noting that
sometimes it continued in the same direction and other times it would
reverse, I've concluded that the best you can do if you want to trade in this
region is wait for the break through an SD or VWAP before taking a trade. In
some cases this means taking a trade in the same direction as the trend, in
other cases it means taking a trade against the trend. Is it dangerous? Yes.
That's why I've waited seven threads to talk about it.
As far as the stair stepping of the PVP goes, I think each stair step down say
has to be considered on it's own merits. When the PVP drops from one point
to a new point, you have to re-ask yourself the same question, is a reversal
iminent. Will the price action take the market up and break out the nearest
SD above the present price.

You can also do the following thought experiment. Suppose you walked into a
room for the first time and you saw a monitor displaying a real time chart
with the price action at the PVP. Is there anyway for you to tell without going
back in time, whether the PVP jumped to that price action or the price action
moved to the PVP? The answer is no. Until the price action breaks through the
nearest SD, you really can't say much about which direction you would look
for a trade.
Now compare that to walking into the same room and seeing the VWAP below
the PVP and the price action below the VWAP. In this case you would know
immediately which way to look for a trade

 This one is not a good idea. If you trade 2 at the 1st SD and price moves
against you back to the VWAP, you are going to want to put 2 more contracts
on, so that break even is a 50% retrace. If you put only 1 on, break even is a
67% retace, leaving you hardly any profit potential back to the 1st SD.
Which brings me to another point. If you are using risk tolerance as a trading
philosophy, and you are comfortable trading only 4 contracts. Your initial
entry better be 2 contracts or less. Do you understand why?

 Again if I am trading using risk tolerance, and 3 contracts is my limit, your

only choice is 1 contract on, keep two in reserve. In this mode, if you enter 1
contract at 1st SD and market moves back to VWAP, you can put 2 more on
and have break even at 33% retrace. That's usually a pretty good bet.

 At the open, you don't have any data for today. If I am not using any HUP
from previous days (yet to be discussed), then I wait until the range of the
bars is smaller than 1 SD, before considering any trades. This of course
means I miss all that great action at the beginning when the market takes off
in one direction or oscillates rapidly. So be it. We will talk about trading at the
HUP on the open in an up coming thread.
 I realize that breakouts can be touchy trades, but try using the Shapiro effect
to trade the breakouts (see post 16541 ). Sometimes there will be a retrace
and you will be able to catch this trade for a big move.

 Glad you find the statistics useful Dogpile. As far as the Shapiro Effect is
concerned, it's not a pattern in the usual sense of patterns as defined by
Bulkowski, but rather a simple statement of implied market direction. The
breaking of a high/low is just my interpretation. You can use any other wait
period of your own choosing.

 To answer your question, breakout trades are dangerous to take under any
circumstances. As you indicated, you noticed four bars back, price action
broke out above the 1st SD and then failed to continue. Second breakout
could have failed also. Tough call. I usually don't take breakouts. But if I do, I
will move my stop to breakeven quickly.

 When two humps form in the volume distribution, watch carefully. The peak
in the second hump may become the new PVP. At that point in time, the
character of the price action can change abruptly. If I am in a trade when that
happens, I will usually exit.

 I discussed this in the first post of this thread. It doesn't matter where the
PVP is located(between SD and VWAP or between two SD's), the result is the
You have three choices:
a) do nothing. If you are novice this is what you do.
b)play the oscillations between the two SD's. This is what you do if you are a
c)Wait for a breakout out of the PVP zone(the regions between the 2 SD's)

As I indicated in the first post, this is a difficult trading region, but can be
very profitable if you get it right.

 Is there anything that might tip you off that price might be heading back to
the PVP?? on this chart I think not, maybe the last few days or last weeks
stats or other HUPs might have held clues.

 You are correct. From this chart alone there is nothing that would tip you off
about a short failure. Which is why I introduced the concept of HUP. If there
were a HUP just below the short entry, you might have passed up the short

 If price finds it's way back to the VWAP and you already have a contract on
from SD1 would you use the shapiro effect at the VWAP? I might be inclined
just to pull the trigger. If price zooms through as it did here would you be
inclined to think OK we are done with this trade lets close it out?

