AMES-Cloud A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in The Clouds

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AMES-Cloud A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming

and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds


While demands on video traffic over mobile networks have been souring, the
wireless link capacity cannot keep up with the traffic demand. The gap between the
traffic demand and the link capacity, along with time-varying link conditions, results in
poor service quality of video streaming over mobile networks such as long buffering time
and intermittent disruptions. Leveraging the cloud computing technology, we propose a
new mobile video streaming framework, dubbed AMES-Cloud, which has two main
parts: AMoV (adaptive mobile video streaming) and ESoV (efficient social video
sharing). AMoV and ESoV construct a private agent to provide video streaming services
efficiently for each mobile user. For a given user, AMoV lets her private agent adaptively
adjust her streaming flow with a scalable video coding technique based on the feedback
of link quality. Likewise, ESoV monitors the social network interactions among mobile
users, and their private agents try to prefetch video content in advance. We implement a
prototype of the AMES-Cloud framework to demonstrate its performance. It is shown
that the private agents in the clouds can effectively provide the adaptive streaming, and
perform video sharing (i.e., prefetching) based on the social network analysis.


Front End: PHP

Back End: MY-SQL
Cloud computing promises lower costs, rapid scaling, easier maintenance, and service
availability anywhere, anytime, a key challenge is how to ensure and build confidence
that the cloud can handle user data securely. A recent Microsoft survey found that “58
percent of the public and 86 percent of business leaders are excited about the possibilities
of cloud computing. But more than 90 percent of them are worried about security,
availability, and privacy of their data as it rests in the cloud.”


We propose an adaptive mobile video streaming and sharing framework, called

AMES-Cloud, which efficiently stores videos in the clouds (VC), and utilizes cloud
computing to construct private agent (subVC) for each mobile user to try to offer “non-
terminating” video streaming adapting to the fluctuation of link quality based on the
Scalable Video Coding technique. Also AMES-Cloud can further seek to provide
“nonbuffering”experience of video streaming by background pushing functions among
the VB, subVBs and localVB of mobile users. We evaluated the AMES-Cloud by
prototype implementation and shows that the cloud computing technique brings
significant improvement on the adaptivity of the mobile streaming. We ignored the cost
of encoding workload in the cloud while implementing the prototype.
1. Admin Module

2. User1 Module

3. User2 Module

1. Admin Module:

In this module, Admin have three sub modules. They are,

 Upload Video: Here Admin can add a new video. Its used
for user for viewing more collections.
 User Details: Admin can view the user those have
regestred in this site.
 Rate videos: This module for avoiding unexpected videos
from users. After accept/reject videos then only user
can/cannot view their own videos.

2. User1 Module:

In this module, it contains the following sub modules and they are,

1. News Feed: Here user of this social site can view status from his
friends like messages or videos.
2. Search Friends: Here they can search for a friends and send a request
to them also can view their details.
3. Share Video: They can share videos with his friends by adding new
videos also they share their status by sending messages to friends.
4. Update Details: In this Module, the user can update their own details.
3. User2 Module:

In this module, user can register their details like name, password, gender,
age, and then. Here the user can make friends by accept friend request or send
friend request.

They can share their status by messages also share videos with friends and
get comments from them..
System Configuration:-

H/W System Configuration:-

Processor - Pentium –III

Speed - 1.1 GHz

RAM - 256 MB (min)

Hard Disk - 20 GB

Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB

Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse

Monitor - SVGA

S/W System Configuration:-

Language : PHP

Operating System : WINDOWS 7

Back End : MYSQL


In this paper, we discussed our proposal of an adaptive mobile video streaming

and sharing framework, called AMES-Cloud, which efficiently stores videos in the clouds
(VC), and utilizes cloud computing to construct private agent (subVC) for each mobile
user to try to offer “non-terminating” video streaming adapting to the fluctuation of link
quality based on the Scalable Video Coding technique. Also AMES-Cloud can further
seek to provide “nonbuffering” experience of video streaming by background pushing
functions among the VB, subVBs and localVB of mobile users. We evaluated the AMES-
Cloud by prototype implementation and shows that the cloud computing technique brings
significant improvement on the adaptivity of the mobile streaming. The focus of this
paper is to verify how cloud computing can improve the transmission adaptability and
prefetching for mobile users. We ignored the cost of encoding workload in the cloud
while implementing the prototype. As one important future work, we will carry out large-
scale implementation and with serious consideration on energy and price cost. In the
future, we will also try to improve the SNS-based prefetching, and security issues in the

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