 Here is where trade management becomes important. If you were a NEWBIE,

you most likely would set a stop at the VWAP and be stopped out.
If you were a more advanced trader, you might pull the trigger at the VWAP
and enter a second contract short PROVIDED doing so was still within your
risk tolerance.
The other scenario and one that I have never discussed but probably should
have is as follows:
You enter the short trade based on the Shapiro effect. But then the trade
starts to fail. If price moves above the high of your entry bar, reverse the
trade and go long. A very aggressive trader would not only do this but also
increase size.
Keep in mind all of this is possible PROVIDED you are within your risk
You can see how using risk tolerance rather than stoplosses gives the trader
considerably more flexibility.

 There is another difficulty with averaging in (apart from accepting the risk)
and that is psychological. If I already have a position and that is short I find
that this can give a 'bias'. Actually the bias is justified probably as the skew is
in our favour (VWAP<PVP) and the trend is in our favour (Price<VWAP)
furthermore we have a plan to add 1 contract at the VWAP.

 Yes, the psychological aspect of the trade is one that is difficult to control.
Everything seems to be in your favor for the short, and your emotions tell you
that this trade can't be wrong.
In fact you must think differently. When you enter the short, the first thing
that you must do is decide exactly what you will do if the trade moves against
you. Will you wait for the price action to move to the VWAP? Will you reverse
the trade? Will you increase size?
The easiest thing to do is set a stoploss and forget about it. In my opinion this
will never lead to profits.
Active management is the key to a successful outcome of every trade.


 Your definition of trend is price in relationship to the VWAP.

Price above VWAP the trend is bullish

Price below VWAP the trend is bearish

 This is correct as defined in Part II

 PVP in relationship to the VWAP tells you what kind of distribution you are
looking at.

VWAP above the PVP tells you we are currently in a positively skewed
distribution to the long side
VWAP below the PVP tells you we are currently in a negatively skewed
distribution to the short side
VWAP close to the PVP tells you we are currently in a symmetric distribution.

 Yes, this is also correct

 If the above statements are correct, I have a couple of questions.

1) My thinking is that skewed distributions tend to indicate trend movements

and symmetric distributions
tend to indicate reversions to the mean or a congestion type of environment.
This is of course only relevant
to the current situation as the VWAP and PVP relationship can change in the

 This is approximately correct. You can get reversion to the mean in any
environment including a skewed environment. In a skewed environment you
would look for a trade at the VWAP. In a non skewed symmetric environment,
do nothing at the VWAP.

 2) It would make sense to me that overall bias (whether you want to take
long trades only or short trades only)
would be determined by the VWAP/PVP relationship. Assuming that looking at
the volume histogram gives you a pretty good idea that the current bias is
not going to change soon:

 Almost but not quite. You have to know where the price action is relative to
the VWAP and PVP. For example for a positive skew your bias is long provided
price action is above the VWAP. If price action is at or near the PVP, even if
the skew is positive you don't have a bias until the breakout occurs.

 If the VWAP is above PVP you should only be looking for longs (assuming that
current bias stays the same). This is regardless of location of price. If price is
above VWAP you are trading with trend. If price is below VWAP you are
trading counter trend.

 This is incorrect. Look for longs only when the price action is above the VWAP.
Below the VWAP, wait for the price to move above and retrace before taking a
long. Otherwise wait for the break out at the SD below the PVP and go short.

 B) If the VWAP is below PVP you should only be looking for shorts (assuming
that current bias stays the same). This is regardless of location of price. If
price is above VWAP you are trading counter trend. If the price is below
VWAP you are trading with the trend.

 Also incorrect as mentioned above. You trade short if price is below the
VWAP, otherwise wait for a breakout.
You might want to reread Part VII concerning break out trades.

 C) If the VWAP/PVP is close it is a big assumption that current bias stays the
same unless price moves rapidly back towards the VWAP.

 Don't know what you mean by current bias. If the skew is close to zero, there
is no bias.

 So when in a symmetric distribution it seems to make sense to me that you

would only trade at 2nd and 3rd SD's for safety reasons in expectation of a
move back to VWAP. However, it must move quick or you will not continue to
have VWAP/PVP close (symmetric distribution).

 Well this depends on your trading style. In a symmetric distribution you have
a dilemma, in that you don't know how long the symmetry will last. This
means you could take a trade at any of the SD's either long or short. In one
case you would be trading countertrend, the other with the trend. That's why
this is not for newbies. Using something like the Shapiro Effect will help.

 Given the above, the first trade on the YM does not make sense to me. We
are in a symmetric distribution, why short at the 1SD below VWAP expecting
a move to 2SD. If you expect the symmetric distribution to hold, then you are
not trading with that expectation. It is more probably to get a move back to
VWAP and other side of distribution, then to extend further against the VWAP
toward 2SD and 3SD. The only exception would be if you are expecting the
VWAP to continue down below the PVP and quickly turn into a negative skew

 I think you meant the NQ video, the first video was a YM long.
In any case the first NQ trade was a legitimate breakout trade into the low
volume zone. It doesn't matter how close the VWAP is to the PVP, only that
price action is in the PVP zone. Dangerous? yes, but nevertheless workable.

 3) Trading a symmetric distribution (assuming it holds) at the 2nd and 3rd

SD's with the expectation of a QUICK move back to the PVP or other side of
the distribution. It does not make sense to me to take trades at the 1SD with
the expectation of a further move away from PVP in this type of distribution.
If you are expecting a skew to appear...seems it would be better to wait for
the skew then take this type of trade.

 Again, this will depend on your trading style. An advanced trader would take
the trade if he thinks the VWAP is going to continue on down. Why miss the
opportunity? If the Shaprio effect indicated the price action is going to
continue down, pull the trigger.

 Now if you are trading for a reversion to the mean at 2nd SD with the
expectation of a move back to PVP or other side of distribution then risk
tolerance doesn't make as much sense to me because the move is going to
have to happen quickly because skew will appear if it stays out there and
especially if it starts to move against you out towards the 3rd SD. Then you
are going to have to exit (can't reverse positions in between 2nd and 3rd SD I
wouldn't think. So I would think you would want to use a tight stop not risk

 Yes, I would agree witht this interpretation. You would either exit the trade at
a hard stop if the trade moved against you, or possibly reverse the trade for a
further move down depending on how far below the 2nd SD you did the

 One more question....

The VWAP/PVP relationship determines the type of distribution

(skewed/symmetric). Ignoring for the moment that as price moves around
and volume trades that the VWAP and PVP change and the distribution will
probably change. Let's just say we were pretty sure that the type of
distribution was not going to change for the next hour.

The point I am trying to clear up is that price in relationship to VWAP

determines trend. I don't think it does. I think the distribution function itself
tells you the trend bias and strength based on the strength of the skew. Who
cares where prices are in relationship to the VWAP. I am thinking in terms of
statistics and occurences in relationship to the disribution function.

 You are quite correct for static distribution functions. Note the emphasis on
the word static. If you knew the distribution function in advance, you would
know exactly how to trade it.
As you correctly point out, if the distribution had positive skew, you would go
long every time the price action dropped below the PVP and vice versa for
negative skew. Similarly for no skew distribution, always trade toward the
VWAP. This is the classical reversion to the mean theory.
The problem as you realize, is that in a real market, the distribution function
is dynamic. Note the emphasis on the word dynamic. Reversion to the mean,
does not necessarily occur. Price action itself renormalizes the distribution as
more prices are added to the time series. As a consequence, the relation of
the price action to the VWAP and PVP becomes critical in choosing trade
direction. Trading AWAY from the VWAP then becomes the more likely
scenario. Trading TOWARD the VWAP is then relegated to symmetric
distributions, which is the classical case.
Trading away from the VWAP then defines the trend (if in fact you want or
need a definition)as UP when the price action is above the VWAP and DOWN
when the price action is below the VWAP. This definition breaks down of
course when the distribution passes through the symmetric state. At that
point there is no trend.

 If the price action stays below the VWAP and breaks out below the 1st SD,
then the bias would be down. But until that happens, all you will get are
oscillations between the VWAP and the 1st SD below it. See the breakout
thread Part VII for further clarification

 Symmetric distributions (PVP ~= VWAP) are tough to trade especially when

you have multiple peaks as in the example you show. My initital reaction
would be to let it pass.


 Back in the newbie days when things where nice and simple the way I
understood it was you would enter at the VWAP with a stop at the PVP? (or
was it a couple of ticks the other side perhaps?).
 Yes. Simple trade simple stop. Only 1 complication. Profit target was arbitrary

 You then introduced us to SD's With options of taking a trade there. At this
time the stop would still be the PVP with the option of adding to your position
at the VWAP. In fact a Whole section was devoted to risk tolerance. Again if I
understand this correctly we decide what the maximum amount is we are
ever to risk (based on account size) and then use market statistics
(VWAP,SD) to enter and the PVP for a stop?

 Correct. Still reasonably straight forward. I probably should have introduced

the Shapiro Effect at this time to help eliminate bad entries.

 All well and good to this point however when you introduced breakout trades
and counter trend trades I think a couple of different styles of trade
management where also introduced. With BO's you would move the stop to
BE as soon as possible? As an aside because BO's break and go you would
consider entering these aggresively without waiting for the Shapiro effect?
Also the way I understand it you would only do this at a BO of the SD band. A
BO through the VWAP would be managed normally?

 Yes this is essentially correct. Break outs are difficult to trade under any
circumstances. It's still possible to use the Shapiro Effect if you get a retrace.
If not, tough luck.

 With countertrend trades (symmetric distribution) you offer a couple of

choices for stops - add 1 at the SD2 for a return to SD. -or- Stop and reverse
if your trade moves against you for a journey to SD2 (I guess you are
switching from counter trend to BO) Does this sound correct? Things are
certainly a bit more complex than when newbie started out!

 Correct again. As you are seeing, the trade threads get more and more
complicated and more difficult to manage. This does not mean you have to
expose yourself to these more difficult trade setups, but you should be aware
they exist

 One other thing you mentioned briefly (can't remember where) I seem to
recall you mentioning those with low risk tolerance could put the stop behind
the Shapiro bar? Maybe I dreamt that.

 I did say that, for those who feel queasy about risk tolerance trading.

 I also recall you saying you where 'conservative'. I wonder how you reconcile
that with wide action points (I hesitate to use the word stops) particularly
those introduced for 'newbie'? Especially in light of the paragraph that follows

 Not sure what you mean by wide action points. If you are referring to days
when the SD is very large, don't trade those days if the SD is near your risk
tolerance. (We have had a bunch of those lately)
 Another thing about the Shapiro effect - if the tigger bar (the bar that
touches the band) is of a wide range, we can end up giving away a lot of
potential profit and adding to our risk (as your stop must be further). For
example for a short at the VWAP if the bar comes from halfway between the
SD1 & VWAP we give up half the potential profit and our stop is
correspondingly further away while we wait for the low of this bar to be
broken. Do you pass those trades or maybe not use Shapiro, or maybe drop
down a timeframe for a more precise entry?

 The Shapiro effect is a two edged sword. You don't get something for nothing
here. If you use it, as you point out, you will decrease your profit potential
and increase your risk. And yes, you can drop down a time frame to find a
better entry point.

Sounds like you've got the statistics down pat, NICK. Now all you have to do
is trade it and see how it works out for you.

 I took a stab at fixing the program bugs that stopped my tick chart from
displaying correctly, and during the evening I replayed intraday charts using
both tick charts and chart with 5 min candles. What I observe is that one can
use the tick charts to trade the pre-open and open (first 30 to 45 minutes),
watching the market develop and taking a few quick scalps. You can then
"switch over" to the longer term chart (2-5 minute candles in my case) and
not feel as though you "missed" the open..Just a thought.

 Yes Steve, that's one way to trade the open. I usually use a 15 second chart
on the open and watch to see if there is a NEWBIE entry for a quicky.

 The break out trades occur when price action is near the PVP Nick. If you
have the situation where the PVP is also near the VWAP at the same time,
you do nothing. Just sit and watch.

 Otto--the Shapiro Effect doesn't say anything about which bars to use. But
here is what I do:
The last down bar that touches the SD is your test bar. Doesn't matter where
or how it touches.
Entry bar: The first up bar with any price higher than the high of the test bar,
pull the trigger

The simplest situation would be 1 down bar touches SD. Next bar has a price
higher than the high of that down bar.
More complex situations would be several down bars touching SD. Next up
bar does not have a price higher than the last down bar high. But the one
after that does. Pull the trigger on that second up bar.

It is also possible that your entry bar which looks like it is going to be an up
bar and you pull the trigger long, eventually turns out to be another down
bar. Tough luck.

 The only tools I use to get ready for today's trading are the HUP lines from
previous trading days, weeks,month and year. I don't use anything else.
These are my support/resistance lines that will keep me in a trade or tell me
to exit

 Other than putting the HUP lines on my chart, I don't do anything else to
begin the day. I just follow the statisitics and what the price action tells me.
I will be cautious around key economic events that usually come out around
10:00 EST, but other than that there is nothing else that I do premarket.

 Yesterdays distribution would always be more important than today's, early in

the trading day during the period when today's distribution is still developing.
If there is rapid price action early in the day, today's price action is not going
to help you much. You can tell this by comparing the range of each bar to the
standard deviation. When the bar range is the same size as the SD, you can't
tell much by looking at today's statistics. So you either have to go to a faster
time scale, or use a distribution that has developed over 1 or more days such
that the SD is larger than the bars range.

 I was wondering how long it would take for someone to see this.
Congratulations Unicorn, you are an astute observer.
If you are a NEWBIE trader, and you see a contradiction, you of course do

An advanced trader however would look at the VWAP's and SD's from various
days as a series of HUP's (read the HUP thread to see what this is). The HUP
lines are then treated as simply support/resistance lines. Decision to enter a
trade would then depend on several factors:
a)The separation of the HUP's----is there enough open space for a trade or
are they close together for just a quick scalp
b)The placement of the HUP's in case scale in would be necessary
c)is the HUP below a VWAP or above it?
d)Am I looking for a reversal or a continuation at the HUP?
e)Can I use the Shapiro effect for entry?

As you can see there are numerous things to consider, but after you practice
this for a while, it becomes second nature. Sort of like learning to play an


 I start my VWAP computation for today at the 9:30 open. But even if you
start it at the beginning of the overnight session, it usually won't make much
difference. Remember, VWAP is volume weighted and there is not much
volume overnight compared to the 9:30 open.
 Occaisionally, I will enter a trade premarket open using VWAP data from the
previous day, but not too often.

 If you think of the HUP lines as pivot points, you will understand what I am
referring to in the previous threads.
For example suppose you are thinking about entering a short trade at the 1st
SD below the VWAP. As the price action approaches the 1st SD from below,
you notice there is a HUP point just below the SD. What do you do? It would
seem to me the only thing you should do is pull the short trigger at the HUP
rather than wait to see if the SD is touched.
Similarly on trade exit. If you enter a long trade say at the VWAP with the
intent of exiting at the 1st SD, but you notice there is a HUP line just below
the SD, you should exit your trade at the HUP or at least remove some
contracts at the HUP rather than wait to see if the SD will be touched.
These are just two examples that I use every day.
There is a rich variety of other things you can do at HUP lines, but I will leave
it to you to discover these on your own.

 If you are asking, do I include previous PVP's as dynamic HUP, the answer is
yes. In fact, if I see price action approaching a PVP, I will just stand aside and
not trade there. If I am already in a trade and price action approaches a PVP I
will usually exit there. As far as the PVP's being virgin or not, I don't make a
distinction between virgin or non virgin ones.

 Ofer, what's presented here in these threads is not a "method", but a way of
viewing the price and volume distribution. No matter how many traders
looked at the volume distribution, the distribution would still be valid, since it
represents the statistics of all trades that have taken place. There would still
be a PVP, a VWAP and a SD. How you use that information is highly personal
depending on your trading style and objectives

 I am also curious to hear if this can be used effectively for Forex because
getting the actual traded volume for Forex is at best very difficult and the
correct VWAP completely relies on accurate volume data.

 If you don't have volume for forex, you can still use the price distribution
function and generate and average price in stead of a volume weighted
average price. Should work ok.

 You don't need a trend day for market statistics to "work". What ever the day
is, market statistics will reveal it by the the shape of the volume distribution
function. How you use this information will be different for different traders.

 Thank you for a lovely discussion, Jperl. I find a lot of validity and usefulness
to your methods. I do have one question, though. Since the skew of the
volume distribution is such an important part of your analysis, why not use
other methods for estimating it. Rather than rely on the position of the mode
so much, one could use the median or better yet, compute it in the classical
way as the third moment of the volume distribution. The reason I ask is that
a lot of times in the markets we have the PVP but also another price with
almost as much volume. Also, sometimes there are clusters of volume that
don't neccessarily include the PVP but could also act as a HUP. The point I am
trying to make is that the relative position of the PVP and the VWAP is not
always a reasonable estimate for the actual volume distribution skew and I
was wondering if you have looked into it.

 You are perfectly correct, that the exact definition of the skew requires a
computation of the 3rd moment. The problem with it is the computation is
very cpu intensive. I therefore settled for the approximate value due to
Pearson as discussed in the skew tag. The advantage of this is you can
visualize the skew just by looking at the volume histogram with the vwap
superimposed. The problem is as you point out, when you have two large
volume peaks, you don't quite know what the skew is. Nevertheless since you
can visualize the volume peaks in relation to the VWAP you can approach the
market with caution when this occurs.

As far as HUPs go, you are correct again that peaks in the volume distribution
are HUPS. Which HUPS you wish to use in your trading is of course a function
of your trading style. Keep in mind that HUPS are just that, hold up prices.
They are places for you to be cautious as to what to expect.

 First let me thank you for these amazing threads, being a newbie I find them
very useful. Second I apologize for my poor English.
Now to the computation of the third central moment. I am not educated in
statistics, so I needed to read a few articles in Wikipedia. So please correct
me if I am wrong:

CM3 = sum(PROBi * (Pi - VWAP)^3),

i is going through all prices in range (i.e. all rows in Volume Distribution
CM3 ... the 3rd Central Moment
PROBi = Vi / V ... ith price probability (Volume per ith price / Total Volume)
Pi ... ith price in the Vol. Dist. function

Then the Skew would be calculated as

Skew = CM3 / SD^3

If this is correct, the computation doesn't seem too CPU intensive to me. I
programmed such a computation in AmiBroker and I plotted a line on a chart.
The line is VWAP + (Skew * SD). Watching this line together with PVP-to-
VWAP relation can be very useful. Now I don't have time to elaborate, but if
somebody is interested I can write more later.

 Very good Ondrej. You have the skew computation properly weighted. What
makes this computation cpu intensive is in real time you have to update the
value of PROBi as you add more volume data. Should be okay for a fast
Perhaps you can show us some charts with your skew computation drawn in
along with the VWAP and PVP.
 Ok, I uploaded screenshots. These are 2min charts for ES for the last 3
business days, counting today. VWAP is the thick yellow line, PVP thick
turquoise line, Skew Line (VWAP + Skew * SD) is the thin light blue line. The
dark blue area is the area between the 1st SD's, the Value Area in
terminology of MP.
If the Skew Line is above VWAP the skew is positive, below VWAP negative.
The distance between the Skew Line and VWAP tells you how large is the
skew compared to SD. To distinguish the two different methods to determine
the skew, I will use terms Skew(PVP) and Skew(3CM).

While Skew(PVP) flips (or jumps), the Skew(3CM) is continuous. By the time
Skew(PVP) flips the Skew(3CM) Line crosses VWAP, that means Skew(3CM)
crosses zero. In other words, if the skew is positive and price action is above
VWAP, Skew(PVP) rises while Skew(3CM) decreases. By the time the
Skew(PVP) flips, the Skew(VWAP) crosses zero.
Hence the first use of the Skew(3CM) is to warn you before the PVP flip.
Another use, surprisingly, :) is to determine the real statistical skew. The
Skew(PVP) has the greatest absolute value right before the flip. That might
lead you into some bad trades. If you look at Skew(3CM) you will recognize
that the real skew is very small.
As you can see from the charts, it looks like the Skew Line is a minor HUP
itself. But I have been watching this only for a couple of days, so I don't want
to make any conclusions yet.

 Nice job Ondrej. It looks as if using the exact definition of the skew can
provide some useful trading information not available in the approximate
Pearson evaluation.

 The difference you are seeing in the PVP is most likely due to two peaks with
almost the same volume. This will cause the PVP values to jump around from
one time frame to another. This is an example where a visual of the total
histogram would help you out.

 Asume you have an i-loop going through all bars since the start of the
examination period.

For each i you need to do the following:

1. You need to determine Volume per price (the volume distribution function).
Lets say you will have an array VD, where VD[j] will be volume per j-th price.
This VD array will change for every bar (every i).

2. You need to go through this array in a j-loop and calculate the following:

a) Probability of j-th price: Prob[j] = VD[j] / TotalVolume[i]. TotalVolume[i] is

the cumulative volume since the start of the examination period.

b) You need to calculate the 3rd central moment for every bar (every i). You
again need to do it in a j-loop.
CM3[i] = sum( (Price[j] - VWAP[i])^3 ). The sum goes through all j's.
c) You calculate the Skew[i] = CM3[i] / SD[i]^3. This you dont have to do in
a j-loop.

The j-loops dont have to be separate, you can do everything in two. I use
three j-loops for every i. In the first one I determine the VD. I do this in a
separate loop because I dont go through all j's but only through those
representing the actual bar. To VD array I add volume cumulatively from the
start of the examination, so I dont need to recalculate it whole every bar, I
need only to add the current bar volume to it.
The second loop I use for VWAP calculation and in this one I need to go
through all prices.
The third j-loop I use for Prob and CM3 calculation and in this one I need to
go through all prices. For this calculation I must know VWAP, so I cannot
integrate the first and second loop. But if your software calculates VWAP for
you and you dont need to calculate VWAP yourself, you can use only 2 loops.

 Don't trade at the VWAP if VWAP is close to the PVP. Skew is usually small at
that point, so market doesn't know which way it wants to go.

Fading the second SD is ok, provided price has already passed through it and
is coming back toward the VWAP. For example, if price is rising toward +SD2,
wait for it to pass through it and then comes back down through it a second
time before fading it. You may miss a few good trades this way, but at least
you won't be caught in a continued range expansion to the upside.

 No. I would never fade the 1st SD (that is trade toward the VWAP). You are
trading against the trend. Always dangerous at the 1st SD.

 When you scale in do you use the Shapiro effect or do you pull the trigger
when then price hits the scale in point.

 Sorry for the delay in answering your query. I just noticed it.
As a newbie if you are using the Shapiro effect, you should use it on every
entry. That includes scale ins as well. The whole idea behind the Shapiro
effect is to give you confidence that the trade will move in your direction.

 2.) Could you give some thoughts on when you reverse a trade. When do you
do it?

 I was going to discuss trade reversals in the Market Statistics threads, but
never got around to it. At some point perhaps I will add a thread about this.
Basically, if you are in a trade and the trade begins to fail, you have 3
choices: a) exit at some predefined stop loss b) wait for a scale in point or
c)reverse the trade. I've already discussed a) and b). Here is a simple
procedure to do c): Wait for a scale in point and apply the Shapiro effect. If
the Shapiro effect does not materialize, reverse the trade and double up on
the number of contracts you are trading. The whole idea here is you want the
trade to be profitable and you want it to be so, quickly.
 Glad to see you are still around Jerry. An idea for c) above. If whilst waiting
for the Shapiro effect the other end of the trigger bar is broken, reverse.

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